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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Already pegged us for deviants, have you?" Tamonten's question came with a genuine smile. She was in far too good a mood after so thoroughly following through on her lover's punishment to be dismayed by the shopkeeper's reasonably annoyance with her antics. "Well, I'm afraid it's been over a week now since I could offer any honest rebuttal to that idea."

"So...." she trailed off as she began to rifle through her bag. She eyed each labeled bottle and set them down with perhaps just a little less reverence than glass likely deserved and made a mental inventory of her goods as she went so that she could base her initial shopping list off of that. "I'll take two bottles of the health poultice, four bottles of these," she pulled out a potion marked for restoring magical energy and showed it to the shopkeeper before putting it back, "and three bottles of general purpose antidote." With that, a pale finger would rest on her chin as she momentarily contemplated the matter of birth control. "As for birth control, well, it's a bit late for that. Still, I think I'll take a few bottles. Better safe than sorry with Sensensiel and Grenewald around," she remarked mostly to herself.

"Now," her lips split into a wide grin as she continued and she placed both hands on the counter for emphasis, "let's talk about the fun stuff. Operating in a fledgling demon city, I'm sure you've some of the best mixtures when it comes to making things more exciting in the bedroom. Stamina enhancers that will keep her going all night--no, all week. Aphrodisiacs that make her head go blank at the lightest brush. Oils and creams that make her more sensitive to the touch and make her body burn with need." She wiggled her hips in anticipation as she spoke and had to keep herself from drooling in more than one way as she imagined the possibilities. Oh gods, the janitor was going to hate them for the rest of his life if Tamonten got her way. The two would spend the rest of the pale woman's recovery time taking turns fucking each others' brains out while dosed up on a heavy mixture of aphrodisiacs, sensitivity creams, and stamina boosters.

"I'll take two-hundred denarii worth of whatever you've got." A gleam in her eyes signaled that exhaustion and horrific soreness was a distinct possibility in Krig's near future.

160 denarii for 2 health potions, 4 EP potions, 3 universal antidotes, 2 morning after potions.
200 denarii for aphrodisiacs, stamina enhancers, warming massage oil, sensitivity boosters, and basically whatever you usually find in the bag of an h doujin rapist.


That leaves the alchemist owing 505 denarii.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

The shopkeeper didn't acknowledge Tamonten's question with anything more than a slight furrowing of her brow, but the open admission of her own descent into debauchery at least earned a slight hint of a smirk. The woman simply nodded along with her demands, producing the requested items as Tamonten listed them off. When she asked to see the naughtier items, however, the store clerk adopted the slightest of smirks, a knowing gleam in her eye, and said; "I think I can manage what you want."

A plethora of creams, oils, lubricants, herbal concoctions, and all manner of other materials for her lewd imaginations were laid out before her. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the woman had a wide selection on hand, and though she was relatively dispassionate - at least compared to Asp - she was also quite informative of how her wares might be used... And apparently both creative and shameless if some of her suggestions were to be taken seriously.

Once her wares were packaged and the other materials paid for, she would give Tamonten a brusque nod, and then glanced at Krig who was now squirming in the corner, the heightened attentions making the kitsune whimper a little more enthusiastically than she had before.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Thank you~!" The swordswoman voiced her gratitude with a wide smile following the conclusion of her dealings with the alchemist. The suggestions alone were well worth the visit. "I'll be sure to return when I run out, so probably about a week," she suggested with a wink.

Following the alchemist's dismissal of her, she would stride over to her kitsune lover with a spring in her step, where she quickly traded the bag full of heavy bottles to Drawneli in exchange for Krig's leash. After the trade had been made, Tamonten took a moment to simply appreciate the sight of the spirit wielder. Such a work of art, she mentally mused, smirking outwardly because she knew that the kitsune could and probably did hear her thoughts on the matter. She wasn't talking about the other woman's beauty this time, of course, but rather the state she was in.

The telltale signs of arousal in her lover stirred the pale woman's loins in all the usual ways. Her loins, in turn, urged her to fuck her lover in any of the many ways available to her. She promptly ignored that desire, however, and instead simply watched the other woman like a cat watching a mouse. She basked in the kitsune's reactions to the vibration and plugs, the way her skin had pinkened as her blood attempted to keep up with her arousal and how she shifted and moved to try to find some real release. The sound of her whimpering was a chorus to a wonderful show.

Only once she felt the fires of her own lust burning in full from Krig's display did Tamonten take any action. It was then that the swordswoman gave a little tug on the leash and began to steadily pull the kitsune toward her until they were eye to eye and nearly nose to nose. Tamonten gazed into the other woman's eyes with an intensity that spoke of just how quickly they'd be back in an alleyway.

She claimed her lover with her eyes first and then she claimed the other woman in a far more physical way, simply hoisting her up and over her shoulder and giving a single smack against her vulnerable ass once she was up. The whole thing was far more difficult than she had expected even knowing that the ritual had left her weakened, but she refused to let that show. The swordswoman would carry Krig out of the store almost as if she'd purchased the foxgirl and make an immediate path for the nearest isolated alleyway.

Once they were in that alley, Tamonten would waste no time. She set Krig down and quickly pinned the foxgirl's wrists and, by extension, the foxgirl to the closest wall. The swordswoman would forcibly press her lips into the kitsune's in order to claim her mouth. She followed up by pushing her upper leg into Krig's crotch to rub against the other woman's confined sexes with just enough force to make her painfully aware of how good it felt and never enough to actually get her off. Soon afterward, Tamonten began to take brief breaks from invading Kringlicsly's lips in order to extend the claim of her mouth on the kitsune to her lover's neck and shoulders, leaving evidence up and down each in the form of love bites and her saliva.

Despite how riled up she was, however, Tamonten had never actually had the intention of releasing Kringlicsly from her denial, not yet. It was a fact that would likely become frustratingly clear to the kitsune as the swordswoman suddenly pulled away from her, a bright blush on her own face from her arousal as she panted softly from breathlessness, and began to straighten up her own clothes. There really was no goal but to tease Krig and exacerbate her arousal further and to see what reactions she could draw out of the foxgirl. She was sure that however the spirit wielder reacted, it would be worth a little bit of self-denial in the end.

"I think I'm getting hungry again," she would add aloud in order to further frustrate her lover, "Drawneli, can you find us a place where we can get lunch?"
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

Krig continued to squirm down below as Tamonten reeled her in and looked her in the eye, the kitsune's whimpers only growing a tiny bit more subdued with the swordswoman suddenly looking her in the eyes. She cried out as Tamonten simply hoisted the squirming kitsune up onto her shoulder, her dress riding up and fully exposing the plump cheeks of her ass and the points where portions of Drawneli were teasing her. The golem followed them, carrying everything, over to an alley, but before they got there they passed a quartet of succubi who were busy painting the front of a building. One of them pointed out the kitsune and her carrier, and the lot of them burst into a fit of giggles and started making remarks under their breath.

"Teeheeheehee... Someone's about to have fun~"

"Mmm, two someones... Maybe three if they let the one carrying the bags join in!"

"Heeheehee... Look at that ass too! I'd bend that over against a wall~"

"Psh, you'd bend ANYTHING over against a wall!"

"You shush! You're one to judge!"

"I didn't know they sold anything like that there! Maria always seemed like such a prude!"

"Mmmhhmmm, we'll have to go if she's selling any more when we're done with work!"

"Or if she only had the one, maybe the pale one will have some kittens for sale soon!"

"Oh oh, or maybe she'll sell turns on that one! I bet she would if the price was right and we offered some... Convincing~"

The trio burst into conspiratorial giggles, and unless Tamonten stopped to address their mutterings somehow she would soon step out of earshot and into a convenient alley. Krig gave a desperate moan as she was set down and almost lunged into a ksis with Tamonten only to be pinned back against the wall, her multicolored eyes shining with raw need and her hips thrashing wildly back and forth in a vain effort to achieve some form of release. She returned Tamonten's kiss with greater ferocity than the swordswoman had ever gotten out of her purple haired lover, Krig's tongue whirling rapidly and forcing its way into her mouth and trying to dominate the pale warrior's entirely. That all ended when Tamonten's knee rose to press against her lover's crotch, grinding the buzzing toy deeper into the kitsune's sex while her throbbing cock pulsed against the swordswoman's stomach.

Every second seemed to drive Krig deeper and deeper into her sexual frenzy, her moans loud enough that anyone walking by would surely get an earful whenever the swordswoman pried her lips away in order to give some attention to the kitsune's neck and shoulders. "Oohhhh... Nnnnn... Please... Oh gods... Aaaahhh... Mmmmm.... Yes... F-f-fuck me! Please!" she pleaded between moans and deep panting breaths, but Tamonten's intentions proved to not be so merciful. By the end of her teasing Tamonten had reduced Krig to a whining, squirming mass that was standing only because she was pressed against the wall and wasn't driving herself to orgasm only because her wrists were still locked in Tamonten's grip.

Her announcement to Drawneli caused Krig to let out a howl of frustration bordering on rage, her fingers clenching into fists and dangerous arcs of energy lashing against the wall, leaving black scorch marks on the nearby wood. Drawneli, however, unsurprisingly didn't seem phased in the slightest by any of the lewd goings on. "Yes mistress. The nearest location is two blocks away," the construct said in a calm monotone, but Krig was apparently having none of it. "Come on... Nnnn... You fucking tease! I can't take this! I need to cum!" she whined, still squirming and now practically tearing up with pure sexual need.

Should she find the will to refuse the kitsune, however, Tamonten would find herself approaching a large flat building with a number of demons trickling in and out of it. Inside was a cafeteria, seemingly free for her to take what food she wanted from a number of waiting trays, a plethora of silverware and dishes available near a counter with a busty demoness clad only in an apron who looked fairly bored as she used magic to clean the used ones and a handful of the strange gray skinned humanoid demons busying about behind the counters replacing food while a few goblins bussed the unused tables. There were plenty of places open to sit, some where they could have a spot to themselves and some where they'd be sharing space with other demons of all sorts.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten would smoothly ignore the various comments made by the succubi. She was feeling greedy and had no desire to whore her lover out or share her in any way with anyone. She didn't even offer them as much of a show as she'd offered the window voyeur from earlier, lest they think she was inviting them. And if they dared to try convincing her to give up her day's monopoly on Kringlicsly's ass and all her other body parts, ones which she intended to reinforce her claim on over the rest of the day, then she would in turn give them a lesson they'd never forget.

The rest went just as she'd intended before they'd gone past the lewd group of succubi. And how she leered at the foxgirl during her protests. Oh, sure, in any other circumstance she'd have been a champion for her lover's right to cum as much as she liked, preferably in or around the pale woman. She'd have probably gone right down to her knees and offered the spirit wielder the relief of her mouth. Right then, however, she was in a sadistic mood. There was no room for mercy in a punishment, after all, and Kringlicsly hadn't used the safe word....

"You can't take this?" Tamonten cocked her head in mock curiosity and smiled all too brightly as she returned to tormenting her lover. Poor Krig had stepped right into her trap. Her complaints had only increased the pale woman's interest in teasing her lover. "You need to cum? Just what will happen if you don't? Will your cock explode and paint me and Drawneli and the buildings with cum? Are you going to start rubbing yourself against my leg to get that release? Or will you just drop to your knees and beg until I take pity on you and give you a proper fucking in front of the denizens of this city?" Before the spirit wielder could offer any answer, the pale warrior spun her around and pushed her into the wall front-first. She would establish a firm grip on the kitsune's waist and begin to grind herself into the foxgirl's ass, though she refrained from growing a cock just to aggravate Krig more.

"Did you forget?" The pale girl breathed beside Krig's cheek. "You're being punished today. I'm your greedy, bitch mistress and you'll cum whenever I please, and right now I don't think you've earned it. With that in mind, do you think it's wise to call me a tease? To be so disobedient? Wouldn't it be far more proper to call me mistress and offer your body fully to me? To get on your knees and lick and suck me until I decide to repay your devotion by fucking you in all the ways you're wishing that I would?" Her right hand trailed a line down from its perch on Krig's waist to the fleshy part of her ass cheek. "Too late now, of course. Even short lived disobedience has to be corrected before I can even consider giving you a treat."

"But I'm feeling merciful, so I'll let you choose which sort of lash you receive," Tamonten lied, she was really just caught between three ideas for the foxgirl's disciplining and couldn't decide. "The first option is simple: ten spankings and then we go for lunch." She left out the part where she'd keep Krig's dress hiked up as they walked so that passersby could see the marks on her ass. It would be more fun to spring that on the spirit wielder after her punishment was underway.

"For the second option, I'll give you the cock you desire so much," she trailed off for a moment in order to more forcefully grind her hips into the foxgirl's ass and so that the inevitable 'but' was all the more prominent. "But, since you seem so inclined toward acting like a dog in heat when it comes to your genitals, you're going to fully act the part for a while, at least until after lunch. If you want my cock so badly, then strip off your dress and heels and get down on all fours. Make sure to present yourself properly and bark for it."

"As for the third option.... It involves some of the more interesting things I bought. The shopkeeper suggested a combination that I'm eager to try. There's a fertility elixir in there, it supposedly tastes like blueberries. These weren't her exact words, but at a full dose it's strong enough to make you cum enough to put out a small fire. My first thought, as you can imagine, was to drink it myself and stuff you until your belly rounded with my seed, but the shopkeeper informed me that the demons around here prefer to use it on their pets."

The swordswoman's hand moved from Krig's ass in order to affectionately stroke the outline of her shaft. "They use a doubled dose of the stuff and combine it with a sensitivity cream, one which I just so happen to have purchased, and liberally apply to the target's cock for a truly unique torture. With the doubled dose, your body produces so much seed that it just leaks out, but when you combine it with the sensitivity cream you suffer these maddening little eruptions for hours, right up until you're able to have a real orgasm. They're like mini orgasms but they're not satisfying at all, they just keep your mind locked on how badly you need to cum, for hours if necessary, until you'll do anything for it. So... for the third option, I'll service your cock however you like until it's good and empty so that we can start with a clean slate, and afterward you'll be my test subject."

"So, which will it be?" She whispered the question before backing off of Krig just enough to allow her to move and pick her own poison. "How does my disobedient kitten want her discipline?"
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

Tamonten's taunting following Kringlicsly's demand only seemed to excite and frustrate the kitsune further, but she offered no resistance as she was summarily spun around and bent over against the wall. The moan she released as Tamonten began to grind into her plump backside was so loud and intense that the swordswoman might as well have been grinding a conjured cock against her inner walls. Krig was certainly ready and willing to push right back into the swordswoman, rolling her hips into Tamonten's crotch in what seemed to be an effort to excite her.

The whisper against her cheek drew another of those extended moans from Krig, who gave a soft shiver as Tamonten's hand trailed down to her soft rear and immediately responded; "Ooooh, I'll do it! I'll suck and lick! I want to make you cum!" Her response was certainly passionate, but the swordswoman was not so merciful as to grant her the release that she so desperately desired, though even as she offered such Krig seemed to grow more tense with her pure sexual need.

The first and most simple option caused Krig to groan and roll her hips, all but offering Tamonten a chance to give her round ass a firm clap. The second caused her to straighten slightly, a hand leaving the wall she'd been pressed against to the strap of her dress as if she couldn't get it off fast enough. She still listened to the third option, but didn't seem able to process all of it as Tamonten's hand gliding against her erect rod made her groan anew.

