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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Krig's mental responses had her mentally grumbling anew, but she'd give no more direct thoughts that the kitsune needed to respond to.

She would realize only after she had been in proximity of Asp for a while that the snakewoman's scent was having every bit as much of an effect on her as her own was having on Asp. The store owner's pheromones sapped away at her higher reasoning and her sense of civility and appealed to that same sense of raw lust and dominance that Elawdrin's magic had pulled out of her. More than once she found herself thinking of the poor shopkeeper as little more than a bitch in need of breeding, and the urge to follow through by forgetting about the sales she needed to make and the prices she wanted to bargain for and simply grabbing the other woman to drag her over the counter in order to mount her grew stronger by the second.

Krig and even Drawneli would prove no safer from her imaginings, and she only grew greedier for the prospect of spilling her seed in all three of them as Asp's pheromones grew stronger. The swordswoman did her best to focus herself on sales for as long as she was able, distractedly replying to Asp where she could. "Even an address would be a great help, thanks. Just give it to Drawneli after I give- after we're done trading."

Drawneli, keep me up to date on what price she'll be asking versus what she'll be paying me if you can. Try not to let her know you're rooting around in her head, she would mentally ask of the automaton. She had no idea what to make of pricing any of her own loot, but luckily with two mind readers accompanying her she didn't need to be anymore knowledgeable than Asp herself was. The additional psychic intrusions from someone other than the perverted foxgirl might also help to distract her from her own burgeoning arousal. Two-thirds seemed incredibly generous, as long as Asp was truly offering her that two-thirds. She couldn't help but wonder what an effect her own apparent pheromones were having on the woman's amicability though.

Quite a bit, judging by the way that Asp had seemed to inch closer to her and her steadily increasing number of slips of the tongue. The swordswoman was in no better of a state and by then a full three-quarters of her thoughts were about fucking and breeding and sex in general. She found herself becoming tongue tied as the snakewoman came within so many inches of her. When she did finally open her mouth to reply the pale woman was almost on autopilot, belting out unintentional innuendo. "Looks- er, sounds great. I think I really do want to see your goods now because you've certainly got some things that interest me," she would remark. Her eyes, which had begun to flit between the woman's breast and her face, would finally boldly meet the naga's and for a brief few moments every instinct and muscle in her body told her to claim Asp's mouth.... But she didn't, because it suddenly occurred to her that she was approaching the entire situation in entirely the wrong way.

The pale girl would sigh and pull back from Asp in order to straighten up before the snakewoman could seize the opportunity that the pale warrior had abandoned. "I'm really sorry about this," she would suddenly state, but after a brief pause would quickly clarify by adding, "what I'm about to do in your store, that is. Drawneli!" The pale girl would turn toward the automaton as she proclaimed its name. "I temporarily revoke Krig's permission to give you orders until we leave this store. Now bring her over here," she would command, and she knew that the golem would know exactly what she was thinking.

Specifically, both of the mind readers would probably know that she had aborted the pressing desire to push forward and claim Asp's mouth because of how much it had reminded her of her time in the baths with Kringlicsly and Sensensiel and her own desire to avoid the mistake of allowing her lusts to be diverted toward another woman when she really wanted to fulfill them on Krig first. They would also likely know that right now she wanted Krig delivered to her and bent over the counter with her dress hiked up around her waist, and she fully trusted in Drawneli's ability to deliver her lover in the position she desired. Tamonten would only halt the command and what came next if Krig adamantly voiced her opposition to any of it or if Drawneli informed her that it was dangerous, otherwise the kitsune would end up receiving the brunt of the effect of Asp's scent on the swordswoman.

"You see," she would explain to Asp once the spirit wielder was in the ordered position, stopping briefly to deliver a light spank to both cheeks of Krig's ass in rapid succession. "My beloved here was being very naughty. She was whispering about how we ought to take advantage of your... condition, and how she really wanted to give your tits a try," while Tamonten was speaking her hand was at work, alternating between rubbing against the kitsune's petals and delivering light smacks that made her exposed ass jiggle. "Even though I fucked her not more than an hour ago and a few hours before that! Such a greedy little slut, don't you agree? Would you like to give her ass a few smacks as punishment? It's only fair," the pale girl would pull her hand far enough away to give Asp the opportunity as she offered it, though she would stop the snakewoman if she got too rough with her lover.

Otherwise though, whether Asp accepted her offer or not, Tamonten would put her spirit to work and begin to pull her pants down. A massive horse's shaft formed at her crotch, bursting forth from her loins and growing until it was over a foot in length and wide enough around that it would be difficult to encircle with an average hand. She would immediately retake her position behind Krig after her tool was fully formed, grabbing the cheeks of the kitsune's butt and spreading them so that the base of the swordswoman's thick shaft could settle in the cleft between them. "Look at that," she proclaimed with a knowing look toward Asp, fully expecting the naga to be staring at her cock anyway. "Even this big and I can still wrap her sexy ass around it."

"Oh, but where are my manners?" She added with mock shame as she began to gently slide the massive horsecock between her lover's rear cheeks. While she spoke, her tail moved to Krig's unoccupied pussy, pressing against her clit and beginning to vibrate against it as the pale woman called upon the enchantment on her increasingly favorite trinket for a fourth time that day. "You're our host and we interrupted you earlier! Feel free to use her mouth while I discipline her, I promise that it's a hundred times better than your fingers," she suggested with a grin. She would follow that with a motion of her head down at her own shaft. "Would you like a taste of this too? I'm sure she'd prefer it if it was nice and slick before I gave it to her. I'm sure you will when it's your turn, too," she would add boldly, not breaking eye contact with Asp as she did.
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

[Yes mistress,] came Drawneli's expected reply, and she would provide a list of prices compared to Asp's spoken ones for each item that she intended to buy from the swordswoman. [She mostly seems to be thinking about sex. I can examine her thoughts for patterns to determine her preferences if you like,] the golem added after a moment, while as far as Tamonten could tell she would be offering prices that would promise herself a decent profit without cheating the swordswoman out of money.

Moments later, the naga would look confused and dazed when Tamonten suddenly straightened and offered an initially inexplicable apology. Her sudden turn upon her golem would result in more confusion, both for Asp and for Krig, but Drawneli would give her usual reply of; "Yes mistress." And then, before she could offer more than a cry of protest, Krig was wrapped in steely gray tentacles and dragged over to the counter, bent over, and with her dress dragged up over her tail so that her big round ass was fully on display. Her wrists were locked together and her legs wrapped in Drawneli's tentacles such that they were locked in a spread position, while several more wrapped around her waist to keep her bent over and her dress hiked up.

Krig gazed back at her with wide eyes and a deep blush, but her expression was expectant rather than reprimanding. [I've been wanting you to do that since we left Xeon's palace,] she thought at Tamonten, and before she could stop the thought from leaking through Tamonten got the impression that her lover wouldn't have minded if her outfit had been ripped off entirely rather than just hiked up. She gave two quick gasps as Tamonten's hands came down upon her exposed cheeks, the outline of the pale warrior's hands briefly remaining in red upon her soft flesh, and when she explained what Krig had been suggesting to their potential victim Asp gulped audibly and watched in wide eyes.

"Would you.... Like to give my tits a try?" she offered in a shaking voice as she slowly climbed over her counter, slithering down so that she was directly beside the three of them rather than across the counter. Krig's folds were already damp, and the attention to them and the regular smacks against her upraised backside only caused her to shiver and moan in Drawneli's grip. Even when offered a chance to punish the kitsune for her lewd suggestions, however, Asp wouldn't take the offered opportunity to grope, fondle, or otherwise molest the kitsune's bottom. Her gaze had settled entirely on Tamonten, and when she dropped her pants and began to sprout her cock the busty naga's gaze dropped down to it and never left.

"Oh.... Oh gods," she whimpered as the equine rod proudly grew out to its full length, and her mouth hanging open after her proclamation and the juices leaking from her exposed slit becoming a stream that ran down the front of her serpentine body. Even as she watched Tamonten move behind Krig and put the kitsune's plump rear to use by squeezing her soft cheeks around that massive shaft the shopkeeper couldn't take her eyes off of it, and after watching it shift back and forth for a few seconds the counter began to creak with the force of her grip on it. Krig would let out a throaty groan as she felt her most physically impressive asset was put to use on Tamonten's equine rod, a sound that would be repeated as the swordswoman's tail began to vibrate against her petals.

The naga shopkeeper seemed paralyzed by the sight of Tamonten's cock right up until the swordswoman issued her lewd offer, at which point her head slowly drifted back up to the warrior's face. She stared at Tamonten for almost a minute before slowly pulling herself away from the counter and slithering up in front of Krig, putting her back against the counter and her sex in easy reach of the kitsune's mouth. Judging by the shudder than went through her and the soft moan that she emitted, Krig went to work immediately, but her voice was oddly crystal clear as she said; "So long as you shove that big thing inside me soon, I'll make it as slick as you want~"

And then she bent forward, her torso scrunching inwards so that her massive breasts were resting against Krig's lower back. She reached out with both hands, one placed on Tamonten's hip and the other grabbing the swordswoman's cock just above the base, and then with a shift of her wrist Tamonten's rod was pointed at her face. Asp slid forward with almost eery smoothness thanks to her snake-like form, but Tamonten might be forgiven for not noticing how odd her motion looked on a humanoid when she felt the woman's mouth enveloping her dick. Her jaw opened wider than it rightly should have as the head passed her lips, and the moment the edge of that flaring tip vanished beyond them Tamonten would feel her tongue curling around it tightly. Inch after inch vanished into the naga's mouth, and every centimeter was wrapped in the woman's tongue until she got all the way down to her fingers.

It was accomplished with frightening ease, and the warmth of her throat and the dual sheath of her mouth and tongue was a uniquely incredible experience. The tight seal of her lips allowed the naga to suck hard, and her tongue worked in concert with her lips to stroke Tamonten's rod even as she slid back to the tip, her tongue visibly constricting the formerly possessed warrior's rod before Asp's mouth reclaimed it in turn. A low moan rushed through her when she took Tamonten's cock a second time, the pleasant vibrations only serving to add to the swordswoman's pleasure, which already compared favorably to any other blowjob she'd experienced in terms of sheer quantity of stimulation, and from there she began to bob back and forth at a steady clip without showing any signs of stopping. Krig would squirm beneath her, the kitsune's bottom wiggling back and forth enticingly as she waited her turn and the swordswoman's tail continued to teasingly vibrate against her sensitive pleasure jewel, the link that she could form thanks to calling upon her magical cock allowing Tamonten to reclaim the energy spent on toying with her lover as well as feel her peak coming closer with every burst of buzzing magic.

Asp's motions were simple and offered little in the way of variety at first, and while the woman's skilled technique might have served to suck a load out of her quickly some variation came after only a few moments. At one point she stopped with her lips against her fingers, moaning as her tongue literally stroked the swordswoman's rod in her mouth while her throat squeezed and vibrated around it rhythmically. When she began to bob again, her fingers followed her lips down Tamonten's saliva slick rod, adding a third source of stimulation as her eyes opened and turned up towards the pale warrior's face, meeting her eyes with a look of raw, passionate, near mindless lust. After that, her tongue began to apply pressure at different points, alternating between the stroking motion she'd been doing up until that point and a tight writhing motion around the region just behind the flared tip.

The shopkeeper would keep up her motion, alternating between her various techniques, until Tamonten made her stop. Erupting into the woman's mouth wouldn't even slow her down, though she would slide down and stroke with her tongue throughout the swordswoman's orgasm, milking out as much of her potent cream as Tamonten's rod would surrender before going right back to her earlier motions. Even before she found her first peak, her rod would be slick with the snake woman's saliva, and given that Krig's pussy had been soaking and puffy with arousal by the time she'd been bent over it would be up to her if she wanted to give the shopkeeper a load or reserve the first shot for her lover's womb instead.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

What a coincidence, the pale girl would mentally respond to Krig. She grinned at the foxgirl as her finger traced a swaying line against the unblemished flesh of the kitsune's ass before delivering those first two spanks. I've wanted to do this since we got out of bed!

That grin would persist as Asp made her eagerness well known. She wouldn't deviate from her initial intentions though, teasing her lover and making her offers to Asp. By then the swordswoman was so caught up in her own lust and Asp's scent that she didn't even question the wisdom of allowing a woman with a snake tail bearing all the markings of a venomous breed to wrap her lips around her cock, let alone get discouraged by the eery way in which she bent and contorted to accomplish it. "Ooh, damn," she complimented Asp in a throaty groan as the shopkeeper took her engorged shaft to the base without any warmup to speak of. Tamonten actually had to brace herself against it as the surprising amount of stimulation almost brought her to a quick and messy peak, something that she simply couldn't abide while Krig's womb went unfilled and before she got to savor the pleasure of Asp's mouth.

"You were right," another throaty groan escaped from the pale woman's mouth, punctuated by the sound of flesh slapping against flesh as she dropped her hand against Krig's ass again to let the kitsune know who she was addressing. Her head would turn to regard the other woman as well, but only to confirm that Kringlicsly was putting her all into pleasuring the naga. "She's so eager~ She's even giving Sensensiel a run for her money. You've got to try out her mouth next~" The pale girl would turn her eyes back on Asp then, continuing with remarks aimed at the shopkeeper even as the snake-tailed woman obediently serviced her cock. "Don't worry, we'll take good care of you after I'm finished with my hopelessly perverted lover~"

With that, the pale girl would remove her cock from Asp's mouth before the snake-woman had even gotten the chance to show off her expanded suite of tricks. She grabbed onto Krig's waist and pressed the saliva slick rod into the kitsune's sex with a deliberate slowness, exulting in the delicious feeling of her lover's warm depths wrapped around her pulsating rod as much as she always did, and began to rock back and forth at a calm pace. The pale woman cheated, like so many times before with the kitsune, and used her link with Krig's soul as a radar to slowly guide her to the right pace and angle to efficiently cause the foxgirl the most pleasure. Krig wouldn't get off that easily, however, as shortly after achieving both the pale woman would pull out completely and place her cock back against Asp's lips to receive more of her oral attentions, leaving the kitsune only the vibrations of her tail for stimulation.

Tamonten would allow Asp plenty of time to show off all the things she could do with her serpentine tongue, moaning out her appreciation for the naga's skills all the while, before switching back to Krig's pussy yet again and picking up as if she'd never left it. She would continue like that, occasionally switching from the kitsune's depths to the naga's mouth and back again with no real rhyme and in truth no reason beyond greed for the pleasure that both orifices could provide her. The swordswoman was making no real effort to deny Krig her orgasm, though the spirit wielder would likely arrive much later than she might've if the pale girl had turned her attention solely on her sex, nor to tease Asp by making the snake-tailed shopkeeper service the tool she so clearly wanted in her dripping pussy with her mouth instead.

