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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The first whisper of 'slut' caused a shiver to involuntarily roll up Tamonten's spine. She was so far gone that she really couldn't tell whether the voice belonged to Drawneli or if the metal construct truly had dragged her out to be violated in front of a crowd. It didn't matter any longer, anyway. For once her body and mind were in tune with their desires and she had fully surrendered herself to the automaton's treatment a few minutes into it. At that third comment about how she might cum from the whipping alone her body shuddered in orgasm as if to prove their words right. By then it was completely beyond her how many she peaks had experienced, in truth the pleasure was so intense that it was nearly impossible for her to tell when she was cumming and when she was in-between and the only difference that her scattered brain managed to register was that another wave of her juices stained the floor beneath her. It seemed she truly did share much in common with the angel that she herself had abused in the baths, and she only fell further as the golem gave her the cum that her body so desperately craved in its overstimulated state.

The removal of her blindfold to discover that Nellic and Sensensiel were watching her only added to her pleasure. As distracted as she was, it didn't occur to her that they'd probably tried to stop Drawneli and been detained for it. But even though it was humiliating for the two to be looking at her the way they were, realizing that they were watching only made the sting of the tentacles against her back and the motions of the ones lodged in her mouth, pussy, and ass all the more tactile to her, intensifying each sensation in turn and rocketing her to new heights. Even the appearance of her demon wasn't enough to rouse her from her stupor, and though the words her doppelganger shared with Drawneli were surely important and certainly entered Tamonten's head they never actually resonated with her and her only reaction in the end was for her eyes to roll back again as another climax ripped through her exhausted body.

The demon's more threatening words managed a slightly better foothold in the pale woman's head as she rode out another in a long string of prolonged orgasms. She felt some part of her remaining sense rousing in order to offer her former parasite a glare or to order Drawneli to do something in her defense. Even the inherent danger to her life wasn't able to bring Tamonten back to her senses by then, however, and that flick against her nipples banished the seeds of those thoughts from her head as the sensation caused her to moan lewdly around the tentacle in her mouth and her pussy and ass to spasm around their invaders, squeezing no small amount of her juices and Drawneli's artificial cum from her orifices and increasing the mess on the floor even further. That moan would turn into a low wail as Drawneli's tentacles latched onto her sensitive nipples and began to twist them, pushing her over her peak again mere seconds after the last had abated.

Where the demon had failed to rouse Tamonten, however, the new sight of Krig wide awake and looking at her did manage to inspire some emotion beyond complete slavery to the stimulation Drawneli was offering: fear. It was a small flickering light in comparison to the raging flames of her lust. Tamonten knew even in her most fragmented thoughts that the foxgirl had never been as jealous or insecure as she herself was when it came to matters of love and sex, but that knowledge wasn't enough to extinguish that spark of discomfort at the prospect that perhaps she might cause her lover the same turmoil that the swordswoman herself had felt. That fear would vanish as quickly as it came though, aided by the sight of the kitsune beginning to crawl toward her in that alluring pose on her hands and knees, and once the tentacles had pulled away from her ravaged pussy to make way and Krig's tongue scooped into her cum-filled pussy and made a mess of the foxgirl's lips and face in the process, Tamonten broke all over again. Even as sexually and physically exhausted as she was and even though Kringlicsly's tongue was no match for the three tentacles that had previous been at work against her sex, the foxgirl merely being her partner was enough that the pale girl suffered three consecutive climaxes in record time between her tongue and Drawneli's bondage and tentacles.

It was all too perfect as Kringlicsly rose to her feet and simply claimed Tamonten's pussy with her latest thick cock. The swordswoman might have worried that it was all a glorious dream that would be pulled out from under her at any moment if she had been more conscious. The penetration alone was enough to cause the pale warrior's eyes to roll back into her head and remain there. Her body tensed and her inner walls clenched so tightly around the kitsune's rod that her lover would find it difficult to fully withdraw her tool even with the excessive amount of lubrication. The thought of Kringlicsly ravaging her so passionately would've been enough to see the swordswoman through another string of peaks by itself, but combined with the knowledge that Nellic and Sensensiel were watching her lover roughly claim her pussy, not to mention the jealousy on the angel's face, and Drawneli's own motions on her, the pale girl's feminine cum was gushing freely from her with every thrust.

By the time Kringlicsly's rod first exploded into her womb, filling Tamonten full of her lover's seed, the pale girl was locked into a climax that was truly without end. Her muscles lost the ability to even tense as the spirit wielder aided by the automaton took those small nibbles of her soul even as it was laid bare for them to consume in whole. The pale warrior was well past any hope of remaining conscious by then, and the only thing keeping her from blacking out was sheer, overwhelming stimulation. But all too soon for the greedy swordswoman, she would find that even the intense pleasure was becoming outweighed by her creeping exhaustion and it was growing harder and harder to remain awake, and after one final climax during which Krig would fill her pussy with cum one last time and she would be bathed in Drawneli's artificial fluids the pale girl's body simply went limp as she succumbed to that exhaustion and fell unconscious.


By the time she awoke, it felt like she'd fought the Black Oak and Elawdrin five times each in her sleep. Nearly every sensation at work on her body was painful. She couldn't even pry her eyes open at first. Her breasts were sore and stinging, the cheeks of her ass stung similarly, and her back shared in that pain. Her wrists and legs were sore where they had been tied by Drawneli's tentacles, there was a dull ache across her entire body likely from sparring with Varthic and Grenewald, her jaw hurt from having been pried open for so long, and even her wings hurt. Those aches and pains were far from the worst she was suffering though, she wasn't going to be walking or sitting very well for the rest of the day.

But overall it was the best kind of soreness as far as Tamonten was concerned, and it was well worth the experience she'd been lucky enough to receive before blacking out. Finally opening her eyes to find her lover beside her and the sensation of the sleeping kitsune's efforts against her neck and ass didn't harm her opinion of it all, either.

In truth, against all logic she found herself quickly becoming aroused again between her lover's scent and her presence. The swordswoman felt like an addict desiring her next fix and now found herself slightly worried that she'd never again feel pleasure to match what she'd experienced so many hours earlier. The only thing keeping her from acting on her lust was the state her body was in. If she did coax the kitsune into another morning tryst she'd probably not be able to use anything other than her hands without experiencing some ache or pain, and not the fun kind, although she didn't entirely rule out that she might've been able to conjure another demonic penis with none of her ailments.

With that in mind, she was perfectly content to simply enjoy Krig's touch and lay there with the sleeping foxgirl for a while, ignoring her own hunger, thirst, and rising lust as a favorable trade for the opportunity. She decided to take full advantage of her lover's comforting warmth and simply basked in the other woman's presence. Tamonten quickly decided that she hadn't spent nearly enough time merely appreciating the little things lately, such as the warm bed shared with Kringlicsly. Eventually she would take a few liberties of her own in order to slide her hand onto Krig's own substantially larger ass and fondle it in return and to press herself more tightly against the other woman, but she wouldn't take it any further than that as long as the sleeping kitsune didn't.

If Krig remained that way for several hours then the pale girl would consider removing herself from the bed, but otherwise it wouldn't be until the foxgirl began to stir that she made any effort to dislodge herself from the other woman's grasp at all, and that was only far enough so that she could bring her lips to Krig's own and kiss her into wakefulness. Once the kitsune was obviously awake, Tamonten would pull back just long enough to offer a "good morning" before pushing back into that kiss and engaging her lover's tongue in a lazy dance that the swordswoman was more than willing to keep up for several minutes. Afterward she'd pull back again simply to look at the kitsune, a warm smile plastered over her own face.

The swordswoman's intention following that was to obtain food and water and to hail a maid to inform her of the time, but not in any way that would require her to leave the warm bed in order to accomplish any of it. She felt that the tasks would be a good initial test of Drawneli's automation and limitations. The speed at which she followed through on grabbing the cube and reactivating the metallic woman would be entirely dependent on Krig's own reaction to her relatively tame wake up call though.
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Her lover would let out a soft moan against Tamonten's neck when she reached down to grope the kitsune's plump backside, her hips giving a tiny shift to press into the touch of her hand. Krig wouldn't awaken immediately, but after a few minutes of soft groping her eyes would flitter half open and she would smile at Tamonten. Not fully awake, she would at first only lazily respond to Tamonten's kiss, but the swordswoman would feel her favored lover gradually stirring towards full wakefulness and returning that embrace more and more as the minutes ticked by. She made no effort to break it either, and even let out a disappointed coo when Tamonten did so only to giggle and give a delighted squeak when the swordswoman greeted her and then promptly reengaged.

She offered little more than soft caresses and an eager and passionate return on the swordswoman's kiss for the next few minutes. She didn't seem as displeased when she broke the kiss again, and after gazing back at Tamonten with half open eyes while her fluffy tail tickled the skin on the back of Tamonten's hand for a few seconds she would lazily repeat; "Good morning!" That would be her only initial reaction to Tamonten's affectionate wake up, leaving the swordswoman to eventually reach for Drawneli's cube.

Krig would tense at that, her features becoming nervous, but when she tapped the cold metal Tamonten would feel it warm against her fingers. A light push was enough to awaken the golem, and a moment later the metal seemed to melt, briefly partially exposing a blue perfectly spherical stone from which Tamonten would feel an immense amount of energy thrumming as it all slid off the table, and in a few seconds a gray metallic Krig was standing next to the bed, still naked. "What do you require, mistress?" she asked obediently in her somewhat warped voice.