When she finally pulled away from her fox eared lover, her purple furred tail was wagging rapidly, but all too soon it vanished as she straightened and started pulling down her dress. The cloth slid smoothly down her back, growing more sheer as it slid down her hourglass figure, until the descent slowed as she slid it over her waist. The slow struggle to wriggle that dress over the round bulge of her ass took both too long and not long enough, and when it finally cleared and stretched its way over her rounded cheeks to reveal her ever appealing backside her tail began to wag anew as the garment dropped down to the ground. She didn't try to get out of her shoes, however, and instead bent over and placed both hands against the wall.

"You... Wanna give me my spanking now?" she cooed, her tail slowly swishing back and forth over her ass. Her arousal was drooling down her legs by that point, and when the blows started landing - assuming of course that the swordswoman didn't opt to change her plans - the sounds she let out were anything but pained, lewd moans streaming out with every touch against her backside so long as Tamonten maintained the contact. Once she'd delivered the kitsune's punishment, it was ultimately up to her whether or not Krig would be allowed to put her dress back on as they proceeded onwards to lunch.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Krig would receive no additional contact, despite her efforts to invite it. Tamonten very pointedly did not touch the kitsune but simply watched as she stripped her dress away. It took every fiber of her being to resist the temptation. It wasn't just the desire to grab at the middle of that hourglass figure and rut her against the wall so wildly that it left her front covered in friction burns, it was the risk of breaking down and giving into the urge to masturbate feverishly to the mere sight of the other woman's teasing. Both would've been terribly unbecoming of Tamonten's own image of a mistress, confident, cool, domineering, and impervious to anything outside of her own wants, and for Krig's punishment she every intention of trying to live up to her own ideal.

So she watched with a shell of outward impassiveness even as she mentally recounted the steps for preparing a farm's field for planting in her head in as much detail as she could remember, all in order to avoid thinking about the fact that there was a willing, unbelievably sexy kitsune right in front of her that she could be coaxing just the right type of pleasured screams from. And when Krig asked if the swordswoman was ready to mete out her spanking, Tamonten answered with action rather than words. She took a confident stride toward the foxgirl, put her blackened hand on her lover's lower back to keep her bent over at that perfect angle, and began to work out her hidden frustration.

The first smack would be just hard enough for a clap to reverberate throughout the alleyway, and from there Kringlicsly wouldn't receive much in the way of breaks. Tamonten would rub the sting away for just a few breaths' worth of time before smacking the alternate cheek, and then she simply repeated the process. Rub, smack, rub, smack, it went on without any verbal acknowledgement other than Krig's moans, all the way until the tenth. "Ten," the pale woman would count aloud as she rubbed Krig's abused ass cheek after the tenth strike, but only a second later she would add, "you forgot 'Mistress.'" An eleventh spanking came, just as the first ten. "Twice." A twelfth.

Following that twelfth strike, Tamonten went silent again. With both hands she began to rub the foxgirl's reddened backside to assuage some of the sting. She kept at it for a few minutes longer than she'd actually spent on spanking the woman before gently helping her to straighten up. Only once she had confirmed that the kitsune was okay and still not ready to use the safe word would she continue.

Despite her attention to the foxgirl's aftercare, however, she would rather easily fall back into her sadistic desires as, following Krig's apparent glee at her spanking, she considered how to transition into the next phase of the woman's disciplining. "I think it's time to retire the dress." She would pick Krig's dress, as much as it could be called a dress considering that the average handkerchief had half the amount of fabric it did, up off the ground. "Drawneli," she addressed the construct without looking at her, instead maintaining a wolfish grin aimed at Krig, "Can you make her a matching top to go with her panties?"

Unless the golem proved surprisingly limited in that area, it was after admiring Drawneli's latest work that Tamonten got an idea that she liked even better, even if it did curtail showing off Krig's reddened ass for the rest of the trip. "Actually.... Let's go all the way with this," her grin widened ever further. "Give her a full suit of it. I want you to cover every part of her from the tips of her toes up to the collar on her neck. Can you do that? I want it skintight, like some of that specialty leather. I want to be able to see every detail of that sexy figure, nothing to the imagination. And it should be restrictive. She should be able to feel that tightness when she moves or even breathes. Keep stimulating her too." To be honest, more than anything she had designed a suit in her mind that sounded fun to wear herself, but Krig would still certainly be an appealing test subject. That indescribable feeling of struggle was something she loved. If everything worked out well, she'd have to give it a trial herself someday.

"Now that's a delicious look on you. Let's go get something to eat now, pet," she declared once Drawneli's work was done. Eager to see the suit in action and parade her lover around the city in it, she was quick to take Krig's leash in hand again. With everything else sorted out, she would follow Drawneli and lead Krig to the cafeteria and her original plan of getting lunch, casually dropping the dress in one of the golem's satchels as they left the alley.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

Krig certainly didn't seem to be trying to make resisting the temptation to rut her against the wall any easier, as every spank was answered by a lewd moan and every period of rubbing her soft flesh caused her to squirm and whimper in the most erotic manner the swordswoman had ever heard. The sight and scent of her lover's arousal permeated the alleyway in which she had sequestered herself for Krig's punishment, and the sound of it went far beyond it as Tamonten enacted her punishment strike by strike. Not a single spank failed to produce an audible clap or a loud moan from Krig, and the kitsune only seemed to grow hornier with every blow against her pillowy rear. Streams of barely coherent begging, for more spanking or for the hard fucking that she was obviously trying to tempt the swordswoman into, and completely incoherent babble poured from her mouth between her lewd moans and cries.

The extra pair of spanks only made her wave her ass even more, and as she began her final period of rubbing the sting from her lover's now crimson backside the kitsune briefly went still and panted against the wall only to begin rolling her hips into Tamonten's touch. Her ass was soft enough that Tamonten's fingers practically sunk into her flesh if she pressed hard enough, and the more firmly she touched her lover the more energetically Krig rolled her hips. She looked back over her shoulder pleadingly, but the swordswoman was not yet to give her the fucking that she desired.

Straightening on Tamonten's prompting, a look of confusion passed over the kitsune as Tamonten said that she was done with the dress, but when she revealed her intentions for what Krig was to walk around in next the kitsune hardly seemed distressed. Once the golem had produced a matching bra and Krig shifted to let Tamonten admire her lover's new garments, the newer idea would oddly produce a brief pause in the golem's responses. It, or perhaps she, went still as a statue for a few seconds before monotonously intoning; "Activating defensive protocol twenty three."

Krig's body was suddenly surrounded in a skin tight substance that looked like gray latex but, should she touch the stuff, would seem much stronger but less stretchy. It was practically vacuum sealed to her lover's skin, leaving no method of getting under it short of trying to break through it, something that seemed like it would be fairly difficult if Tamonten offered any real effort at it. All the same, it would suit Tamonten's purpose in showing off every contour of her lover's body nicely, and Krig's erratic squirming hadn't abated so it seemed as if the new armor-like garment would still allow the golem to keep Krig under constant stimulation.

With her new outfit given, Krig only gave a needy whine before following Tamonten, and Drawneli would continue to follow as well, carrying the bags and answering any questions the swordswoman might have on her somewhat odd behavior. The kitsune's leash in hand, Tamonten would make her way to the cafeteria, there to decide how she wanted to go about getting their meals together however she desired.

(For reference because I'm too lazy to rewrite it right now, the cafeteria description.)
Should she find the will to refuse the kitsune, however, Tamonten would find herself approaching a large flat building with a number of demons trickling in and out of it. Inside was a cafeteria, seemingly free for her to take what food she wanted from a number of waiting trays, a plethora of silverware and dishes available near a counter with a busty demoness clad only in an apron who looked fairly bored as she used magic to clean the used ones and a handful of the strange gray skinned humanoid demons busying about behind the counters replacing food while a few goblins bussed the unused tables. There were plenty of places open to sit, some where they could have a spot to themselves and some where they'd be sharing space with other demons of all sorts.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten would indeed touch her lover's suit, mostly as an excuse to fondle the other woman a little bit more through her new outfit. The interesting bodysuit served her purposes perfectly. It wasn't as dangerous among the crowds as pure nudity would've been, yet it was very nearly as revealing, and Tamonten would be able to tease Kringlicsly through the suit. Yes, she'd have to give that a try herself sometime.

"Defense protocol twenty-three?" The swordswoman would ask of the golem as they made the trip to the cafeteria. It was a broad question, but the pale girl imagined broadness was the best way to get the information she'd actually want out of Elawdrin's construct. She'd have to ask about what twenty-two other protocols the golem apparently had later, just knowing about the latex-like construction would do for now.

Once they'd arrived at the cafeteria, the pale woman would take the bags off of Drawneli's hands. "Get our food and bring it to us, please," she instructed the golem. "Meat, potatoes, and something sweet for me. Double portions, preferably! And whatever my pet would like for herself." Once Drawneli had set herself to handling that order, Tamonten would lead Krig off to an isolated table. She'd let go of Krig's leash and motion for her to take a seat before setting the bags down on the floor and sliding them under the table, and then she took her own seat across from the foxgirl so that she could begin the ever-important work of mercilessly teasing her lover.

Tamonten would pass the entirety of the time waiting for Drawneli to obtain and retrieve their meals doing just that. She clasped her hands together, set her elbows on the table, and rested her chin on her knuckles with an expression and posture of pure innocence, but in the privacy afforded underneath the table she was entirely mischief. Slipping off one of her heels, she would press the ball of her foot against the kitsune's bulge and begin to rub it up and down against the woman's already-overstimulated cock with enough pressure to get her off but nowhere near enough speed. And if the kitsune got too close, she would remove her foot for a few moments only to repeat the process all over again. She would keep it up the entire time they waited, demurely gazing into Krig's eyes as if she hadn't been tormenting the poor foxgirl for hours and wasn't continuing the trend in front of a cafeteria full of demons.

Once the golem had arrived, however, the pale woman would remove her foot. She would likewise remove her elbows from the table and take her plate almost as if nothing had ever happened. Tamonten was nowhere near done though. A different sort of mischief would take place underneath the table as her spirit stirred and a cock began to form underneath her panties, eventually growing to be half a size larger than the ones she usually intended for the kitsune's mouth. She wouldn't be able to fully contain a blush at what she was about to order the other woman to do in the middle of a crowded building, but that wouldn't stop her from going through with it.

"You know," she would remark as she picked up her eating ware, "if you don't mind your food getting a little cold, I've got another snack available for you underneath the table. Take care of it while I eat and I'll reward you after," she promised with a purr that didn't entirely hide her embarrassment. Oh, how far she had come in a few weeks. From being shocked at the thought of plants breeding with humans to latex, ropes, public indecency, and suggesting her lover give her a stealthy blowjob while surrounded by demons. Well, she supposed as long as she was spiraling headfirst into debauchery, she might as well fully embrace it.... "I want you under the table too," she added toward Drawneli. "I think my kitten could use a little bit of competition. Go ahead and siphon off some of my excess energy, since I've had you so busy today."
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

"One of several defensive protocols devised by my original creator marked as viable," the golem answered to Tamonten's open ended question. This time the formerly possessed swordswoman wouldn't need to pry for further information as the construct continued without further prompting; "I form a full body suit minus the head and delicate extremities over a subject with the majority of my mass, or enough to avoid serious weight issues should I be made to protect a subject with insufficient strength. This suit may take any form requested or required, but is effective at allowing me to prevent both physical injury including both physical trauma and rapid temperature fluctuations. Weaknesses include: It is untested against more esoteric forms of harm and cannot protect against attacks directed purely against the mind or the soul. The suit itself does not naturally restrict motion more than clothing unless too much of my physical mass is used, in which case it can bog down and slow the wearer. Extremities with extreme ranges of motion cannot be covered effectively, leaving wings and prehensile tentacles or tails unprotected. Buoyancy is also negatively impacted."

Once at the cafeteria, Drawneli would nod in response to Tamonten's order, setting down their belongings beside the table and going over to join the queue for food. The image of the iron gray, naked kitsune walking across the floor drew a good amount of attention, but the real thing clad in her skin tight garb drew similar attention from the demonic onlookers. Eyes had hungrily swept over the kitsune as they entered, taking in every detail but unsurprisingly concentrating on the tight fabric covering her breasts and straining to contain her hardened cock and the appealing globes of her plump backside. Her lover seemed to realize that she was being eyed up as well, as her already flushed face steadily went from pink to beat red by the time they sat down.

Unfortunately for Krig, Tamonten had already decided to further her embarrassing suffering, and when the ball of the swordswoman's foot brushed against her contained shaft the kitsune jumped in surprise and looked across at the swordswoman with a shocked flush that managed to grow another shade redder. Several people noticed her jump, and despite Tamonten's innocent look the slight shifting visible under the table as her leg moved to roll her foot slowly against the kitsune's shaft. For the next several seconds Tamonten would be able to watch Krig squirm under her attention, trying at once to pull away and press further into the swordswoman's touch while choking down her moans and whimpers.

Several bystanders noticed the kitsune's behavior and simply began to stare, succubi, incubi, goblins and more watching with approving grins as Krig tried desperately to contain herself. At one point she looked away from Tamonten in an effort to distract herself and noticed some of the eyes on her, and momentarily froze in horror as she once more managed to achieve a new shade of red. Her embarrassment fought a quick and bloody battle with her arousal as Tamonten's foot began to stroke back and forth against her shaft, and in the end arousal apparently won. Her internal struggle distracted the kitsune enough that a sudden shift had Tamonten's foot hitting her just right, and Krig first let out a gasp followed by a full, drawn out moan.

Their audience chuckled and grew as a second moan escaped the kitsune's lips, and her increasingly panicked lover locked eyes with the still supposedly innocent Tamonten. Her lover's knuckles were white as she gripped the side of the table, trying her best to maintain some measure of composure while Tamonten continued to publicly embarrass her in front of the crowd of demons, but her expression and the sounds bursting from between her lips were all too telling of how much she was enjoying the situation. Within only a few moments the firm but slow press, despite her efforts to keep it too slow to get her lover off, would have her panting and throbbing against the swordswoman's foot, and with a bit more pressure Tamonten realized just how close her lover was. She felt her lover's cock pulsating as the kitsune's moans suddenly adopted a note of relief, saw her eyes fluttering and rolling up into the back of her head... And then pulled away just in time to deny the kitsune her climax, turning her next moan into a frustrated cry that sparked a chorus of chuckles from the demons watching her and a few remarks traded at tables and even tossed their way.

A trio of succubi at a nearby table were particularly notable for their reaction, one with shining golden hair nearly as long as Tamonten's and a similar athletic lithe build but larger breasts and tanned skin, another a paler girl who was taller and possessed of short dark red hair and a busty build more typical of succubi, and the third with short spiky blue hair, darker skin, and highly toned muscles visible through what little clothing she opted to wear. The blond wore the most, a tight fitting but detailed blue and green strapless dress that accentuated her figure but fell all the way to her feet, while the redhead was at least reasonably decent with a pair of tight black elastic shorts and a black and pink lace corset, but the muscular one seemed utterly shameless as she sat on the bench in nothing but what looked like a bright blue string swimsuit. All three had horns and red eyes, and the redhead and the one in the bikini had black spade tipped tails coiled around their waists, but only the one with blue hair had wings.

