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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 53/89, PP = 61, EP = 53/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Injured, -3 Dodge, 6/35 Resistance, Stunned by Orgasm

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 91/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 82/110, PP = 52, EP = 75/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 0/70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Down, Sealing Collar
Nellic: HP = 67/100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 54/131, Status = Fine, Flight, Battle Aura X = 12 (upkeep 7)
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 74/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Krig's Sphinx: Fine: spent 30 EP

Tamo KILL!
Attack: Hits three out of three, obviously.
Damage: 7 + 2 + 60 = 69 * 2 = 138 - 35 = 103 damage. Three dead hellhounds. Three horrific monsters promptly pop out of them.
Resistance: Success, failure, failure.
Resistance Damage: 1 + 4 + 4 = 9 damage to Tamonten's Resistance.
Resistance Damage: 3 + 3 + 2 = 8 damage to Tamonten's Resistance.
Sadist: 4 + 9 = 13 PP damage, times 3 is 39 pleasure. Tamo regains 20 EP, 10 more than what she spent.
Self Control: Success.
The hellhounds also explode. Literally.
Perception: Failure on Tamo's part. And on Varthic's. He voluntarily takes all of the attacks in order to keep them from being sneak attacks against her.
Attack: All hit Tamo and Varthic.
Damage: 18, Tamo takes a grand total of 3 damage across 3 attacks. Varthic takes 0 even after those counting as sneak attacks against him.
Masochist: 4 + 9 = 13, times 3 is another 39 PP. Tamo regains another 20 EP.
Self Control: Failure. Tamonten orgasms.
Damage: 6 + 2 = 8 more HP damage for Tamo.

Varthic full defenses and tries to dodge ye hellhounds, which proceed to pile onto him.
Attacks: All miss. One of them very narrowly.

Pano activates Spirited Warrior for 10, getting 10 additional damage, 5 additional Dodge, and 5 additional AV. He uses 20 points of defensive fighting for more Dodge, and aims to Shattering Blow one of the hellhounds.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 35 - 10 + 10 = 38 * 2 = 76 - 35 = 41 damage.

The orc uses 10 supreme might and 15 defensive fighting for more Dodge and takes a swing at a Hellhound.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 8 + 44 + 10 - 35 = 30 damage.

Nellic activates Rage, uses Iron Body for +20 AV, and tries to smack a hellhound.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 35 + 10 - 35 = 13 damage.

The hellhounds send 2 attacks per person at the orc, Pano, and Nellic.
Attacks: Nellic is autohit, both miss Pano, the orc is hit twice.
Damage: 8 + 1 + 26 + 30 - 25 = 40 damage times 2, to a total of eighty. Thaaaat's one down.

Krig kool aid mans through the wall and uses Holy Fire X = 12 on the group of hellhounds fighting Pano, Nellic, and the crazy orc knight and on the other ones with Energy Shape for an extra 6 EP.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 2 + 1 = 7 * 15 = 105 - 35 = 70 damage. Down they go! Ye Holy Fire destroys them so that their inner thingies are also fried.

Derp angel casts Cone of Flame.
Casting: Success.
Attack: Hits.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 8 + 2 = 12 * 5 = 60 damage.

Tamo reunites with Krig just as she orgasms! Tis surely a sign of good things to come!

Varthic, who had been ready to charge, stopped at the periphery of her vision as Tamonten charged forward and shouted her orders, letting her go ahead of him but making no verbal suggestion that he'd heard her or would follow her commands. It was the swordswoman who struck first in the sudden battle, three of the armored hellhound's moving to engage her while she readied her greatsword, the familiar weapon proving forever comfortable in her hands. Her spinning cut slashed through three of the hellhounds as they leaped at her, her magical blade cutting easily through even their shadowy armor.