If either of her partners found their peak before her she would turn her attentions solely on them, reaping the rewards of their reactions to their own orgasm. Regardless of whether her two partners managed to cum or not though, Tamonten would easily find her own climax between Asp's skilled mouth and her lover's inviting folds. She held back for a while out of her desire to savor the situation, but eventually the siren call of release became irresistible and when it did she would turn her attentions almost solely on Krig. The swordswoman's careful pace would shift into wildly rutting her lover in the finale of their first round and eventually devolved into erratic thrusts as her cock throbbed and she deposited her seed at the entrance to the spirit wielder's womb. Asp wouldn't be left out entirely, however, as halfway through Tamonten pulled free of Kringlicsly and insistently pushed her shaft into Asp's face to either paint the shopkeeper with the remainder of her cum or to deposit it into her mouth or stomach if the snake-woman proved more eager.

The swordswoman would take a few moments to lean over the counter and bask in her afterglow following that first orgasm. Tamonten wouldn't stop Asp from cleaning her shaft and continuing her own ministrations as she recovered, nor would she pull her tail away from Krig as it continued to vibrate against her lover. After her glow had faded, however, she removed herself from both to set up for the next round. Part of her mused at how lucky most men would probably consider her, stumbling across an opportunity to fuck both an exotic beauty like Asp and the most beautiful woman in the world by her own ranking at the same time completely by chance. Fueled by Asp's scent and the way it compelled her to breed and dominate the two women on the table, Tamonten had no intent of letting the opportunity go without utilizing it well.

"Your turn~" She grinned a predator's grin toward Asp as she stood up straight, her shaft standing at full length against the still air in the woman's shop. "Stand... or straighten up for a second, I've got to get this naughty little girl repositioned," she remarked with a motion of her head toward Krig. Assuming the snake-tailed woman complied, the pale girl would mentally command Drawneli to flip the kitsune over so that her back was on the counter. Tamonten herself would quickly grab Krig's dress at the hem of her cleavage and pretend to struggle with getting it off. After a few moments of that valiant, completely false effort, she'd begin to intentionally rip it down the middle with a deliberate slowness until it fell off completely.

"Oops~ Guess I got a little too rough.... I guess we're just going to have to take care of the rest of the trips today with you walking around naked, huh? All those demons staring at you and imagining what they want to do to you," and you can't even turn off your powers so you'll get to see every second of their fantasies. "Maybe I shouldn't bother dismissing this cock after we leave. I'll have to make sure to show them all that you're my lover first, after all~" There wasn't an ounce of honest remorse in the pale warrior's voice. Had she not been under the influence of both her lover's scent and Asp's she likely would've found the idea of following through on her psionic lover's mental slip insane and unnecessarily dangerous. As it was, the only things in her mind were making Krig take care of her cock in public and righting the fact that she'd yet to put the kitsune and her fluffy tail on a leash as she had Sensensiel.

"Now grow a nice, fat cock for Asp to suck on while I take care of her problem. Drawneli, give Krig's pussy and ass a good workout while I'm busy," she would deliver her orders to her lover and the golem in rapid succession, not just expecting but demanding compliance from both. "Actually," she added after a short pause, "go ahead and help Asp into position while you're at it. I'm not sure my strength is recovered enough from the ritual to properly lift her." With that, Drawneli would be left to rearrange Kringlicsly and Asp into the position Tamonten imagined in her head. A position that would leave Asp's head over Krig's crotch and the snake-woman's crotch over the kitsune's head. Most importantly, it would leave the naga's tail suspended in the air so that the swordswoman could, and would, easily slide in behind her, wrap her hands around Asp's tail, and line up her cock with the shopkeeper's slit, and do it all right over her lover's face.

The first push into Asp's pussy was carefully aimed and angled to cause her displaced fluids to drip right onto Krig's face. Even as Tamonten moaned her initial approval at claiming the naga's depths and reaction to new sensations of a new partner and initially began to rock her hips back and forth, her focus was on keeping the act squarely in Krig's view and over the foxgirl's head. If Kringlicsly was developing such a fetish for seeing her with other partners, she'd give her lover an excellent view of the show. Even as she used the new link of her soul with Asp to build up to a pace that would steadily edge the naga to orgasm, at least some of her attention was always on keeping Asp and Krig in the desired position.

Beyond that, she simply thrusted away at the suspended snake-woman, attempting to treat the naga no differently than she'd treated Sensensiel in their threesome. The pale girl certainly took pleasure in the naga's folds wrapped around her and the knowledge that Kringlicsly was enjoying Asp's mouth at the same time, but there was a mental satisfaction she strove to achieve as well. The swordswoman had quickly discovered since she came to Acheron that, when she was on top, she loved to break her partners down. She loved to work them over until they were under the complete control of their own basest desires and slaves to their own sex drives. She liked to outlast them while she was at it and pound away at them until they were begging her to finish, and that was exactly what she intended to do to Asp. Tamonten would only pause or halt in her own efforts if Asp became too distracted and stopped her efforts on Krig's cock.

But this time she wouldn't succeed as she had with Sensensiel. Even employing that same spiritual seal against her own orgasm that she'd used against Sensensiel, she couldn't hold back. Asp's scent compelled her to breed the woman, and her own weakness from the ritual prevented her from doing anything to stop herself. At the naga's first orgasm on her cock, Tamonten's cum gushed out in as great a quantity as it ever had before. She couldn't pull herself back, she couldn't will the climax away, she could only push the sensitive tip of her shaft against Asp's cervix and surrender the entirety of her load in a manner that intermingled her pleasure and frustration at the situation. And when her orgasm finally subsided she pulled out almost irritably, allowing the excess of her seed to drip onto her lover's face as she put her cock within easy reach of Kringlicsly's lips in a wordless command to lick the tip of it as she recovered.

But after a few moments of that she would just as suddenly point her cock back at Asp's slit and push back in, driven by a desire to correct the situation. She might not have been able to outlast Asp as she desired, but she could still make the best of the situation. "One load," Tamonten groaned out as she began to work herself back into the pace she had reached before. "I'll give you one more for each you manage to suck out of her, so work hard~" The swordswoman would be true to her word, for each orgasm Asp managed to wring from Krig, she would receive another heavy dose of Tamonten's cum directly into her womb. The pale woman didn't expect that it would be a hard task to keep Krig under constant climax with Drawneli and Asp's combined attentions, but she would ensure that at least one of the two women would be in that state she so enjoyed putting partners in by the time it was over.

But even then, in her weakened state and given that she still needed to be able to walk afterward, Tamonten would only be able to provide so much. She would finally pull out after her sixth such load deposited into Asp's slit, leaving a mess to drip out onto her lover. "Oof," she would groan as she slowly removed her hands from Asp's tail and tried to regain her ability to balance without it, "Sorry, I'm spent. Not in the best shape today or I might've kept at it for a while longer," she would apologize rather plainly. "Drawneli, it's Krig's turn," the pale girl directed the golem to yet again follow unspoken directions, this time to turn Asp around and place her on the foxgirl's cock with enough liberty to allow the shopkeeper to ride her lover and to otherwise continue to her efforts on the kitsune's sex and ass, assuming the two were in a shape to continue themselves.

If they were, Tamonten wouldn't leave herself entirely out of the action, instead presenting her cock to Krig. She certainly wouldn't complain or try to stop the woman if Asp proved able to work into it and aid the kitsune while the two were connected though. "Let's save a bit of time while you two finish up. Make sure to clean it thoroughly~"
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Smacking Krig's meaty backside unfailingly prompted some pleasant reaction from her lover, the kitsune's soft flesh rippling with each strike while the person to whom that perfectly plump ass was attached moaned and squirmed with arousal in response to the punishment. Neither she nor Asp managed more than a lewd groan with both of their mouths occupied following Tamonten's remarks about the naga's mouth, but Krig's efforts against the lust-maddened shopkeeper's slit briefly halted when the swordswoman withdrew from between Asp's lips and pressed the tip of her equine cock against the kitsune's petals instead. Her initial gasp turned into an extended moan as she slid that massive tool into her lover's flower, her soft folds welcoming every inch of thick hard cock with their usual velvety embrace.

[Ooooohhhhh you're so big!] Krig thought to Tamonten, portions of the feeling of being so wonderfully filled sliding to her over the psychic connection that her lover maintained, only making the shift in angle towards making her lover take the shortest path to orgasm possible that much easier. Still bound quite thoroughly by Drawneli, Krig couldn't even buck back into Tamonten's slow but steady thrusts much as she obviously wanted to, but she was all too happy to receive them right up until the swordswoman pulled out and let Asp suck the kitsune's honey off of her, leaving her with no stimulation save the swordswoman's tail vibrating against her clit. The removal of her cock prompted a needy groan from her lover against Asp's slit, and Krig started squirming ineffectually in the golem's grasp while Asp was all too happy to make the pale warrior's rod disappear between her lips. Trading back and forth between the available orifices several times would let her draw out Krig's rise to her climax while giving her ample opportunity to enjoy all of Asp's skill, but eventually Tamonten would feel her own peak rising after a switch from Krig to Asp's mouth.

Asp didn't bob back and forth this time, remaining hilted while her tongue coiled around every inch of the swordswoman's shaft, stroking her organ while wound around it tightly. It would take physical effort as much as an effort of will to pull out of the naga's mouth when she was like that, the serpent woman's tongue reversed so that the deft tip was gliding encouragingly against the extra sensitive region just beneath the the flared tip, every tiny flick threatening to break through her barrier of willpower and cause her to surrender her sperm to the naga's mouth instead of pumping it into Krig's pussy as she intended. [Give it back!] Krig's voice crooned into her mind in the meantime as she felt the kitsune's orgasm building, [please~ I need your dick! It feels so goooood!]

Her lover would beg and plead into Tamonten's mind, giving any promise the swordswoman might think to demand of her if she were so inclined, and quite easily teased if allowed to feel the tip of the pale warrior's cock against her folds. Asp would offer no complaints despite being forced to wait to get her turn on Tamonten's shaft, though it would be difficult to pull out of her mouth in time to enjoy her lover's climax if she lingered in Asp's mouth for too long, or even to pull out without spurting down the naga's throat instead as the licks lavished upon her frenulum and simultaneous steady jerks tested her willpower. [I'm so close!] Krig mentally moaned as Tamonten felt her lover squirming desperately in Drawneli's grasp, every vibrating burst against her clit making her entire body shudder as she teetered on the edge of her peak, [please.... I wanna cum on your dick!] The kitsune was panting against Asp's sex loud enough that Tamonten's could hear it, and Asp was hanging over her lover's back with her mouth open, her unnaturally long tongue either still coiled around the swordswoman's meat or waving in circles out of her mouth temptingly if Tamonten had managed to pull out.

Should she continue as she'd intended, one push into Krig's pussy would drive the kitsune wild, and her sex would grip Tamonten's shaft for all it was worth as she started wildly pounding into her. [Ooooohhhh goooodddssss yesssss fuck me!] she groaned ecstatically across the psychic link once her cunny was full once more, and as Tamonten started hammering into her in a blind rut towards orgasm her lover howled like a very pleased banshee. It took less than a minute to set Krig off, her eyes rolling up into the back of her head and her folds gripping Tamonten's shaft with all of their velvety might. Krig's peak continued until Tamonten surrendered her seed to the kitsune's thirsty folds, at which point she seemingly chained into an even stronger climax that milked rope after rope of the swordswoman's hot cream into her womb. Asp gave a jealous moan as she watched Krig be filled, her serpentine half writhing in wanton need as she imagined being on the receiving end of what the kitsune was having.

While she offered half of her massive load to Krig's depths, the naga wasn't to go completely without tasting some of Tamonten's cum. She pulled out midway through her climax, a spurt of cum drawing a rope from Krig's thigh up along one of the full mounds of her plump ass, a second painting a line along one of Asp's breasts all the way up to her chin, and a third going over her lips and into her open mouth. She leaned in, taking the flared tip between her lips, and both hands rose to grip Tamonten's pulsating shaft in order to jerk the rest of her load out so that Asp's could roll her tongue in the rising tide of semen. She had to swallow midway through, but even then there was so much coming out that some of the swordswoman's cum drooled out onto her chin, though once the flood became a trickle Asp began to bob in addition to her rapid jerks until there wasn't a drop of seed left for her to suck out. Then she released Tamonten's rod with an audible pop and began to lick the seed from her face with her extraordinarily long tongue, after which she did the same to her own breast and to the splatter that had landed on Krig's butt.

When Tamonten announced that it was her turn, however, the shopkeeper straightened instantly and gripped the side of the counter hard enough that it began to creak audibly, her eyes dropping to Tamonten's cock and her lower body curling inwards so that her slit was on prominent display, her folds drooling with need. The serpent woman's breath came in quick pants, and it was obvious that she expected Tamonten to simply pin her against the barrier and start slamming into her. Even Krig glanced back at Tamonten questioningly, as if expecting the same, and through her lover she got to hear some of the naga's thoughts as she stared hungrily at the swordswoman's rod; [Ohgodsohgodsohgodsohgods... I need that thing inside me... It's so big... I've never had one that big.... And I know she'll cum inside... I should.... Oh fuck it, I just need it in me... Ohgodsohgods... It'll be so deep inside me.] Every thought seemed to be accompanied by images of Tamonten taking the naga and doing just that, along with key imaginings on what each fantasy might feel like.

But, when the swordswoman had Drawneli reposition Krig so that she could pretend for a moment to try and disrobe her only to eventually rip her robe in half, the kitsune was left naked while she could seemingly manage to do nothing but moan in mindless arousal as the swordswoman delivered her threat. For a moment she squirmed, chewing her lip while looking up at Tamonten with eyes full of wanton need, and finally said; "You.... Shouldn't..." She brought Tamonten closer with two feet planted behind her hips until the tip of her cock was resting against the kitsune's petals, and then whispered into Tamonten's ear; "I wanna feel you inside me again!"