Should the swordswoman deliver her request either verbally or mentally, she would bow and say; "Yes mistress. Right away mistress." Then she would turn and leave the room, leaving Tamonten alone with Krig, who watched the golem go and shivered before looking back to the swordswoman. "So.... How are you feeling? And.... What are we going to do about, uhhhh, that?" She gestured with a shift of her head towards the closed door, where Drawneli had just gone.

The golem was apparently nothing if not efficient, however, as she returned with two huge platters of hot delicious looking (and smelling) food, two glasses of what looked like orange juices, two glasses of milk, and two pitchers of water with extra glasses. She was back quick, but what state she found Tamonten and Krig in when she returned might not be one in which they were thinking too much about food or water, at which point they would simply close the door behind them with a metal tentacle and then wait until they were done before delivering the meal she carried to the pair of lovers.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The foxgirl's nervousness didn't go unnoticed when the pale girl moved to summon Drawnelli, and the pale girl would pause just long enough to offer Krig what was supposed to be a reassuring look before going through with her plan. Her effort might have been spoiled a bit given that Tamonten herself became anxious at the sight of the golem forming her humanoid shape, still not used to such displays of light and motion despite the amount of time she'd been spending around magic lately. Still, once Drawneli was standing beside the two as a doppelganger of the foxgirl, a sight which was at least somewhat comforting for the swordswoman, the pale girl would offer her orders without much hesitation. "Retrieve meals for the two of us, please. If you pass anybody on the way try to determine what time of day it is. Thank you," she would dismiss the golem, not really sure whether it understood or required her gratitude or not regardless of how sincere she was in offering it.

"Unbelievably sore, but it was so worth it even just for the last part," she offered with a grin as she brought herself to meet Kringlicsly's gaze. "I'm still a little tired from the ritual, but I'll be fine," she would add more seriously before addressing the kitsune's other concern. "As for Drawneli, I thought we could keep her after I ask around a bit about her. She sees me as her owner and she seems very useful. I've told her to follow your orders as well, so we can avoid a repeat of earlier," she remarked wryly. "A shame about that. I would've loved to see what you had planned for me. Or, for that matter, how exactly you intended to hold me down and rape me in front of everyone until I couldn't walk. That little tidbit was of special interest," she giggled at her lover.

After her giggling fit ended, the pale warrior would shift her hand to give the kitsune's ass another firm squeeze. With her lewd comments and the continued groping of her lover, Tamonten's lust was beginning to flare again. Even her soreness wasn't enough to halt its steady rise. She spent a few moments halfheartedly trying to fight the urge, knowing that they'd both have a chance to eat and drink soon, that she still hadn't recovered from mere hours prior, and that she ought to begin organizing things for the party. She never had any willpower when it came to Kringlicsly though, responsibility and even base reason would always have a difficult time winning if pursuing them meant leaving a warm bed shared with the naked foxgirl. The battle lost as quickly as it started, the swordswoman would meet her lover's eyes in a lustful gaze before purring; "As punishment for not following through, I think I'll have you as a snack." And just like that she would practically pounce on the kitsune in order to begin kissing at her neck.

The pale girl would move to shift the kitsune onto her back so that the swordswoman could prop herself up over the other woman's side in order to reach more of her body. The mere act of moving her own body caused Tamonten to wince, though she carefully kept herself to the task of leaving kisses and soft nibbles along the spirit wielder's neck and shoulder in order to hide her expression from her lover. In the meantime, her right hand would begin to stroke the unblemished skin of Kringlicsly's side, leaving the swordswoman propping herself up in no small part with her blackened hand. She made her circuit several times before progressing, though perhaps not in the direction that she might've been expected to go. Rather than dipping toward the kitsune's crotch she instead brought head and hand alike upward, culminating in pressing her lips against Krig in a slow kiss and placing her palm on one of Krig's soft breasts in order to gently grope it in her hand. She would pull away a few moments in, but it was only long enough to get into a more comfortable position on her knees that allowed her to put her left hand, no longer limited by its shaking like so many times before, to work against the foxgirl's untouched breast before returning to her other motions.

Tamonten didn't rush, allowing herself the chance to savor the opportunity to play with her lover's perky orbs and the feel of the spirit wielder's tongue dancing against her own. It wasn't a position that was difficult to enjoy. The act as it was transpiring might have lacked the intensity of much of what she'd done with Krig since she arrived in Acheron, and she'd never pretend that she didn't practically salivate over memories of the pleasure that arose from being hilted in her lover's sex with a long, conjured cock or being on the receiving end of one, but the swordswoman liked it gentle from time to time too. It was thrilling in itself to be given a chance to see Kringlicsly slowly rise through the stages of her orgasm. To watch her as her breathing became erratic, or as her body began to tense, or even as her expression slipped slowly beyond her control. Bringing pleasure to the woman she loved and being given a chance to enjoy her reactions to the swordswoman's ministrations brought Tamonten a pleasure all its own.

And so she stayed there for several minutes, her only real variation was in the individual squeezing of her hands and the motions of her tongue. She would keep at it even once Drawneli entered the room and beyond, though she would take a few seconds to make it mentally clear that she wanted to keep the tryst between Kringlicsly and herself that time. She was so greedy for the feel of her lover that she kept going until the two had to break off lest they passed out from lack of air. She would give Krig a brief look complete with a mischievous grin before breathlessly announcing; "Still the most beautiful woman I've ever been lucky enough to meet." At that, she pulled away in order to bring herself back to her original position, propped over the kitsune using her blackened hand for support so that she could nibble at the foxgirl's neck, only her pale hand wouldn't stop at Krig's side that time, instead trailing down her soft flesh until it reached the delta between her legs.

Her finger ran between the kitsune's netherlips, probing to in order to tease the other woman. She had no intention of denying Kringlicsly the stimulation that the mere presence of her fingers undoubtedly promised, but at the same time she wouldn't give it to the other spirit wielder easily. From start to finish, she would make sure that her lover's rise to her peak was slow. At first it was simply a refusal to penetrate the other woman's flower with her fingers, instead circling her outer lips as if considering the proposition but only getting slightly closer to taking the plunge with every few laps her finger made. She would take a few detours around the kitsune's sensitive bud while she was there, similarly teasing the other woman with the proposition that she might pay real attention to her delicate nub but not immediately doing so. Once it was obvious that the kitsune was fully aroused, however, the pale girl pressed her lips against Krig's mouth once again in order to avail her lover's frustration by allowing the purple-haired woman to take it out on her tongue, and in the same moment pressed two fingers into her folds.

The kitsune still wouldn't be allowed to get off easily though. Tamonten had gotten a lot of practice in locating Kringlicsly's sweet spots with far less dextrous implements and while far more distracted, and she used it all to avoid allowing the other woman to rush to orgasm. She made Kringlicsly slowly climb that hill, always just close and quick enough with her fingers to cause the foxgirl no small amount of pleasure but never enough of either for it to bring her to an early climax. She circled the other woman's most sensitive ridges with her touch like a predator circling prey with nowhere to run, slowly closing in and making the foxgirl feel every centimeter of progress as the distance lessened. She forced her lover to climb step by step by step, not out of cruelty or because she desired control but simply because Tamonten wanted to see her lover plunge from the steepest peak possible. And as they got further along, she began to work her thumb against Krig's clit using that same careful approach.

The kitsune would be slowly built up and brought to the very edge over the course of ten or fifteen minutes, Tamonten hadn't exactly counted. She pulled her head away from Krig in order to simply watch the other woman as she steadily lost control and the pale warrior's efforts took her ever nearer to a crescendo, her thumb and fingers in full contact against the other woman's clit and g-spot respectively and beginning to work at a more constant rhythm. She wasn't quite satisfied with that, however, and would mentally instruct Drawneli bring her something from her bags, specifically the ring that she'd obtained from Elawdrin's armory. When the metal woman came over and presented the enchanted metal loop, she would silently command the golem to slip it onto her left pinky for her so that she didn't have to remove her right hand or break her rhythm with Kringlicsly. Once the ring was securely in place, she would dismiss Drawneli to where she had stood before and turn her attention back toward Kringlicsly.

"I've wanted to give this a try for a while. Let me know if it's too much," she would remark as she mentally recalled the explanation she had been given about the ring by her more magically literate comrades in the prison. With a bit of thought, her hand began to vibrate every bit as strongly as some of the toys she had stolen from Elawdrin's stash. Her hand, however, had the advantage of being able to contour more easily to her lover, and she used that to the fullest. Tamonten would make no further effort to delay Krig's orgasm from there, no longer stroking her sensitive spots but rather just adjusting and pushing against them with her vibrating appendage until eventually her fingers were against her lover's g-spot and her palm was pressed firmly into the foxgirl's clit. From there the swordswoman would only work to keep her efforts consistently strong until the foxgirl hit her long awaited peak and plunged off. Tamonten herself would first give a small smile as she watched Krig writhe in her orgasm and keep her vibrating hand pressed against the other woman so that she could extend it as much for her own pleasure as Kringlicsly's, though halfway through she would reclaim the other woman's mouth with her own.