The blond gave a sympathetic groan as Krig's plight reached its height. "Awww, the poor thing! She must have been VERY naughty to earn that~" Her redheaded companion giggled knowingly, "you're probably right~ You think her mistress needs any tips? Maybe some hands on assistance? Not like we're doing anything else fun today!" The other two had clearly been talking among themselves, but the blue haired one opted to jeer in Krig's direction instead; "Come on over here kitten! We'll give you plenty of relief for that ache!" It was at just the right volume with all the other noise in the crowded cafeteria that Tamonten might have lost it in all the noise if Krig didn't glance their way immediately. The demon's eyes pulsed softly, and for a second her lover looked almost lost, her expression slightly dazed as she actually rose half an inch in her chair. It was ultimately only a slight shift though, her legs closing and a pained look coming over her features as she let out a second less intense groan of discomfort.

Those three weren't the only ones who jeered and cheered, however, as the demon's offer earned a few replicas, one from a squad of goblins from a few tables away, another from someone in one of Xeon's maid outfits that Tamonten hadn't seen yet, and a very enticing look from a woman sitting opposite them with signs of white scales on portions of her skin, though most of it was covered from sight by her feathery clothes and much of her was obscured from Tamonten's perspective by the table and the person sitting between them even if the swordswoman bothered to turn around when Krig adopted another slightly dazed look.

Unless the attention from the audience prompted some sort of reaction, Tamonten would be able to get her foot back in place, prompting some more squirming and a few more moans from Krig before Drawneli finally returned with their meals. Krig had barely even glanced at her meal as the golem set it in front of her by the time Tamonten had started speaking, and her lover's attention quickly focused on the swordswoman as she made her lewd suggestion. Krig blushed furiously, though thankfully the swordswoman would manage to keep her voice low enough that the crowd didn't pick up on what she had just told the kitsune to do there were still quite a few demons watching them, waiting to see if the show was to go on. Drawneli simply stood beside the table until told to go under it with Krig, and despite the fact that the kitsune had been told first the golem beat her to the punch by dropping into a crouch with unnatural grace and crawling under it.

Luckily by that point their audience had seemingly mostly lost interest, and Krig gave a glance around as indecision once more warred with the lust she'd been forced to maintain for most of the day now. Drawneli's apparent readiness to follow orders ensured that Tamonten's legs had already been gently spread apart by the time she managed to meet the swordswoman's gaze again, and when she saw the reactions as Drawneli's artificial lips planted a trail of kisses down the side of Tamonten's shaft and then slowly slid their way back towards the tip the kitsune's decision was apparently made. She gently slid down off of her chair after one last glance around, and Drawneli shifted slightly aside as she crawled into place beside her artificial replica.

"This is... So weird," her lover whimpered as she took up a position with her head in Tamonten's lap, but her golem counterpart's apparently enthusiastic bout of licking her way back and forth along the left side of Tamonten's shaft quickly urged Krig into finally abandoning the last of her inhibitions and joining her on lapping at the swordswoman's cock. She was slower than the golem at first, her tongue only barely flicking against the surface of the pale warrior's conjured manhood while Drawneli's artificial appendage lapped at every inch of flesh that it could reach. Krig quickly warmed, however, and once she reached the base her pupils were dilated and her breath was coming in quick pants. "I could suck on this thing forever," she cooed softly just before she planted a kiss just to the side of Tamonten's shaft and then gave one long lick along her side and the underside that brought her all the way to the domed tip.

It was Kringlicsly who slid her lips and tongue over that sensitive bud first, initially taking only half but then reorienting in order to slide her lips slowly over the whole thing. Drawneli simply shifted lower, letting Krig take the tip while she began running long licks along the underside of the swordswoman's shaft, and the combined distraction would make it very difficult indeed for her to remain composed or get any work done in finishing her meal, though some might not blame her for taking her time on the second front. Her lover's tongue rolled slowly over the tip, again and again and again sliding across the sensitive domed surface, and Drawneli's ran up and down along the underside, but that dynamic lasted only a moment before Krig bobbed forward upon the first inch or so of Tamonten's shaft. Her multicolored eyes closed, and she let out a soft moan as her tongue truly went to work exploring Tamonten's conjured cock. Krig's cheeks sunk in as she sucked air in, forming a tight seal around the trapped rod as she slowly drew back, and Drawneli lapped back up as far as she could before returning to the base.

The pattern repeated itself as Krig slowly descended down onto Tamonten's rod, claiming it centimeter by centimeter while Drawneli's tongue struck at every nerve Krig couldn't reach, and for the better part of five minutes Krig took her time and seemingly reveled in the taste and scent of it until, finally, she gagged slightly as the head pushed into the back of her threat. She pulled off with a muffled gasp, and gave the tip one final lick before Drawneli signaled that it was her turn by muscling Krig out of the way and sealing her lips over the tip. The kitsune only pouted for a second before assuming the nearly identical golem's previous position, however, and began lapping at the sensitive underside of Tamonten's cock while Drawneli rolled her tongue over its tip. The golem wasn't as lax as Krig when she started bobbing, however, and the first inch vanished past her artificial lips in one go, followed by the second, and the third. Within a minute Drawneli had hit the point where Krig had stopped, and then simply kept going. Another minute later the kitsune was letting out a slight groan of disappointment as she was briefly kept from Tamonten's shaft entirely due to the face that every bit of it was trapped in the warm, wet confines of her metal clone's mouth, being stroked by steady swallowing motions and a constant assault from the artificial tongue that easily provided enough stimulation to add the exquisite sensation of her spirit's essence being sucked out of her to the mix.

Drawneli bobbed only a handful of times before surrendering the shaft to Krig once more, who strove to replicate the golem's feat only to fail with an inch or so of shaft unable to be crammed down her throat. That inch got special attention from Drawneli next time, who coiled her tongue around it and gave it several minutes of steady jerks without taking a break until Krig's whimpering finally dislodged her to give the kitsune a turn. The effective competition between the two seemed to drive Kringlicsly to ever greater heights of passionate debauchery in order to outdo the golem, and over the course of the next few minutes and another series of trading back and forth between the two several things would become clear.

Drawneli, for all her skills, could not perfectly replicate the touch of a living partner. She could find every nerve and stoke, could enhance the sensations by feeding, could mimic the feel of warm, wet flesh almost perfectly and even make a very good effort at seeming passionate in her efforts. But it was obvious that it was all an act whenever Tamonten wasn't simply overloaded by the pure bliss that her deft stimulation provided. Krig simply wasn't as good at giving head as Elawdrin's creation, that much quickly became obvious, but even beyond the emotional attachment that Tamonten had towards the kitsune Krig was alive. Drawneli didn't need to breath, had no gag reflex, and could do things with her tongue that no living creature besides perhaps a very skilled shapeshifter or someone like Asp who didn't fully follow the normal rules for human biology could hope to replicate. In terms of pure physical stimulation, the golem would probably almost always win. But she felt Krig's excited panting on her saliva slick flesh, felt her throat trying to expel the intruding member while the still relatively inexperienced kitsune fought to control it, and those little human touches made the kitsune's efforts to compete with the golem all the more effective.

Ultimately, however, it would be a hard fought battle that would end just ten minutes or so after it started. The swordswoman's orgasm was an inevitability with both of them working so enthusiastically toward it, it was only a matter of who sparked it, and the two beneath the table worked for the next few moments trading back and forth after only a few bobs at a time to see who would ultimately make Tamonten blow her load. Finally, however, Drawneli would swallow the whole of the swordswoman's shaft once more, and not only would her tongue coil around a good portion of the newly trapped shaft, but inner "muscles" would give the whole shaft a series of rapid, powerful jerks that ultimately milked Tamonten's orgasm out of her even if she had wanted to give it to Krig. Those sucking pulses grew even stronger as Tamonten started cumming as well, and despite how much semen she had given up to various partners over the last few days - and how recently Asp had seemingly sucked every ounce possible from her body - the formerly possessed swordswoman's release was long, explosive, and quite voluminous.

Krig didn't see a drop of it though, despite her moan of protest when she realized that Tamonten was cumming in the golem's mouth. Drawneli artfully sucked rope after rope after rope of fresh seed from the pale warrior's cock, and when the last shot had been fired a dozen more powerful bursts of suction ensured that every last drop of cum had been sucked away before she withdrew. Tamonten's rod was released with a soft pop, clean except for saliva that was both natural and artificial, and Krig gave another groan and swallowed as much of the sensitive, engorged rod as she could manage at once. She bobbed several times only to let out a moan of her own when she realized that Drawneli had taken every drop, releasing Tamonten's shaft with another pop to glare at the golem who simply stared up at Tamonten, awaiting further orders.

The swordswoman had had plenty of time to finish her meal by that point if she had concentrated any effort on eating while the pair worked on her conjured cock. Even if her plate was clean, however, Krig had no way of knowing that unless she read Tamonten's mind, and unless Drawneli could see through tables neither could she. It would be easy enough to get them to go a second round on her conjured cock, and a third, and more if she so desired, but ultimately it was purely up to Tamonten to decide how the rest of their lunch break would proceed.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The swordswoman ignored the jeers and offers made toward her lover. She didn't necessarily like ignoring them, she would have much rather stood up and informed the three succubi that she wouldn't trade one of them a turn with her lover's mouth even for all three of them bending over her table and letting the swordswoman fuck each of their holes, but that sort of conflict would've been a ripple of displeasure an otherwise fun situation. Besides, it was far more enjoyable to watch Krig's reaction to the hazing instead.

Such a delicious sight. The battle was evident in the kitsune's dazed eyes, she was warring against her own lust and losing terribly. Tamonten couldn't blame her, of course. Krig had been suffering through continuous denial for what must have been hours by then. At the current rate it was only a matter of time until the poor girl snapped over her desperate need for relief, the only question left was how would she snap? And it was all by the pale woman's design. She had deliberately worked to put Kringlicsly in the state she was in. She had carefully quashed the foxgirl's reason and stoked her lust with a single goal in mind. In truth, the swordswoman was cultivating a storm entirely so that she could eventually experience its full fury.

But before she enjoyed being on the receiving end of Krig's unbridled lust and the load of potent seed which she had brewed to perfection with so many hours of edging, Tamonten took full advantage of the kitsune's increased willingness to do just about anything for relief by ordering her under the table. At Kringlicsly's indecision, she would offer a little more motivation by demanding the same service of the golem, but even the feeling of Drawneli parting her legs and pulling her panties out of the way in order to brush her skilled lips against the swordswoman's cock didn't beat the pleasure of watching Krig let go of some of her last few inhibitions and sink out of sight.

The pale woman smoothly leaned back in order to get the perfect view of Krig and the foxgirl's metallic clone as the former finally settled into position between her legs. Tamonten grinned at the two in the same way she imagined gods grinned at their worshipers as Krig proclaimed the oddity of the situation but went to work anyway and the swordswoman would even briefly scratch one of Krig's ears as a reward for her second comment, but when they started in earnest she immediately realized that she didn't have as much control over the scenario as she had believed.

It quickly became Tamonten's turn not to give away exactly what was happening under her table as Krig first took her cock into her mouth. She muffled the small moan her lover's initial efforts earned with the same hand she'd been using to scratch her lover's ears. Scanning the crowd as soon as she made the noise to see if anyone had noticed, it occurred to the pale warrior that suspiciously staring at her own lap would quickly give away just what was occurring beneath the table. It felt like a shame not to savor the view, but she didn't have much of a choice but to return her attention to the meal in front of her. She may have been playing the role of the cool and confident domme, but she didn't yet feel brazen enough to blatantly advertise to a cafeteria full of demon that she was getting her cock sucked.

It was easier said than done as both women worked hard to please her. Krig was especially inspired in her efforts. Tamonten wasn't sure if it was the presence of competition or the setting that had her lover so eager, even more so than she usually was, but she made a mental note to try both again some day. She could only hope that she came off as so reverent of her lover's rod when she serviced the other woman in the same way. The combination of the foxgirl's efforts and her simply being Krig, the swordswoman's mate and lover, nearly earned her a lead on the golem before Drawneli even got a turn. Krig's build up alone was enough to leave Tamonten on edge and the sensation as the foxgirl gagged around her cock caused the pale woman to groan audibly between mouthfuls of food and seize up as her body prepared to give the kitsune a mouthful of her own in short order, but the quick withdrawal from her shaft allowed Tamonten to cool down enough to deny both of them the satisfaction of quickly bringing her to climax as the golem started her own turn.

Drawneli was something of a complicated case. The truth was that her technique was more pleasurable than any Tamonten had experienced, willingly anyway. The golem easily swallowed her length and efficiently hit just the right nerves with such precision that it caused the pale woman's legs to quake, her vision to go white, and resulted in her dropping her fork on three separate occasions. The only thing keeping the pale woman from immediately surrendering her seed to Drawneli was a mental block. Tamonten felt a strange sense of guilt surrounding using Elawdrin's creation for sexual relief. It felt almost like an abuse of power even to have her carry the bags, let alone to use her for sex. The golem had dropped to her knees and began to service the swordswoman fully out of loyalty, there was no real sense of desire there. To be honest, she wasn't sure if the automaton could feel desire at all. But even beyond that, it bothered Tamonten to no end that Drawneli couldn't feel pleasure. And that was the crux of it, the pale woman wanted her partners to feel pleasure. She wanted others to enjoy themselves and to delight in their reactions as she pleased them. She wished she could offer the golem all of that, because otherwise it was all just elaborate masturbation for her sake alone.

Kringlicsly's escalating efforts and Tamonten's sense of guilt over Drawneli had the kitsune and golem's competition much closer than it would have been otherwise. Of course, the pale woman herself was the real winner regardless of the battle going on over her loins. The sensations inspired by the dueling women between her legs were well worth the price of just a bit of embarrassment at the groans that escaped from her lips on occasion. Meanwhile, above the table Tamonten continued to work on the slowest meal she'd ever taken. She was normally the sort to scarf down her food as quickly as possible so she could run off and do things more important than eating, but right then she needed to prolong the stay of each morsel of food in her mouth as long as she could in order to mask the pleasured noises that Kringlicsly and Drawneli continuously managed to coax from her. She savored her meal in a way that she didn't know was possible. It was almost a double dose of hedonism as one end of her body took pleasure in the taste of each bite and the other enjoyed the attention of her lover and the golem. By the time she was finished eating, her voracious appetite was as satisfied as it had ever been. She began to wonder if she ought to take all her meals with Krig or Drawneli between her legs.

The end of her meal brought about its own difficulties though. She was out of food with which to muffle the noises she was making and she had run out just in time to experience the finale of the two beneath the table. Tamonten no longer had any distractions from the angelic feeling of two different set of lips taking her cock as deep as they could, either. Soon after her plate was cleaned she had to lean in over the table with her head down to hide the burning arousal on her face. Strands of her long hair fell across most of the tabletop, including her own plate, as her head sunk further and further. If it was just a blush of pleasure on her face it wouldn't have been so bad, but other more visible parts of her body joined in conspiring to betray the service she was receiving. Her wings twitched behind her, her hands balled into fists, and her legs quaked while a steady stream of harsh gasps and groans escaped her as her body was taken closer and closer to the edge. And the closer she got to that edge, the less attention she had to spare for anything outside of the stimulation at play on her cock, including keeping her activities hidden.