Krig wouldn't push for a second round, however, and the swordswoman's commands were obeyed without question as the kitsune sprouted nine inches of fairly normal looking cock and Asp was repositioned over her by Drawneli, the serpent woman giving a surprised gasp at being so easily manhandled but then a moan as she felt Tamonten settle in behind her. Krig moaned herself as Drawneli fulfilled her other instructions regarding the kitsune's holes, her cock giving a jump and a small spurt of cum up into the air, leaving the swordswoman to aim her tip against Asp's slit at her leisure while their point of penetration was right over Krig's face. Not one to be completely left out, Krig leaned upwards to run her tongue over the region just beneath the head of Tamonten's cock, her heavy panting sending bursts of warmth against the pale warrior's sensitive flesh as it was aimed against Asps's folds.

Asp's pussy proved resistant to her penetration initially, her petals just too tight for her flared tip to push past while Krig constantly lapped at her frenulum, but when her insistent pushing finally broke that initial penetration her lover simply held out her tongue to give Tamonten's shaft one long lick that let her lap up much of Asp's spilled honey while the women being penetrated let out a lewd howl that only ended when she made Krig's cock vanish into her mouth. For how hard it had been to get into initially, Asp's folds proved incredibly welcoming once she had started her first push inwards, every last inch of her cock drawn in until she could push forward no more. Fleshy grooves along the naga's inner walls stroked Tamonten's flared tip, sending extra spikes of pleasure running up her shaft as she dove in to the hilt and found no resistance, no cervix for her to slam against baring her from going deeper if she hadn't already pressed in as far as her immense equine shaft could go.

When she had bottomed out, however, Tamonten found that the serpent woman's pussy had been a most insidious trap. As Asp howled in pleasure only to muffle that exultant cry by forcing her mouth onto Krig's cock, her inner walls contracted until they were hugging her as tightly as only Sashien's had previously. Even with how soaked her sex was, the fleshy ridges that had felt so wonderful against the edge of her tip now made it impossible to pull back without feeling every inch of her shaft stroked all at once. The added resistance made it hard to slide back more than a few inches, leaving the swordswoman giving shallow thrusts that nonetheless left the snake woman in apparent ecstasy. The rise to the swordswoman orgasm didn't take long, and when her first significant throb came Asp's folds contracted once more as the woman seemingly came on her cock, it became necessary to call upon her will to prevent the seed from being literally sucked out of her body. One pulsing squeeze jerked her entire rod so hard that Tamonten was forced physically a little bit closer, and the second nearly snapped her self control like a breadstick.

The swordswoman wouldn't even be able to move at that point, and a few more of those pulses finally milked Tamonten's orgasm out of her whether she liked it or not. The first explosion of her sperm into Asp's depths prompted an ever harder internal jerk from the naga's inner walls, the incredible squeeze of her inner walls making the swordswoman's orgasm so intense that white spots appeared in her eyes as every drop of her potent cream was sucked out of her. That fluid was drawn deep inside, globs sucked into numerous ducts leading into the serpent woman's primed egg sacks where her sperm found plenty of opportunities to fulfill their purpose. Even with her urge to be bred sated, however, Asp's climax - and through it Tamonten's - would be drawn out over nearly three minutes before she finally relaxed. That allowed Tamonten to stop cumming herself and pull out so that Krig - who was moaning wildly and about to pump a load into Asp's mouth - to start licking the flared tip clean of what little cum remained on it.

Her deal with the naga would prompt her to giggle just as she began to swallow Krig's first load with no apparent difficulty, and when the swordswoman had recovered her strength and thrust back in the naga and her lover would prove quite happy to join in. It turned into a chain, Krig cumming only for Asp to cum in anticipation in turn, sucking out another load of Tamonten's potent cream until the smaller chambers into which her seed was drawn to do its work were filled to capacity, and every ripe egg claimed, though more were already starting to ripen thanks to the influx of seed. Only then did some of the swordswoman's cum begin to leak out from the naga's folds, dribbling onto Krig's face, and by then she had delivered her fifth load into the woman's sex and was on her way to surrendering the sixth and final one.

Exhaustion began to set in by then, however, and when Tamonten pulled out again and had the naga spun around she and Krig proved content with continuing for another round or two as well. Her sex dropped onto Krig's cock and began to work it so viciously that the kitsune wouldn't last more than a few minutes, the undulating contractions of her snake half working her incredibly tight sex on the spirit wielder's shaft as Tamonten had been unable to. Even with that vigorous ride seemingly driving her lover wild, however, she still raised her head enough to lap away lovingly at the swordswoman's equine shaft. Asp would join in on that after a few seconds as well, Krig spurting twice more into the naga while Asp had one more orgasm herself as they thoroughly cleaned the pale warrior's rod with their tongues.

A few moments later, when it had been fully cleaned, Asp leaned forward and squeezed the swordswoman's shaft between her breasts while kissing her sternum, leaving Krig to continue lapping lovingly against the underside of her pale lover's shaft while Asp pumped her breasts back and forth across it while cradling the warrior's tool between her massive bosom. Those heavenly pillows and her kitsune lover's tongue were a new source of pleasure all their own, not quite equivalent to either partner's sex but a special allure in its own right given the one sided nature. If she didn't draw away to stop them, the pair would draw one last orgasm out of her, one that splattered across their torsos as they worked themselves into one last mutual orgasm. By that point, however, Krig was looking as exhausted as Tamonten felt, and even Asp was looking both tired and sated. She slid off of Krig's rod slowly once their last mutual orgasm ended, letting a small flood of seed ooze out of the naga's well used pussy, but the kitsune continued to give haggard moans until the swordswoman called off Drawneli and ordered the golem to withdraw the tendrils from her lover's holes.

Final count is 27 nagas from Tamonten, and 26 kitsune from Krig.
Last edited:
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The kitsune's mental plea sent a shiver of pleasure up Tamonten's spine every bit as tactile as the ones spawned by the naga's efforts. She gave a low, pleasured groan, one the courtesy of Krig's voice in her head rather than Asp's lips wrapped around her equine cock, and gently dragged the tips of her blackened fingers down her lover's back. The roaming digits would eventually find their way to the spirit wielder's presented ass, settling in just firmly enough to create little temporary dimples in the kitsune's soft flesh. Tamonten's eyes were entirely for her lover's back as her fingers made their brief journey, simply because the feel of Krig never brought her any less mental glee and she was growing to be a connoisseur of the visual and audio rewards she received from such acts against the other woman's body.

At the same time, she would gently caress the naga's cheek with her pale hand, but what she felt for Krig and what she felt for Asp were two widely different things. Her feelings for the foxgirl could be most neatly described as a bundle of love and lust and a million other little other emotions that accompanied the two which quite frequently burst into roaring flames and left the couple dazed and covered in each others cum multiple times a day. With the snake-like woman it was just lust. Oh, yes, Asp was certainly sexy, and her size and serpentine tail only made her all the more appealing to the pale girl and her skills were bringing Tamonten no small amount of pleasure, but the swordswoman had only just met her and she could hardly call the woman more than an acquaintance. So, really, it was just all raw animal lust and desire which, while very fun to pursue and indulge in, didn't have the staying power that existed in her passion for the kitsune.

That's why it wasn't difficult at all to pull herself away from the serpent's grasp, no matter how the other woman's mouth begged her without words to stay. Tamonten pulled her tail away from Kringlicsly's sex, grabbed two handfuls of the kitsune's thick ass, and settled in with her tip pressed against the other woman's petals. Of course, Krig wouldn't get off that easily even if she had earned the pale warrior's undivided attention, Tamonten had come to savor the sound of her lover's voice when she was lost in a pleasured haze and wanted nothing more than to cum, and she intended on having another dose of it before she gave in and sated their shared lust.

I'm happy to do this even when you don't ask so nicely.... Her struggle against the impulse to simply thrust in and slam into the kitsune had Tamonten's heart racing so fast that even her mental voice was panting with need. She wouldn't give in though, the desire to hear her lover's lustful voice still barely outweighed the desire to feel herself buried in the spirit wielder. I'll wait until later to have you beg me for this. With that thought it was the swordswoman's turn to lovingly craft a mental image for her kitsune lover.

Namely, her fantasy was one of the spirit wielder naked and left bound into a kneel-sitting on the bed that Xeon had provided them, her wrists bound firmly behind her back such that her breasts were pressed out in an appealing display, a ring gag in her mouth, and with every bit of her upper body covered in cum and her lower half, which was sporting both sexes, left unused and untouched except for a vibrator and a cock ring which Drawneli was masterfully using to keep the foxgirl on the very edge of orgasm. To put the cherry on top of her own fantasy, the pale girl played through enough of it in her head to see herself finishing in her lover's mouth, stumbling away to pick up some ink and a brush, and then returning so she could paint 'Don't Touch' on one of Krig's breasts and 'Property of Tamonten' on the other before adding 'Punishment in progress' on her upper chest and, as an afterthought, writing a few lines on her stomach giving permission to masturbate to the sight of her and that Drawneli could be asked for assistance, right before exiting the room, leaving the door wide open behind her in the process, in order to take another bath and amuse herself as she left Krig on display.

Well before the end of her fantasy, the pale girl's hips had begun to shift in little circles which caused the tip of her cock to rub teasingly against Krig's petals. For now, I think I'll just have you apologize. To her. I'd say for taking her new favorite toy away from her but fucking you senseless is a lot more fun than a blowjob and I was going to do it anyway. So just apologize because there's no way you're going to be able to multitask well enough to get her off while I'm busy with you. Tamonten made no effort beyond that to coach Krig in her apology, even a simple 'sorry' would do, and if Kringlicsly became too wordy and her apology stretched out for more than a sentence she would find herself cut off at the start of her second. Either way, the mindlessly aroused pale girl would quickly reward her lover in any effort by pressing her cock into the foxgirl up to the hilt in a single thrust, and she threw her own head back as her tip met Krig's cervix and let out an orgasmic groan as she acclimated to the sensations again.

"I'm training you to be such thoughtful little pet~" Tamonten would pant as she settled down enough to return her gaze to Krig's back. Those would be her only rational words for several minutes as she quickly began the work of building up to a pace that made it seem like she had a vendetta against Krig's meaty ass and the counter the foxgirl was bound to. The latter of the two creaked and groaned ominously as the fastenings holding it to the ground seemed to threaten to break and send the entire installation toppling over. But the swordswoman didn't care a bit for whether or not the furniture survived the ordeal, the only way she would even slow down a little bit was if the foxgirl's discomfort became stronger than the pleasure of their pairing. Otherwise, the pale girl held nothing back in their most recent rutting as she pounded away with all the strength and ferocity that she could muster. Kringlicsly's inability to push back only allowed Tamonten to fall deeper into her own primal rhythm, pulling out to the halfway point before driving herself back at a pace so quick that it would've been impossible to maintain if her lover hadn't been tied securely to something sturdy.

Her pace didn't slow a bit as Krig hit her peak, even though the pale girl's cock was throbbing and she was well ready to give up her payload. Driven on by animal lust she forced herself to keep going. In her rut, Tamonten didn't possess the presence of mind to remember that she could seal off her orgasm using her spirit, so she did it the old fashioned way with sheer willpower and muscle control as the foxgirl's inner walls did their absolute best to break through both. By the end of the first minute she was wincing as her body seemed to groan in protest of its still denied pleasure. By the next her legs had begun to cramp so badly that keeping her pace became more difficult with each passing second. By the third minute the coupling was almost more pain than pleasure for her but even then she didn't give into her body's demands until the fourth minute. For all her effort at denying her own pleasure, her body would still reward her surrender well as all her muscles cramped in a much more enjoyable way and she could do nothing but tilt her head back and give an animalistic roar of pleasure as the stimulation of her orgasm poured through her.

The first and second shots of her load would fill Krig's womb completely, the third would fill what few crevices existed between the kitsune's walls and the warrior's cock, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth would displace Tamonten's seed and cause it to spurt out from between their joined flesh, making a mess of everything in its path. The pale girl would only pull out and offer her cock to Asp only once she was confident that her lover's womb was full of her cum, though the snake-like woman would have little cause to be jealous as she received every bit as much as the kitsune had, albeit across her face and in her mouth.

But beyond proving much more energetic in fucking Krig's brains out, the rest of the pale girl's plans and actions didn't change much for how the two had reacted. The kitsune's robes were still ripped and tossed aside. The kitsune's ensuing comment and effort to pull Tamonten back in toward her earned a grin and a ferocious kiss from the pale girl, along with a implied promise after she broke that brief joining of their lips. "There's so much more where that came from." For a brief moment she considered immediately making good on her words, but despite the seemingly magnetic attraction her crotch seemed to hold with Krig's she avoided that urge. She'd made a promise to Asp as well and, while at that moment actually fulfilling it held less interest than pushing herself back into Kringlicsly, a promise was a promise.

And it wasn't like she couldn't have fun with that, she decided as, after stealing one more kiss and taking a step back from Krig, she acted on Asp's earlier transmitted thoughts in order to shoot the snake woman a knowing grin. When she'd fully caught the serpentine woman's attention again she motioned with her head down at the equine cock she'd sprouted and, deliberately slowly and in full view of the shopkeeper, stirred it into growing two more inches. With a slow lick of her lips aimed at Asp, the swordswoman would immediately order Drawneli to reposition her and proved just a little bit more hasty to take her position behind the naga than she would've been if she hadn't heard her thoughts. Yes, she decided as she allowed Kringlicsly to lube her cock and pressed the tip of it against Asp's sex, she could certainly have some fun with her latest partner.

Even with her enhanced eagerness, she didn't try to force her way into the serpentine woman's slit, content enough to make her progress in millimeters rather than inches and indulge in the sensation of Kringlicsly lapping at the underside of her cock all the way. The trouble that she was having slipping into the naga made her briefly contemplate shrinking her conjured manhood down, though she quickly decided against it. Tamonten wouldn't want to disappoint Asp's fantasies, after all. And besides, even up to the halfway point she was still confident. I've half a mind to punish her for being so sure that I'm going to cum inside her, she mused once she finally made some headway and began to sink the full length of her equine rod into the other woman.

The unique sensations of the serpent's inner walls quickly clued her into just how impossible that was going to be, though she didn't give up immediately. The tightness and the way the naga's depths milked her would ultimately cause her to fail, a mere few minutes of thrusting with what little force she could muster had her on the edge, and as she attempted to pull out she instead found herself physically sucked in with enough to force an orgasm that filled Asp up with more seed than she'd split between the shopkeeper and Krig during her first orgasm. The intense sensations inspired by the naga's pussy as Asp milked Tamonten almost dry over the course of minutes, while pleasurable enough that for the last minute she was sure she'd pass out, did nothing to alleviate the latter's frustration over her body's early surrender, and she still issued her promise to Asp before setting herself back to the task of filling the naga to the brim and beyond. I was looking forward to pulling out and finishing on you, she mentally grumbled to the foxgirl as she settled in for the second round. After that she wouldn't even bother to pull out between rounds, determined that even if she couldn't outdo her partner's stamina in that way then she could beat Asp in quantity and see Krig fucked senseless at the same time.

