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Firefly Fans Unite!


Dec 14, 2008
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I. Want. A Firefly RP.

That said, I know that if I were to start one, I wouldn't be able to keep it going fast enough to maintain interest, and as such, I am making this thead to try and build enough interest amongst us browncoats to get a game together.

Freeform, using the tabletop system if someone has it. As the Serenity crew, as some other mis-matched set of drifters, I don't care, I just love the setting, and want to play in it.

Who's with me!
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

I'd almost say we could do the war... but that's pretty similar to other rps we have going, so I suggest a random crew of drifters. Floating about the galaxy looking for jobs.

After the rp starts, its even easy enough for new players to join whenever the ship lands on a planet.
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

That's what I was thinking. Friend of mine wants to try a game, but he doesn't have the staying power to actually go through with it, so I'll throw his idea out there:

Random group of drifters, a salvage crew with all the proper papers for it, but doing illegal side jobs to help scrape by, except some or most of them were actually on the other side of the unification war. Fought for the Alliance, but aren't sure that it was the right side to have fought for. They appreciate the ability to pass by their checkpoints and whatnot, but they aren't doing the Alliance any favours.

There's more, but I'm tired of typing. Thoughts?
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

There needs to be more interest for this, so I'm showing mine.

However, my true interest lies within' who will be GM'ing this little gig, and of course, my being a pervert, the sexual content.
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

I like the idea of character being Alliance veterans... lets us explore a different side even though we are still criminals... in a sense.

I believe Shrike would be GMing there RJ... and sex, well up to her I suppose.
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

You have caught my interest, though I'm not certain if I would play.

Alliance vets sounds like it could be a fun setup. Before or after the Miranda broadcast?

You could always be a reaver, RJ =p
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Hmm, before or after Miranda, good question. Anyone else have opinions on this? After Miranda would have the jaded view make more sense, but it would also have the Alliance less trusting of pretty much anyone, could make life pretty hard.

I'm hoping someone will offer an alternative to me GMing, personally. I'm having trouble keeping up with just one game I'm running, and I'm really hoping to be able to just play and be as surprised as everyone else when shit hits the fan. Maybe we could take turns, have people GM certain jobs as they come up with them?

As for sex, I think that's something that makes or breaks games on this forum. I'd say of two players want to, go for it, but we should make separate threads for that sort of thing. Agreed?
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

I think after Miranda would be interesting, say no more than a year later. Otherwise, I'd say that it should be set very shortly after the Unification War. That would give an interesting political dynamic to the game, with the Alliance not yet fully in control of the outer worlds, and many places still suffering from the war itself.

Sex: I really like that plan. Not every game needs to revolve around sex, and especially not a Firefly RP.
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Either one of those periods would work quite well. And yes, sex definitely can't be the main focus, but I never laughed so hard through the entire series and movie as when I saw the look on River's face when she stuck her head out of that duct XD
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

She reminded me of ceiling cat.

however, I agree with the plan for sex. Allowed but in its own thread. This way the players aren't being stiffed with lack of sex, and the main plot isn't bubbling over with titty dances.
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Hehehe... If that's the only way sex is gonna happen... *Cracks fingers* Looks like I'm gonna have some seducing to do if we're ever gonna see any real action. :D

But, granted, I'm still interested. The mix of humor and action sounds like it might be fun. Plus, you guys are gonna need yours truly if there's gonna be anything sexy going on.

But, that still leaves the problem of who will be GM'ing this gig?
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!



I wanna play I wanna play!

The handbook!
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Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

I see your hand book and raise you
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

That book Chibi posted locked me in. If we're using that book, and involvin' all the details, like money, a customizable ship (maybe the Aces and Eights to start out?), then I am most definitely in...

Only problem now is the GM(s)... Volunteers?
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Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

I like this book :D Let's see what we have thus far:

-After the Miranda broadcast
-Some crew were former Alliance, probably Captain and one or two others.
-Using the Serenity RPG Rules (My vote, anyway). If we do, I suggest Veteran Heroic Level, middle of the road.
-Sex okay, but separate threads from main plot.

Now, here's what we need as crew, if we can fill them all out.
Captain -
Pilot -
Mechanic - Shrike (Hey, if I'm organizing things, I can take first dibs on something, right?)
Medic -
Security -
Socialite -

Any more than that and we can have redundants or extraneous characters, and any less and we can spread what we do have around to cover the gaps. Any questions?

EDIT: Looking at ships and stuff Aces and Eights there is pretty top-of the line. To give an example, let's look at maintenance costs. It costs 54,000 Credits a year to maintain it properly. By comparison, their example firefly costs 3840 Credits a year. I'm making up the stats for a firefly currently, both as a test and perhaps as our final ship. What does everyone think of Rhapsody for the name?

As for GM(s), I really like my shared idea, I think it would really make this a Player's game if we all took turns running it. I honestly don't have the time to run this all myself, so this can also get us started sooner if nobody else steps up.
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Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

I got dibs on the Medic! I like playing medic in spacey things... :3

EDIT: Firefly named Rhapsody? I like. And yeah, taking turns sounds fun. I'll need help though, I'm apparently not a good GM if the failing of my previous RP is anything to go by ^^;;

So how will we do this, like the show in Episodes of a sort? Where we usually finish up relatively quickly? There's a fanfic I read that utilizes that structure of the episodes to write his fic (It's lovely, it's called "Forward") Doing it that way might make for an easier way to GM this, as well as giving whoever is going to be GMing that particular "episode" some structure to plan it.
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Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

I'll put up for Medic, from personal experience. And Rhapsody sounds good to me!

*edit* Damnit Chibi ninja'd me...

I'll do pilot then I guess.
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Hehehe, given my idea for my character, he'll the the "Socialite" or, Negotiator of the group. Either that, or the captain. :p Possibly security as well, depending on which positions get filled.

I'm also in favor of the, "episodes" plan, since, as Chibi said, it allows a fresh GM to do his/her own thing.
Re: Firefly Fans Unite!

Sounds good, though I think if someone wants theirs to be a little longer, they should go for it.

For those that care, has an html based character sheet for both Serenity characters and ships. Register, then click Profiler along the top toolbar. Name your character and make sure to choose serenity RPG from the dropdown menu before selecting it. Click Edit on the character and choose Apply Public Permissions before you pass out the Link, or nobody will be able to see it ;)