Pano turned to face the other hellhounds, moving to aid Nellic and the orc against their batch of demons, and Varthic surged ahead of her just as she half-noticed a vague rising humming noise. "Get back!" he shouted at her, grabbing her and pushing her backwards just as the three freshly killed hellhounds around her exploded. Tamonten was rained in blood and gore, all of it burning while a wave of deafening sound that somehow made her body feel as if it had just been shocked. In the place of each of the three corpses there was another quadrupedal creature, their legs stubby and far too small to even move, much less move quickly. Their bodies, standing barely half a foot off the ground, were rounded like a barrel but tapered off the farther from the front of the creature. Like the earlier monsters that she'd seen burst from the corpses of their opponents, these things had no eyes. They were even entirely headless, but the front of their bodies were covered in a huge array of waving tentacles and toothy holes, each one different from creature to creature and following no apparent pattern.

A constant buzzing noise filled her ears, a wild patternless drone that grew louder and louder as she looked more and more upon the foul things. Tamonten heard the sounds of battle coming from behind her, and the pained shout and sudden silence of the orc suggested that things weren't going well, but it was barely audible over the droning. She could see Varthic struggling against the other through hellhounds that had come from the front, forced to catch one and hurl it back before catching the next and throwing it at the third in order to protect her in her vulnerable state, but it felt more and more distant the more she looked at the creatures. The things began to shake, releasing a high pitched rising howl, and the visions inspired by the last monstrosity that had so affected her returned with a vengeance, seizing her attentions fully and threatening to shred her rapidly flagging sanity. The pain caught up with her then, causing unwanted to pleasure to paralyze her even more thoroughly than she already was, leaving her unable to shake the horrors being forced upon her mind for a few precious seconds that threatened to end her.

And then.... Then the wall exploded inwards. Stone and brick shattered inwards with a flash of blue light, and through the hole floated a being that glowed in a crackling violet light that obscured them completely save for their silhouette, the most visible portion by far being the figure's glowing green eyes and the wide puffy tail flitting back and forth behind them. They floated based upon some invisible power, its origin unclear, and they fixed the pale swordswoman with a piercing glare for an instant before they stretched out their hand, seemingly prepared to destroy her and her allies for their insolent defiance as they unleashed an ever expanding wave of white fire.

And then that fire washed over her and provided nothing more than comforting warmth, Tamonten realized who it was that had just floated through the hole that had been blasted in the wall. Krig's holy fire washed over most of the narrow hallway, obliterating the remaining hellhounds and knocking Tamonten free of the hold of the horrific visions that Elawdrin's unnatural minions had forced upon her. The angel that she'd last seen Krig with followed her through the hole that had been blasted as Krig floated into the room, her entrance lacking entirely in the power of the kitsune's as she simply strode in, even the natural glow provided by her race not sufficient to show through Krig's violet emanation. It was the first time that Tamonten had ever seen an unsullied angel alive, and even with her association of the race with Kasumi and Elawdrin it was something of a natural balm to look upon the glowing woman, doing as much to banish the horrors that she'd been exposed to as the sight of her lover had. It was the angle who turned her attentions to the only beings that had survived Krig's entrance, the three horrific creatures that had burst from the hellhounds. Holding up a hand, she unleashed a wave of more natural fire upon the creatures, and when the smoke cleared all that was left of the monsters were smoking husks surrounding a skeletal system comprising little more than a spine and some legs.

And just like that, the fight was simply over. Another creature followed Krig and her angelic rescuer through the blasted hole in the wall, what Tamonten could only have described as a winged lion with the face of a woman, but given that neither Krig nor the angel were bothered by this it was likely another ally. Varthic slowly shifted, retaining his guarded stance but lowering it just a tiny bit as he turned towards the new entrees into the room. "Well then," he said, his voice edging with impatience, "Who the hell are you people? I would probably have remembered a glowing kitsune, an angel, and a sphinx walking around, which means you're not from the prison." It was the angel that responded first; "I am Sensensiel, this is Kringlicsly, and this is Sashien," she gestured to herself, Krig, and the sphinx one at a time, "We have come to see you freed, the perpetrator of the vile deeds that have taken place here punished, and the return of this woman's captive loved one." She gestured to Krig again, but the kitsune obviously wasn't paying any attention to her words, as her gaze was fixated upon Tamonten. She slowly floated down to the ground, her glow fading to reveal her face, which was just as it had been when Tamonten had last seen her. Only now she looked angry.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

She realized her mistake mere moments after her sword cleaved through the first three. If the guards had those aliens inside them, why wouldn't the hounds inside the prison have the same? Had she truly expected that an angel who had been touched by one of these creatures, no doubt one several times worse than the thing she had seen in her visions, would miss any opportunity to embed more of the things into the creatures of the prison? Maybe it was just because the ones on the outside hadn't done as much that she thought herself safe from another round of exploding monstrosities, but looking back she realized that of course Elawdrin wouldn't have implanted any in the ones that roamed outside lest someone more powerful accidentally find one and look to end her machinations.