Tamonten would only prove fully finished with Asp once cum was literally leaking from the snake-woman and her own legs felt like they might melt away from under her and leave her comatose on the floor, and that was when she grudgingly gave up in her efforts and signaled that it was Kringlicsly's turn with the naga's tight folds. Yet, even with everything that had transpired, the pale girl still found herself jealous as Asp was turned and allowed to work herself against Krig's cock. It was manageable this time. She had literally ordered it, after all, and she had the control to end it if it began to bother her too much. That the target of her affection and Asp both quickly set to licking her cock clean of the sheen of fluids it had gained helped too. Finally, in this latest case her jealousy was born of greed for her lover rather than fear of losing the other woman to someone else. As long as it was Krig, Tamonten would always prefer to be the one riding her cock or sucking on it and doubly preferred it to be herself that was filled with her lover's warm cream.

The swordswoman wouldn't act on her innate desire to cut Asp's turn short early and take her own ride on the foxgirl's shaft, she'd just have to work it out constructively later. Instead she allowed the two to clean her and to eventually work a last orgasm out of her, crooning happily as the sensation of Asp's pillow-y breasts joined the myriad of sensations at play on her crotch. She would close her eyes and ride out the much more gentle stimulation with an absentminded smile before finally letting herself go, splattering the two women with a generous helping of her cum. The pale girl would ride out that small orgasm before pulling away from the duo with a satisfied sigh and simply lean against an unoccupied portion of the counter to bask in her afterglow and recover for a few moments.

Once she had, however, and Asp had slithered off of her lover, she would turn her attention to the automaton and quickly return to the matter of business. She'd very much enjoyed their little aside, but there was still a lot to be done that day and in the coming days before she could return to the faerie sanctuary and embark on other responsibilities.

"That's enough for her," she remarked of Krig. "Let her rest while we finish up our other business. She's got a long trip ahead of her, and I have plans~" Tamonten would grin at the kitsune before pacing around the corner in order to put herself in front of her lover's groin. With that same grin she would stoop low, stopping only to brush her hair away from her eyes, and give the foxgirl's wet shaft a prolonged lick from base to tip. "Mm," she remarked from the top of it. "Don't you dare dismiss this or I'll have you begging me to let you cum right up until we get back to the faeries," she ordered in a low purr.

With that, she would straighten up and then help the foxgirl to get into a slightly more comfortable position on the counter, one where at least her limbs weren't hanging off of the edges, and then turn her attention back on Asp, continuing the transaction as if nothing had ever happened and there wasn't a naked puddle of foxgirl adorning the snake woman's counter and as if the pale girl herself wasn't naked from the waist down with a rapidly flagging horse cock. "So, uh, right! As we were saying! Before all of, um, this. I'm looking to sell these," she began pulling the vials of faerie and demon blood from her bags along with several pieces of enchanted equipment and her mundane hunting knife and setting them all on the counter to the side of her lover, assuming she hadn't managed to return to her feet yet. "I'm willing to do a bit of trading too, especially since there's so much of it. I'd love to see any sorts of weapons you have and I'm sure Drawneli can find anything you can remember having in the boxes. I've just come into the market for a leash, a collar, and some... special clothing too, if you happen to have that sort of thing. And... actually, Drawneli, would you help Krig off to a more comfortable corner of the store? There's something I need to speak to our gracious host about in relative private...."

Despite the fact that Tamonten's erection was beginning to come back by then, there really wasn't anything lewd behind her request. It was actually quite the opposite. The entire reason that the blood had begun to trickle back into her groin before it had even gotten the chance to accomplish anything useful in her brain was largely because she was already imagining what she might have Krig wear. That and there was a niggling line of thought worming its way through her head that, laying on the counter as she was, her lover's head was at the perfect height to handle the pale girl's returning erection and, obviously, it was Krig's responsibility to handle it because she'd urged them into the situation after all. There was even a bit of consideration as to having her handle it even while she took care of business. All things considered, it was probably best that the spirit wielder be carried off to a comfortable corner before Tamonten gave into her urges and spent another hour hilt-deep in the kitsune, at least for the time being.

The second reason was that she truly did have a few things to discuss with Asp that she wanted to keep relatively secret from her lover. She had difficulty meeting the shopkeeper's eyes as she brought the first matter up. Her pale hand reached for the back of her head to awkwardly scratch at no itch in particular as she gazed intently at the most interesting smudge on the counter, one which her own actions not long before had probably left, and her face slowly began to glow as red as a beacon. Her voice was low as she added the last item that she was looking to barter for. "I'm also in the market for, um, a ring. I think. A really pretty one with a, uh... gem, and maybe some protective enchantments too? Just... thinking about it should you happen to have that sort of thing, you know?"

Elvish Bow = 60 denarii.
Breastplate = 53 denarii.
Faerie and Demon Blood = 62 denarii each for 372.
Hunting knife = 7 denarii.
Leather Armor = 43 denarii

534 denarii total.

I can totes just come up with the ring stats and clothes once it's clear what sort of stuff would be available. Dunno if you had any plans for the sort of wares that Asp might offer though so not making any pushes just yet.

Also Tamo is going to offer a straight 100 denarii as initial responsibility for any kids Asp pops out (Tamo is clearly naive in this because tittysnake's apparently going to pop out a hundred goddamn kids) and inform Asp that she can visit the nearby faerie sanctuary if she needs anymore help with whatever comes of this. I tried to shoehorn it into this post just so it was handled before I looked at Oormipoasting again but it felt really weird segue-ing from ring shopping into that without seeing the Aspreactions.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Her mental promise to "punish" her lover only made Krig squirm to try and impale herself on the cock that was teasingly rubbing against her folds all the harder, but still to no avail. She could only manage a wordless moan, at least at first, but eventually she would give an enthusiastic "I'm sorry!" to a somewhat confused Asp's crotch before Tamonten's rapid hammering thrusts left her without the ability to do anything other than howl passionately and shudder in the throes of intense pleasure. Her pussy practically sucked on the swordswoman's rod every time she pulled back, and with every rough slam into the kitsune's soaking pussy her plump ass jiggled and let out a wet smack. When Asp's turn on Tamonten's cock came, the sight of it growing an extra couple inches only made her moan aloud, her tail coiling as if she intended to lunge onto the swordswoman and ride her until every single drop of cum she could muster had been drained out of her.

Come the end of their encounter Krig was quite obviously out of it once again, even after Drawneli relented and slid her tentacles out of the foxgirl's holes, but Asp at least seemed able to get her head back together even though her eyes shifted to one of the two cocks that were still in plain view. The naga's gaze only widened as Tamonten slipped in front of Krig and gave her cock a teasing lick, the thick organ still hard and throbbing as her tongue drew up its underside. It gave several powerful pulses as she ascended, and just as her tongue neared its head it simply erupted, a spurt of cum shooting feebly up and landing on her tongue before the rest - unless Tamonten moved to claim the tip quickly to swallow it all down - the next five spurts would rise high enough to end up painting her face instead. Krig would groan throughout her sudden eruption, and then her voice would taper off into a soft mewl as her cock continued to throb. Another lick, delivered at least a few seconds later, would make her spurt all over again, and if Tamonten wished she could easily chain her lover through a series of small orgasms with only her hands and mouth.

Asp would watch throughout, regardless of her long she'd done it, and when Tamonten next looked at her the naga's fingers would be pumping steadily into her own sex. She would withdraw them with a sheepish look, but evidently wasn't embarrassed enough about being seen masturbating to the lewd display to stop her from sticking her cum covered digits into her own mouth and sucking them until they were glistening only with her own saliva. "Uhhhh.... Oh, right! Yeah, lets see what you've got!" Asp said, returning to business with just as much apparent willingness to ignore their surroundings and what had just happened. That wouldn't stop her eyes from glancing down at the swordswoman's equine cock regularly, however, and Krig's eyes would never leave it. About midway through her order to Drawneli the freed foxgirl leaned from on the counter and planted a kiss on the side of her shaft, lingering there as her tongue rolled over the meaty rod. If allowed, her mouth would slide down to the tip and slide over it, barely able to get over the flared head but drawing on it succulently and licking every portion of the head that she could reach once she did.

"Definitely!" Asp said while watching Krig at work, her flush returning and her hand drifting back to her sex, the mixture of pheromones in the air making it difficult to dispel the air of lust in the room. "You want the leash and collar normal, or enchanted? And I can show you an inventory on the clothes stuff... I don't have too many options right now, but I'm sure I can do you... I mean get you something that will work for you!" She grinned at the mention of weapons, "like to see my weapons she says.... That's probably at least a quarter of my inventory!"

By that point Drawneli had dragged Krig off to the corner, leaving Tamonten's shaft untouched once more, and the shopkeeper seemingly became a bit more bold as she looked over the swordswoman's wares in detail. Her hand drifted over and grasped her cock, stroking it slowly from base to tip and making sure to hit each of her sensitive spots along the way. The topic that the swordswoman brought up next made her strokes slow down significantly, however, and the naga blushed somewhat and glanced towards the addled pile of Krig that Drawneli was keeping in the corner next to the door. "Uhhhh.... Yeah," she said in an equally low tone, and if Tamonten wasn't responding fairly enthusiastically to her strokes by then they would end entirely, the naga's fingers linger in a soft grip just beneath her tip for another few seconds before she released her cock entirely. "Any gemstone in particular you'd like? I know diamonds are popular, but I personally don't like them... Too plain! I've got all manner... Just name a color if you don't know the stones that well."

Random magic item gen time! Tamo gets a discount because dix.

Appolyon's Aegis - 240 denarii, grants +5 to melee attack/damage rolls, +10 Dodge, and immunity to Fire/Heat damage, basically the fiery mantle plus 2 demon blood enchantments. A flowing orange cape that seems to glow like embers when it moves, slightly distorting the wearer's outline and making them more difficult to predict.
The Black Blades Three - 80 denarii, three black bladed daggers with the same symbol engrave on the guard, two lines parallel with the hilt/blade and a third crossing them diagonally. One is a straight dagger sharpened on both sides, one is a curved blade with a jagged back edge, and the last is a thickened blade with one edge sharpened. Each gets +2 to attack/damage, is balanced for throwing despite their shapes and has the ranged profile of a throwing knife with the same enchantment, and so long as the character has one of them on their person the others automatically teleport back into their sheaths after striking a target.
Frostblade - 120 denarii, an orcish pattern steel longsword that emanates a constant stream of soft mist and is icy cold to the touch. Gives +2 to attack/damage and deals 2d8 ice damage, and the user gets an additional +5 bonus to Dodge when using Full Defense while it's equipped.
Mutilator - 160 denarii, a cursed faeriegold halberd with a blade with three fang shaped protrusions on the blade. Grants +2 to attack/damage, has the bonus vs shields polearm head improvement, the debilitating tip improvement, causes those hit to take 2d6 bleed damage per round so long as they take at least 10 damage, and those hit by it must make a DC 36 Resistance check or gain an instance of Weakened.

You can also make up your own stuff that you want, just okay the mechanics with me first and I'll make up a price.

For potential wedding rings!
The Band of Ends - The user bonds this item to another ring, and may use Shortened Life Expectancy to exchange damage with that user at will at no EP cost. May never have any other spells or powers on it, but can be otherwise enchanted normally. Once bonded may only bond to another ring when the wearer of the bonded ring dies or hasn't worn it for over a year. Otherwise a standard silver ring with an opal in it. 40 denarii.
Rose's Kiss - Gives +6 Dodge. A gold ring with a scratched out engraving inside of it and a pair of rubies set in it, one cracked and the other whole. 100 denarii.
Blue God's Eye - Gives +4 Dodge and +3 AV, also a 10 point EP pool. A white gold ring with a sapphire set into it and runes intricately worked in with turquoise dust in an unknown language. 110 denarii.
Last edited:
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten's surprise at Krig's sudden eruption was, luckily for her, just short-lived enough that she managed to close her eye before a strand ended up landing across it. A blush and a grin spread across her face at equal pace as the rest of the small load painted her face. So warm and sticky. Not the most fun to clean up, at least in the traditional way, but such a wonderful feeling nonetheless. The pale girl wore the mess like a badge of pride, a sort of personal proof of being able to bring her lover pleasure, or at least she did for a few seconds before beginning to scoop it up with her finger and suck each strand down.

"Mm, we've come so far and you still have this much left? That's hardly fair at all, is it? Let's take care of that...." Tamonten brushed her hair away from her face with her blackened hand and then wrapped her fingers around the base of her lover's rod. She moved her head to close her mouth around the head of the shapeshifted dick and half lapped at the underside of Krig's tip and half waited for the load she knew her actions would earn, and in tandem with that her pale fingers penetrated Krig's folds and pressed into her g-spot after a brief search. For her finishing move, Tamonten simply activated her magical ring to cause her tongue, blackened hand, and pale fingers to vibrate, and then simply persisted in her efforts as she used her lover's many minor releases to build up a sizable amount of the fox's cream in her mouth.

When she had, she milked one final spurt from the kitsune, just enough so that she was unable to hold it all and as she withdrew from Krig's folds and her tip with an audible pop some of it dribbled from her mouth. Raising to full height, she raised her blackened and and crooked her finger in a 'come hither' motion aimed at Asp, which would turn out to be a trap intended to get the shopkeeper close enough so that Tamonten could press into a kiss with the snake-woman lasting several minutes so that she could fully share the result of her work. At the same time, her dirtied pale fingers blindly groped around for Krig's mouth, pressing in when she'd found the foxgirl's lips and allowing her to suck them clean of the dregs of the pale girl's cum and her own juices. And when the lewd display was at an end, Tamonten pulled away and contentedly swallowed all that she'd managed to keep of her lover's seed, and then would utter the words about Krig's punishment if she dared to dismiss her cock.

Krig's eagerness to return the favor later would earn another little aside as her efforts quickly coaxed the blood from the swordswoman's brain right back down to her cock. As Drawneli approached to make good on her order and take Kringlicsly away, Tamonten's will would crumble entirely. She didn't say a word at first, instead only holding up a pale finger to halt the automaton. After a few moments she gave a low groan at Krig's efforts to take the distended head of her horse-like cock into her mouth and panted, "changed my mind. Go, mm, ahead and get Asp's merchandise out for her first. Krig will be okay here for another minute or so...."