She wouldn't pull away until Krig had ridden out her climax in full, at which point Tamonten would dispel the ring's magic and withdraw her right hand only to lewdly clean the foxgirl's juices off of her limb using her mouth. After that, the pale woman would be content simply to cuddle with the kitsune in bed for a few minutes as she recovered. "Ready for breakfast?" The swordswoman would inquire with a motion of her head toward Drawneli and the food once Krig's afterglow had begun to fade. Tamonten was completely aroused herself after so long spent playing with her lover, of course, but she was still sore and wasn't really worried over whether the kitsune reciprocated or not, and she imagined that the other woman was probably as hungry and thirsty as she was by then.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"And that she listens to you doesn't... Worry you at all, considering where you got her from?" Krig asked after Tamonten had explained her plans for Drawneli. Despite her reservations regarding the golem, however, the kitsune would grin at her second revelation and ensuing contemplation. Giving a surprised coo at the grope of her soft rear, Krig wiggled her ass against the swordswoman's hand playfully while replying; "Maybe you'll find out later, hrm? Maybe~" Krig seemed content to lie beside Tamonten while she tried and failed to fight down her urges to do all sorts of naughty things to the kitsune, gazing with her multicolored eyes into the swordswoman's and largely unmoving.

Her lover's eyebrow quirked upwards at the word punishment, but before she could utter whatever reply was lurking behind her eyes Tamonten's conclusion made her giggle happily, and when the pale warrior lunged and started planting kisses along her neck her giggles only redoubled. She gave only enough struggles to make Tamonten push a little harder to get her on her side, and then she arched her back slightly and let her giggles turn to coos, and eventually to soft moans and gasps as the swordswoman's efforts progressed. She eagerly returned the warrior's kiss, and like Tamonten was content to let things progress slowly, her tongue swirling and her own hands softly caressing Tamonten's sides and breasts in turn.

"Mmmmhhhmmm~" she purred when Tamonten briefly broke their kiss to breath and let out her flattery, after which it was she who lunged forward and briefly stole another kiss. That wouldn't stop Tamonten from resuming her earlier position and nibbling on her lover's neck, and she felt Krig's left shift slowly apart as her hand neared the kitsune's waist, to the point that when she finally reached her lover's sex it was exposed for her. She proved already slightly moist, but Tamonten's extended teasing ensured that she was properly wet by the time one of her digits dipped into her lover's sex. Krig gasped and quivered in raw excitement for the duration of Tamonten's dance around her sensitive zones only to tilt her head back and unleash a throaty moan when she was granted her first taste of real stimulation, the lewd sound muffled by Tamonten's kiss but hardly silenced.

Her legs drifted apart even further as her inner walls squeezed delightfully around the two intruding digits, clinging to them tightly in an invitation to go deeper still. She wouldn't fight the slow build that Tamonten went for in the slightest, indeed she seemed to enjoy the less strenuous session and the slow but steady build to her peak just as much as she had the times when the two of them were rutting furiously with each other. Her position prevented Krig from really returning the stimulation much, neither of her arms able to easily reach for the swordswoman's folds, but she would at least fondle Tamonten's chest throughout the stretched journey to her orgasm.

The kitsune let out a lower deeper moan once Drawneli had delivered the enchanted ring she'd likewise taken from Elawdrin's stores, the magic allowing her to bring even more pleasure to the already panting spirit wielder. Krig went from fondling Tamonten to clutching at her, bracing as pleasure rolled up her spine and prompted her to hips to softly grind back and forth against the swordswoman's hand, her gyrations and her grip both growing stronger by the second until, a few moments later, the swordswoman finally brought her lover to her peak. Krig would moan rhythmically in time with the soft spasms of her inner walls, her honey spilling in copious squirts and leaving the pale warrior's hand quite thoroughly drenched in it by the time she'd finished cumming.

Krig's afterglow left her literally glowing, her lips spread in a wide grin as her body gave the occasional twitch but otherwise laid there in complete stillness, her eyes closed and her grip on Tamonten slowly going slack. That left Tamonten easily able to clean her fingers of her lover's honey, and once that was done and Krig's glow had faded she opened an eyebrow and smirked at the swordswoman's question. "Hungry, huh? Did you even get anything to eat after you woke up?" she said, and as if on cue Drawneli advanced on them and thrust their breakfast in front of them. "I made sure to keep it warm," the golem said as the two trays were propped up by some of her tentacles while more of them moved to adjust the pillows to prop the two of them up as well, leaving the naked pair able to enjoy their meals in bed without having to move much at all.

Once they'd eaten their fill of the extensive meals, Krig would glance at the golem curiously. It withdrew the kitsune's tray but then returned her glass of orange juice, at which point she said; "Psychic? Neat. Scary.... Very scary, but neat!" Then she would drain the cold, pulpy liquid in one swallow, sigh softly as the glass was taken away again, and finally looked to Tamonten again. "So.... We seem to have a bit of time on our hands.... Will I be getting dessert right away?" she asked playfully, her tail flicking out to tease Tamonten's thigh. From there the swordswoman had a day to plan, as well as the party she'd been intending to throw, though Krig clearly wouldn't mind continuing their wake up tryst now that both of them were conscious and hadn't been fucked silly by Drawneli. The golem waited patiently beside the bed, ready to follow any of her orders or, if she wished, answer any of her questions.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Quite a bit. Xeon might be willing to answer a few questions about her safety though," she would reply to Kringlicsly's concern about Drawneli before moving onto her quips about the foxgirl's plans.

"Uh, no, I guess not," the swordswoman would reply sheepishly to Krig's question about breakfast after the pale girl's molestation of her had come to an end. "When Pano told me that you two had been up so long waiting for me I didn't want to disturb your sleep, and then he mentioned that Grenewald and Varthic were sparring and I got too enthusiastic for a chance to test my arm out," she admitted. As her tray of food was offered she would adjust her position with the golem's assistance and accept the meal with a simple "thank you, Drawneli," before beginning to dig in. Breakfast was made a bit more awkward as it occurred to her in full just how insensitive it had been of her to leave earlier without waking the foxgirl and alleviating her of her worries first. It made the otherwise delicious fare a bit more difficult to fully appreciate, even if that didn't stop Tamonten from devouring it and draining the offered liquids with her usual gusto before allowing Drawneli to take the tray and cups.

She otherwise remained silent due in part both to her sense of guilt and the rapidity at which she consumed her meal until Kringlicsly had commented on Drawneli's psychic abilities. The irony in it caused her to quirk an eyebrow and wryly remark; "I suppose I'm just used to having people in my head by now." That eyebrow would remain quirked as Krig made her desire for dessert known. "Oh? I don't know...." The swordswoman's finger went to her chin as if in deep contemplation. Of course, with Krig able to read minds as she was she'd probably quickly discern that the only thing Tamonten was truly contemplating was the opportunity to put herself over the foxgirl and sprout a cock so that the two could wear themselves out yet again. She continued the outward charade anyway. "I'm still sore and it's a busy day ahead. I've got to get some shopping done, meet with a few people, and find a good place for the party. I don't know if we have time."

And of course, as far as Tamonten was concerned all of the above could wait until the end of eternity if it meant more time with Krig. She utterly lacked the willpower to deny the foxgirl her desired treat and, even as she listed all the reasons that they should cut things short, her loins began to stir as her spirit set to work. She knew that the kitsune's attention on her more natural sex would be nothing short of painful, so she used her power to mold herself another cock of slightly above average size and length, sculpted especially so that Kringlicsly could take it fully into her mouth. The swordswoman made no effort to hide the burgeoning rod either, practically daring the kitsune to touch it with a lustful gaze aimed directly at the spirit wielder even as she made a remark that they might not have the time. "And besides," she would add with a lick of her lips, "you didn't offer me any." Tamonten would settle onto her back, all but vocally inviting her lover to set herself on the pale girl's lips so that they could share their 'desserts.'
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"Figures, you would just wander off at the first opportunity to get your butt kicked! And when Sensensiel and I were planning all sorts of pleasant wake up calls for you!" Krig replied dryly after Tamonten admitted to having wandered off to when she'd woken up without eating, rolling her eyes. "You are welcome mistress!" Drawneli replied when thanked without missing a beat.

"Hey!" Krig said in mock protest, "I might peek now and then, but I'm not an incredibly complex construct created by... Well, Elawdrin!" She cast a concerned glance at Drawneli, but the golem didn't react in any visible way, and then Krig continued; "If you can read minds, more often than not you can do a lot of other things too. It's worrying!"

Her concern didn't last long, however, as they wrapped up their breakfast and the kitsune's concern shifted into readily evident lust. She seemed to follow where the swordswoman's mind was going as she listed off the things that they needed to do, as she sat and nibbled her lip playfully until Tamonten leaned back and set her spirit to stirring, her eyes falling on it hungrily as the cock she crafted appeared from her groin. "Mmmmm, my favorite~" she purred, shifting until she was up on her knees. The lick of her lips and accompanying comment caused the kitsune to pause with her body halfway turned so she could lean over and put her head over the swordswoman's conjured tool, and Drawneli rearranged their bedding for them to assist in their morning tryst.

"So greedy~" she purred, and then completed her move, putting her mostly perpendicular to the swordswoman and leaving her hips out of reach. "I want a little taste first~" she gasped, her warm breath tactile on its own against the sensitive helm of Tamonten's cock, and while one eye closed the other remained open just a tiny bit in order to meet one of the pale warrior's as Krig's tongue slid from between her lips and flicked out against the tip of the swordswoman's rod. Her lover gasped again and then simply enveloped Tamonten's cock with her lips, descending to take the whole thing to the base so quickly that she gagged on it.