Tamonten ended up every bit as enthralled to the battle taking place beneath the table as the two women fighting it, although she found herself completely unable to care who might win the exchange. By the time those dueling lips started taking short turns bobbing along her length, her orgasm was an inevitability. Krig nearly earned it as she struggled to take it even deeper than before and put Tamonten on the very precipice of orgasm, throbbing dangerously in the foxgirl's mouth. If the kitsune had taken just one more bob, she would've been the one to receive the first burst of the pale woman's cream, but the foxgirl's physical limitations robbed her of her victory once again as she pulled away to breathe. Drawneli wouldn't make the same mistake as she jumped in for her own turn though, and the combination of her unique suction and her whip-like tongue would immediately push Tamonten over the edge she'd been left on. "Nnf, fuck!" The pale woman couldn't silence her cry as she all but melted under the strength of the golem's finishing blow. She made no effort to stop Drawneli or to force her to share with her lover. It was hard to even think as the pulsing jerking sensation provided by the automaton's throat caused her body to spasm in time with the motions and sent her brain swimming through clouds of bliss. She simply rode her orgasmic high as Drawneli sucked rope after rope of semen out of her for what felt like the better part of eternity but was more likely closer to a minute.

It was only after the cessation of Drawneli's sucking, when the swordswoman was able to think and breathe again, that she felt a little disappointed that she hadn't cum for Krig, but in truth she hadn't intended on playing favorites to begin with. She had decided before the competition even started that if the foxgirl wanted her cum then she'd need to earn it. And it was an unfair match, sure, but the formerly possessed warrior remembered all too well that when Krig put her in the same position she had pitted Tamonten against a cocksucking angelic mutant. Kringlicsly helped to further dispel the guilt the swordswoman was feeling in that, when Tamonten's afterglow started to fade and she had finally recovered enough to sit up and lean back in her chair to get another look at the two under the table, the spirit wielder's reaction to Drawneli's greed was enjoyable in its own right. Or, it was enjoyable beyond the small yelp of discomfort the foxgirl prompted when she took the pale woman's extremely sensitive rod nearly to the base in one go in her quest to find some dregs of seed that the golem hadn't sucked up. But the way Krig glared at Drawneli was nothing short of delicious, and it really only reinforced Tamonten's desire to tease her. Beyond that, the pale girl was certain that any of the demons in the cafeteria who were paying any attention at all had noticed them by then, so she decided that it was time to finish strong before giving her lover the reward that she'd so eagerly worked to earn.

"Come now," she tussled Krig's hair as she spoke. "I expect you two to get along, so kiss and make up." Even if Krig didn't recognize it as an order, Tamonten was confident that Drawneli would know exactly what she wanted and that the automaton would promptly mash her lips against the kitsune's in order to worsen the overstimulated woman's plight even further. While Krig was thoroughly distracted by the golem's skilled mouth, the pale woman would use the show provided by Krig and her metallic clone's deep kiss to nurse her flagging erection back to full strength with slow strokes and to sprout a second, identical shaft from her crotch.

"That's better," Tamonten would remark after about a minute of enjoying the show. "Now, let's try again with a little more sharing," she ordered, beckoning the two to each take one of her shafts as they had before. Assuming the two settled right back in and went back to work, the pale woman would make no effort to hide her pleasure or mask the activity as she indulged in it a second time. She didn't even make any effort to pretend that she wasn't finished eating. Instead, she leaned back into her chair with an expression of pure bliss on her face, one hand on Krig's head and the other on Drawneli's, and simply basked in their latest attentions. Tamonten didn't bother to hide the occasional groans that escaped her mouth in the latest leg of her debauchery either.

But while she would very much savor the feel of the two women holding a rematch using her twin cocks, the act was, more than anything, a means toward the next step of the game she was playing with Krig. So, she made no effort to keep either of the two from rushing her along to a second orgasm. And it would be a rush, if they continued to as eagerly as they had the first time. With two shafts repeatedly taken nearly to the hilt simultaneously by two bobbing heads, the pale woman's body would signal the beginnings of her peak only a few minutes in. She gave Drawneli a simple mental order not to swallow her cum but to hold it in her mouth, and then let herself go completely to her second orgasm under the attentions of the two women. Confident that the golem would obey her orders, the swordswoman would turn all the attention she could muster through the fog of pleasure threatening to make her mind go completely blank toward Krig, and then just enough of her attention to allow the foxgirl to swallow half of her seed before using her hand to gently slide her lover's mouth off of her cock so that she could paint Krig's face with the last half-dozen ropes of her cum.

Following her latest orgasm, Tamonten would bask in the afterglow for a few precious moments one more time before addressing Krig in a pleasured sigh. "You're not to wipe that from your face, not until you finish your meal," she commanded of her lover. There was a certain primal pleasure in having marked her the other woman as hers using nothing but her cum to signify to any demon that might cast eyes on Krig that she was taken. The pale woman would begin to scratch the kitsune's ear again as she continued in order to praise Kringlicsly. "You've done well, kitten. You've certainly earned your reward." But, perhaps to the foxgirl's chagrin, at that the pale girl's cocks would begin to shrink and would eventually vanish back into her flesh. "There's only one thing left to do before I give it to you. You need to finish your meal."

Before the kitsune could move to retake her place in her chair though, the pale woman would mentally command Drawneli to come out from under the table in order to retrieve Krig's plate and set it on the floor to the side of Tamonten's chair in an extremely visible part of the aisles between tables. She would follow that order by commanding the golem to open her mouth and allowing the swordswoman's cum to drip onto the food. "Be a good little kitten and eat every bite your meal. Waste not, want not, after all. Once you're finished, we'll find somewhere a little bit more private for your reward. Oh, and no using your hands," she would echo Krig's command from the threesome with Sensensiel a few days prior. With her will known, Tamonten would simply watch the kitsune expectantly until she obeyed.

No matter how she might complain or protest, Krig wouldn't get out of the degrading act unless she used the safe-word, in which case the pale girl would drop her facade and comfort the kitsune. But any hesitance that didn't include the word 'treacle' would be met by the swordswoman inquiring if she should give Drawneli the foxgirl's reward instead, and informing Krig that she imagined it would be awkward for her to sit and watch as the golem reaped the benefits of her hard work just because she wouldn't be a good kitten and eat. If the safe-word was never used and her lover was goaded into eating her food, Tamonten would order Drawneli to give her a massage as she relaxed and watched the show that followed, with Krig on all fours like a puppy eating from a plate of food covered in her cum as the audience doubtlessly made even more crude calls at the aroused kitsune.

Tamonten was true to her word though. Once the kitsune had finished her meal, the reward that she'd waited so long for would follow shortly afterward. After picking the kitsune's plate up and setting it on the table and ordering Drawneli to fetch their bags, the pale girl would once again take Krig's leash in hand and lead her through the cafeteria, this time forcing her to remain on her hands and knees as she was paraded through the demonic spectators at as safe a distance as the pale woman could manage for the foxgirl. The swordswoman wasn't taking her lover out of the cafeteria this time, instead she set her sights on the building's bathrooms. She intended on picking the first empty stall she spotted and dragging her lover into it with her, leaving Drawneli on the outside to make sure nobody tried to muscle their way in and interrupt the two, and unless something halted her that was just what she would do.

The pale warrior licked her lips as she inspected the foxgirl inside the cramped bathroom stall. She considered demanding one last show of obedience from her lover before giving her the release that she so desperately sought, one last act of submission before Tamonten gave Kringlicsly her reward. By then though, even the pale woman herself wanted Krig's reward too badly to delay for a second longer. She pulled the foxgirl to her feet and practically caused the kitsune's back to slam into the stall door as she pressed her lips against her lover's in a ferocious kiss. Tamonten's thigh pressed into the kitsune's crotch as if to confirm that her cock was still there, and gods was it. Still there, harder than the steel of the warrior's greatsword and pulsating with hours' worth of need, and soon she would feel it more intimately. The very thought led her to kiss Krig all the harder, and she held that position with her tongue attempting to domineer the other woman's for so long that she eventually had to pull away just to catch her breath.

When she did pull away, Tamonten wasted no time in hooking her fingers beneath the fabric of her panties and sliding them down her legs at a steady pace until she picked up each foot in turn in order to get them past her heels and remove them from her legs entirely. The fabric's crotch was already damp with the result of hours of her own arousal as she flicked them toward Krig, aiming for her lover's head for the foxgirl to do whatever she liked with them. With her panties gone, she would pull aside the skimpy tabard to reveal her garter, stockings, and bare pussy to Kringlicsly, just as she mentally ordered Drawneli to stop the vibrations in Krig's suit and to allow the woman's cock freedom from the confines of the latex-like material. "Your reward," Tamonten would pant as she glanced at her lover's newly freed shaft, glistening with precum both new and hours old, and with all the weight of an order in her voice she added, "take it."
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

Scanning the crowd following her first overt noise of pleasure revealed that quite a few demons were watching and snickering at her once more, enjoying her efforts to hide her reactions and what little they could see of what was happening under the table along with their meals. The stares didn't get any less numerous as she completed her meal and was left without a distraction with which to keep down her reactions, and as she endured the trail end of Krig and Drawneli's duel over her cock the swordswoman's reactions would earn a barrage of snickers and comments, including a bet between two of the succubi who had invited Krig over.

"Betcha tomorrow's lunch she doesn't keep from being loud when she pops~"

"Look at her straining... You know what, you're on!"

With that sort of commentary to encourage her, all too soon Drawneli was sucking Tamonten's cream out of her in extended gulps that had her whole body thrumming with pure ecstasy, and when all was said and done and Tamonten was back in a state in which she could form words the kitsune at her knees looked surprised at her command. As expected, however, Drawneli more than made up for her lover's tardiness with her relentless initiative, leaning in, turning the kitsune's head with a gentle tap on the chin, and engaging her in a kiss so aggressive that it could have constituted rape if it didn't leave Krig moaning like she'd just been bent over and had one of Tamonten's equine shafts plowing into her.

By the time the golem pulled away, Krig was trembling and had her eyes closed, and the kitsune's eyes opened slowly at Tamonten's next command. She was even slower to react this time, trapped in an aroused fugue, but rather than simply start to work Drawneli deftly guided Krig's head back into Tamonten's lap. Her lover seemed to snap out of it after a few seconds of having a cock poking at her face, and after a slight shake of her head she looked up at Tamonten with more coherence in her multicolored eyes. Slowly, she leaned forward and gave the tip of the cock closer to her a kiss, pressing her soft lips to the sensitive dome while Drawneli did the exact same thing.

While Tamonten gave up all hope of not having her lewd acts noticed, prompting the snickers around her to grow a little louder and more obvious in turn, Krig and Drawneli started out slow, kissing and licking at the tips of her twin cocks for the better part of a minute. Then both shafts vanished to the halfway point into their mouths, and while Drawneli could easily have outpaced Krig once more it quickly became clear that she was emulating Tamonten's favored lover deliberately as she moved at the exact same pace as the true kitsune. Both bobbed in unison, leaving her body singing as both of her cocks suffered the tight suction of their mouths and the constant slow flicks of their tongues, Drawneli somehow making her tongue move in exactly the same way as Krig as the two sucked her twin shafts.

She had commanded teamwork, and that was what Tamonten would receive. It may not have been as quick as she might have hoped, however, as a moment after swallowing her cocks both kitsune and golem had taken Tamonten's rods all the way to the hilt and then promptly released them. She wasn't without stimulation for long, but when it came again it was in the form of a pair of agonizingly slow licks, both Krig and Drawneli dragging their tongues from the base of her shafts to the sensitive region just below the head. Both of them stopped there and began to languidly lap at the swordswoman's cocks, licking those sweet spots for a moment and then shifting down to the less sensitive lower band for a roughly equal amount of time, and then going back.

After a few passes, her two "servants" aligned their lips over her two tips, slowly sliding over and engulfing the sensitive domes. That wet heat and soft suction was joined first by a slow circling motion from both tongues acting in perfect sync, and second by strokes that were as agonizingly slow as the licks at the underside of her shaft. It was right back to those licks after only a few moments, and this time the two branched off, licking all over her shaft slowly but surely over the course of the next couple of minutes while giving her twin cocks the occasional slow stroke. Then it was back to slowly flicking back and forth across Tamonten's frenulums, surges of pleasure racing up her spine, and this time it didn't stop. That pleasure built and built and built as her sensitive ridges were licked relentlessly, but the siege ended just as she was on the verge of surrendering her seed.

Both returned to the swordswoman's tips, licking away any pre, and for the next long while the duo worked together to put Tamonten through a slice of heaven and hell. They sucked on the tips for a moment and than returned to the base, going back to slow licks that forced Tamonten to cool down just enough that the next barrage against her sensitive region didn't immediately make her blow her load, and even though that assault nearly overwhelmed her they stopped just in time to leave her on the edge, dangling but unable to fall over it. That torturous pattern repeated itself twice more, getting even slower, before the two mixed it up again.

The next time Krig and her metallic clone approached the vulnerable surface just beneath her tip, Krig pulled away from her shaft to approach Drawneli's, and for the next little bit Tamonten had two tongues working on the same shaft while the other got little more than the occasional stroke. The sudden shift in consistency wasn't enough to slow the approach towards climax by any means, however, and if anything the feel of two tongues rolling over each other against the underside of her shaft would made the pleasure of the two playing with her all the more intense. Once more she wasn't allowed to blow her load, however, and when they left her frenulum Krig returned to the tip of the cock she'd been neglecting. The original pattern would repeat itself again as if nothing had happened, but next time it changed again, even more dramatically.

Drawneli shifted from her cock to Krig's, but rather than join the true kitsune in lapping along that sensitive region she went to the tip, slowly wrapping her lips around it and descending until she just barely blocked Krig, who gave a jealous moan while Tamonten's captured shaft was both sucked and licked, the golem's unnaturally deft tongue hitting that sweet spot that the two had been picking on all day while her cheeks slowly sunk inwards as she drew on the swordswoman's rod. It only got harder to contain herself once Drawneli began to bob up and down, but she only did so about half a dozen times before popping off... At which point Krig took the tip between her soft, pouty lips and did exactly the same thing. Even then, however, Krig stopped just as she was about to pop, and she and Drawneli locked lips for the next minute while Tamonten's throbbing shafts were allowed to cool down.

That kiss hovered closer and closer to the cock that they'd been pretending to fight over, however, and after a few moments their lips parted just enough that the tip of one of her conjured manhoods was trapped between two slowly rolling tongues. Their lingual muscles moved in a slow whir, Krig seemingly matching Drawneli flick for flick as they hit every last nerve of that domed tip, but even then Tamonten was denied one last time, the two pulling apart just before she could cum.

Relief was not far, however, as after only a few moments of letting her cool off both Drawneli and Krig descended back onto their respective shafts, and once more two tongues were slowly lapping back and forth at the section of flesh just beneath the tip. They didn't stop or pull away this time, however, and even if it was a slow boil Tamonten wasn't denied her release any longer. Instead, she was nudged into it slowly, agonizingly slowly, as those tongues just kept on running up and down. When she ultimately found her orgasm, Tamonten's explosion resulted in a moan from both of her partners as streams of the demonic swordswoman's seed first splattered over their faces, but only a few ropes were wasted before both Drawneli and Krig had enveloped her twin shafts and were bobbing up and down over the first quarter or so of her cocks.