By the end of her changed orders for the golem, the pale girl's hands were gripping the edge of the countertop as hard as Asp's had been before her arousal had been somewhat sated. But the counter would earn a well-earned break as Tamonten's attention returned to the snake-like woman and, yet again, she would attempt to draw Asp back within range of her hands and mouth. This time if the beckoning of her finger was enough to convince the shopkeeper to lean over the counter for a second time, the pale girl would seal a lip around one of her nipples and take a handful of her other breast, using the opportunity to correct her earlier mistake of not taking nearly enough advantage of the massive orbs. Her latest resurgence of lust wouldn't last for long, however, and it would end with a series of warning throbs culminating into a deep moan muffled by the shopkeeper's breast before Krig received several blasts of the pale warrior's seed.

Once she'd been fully emptied of her latest reserves, after a few moments spent panting and indulging in her afterglow and the naga's pillow-y breasts she would straighten up and it would be back to business for a second time, and, as soon as Drawneli was available or if she was already back before Tamonten had finished, she would turn her attention back to the automaton. "I think I'm going to need two of you. One to take care of Krig and one to help handle inventory," she would order of the golem. Once Drawneli had split herself up and Krig was ushered off to her corner, Tamonten intended to continue onto the awkward matter of a ring.

She wouldn't quite make it as yet another lewd distraction arrived, this time in the form of Asp's hand. Tamonten had no more innate resistance to the sensations provided by the woman's hands than she'd had to the feeling of being sucked on by Krig's mouth, but by then fatigue was rearing its ugly head. So while she normally might have lunged on the opportunity, and in truth if she didn't have other responsibilities that day she probably would've compromised and worked out some way to have another round where she just didn't need to move very much and she could just be carried back to Xeon's mansion, the pale girl would instead politely turn the opportunity down.

"You two are so enthusiastic that I can't seem to keep up," she sighed happily as her shaft, already hard again from the stimulation, throbbed and bounced in the naga's grasp. "A shame we didn't meet a few days ago," her tone turned to lament. "Normally I'm a lot more energetic, I promise, but today my knees are turning to jelly after just a few rounds. As much as it pains me to say it, you're going to have let me recover for a little while if you want a really memorable goodbye," she winked at the naga. Afterward she would begin to slowly extricate herself from Asp's grasp, and if the shopkeeper relented she would go so far as to shift her cock away for the time being both so that she could try out some clothes momentarily and to avoid any additional plots against her by way of her dick.

Afterward she would go into the matter of the ring, a little more awkwardly than if she hadn't just been molested by the person she was trying to buy it from but she'd do so nonetheless. Her embarrassment would hit a peak as they discussed the matter of stones. "Diamonds are just the shiny, clear ones, right? That's nowhere near good enough. It has to be at least as beautiful as her eyes..." she rather shyly suggested. "Just, um, surprise me, I guess." When the merchandise was presented, she ended up choosing to take both the Band of Ends and the Blue God's Eye, reasoning that she might as well take them both and debate on her choice for a while before narrowing it down and that the Rose's Kiss, while very pretty, felt almost like a bad omen as a ring to give to her lover considering that one of the two stones was cracked.

She settled into sorting through the other goods much more confidently. "Oh, I can't not take this. This is too amazing," she remarked of the enchanted cape and its display of embers as she moved it about in handling. "I wish I could shrink these wings away, I'm not sure how I'll wear it over them, but I'll figure out something to do with it. Even if I can't manage it I'm sure Krig will look," she caught herself just before saying hot, "great wearing it." The next object of her attention was a small collection of blades that Drawneli had sniffed out for her. She played around with a two-handed sword made out of darksteel, an anudorian scimitar, a basket-hilted nobleman's sword, and even one of the curving blades of her father's homeland, one as long as her own greatsword, which was enchanted to control the wind and spawn gusts and walls of impassable air with its cuts.

Truth be told, Tamonten would've bought them all if her budget had permitted, but it didn't so she settled on the simple orcish patterned steel longsword as the last of her major purchases. The pale warrior wasn't even sure she would ever use it, but collecting weapons was something of a tradition in her family in so far as her father also had his own sword collection and she'd never known any of her grandparents. That was as good an excuse as any for her to buy it and hang it on some wall somewhere, assuming she ever had a wall of her own anyway.

"Let's see some of your other inventory. An unenchanted collar and leash should be fine, it's just the principle of the thing. And I'll need some clothes for both of us, I need to repay her for a little show she put on earlier for me," the pale woman grinned. "Maybe we can just make up the difference entirely and there'll be no need to trade any coin at all."

Taking Band of Ends (40), Blue God's Eye, (110), Frostblade (120), and Apollyon's Aegis (240) for a total of 510 gold. This means that Asp currently owes Tamo 24 denarii. Tamo's probably about to buy that much in clothes, lingerie, leashes, collars, and dildos though so yeah.

Decided not to push into clothestuff or responsibilitystuff immediately just to try to reduce the longreactionpost pressure.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Krig, it seemed would be incredibly easy to milk for cum, easily surrendering spurt after spurt of her hot cream as Tamonten bombarded her overloaded body with stimulation. Once her mouth was filled to capacity and then some, her beckoning gesture to Asp earned only a second of hesitation before she slithered over, having watched everything, and when pressed into a kiss to share the fox-girl's bounty she didn't seem terribly surprised. What she was was enthusiastic, her tongue tying Tamonten's in knots as they played together in a pool of fresh semen, a line of which stretched between their mouths when they finally came apart. Asp swallowed all of what she'd been so generously gifted, and then gathered up the spilled excess that had ended up around her mouth with a quick swish of her tongue. By then Krig had thoroughly cleaned her fingers, leaving Tamonten able to continue as she'd planned earlier.

Of course, not everything would go as planned. When Krig started kissing and licking her cock, her crumbling will would allow the kitsune full access to her thick equine shaft. Drawneli would do as she'd been bid, retrieving the naga shopkeeper's goods while Krig maoned around her shaft and Asp herself slithered into place to have her heavy bosom groped and sucked on. Her lover didn't seem able to get more than half of it into her mouth at once, but Asp would moan eagerly lean into the homage paid to her massive bosom, her nipples proving highly sensitive to touch. Even Krig's simplistic attention wouldn't take long to make the exhausted swordswoman give up one last load of cum, however, and as small as her latest orgasm was Krig could and would swallow it to the last drop, even gripping Tamonten's cock to keep her from pulling away until the last dregs had been extracted from it.

Then it was on to business, and the eventual dismissal of her rod which Asp wouldn't complain about following a somewhat awkward exchange. "Ehhh, it's quite alright," Asp said in response to her apology regarding her loss of stamina, making no further complaint about it. She grinned at the suggestive end of her statement, however, and said; "Well, if it'll let me have a turn on top.... I suppose I can be patient~"

Once her question about diamonds was confirmed and the matter of exchanges confirmed, Asp would simply agree while letting Tamonten pick out an outfit appropriate for her intentions and all of her other accessories. "You like it? I got it off of a weirdo who tried to attack me on the road here. He ended up exhausting himself with magic and passing out, but he kept begging me not to rape him... It was very strange. Still, I did as he asked I guess, though I imagine waking up in his underwear alone out on the road probably wasn't his idea of a good adventure!" she said when Tamonten admired the magical cape, though she would eye her wings curiously for a moment before adding; "I guess you could keep it between them maybe? I thought you were a full demon, to be honest, but I suppose you'll be able to figure out something eventually!"

She was just as happy showing off her nonmagical gear as her magical weapons, displaying a plentiful collection of collars in both the practical and lewd variety. There were numerous leashes to match as well, and though her collection of lingerie was more limited than she might have found in a dedicated shop she had a few options, including a few pieces that were apparently enchanted. "Ehhh, we'll see what you get. If we can make the trade close to even I'd be amicable to that exchange~"

(Not going into super detail about the fluff stuff unless you can't think of anything cool and want me to give examples to help kickstart the thought processes.)
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"What a strange person. Although I think I can see the appeal," she would absentmindedly remark with a wink at Asp's odd tale. More seriously she couldn't help but wonder what sort of weirdo went out in the hopes of random people raping them? Were people really traveling the dangerous roads around Artmirst with such a strange thrill in mind? What an unusual time to live in.

"No," she later replied more forcefully, complete with an involuntary twitch of her eye as Asp unintentionally hit a nerve by mistaking her as a demon. Fortunately, she was so exhausted by everything that had transpired in the shop already that she couldn't have stayed riled even if she'd wanted to, and quickly regained her calm as she continued. "No, not a demon at all. My parents are both one-hundred percent human. They're farmers far to the east, even. This is all just," she paused, absentmindedly rubbing her blackened shoulder, "well, I won't say anything bad about it because I got to meet a lot of really interesting people, present company included, and the woman I love, but I'm definitely not a demon," she emphatically assured Asp with a tone that warned of despising even being likened to one.

Later on she would respond to Asp's reply regarding price with nothing more than a nod and a grin. Searching through the shopkeeper's clothes for a suitable outfit for Krig would prove quite enjoyable. Within minutes she had a simple, unenchanted set consisting of a black leather leash and collar picked out and found herself musing over the fact that she'd never been allowed a pet when she was growing up. What an enjoyable method of making up for lost time the day would be.

Her search through the clothing proved more methodical. She was looking for something very specific in the outfit she'd force Krig to wear that day. Tamonten didn't want something that would totally expose her lover, but she wanted something that could, both for her own convenience when she inevitably decided to slip the outfit out of the way and relieve the stress of seeing the kitsune in it and so that the foxgirl would have to think and move carefully with each and every step lest she accidentally bare everything to the world. The pale girl bit her lip as she mentally applauded her own line of logic; yes, if Kringlicsly was that aroused at the idea of having her clothes ripped off and being paraded around, what better way to play with that than to put her in something that left the possibility of being exposed constantly in her mind?

The swordswoman picked out several outfits for trade which she thought might fit both Kringlicsly and her plans for the foxgirl, but the one she settled on for that day was a little black dress not entirely dissimilar in design to the one that Niserie had picked out for her, if the dress the maid had picked out for her had been made during a fabric shortage. Much like her own more formal dress, the top was held on by a loop that tied behind the wearer's neck which exposed their back in the process, but unlike it, it had a neckline in front that plunged nearly entirely past the wearer's chest and left an unavoidable risk of a breast spilling out into the open air given any wrong shift. And of what rationed supplies the dressmaker had used, most of it was an almost transparent mesh. Of the cloth that made up the top of the dress, there was only enough regular black fabric to just barely cover the wearer's ribs and the parts of their chest that weren't exposed to the open air. The bottom wasn't so fancily designed, and instead most of its revealing nature came in the fact that the skirt would cover no more than a few inches of thigh on an average-sized wearer. It didn't technically have a designated tail hole for the kitsune to make use of, but the back was exposed so low that it wouldn't need one.

After a few moments spent inspecting it, the pale girl would hand that dress over to Drawneli with a grin, and then as an afterthought hand over a pair of modest, half-inch heeled, black shoes, and give an unspoken order to help Krig get dressed. Afterward she would set the other outfits she had picked out, all unenchanted, with her growing pile of stuff, and then turn her attention on obtaining her own set of clothes.

That effort would turn out... well, frankly, to be a source of minor despair for the pale swordswoman. As it turned out, buying second-hand clothes from somebody who didn't specialize in the design of those clothes meant getting a lot of choices that didn't fit her and shopping for racier options only exacerbated that problem. She might've been able to ignore it if it had just been a case of her wings getting in the way, though it was rare as it turned out that in a fledgling city of demons most of Asp's inventory was designed with wings in mind, or if it had been a case of things being too snug, though Tamonten was on the slender side and able to comfortably fit into all but the most corseted of designs, but the most prevalent problem was one she simply couldn't ignore, specifically that perhaps three-quarters of her favorite designs were far too loose in the chest.

And so while she had started out willing to give Asp a little bit of a show as she stripped down and tried on a few of the articles, after the third dress in which she could've comfortably smuggled most of the contents of an apple cart between the fabric and her chest she mostly just alternated between staring at the shopkeeper as if daring her to say anything about the situation and enviously glaring at her watermelon-sized tits. Before she was spurred into launching some sort of assault against the damnable, unnaturally perky bags of fat on Asp's chest, however, she found an option that felt perfect.

It looked almost like a cheongsam in design, which seemed all the more fitting given her ancestry, but if it was a cheongsam then it was with a decidedly Acheronian spin. It was probably technically a tabard that happened to be lengthy enough to hang to the wearer's ankles rather than a traditional dress and adorned with a series of ties to be fastened along the wearer's sides once it was in place. In color and design it was an emerald green brocade with raised gold borders and a design that ran from neck to ankle consisting of whirling branches covered in sprouting flowers in that same raised gold. The pale girl matched it with a set of lacy black lingerie she found consisting of a bra, panties, and even a garterbelt and stockings and a pair of heeled shoes similar to Krig's, and when she had it all together she changed into it without delay, only needing to ask for Drawneli's help twice, once in tying the numerous side-ties on the dress and once due to the pale girl's complete inexperience in wearing stockings or a garterbelt.

The end result a the entirety of her sides exposed from her shoulders to her feet, even more so with how the back of the dress had to be sandwiched between her wings, and even with her choice of underwear, hints of which would prove visible at first glance to anyone passing her, she would need to be careful to avoid exposing more than she wanted to. It seemed only fair though, she figured, she shouldn't be willing to put Krig through a scenario more intense than she was willing to go through.

She would pick out a few extra pieces of non-magical clothing that seemed like they'd fit her, and when it was all said and done she allowed Asp to pick through the pile of stuff that she'd picked out to trade for and the stuff that she'd offered for trade to ensure that it met with the naga's approval. "Seem like a fair enough trade?" The pale girl smiled as she asked, but if Asp seemed amiable to the proposed trade then her smile would turn into a almost serpentine grin as she offered her hand so that they could shake on it, although her expression had less to do with the nature of the trade and everything to do with what she had planned for Asp if the snake-woman fell into the trap of putting her hand in the swordswoman's grip....

Offered trade!

Tamo takes:
Band of Ends (40)
Blue God's Eye, (110)
Frostblade (120)
Apollyon's Aegis (240)
Green revealing tabard (whatever clothes stat are Iunno)
Mini black dress (same as above)
Black leather collar and leash
and enough nondescript lewdclothes to make up 24 extra denarii worth of stuff in total along with the other clothes she picked up.

Total of 534 gold.