That didn't seem to bother or stop the kitsune, however, and she quickly swung her hips over Tamonten so that she was straddling the swordswoman's face, giving her an eyeful of her “dessert” while she would feel Krig starting to bob hungrily up and down on her rod. The kitsune, for all her passion and energy in bed, was still fairly inexperienced at the act and thus lacked the subtle graces that her more practiced partners had displayed. There was no teasing in her act, and her tongue did nothing more exciting than writhe against the swordswoman's shaft, but the enthusiasm with which she bobbed back and forth and Tamonten's adoration for her ensured that such stimulation was more than enough to push Tamonten rapidly towards surrendering the load that Krig seemed so eager to suck out of her.

Should she do as she'd intended and started lapping at her lover's pussy, the added pleasure of her lover's moans would only serve to make their mutual efforts to earn their morning “dessert” all the more pleasurable, and for the next several minutes they would rise steadily towards mutual orgasm, Tamonten once more possibly aided by the magic ring she had acquired from Elawdrin's stash. Before either of them reached their peak, however, Tamonten might be surprised when her lover's mouth suddenly left her cock, leaving it throbbing and coated in her saliva, and a second later she moved her sex out of reach of Tamonten's mouth as well. Her lover's intent wasn't left unclear for long, however, as she crawled down over the prone warrior until her nether lips were rubbing over the tip of Tamonten's cock.

Krig straightened, her outer petals kissing her cock's tip and coating it in her juices, and she looked back at Tamonten and smiled as her tail wagged back and forth before pushing her hips down. "Oooohhh!" she moaned aloud as she impaled herself, her inner walls fluttering delightfully as she began to grind back and forth. That left her plump rear on full display and in easy reach, ready for the swordswoman to once more take advantage of the chance to grope her lover's soft, round backside even as she gyrated in the pale warrior's lap. After a few more moments her hips rose only to fall again, prompting one of Krig's gasps to turn into a low moan that was repeated as she began to buck onto Tamonten's cock as quickly as her hips could move.

Already fairly worked up, it wouldn't take long before Kringlicsly was pumping herself on the swordswoman's more modest rod, seemingly enjoying it just as much as the larger tools that she had been made to take recently. Her lover's folds spasmed rhythmically on every rise and enveloped her in layers of warm wetness with every descent, leaving Tamonten swimming in pleasure that the kitsune's mouth simply couldn't match. Only a few moments into Krig's enthusiastic ride would see the swordswoman's cum milked from her cock, and the first spurt into her depths would set Krig off in turn. Her lover's head tilted back and her lips parted in a loud, deep moan of ecstasy as her sex squeezed around Tamonten's cock with all its might, spasming to draw out spurts of the swordswoman's seed so that her cervix could drink them up and leave them churning in her womb.

Krig wouldn't pull off of Tamonten immediately when they had both come down from their climax, instead letting her hips give lazy shifts back and forth while she let out pleased murmurs, her eyes now closed and her body leaned forward so that she could plant her hands on the swordswoman's knees. She would continue like that for a minute or so before finally pulling off of Tamonten's cock and glancing back over her shoulder, giving Tamonten a mischievous grin as one hand reached down and gathered up some of the cum leaking out of her sex and bringing it to her mouth, sucking on her messy fingers lewdly in full view of the swordswoman. "Yummy~"
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Hey! Who says I got my butt kicked?" The swordswoman replied to Krig's comment with exaggerated indignity. "I almost made Grenewald tap out, at least! I'll get them next time. And besides, no offense to Sensensiel's talents but I only need to wake up and see you for it to be a pleasant start to my day," she added with a little smile, the lightheartedness of their exchange helping to ease her conscience about her earlier choice.

"Mind reading comes with extra benefits, does it?" The pale girl trailed off as she asked the question, pretending to be in deep contemplation. She of course knew there was truth in it. As much as she'd liked to have forgotten, she still remembered in vivid detail what had happened when Elawdrin had scrambled her own thoughts. More pleasantly, she remembered Krig's use of her power to allow them to share sensations in the baths. Despite how she might've behaved up to that point, she understood that Krig had extremely good reasons to be paranoid of Drawneli and agreed that they should take some precautions before keeping her as a permanent fixture. She didn't actually intend on commenting on the subject seriously at that moment though. "Then this constant urge to fondle and stare at your ass might have been planted..." Tamonten tried her best to keep a straight face and eye her lover with some level of believable suspicion, but in the end she broke down into another giggling fit.

Of course, all those thoughts would fade away once Kringlicsly was on the move, after the two had discussed dessert. The pale girl wouldn't complain when the kitsune called her greedy, or even when her lover's folds were left out of reach even of her hands. Tamonten was more than content to simply enjoy her lover's motions against her modest shaft, giving a pleasured sigh as Krig lapped at her shaft and sent a little shiver of pleasure up her spine. That noise would turn into a throaty moan as her lover's sudden descent onto her rod caused her stimulation powerful enough to cause the pale warrior's back to arch and her eyes to clench. The involuntary motion in her partner's throat around the tip of Tamonten's cock caused by the foxgirl's sudden gagging on her rod had the pale girl swimming in bliss and she very nearly lost her load before the kitsune had truly started.

She ended up thankful when Krig provided her with a distraction in the form of the foxgirl's sex and she would dive in without a second's hesitation. The pale girl wasn't in much of a state to be artful, between the soreness in her jaw, the overwhelmingly powerful scent of Krig's arousal so close to her nostrils, and the rapidity with which the woman she loved was taking her to climax, so she substituted it with eagerness and liberal use of the ring she had attained from Elawdrin's armory. She attacked the kitsune's clit with gusto. Her tongue vibrated with the magic of the enchanted trinket as she took long, broad strokes against the sensitive nub, and beyond her own lapping the only variation she would offer up was to occasionally seal her lips around Krig's clit as best she could and suck on it as she pressed the vibrating muscle in her mouth against it, happy enough to send Kringlicsly along to her next peak as quickly as she was able. She wouldn't be any shyer about her muffled moans into her lover's sex than the other woman was about her own around Tamonten's rod as they progressed.

As dedicated as she was to her work though, the swordswoman noticed the loss of Krig's mouth long before she realized that the kitsune had raised off of her face. Whatever her skillset might have lacked in comparison to the more experienced women that Tamonten had been bedded by, Krig was the woman that she loved above all others and even her clumsiest efforts gave them a run for their money when it came to the pale girl's pleasure. It was impossible not to be disappointed when the other woman's mouth left its place wrapped around her cock, even when it might present the opportunity to be buried in her lover's silky folds once more. With the brief break in that pleasure, the kitsune's ass earned her rapt attention in the form of a glazed, lustful stare as Krig crawled into her new position. The pale woman would mentally and physically brace herself as her lover's target was confirmed, only to throw her head back and moan as Krig's sex pressed down against her slick rod.

"Ooh, fuck," the words escaped her mouth in unison with Krig's moan. Her hands moved at a lazy pace toward the kitsune's ass, too tempting a target to ignore. She made no effort to do anything more than enjoy the fluttering of lover's velvety depths around her cock and fondle the woman's soft backside as Krig began to grind against her though. The swordswoman was already on the verge of an orgasm and she couldn't begin to bring herself to do anything that even ran the risk of causing the spirit wielder to stop. If she were to be truthful, she was still terribly sore as well and even Krig's softer motions caused noticeable flares of discomfort, though in the end just enough to make her feel less guilty for making Kringlicsly do most of the work and never enough to make their relatively tame tryst anything less than enjoyable.

The pleasure continued to outweigh her discomfort as Krig began to bounce along her length in earnest, and Tamonten's grip on her ass became ever firmer as the pale girl was put through her paces and rushed toward an orgasm that she made no effort to delay. Even as her lover's meaty ass slapped into the swordswoman's hips with each buck, causing her abused nerves to protest, the feeling of her pussy quivering and milking the pale woman's cock completely distracted her from her own discomfort. Her exhausted body would still simply refuse to enable her to return the motions, so she got creative in her efforts to aid the kitsune in bringing their tryst to a climactic finale. With a bit of focus she used the power of the ring on her pinky to cause her cock to vibrate in her lover's folds. After that she simply accepted the pleasure as it washed over her, bringing her closer to her peak a milestone at a time.

The swordswoman wasn't quite as vocal as Krig initially, instead offering soft moans and coos, but she became progressively louder as her body began to tense in preparation to unleash its load into the kitsune's waiting depths. "Getting close!" She would groan in warning to her lover, and by that point her cock felt harder than the steel of her greatsword and was already throbbing dangerously in the other woman's depths. It would only take a few more bucks before she clenched her eyes shut and gave a low, prolonged moan and her hold on Kringlicsly's ass became a death grip, and an instant after that the sensation of her orgasm rolled through her body, causing her muscles to clench as she delivered the first spurt of her seed into Krig's womb. The squeezing of her lover's folds and the foxgirl's moans would ensure that Tamonten's throbbing shaft gave up many more ropes just like it, giving Krig's body all that it could drink and more until it could hold no more and the excess dripped freely between the base of her shaft and her lover's outer petals.