While she had realized her mistake quickly, she hadn't realized that Varthic would actually save her until several seconds after he had pushed her out of the way, though it seemed that his efforts would be temporary at best. Even as he took the brunt of the damage from the exploding corpses and then proceeded to beat the things back from her, she felt her resistance waning. Tamonten had never felt hopelessness so intense and it was made worse for the buzzing in her brain. Hopelessness felt ready to overwhelm her. After so many moments of watching him fight and looking to the creatures she heard a clatter, and looked down in a daze to discover that it was her own sword hitting the floor. When she went to retrieve her sword, she ended up sinking to her knees and simply remaining there instead. The pale swordswoman couldn't even spare a glance as she heard the orc fall.

And then another vision hit her again, causing her to fall to her elbows and knees and cradle her skull with her hands. In the vision the grub reached her mouth and forced its way past her lips. The pain seemed to catch up with her as in her mind it began to bite and chew at her innards to get to her brain. Physically she could feel her warped body reacting to the pain with pleasure, even becoming paralyzed with it, but it seemed a world away from the havoc being brought upon her psyche. She developed a splitting headache as in the vision her eyes and nose and ears began to bleed. She could feel a creeping futility taking root in her mind. What was the point in struggling any longer? The outsiders would come for them all eventually, and it would only take a single lapse in preparedness and willpower for them to consume the world and everyone on it. It was time to just grab a corner and wait for the end.

But before she fully gave into the creeping madness, the explosion of the wall knocked her loose of the other world just long enough to look up at the glowing figure as it glared at her and made to use its power. "Death," she whispered excitedly but almost noiselessly, strangely happy with the prospect over the other fate that might await her.

Of course death wasn't what came. Familiar warmth enveloped her, clearing her mind of the vision and the headache and the buzzing. Krig had come, and the pale swordswoman found that initially she couldn't take her eyes off of the glowing kitsune. She feared the prospect, as if looking away for even a moment would end up meaning that the rescue had been in her imagination and that it was just another false hope and torment in the hell that Elawdrin had designed so that Tamonten could wake from her delusions of the foxgirl and find that she had already lost everything. Even the angel, as striking and calming as she was, and the oddity of the woman-slash-lion wasn't enough to keep her attention off of the foxgirl for very long. Even the words of Varthic and the angel were hard to hold onto when weighed against keeping her eyes on Kringlicsly.

The swordswoman would make every effort to rise to her feet as Krig approached her, although her effort would be a slow one at best. She would also try to talk, although she quickly discovered that while the appearance of the three had wiped away much of the outsider's effect on her that some still lingered. "Krig," she started despite the kitsune's angry look, though she soon found that it was the only word that came easily. The rest of her sentences were much harder, as if her brain had been scrambled. "You're okay... I'm happy." she offered disjointedly, discovering that every other word felt like it was on the tip of her tongue and she simply could not remember it.

Still, despite her difficulties with verbal communication and expressing as much, her mind was still working. And while she was overjoyed to see the foxgirl, she couldn't help but to consider some of Elawdrin's words to her when she had first met the fallen angel. She couldn't help but be terrified that the angel and her lover both may have just fallen into a trap.