Only then would the two become appreciably different, Krig groaning much more audibly as bursts of Tamonten's warm cream flooded her mouth, her tongue work becoming a little more lax as she rolled it through the growing mass of sticky goo. Drawneli, in contrast, continued flicking her tongue back and forth across the sensitive region that had sparked Tamonten's release in the first place, though the golem's moan was still incredibly convincing as she took a mouthful of Tamonten's seed. Even when the swordswoman was empty, Krig didn't stop, almost like she was trying to coax more cum from the pale warrior's cock with her languid licks while Drawneli pulled off but held the mouthful in place while awaiting further instructions. It took a few minutes for the kitsune to pull away, leaving a bit of cum on Tamonten's cock but quickly leaning in to lick it away, assuming of course she'd been contented to let Krig take the facial first and the rest in her mouth after instead of her initial plan.

Tousling the kitsune's hair caused Krig to nuzzle into her hand, audibly swallowing with half open eyes and making no apparent effort to clean the semen from her face. Her stupor was short lived, however, as Tamonten's next order - and Drawneli's immediate obedience in fulfilling her portion of it - caused her lover's eyes to widen. Blowing Tamonten under the table was one thing; she had been mostly hidden from view, leaving Tamonten to take the brunt of the snickers and catcalls resulting from her obvious display. Crawling out into the open, however, was another matter entirely; it would be her turn in the spotlight, and even though she'd gotten a lot of staring while strolling through the cafeteria in the skintight suit she'd been made to wear the attention now would be quite a bit more enthusiastic. She looked from Tamonten, to the plate of food that Drawneli was artfully oozing Tamonten's semen onto, back to the swordswoman, out into the cafeteria, and ultimately back to Tamonten. She stared up for a few moments uncertainly, her cheeks glowing redder by the moment, before finally turning and crawling over to the platter.

A chorus of demonic jeers greeted her emergence out into the open, causing the kitsune to freeze in place and briefly go white, but after another silent pleading glance at Tamonten she crawled the last few feet forward and leaned down. Her ass raised into the air as she started eating the cum covered food, every last detail of her most generous asset on full display and within easy reach if Tamonten wanted to put her hands to work while Krig ate and Drawneli massaged her shoulders, Krig set about eating as quickly as she could, getting her face even messier but obeying the swordswoman's orders and refusing to use her hands. Their audience didn't make things any easier, as the demons practically crowded now that the display had come out into the open.

Krig soon found more than a dozen demons standing around her, drawn in by those stopping in the aisle upon spotting her, with many more watching from nearby tables. None of them got too close or made any effort to touch her, but all seemed at the very least amused by the distraction offered by watching the foxgirl try to consume her cum coated meal in the most uncivilized manner possible. Even though she burned red before she was even half finished, however, Krig continued eating until her plate was a mess of mostly eaten food, too chewed to pick off with anything but her tongue. All of Tamonten's cum was gone, and if the swordswoman was feeling eager she could let the kitsune off easy, but if necessary Krig would lick the plate clean on further verbal prompting from her, earning an uproar of laughter and cheers from their audience.

When Tamonten was satisfied, a deeply flushed Krig was paraded through the cafeteria one last time, this time crawling through the aisles on hands and knees, and with a chorus of jeers and catcalls following them the trio left the cafeteria proper and went down a narrow corridor that led to the restrooms. The kitsune seemed quite a bit more hesitant to follow Tamonten crawling on that, but Drawneli stretched the fabric of her suit over the kitsune's hands and ultimately Krig decided that she could handle it. The place didn't smell nice, per se, but it did smell a little off. That wouldn't stop Tamonten from picking the first stall and pulling Krig into it, at which point she promptly slammed the kitsune against the stall wall and engaged a somewhat surprised and still very flustered Krig in a kiss that she easily dominated. Horny as she was, Krig seemed to have dropped into a sort of half conscious daze, and even the jump she made as the swordswoman's leg came up between her legs to test the hardness of her cock wasn't enough to shake her from it entirely.

Krig hovered back and forth in a daze, rocking slowly against the wall without Tamonten's strength pushing her against the wall. The panties flying at her face, damp with the swordswoman's arousal, did little to shake the kitsune's fugue, and the undergarment landed on her face and slowly slid down to the floor. However, that was enough to make Krig start shaking her head from side to side, her eyes slowly becoming focused as she sought to clear her thoughts, and by the time Tamonten was bending over the kitsune, and when the swordswoman caused Drawneli to stop the various torments going on inside of the suit the kitsune stumbled in place and gasped audibly like she'd just been struck. Her woozy stumbling ended as soon as Tamonten bent over against the wall, her sex and ass revealed for all in the stall – so basically just Krig – to see.

Tamonten didn't even get through the second syllable of the word “take” before Krig was on top of her, grabbing the pale warrior's hips and burying her pulsating tool to the hilt in the swordswoman's folds in a single thrust. Pleasure rocked up Tamonten's spine as her natural sex was stretched by her lover's cock, and Krig groaned in satisfaction before she began to hammer wildly into Tamonten's folds with the reckless abandon of a woman possessed. Arousal and her warped body's mutations easily allowed her to take her lover's rough pounding, however, and Krig worked herself into a furious pace within moments, groaning all the while. The kitsune's taxed stamina didn't last long, however, and she made no effort to conserve it for the swordswoman's pleasure this time around as she tightened her grip on her lover's hips and panted through the rapid approach towards the relief of orgasm. There was no getting her to wait this time either, as if Tamonten made some effort to enact her spiritual powers to deny the kitsune her orgasm Krig's eyes would shoot open and flare gold, the rage suddenly emanating from her so palpable that it almost broke the spell of lust that they'd created. Krig would literally reach into Tamonten's mind and force her to stop, anger and need driving her to the extreme and almost violative act as she rammed herself into Tamonten with raging force.

Whether or not she had tried to deny Krig one last time and whether or not the minute or so of rapid pumping was enough to get her close to her own orgasm, Tamonten would feel Krig end her quick rut with a last few thrusts before she bottomed out, shifting her grip from Tamonten's waist to taking a firm handhold of her hair in both hands, dragging her back by force as her throbbing member was finally allowed to expel the seed that had been boiling to be let loose for so long. It actually wasn't as voluminous as she might have expected, though it was certainly more than the usual amount as rope after burning rope sprayed into Tamonten's pussy, staining her inner walls and splattering against her cervix. Krig's moan of satisfaction was the more impressive part, at least in terms of comparisons to their sexual norms, as the sound was much deeper than normal, her relief palpable in the heavy groan.

Krig started pumping again as her spurts tapered off after the ninth, but only slowly, and after a few last small, weak blasts into Tamonten's pussy she stopped again and began to pant heavily in evident relief. Her grip on the swordswoman's hair lessened, and after a moment she began to relax physically and adopted a look of blissful relief despite that she was still half sheathed in Tamonten's folds.

Their tryst hadn't gone unnoticed, however, as they had acquired a most peculiar visitor. There were a few holes in the walls separating the stalls, enough to see through perhaps but not much else. That wasn't what it was being used for now, however, as apparently the person on the other side had decided that the best course of action was considerably more lewd. To whit, a thick green cock was currently sticking through the wall, hard and highly veiny, and judging by the height at which it stood it probably belonged to a goblin. It was just past Krig, within arm's reach of the toilet but not directly beside it, and Krig apparently hadn't noticed the intruder just yet.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The swordswoman would offer nothing more than a pleased groan as Kringlicsly claimed her reward. Hours of effort had led to the moment, and it was every bit as much for the pale woman as it was for her lover. Tamonten wanted nothing more than to be on the receiving end of a primal rutting. She'd loved it when Krig put her through her paces in the bath with Sensensiel and, though she'd never admit it aloud, she had loved it when Sashien had fucked her senseless using her barbed tool and didn't finish until the pale woman was a disheveled mess.

So that was all she made any effort to do when Kringlicsly took the reins and vented all of her sexual frustration by breeding her like an animal: love it. The weight of the kitsune bearing down on her and holding her in place had Tamonten as submissive as she'd ever been. The resounding slap of Krig's hips against the unblemished pale skin of her firm ass sounded out in time with deep moans from her lips as the foxgirl stuffed her full of cock. The sheer violence of it had her legs trembling for want of more. The only thing missing was that same voice Krig had used on her in the baths. It wasn't enough to have her hair used as a leash to pull her back into the foxgirl's waiting, titanic shaft. She wanted to beg again and to be told what a horny little slut she was being. She wanted to be fully conquered in every aspect.

But she certainly couldn't complain at getting so much of what she wanted. The only wrinkle that truly made her dismay was that Kringlicsly didn't last. The pale woman wasn't anywhere near orgasm before Krig's cock began to throb and summarily emptied itself into her depths, in the process filling her womb so full that seed gushed from her cunny despite being stretched wide by the kitsune's organ. Nonetheless, the briefness wouldn't stop Tamonten from shuddering in pleasure at the wonderful combination of sensations that came from having pleased her partner enough to make the other woman cum and her lover's warmth in her belly.

The swordswoman would be anything but satisfied though. Krig's lack of stamina simply wouldn't do. A few moments into the other woman's afterglow, the pale warrior was already devising some way to prolong the rough pounding for the next time. A cock ring, perhaps, or even something to desensitize the foxgirl might keep her going for a few minutes longer. Maybe with enough experimentation she'd find some combination of edging and sensory denial to keep her lover going for hours. But all those thoughts did nothing for her right then, and she was feeling anything but patient. Tamonten had enjoyed many releases in the time she'd been edging Krig, but the wants of her natural sex had gone unfulfilled and that want was exacerbated by Kringlicsly's early finish.

But before Tamonten could follow through on a straightforward idea to set her lover on the toilet and simply rape the foxgirl by riding the other woman until she'd had her fill, a most peculiar visitor popped into their stall. At first, the pale woman was annoyed. She wasn't fond of drop-in wall-cock visitation and was of half a mind to take up one of her shoes and play whack-a-mole with the invading green phallus. Luckily for it, a few moments of looking at the vein-y thing connected a few dots in Tamonten's head and had her plotting. The way Krig had reacted to competition with Drawneli just tens of minutes earlier had been of particular interest, and Tamonten still hadn't repaid her lover for a certain wound the foxgirl had inflicted on her pride in the baths with Sensensiel. What if she combined the two and made use of the convenient invader to do so?

The pale warrior would move with athletic grace as she pushed away from the foxgirl, loosing Krig's oversized shaft from her depths and in the process removing the plug which was keeping a small waterfall of the spirit wielder's cum contained in her slit. Tamonten wouldn't let herself be delayed by the ensuing mess though, as she took advantage of Krig's afterglow to guide the kitsune into sitting on the toilet. "Did you enjoy yourself? I bet that felt really nice after all that teasing," the pale woman's comments came with a wicked grin. Regardless of the kitsune's answer to her question, if there even was an answer, once her lover was seated Tamonten quickly seized her wrists and guided them behind the spirit wielder's back before sending a psychic order to the automaton outside the stall. Drawneli, could you be a dear and bind Kringlicsly to this toilet using the suit?

Once Krig was bound, Tamonten immediately moved away from her with that same lightness on her feet and went directly onto her knees in front of the cock belonging to the apparently brave goblin. Despite the new object of her attention, the swordswoman's eyes remained on Kringlicsly the entire time, full of mischief intended for the other woman, along with a teasing smirk directed squarely at the foxgirl. The swordswoman's would slowly wrap each finger of her pale hand around the thick shaft even as she began to question her lover. "So, since you're obviously spent, should I just indulge and entertain myself until you recover? Hm?" A few testing strokes of the goblin's organ followed as she awaited her lover's answer.

Considered going directly into the blowjob and telling Krig that THIS IS BECAUSE SHE CAME IN THAT ANGELIC SLUT'S MOUTH but this feels like a decent cut-off point and I think it'd probably be wise for me to try to start making smaller smutwalls. Especially since it's getting harder to respond to all the fun situations with the bigger ones.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

With glorious release from her extended sexual agony achieved, Tamonten would find that Krig was quite easy to move about as she pleased. Now both placid and dazed, the kitsune was easily seated on the toilet seat, an empty but pleased look on her face and her eyes half closed, but when Tamonten pinned her arms behind her back her gaze suddenly looked concerned. That concern quickly turned to alarm when Drawneli obeyed her silent order and the half naked kitsune ended up practically glued to the toilet while the pale swordswoman approached the green cock sticking out of the wall.

"Wha... Nnn... What are you doing!?" she said incredulously, if still with a layer of haze over her voice. The brave little goblin let out a pleased grunt from behind the wall when Tamonten's fingers closed over his shaft, to which Krig actually scowled slightly. "Are you nuts? You don't even know who it is!" she said, though her cock wasn't getting any smaller, and her squirming was half hearted at best.

The goblin across the wall gasped softly as she began to slowly stroke the cock he had so courageously stuck through the wall, the organ jumping and a drop of precum appearing at the slit after a few moments of her slow handjob. From so close she couldn't help but detect the thick, musky, masculine scent emitted by it, and as the first drop of pre leaked from it and coated her fingers across the course of several strokes that scent only got stronger.

"I'm... I'm not spent," Krig said, whining and starting to squirm around uncomfortably, a blush adding new color to her cheeks. The goblin's erect rod was only getting firmer in her grip, at least so long as she kept stroking, but perhaps strangely Krig's cock seemed to be getting harder as well, jumping slowly as blood pulsed through the thick appendage.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"What does it look like I'm doing?" The swordswoman sped up her handiwork ever so slightly to emphasize her question. How lucky this goblin was that Krig's reactions were so delicious, Tamonten mused internally. Impressive as his cock was, and as much as his masculine scent was a change of pace as it wafted up her nostrils and felt like it was taking root in the most animalistic part of her brain, he wouldn't be getting anywhere near the level of attention he was receiving if Kringlicsly's actions had been less entertaining or any at all if she'd hated it enough to use the safe word.

"I suppose I don't know who this belongs to," she answered the foxgirl's second bout of indignation. For a brief moment, her hand stopped at the base of the shaft. Her fingers uncurled one by one until only her ring finger and thumb remained wrapped around the stiffening rod, as if some drop of sense or doubt had entered her head. "But I suppose I am nuts, because I didn't really know Asp either, did I?" Tamonten followed her latest question by finally looking toward the masculine tool in her hand and dragging her tongue along the underside of it, taking her all the way from base to tip in a single broad lick.

And then she began to worship the goblin's cock in all the ways that she normally reserved for Krig's shaft. She pressed her face against it, allowing it to rest along the bridge of her nose with the molten hot tip smearing precum across her forehead, lapping at the base of it all the while. She took a deep breath of the goblin's musky scent, allowing it to infect her very being. Tamonten knew the position did little or even nothing for the goblin when he couldn't see her, but for her it was invigorating. It was the most direct way of measuring just how huge her partner was and how much would soon plug her mouth. And, of course, it was a show for Kringlicsly.

After a few moments of that, she began to eagerly lap along the entirety of it. She mapped every vein, every sensitive place that made her unseen partner groan with need or jump with pleasure, and every curve of the foreign cock entirely with her tongue. Tamonten briefly gave into her most base desires. The nature of the bathroom proved remarkably freeing in that way. The little holes which existed in the stall dividers were tools in the pursuit of pleasure, both in giving and receiving. With them, the swordswoman had full freedom to simply worship her partners' genitals as they were thrust before her without expectations or emotional attachments. At least, there were no emotional attachments except for the one she shared with Krig, who was being forced to watch Tamonten's descent into depravity as she willingly excluded Krig from her deviance for the first time since they'd been in the sanctuary.