As their mutual orgasm came to its end, a contented sigh would escape the pale girl's lips and she would disable the magical vibrations of her shaft. Afterward she was content to simply lay there, basking in the afterglow of her climax. The urge was there, as it always was, to continue. Tamonten was nothing if not greedy and even downright selfish when it came to her lover and chances for the two to fuck each other into a coma, and she had a perfect chance to put her lover on all fours and rut her until they passed out again. She gave in-depth consideration to seizing it but in the end allowed the opportunity to pass. The swordswoman had plans for the punishment she had promised the kitsune three days prior and they would both need to be rested up for that. And, to be frank, the pale girl was so exhausted from the ritual and worn out from her time with Drawneli that her single orgasm had sapped all the strength from her body. The normally inhumanly strong warrior couldn't even move her legs just for the kitsune's weight on them.

So she chose to enjoy the moment instead, idly fondling her lover's ass right up until Krig began to move again at which point she let go. The pale woman watched her lover's ensuing lewd display appreciatively and made a show of licking her own lip at the sight. The desire to reply and urge Krig to take another taste of the mixture left on her cock briefly held her, though in the end she decided a different approach for the same reasons she had avoided the temptation to push Kringlicsly onto her hands and knees and go for another round. "You're not even going to come up here and share it with me? And I'm supposedly the greedy one?" She brought her pale hand up and curled her fingers to gesture for Krig to crawl back up to her, and if the kitsune did as much Tamonten would move to meet her lover's lips for another kiss.

The swordswoman made no more rush to break that kiss than she had the earlier ones, and afterward she was once more content to simply cuddle with the other woman as the two recovered, unless Krig made some other move to continue their post-breakfast exercise. She would stay that way for several minutes, not moving other than to adjust for Krig's comfort and her own and not speaking, at least not until she began to dismiss the conjured shaft between her legs. As it recessed, the realization of just how much control she had gained over that one aspect of her demonic powers sparked a question in her that she couldn't help but ask, even if the timing might have been a bit odd. "Hey, Krig? How did you learn how to use your powers?"
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Tamonten's protest at the supposition that she hadn't fared well in her sparring caused Krig to roll her eyes, a gesture that the purple haired kitsune repeated when she admitted as much and promised to beat the two next time. "Uh huh...." She was grinning, however, and given how she'd finished the sentence it was likely because of the remark about her preferences that had earned the expression.

When their conversation turned to Drawneli and the remark about planted thoughts came forth, Krig rolled her eyes once more and cooed; "Puh-lease! Like I need to plant it!" She gave her soft rump an appealing wiggle, but from there let the conversation drop.

Eventually, once their tryst was completed and Tamonten had lured her lover into sharing their mixed taste in an extended kiss that Krig was all too happy to maintain for just as long as Tamonten, her conjured shaft would be dismissed and she would eventually deliver her question to the spirit wielder. Krig gave a thoughtful noise in her throat at the sudden query, and after thinking for a moment she replied; "I don't know, really... I didn't get taught or anything. I guess I... Just sort of came into them over time and learned to control them. There wasn't really anyone around who could help me, and in Badaria.... Well, I learned fast. Why?"
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Really? You got so strong at it entirely on your own..." the pale girl posited with genuine admiration following Krig's explanation that she'd learned entirely on her own. She would pause briefly as she considered how best to answer Kringlicsly's return question. The pale girl found herself at a surprising loss for words on how to express her reasoning, so after a few awkward moments she allowed her explanation to spill out however it might. "I just don't really know how it all works, to be honest. But I want to know. I know what you're going to say, but I did risk you in the journey here. If Sensensiel hadn't been there then Elawdrin might have taken us both, she very nearly got all three of us anyway, and it's my fault for not knowing anything about what we were facing or even what I'm capable of anymore," she noted grimly.

"But I don't know where to start learning. The sealing manacle did something to me, I think. Before it came off I could dimly sense things like how terrifying Xeon's aura was, but it felt kinda like the equivalent of listening to a noise coming from another room. I could barely feel the presence of my own energy. I knew it was there but it still felt like it belonged to somebody else entirely. After it came off everything feels so... different, like I can feel how strong you are much more clearly," she trailed off for a few moments to collect her breath and recollect her thoughts. "I didn't start manifesting these weird abilities until that morning after I met you, and I think I'm getting the hang of, well, at least one of them, but I want to do better than that. I don't ever want to be in that situation again, nearly helpless to fight and protect you in a moment of danger because of my own ignorance, I can't even bear the thought of risking losing you a second time. I was hoping that you might be able to start teaching me how to use them after I've recovered from the ritual."
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Krig smirked in response to the swordswoman's compliment, though the worries Tamonten were quick to wipe her pleased look away. She seemed to have a protest about the first part, but didn't voice it and instead allowed Tamonten to finish. "Well.... I can try," she said finally once it was clear that Tamonten didn't wish to follow up her request, "but I don't know where I'd want to start. Your powers are... Different from mine. So is your soul. I don't know if it's from all the corruption you've been taking in lately or if it's a result of the demon you had in your arm, or even if it's something that Elawdrin did, but... I don't know. Maybe we ought to ask someone who's more... Experienced than I am to help, at least at first? Maybe Jasmine when we get back to the faeries, or one of Xeon's maids if you really want to start now.... Though I think you ought to take it easy for a while, you look exhausted and we didn't even go that hard."
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The pale girl would offer Kringlicsly an understanding nod as she noted the differences between their powers and even their souls. "I trust your judgment," she would reply once the kitsune had concluded her own opinion on the matter. "Just having your guidance on who to seek is comforting because I'm really clueless about this," she admitted. "I'll ask Lady Jasmine if she'll help when we return. No offense to the maids, the ones we've met have seemed kind, but my faith in their general trustworthiness has dipped a little since Xeon took my former parasite in," she frowned. "And you're right anyway, I'm not recovering nearly as fast as I was before the ritual." She would pause for a few moments before rolling onto her back and suddenly, jokingly exclaiming; "I'm just not cut out for this sort of thing! I like swordsmanship, most of its problems can be classified as 'here's your opponent, put them down in the most efficient way possible and don't get put down yourself.' None of these metaphors and abstract concepts or soul-y things to deal with...."

The pale girl would allow Krig to respond to that however she might like. If the foxgirl didn't have much more to say about the subject though, after her own reply to that her attention would turn to Drawneli next. In that short conversation with her lover, the pale girl had actually managed to make progress on something that she had intended to ask about since they had arrived in Acheron, and now she was looking to continue the trend. "Drawneli, how long can you stay powered up and where do you get your energy?" As much as she still disdained her former demon, the doppelganger had led her to that question with its command toward the golem hours prior. When Elawdrin's construct answered, the pale girl would follow up with; "Can you give me a broad idea of your abilities and when I was assigned as your mistress?" An idea struck her immediately following that question and she would quickly add; "And any failsafes or traps that Elawdrin built into you." Couldn't hurt to try, right?
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"That's fine by me!" Krig replied when Tamonten decided to wait until she could get Jasmine's help rather than ask for help from one of the maids. The kitsune hesitated for a few moments after Tamonten lamented the lack of simplicity in the spirit wielder's art, but eventually Krig replied; "It hasn't ever been difficult for me. It always.... Came naturally, like I already knew how to do it but just never realized it. Even the tricks I've come up with lately have been just... Extensions of what I could already do. I think the only thing that was easier for me was.... Well, you. Specifically you and I sans clothes. And with lots of, um... Vigorous motion." The kitsune gazed at her with a sheepish grin and a telltale flush despite the act they'd just completed, her tail flicking back and forth such that the fluffy tip occasionally tickled against the swordswoman's thigh.

Whatever direction the conversation took from there, eventually Tamonten would direct her attention to the golem waiting off to the side, and her replies would be quite prompt. "I can maintain activity at present levels for up to 257 hours, though if more intense activity is necessary I have roughly 20 hours of activity assuming no directed expenditures of energy are required. My power cell requires magical energy to recharge, and I may take it when in use from subjects, or it may be administered directly into my core if safety protocols are overridden."

Krig seemed curious at that, and asked; "What does that mean? Why would doing that require.... Permission?" To that, the golem replied; "Energy may flow in either direction via direct contact with my power core. I would be destroyed if all of it were drained. I am currently programmed to avoid direct contact with demons and with daemons because of this, though I am aware that other beings are capable of destroying me in this manner. With my mistress's permission, I would increase my threat range to include outsiders, kitsune other than yourself, and mortal succubi in order to prevent this weakness from resulting in my destruction."

Tamonten's next question and its quick followup would earn another quick response; "My permissions were written to include you as my primary owner according to my initial programming. The current setting is that my ownership shifts to whoever kills my present owner. That put me in your service when my creator was killed. My default setting is to use my combat capabilities to disable those who threaten my mistress or her allies and servants, but this setting is currently changed to defend only myself. I believe this was because my creator feared my destruction at the hands of the demon prince Varthic if I were to fight him, but this summation was an underestimation of my abilities." For a second there was something almost like insult in the golem's voice, but it passed quickly as she continued; "I am capable of shifting my physical form into any shape while maintaining hardness, and may expand up to fifteen times my present volume without losing any tensile strength in my physical body, and up to twenty times with effective combat strength. Damaged portions of my shell repair themselves automatically and return to the whole unless obliterated beyond re-usability, and I may take in new material as needed.

"In addition to regular motion, I may expend power in order to enhance myself in various ways, and may channel large quantities of energy into directed energy blasts. Were I forced to face the demon prince, he would have been subdued, and I would have disabled him before he could threaten my core." Again there was a hint of reproach in her voice, but as she listened Tamonten would detect something else.... Confusion, and perhaps frustration. "There are no deliberate failings in my design," the golem began in a fully neutral tone once more, "the imperfections in my present form are flaws I was created with unintentionally, and do not represent a threat to you, my mistress."