Tamo trades in return:
Elvish Bow = 60 denarii.
Breastplate = 53 denarii.
Faerie and Demon Blood = 62 denarii each for 372.
Hunting knife = 7 denarii.
Leather Armor = 43 denarii

534 denarii total.

So basically they both get a bunch of stuff.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Asp seemed shocked when Tamonten seemed so upset about being referred to as a demon, but the naga seemed smart enough to avoid making further comment on it. Despite apparently being quite savvy when she did so, Asp would prove to be hesitant to haggle with Tamonten over prices that saw her getting a better deal, and perhaps distractingly would on occasion gather up the seed leaking from her sex and cleanse her fingers of it in as lewd a manner as the swordswoman might imagine.

Krig would be seen doing much the same when directed to dress, and Drawneli would aid her in putting on the skimpy dress that seemed barely able to conceal her rotund backside or the long, thick tool that Tamonten had imbued her with, only about an inch of her thighs concealed at all.... And only when she was standing up straight. She seemed uncomfortable in the shoes, having some trouble with her balance as she wobbled slightly, but some of that might easily be a result of the way she was shifting to try and keep from exposing herself any more than she already was.

When she had to look through the serpent woman's clothes for herself, Asp wouldn't seemingly judge the swordswoman in any capacity for her lack of size in her chest area, even offering to grab a sewing kit and take a few outfits she'd like in when they seemed too loose, and when Tamonten's discontent at being so poorly endowed became particularly obvious the serpent woman sighed and said; "It's really not that bed! You're perfectly sexy without having big tits. Do you really think shopping for clothes is any easier for me with these things? It's already hard enough being, well, a naga... I've had to make most of the things I wear by hand. And I'm a snake dammit! I don't even lactate!"

Regardless of how the swordswoman reacted to the naga's words, once their wheeling and dealing was done with she would return Tamonten's grin in kind and reach out to grasp the offered hand.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The pale girl grew slightly less combative at Asp's attempt to soothe her envy, but only slightly. She wouldn't be lulled entirely into a false sense of acceptance by a mutant boob-monster.

When everything else was handled and after she'd stared at Krig for a few minutes, both her plump ass straining against the fabric of the dress and the delicious-looking bulge she sported in front, the pale girl would move forward on the deal. And after a few shakes of of the serpent woman's hand, the pale warrior's grin would widen even further and she would give a sudden yank intended to bring the shopkeeper's face to within centimeters of hers, and then bridge the remainder of that gap by pushing her own face forward and forcefully pressing her own lips against Asp's.

She made every effort to dominate the shopkeeper's tongue with her own in the dance that ensued, even though the other woman's serpentine organ was naturally far more dextrous than her own. She would only cede that struggle after several minutes of trying, or if Asp attempted to break free or maneuver her in some way, at which point Tamonten's spirit would surge with the residual demonic strength in her arm, empowering her for the next step in her plan: restraining Asp's hands behind the woman's own back.

If she succeeded in wrangling her partner of the moment's wrists, she would end up holding them in place with just her pale hand while her blackened one groped around blindly for something to tie them in place with. The first piece of fabric she found would just so happen to be the pants she had discarded, and if she could keep Asp engaged or overpowered enough to go along with it she would tie her discarded pants around the other woman's wrists in a sloppy binding that probably wouldn't have taken more than a couple minutes for the shopkeeper to break out of with any real struggling. But it was only ever intended to be temporary anyway, and she would break the kiss, if it hadn't been broken when she enacted her plan, and attempt to push Asp down onto her back on the counter even as she silently ordered Drawneli to bind her more substantially with anything she could find to do the job.


Then activate Fell Might for let's say x=10 putting Tamo at, like, 92 grapple and costing her 10 EP and 1 HP apparently.

Then tie up Asp's wrists using Tamo's discarded pants and also order Drawneli to tie her up in a more substantial way. IT'S GOAT O'CLOCK. Right after a brief discussion about responsibility, that is.

Try not to fail, get reversal'd, and bent over the counter. It'd be a little embarrassing after all her huffing and puffing about punishment and stuff she got egged or spitroasted or something.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 50/60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Grapple: Tamo wins.

As it turned out, Asp was perfectly willing to be pulled into a kiss, almost lunging forward to meet the swordswoman's mouth. Perhaps less surprising was how easily she dominated the kiss, her unnaturally long and deft tongue writhing circles around Tamonten at first... Before she started teasing. She let the pale warrior corner her and take control, guiding the motions of their tongues for a few moments, before it suddenly reversed and began to guide their kiss almost without the switch in who had control being noticed.

When Tamonten tied her hands and bound her on the counter, she didn't resist in any significant degree either, letting out a moan while her tail coiled in on itself. Drawneli stepped in on command, using a few chains and ropes that the naga shopkeeper had on hand to bind her, though Asp didn't seem particularly distressed by it. She looked up at Tamonten between her slumped breasts, smiling eagerly, and said; "Are you.... gonna pound your dick into me?" The naga was nearly breathless, and there was no denying that her words held a tinge of anticipation, especially since her pussy was both drooling with arousal once again and at perfect height for Tamonten - or another - to do just that. Krig was whimpering in the background, her cock going from half hard to full an slipping out the bottom of her dress as if she expected to have her own turn on the bound naga again, but what happened next seemed to be largely in Tamonten's control.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Mm..." she offered in what was half an appreciative moan at the wonderful sight that Asp made bound to the counter and half a sound of contemplation. All the while her fingers fiddled with the sides of her lacy panties, twirling the thin band of fabric that stretched across her waist around her finger before releasing it and repeating the motion all over again, exposed as they were by her immodest choice of dress. Her hands would retreat from her body entirely as she delivered her answer though, instead rising into the air as she stretched some of the stiffness out of her joints. "No. Not me. Tempting as it is, and as the thought of taking a seat on that pretty face of yours and seeing what that tongue can really do is, I've got to save my energy to punish my lover. So I'm afraid I've got nothing left in me."

She turned and took a few steps in order to examine an utterly uninteresting box, her path only a few inches from Asp's head. The movement was mostly an attempt to relieve some of the discomfort spawned from so much activity followed by so little out of her legs, although it did give her a nice side view of Krig. "Don't fret. I said I'd give you a memorable goodbye and I am a woman of my word. I've got something to take care of first, however.... Drawneli, count out one-hundred coins from my goods and place them with whatever stash she keeps," she ordered. Her attention remained on the unremarkable background of the shop as she continued, only now it became a method to avoid looking at Asp so that she could keep herself focused enough to say the words that were in her head.

"That's for neither business nor pleasure. That's... for responsibility," she explained. "I've, well.... How do I put this? I've sired five children. This week. At least. Probably more. I was trying to be more careful but, um.... Anyway! So that's why I'm leaving that. If anything comes of this, that's a bit extra so that you have options even if you can't get in touch with me," she suggested, her life as a spoiled only child on a farm leaving her with no clue that she'd actually just left the snake woman enough to buy a small herd of livestock to live off of. "I'll be staying at Xeon's mansion for the rest of the week. Just ask for Tamonten, or the group that came in with Varthic if that doesn't get you anywhere. Afterward I'll be heading to a nearby faerie sanctuary, it's not more than a day's hike outside of Artmirst. Come and find me if it turns out not to be enough or you need any other help."

At that, she finally gathered enough bravery to turn and look at Asp in the eye. "I know it probably comes off as really strange, maybe even insulting, but it's just.... I came face to face with something of a monument to the cost of the fun I've shared," she wearily remarked, referring to Elawdrin's nursery and how it was filled with wailing infants. "So it's become very important to me to try to be more responsible, that's all, and I'd really appreciate if you'd accept it as a contingency. Just a bit of preemptive support in case it's needed. Even if nothing comes of this and that bit of extra coin turns out to have been unnecessary then, well, you can just donate it or do whatever you like with it."

"Anyway!" Tamonten quickly continued in a more bright fashion, attempting to stave off any pregnant pauses or opposition from the shopkeeper. She would simultaneously mentally order Drawneli to collect her new things, place them in her bags, and carry them to the door, along with resuming her singular form. Once the counter was a bit more clear, the pale girl would take a few steps over to the side of Asp and bend over beside her, folding her arms and settling on her elbows on the counter as she took in a pleasant side view of the bound snake-woman. It was no coincidence that her butt was no more than a foot from Asp's face, nor that she'd arched her back and took full advantage of her modest heels to present it in a manner that set her most sizable asset, though it was still no match for Krig's, out as an appealing, unattainable target. "If I haven't ruined the mood too much with all that, I can give you your parting gift now...."

"Or..." she trailed off, casting a knowing look over her shoulder at her lover. "Would you like to say one last farewell to our gracious host, Krig? You can if you'd like~ I'll have to punish you a little bit harder, but surely that's a worthwhile trade, mm?" And as the pale swordswoman spoke, she would raise up off of her elbows just enough to lovingly stroke Asp's belly, idly tracing lines along her smooth flesh from her sternum to the point where her scales began even as she locked eyes with the kitsune and awaited her answer.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant
Resistance: >:3
Asp seemed surprised when Tamonten denied the opportunity to take advantage of the prone and bound naga, surprised and disappointed, though not cripplingly so on the latter point. "What sort of goodbye were you going to give me then?" she asked in a playfully curious tone while the swordswoman was looking around, though her instructions to Drawneli and the start of her explanation seemed to make her understand something. "Ahhh... Been having a go at some... Locals then?" she asked knowingly, "well... After all that, you probably can't get me MORE pregnant. I'm... Definitely in heat, and you and your friend don't taste like you're shooting blanks. So, wanna gimme a few more? In case someone less... Honest comes by and decides to take advantage."

She simply nodded when Tamonten explained the reason for leaving her a fairly decent sum of coin, and offered nothing but another nod after a prolonged pause as she left some places where she might be contacted. Her allusion to Elawdrin only seemed to confuse the naga, but she didn't cause Tamonten to dwell on it by asking any follow up questions, especially since Tamonten quickly changed the direction of their conversation back to the subject of just what she planned to offer... In addition to the money she was leaving behind of course.

Her display of bending over the counter, however, would earn her an interruption in the form of Krig walking up and smacking her lightly on the ass with both hands, letting out a soft, lewd mewl and fondling the demonic swordswoman's pleasantly shaped backside. "Nnnnn...." Her favored lover's cock was already prodding against her thigh, but with a slow turn Krig had it brushing across the scales just beneath Asp's still perfectly vulnerable sex, smearing pre across her dusky scales before it found the serpent woman's pink folds, the angle provided by the heeled shoes she'd been made to wear meaning that all she needed to do was leaned down slightly and that domed tip would begin to slide into the naga's welcoming sex. The first tiny push was even made, leaving her tip beginning to sink into the bound shopkeeper, but then she pulled out and started rubbing her thick rod against Tamonten's thighs.

Asp, practically trembling with anticipation by that point, giggled and said; "I think I know who she'd rather stick that big thing into~" Something drew Tamonten to look at the naga, to look directly into her eyes, and when she did the swordswoman felt like she was falling into a deep, nearly endless pit. A few moments later Asp spoke again, but Tamonten heard it like it was coming through a layer of something thick enough to distort and slow the sound; "Why don't you take those off and let her have her fun?" Tamonten felt herself reacting to the suggestion before her conscious mind had even processed it, pulling down her undergarments and sliding into place on top of the naga.

Krig, driven nearly wild with lust, grabbed the swordswoman by the hips and slammed herself to the hilt into her pussy without a second's hesitation, sending a shock of pleasure exploding through Tamonten's mind that was repeated as her lover started slamming into her as fast as her footwear allowed. That happened to be quite quick, leaving the room filled with wet smacks while Krig wildly rutted Tamonten practically on top of Asp, and in quite easy reach of the naga's bosom if Tamonten should think to go for it through the dual hazes of pleasure and whatever Asp had done to her. The kitsune's rutting didn't take long, but the constant hammering of her cock into Tamonten's sex had the swordswoman convulsing in her own orgasm just before she started spurting thick ropes of hot cum into the pale warrior's pussy.

Krig slowly slid back, groaning as her cock slid free of Tamonten's folds to allow a small flood of semen to start flowing down onto Asp, and her body was still on its orgasmic high when the bound naga whispered; "Bring back your cock... I want it inside me~" The suggestive whisper into her ear was obeyed before the swordswoman could even think to do otherwise, another equine shaft that was even bigger than the last sprouting from her crotch regardless of her wishes on the matter, but when she tried to slide it into its proper place she found it even harder to penetrate the naga than before. Once Asp's inner walls yielded to her immense shaft, however, Tamonten found that the pleasure hell of the serpent woman's constricting folds was even more intense than before, the tight squeeze of her inner walls so intense that it drew Tamonten down and then simply didn't let her move an inch.

Asp groaned up against her as the swordswoman bottomed out, and Krig soon joined them as she pushed back into her pale lover's folds and started slamming into her anew. Combined with the way that Asps' inner walls started jerking her cock in a heavenly, velvety glove and Tamonten might as well have been pinned by Sashien again for all the ability her brain had to fight the effect that Asp had forced onto her. The next few minutes passed in a wild haze as the trio gave a miniature repeat of what they'd done earlier, except now instead of slamming both women in turn the swordswoman was caught in the middle, trapped to the hilt in Asp who was wildly squirming beneath her, and Krig who was holding her hips in place and rutting her from behind like a wild animal.

The trio's position made sure that nobody was ever alone when they came. They went through another four mutual orgasms together, and every time one of them reached their climax it served to set the other two off. Asp would suddenly seize whenever Tamonten spurted into her, sucking spurt after spurt of the formerly possessed girl's potent cream out of her dick like she was a hose, drawing it into her egg sacks which were soon filled anew. Her inner walls squeezing around Krig had a similar effect, resulting in another hefty burst of her lover's seed flooding her womb. The effect on her mind ended just after their fourth mutual climax, when Krig would once more pull out of Tamonten's well used sex only to collapse backwards, luckily caught by Drawneli before hitting the floor, exhausted. She was as much a mess as Asp by that point, but the naga would sigh contentedly and purr into her ear; "So... What were you going to give me as a... Going away present?" The naga's inner walls squeezed one last time around her shaft before the pressure eased off, leaving her able to pull out if she so chose, though by that point her limbs felt like jelly and it would be harder than she might have intended.
Last edited:
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Krig's indiscretion earned her a soft gasp and a longing glance from over the pale woman's shoulder, but Tamonten's mouth would just as quickly close as she chewed on her lower lip in reaction to the feeling of her lover's cock against her thigh. It was so very, very difficult not to give into the kitsune's prodding. She longed for the spirit wielder's meaty shaft as surely as she'd ever longed for anything. Against her thigh it felt so molten hot that she wouldn't have been surprised if the shape of it had been branded into her pale skin--certainly not a mark she'd ever complain about. But as much as she wanted to invite that same dreamy warmth into her empty folds, Tamonten had a different sort of play in mind for her lover today, a sort that had her ever so slightly more excited than even the prospect of being taken over the counter by the woman she was so addicted to.