The pale woman pulled away from the goblin's cock once it was covered in a thick sheen of her saliva, choosing to return to idly stroking it for the time being, and regarded the kitsune's own stiffening shaft. Without much thought, Tamonten's blackened hand would reach out in order to begin stroking her lover's cock in time with the goblin's. "I have to admit, you wounded my pride when you came in that angelic slut's mouth over mine in the baths the other day. I began to fear that perhaps I just wasn't very good with my hands and mouth. It's therapeutic that he seems to enjoy my attention so much," she idly remarked toward Krig even as she worked both partners with her hands.

"What a dirty girl," she teased Kringlicsly as she gave the woman's turgid rod a firm squeeze. "Are you getting off on this? Are you becoming so lewd that the sight of me jerking a stranger off in front of you in a bathroom gets you this hard?" To test her theory, she would turn her attention back toward the goblin's dick and plant a kiss against the tip. She held her mouth there for a few moments, allowing her tongue to swirl around the head of the green-skinned demon's organ, but she would keep a firm grip on Krig's shaft all the while just to feel how it throbbed and jumped in her hand at the sight. But Tamonten's test didn't end there, as she worked her way down the shaft with kisses, all the way back to the base. She would lap at his heavy testes with her tongue, coaxing him to put them through the hole in the wall if they weren't already, before taking one into her mouth and sucking for several long moments, prematurely savoring the meal that was brewing in the goblin's sack. The second would get the same treatment after the first. The pale woman wanted to be thorough, after all, and it she hadn't gotten the chance to play with many partners that way.

Only when both of the goblin's testicles had been thoroughly suckled would Tamonten next pull away with a smile aimed at Krig, and only then would her hand fall away from the foxgirl's lap. "I have to admit. I didn't see the appeal of being in your position the last few times. It mostly succeeded in making me terribly jealous. Of course, it inspired a few competitive impulses as well, like the desire to fuck you senseless and claim you as mine. But being a mind reader, you knew all that, didn't you? Maybe that was your goal? Mm, well, this time I think I'd like to experience things from this side. Maybe I'll find a better appreciation for the fun of it. It's not quite turnabout, since I'm not psychic, but I think I've got something that'll make it close enough." Drawneli~! The swordswoman's internal voice was the mental equivalent of singsong. Please relay Krig's thoughts into my head until I request otherwise. Oh, and go ahead and unbind her right arm. I'm not that cruel.

Tamonten's blackened hand fell to her own body, caressing her inner thighs as an added show for the foxgirl as she finally turned her full attention on the goblin cock in her pale hand. The pale woman would seal her lips around the tip and begin to push forward with the same level of dedication that Krig usually received, with inch by inch of the goblin's organ vanishing beyond the swordswoman's lips at a pace that took several long seconds until not a centimeter was visible and held herself there. And then Krig would be given a showing of all the different tricks the pale woman had been practicing for her, performed on another partner.

Tamonten continued to work her tongue along the bottom of the rod as best she could, despite how pinned it was by the goblin's girth. Her blackened fingers pressed into her own clit and rubbed in soft circles in order to spark enough pleasure to moan earnestly around her unseen partner's meaty pillar. She forced her throat muscles to contract and attempt to swallow and used them to milk the goblin's sensitive head. The swordswoman held her breath and kept herself like that for the better part of a minute before pulling off in order to gasp for air.

But once her lungs were refilled, she was right back at it. Tamonten resealed her lips around the goblin's tip and began to stroke the goblin's length using her mouth and throat. She went all the way to the base and pulled all the way back to the tip, sucking and working her tongue along the way. Her idle toying with her clit inspired her to issue needy whimpers and moans around the goblin's cock all the while. For the first few minutes she kept a deliberately slow pace. She made each bob of her head at a snail's pace in order to draw the goblin's pleasure out, along with prolonging the show she was putting on for Kringlicsly.

When it was obvious that the goblin could take no more, the pale woman quickened her attentions. Each stroke of her lips came faster than the one before it, until she could no longer take the entire length at the quickened pace she was going. When that happened, she began to rapidly bob along the upper three-quarters of the green cock and used her pale hand to stimulate what her mouth couldn't take. She would coax his orgasm from him sooner or later, and after the first rope of his seed hit her tongue she would pull off and milk the rest out of him using her hand. Tamonten wasted no time in closing her eyes and presenting herself so that each rope of cum found purchase across her face. Needy moans escaped her lips as she was fully painted with his molten hot release.

Her handiwork slowed once the last spurt was released, but she continued to idly play with the goblin's cock for a few more moments as it softened in her grasp. The pale woman would give the tip a last kiss farewell, sucking up the dregs of her partner's cum that still dangled from it in the process, before releasing it entirely and leaving the goblin to withdraw himself. With the leaving of the brave goblin, undoubtedly gone with a story to share, Tamonten's attention finally returned toward Krig. With eyes only half open and a face still plastered with a stranger's cum, the pale woman went down on all fours and crawled toward her lover until her head was in the other woman's lap. Without a word, the swordswoman would begin to reverently lick the underside of the cuckolded kitsune's shaft just as she'd licked the goblin's, at least until another interesting opportunity presented itself.
Last edited:
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

Krig offered no rebuttal to the swordswoman's response to her incredulous protest, and her silence continued for several moments as Tamonten seemed to hesitate at her comments. The goblin's shaft jumped and pulsed excitedly in her grip, even after she began to remove her fingers one by one until only one and her thumb remained. The taste she claimed of the demon's rod as she ran her tongue from base to tip for the first time sent her mind buzzing from the hit of thick musk, but Krig's reaction was surely more delicious as she gasped. Her cock was twitching almost as much as the goblin's by the time her tongue had run along the tip, and continued to do so as the swordswoman leaned it against her face.

The goblin wasn't exactly the largest partner she'd ever had, but he was still a bit above average for a human, impressive for his body size and big enough to appear massive from the angle from which she observed it then. It twitched excitedly with every few licks against its base, adding to the mess of pearly fluid steadily staining her forehead, and even without the accompanying sight of the swordswoman beneath his rod the goblin behind the wall gave an approving grunt or two to urge her to continue. When she moved on to exploring it with her tongue the goblin proved no less vocally and physically responsive, the mapping of his shaft in thorough detail suffusing the swordswoman's senses with his musky, masculine scent.

By the time she was finished and turned towards Krig, the kitsune's erect shaft was pulsing lightly, and twitched excitedly when her blackened hand reached out and embraced it. Her lover had little to offer but a suppressed frown at her accusation that she might prefer Sensensiel's mouth to Tamonten's, the long teased kitsune at this point far too incoherent to form any articulate response, even after the brief break following her relief before Tamonten had responded as she had to the goblin behind the wall. The kitsune did give a soft squeak when Tamonten gave her erect staff a firm squeeze, and in response to her accusation gave only a pathetic whimper and blushed, looking away for a moment before her eyes snuck back to continue watching Tamonten's actions.

She caught the first kiss against the goblin's fattened tip, and as her lips first brushed across it the demon behind the wall gave a deeper groan, his first sound of genuine satisfaction rather than simple pleasure. The pungent taste of his precum mixed in with the flavor of his pulsating flesh as her tongue made its first few whirls, but just as tactile were the actions of Krig's rod. The kitsune pulsed between her fingers, throbbing as excitedly as the goblin despite receiving far less in the way of attention, and when Tamonten worked her way down the demonic cock with slow kisses Krig started throbbing against her blackened palm. The goblin offered a series of satisfied groans as she worked on his balls, obviously taking particular enjoyment as she licked and sucked on the orbs producing the bounty she was to draw from them, but his noises didn't quite drown out Krig's panting and did nothing to mask the way her cock jumped excitedly.

"You... Nnnnnnn," she groaned, shuddering despite the lack of contact now that Tamonten's blackened hand had fallen away. Again, however, the dazed, lust addled kitsune seemed unable to conjure any real words, neither of denial nor explanation, and when Tamonten had her arm released she seemed not to notice. The aroused jumble of her mind was broadcast into Tamonten's head, however, and for several long moments she wouldn't be able to make heads or tails of it beyond Krig being beyond words she was so aroused by what was happening in the bathroom stall. It would take several moments before any coherent thoughts came through, and by that point Tamonten was well into servicing the all too willing goblin.

[It's so big... What does it taste like? Does she like it?]

Inch after inch of warm flesh vanished past her lips, the goblin to which it belonged giving grunts and groans of pleasure openly, letting anyone who might enter the bathroom know what was going on. A few footsteps signaled that someone else had entered the room, but they paused only momentarily before going about their business.

[Is this really happening? Why am I so hard...]

The goblin's cock was plugging her throat, every inch of it vanished into her mouth, and he was nudging back and forth excitedly as his member pulsated in her mouth.

[Oh gods... Is she really?]

Her first few bobs left her tasting the diminutive demon's thick pre, her highly active tongue cleansing it away after the workings of it alongside her lips and throat had extracted it. Then she dropped to the hilt and held...

[She must be doing that thing with her throat... Is he gonna cum?]

Not yet, but after a few more moments the goblin was panting heavily and throbbing with every bob of her lips. Krig seemed just as excited as the demon that she was sucking off, her mind a whirl of arousal that was only amplified by occasional pangs of shame. Every once in a while Tamonten would get snippets of coherency from her thoughts, images of Krig in Tamonte's place, or in the goblin's with some unseen partner working at one of her shafts, or imaginings of what it felt like taken from memory of the swordswoman's earlier efforts to pleasure her, or even brief tastes of how hard the kitsune was working to suppress herself from moan or even orgasming outright at certain points.

By the time it was nearing its end, Krig had discovered the freedom of her right hand and had brought it to her cock, giving it a few frantic jerks before stopping herself while Tamonten had just begun speeding up her bobbing to finally wring out the goblin's orgasm. She watched in awe as the swordswoman worked faster and faster, demonic meat pulsating between her lips, until finally the goblin behind the wall groaned loudly and she felt a burst of heat into her mouth. She caught the tail end of that spurt and much of the second on her tongue, a short line drawn up over her upper lip by the last length of it, but such was hardly the last taste of goblin cum that she would get. Nearly every shot was followed by a dribbled glob that oozed into her mouth, leaving her with a mouthful of the thick, salty seed in addition to her facial. Enough splattered across her face in the interim that Tamonten was nicely glazed as well, no less than a half dozen full ropes landing across her forehead, brow, eyes, and nose before the last few mostly painted her lips and chin. The goblin even had one more small burst in response for her last kiss, but even if the demon's cock wasn't so much going soft as it was going back to a regular firmness from being hard enough to work metal upon an anvil with, he would take the hint that his fun was over.

With her face covered in freshly released demon cum and its donor hastily retreating from the room, Tamonten found Krig once more gazing at her in open amazement. The crawling advancement of the glazed swordswoman, whether or not she bothered to wipe the cum away from her eyes and include any sort of display in the process, was completed only for Tamonten to find Krig mewling and throbbing like she'd just been teased for another few hours rather than minutes.

[No... Don't... I'll cum!]

One lick along the underside lapped away a small stream of pre that had gotten almost all the way to the base of the foxgirl's conjured shaft, and the second produced a small squirt of fresh cum that signaled Krig's impending climax just as surely as her long, deep moan. It would only take three more like it before Krig threw her head back and howled, and even if Tamonten stopped all stimulation at that point only a dedicated effort of the supernatural nature would stop Krig's rod from erupting like a volcano and glazing her face in numerous exceptionally thick blasts of cum, nearly double the amount that the goblin she had just shown much more attention to. Even when it had finished its impromptu eruption, Krig's cock continued to jump and throb, oozing a steady stream of her pungent seed that Tamonten would be free to lap at to her heart's content.

Of course, Tamonten would be just as free to inflict another bout of tormenting denial upon her lover, which would quickly reduce Krig to a quivering mass of desperate need. At that point Krig would require almost no prompting in order to bed, promising almost anything Tamonten might ask of her so long as it offered some relief.

Whatever she did to Krig, however, they wouldn't be without further opportunity for long. The goblin had apparently spoken of her actions, or perhaps someone had simply inferred an opportunity of their own upon entering, as within a few minutes someone walked - or perhaps more accurately slithered - into the bathroom and took the same stall as the goblin. A few seconds later something came through the same hole, and beneath the separator between the stalls Tamonten would see that it belonged to a white scaled snake-like body, much like Asp had possessed. Whatever coincidence had produced a second naga on their day of debauchery, this one had a piece of equipment that the storekeeper had lacked, namely the member sticking through the wall. It was huge, just over a foot in length and as thick around as four of Tamonten's fingers, but more attention grabbing than its size was its shape. It seemed to have been divided into sections, each forming a very slight curve that bulged in the center rather like a barrel until it met the next, each of the half dozen of them that the pale warrior had to work with tapering off in size to a tip with two large fleshy outer "lips" that were pronged and interlocked, forming a split down the center that was about an inch long and a hole on the head no larger than one might find on a more normal looking appendage. It was curved upwards and seemed able to move on its own, layers of muscle among the erectile tissue allowing it to stand with ease even though it didn't yet seem fully hard, and was of a fleshy pink color and seemed to exude small amounts of an oily substance that Tamonten would find was pleasantly warm to the touch if she tested it but produced none of the signs of enhancing her arousal beyond the normal amount such a brazen display might engender.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten paused at Krig's mental announcement that she would cum and sat back onto her ankles, her hands gliding back across the floor to settle in-between her own legs. Her cum-spattered expression glimmered with mischief as she watched the poor foxgirl. The entire combination left the swordswoman looking somewhat like a housecat awaiting petting. "But, lover..." she started with a widening grin, the goblin's release still hanging on her tongue and lips. "That's exactly what I want."

The pale woman allowed the sentiment to hang in the air for a few moments before leaning forward and planting a kiss at the tip of Krig's throbbing shaft. After she was rewarded with that first small burst of cream, Tamonten would make the kitsune's entire shaft disappear behind her lips in a single smooth motion. The swordswoman would take every single inch of her lover's cock into her mouth uninterrupted, thanks in no small part to her warm up, with a swell of pride. She greedily sucked her ensuing reward out of Kringlicsly, not pulling off until half a minute after the spurts subsided.

Tamonten would sit back once more and begin to groom herself in front of Krig. She scooped the cum off of her face in globs with a single pale finger before sucking it clean and repeating the process once again. She couldn't say she liked or disliked the taste of the goblin's release, though the taste made her head buzz with some animal desire, but she loved Kringlicsly's reactions to the show. The way their play was leaving the kitsune maddeningly aroused had Tamonten as horny as she'd been all week. The swordswoman was ready to ride the poor kitsune until she had to be carried out of the bathroom. The only thing keeping her from acting on that desire was the more powerful call to see just how far Krig's apparent fetish went.

The pale woman would fold her arms across Krig's lap and settle her head on them, looking up at her lover past the spirit wielder's towering erection. "I probably should've known, hm? You were so very quick to sic Sashien and Sensensiel on me, and me on Sensensiel and Asp. Do you fantasize about it? About me being in situations like... well, this one?" Tamonten tilted her head to the side. "Should I take things... further?" The warrior allowed her thoughts to expand on that for the kitsune, as she imagined placing her dripping sex against one of the holes and allowing unseen strangers to rut away at her until she could no longer stand. "Or maybe we should skip this and do something really extreme?" Tamonten's thoughts progressed to herself being taken by faceless strangers in an alleyway as Krig looked on, held by Drawneli. "Would you enjoy that?" She asked part-teasingly, part-excitedly, and part with genuine curiosity. Would Krig enjoy any of those scenarios? Would the pale girl be willing to do go through with them even if she did?