"What kind of.... Imperfections?" Krig asked curiously, to which Drawneli replied; "In addition to the weakness inherent in my core, as I drain energy from sources I take on some of their traits. In addition, while durable the material of which I am constructed is brittle because of its malleability, and channels directed attacks consisting of electricity directly to my core which has the potential to cause lasting damage to my systems or programming. In addition, I was not suitable to fulfill the purpose for which I was created." Krig turned to look at Tamonten, her eyes searching as if she wondered if they really ought to ask the question that obviously followed from that and leaving it to Tamonten ask such if she thought it wise.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The pale woman was going to open her mouth to agree that swordsmanship had come relatively easy for her as well, but the kitsune's next comment stunned her. Her own face burned bright red and she cast an uncertain glance toward her lover, beginning to subconsciously fidget under the light brush of the kitsune's tail as she did. Bad libido. Down, girl, she would mentally reinforce her earlier decision to allow herself to recover before jumping Kringlicsly's bones again. "You're definitely getting, um, really amazing at that, too," she would sheepishly reply.

She would do her best to regain seriousness as she attempted to foster a better understanding of Drawneli's abilities. Nearly eleven days of continuous operation, or most of a day under heavy duress. Most humans couldn't manage anything close to that. The golem only grew more amazing with every moment. The note about being able to truly destroy Drawneli through her core was of important note too, though Tamonten hoped she'd never need to use that against the construct. "You have my permission, and in the future you may expand that protocol to any new threats that you think might be able to harm you," she would offer when the automaton expressed a desire to increase her threat range. "Are there any similar requests that you have?"

When that was taken care of she would ask her follow up questions as planned. The swordswoman was a bit surprised that Elawdrin would make such a setting. The deceased warden seemed more the spiteful type, and Tamonten would've expected her to have set Drawneli to the task of 'conditioning,' whatever that might have meant, the angel's killer. She wasn't sure if the setting was a sign that there was some sinister trap underneath Drawneli's apparently servile appearance, it was another inscrutable effort by whatever good had remained in the fallen woman to right things, or if the angel might have held some deep attachment to the golem herself, wanting her creation to live on even if she didn't. Another mystery wrapped in an enigma to throw on the pile that made up Elawdrin's actions, and made all the more impenetrable for the angel's apparent fear that Varthic might destroy Drawneli.

To tell the truth, Tamonten was a bit insulted by that too. It might have been a bit silly, but only Varthic? Sure, the demon prince was strong, but he was the only one who had earned Elawdrin's concern when it came to breaking her golem? The joke was on Elawdrin in this case, Tamonten had been the one to remove her head. Maybe she had expected that Varthic would be the one to slay her and take possession of Drawneli though? More confusing things to try to interpret. More importantly for the moment, she hadn't gotten so caught up in her own ego that she didn't notice Drawneli's own apparent dislike at being underestimated. That meant that the golem had some feelings then, surely. She would need to explore that more in her later questioning.

For the time being though, she listened in wonder as Drawneli listed the properties of her body. "Amazing," the pale girl would murmur. There were so many possibilities, not just in the bedroom but for day to day living. A sparring partner who could accurately mimic various monstrous traits? One that probably wouldn't even feel the sting of a wooden training sword used to strike them. Strong, fast, and durable already and able to enhance that even further. Drawneli would have probably been able to do all the work on her home farm in a fraction of the time it took her family to do so, and still been able to do the other chores. It truly made her regret her inability to save the fallen angel. What a difference she could've made in the world if she'd been able to create more like Drawneli. An entire army of such creations able to keep cities safe and take over the dangerous and harder work normally foisted on workers. "Do you feel pain? Or, for that matter, pleasure?" Tamonten would sneak in the question after Krig's own about imperfections.

Despite the note the golem ended on, however, the pale girl's attention went elsewhere first. She had every intention of asking what purpose Drawneli had been designed for, if only to continue to attempt to unravel any of the mysteries still remaining behind Elawdrin's actions, but the fact that the golem had once more mentioned Varthic had her wondering at the depth of the golem's emotions. "I'd like to know what that purpose was, but before that: would you feel better if I organized a sparring match between you two? You and Varthic, that is. I don't want either of you to come to lasting harm, but if it's frustrating you then we can at least do something about that." The golem's response might be telling, at least.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Krig beamed at her, but she too seemed intent on letting her libido gird itself for later.

"Thank you mistress. In addition, I would like to return my defensive setting to its default state," Drawneli replied when Tamonten gave her permission to rewrite her threat assessment. Seemingly reading her mind, her confusion as to why the golem had been shut off in fear of Varthic would be answered as well; "The demon prince was considered the most pressing threat due to his nature as an incubus. Should he contact my core, he would be able to draw out my energy far more quickly than would be possible through conventional means."

A later question would be answered simply; "Negative. I lack the necessary biological elements to replicate the physical stimuli experienced by living creatures. I do not see, hear, smell, taste, or touch as you do, but I am programmed to believably replicate the reactions to such stimuli. My perceptions are based on the soul, as you would put it, rather than on any parts of my physical form."

Tamonten's question regarding a fight between the golem and Varthic was perhaps slightly misinterpreted by the golem, as she responded to it by saying; "If you desire that the demon prince be subdued, I am prepared to obey. He is currently listed under associates of my mistress, however, and you have forbade me from harming those falling under that heading. I.... Do not experience frustration over the lack of combat with Varthic. I experience frustration because I was prevented from defending my creator. Such was my new purpose after it became clear that I could not fulfill my original function."

Should Tamonten urge the golem to reveal that purpose, she would explain; "My original purpose was as a surrogate spirit that my creator could transplant the effects inflicted upon her soul by the outsider who rewrote her onto me. Eventually, it became clear that such was not possible, and then I was re-purposed into an assistant for my mistress's other efforts, and a guardian."
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

"Sorry to do this to you, but I'll only allow it conditionally for now. If either of us is incapacitated or otherwise rendered helpless you have my permission to protect us to the full extent of your abilities and get us to safety, or if we call upon you. I'll want to practice against you a bit before I decide to change it back completely," she answered.

Her first instinct was to avoid risking Drawneli unnecessarily in battles unless things were desperate, if only because the golem was such an amazing creation. It felt almost immoral not to at least try to get the knowledge of her making into human hands so that they could at least try to begin manufacturing their own such automatons. Although Tamonten found herself a little bit sad for Drawneli that the mechanical woman couldn't feel pleasure in the conventional sense, it seemed a terrible tradeoff even for the advantage of not feeling pain, but she made no remark about it.

Following the golem's comments about Varthic and the true source of her frustration the pale girl would frown. "I see.... Sorry," she would softly reply, although it wasn't clear even to the swordswoman herself whether she was apologizing for misinterpreting the source of Drawneli's frustration or for killing her creator. "No then, I don't think I need you to beat up Varthic. I owe him for earlier, but I'm going to do that one myself. I would like to hear what your original purpose was though."

Drawneli's answer would leave her a bit dumbfounded. "Your creator was one of the most confusing women I've ever met," she spoke her thoughts aloud. "I truly wish I had been strong enough to convince her to return to the angels or even brought her here so that she might have been helped," Tamonten sighed. Would she ever understand Elawdrin or, for that matter, even know how to feel about the woman? She hated her and was confused by her, she still had little idea what had been the truth and what had been lies and misdirection from her brief conversations with the woman, and yet she knew that the fallen angel had been capable of great good at some point. There wasn't a point in dwelling on it then though.

"I'm sure I'll have no end of uses for you," the swordswoman would continue, and for once only half of the things she was thinking about involved sex. She would sit up then, and begin to make an effort to scoot to the edge of the bed. "For now," she started once she had reached her destination, "I think I need to get going and get some trading done. Then I need to get plans for the party sorted. I'd like you to accompany me, Drawneli, since I'm still out of sorts and can't say I feel fully comfortable surrounded by demons even at my best. Would you like to come with, Krig?" The pale girl would turn toward her lover as she asked. Unless the foxgirl made an answer that required her to stop, Tamonten would move to begin getting dressed and, unlike the last few times, she would even don her armor and greatsword and place the magical dagger she had taken in her belt. She would take every precaution when preparing to meet the demons of Acheron at large.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

"Of course mistress," Drawneli accepted Tamonten's conditional rewriting of her settings without any complaint despite her request for greater freedom. The golem offered nothing further besides her explanation, Tamonten having not requested any further information on anything she'd said, and so when the swordswoman said she would have many uses for her Drawneli simply said; "I exist to serve mistress." Then, in response to her command; "Yes mistress."

Krig would follow Tamonten off to the edge of the bed, moving far less gingerly than the swordswoman, and after giving the golem a slightly wary look she would nod. "Sure," she said as she stood up, stretching and putting her plump rear in both easy reach and quite prominent display, her fluffy tail starting to wag slowly. "If I'm not going to have any more dessert~" she purred, wiggling her shapely rear enticingly whether or not Tamonten had taken the offered temptation and then striding away to retrieve her own clothing. The kitsune wouldn't end her enticement there, however, deliberately bending over to retrieve a new robe, a white one that looked like it would cling to her waist quite nicely and leave a bit of cleave on display as she held it up.

