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Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa purrs in contentment, as Gab massages warmth into the aches and they disappear. His hands roaming over her back remind her of their time in the spring, and a bit of heat rises in her core as the pain dissipates.

After Gab finishes, Alisa rolls over to present her now-unmarked front, and smiles up at him. "Hmmm... that was wonderful... soooo... now that all the day's aches and pains are gone... you wanna sleep together?" She starts fingering the strap to her bra, just in case he didn't get the hint.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"well more then likely whoever the necromancers are antagonizing probably dont have the money to hire me to assassinate him...so i would agree with you i guess"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

"Well, at least you aren't altruistic. You'd likely be surprised how often honest, grateful peasants become an unruly mob the second you demand your promised payment." Geralt continues, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

Gab smiles, taking the hint, and pulls Alisa into a kiss while pulling her bra off and fondling one of her breasts with the palm of his hand. Alisa notices that her belly seems to be a little bigger than usual, but she doesn't think much of it at the time.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa responds eagerly to the fondling, arching her back and pushing her tits more firmly into Gab's hand. She hums as they kiss, tongue-tip probing to meet Gab's, her arm running along his side from armpit to hip.

After a few minutes of embracing, she pauses and reaches down, tugging her panties off and wriggling most enticingly in the process. This completed, she hooks a leg behind Gab's and starts to grind up against him.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"well if some peasants thought to..run me out of town...well they would find one by one the people in charge would be paying with their heads..i dont take kindly to people who cant hold up their end of a bargain"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 14/33, Pregnant

"Indeed? I'm surprised I've never heard of such when listening to tales of you then, as I've heard of Su-Ku-Ta being killed on sight in some parts of Badaria." Geralt replies.

Alisa: 4 + 8 = 12.

Gab is only to happy to comply with Alisas intent, and pulls himself fully onto the bed while fondling her breast and playing with her nipple. His handiwork draws a moan of pleasure from Alisa. As she grinds against him she can feel the gruffs erect cock rubbing against her slit.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Eh? No "soul drain" from foreplay? Not that Alisa wants to hurt Gab...)

"Oooh, yeahhh, I like thaaat..."

Alisa continues grinding, rubbing herself against Gab's stiffness, letting her hand trail down and between them, fingering herself, stroking his penis with her glistening fingers. Then she pulls herself upwards, eagerly guiding his rod inside as she eels back down, hot breath panting in Gab's face.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Well such as that matters little to me...i'm not in a buisness of revenge...unless the person who wants revenge is paying me to get it for them. I'm in it for blood and money"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33, Pregnant

"Well, at least you manage to keep things impersonal. A good outlook to have, I think." Geralt replies.

Gab: 10 + 10 + 13 + 8 = 41 = Orgasm. Drained 19 EP
Alisa: 10 + 12 + 16 = 38 = Orgasm. (Well, that certainly didn't take much.)

As Alisa slowly guides her lovers throbbing shaft into her already damp hole, Alisa feels as though she is being reinvigorated. Gab begins a steady motion in and out of her, his cock going deep inside and drawing a loud moan with every thrust. The pair fuck wildly for a few minutes before both reach their peak, Gab going off inside her pussy and drawing Alisa into her own orgasm. Gab collapses onto her, panting, though he shifts so that his weight isn't crushing his lover.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"Right THERE, YES YES YES!" As before, Alisa proves quite vocal as her orgasm hits, fingers clutching in Gab's fur as her spasming pussy milks the last of Gab's ejaculation from him. She continues hugging at him as he lowers himself to one side, panting, then smiles at him and plants a chaste kiss on his lips once he's settled.

"Mmmm... such a good way to go to bed, eh..." Then she pulls up the blanket and snuggles up against Gab, dozing off in the afterglow.

(Sleep. Dzzz...)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"much of this is buisness when it comes right down to it..if ya let things get personal in buisness you get in trouble...I came here for fun though"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33, Pregnant

"Fun? Well, I suppose mortal peril coupled with extreme violence is enjoyable." Geralt replies. Hearing Alisas scream from upstairs, Geralt laughs and says; "Well, so much for quiet. Sounds like they're enjoying themselves up there, at least."

Gab shifts to a slightly more comfortable position as Alisa pulls up the blankets, sighing contentedly as the pair prepares to sleep.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa simply closes her eyes, and her breath slows as she drifts off.

(Sleep. Dzzz...)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"they can enjoy themselves all they want but when it comes time for them to take watch they will be woken up one way or another."
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33, Pregnant

The next few hours pass uneventfully, Geralt and Shadowcat passing the time with occasional small talk. Until just before the time for the change of the watch, that is, when Alisa wakes up with a sudden pain in her belly. Looking down, she finds that her belly is heavily swollen. Gab seems to be sleeping peacefully next to her.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Alisa's dreaming of nothing in particular, warmth and fuzz, when a twang of something brings her back to awareness. Blinking in the gloom, she wonders what woke her up, when she looks down and realizes her belly is both large and very sore...

She clenches her teeth as the muscles in her womb spasm, managing to turn her yell into a mere hiss, and slowly shifts away from Gab, not wanting to wake him up with this obviously magical pregnancy.

(Um... was that a labour pang? I'm assuming it is...)
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"quiet...kinda surprised really. guess i gave these things more credit then due...i certainly would have investigated a freak lightning and rain storm that lasts a mere moment or two..not to mention if anyone else comes across that pile of sundered armor. oh well..for the others sake lets hope it stays this quiet while you and i are asleep"
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

Shadowcats Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33
Alisas Status: HP = 41, P = 38, EP = 33, Pregnant

(The rain lasted a while, and yes it was.)

"Indeed, though even if they had found the armor I imagine they wouldn't know where to look. The rain washed away our scent and it wasn't muddy enough to leave tracks. The lightning bolt should have been a dead giveaway though. Maybe these demons aren't so smart." Geralt replies.

Alisa is able to get out of bed without waking up Gab, and immediately feels the pain increase.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

(Huh. And here I thought walking was something women in the early stages of labour were encouraged to do...)

Gritting her teeth, Alisa tries to quietly make her way to a different bedroom, there to flop into the bed and suffer in solitude. She doesn't bother picking anything up - with the way this feeling came on so fast, she thinks that it'll be finished quickly.
Re: Fire and Shadow (Dreana/DeMatt)

"well the more stupid they are i guess the more simple our trek will be through this town...oh well you about ready to call it a night? this has been far to boring for me....no offense intended to you"