"Well, you have time to think about it," Tamonten would quickly add as her next customer poked through the hole in the divider. She promptly shifted her attention away from the kitsune moved away to settle in front of it as she had with the goblin. "Wow~" she cooed as she did her best to wrap a hand around the base of the strange phallus. "Even in a city of shapeshifters, this one is pretty huge~"

The swordswoman would flash Krig a brief smile before immediately putting her tongue to work. She gave exploratory licks along the strange shaft, focusing on the each of the sectioned bulges in turn just to see what reaction they'd draw from her partner before making her way to tip and beginning to lap around the unusually large opening as she tried to figure out how to get more than a quarter of the thing into her mouth. She hadn't been exaggerating to put on a show for Krig this time, for something that seemed only half-erect the cock she was licking at was perhaps the hugest she'd ever seen, plus it was one of the most exotic shapes. Tamonten really had to wonder how it would feel put to use elsewhere. It wasn't like she could get anymore pregnant, after all, and her brief rut with Krig hadn't exactly left her fully satisfied.

The oily secretion coming out of it certainly didn't harm the desirability of the thought, either. The warming feeling made her lips and the inside of her mouth tingle pleasantly. Still, she wasn't quite ready to let her womanhood do all of her thinking. Even if Krig wanted it, Tamonten wasn't ready for it. The oily stuff leaking from it did inspire a naughty idea, though. She would pull her head away from the strange cock and begin to stroke the full length of it with her pale hand. She made several full passes from tip to base, navigating the bulging parts as best she could, and made sure that it was well coated in its own apparent precum.

She plucked the tabard she'd been pretending was a dress off of her shoulders with her free hand and allowed it to drop to the ground and then repeated the process with her bra, only briefly letting go of the naga's shaft to accommodate the process. The swordswoman was left in nothing but garter-belt, stockings, and heels before the mighty thing in front of her. "One this big deserves a bit of extra service, doesn't it?" She would rise a little bit. The swordswoman purposely teased Krig with the proclamation, focusing intently on a fantasy where she would take the naga's erection to the hilt in order to mask her actual plans from the mind reader. Oh, how inch after inch of it sunk into her waiting depths in her thoughts, throbbing all the way as it ached to fill the pale woman with a stranger's seed. And how she howled in pleasure when it did....

But, after a few long moments spent teasing her psychic lover, the pale woman instead put her chest to use on the naga's shaft. She pressed her sternum against the naga's pillar and used the lubrication she had smeared over it earlier in order to smoothly rub her small mounds against the sides of the massive thing. Tamonten's mouth would envelope a little more than the tip of it, jaw stretched wide as she did her best to coax more pleasure out of her unseen partner. She began to rock back and forth, massaging the beastly cock with almost her entire upper body and matching those motions with small bobs of her lips as her tongue swirled around it.

She amused herself in that way for a while, despite knowing that her unimpressive chest would probably never stimulate enough of the gargantuan cock to coax it into finishing. Gods, if she ever found a way to grow her tits in the way she grew her magical dick, she'd spend a good week growing the biggest, fattest horse cocks on Krig and using them until the foxgirl was chafing. For now, it was good enough to just edge the naga along. The further along her unknown partner was, the easier it'd be on Tamonten's jaw when she started the real deal. But after a minute or two - she didn't count - of her attentions, she would progress to the main course.

She pulled away with a brief smirk at Krig. "I think you'll be really impressed this time, so don't look away. After all, it's because of you that I've got so much practice at this~" The pale woman would rise onto her feet and take a step back from the divider. Still facing the naga's erection, she would bend over toward it. She was going to need her mouth to be as aligned with her throat as possible for her latest conquest. She also needed to pray that a lot of the faeries' magical nature had rubbed off on her otherwise woefully human body.

Grabbing onto the base of the shaft with both hands for balance, she would take a deep breath and wrap her lips around the tapered tip of the naga's rod. Tamonten would begin to press forward at a steady rate, entire body shifting in order to push her mouth further toward the hilt of her partner's cock. For the first few inches, it was nothing worse than she'd experienced before. It didn't become a challenge until she came to the thicker portion of it. That was when she involuntarily gagged as her throat attempted to expel it. Had she been a saner woman, she probably would've stopped and backed off before making another attempt.

But, frankly, Tamonten wasn't very sane in that type of situation. Even less so with Krig watching. No, she needed to take every single centimeter of the snake-person's cock on the first try or it would ruin the effect. So, the pale woman paused for a moment to calm herself, body and mind, and then proceeded. She took another inch, and another, and another. Another inch and the pale woman was pretty sure she could feel something a throbbing in her chest that had nothing to do with her heart. And yet, she pressed on. She pressed on all in order to see how Kringlicsly would react. Soon, her hands had to come off and brace against the stall wall in order to make way for her lips, and not long after that her nose joined her hands in pressing against the divider. Drool dripped from her lips as she held herself there for a few moments.

But good god or goddess of depravity, talk about a sense of accomplishment. She'd intentionally taken a cock to the hilt that probably should've killed her no matter what hole it was thrust into, and she enjoyed the experience far too much. It was a feeling she could get addicted to. She wanted more. Tamonten would slowly, carefully pull all the way off of the completely saliva soaked shaft and then take a few seconds to desperately gasp for air and wipe her lips of spit, and then she was right back at it. She would begin to bob in earnest, taking it to the base and then pulling back just far enough to breathe before doing it all over again. It never progressed to a quick pace, but it was steady. And it was exhilarating. Tamonten wanted to see Sensensiel top her after that.

She couldn't keep it up forever though, nor could she ever go quickly enough to really milk the naga. Once it was clear that her partner was past pleasure and ready to be taken to her peak, the swordswoman would separate herself from the stranger's erection entirely and practically collapse limply onto her knees in front of it. She quickly transitioned back into bobbing her head along the snake-person's dick, but, just as she had with the goblin, she restricted herself to the upper half of it so that she could bob faster. She would almost desperately milk the other portion of the shaft using both hands. Tamonten would work until she felt that first burst of cum in her mouth. Then, as a reward for her own earlier success, she took the next two as well, immediately swallowing them. The remainder, however, she milked onto her own tits as she pulled back in order to allow herself to fully refill her lungs.

Afterward, the naga would initially receive much the same treatment as the goblin. Tamonten cleaned their shaft of any clinging cream and gave the tip a kiss before letting go to signify that the fun was over. Before the naga could retreat, however, the swordswoman had a bright idea. With a grin, she grabbed her discarded panties and hung them on the naga's shaft so that her partner retreated with a trophy. A worthy reward for granting her the opportunity to conquer such a monumental challenge. And, of course, she really wanted to see how Krig would react.

Whatever the naga did next, Tamonten would rise to her feet and approach Krig once more. The swordswoman bent over, placing her glazed chest in front of the foxgirl. "Go ahead, have a taste~" In this case, it was a suggestion and not an order. Whether Krig chose to lick her clean or not, the pale woman would back away once her lover had either finished or refused. "Do you have any requests for the next one? Anything you've fantasized about me doing?"
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

Krig's eyes, their lids only half raised in her dazed state, shot open in alarm at Tamonten's porclamation as the swordswoman revealed that she was reading the kitsune's mind. "Why... But... How... Do you... Aaahhh!!" she began in a stutter only for Tamonten's well timed kiss against her domed tip to inspire a groan of raw lust from the kitsune. Her cock throbbed, and a second later her first pre-orgasmic spurt hit the pale warrior's tongue and prompted her to make that first dive and swallow the kitsune's cock in a single bob. Krig quite promptly let out a howl as the simple motion drove her to orgasm, and that first spurt was soon followed by bursts almost equivalent to what she'd unleashed into the swordswoman's pussy mere minutes earlier.

Her lover was left trembling once she'd been properly milked, eyes tightly shut as she squirmed in Drawneli's grip and Tamonten groomed the goblin's cum off of her face. Kringlicsly wasn't to ignore the sight for long, however, and when she opened her eyes to find Tamonten lewdly cleaning her face of the goblin's liquid gift and swallowing every thick rope of the stuff, adding to the heat that had settled in her stomach from the kitsune's latest donation of semen. Her panting lover let her jaw drop open as a particularly large rope was gathered up and drawn into the swordswoman's waiting mouth, and she watched with her cock twitching its way back to full hardness as Tamonten rested her head in her lover's lap.

"I... I... Uhm..." Krig began, unable to muster words or keep her gaze on Tamonten for more than a few seconds, though her eyes kept darting back at the sight of the swordswoman's visage as obscured by her own obscenely hard cock. Despite her lack of speech, however, Tamonten had a line directly into the kitsune's mind now, and could see vividly her lover's brief, scattered recollections of the events she mentioned followed promptly by fresh fantasies as the swordswoman openly pondered what she might do next to further excite the kitsune. The imagined details were fuzzier, the cock she backed herself onto fairly nondescript and the strangers she might convince to aid in her endeavor to be gangbanged while Krig was made to watch vaguely demonic but otherwise featureless. The former fantasy only served to excite her lover further, but at least when she imagined the latter there was a hint of genuine fear mixed in with her arousal.

Luckily, the kitsune was spared having to muster any sort of coherent response by the arrival of a new "friend" from the hole in the wall, and Tamonten quickly took to appreciating the impressively sized appendage. The fattened base proved too thick for her fingers to wrap around, but the organ itself had a little more give than the rock solid sort slab of meat she might have expected, and her new partner gave a soft giggle through the wall. "Thank you~ I hope you find it to your liking!" her mysterious partner answered through the wall, before letting a soft coo go as Tamonten first took her tongue to it. The pinkish flesh quickly grew firmer under her attention, each section harder than the last as she took her tongue to it, but even when it had fully firmed out it wasn't quite as hard as a normal cock. It was quite large, however, and Tamonten's attention to the tip earned a slight shiver from the organ and an appreciable gasp from its owner.

The oily substance secreted from it tingled pleasantly wherever it touched her, and had a taste like sugar water with just a tiny bit of molasses and salt added in. Whether or not it could be called precum was hard to say, but it seemed to serve a similar purpose while doubling as a much more effective lubricant for the purpose Tamonten used it for. Her full strokes of it, slowed only briefly as each portion met, inspired the first outright moan from her second unseen partner, and perhaps surprisingly seemed to make the thing thrum and its owner groan more than her initial tonguework had. The oily goo felt especially pleasant as it coated her chest, and Krig was squirming wildly as she fed her lover the notion that she was about to mount her eagerly giggling partner, even giving a slight moan as Tamonten's fantasy progressed towards its logical conclusion, though she ultimately calmed slightly as Tamonten instead rubbed the appendage against her chest.

Even as she enacted her real plan, however, the notion that Tamonten was about to take the thing into her dripping depths refused to shake itself from her lover's mind, and the swordswoman could practically feel her lover's arousal permeating the tiny bathroom stall. She watched as Tamonten worked her small chest up and down over the naga's cock, her lips sealed around the tip, with a mixture of jealousy, discomfort, and arousal, and her subject didn't make the sight any easier by adding her appreciative moans. The pressure on either side, even as little as she could offer with her fairly modest chest, seemed particularly exciting to the woman beyond the wall, though it might also have had something to do with the lewd murmurs and whines that Krig had begun emitting.

Eventually, however, her adventurous behavior advanced, leading Tamonten to stand. Krig's eyes widened immediately, the idea that the swordswoman was about to try and take the snake woman's massive tool into her pussy central to her thoughts, but when she bent it was face first towards the waiting tool rather than away. Her subject offered a pleased purr as she felt Tamonten's lips on the head of her shaft, the organ pulsating as its owner offered her anticipatory murmurs, and as she steadily impaled herself the woman beyond the wall moaned. Krig could only watch as Tamonten crammed the entire thingy between her lips and down her throat, gasping in awe and gaping at the sight. By the time her lips had met the shaft's base and her nose was against the wall, her throat had actually bulged slightly from the girth of the shaft impaling her, and when Tamonten pulled off of the drool coated shaft to breath the woman to which it was attached gasped; "Wwwooow! No one has ever taken the whole thing before!"

Her admiration next came in the form of an appreciative moan as Tamonten impaled herself again, and Krig gasped aloud as she watched her lover's throat bulge once more. Krig's amazement only grew as Tamonten began to bob, taking the whole massive, oddly shaped shaft from tip to base and back and in so doing causing the naga beyond the wall to groan and shudder. Even if she couldn't keep up that motion for long, mutant or no, Tamonten could last long enough to bring her partner to the brink, and when she made to finish with shallower bobs and strokes with both hands the naga's moans picked up in frequency and intensity to signal her pleasurable approval. "Ooooh! Just like that! Nnnn... Don't stop!"

A few moments later, the hand further down that shaft felt it suddenly thicken and harden beneath her, but only a portion. Something traveled down the shaft, a lump that she could literally trace, but when it passed where her fingers were stroking it slowed slightly just as a second appeared at the base. The naga started giving thrumming groans, and her shaft began to shiver as the first lump passed down the last few sections to the one just beneath the tip. Tamonten felt the fleshy prongs shift open, powerful muscles pushing a burst of cum into her mouth that wasn't so much a rope as it was a glob the size of a tangerine. It was enough to almost fill her mouth on its own, and much of the sticky substance simply slid down her throat, though what remained she got an ample taste of before the approach of the next glob demanded she swallow it. It was sticky and thick, a distinctly cum-like texture but still slightly unusual, almost like jelly, and its taste was unlike any she had experienced before. Contrary to the slightly salty but bitter taste of mortal men and goatmen and those who didn't candy their semen like Krig, or to the addictingly delicious flavors offered by plants and demonic shapeshifters and faeries, it lacked anything particularly distinct. It was neither sweet nor salty nor bitter, it wasn't sour, and it wasn't particularly rich, though it was thick and oddly hearty, palatable in the conventional sense if a little bland.

The second glob was of about the same volume as the first, and she could trace it exactly to when it would plop into her mouth to be promptly swallowed. The naga's tail was thumping against the bathroom floor while she came, but when Tamonten pulled away to take the rest of the naga's release on her chest she seemed to go utterly wild. "Ooooohhhhh yyyeeeessssss dooon't stooop!!!" she groaned as the lumps traveling down her shaft starting coming quite a bit faster as Tamonten started jerking the entirety of her shaft, and what followed was a deluge the likes of which she had only ever seen from a gruff that was the size of a giant. Blast after blast painted her chest, splattering thick pearly fluid over her pale skin in great globs that simply covered everything they hit. Krig could only watch in amazement as Tamonten was painted by a load that she couldn't have hoped to equal in volume on the best of days, her own cock twitching desperately for attention once more but currently completely ignored in favor of the vomiting snake cock that the pale swordswoman was handling.

Once the eruption had ended, Tamonten was free to give the snake's shaft a goodbye kiss, cleaning what little cum was left on it that she hadn't swallowed or had dripping down her chest. The naga let off her panting to giggle softly, her oddly shaped rod giving one last light twitch, and then giggled and twitched anew as Tamonten hung her panties off of the shaft before it could retreat. When she pulled back and found her prize, the woman beyond the wall let out a merry laugh and said; "Ahahahaha, a present? Sennnnnsational! I could use a new hat!"