"But... This place. Dangerous," she began again frantically, growing increasingly more frustrated at her own inability to take the words in her head and say them out loud. "She wants you. Both," the pale girl tried to include the angel into her comment with words, and when she wasn't pleased with that she gave a nod toward the white-winged woman. "Wanted you here. Entire time. Terrible experiments. Terrible monsters. Shouldn't be here. Unsafe. She wants you. Can't let her take you. Can't let her take anyone else. Really can't let her take you. Still have to burn her. Have to burn this place. Have to burn the madness. Not safe until then," the pale girl very emphatically finished, even making the effort to try to touch Krig's arms and look her pleadingly in the eyes for emphasis. She felt almost physically pained by her efforts to reclaim her ability to speak properly, but it was nothing in comparison to the thought of Elawdrin capturing Krig or the angel when the two had come to rescue them.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 77/89, PP = 61, EP = 53/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Lightly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 91/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 82/110, PP = 52, EP = 75/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 0/70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Down, Sealing Collar
Nellic: HP = 67/100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 50/131, Status = Fine, Flight, Battle Aura X = 12 (upkeep 7)
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 74/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Krig's Sphinx: Fine: spent 30 EP

Tamonten's disjointed speech seemed to catch both Krig and Varthic by surprise, though Pano shot her a sympathetic look while Nellic and the angel both looked alarmed. It was Kringlicsly that she addressed though, and the kitsune spoke over Varthic before he'd even completed the first word of whatever he'd intended to say; "That's what we're here for. To take you out of here and to take care of whoever set all of this up. In the fiery sense WAS my general plan for this whole endeavor." The sound of her voice cut through the static buzzing in the swordswoman's ears far more clearly than the voices of her other allies against Elawdrin, and when Tamonten reached out to touch her Krig caught her hand and gently cradled it between both of her own, though her scowl didn't even falter.

"What's wrong with you?" Krig asked, and though the angel stepped forward and opened her mouth, Pano spoke up first; "Yeah, not gonna lie... She got a little bit messed up in the head! You see, what happened was.... Too. Many. Pandas!" More or less everyone had turned to stare at the demon as he spoke, and the angel had closed her mouth halfway before being apparently stunned completely by the man's statement, leaving her jaw to hang open even further. Pano grinned broadly for a moment, the room falling silent, but then Varthic gave a frustrated grunt and said; "They looked at the harpy's pets and went nuts over it. I don't know how Pano can even be bothered by that sometimes, but whatever, that's how it is! Now, would you mind telling me just who the Hell you -"

Krig interrupted Varthic, speaking over him and causing the demon prince to fume; "Can you do anything about that?" The angel snapped out of her stunned state and gathered herself, having been the target of Krig's question. "Err.... " she began awkwardly, "No, I don't. But you do!" Krig looked surprised by this, but then turned back to Tamonten and released her hand to place both on the swordswoman's temples. "Hold still!" she said commandingly, closing her eyes and adopting a look of concentration. And then, just like that, her lover's energies washed through Tamonten, specifically Tamonten's mind, though some run off made it through the rest of her body. The horrible visions faded, though she would know intuitively that they would stay with her for the rest of her days, and the fuzzy blindness that the ray from the horrific centipede thing faded with them, leaving Tamonten once more in a stable mental state.

"Better?" Krig asked, opening her eyes once more and lowering her hands to Tamonten's shoulders. Her scowl was gone now, replaced with a worried look, but before Tamonten could speak a word, Varthic loudly shouted; "Will one of you - I don't even care who! - tell me just who the fuck you people are, and what the fuck you're doing here!?" The angel turned to the demon prince with an angry scowl, but it rapidly evaporated in the face of his own enraged look. It was again Krig who spoke up; "We already gave you answers to both! Sensensial told you our names, and as I said a minute ago we're here to rescue her," Krig would gesture at Tamonten, "And shut down whoever's running this place! You presumably know who this is, yes? So, how about you stop shouting like a frightened teenager, stop being an asshole, and point us to who's face we need to set on fire?"

Varthic was visibly startled by Krig's response, and the kitsune continued to glare at the demon as another brief period of silence seized the group. "She is Elawdrin. Angel with black wings. She captures us, imprisons us.... Makes us rape each other to make spawn for her experiments," Nellic stated plainly, and though her expression had been fierce before, the hardened look that Krig adopted after hearing that was unlike anything that Tamonten had ever seen on the kitsune before. "Well then... I guess she's the one I'm going to be setting on fire within the next twenty minutes!" Krig said, and though the angel bit her lip hesitantly, she also nodded, "I am here to see that Elawdrin is brought to justice. With lethal force if necessary. Our goals are clearly the same, there is no reason for conflict between us!"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Krig's initial response only frustrated Tamonten even more, though the emotion was aimed at herself rather than the foxgirl. No, no, no! You need to get out of here and take everyone who you can or who wants to go with you! I can't go! I have to see to it that Elawdrin is dead! I'm willing to shoulder the burden by myself if it means your safety! She tried to say something resembling that to the kitsune but the words simply tumbled off into the abyss immediately after they ran through her mind. Her mental ranting continued as Pano and Varthic contributed unhelpfully to the conversation. No! Not pandas, you oaf! And that's besides the point, you royal pain in the ass! Tell them! Tell them about the horrors! Tell them about Elawdrin! Tell them that they're not safe! Do something useful!