Before she donned it, however, Krig turned to look over her shoulder and smirked at Tamonten, her tail swishing back and forth over her rounded rear. "Mmmmm, I seem to be leaking a little~" she said suddenly as she bent down, her legs drifting slightly apart as she changed her posture so that Tamonten would see that some of her seed was indeed leaking from between her lover's lower lips. Still holding up her dress with the other, Krig slipped a hand between her legs and gathered up the offending juices as they slowly oozed down her thigh before slowly bringing them to her lips. She licked the digits clean slowly, in full view of the swordswoman unless she opted to look away.

Even when she'd cleaned up the offending liquid, however, unless Tamonten had taken the obvious offer her lover stepped into her dress with deliberate languid slowness, drawing the fabric up until it reached the bottom of her plump backside and half straightening. Then she stopped, however, and falsely struggled to raise the somewhat tight garment over the voluptuous mound of her backside, wiggling it back and forth while her tail wagged back and forth. It would be over a minute before Krig assumed any sort of decency, and even then she would bring the dress up slowly until it came time to pull the straps up over her shoulders, at which point her motions became a bit more efficient. She had donned nothing in the way of undergarments, however, and made no apparent move to do so.

"I have determined that there are establishments that suit your needs in the immediate vicinity," Drawneli announced once swordswoman and kitsune were both fully dressed and evidently prepared to head out. "I can guide you where you desire, depending on which of your needs you wish to fulfill first. Is a trader of exotic goods your first concern?" she continued, and should Tamonten answer affirmatively the golem would simply turn and move for the door, still wearing Krig's form and fully in the nude. The kitsune would clear her throat, and Drawneli's form would shift in clothing much like her own but in the same dark dull gray as the rest of her before opening the door properly and leading the way out.

They passed a few maids on the way out, but none that Tamonten recognized by name and none who made any effort to stop them. They left Xeon's palace and emerged for the first time in days out into the sunlight, where demons were busy moving about constructing what already looked more like a town to be than the ruin that Artmirst had been. A large plaza had already been cleared out, but none of the other nearby buildings had been finished or fully restored. Drawneli led them away from the construction, however, and out off to side streets. They passed ogres, hellhounds, demons, goblins, grey skinned humanoid creatures with sharp teeth and claws, and monsters that looked like gigantic ants with dozens of tentacles with various ends sprouting from their backs. Not a one of them made to stop the three of them either, however, and so Tamonten and Krig would be led to a strange unmarked building with one floor, one door, and boarded up windows.

Drawneli would simply walk in, and despite its unmarked status they would find the one story place open. A woman's head would peak out from behind a counter in surprise as she evidently heard the door open, and though much of the building was filled with stacked boxes the area in which she had been hidden was the closest to the door. "This is the place, my mistress," Drawneli intoned, and then awaited further instruction while the woman behind the counter peered at them. She was barely visible at first, but Tamonten would see that her cheeks were slightly flushed if she looked closely enough, and her eyes were an unusual golden color and also happened to be slitted. After watching them for a moment she let out a sigh and rose from the floor, revealing that crouched might not have been the proper word for her position.

The strange woman rose on the tail of a serpent, her pale skin turning into jade colored scales at her hips and continuing until her snake-like body ended in a rattle similar to the ones present on mundane serpents from Southwestern Badaria that Tamonten had heard stories of from travelers and merchants. She was not a small woman by any means, and her breasts were each larger than Tamonten's head.... And also completely bare save for the arm that the woman had draped over them in an effort to protect some hint of decency, even though the swordswoman would not only see but faintly smell the honey coating her fingers that could only have come from whatever the serpentine stranger's other hand was protecting. "Uhm.... Eheh.... Hello! May I.... Help you with something?" she asked, smiling somewhat nervously. "I.... Uhm... Wasn't really... Expecting anyone to drop by! I, uhhh, haven't exactly set up shop yet!"

After a few moments she opted to give up on decency and slipped her hands down to the table, revealing the rose colored tips of her humongous breasts and a soft pink slit nestled amidst her emerald scales. The apparent store owner's arousal didn't seem to be fading courtesy of her embarrassment, however, and something about the scent of the other woman's honey was becoming increasingly alluring to the swordswoman, a siren call to her libido not unlike her favored lover's own scent.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

For the swordswoman, taking advantage of every opportunity to fondle her lover's ass was quickly becoming a conditioned reflex. It was almost no different from battle where oftentimes she moved on instinct and muscle memory alone to exploit an opening, only in this case her target was Krig's irresistible rear. Her hand would lightly clap into the kitsune's backside and stay perched there for a few moments, enjoying the softness and jiggle of the orbs every bit as much as she had the first time she had fondled the spirit wielder. "Greedy~" she would echo with a grin at the other woman's comment about dessert. "Once I've recouped a bit I'll give you all that you can handle~ I still owe you for that stunt in the bath, after all," she made her promise with a gleam in her eyes.

She would mournfully release her hand from Krig when the kitsune moved to get dressed. The swordswoman wouldn't manage to join her in readying her own gear as she had originally planned though, not given what came next. Kringlicsly might as well have been a succubus for how thoroughly she managed to enthrall Tamonten with the ensuing show. Initially she was just going to enjoy the view as Krig bent over, giving Tamonten a perfect view of her lover in a position that by then in their relationship was all but hardwired to make the pale woman think of vigorously rutting the foxgirl, but the kitsune's grip on her grew stronger as things progressed.

The sight of Kringlicsly cleaning her fingers was so effective against the pale girl that she could feel the memories of the woman of her affections turning her tongue onto the swordswoman's cock in the same way. A small gasp escaped Tamonten's lips before she could stop it, and afterward her mouth would hang agape as the foxgirl pretended to struggle with her dress, causing her flesh to and sway hypnotically. The edge of the bed became a substitute for Krig's waist as she grabbed it and held onto it with an iron grip. Her body began to tense in a manner almost identical to a predator about to pounce as she silently fought the desire to take her lover right then and there. She wanted nothing more than to push her lover to the wall, dress around her thighs and all, and lose herself all over again in the kitsune's warm depths.

But this time she didn't. There were so many things to do that she'd been delaying on in order to seize opportunities such as the one before her. Although, if she were to be honest, her responsibilities were as effective as stopping her as they had been all those times before, which was to say not at all, and much more than that it was the need to recover and save her stamina for the punishment she had promised Krig that kept Tamonten in check. It did nothing for how her lover's private show had left her stunned, however, and she ended up sitting still in a lustful, blank daze for long enough that Drawneli would need to make her announcement to shake the pale woman out of it, despite the fact that she hadn't yet donned her clothes.

"Wh-what? Er, oh, right, the trip outside. I just..." the words spilled from her mouth without any real order as blood was gradually freed up to flow back into the parts of her brain that allowed for higher thought. "Shopping first would be best. Let me get some clothes on. Um, just go ahead and grab those bags," she would motion to the ones that held the spare gear and the more random assortment of loot from Elawdrin's armory, leaving behind the ones that held the toys and the pale girl's usual kit. From there Tamonten would finally take to her feet and get dressed and don her armor and weapons, all the while inwardly bemoaning her own lack of ability to put on such an enticing display and the unfairness that Kringlicsly was so alluring even when getting dressed. How could she ever be expected to disentangle herself from her lover after sex if even the sight of her retrieving her clothes was enough to make the pale warrior horny all over again?

She would work out her frustrations in the only reasonable way, as far as she was concerned, from the moment their journey started to its very end her pale hand was at work, molesting Kringlicsly in some way. Through the mansion she was content to simply run it along the kitsune's thigh through her dress, but by the time they were out in the city proper it was firmly planted on Krig's ass. As it turned out, molesting her lover in broad daylight proved to be a great distraction from the presence of the demons, and it was especially useful for ignoring the hellhounds whose presence still caused her legs to tremble uncontrollably. By the time they had reached the shop, her hand had begun to creep back toward Krig's thigh and beyond, her sights set on a very familiar target. And as she'd never removed the magical ring on her finger, she intended on escalating things even further and asking Drawneli to direct them into an unoccupied alleyway....

At which point Drawneli would simply walk into one of the buildings. With a sigh of regret she pulled her hand away from the kitsune and eyed the place. It couldn't possibly be a shop, could it? Admittedly everything seemed to be under construction at the moment, but it didn't even have a sign to indicate that it was open. She wasn't sure how Drawneli got her information anyway, so perhaps it might have been wrong. Still, the golem had already burst in and the door was apparently unlocked, she might as well accompany the automaton in case the situation needed to be explained.

Taking a look around at the boxes as she entered, Tamonten supposed it could have been a shop at some point, maybe a year or so in the future with proper time to set up and unpack. She still held a bit of doubt as Drawneli confirmed it was the place, but there was a shopkeeper and a counter so maybe she was right. The apparent owner certainly seemed a little bit shy to be running an open shop, hiding crouched behind the counter when faced with customers. The pale girl offered a little wave toward the woman, trying to assure her that they came with good intentions, only to have the motion die off when she rose and revealed both that she wasn't as human as the swordswoman had initially expected and that her shyness was for other reasons entirely.

Good gods, she couldn't stop herself from thinking as the apparent keeper rose to normal height, she could crush a person's skull with those things. There was the matter of her being a massive snake-woman hybrid too, of course, but she'd encountered a talking tree and even stranger things on her journey and by this point her inhuman nature added an exotic beauty to her rather than shocking Tamonten. The woman's breasts were the first thing that had become visible and ended up holding her attention as powerfully as any other detail about the shopkeeper, even compared to the rattle on her tail that was supposedly a marker of venomous snakes. It was hard to shake them out of her head when they were bigger than her head, at least until the store owner moved her hand and Tamonten noticed the dripping pink sex nestled among the snake-woman's scales.