Launching into uproarious giggles for a moment, she managed to quiet herself enough to add; "That was great, I could do with having that sort of treatment once a week! At least! I'd be happy to return the favor, so to speak~ And if you want to have some more fun, just send whoever you're tormenting in there out to find me! I'm sure I'll recognize them if they're on hands and knees~ Aaaanyway, toodles!" She began to slither out of the stall, but Tamonten could opt to stop her if she preferred to continue a conversation with the naga.

As her latest partner slithered away, perhaps to be intercepted by Drawneli if the swordswoman so wished, Krig looked upon the thoroughly coated swordswoman and squirmed weakly in her bonds before having Tamonten's cum covered bosom thrust into her face. She groaned, her face instantly coated thickly, and after a few seconds worth of hesitation the pale warrior felt her lover's tongue sliding across her skin among the globs of cum, panting as she cleansed sections of their sticky coating. The kitsune's mind was able to suppress some of Drawneli's psychic intrusion, denying Tamonten from witnessing the full extent of her depraved thoughts, but what she got was enough even with the wild jumble from her still overwhelmed mind and body making it somewhat difficult to sift through. The very first thought she had was a repeat of what Tamonten had already done, the swordswoman forcing her to watch helplessly as Tamonten pleased someone through the wall. It quickly shifted to something far more risky, however, as she watched herself in Krig's mind rise and turn, backing onto the stranger's shaft and impaling herself. Then another shaft appeared, in front of the swordswoman, and she alternated between sucking both, then backing onto one and forward onto the other.

That wasn't the extent of her thoughts, however, and Tamonten soon had a myriad of her lover's fantasies to sift through. Krig was on her knees, Tamonten's head on the back of her head, forcing her to please an unseen stranger while she writhed under Drawneli's torturous teasing. Then both of them had their own cock to please, two on the same wall. Then it was Tamonten who was tied, forced to watch as Krig sucked off a stranger through the wall, first one and then two across from each other... And then Krig was standing, and slowly backing herself onto an unseen partner's manhood and moaning in satisfaction while a thoroughly bound Tamonten was forced to watch.

Krig wasn't to remain entirely dominant even in her own mind, however, and soon she was returned to the toilet and made to watch as a stranger sucked enthusiastically on a cock poking through the wall... One that may or may not have belonged to Tamonten, the familiar moans mixed with others in the room. Then she was the one on her knees, sucking on something that she could only hope belonged to her favored lover, the anonymous nature of her lewd behavior exciting and frightening all the same.

Her lover might not have had a verbal answer, but Tamonten didn't have to wait long for more partners with which to tease the kitsune, at least assuming that she hadn't called the pale naga for more fun. While Krig was sucking on one of her breasts, flicking her tongue over the tip and through a mouthful of cum, the door opened and a humming person of not immediately determinable gender came through. They unsurprisingly assumed the same stall as the others, and after a moment yet another fairly unusual member came through the wall. It was unusually long, though not quite as impressive as the naga she had ju8st taken on, and though not quite as thick it seemed harder and rougher than normal and was covered in intermittent bumps. Strangest by far was the tip, which rather than the normal bell shape was a bulbous mass of small bumps that were so close together than they seemed crowded, each with a miniature slit that would probably provide for an impressive mess.

A moment later, however, she had another customer en route, and this one was much noisier. The door slammed open, and a bunch of babbling goblins came in, leading something with thumping steps that turned out to be nothing less than an ogre. It was probably at least twelve feet tall, so tall that the curved horns jutting from its head, each twice the girth of a knight's lance and probably at least half as long as her sword, scraped against the ceiling as it lumbered in. The goblins spurred it on, including a voice that sounded at least vaguely familiar, and the confused ogre lumbered up to the outer wall of the stall which had a few holes of its own. They got the ogre into position near one of the largest holes, and through the wall she watched them pull aside its sparse loin cloth to expose a charcoal black cock that was as big around as her closed fist and as long as her forearm. They prodded the confused beast forward, prompting it to release a deep, distressed sounding growl, but as they tried to get its steadily hardening cock through the hole it proved too big to fit. The goblins let it retreat, argued for about a minute, and produced a set carpentry tools and set to work widening the hole with a brief apology through the wall.

A few minutes later, the widened hole was clogged by nearly a foot and a half of normal shaped but immense ogre cock, the whole thing veiny and hard and almost terrifyingly long. Krig, who had watched and listened to the whole debacle with a mix of confusion, annoyance, amusement and continued arousal unless Tamonten had done something to contain her attention instead, let out a gasp at the sight of the organ now sticking through the wall. The anonymous nature of the bathroom was somewhat spoiled by the fact that the ogre was peering at them over the stall wall with one bleary, blood-shot eye with a dimly confused look, but the goblins behind the wall were all cheering in joy at their success and seemed to be expecting the great beast to be pleasured, and were talking as if that was something of an event. It was hard to say given her lack of experience, but it did look as if it had taken quite a bit of abuse over its lifetime. One of its eyes was seemingly gone, and a rent had been carved in its flesh from just over its brow, across the empty socket, and down its cheek. One of the tips of its horns was gone, leaving the two uneven as they scraped against the ceiling, and its overbite allowed her to see that it was missing almost a third of its teeth, all in a row where its lips were also rent and scarred.

With two partners for her to tease Krig, one on each side, Tamonten had a choice to make on how she might want to deal with one or both of them. Krig herself was still covered in naga cum, as was her chest, and unless dealt with her cock was still twitching excitedly, begging for some attention of its own once more.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Tormenting? You should see how her cock is throbbing!" The pale woman replied to the naga's parting comment without missing a beat. "She wanted me to go further." Tamonten looked the foxgirl dead in the eyes as she continued aloud. "Didn't you, my love? And I am nothing if not willing to please her. So, be sure to come back after you've had a breather. You can return the favor and help me make her lewdest fantasies come true all at once." The swordswoman would savor the look on the kitsune's face as she spoke, never once taking her eyes off of her lover. She took more pleasure in watching the other woman than in any act since Kringlicsly had rutted her.

For as much as she tried to maintain the cool demeanor of a dominant as she continued, however, after the naga had left the realization that she'd just promised herself to another partner visibly shook Tamonten. She did her best to hide it, initially proving more insistent in pressing her chest into Krig's face and beginning to stroke her pale fingers through her lover's hair once the foxgirl had begun to lick at her cum-covered breastflesh. The pale woman ended up unable to focus much at all on Drawneli's mental feed, beyond noting that she'd have to punish Kringlicsly more thoroughly for so quickly imagining more infidelities of her own, or the attentions she was receiving as she inwardly considered what she'd done.

Tamonten had chosen to take things further with the naga because of the other woman's sense of humor and because her words made the pale woman feel desired, and the way her ego had been stroked hadn't hurt. The properties of the snake-woman's cock and the sheer amount of cum it produced were added bonuses. It wasn't that she had issue with the partner she'd selected.

What bothered her was the prospect of giving herself fully to another person without Krig's input or direction. Her Badarian upbringing rebelled against the thought. It was true that she wasn't a traditional flower of the Lich King's empire, anybody with eyes could see that from the way she swung a sword. She would never give up her swordsmanship or her overall ability to be independent for anyone or any cultural expectation. When it came to the bedroom, however.... For better or worse, sexually she wanted to belong to someone in the manner of a traditional wife, or perhaps even beyond that. It had been one thing to take other partners at Krig's desire or insistence and it had strained her inhibitions to service strangers in front of the other woman without her verbal agreement, but the tryst she had planned served to make the swordswoman truly anxious.

So when her next customer made themselves available, Tamonten threw herself into her work wholeheartedly and with uncharacteristic silence as she tried to ease herself back into her previous frame of mind. With a forced grin toward the foxgirl, she would quickly back away from the other woman and retake her spot on her knees in front of the exotic shaft, wasting no time in wrapping her pale hand around it and working to stroke it to full hardness. Whatever her misgivings about her plans, the act of relieving pent-up strangers of their stresses via the worship of their manhoods was still wholeheartedly enjoyable. Learning which parts of such an oddly shaped phallus were the most sensitive would likely prove a fun way to distract herself while she was at it. The sooner she could get her mouth around it and focus on something other than her nervousness, the better.

The arrival of an ogre into the bathroom would distract her from her anxiety and new partner both, however. Her first thoughts regarding the massive creature proved far from sexual. The ogre wasn't really to her taste aesthetically. Tamonten tended toward more handsome or even effeminate men. Instead of wondering how she would fare with it sexually, the pale woman initially found herself considering how she might best such a massive opponent in single combat and if she even could. She'd defeated Elawdrin's creation and several treants on her own, but she'd had magic boons then. Had she become strong and quick enough to take on such a creature yet?

But the sight of him attempting to press his cock through the divider only to fail quickly reminded her that for the time being she'd only be trying to best him sexually. He might not have been the prettiest partner she'd ever have, but he was surely powerful. Such a massive demon would undoubtedly have more raw strength than even her supernatural body was capable of, and with his demonic nature he might even be able to outlast her in stamina despite his size. Tamonten would never disparage her lover, but the idea of a partner who was capable of taking her in some of the positions which the less physically-inclined foxgirl couldn't accomplish and maybe even quenching the swordswoman's bottomless libido without passing out was enough to make her shift in excitement.

Her lips spread into a more earnest grin as she shook herself from her thoughts. Her little aside had proven distracting enough to allow to smoothly slip back into a frame of mind befitting Krig's domme, and she resumed stroking her other patron's shaft as the ogre failed to fit and the goblins moved in to widen the gap for him. As the diminutive demons did their job, she would do little in the interim other than to continue her ministrations on her first unknown partner while waiting for the second. But once the goblins finished their work, she would rise off of her knees in order to give them a show before they retreated from the partition with their carpentry tools in hand. She would bend over in front of the group and wiggle her hips as she lowered her mouth onto the cock in her hand to give it a quick few bobs. The pale woman all but tempted them to put their hands through the widened hole in the divider and do whatever they liked to her vulnerable rear during her brief display.

Once the ogre was urged forward for a second time, however, she would quickly remove herself from the path of its turgid length and settle back onto her knees, going back to simply stroking the first of her patrons. Once it was in reach, she took the head of the ogre's girthy manhood into her blackened hand, weighing it in her palm. "So heavy... and too thick to even wrap my fingers around it," she remarked as she began to fondle it and run her hand along the underside. She would finally look up at the bestial demon and get a good view of his face as she worked her way down his shaft with her hand, wrapping her fingers around as much of it as she could and beginning to stroke it to its full length. Judging by his battle-worn visage, there were probably few demons in the city more deserving of relief.

She briefly considered multi-tasking her way through these two latest partners. With enough handiwork and the split attention of her mouth going from one to another, she was sure that she could bring both to messy orgasms and get a nice thorough coating for Krig to lick clean. But if she was going to be anything less than a bundle of nerves when she met with the snake-woman, she needed to start by taking baby steps and fulfilling one of Krig's mental fantasies which made her a little less anxious. So, Tamonten looked to Krig to determine how the strangers would find release. "So.... Which one?" The pale woman plainly asked of her lover. "Which one gets to scratch this itch of mine, since you're not currently able?" She added with a hint of nervousness in her tone, putting her body's fate in the bound foxgirl's hands. As she awaited her lover's response, Tamonten wasn't sure what answer she was hoping for.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

"Afufufufuufu... Well, tormenting for later fun is fine too~" the naga through the wall replied playfully, only intensifying Krig's briefly mortified look as her most recent partner approved of Tamonten's tactics. "Afufufufu.... I'll definitely be back~" the snake confirmed before moving to depart, though she was all too soon replaced by more eager applicants for her attention.

Whether she noticed Tamonten's troubled state or not, Krig would offer no input to dissuade the swordswoman from continuing in her lewd acts, and so she would go through her internal debate and all of the ensuing shenanigans unimpeded.

The strange shaft she found poking through the familiar hole proved already perfectly firm, and as her hands traced it she found it marked with lines of small grooves, all but invisible to anything but the closest inspection, though her stroking discovered it immediately. The oddly bulbous tip was similarly unusual in texture, her palm and fingers glancing across it able to feel the roughness of all of those bumps across the fattened oval shaped tip. It was obviously shaped to please, and as she gripped it the whole thing twisted slightly, pushing into her touch and showing a fairly impressive range of motion in the process, though once she was stroking it it mostly kept still.

It didn't soften even as she was distracted by the arrival of the ogre, and as the ensuing display of haphazard carpentry took place she was treated to what might be called an amusing display as the diminutive demons did their best to hastily widen the gap when working from only one side of the wall. Of course, the pale swordswoman was quick to offer her own display as theirs was coming to an end, and the last goblin to peek through the hole to ensure its size found himself staring at her finely sculpted rear. In her pose, with much of her body devoted to lean muscle, her soaked folds were on full display with just a hint of Krig's earlier release into her depths still showing, and the pleased appreciative grunt she earned for the sight was undoubtedly an ego booster. The hand that reached out and clapped sharply across her right cheek, leaving her pale flesh red and stinging, might have gone either way depending, but the goblin quickly grabbed a handful of the flesh he'd struck and began to knead the pain away.

His thumb crept to her sex and prodded at it, but before he could go farther than that a couple of the other goblins grabbed him and dragged him away. One of them stopped short at the sight, however, and might have replicated the act of his companion if the others hadn't pulled him aside to make way for the ogre. Even then, however, Tamonten would heard some mutterings about "having some fun" from the group before the thumping shuffles of the ogre drowned out their exchange. In the meantime, the first taste of the unusual cock in front of her didn't disappoint, the odd texture against her tongue and cheeks telling of how it might feel if put to use elsewhere, and the taste intensely sweet not unlike the taste of alraune that she had experienced back in the faerie grove. Each of the holes on its tip leaked a tiny, stick bead of the stuff that left her whole mouth filled with the appealing flavor.

Once the larger battlescarred demon's immense prick was through the hole, however, Krig would eye it with evident terror and awe, a somewhat sharp contrast to the numbed arousal with which she had viewed most everything else. The demonic warbeast grunted, issuing a deep rumbling sound that shook the divider slightly when her fingers first brushed against its immense rod. She couldn't have hoped to close her fingers all the way around it, maybe not even with both hands at the same time, but she still managed to stroke the ogre's rod enough to earn a reaction in the form of a twitch that had it rise a full foot upwards and another, deeper rumbling grunt. A dollop of pre appeared at its tip, so much that it could have passed for the first burst from an outright orgasm from a more normal sized partner, and the scent of it was so purely thick and musky and masculine that it was even more tactile than the goblin cum that she had so eagerly drank up not so long ago.

When she turned to Krig with her loaded question, the kitsune looked at her in shock for a moment. "You... Have to ask?" she said, glancing in terror at the ogrecock that Tamonten was still handling, "that thing is huge! You... I don't even know how you could POSSIBLY take even a quarter of it! You probably wouldn't even be able to get the tip in!" Her incredulity seemed to be genuine rather than some effort to issue a challenge to the swordswoman, and the bound kitsune began to fidget in the grip of Drawneli's ties, watching with her shaft still turgid with excitement as Tamonten seemed on the verge of fulfilling one of her fantasies.