By the time the subject came around to healing her, the pale swordswoman was completely riled up. She began to fidget even worse as she tried to find some way to better convey herself to Kringlicsly, but the commanding nature of the spirit wielder's tone caused her to halt. The possessed woman was initially stunned as Krig cleared the fog in her head, so much so that she felt ready to sink to her knees again. She couldn't even begin to try to contribute to the runaway conversation, especially as memories began to rush through her head.

The memories were mostly of the prison. The rapes she had committed under Elawdrin's duress, the machinations she had put into play, the atrocities she had committed of her own will when she had believed Krig was in danger, the pain, the suffering, and the despair. She relived them in vivid detail, and how at times she believed that the best she might be able to hope for was to perish with Elawdrin. Her mental recap wasn't a result of the Kringlicsly's energy though, not as far as she could tell, but instead sparked by the look on Krig's face after Nellic's explanation. Had she always had that sort of willpower? Or had she grown some of that determination over the last three days? There was so much about the kitsune spirit wielder that Tamonten hadn't explored, and now it seemed that through her lover's own love for her she might be given a second chance.

Even in their grim surroundings, the pale swordswoman couldn't help but smile at that.

"Everybody hold on for just a second," she finally spoke up after the angel's words. Though she didn't raise her voice, there was as much command in it as the pale woman could place in a simple statement. "I understand the drive for answers and I know that we're on the clock, but there are a few more pressing matters to take care of. First, our orcish ally could use some healing," she nodded at the angel rather than Krig to do as much, and even if the angel didn't possess the ability she would present the wand of healing for somebody other than the foxgirl to take over and tend to her wounds with. The reason why she didn't suggest that foxgirl spirit wielder go and do so became apparent as she continued after the matter was handled.

"Second, let me try this again... Krig," she met the spirit wielder's eyes with her own. "Thank the gods you're okay," she very insistently moved to hug her lover. In truth, the act was more for Tamonten's benefit than anything else. She needed to feel the kitsune, to hold the body that she had once explored so thoroughly, so that she could be sure that it wasn't all a hallucination, and that the kitsune she so adored was really standing in front of her. However, the warped girl would have the discipline to keep the embrace brief before pulling away, albeit not further than arm's length to begin with.

"A few introductions are in order, I think," she suggested, turning to the rest of her allies. "This is Krig, she's the person I was talking about earlier. I think that should about cover all you need to know," she gestured to the foxgirl. "I can't say I've ever had the pleasure of meeting Sensensiel or Sashien before but any allies of Krig are allies of mine, and frankly as long as they continue burning those... things... to nothingness then I'm sure that over the next few hours we'll become the best of friends." She then turned to the foxgirl and the allies she had brought along. "This is Varthic, he's a prince and he's really not as big an asshole as he lets on. He probably saved my life not more than a few minutes ago. This is Pano, he's a panda enthusiast. Krig will remember both from the little scuffle near the ruined bakery, and they should remember her from there. This is Nellic, he's saved my skin twice since I arrived and has helped many others. This is... I never got her name. She's very good at violence," she gestured to each person as she introduced them.

"What Nellic has said is the truth," she announced without a delay after introductions, lest the bickering begin again. She couldn't help but avert her eyes from her lover as she all but admitted to the rapes and the shame that had occurred within the walls. "But there's more that I haven't admitted. The last time I saw Elawdrin... she told me a story. She told me what she did before she fell, of the things that she had to fight in her duties as an angel. She explained to me what horrors the angels defend us from without our knowledge and how many die without any mortal acknowledgment " her eyes rose to briefly look at Sensensiel before panning across the room at all the others. "And she told me how she fell. This is the short of it and I cannot be sure that any of it is true, but I wish I had more reasons to doubt her words."