The scent of it was strong enough to spark some deep desire to breed the snakewoman in front of her. It felt like it had hooked her and was practically trying to pull her groin first toward the counter so that she could pin the shopkeeper on it, sprout a nice, fat cock, and leave the woman's womb filled and her inviting slit dripping with her cum. It was a wholly primal desire in nature. It was as much for her own benefit as the snake-like woman's that she averted her eyes and blushing face entirely before beginning to reply and explain what they were doing in her shop. Though Tamonten might've looked like a demon and when it came to Kringlicsly might have very much had the libido and sexual aggressiveness of a demon, she acted anything but when faced with the apparently aroused, embarrassed shopkeeper.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt anything! I was just, um, looking for a place to sell some things and was directed here. The door was open so we came in." She desperately struggled not to take another peek at the nude woman as she explained herself. "We can come back later if you're willing to do business, or just leave and find another store if you'd prefer," she offered, faltering for a moment and taking another glance at the shopkeeper before prying her eyes away again.
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

Tamonten's molestation wouldn't earn any sort of disagreeable reaction from her lover as they followed Drawneli out of Xeon's palace. Quite the contrary, in fact, as the kitsune giggled the first time that the swordswoman's hand crept onto the round globe of her ass, and then simply began to return her every caress in kind.

Unfortunately, their journey came to an end before they could take advantage of the diversion of a tryst in an alleyway, and they would be confronted by the naked form of the busty snakewoman and her incredibly alluring scent instead. "Oh no! No that's not necessary!" she said when Tamonten suggested that they could leave, "I'm not even sure if anything else is open, ahaha! Uhhhh.... I was just, uhm, not expecting anyone! It's... A bit of a weird day, but I can definitely help you! Just like the rest of this place, I'm not exactly set up yet - I don't know if I'll be staying here, it's not a great location, but for now I'm definitely ready to give you a... A hand."

[You wanna act on that?] Krig's voice suddenly sounded in her mind, the kitsune having been observing the serpent woman's body without saying anything the entire time. [She's definitely thinking about us doing it to her.... Especially you, actually! I guess she really likes the way you smell too~ It's even getting worse the longer we're around... I bet we could weasel better prices out of her for helping her with her problem.]

[She is presently in heat,] Drawneli's voice suddenly added to the psychic conversation, [the pheromones she is emitting are extremely powerful and prompted by a hormone imbalance that is exacerbated by your own pheromones. Unless she is taken care of, her issue will only get worse. I have detected the same imbalance in Kringlicsly, though it isn't presently a problem because of her pregnancy.]

[Well, you heard her~ It'll be fun, we can take turns! Whoever's off can enjoy those big tits,] Krig added, and if she wasn't already making them up on her own Krig would start feeding her images of exactly what she meant, of one of them pounding into the naga's sex while the other thrust between her immense breasts. [Of course, if you're too tired or just don't wanna, I actually think I have an alternative that will earn us a few friends!] she added, but didn't elaborate on what her idea might be unless Tamonten first seemed to dislike the original idea and then asked what she intended.

"So, uhm... What can I do for you? Looking to trade?" the serpent woman asked, having not been a party to their mental conversation. She still didn't seem to realize her nudity was an issue, and the distracting nature of her scent was only growing more intense as they extended their stay in her shop.
Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

The pale girl was about to open her mouth to make a reply when the conversation suddenly started in her head. Krig?! She would manage in shock not only at the underhandedness of her suggestion but that she should fuck another woman right in front of the foxgirl, right before Drawneli added her own two cents. Eh? I have pheromones? Heat? Isn't that more a cats and dogs thing...? Wait, Krig too? She didn't even have the time to consider what that would mean before she was being fed incredibly lurid images by the kitsune, but even then part of her stuck on the spirit wielder's comment about the serpent-woman's tits. So you prefer them bigger....

Wait! What is everyone doing in my head?!

The swordswoman would shake her head to reorient her thoughts before turning to face the shopkeeper. Jeez, doesn't she get a say in any of this? Or should I just jump her on your perverted advice? She would complain in the mental equivalent of a grumble. She certainly didn't dislike the thought of plowing the store's owner on her counter, although she couldn't say how much of that was the snakewoman's scent and her own arousal at her prolonged molestation of Krig and the kitsune's own mental imagery. The latter realization caused her to mentally proclaim; Fine! I'll consider it if she really seems into it! If we go through with this then I'm going another round with you afterward though! Or even if we don't! I don't care if it's in here or in an alley, I'm going to hike that dress up and show you the meaning of big!

What's your alternative idea, just so I know? She would ask once she had calmed down a bit. The pale girl would allow Krig to explain her other plan as she made to reply to the shopkeeper. Tamonten herself would take another light swat at Krig's ass and then would motion for Drawneli to hand over the bags and then would personally bring them up to set them on the counter, purposely putting herself closer to the woman just to gauge how she reacted. "Long story short, we killed a fallen angel and then raided her lab and armory and have a bunch of stuff to sell," she offered the especially short version. "More interested in coin than anything else, though I wouldn't mind getting a better look at your goods...."

"But first let me show you what I've got to offer," she would open the bags, revealing the odd collection of weapons, armor, darkhearts, and magical trinkets and inviting the snakewoman to lean over the counter, ever closer to Tamonten's own body, and take a look. "I'm sorry," she would add once the woman had begun to inspect her items, "I didn't think to ask your name or offer my own. I'm Tamonten and these are Kringlicsly and Drawneli," she introduced herself, and would motion to her lover and the golem in turn as she introduced them.
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Re: Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 86, PP = 58, EP = 60, Status = Weakened for 4 more days, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 131, Status = Alright, Pregnant

While her confusion over the various things that had flown over the swordswoman's head would go unaddressed, she would feel a psychic nudge from Krig at her jealous protest regarding breast size. [Oh don't be like that,] the kitsune said mentally, [I like all sizes, including yours! I seem to recall you enjoying some big tits previously, and you know you can't hide that you want to conquer those mountains~]

Krig would titter into her mind following Tamonten's protest about her lewd intentions, and upon her announcement regarding learning about big she would be fed the image of herself prone, held down by Drawneli to the point that she couldn't budge an inch while Krig straddled her. The kitsune was glowing again, and her hips were slamming down onto one of the swordswoman conjured cocks so hard and so fast that she was moving in a blur, her crotch covered in her own seed as she seemed to be in a constant state of orgasm. Drawneli had tendrils working in her ass and pussy as well, but her mouth was left free to twist into a look of wild ecstasy that she had worn plenty of times when on the bottom in their constant trysts. [Mmmm, you'd better give me something big.... And you'd better give it to me hard, or I'll have to do that for a few hours~]

Another image would be fed to her once she asked for clarification on Krig's alternative idea, of the serpent woman held by Drawneli while a small tribe of goatmen in an even mix of satyrs and the more animalistic gruffs took turns filling her pussy full of cum, much to the naga's readily apparent ecstasy. [Oh, just calling up a few friends from back in the glade~ I can tell that she won't mind, she just wants someone to give her a cream filling, and it'd mean you won't have to do it.] The serpent woman's gaze would follow Tamonten's hand as it reached out to give her lover's plump rear a playful swat, a gesture that would cause Krig to coo in false surprise and shift to make her assets even more prominently displayed.

"Oh... Uhhh, loot huh? Neat, I like loot! Lets see what you've got," the shopkeeper said, trying to keep a businesslike tone even though Tamonten's increased proximity would cause her pupils to dilate and her body to begin issuing soft tremors. "I'm.... Asp, nice to meet you!" she said, failing to hide how distracting her arousal was, but despite her obviously growing lust and the ever increasing potency of the pheromones that both she and Tamonten were breathing in as their bodies spiked their arousal higher and higher, the nude naga would lean in to examine the contents of the bags that Drawneli had placed on the table.

"Man.... You have a tone of these! I'm not the best sale for these, but I can give you an address where you can get a good price for them!" she said, her enthusiasm for bartering and trinkets apparently briefly overwhelming her arousal as she sifted through the more mundane magical and alchemical items. "These I can give you good prices for right now though," she added while pulling out the samples of demon and faerie blood, "I don't think I'll be able to buy all of your things, though you might be able to find a few things to barter for in here, but these I can give your sixty two denarii each for. That's more than you'll get from anyone else, I assure you!"

Then she went on to start going over the other items. "I don't trade in perishable goods, including potions and drugs, so you'll have to go elsewhere if you want to pawn off any of these," she said as she looked over the bottles filled with Elawdrin's poisons and potions, as well as the tea and the massive bag of catnip. "You can try to sell the ones you don't want in the same place as the other ingredients though!"

Then she started going over the various magic items that Tamonten didn't intend to keep, the enchanted breastplate, the ornate elven style longbow, the black leather armor, and anything else she intended to be rid of rather than make use of. "These are more my speed," Asp said as she examined each in turn, "I can offer trades or coin, and I'll give.... Two thirds of their value if you opt to just take some money. Most of my stock is in boxes, but I can think of a few cocks.... Of a few things that might insert.... That might interest you!" She recovered from her slips of the tongue well, but by that point she was leaning forward as if about to leap onto the swordswoman over her counter, and Krig was snickering in the background while Drawneli continued to wait with no apparent reaction to the air of arousal growing in the small room.
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