She offered a mock scoff in response to Asp's comment. "She's such an eager pet, but she is being punished right now, and if I let her bend me over just anywhere then I think she'd get the wrong idea about these punishments." It was strange. She was sure she'd said it all out loud, and she'd meant it too, but as she replayed the words in her head she could only remember getting up to 'bend me over'. The pale swordswoman had glanced over and met Asp's eyes as she told the woman that Krig was being punished and was suddenly overtaken by the sensation that she was falling. Her body had been utterly stationary but it felt like her brain had been tossed into a mineshaft and was making its steady descent toward the bottom.

Tamonten had simply trailed off after that, leaving the three suggestive words as the end of her sentence and, with the sudden fog that overtook her, a wonderful suggestion as to what she wanted that very moment. Asp didn't have to make her own suggestion twice, nor did her magic have to work very hard to make the pale woman want exactly what she had suggested. Gods, could she have been anymore of an idiot? Krig's juicy, fat cock rubbing against her thigh and she decided to take a rare attempt at self control? Fuck that, she really wanted the kitsune to bear down on her with all her weight and fuck her until she'd cum herself into a senseless, drooling puddle on Asp's counter. She'd wanted that since the moment her lover had sprouted her cock for Asp to suck on. The only time she didn't really want that was when she wanted to fuck Krig into a drooling puddle instead.

In her brain, she still maintained a measured outward reaction. She didn't want Krig to think that she was totally wrapped around her little finger after all, or any other part of her anatomy. Tamonten was sure that she'd lowered her panties slowly, a few centimeters at a time until they were fully out of the way. At that point she thought she'd shifted the back of the tabard to the side using nothing but her tail, with all the deliberate slowness and grandiosity of a theater curtain being pulled back from a stage. In reality, outside of the fog in her head, she had pulled her panties down in a fraction of a second and flung the fabric of the tabard out of the way with nothing short of hatred for how it had spent whole seconds blocking her lover from fucking her brains out, at which point she had begun to wiggle her hips enticingly while desperately whimpering "fuck me, fuck me, fuck me."

And when her lover obliged, she had given an ecstatic shriek. "Oh my fucking gods, yes!" At that point her ability for coherent speech broke down and she sputtered out a series of non-sentences consisting mostly of 'Krig,' 'fuck,' 'gods,' 'more,' and 'please,' right up until she noticed Asp's vulnerable breast and locked her lips around the shopkeeper's nipple. Under the haze of whatever Asp had done to her, the warmth of Kringlicsly's cock rutting into her felt all the sweeter and her self-control proved non-existent, driving her to greedily slam her hips backward in rhythm with Krig. Before she'd even reached the halfway point of her lover's stamina, Tamonten was convulsing in an orgasm that left her face completely red with excitement and eyes unfocused as she moaned around the shopkeeper's breast. She stayed on that high right up until her lover deposited her seed deep in the warrior's womb, finally causing the pale woman to go still as her every muscle in her body contracted in an effort to milk as much as Krig's cream as she could.

But even the powerful desire to simply slump on top of the naga in her afterglow wasn't enough to ignore Asp's next suggestion, and before Tamonten could register what she was doing she'd sunk nearly two feet of equine cock into Asp, nearly cumming just from the effort of it and reaching a full-blown orgasm as Krig reclaimed her dripping pussy and wasted no time in building back up to a relentless pace. The pale girl had no resistance to speak of against the primal rutting that ensued. She hadn't grown anymore resilient at being in the middle as she had been in the foursome with Sashien, Sensensiel, and Krig several days prior and reacted by falling into the same state as she had then.

Tamonten's orgasms rolled along with little prompting when left in a position with no responsibility but to focus on the pleasure of the act consuming her. Her peaks arrived repeatedly in periods of time measured by tens of seconds rather than single minutes as she was locked into a self-repeating cycle. Asp's folds would forcibly milk her of her cum until she flooded the snake-woman's body with it, at which point her own muscles would contract to milk the cock hammering her of all the cum inside it prompting her lover's molten seed to fill her womb, which in turn caused her to loose even more of her own cream into Asp and start the snake-woman's inner walls spasming to wring more out of her and begin the chain all over again. By the third such orgasm she couldn't move any longer, and her head ended up simply drooping into the valley between the naga's breasts to use them as comfortable pillows, riding an endless train of ecstasy as the other two found their own satisfaction with her in her half-comatose state.

The next few minutes following Kringlicsly pulling out and stumbling away were spent feeling like melted jelly. She could hardly complain though. Even with the fog lifted and her mind returned to what she had originally intended for her lover, Tamonten couldn't pretend to feel anything other than supreme satisfaction at having been taken like a bitch in heat. If she'd felt a little more submissive that day she'd have dropped to her knees and cleaned the two of them and probably have fingered herself to another orgasm in between it all. That day, however, she was the dom and the two would have to pay for the crime of fucking her to repeated orgasms.

She began by picking her head up, bringing her chin out of the puddle of drool that had begun to form after she had unceremoniously went limp on top of the naga, and cast a look at the shopkeeper who'd prompted their latest round. "You slutty little serpent, using that sort of trick on me." Asp's question was ignored in favor of reproaching the woman in a tone that was more happy and satisfied than truly angry. "It seems both of you are due for some punishment," she promised with a lick of her lips.

Her efforts at dramatically reasserting herself as the dom would fall a little short due to the reactions of her body though. Her effort to push herself up on her hands looked less the work of an athlete and more like an attempt by someone whose arms had been replaced with overcooked noodles. Pulling herself free of the naga's folds had her suddenly moaning as the crown of her shaft was mere inches from freedom and she bit her lip as she involuntarily loosed three more spurts of her seed into the woman's already flooded depths. After deciding to dismiss her equine member, she managed push off of the counter and get back onto her two wobbly legs.

Next she pulled her panties up, giving a dreamy sigh at the feeling of much of Krig's release being trapped in-between her flesh and the fabric. The messiness of it all felt a little bit awkward but she enjoyed the thought of walking around outside with Krig's cum still leaking from her all too much to do anything about it. Afterward a few testing steps away from Asp with her hand on the counter for balance had her decide to sit right back down on it, her legs too wobbly to handle even the small heels she had chosen just yet. But once she was in place, even though it wasn't her intended place, her attention turned toward Krig.

Her minor embarrassments had only rededicated her to the task of punishing the two women for their terrible 'crimes.' She couldn't help but lick her lips in anticipation of what she had in store for her lover as she stared at the woman with a domineering gaze. "Come here. If you can't walk, then do it on your hands and knees," she ordered of her lover, leaning back as she waited for Krig to follow her command. "You can take the entire rest of the trip on your hands and knees if the heels are too difficult for you," Tamonten suggested, pausing only briefly before reminding Krig of all she'd reveal if she did, "but you might want to at least try to stay upright because that dress is so very short, after all."

When Krig had followed her order, Tamonten would betray her impassive, domineering facade with an aroused blush and a brief grin as she mentally transmitted a few thoughts intended for the foxgirl. Treacle. If something gets too intense for you this time just say or think treacle and we'll stop everything and go back to Xeon's mansion and have a cup of hot chocolate or something, okay?

After that short intermission it was right back to acting the part of the dom, starting by reaching for the collar and briskly snapping it in place around Krig's neck. "Your punishment officially begins now. From now until nightfall you'll be my little pet slut and I will be a greedy mistress. I'm going to fuck you however and whenever I like, and given how often you're in my head you should realize just how many times that will be just between here and the next store. Your entire purpose in life until your punishment ends will be to get me off. If I have a fantasy or desire, your job is to present yourself and fulfill it, no matter how many people are around or watching. And if you're a good girl and you succeed in your duty, I'll give you a big reward tonight. If you're a bad girl though... I'll be sleeping alone instead, because I'll be leaving you tied up in the hallway with Drawneli to keep you company so that I can have a nice big breakfast in bed whenever I wake up. I'll be sleeping in, of course, it's been an exhausting day."

She paused for a moment following the proclamation of her intended punishment, both for breath and so that it could sink into Krig's head. "Also, as a greedy bitch of a mistress, I expect that you'll be ready whenever I am. And you're not certainly not going to be allowed to satisfy yourself in-between or cum unless I let you. Drawneli, I have something in mind that's appropriate for keeping my pet slut in line, are you able to form it?"

In her head she articulated on the thought. She wanted Drawneli to form a a pair of panties for Krig out of the same metal the golem had used to create the wing cages and tentacles with a few distinct features. The first such feature for Kringlicsly's new underwear was that they'd be hard enough on the outside that the foxgirl couldn't bring herself any real sense of pleasure through them but soft enough on the inside that they were comfortable. The second was that they needed to be capable of plugging both of her holes and fondling her cock and even capable of vibrating so that Krig could be kept in a constant state of stimulation but never enough to cum unless Tamonten demanded it. If Drawneli was capable of all of it, the pale swordswoman would give the nod to get Krig in her new panties right away.

Once Krig was adequately clothed for her new role, Tamonten's lips would widen into a wicked grin. "Now, for your first tasks.... Summon those friends you were talking about earlier. I think Asp would appreciate their company for the rest of the day. And then..." she paused just long enough to spread her legs and shift the front of her tabard to the side, revealing the cum on her inner thighs, "clean up after yourself. Don't you dare swallow though! It belongs to me~"
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

The noodly state of Tamonten's limbs were most certainly not aided by Asp as she tried to pull herself away from the serpent woman and get back to her feet. Pulling every centimeter of her conjured cock out of Asp was incredibly difficult and had to be done with agonizing slowness, letting her strangely sculpted inner walls squirm and suck and squeeze and generally make pulling out so torturously pleasurable that another minor orgasm was practically inevitable before she could fully extricate herself from the trap that was the serpent's folds. Her cock did indeed end up surrendering another dose of her seed, a particularly powerful spasm from Asp's inner walls over the most sensitive portions of her rod sending the still weakened swordswoman into the throes of a minor orgasm. The first spurt caused an even stronger contraction that literally dragged Tamonten back down, sucking her deeper so as to deliver the sparse but still potent semen closer to its ultimate destination. By the time her miniature orgasm concluded she had lost half of the distance she'd escaped, and could feel Asp coiling under her as if in preparation to rise and reclaim the rest.

As such, it was probably good that she chose to simply dismiss her shaft once some of the fuzz faded from her mind, even if Asp gave a dramatic groan and looked past her drool covered bosom with a playful pouty look. "Guilty as charged~" she cooed playfully, before Tamonten was left to try walking on her own only to find her legs much too wobbly after their second round of rutting.

Still, she managed enough of a recovery to deliver her lewd order to Krig, whom Drawneli aided into a standing position and then let to stumble towards Tamonten, dropping to her knees only when she had reached the swordswoman and then only because she seemed unable to fully stand. There came no mental response from the foxgirl, nor any outward one, so it was hard to tell if she'd actually gotten the message for their safe word, processed it, and would actually remember it. She mewled and shuddered through the explanation at what her role for the rest of the day would be, and when she mentally listed the necessities for her lover's mechanical undergarments Drawneli constructed it on the kitsune's body in mere moments.

With her first command given, Tamonten would find a squirming Krig somewhat sluggish in obeying, but ultimately a few moments later they were surrounded by five goatmen, one of them the satyr whom Tamonten had met when first approaching Artmirst, and Krig was siddling up and pressing her lips against Tamonten's thigh. She felt her lover's tongue lapping gently against her flesh, gathering up the strands of mixed cum as they oozed down her legs. She took the goo that Tamonten felt on her skin drip by drip, and her command that the kitsune not swallow was seemingly obeyed as when the swordswoman was mostly cleaned up she leaned back, mouth open and displaying a mouthful of seed resting over and around her tongue.

"Oh my," Asp said sardonically as she realized what Tamonten intended her "friends" to do. Still tied to the counter in her shop, the serpent woman glanced at Tamonten in the middle of Krig's cleaning and asked; "Are these for me? You shouldn't have~" She looked back to the group, grinning, and purred; "Well boys... Why don't you come on and... Get to work?" The goatmen grinned, erections sprouting from their lower halves already, but it was still up to Krig - and technically Tamonten - what they were allowed to do.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The pale girl wouldn't waste any effort trying to make the sight of herself and her lover decent for the newly arrived goat-like faeries. Instead, she acted as a queen: the shop as her throne room, the counter as her throne, the satyrs and gruffs she had made Kringlicsly summon as her courtiers awaiting audience, and Krig as, well, her most favored lover, attending to her even as she prepared to deal with the business of the court. Tamonten found herself wonderfully comfortable in the situation, even with her legs splayed open and the kitsune cleaning up the evidence of what they'd been doing minutes earlier from her milky thighs.

She wore a cat-like grin as she eyed each in turn, appreciating the eye-candy of their muscled torsos and growing erections even if she had no intent on sampling any of them, and her lips widened ever further as her gaze settled on Asp. "They're as much my gift to you as you are my gift to them, I'd say," she suggested cheerfully before turning her attention on the faeries. "Your summoner is a little busy right now and I've every intent of keeping her busy until the sun sets and comes back over the horizon again, so I hope you won't mind taking your directions from me."

Barring any complaints, she would smoothly continue. "You boys have been summoned to help a damsel in distress. She's got some urges that, despite our best efforts, we just haven't been able to quench. We can't spend the whole day trying, as much fun as it would be, so that's where you five come in. Wait a second," she would pause as the kitsune leaned back to display her mouth full of cum. With a finger on Kringlicsly's chin, she would drag her lover's head just far enough upward so that she could lean in and meet the other woman's rosy lips with her own. She swirled her tongue around the foxgirl's own, efficiently dominating her lover's tongue and stealing the kitsune's cum and her own juices out of every place where they could possibly hide within Kringlicsly's mouth. The show lasted long enough for the blood to finish rushing to her goatkin-audience's erections before she pulled back.