"She told me that in her battles she was kidnapped by one of the outsiders, one worse than anything that she's populated this prison with, and that it took her back to its world, a place beyond our comprehension. She said that it steadily broke her, and that when she fell it did something to her and sent her back to our world. And then she said that she captured one of these monsters, and came up with the idea to try to breed them. She said she intends to create an entire race of outsiders loyal to her, so that they can defend the world and fight and die in the place of the angels. She claims that her experiments are for the goal of producing life capable of breeding more of these creatures." She paused for a brief few moments to let the story sink in before continuing plainly, "I believe that she's being controlled and doesn't even know it, and that this army of hers will turn on our world at the first opportunity and pave the way for their masters to come and consume us all. I did not tell anyone lest they fall into her hands and her find out for fear of what would happen."

"Tactically, we're in a bad spot. We're up against a fallen angel who might have something worse than anything we've encountered up to this point inside her. She has a small army of altered demons and hounds who have similar creatures inside of them that are scouring the prison for us, and to even look at them is to risk madness. Many of the other prisoners are already broken, insane, or a combination of the two and are as likely to fight us as the guards are. I don't think anything less than lethal force is an option for Elawdrin. However noble she might have been before her fall, she must be slain and burned because if given enough time I fear she will cause the death of our world. This said, if anybody is having doubts about facing her now that I've revealed this latest information, I understand, and they might be able to escape through the path Krig has carved." While she was sincere about her offer, in honesty after all they'd been through she doubted that any of those who had allied themselves with her up to that point would be willing to turn back. Unfortunately for her, this was despite her desperate hopes that at least one in particular would take the opportunity to escape.

"Our goal before you came to our rescue," she continued, now addressing Krig and her reinforcements, "was to reach Block C. These collars do more than seal us, I'm afraid. Elawdrin apparently has other fail safes built into them. There's a succubus who agreed to disable our collars for us, and Varthic mentioned having another ally to pick up along the way. The succubus isn't trustworthy but I think with Krig's help we can really convince her over to our way of thinking." At the end of her little monologue, she exhaled sharply. "Well then, I think that covers everything. Anything else before we get moving?"

Agad exposition dialogue. My worst enemy!
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 77/89, PP = 61, EP = 53/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Lightly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 91/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 82/110, PP = 52, EP = 75/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Down, Sealing Collar
Nellic: HP = 67/100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 50/131, Status = Fine, Flight, Battle Aura X = 12 (upkeep 7)
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 74/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Krig's Sphinx: Fine: spent 30 EP

The room went silent at Tamonten's commanding statement, the argument ended as surely by her as it had been by the angel's attempt to pacify her words. When addressed and directed to the wounded orc, the winged woman started and quickly hurried over, working to heal the maddened woman before she bled out while Tamonten was able to address her lover. Krig still looked somewhat uncertain, and after a moment started to look a little bit angry again, but when Tamonten thanked the gods and hugged her, her lover hugged back. Tightly. Krig wasn't a particularly strong woman, not physically at least, but she pulled Tamonten close and refused to let her pull away until the swordswoman was quite reassured at her solidity. When they parted, the kitsune's frown was light despite the continued twitching of her ears, and she somewhat awkwardly said; "Likewise."

The group made equally awkward gestures at one another as each was introduced, making little more than token efforts at acknowledgement, the response muted even on the part of Pano and Nellic after the argument that had been unfolding before Tamonten had stepped in. The sphinx gave dip of her leonin shoulders when spoken of, and remained the only one in the room to still be smiling as they other names were said. Nellic offered each a curt nod as they were spoken of, and apparently having no better idea of what to do, gave another as Tamonten mentioned him directly. Krig offered a wan grimace at Varthic at the mention that he'd saved Tamonten's life, apparently the best she could come up with for the scowling demon prince, but she managed a very brief smile to Nellic even though the wrestler didn't seem to have the strength of will to return it. The orc gave a dazed wave as the angel concentrated largely on healing her, and Pano folded his arms and repeated the motions of Nellic.

