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Firefly Fans Unite!

Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

spiffy, thanks Shrike.

*will work on that tonight*

Alright... The book is mildly complicated and doesn't give enough information. So I did the best i could so far, will do some more editing to the extraneous parts

Did some more editing ^^ I think I'm done
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Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Alrighty, say hello to

I think everything checks out... Unless I missed something.
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Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Alright, thanks go to RJ for taking the time and getting us our own subforum. Everyone keep an eye on 'Into the Black', I'm going to go make threads and stuff now.
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Same, 'tis why I took the honors of requesting the sub-forum! (Which is now up and running.) I also made you and Shrike mods, Chibi, so one of you two get this show on the road!
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Shrike's gonna start us off, I'll take episode two though ^^
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Wait, huh, what? When did I say that? o_O