The same hand that had initially guided Kringlicsly skyward would just as soon guide her into resting her head on Tamonten's leg, even as the pale swordswoman made a second show of swallowing and licking her lips afterward. The taste of her lover's cum had her head, chest, and groin tingling all over again and her pause drug on a little longer than necessary as she briefly contemplated commanding the foxgirl to begin cleaning a bit more deeply as she finished briefing the goats. It was tempting, so very tempting, but in the end she decided against it lest she spend the next month in Asp's shop. Instead, she settled for alternating between lovingly petting her hand across Krig's head and scratching behind her ears.

And after a few seconds of that, she got the bright idea to send a mental order to Drawneli to intensify the vibrations and pistoning of the toys in Krig's underwear whenever she was scratching behind the foxgirl's ears. When she finally continued her directions, she multitasked and amused herself by switching between scratching Krig's ears until the foxgirl began to moan and squirm with pleasure and then backing off and returning to petting her head well before she could find any relief for the build-up.

"Anyway, as I was saying.... The lady tied to the counter over there is having some problems with her urges. She's a horny little snake in heat, to put it bluntly. As there's a city full of demons outside, she can't exactly be left alone. Someone might take real advantage, I'm sure you understand. I need you five to lock up after we leave and keep her company for the rest of the day. I, of course, expect that you'll all personally attend to any needs she might have for the next... let's say twenty-four hours. As many times as it takes, if necessary. And that you'll be perfect gentlemen and clean up and untie her before you head back to the sanctuary. That sound fair to everybody?"

As she asked the question and looked to each of the gruffs and satyrs and eventually Asp to ensure their approval, her blackened hand moved with its pale counterpart to scratch behind both of Krig's ears at once. Her barrage on the foxgirl would last for half a minute, the foxgirl's golem-created underwear doubly hard at work all the while. It was just on a fun little whim, really. She just wanted to see what sort of reaction she would get out of her lover. Would the foxgirl seize up and cum in front of the faeries and Asp, seemingly from having her ears scratched as if she were a puppy? Or would she just quake and cry in the beginnings of pleasure only to whine and beg for more when the swordswoman's hands left her head entirely? Tamonten found that she really didn't care what sort of face Kringlicsly showed the room because she would delight in whatever she got out of the other woman.

And once that last aside was over she would stand up, displacing Kringlicsly's head from her lap. "Oh, and one more thing," she added rather suddenly and looking at no one person in particular, because it was another in a line of whims that she had indulged in the store. "Twenty denarii to the one who manages to avenge my honor by making her cum so hard that she passes out. You'd better keep at it until you have a winner. And if you don't manage it then she can keep it." Without wasting anymore time, Tamonten would mentally order Drawneli to count out the twenty coin bounty on Asp's unconsciousness and leave them on the counter and then fetch their bags. In the meantime she would give the lightest tug on Krig's leash to indicate to the foxgirl that it was time to go. It was left up to the kitsune whether she was going to make the trip upright or on all fours. She would walk to the door, albeit extra slowly if Krig was on her hands and knees, before turning around and giving her full farewell. "Enjoy yourselves. We'll see you back in the sanctuary in a week or so. Tell Jasmine we're doing fine," and with that she turned again and left Asp to her almost assured goatkin gangbang.

Her next stop was the shop that would purchase alchemical reagents and goods from her. She was relying on Drawneli to have read where it was from Asp's mind because, well, frankly she'd been too busy focusing on putting things into the snakewoman's mouth rather than getting information out of the shopkeeper. Tamonten would travel at a slow pace, even slower still if Krig couldn't manage to keep herself upright, keeping Drawneli on one side of the spirit wielder and herself on the other. Krig's safety was number one. She wouldn't allow anyone to get too close to the leashed foxgirl, not just because she didn't want them to grope her pet but for fear that they might be a little too rough about it and cause her to go crashing to the ground and hurt herself, and for much the same reason she wouldn't rush the woman. And if Krig was on all fours, she would keep the foxgirl away from cobble and more toward grassy areas and would even order the spirit wielder to use the same power she'd fashioned the saddle out of to give herself some hand and knee protection.

Of course, while keeping Krig safe and from being uncomfortable in any way which wasn't fun was priority number one, priority number two was solidly in the realm of taking full advantage of the foxgirl's punishment. Tamonten would frequently molest Kringlicsly, albeit with the other woman's balance in mind. She would grab and paw at the other woman's ass and breasts, nibble at her neck, and scratch her behind the ears, the last act carrying the exact same effect in speeding up the motions of her panties as it had in the store, both suddenly and often throughout the trip, without too much concern for any audience she had.

And, as it turned out, her sense of willpower was no better when she had Krig at her every whim on a leash than it was when she didn't, and soon she was ready to take advantage of the spirit wielder's punishment and make good on her threat of being a greedy bitch of a mistress. Not even a third of the way through the trip, she had Drawneli taking them on a detour to an abandoned alley. And once the golem and a clone of herself was posted at either end so that nobody could disturb them or get the drop on them easily, Tamonten was in action. Before she could really process the jump from fantasy to reality, the pale girl had Kringlicsly on her knees, her own panties and tabard aside, and a cock just long enough to reach the back of Krig's throat pointed at the foxgirl's lips, insistingly pushing at them until her lover fulfilled her own end of her punishment. Assuming Kringlicsly didn't protest and nothing interrupted them, the pale swordswoman made no attempt to last long following the start of her lover's attentions before depositing her load squarely in the kitsune's mouth.

And at the end of that alleyway quickie she would scratch Kringlicsly's ears for a few moments as a reward, but once Krig began to squirm she shifted away her conjured dick, replaced her clothes, recalled Drawneli, and stumbled back onto the road to the next shop with Krig. She made it about another third of the way before her raging libido demanded another aside, and soon her lover's mouth would be full of her cock in another alleyway as she pulled an exact repeat of their last excursion into an abandoned alley. Assuming she hadn't been interrupted in any of the first two cases, she was bold enough to pull her lover aside one more time when they came into view of the store. The only thing that changed the third time was that she made her cock long enough so that she could nest it between the foxgirl's breasts and still get the tip into her lover's mouth.

When it was all said and done, she'd have to practically waddle into the store, pulling Krig along on a leash in whatever state she'd left the foxgirl in by then. On the bright side, she had a nearly permanent smile etched on her face and her mood was as high as it had ever been thanks to her repeated efforts to satisfy her hyperactive libido. Both factors would transfer into her cheery greeting if she spotted the shop's owner. "Hello! Hope you're open, because Asp told me I could stop here to sell some a few things that she doesn't deal in!"

Maybe she needed to punish her lover more often, because it even seemed to make Artmirst seem like such a bright and beautiful place.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

The group of goatmen gave shifting looks between Tamonten as she was cleaned by Krig and the still tied up Asp at first, but their gaze quickly shifted towards the pale swordswoman as she started issuing her instructions. Not a one of them failed to smirk at her instructions, and as Krig was pulled up to meet her lips she could see that most of them were already rock hard in preparation for their given task. Krig mewled softly as Tamonten claimed her lips, parting them and permitting Tamonten's tongue to explore every inch for more of the thick, creamy seed that lay within it. Taking as much as she could manage and swallowing it all down, Tamonten found Krig shivering against her leg as she mentally commanded Drawneli to increase the intensity of the golem-crafted toys concealed beneath the kitsune's clothing. She gave an affronted whine when the ear scratching and concealed stimulation ended, and Tamonten saw some of the grins on the goatmen widen as she started delivering further instructions.

The five men all nodded in understanding, and Asp had an eager, impish smirk on her face when Tamonten looked to her to ensure that everyone understood how things would work. Krig started whimpering and squirming again with the return of both the ear scratching and the doubled vibrations of the toys inside and around her, but she managed to endure the full duration of Tamonten's final orders with a tiny hint of dignity left in that she didn't orgasm under her. The kitsune managed to climb to her feet and follow as the swordswoman headed for the door, Drawneli counting out the coin for their contest and following with their things, and as they were leaving the goatmen had started a game of jenken to figure out who would have first turn.

Of course, Tamonten had plenty to distract her from thoughts of what might be happening back in the shop while on her way to the next shop with Krig. The kitsune was having a modicum of trouble walking, and her short dress barely contained her straining erection while her swaying steps left her plump backside occasionally visible beneath the rim of the skimpy garment. She squirmed and whimpered and blushed under the swordswoman's near constant groping, especially when they passed some of the ruined city's demonic inhabitants and she had to endure their stares while being groped.

Of course, the temptation offered by her submissive leashed lover would tempt her into an alley well before they arrived at their destination, and Krig dropped to a crouch on command and was quickly confronted by a summoned cock. She flicked her tongue over her lips, then over the tip of that conjured tool, and then simply swallowed it to the hilt and started sucking on it in quick gupling bobs that she maintained until Tamonten started depositing her load into the kitsune's mouth, which she took on her tongue to the best of her ability. Unless the swordswoman opted to share some, Krig would swallow it and display her empty mouth, before they were on their way once more.

They didn't make it even all the way there before Tamonten picked another alley, but this time instead of a fully isolated one they were only a short way from a building being rebuilt. A window nearby opened suddenly, and a succubus looked down in surprise at the pair for a moment before smirking. She apologized only half heartedly before settling her elbows on the windowsill, apparently settling down to watch the show, and Krig would pause only briefly before continuing as if nothing had happened. They were on their way again once the kitsune had another load in her stomach, but all too soon she was in another alley doing the exact same thing again, and this time she took a bit more time while groups of demons moved passed either entrance to the alley regularly, some pausing to watch for a little bit and some only glancing at them curiously while Krig worked her breasts along the base of Tamonten's shaft and sucked on the tip at the same time.

When they finally got into the alchemy shop, Tamonten found it a bit more organized than Asp's shop. The shelves were covered in jars and racks of vials and all manner of other containers for substances of every shape and color imaginable. Some of them were quite disgusting looking as well, but before they could look through them too heavily they were confronted by the woman behind the counter. This one was seemingly human, or at least human looking without any odd features. Youthful looking but mature in countenance, the blue haired and blue eyed woman swept a piercing gaze over the two that quickly became impatient, ruffling her loose, red robes and rolling up her wide sleeves.

"What are you selling?" she asked coolly, her voice deep for a woman and having an odd misty quality to it.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Despite all her huffing and puffing in the shop, Tamonten would initially freeze up when the succubus opened the window and treated her second alleyway tryst with her lover as a free show. A brief three-way skirmish was held in her brain with ingrained proper behavior pitted against raw exhibitionist desire and the pleasure that Krig provided as she happily bobbed along the swordswoman's cock even with their audience. Unsurprisingly, proper behavior was quickly and soundly defeated and promptly dragged into some mental basement for retraining and then quietly replaced with the realization that a stranger watching Krig suck her cock in an alleyway had made her already turgid shaft harden into something akin to solid steel.

And when that happened, Tamonten would happily put on a show for their voyeur. The pale woman instructed Krig to free her breasts, an easy task given the skimpy nature of her dress, and then leaned back so that the succubus could get a better look at the action. Following the release of her load into the foxgirl's mouth, which proved even larger than the first for the added excitement, the pale girl would help the kitsune back to her feet just so that she could spin the other woman around, grab Krig from behind and pull her into her body, and proceed to molest her in front of the succubus.

Her hands would roam all across her lover's body during that interlude, even when fabric was in the way, with her pale hand paying special attention to the bulge of the other woman's cock straining against her dress, and she would press her own erection firmly against her lover's clothed ass, but it wouldn't go any further than that. After a few moments of it and well before Krig could cum from her ministrations, Tamonten would shift her manhood away, help Krig pull her dress's top back up, and turn to leave with the foxgirl in tow. She would only pause long enough to turn her head and wink at the succubus and call out; "I'd say nobody will ever believe you but around here it's probably not uncommon!"

And the thought of that succubus having watched them just brought on the third such aside all the sooner. Tamonten would quite happily look and grin at each group of passersby who stopped to watch the pale woman and her lover and even held up two fingers in the v-for-victory sign at one such group. The load Krig received that time would prove bigger than the first and the second, and had Tamonten plotting about what other exhibitionist ways she could satisfy her lusts on Kringlicsly as the latter's punishment drug on.

But that would briefly be pushed aside once they were in the alchemist's shop. The pale girl would trade with Drawneli, putting Krig's leash into the golem's hand and ordering her to stay near the door while Tamonten took the bag of looted alchemy ingredients and strode up to the counter. The foxgirl wouldn't end up off the hook entirely though, as once she reached the counter the pale girl mentally ordered Drawneli to turn up the vibrations on her underwear as high as they could go without actually letting her cum and then promptly shifted her own attention fully to the shopkeeper.

"All sorts of things. Had a run in with a fallen angel who'd been doing some experiments," Tamonten purposely understated the scope of Elawdrin's plans so that she could avoid thinking too much about her own part in them. "Probably easier to show than tell," she added as she began to pull ingredients and bottles from the bag and set them aside into their own neat little organized sections on the counter. "Since there's a fair amount of it, I'd be willing to do a bit of trading too."

Specifically, she sets out:

Hound's Teeth x6 = 240
Slime Amber x3 = 90
Venom Sac x4 = 100
Horror Carapace x3 = 60
Camoflauge Skin x3 = 45
Shorn Syrup x2 = 20
Darkheart x6 = 150
Hallucination Poison = 10

865 total worth of stuff.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85/86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Pregnant

While she might have been willing or even enthusiastic to suck the swordswoman off in front of a stranger, once Krig was lifted and spun around to be molested in front of the succubus she became significantly more embarrassed at her situation. She looked away and squirmed as Tamonten's hand started teasing her barely contained erection, letting out muffled moans as she maintained a sizable amount of Tamonten's fresh sperm in her mouth. She froze for a second as she first felt the pale warrior's conjured cock rubbing against her ass, however, and while she continued to squirm slightly it seemed like she was trying to rub against that twitching erection instead of away from it.

The succubus in the window merely smirked and continued to watch, and when Tamonten started leading her lover and attending golem away with one final quip the demon simply replied; "You're not wrong!"

After a third round in which she got a bit more engaged with her audience, she would find the attendant at the alchemy shop somewhat less amicable to her lewd shenanigans. Her look soured slightly as Tamonten's mental command had Krig squirming in the corner under Drawneli's control, but she didn't seem to wish to spend too much thought on it as she quickly turned to Tamonten and started looking over the plethora of supplies she had on offer.

"I see," she said softly, sweeping her gaze over the collection for a second time before looking back up at Tamonten. "What did you have in mind for trades?" she asked, "Healing poultices? Something for... Stamina?" her gaze flashed to Krig, "birth control?" then back to Tamonten, "aphrodisiacs of some sort perhaps?"