When she moved on to what had happened in the prison, Tamonten could feel a thrill of tension run through the woman beside her, and felt Krig's eyes boring into her as she silently admitted to what Nellic had spoken of before going on to speak of Elawdrin's revelation. It was delivered just as Sensensiel was helping the orc rise to her feet, and the blue-haired angel grimaced at the mention of what her kind guarded the world from, Nellic looking to her with an introspective gaze while the two demons gave her a look somewhere between a glare and a look of grudging respect. Of course, by the time she had finished everyone in the room looked some variance of grim, the prospect of their failure finally carrying the same weight for Varthic, Pano, Nellic, and the orc as it had for Tamonten since she had last spoken with the fallen angel. Krig, despite her brave face earlier, had adopted a green tinge as if she were about to be sick, and the sphinx looked both grim and resigned to some fairly messy violence. The angel looked the least moved by Tamonten's retold story, and why she did so became readily apparent only a moment later as she simply said; "I already knew.... And I had feared that it had already gotten this bad, even if I had hoped that it had not."

Going over the tactical situation didn't make anyone any happier, though the orc seemed to snap out of her daze at that point to adopt a blank smile. "It doesn't change anything," Pano announced suddenly, "Why she's done any of the things that she's done... We're going to break her anyway. Like a kitkat bar." The unusual firmness in the huge man's voice did at least enough to keep anyone from asking what exactly a kitkat bar was, Varthic merely glancing at him and nodding, offering a promise of his own; "And I'm going to be the one that does the breaking!" Nellic, giving one longing glance at the hole Krig had blasted into the wall, turned to Tamonten and nodded, saying; "This is too important to run now, even with freedom so close by. I am with you, comrade!" Sensensiel was next and last to speak on the subject; "While I fear that you are right, and destroying her is an option if necessary, taking Elawdin alive may yet be possible. Her value if taken alive could be great to us, if answers can be pried from her. More so if she could somehow be salvaged, though that is a most distant hope."

The reiteration of their plan drew impatient nods from those that already knew it already and ready ones from those that hadn't, and the orc then added; "We're getting ready for more pants then! Excellent! Lets hope it goes better than last time!"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

I don't doubt that you did, Tamonten thought silently at Sensensiel's remark that she knew. She had expected that most would stand together when it came to fighting Elawdrin and was not surprised by any of their declarations, though she did make a mental note to inquire about what a kitkat bar was when they were in a less dangerous situation. Even Sensensiel's insistence that they might take the fallen angel alive did not come as much of a surprise. But as much as the pale girl wanted the cruel warden to find redemption, even if just for the mental peace of eventually obtaining some reason for being subjected to such nightmares, she didn't think it possible. No, Elawdrin had escaped her kin once, and if the outsiders' madness could affect one angel then it could surely affect others. As an afterthought the swordswoman also found herself doubting that the pure angels intended to offer Elawdrin true help. Tamonten decided that if it came down to her then she would honor the fallen woman's last request and give her the peace of death.

Then there was the matter of Kringlicsly. As the swordswoman's lover took on a green tinge she wanted to try to comfort the woman, but what would Tamonten say that wouldn't be insulting or belittle her efforts so far? Not to mention after what the possessed girl had done. As the thrill of seeing the kitsune again became less fresh, it became much more difficult not to dwell on the little things. The frowning, the glares, the way Krig looked at her, did she know? Was the spirit wielder realizing what a depraved monster Tamonten had been? All the times that her body had surrendered to her various attackers and all the rapes she herself had committed... What could she say to Krig now?

"Then let's see this through," she ended up announcing to the group at large. She continued by giving marching orders, since most of her allies seemed at least willing to defer to her and she had no intention of ending up as disorganized as the group was when the hounds found them. "Varthic, Pano, I think you two should remain at the rear. You're used to fighting together. You and I will take the front," she nodded toward the orc, choosing her to team up with specifically because the orc had spotted both the ambush and the wand. "Krig, Sensensiel, and Sashien can keep in the middle. You three can offer support to either side as necessary, and hopefully burn those things after we soften them up. Nellic, stick with them. You can forcibly remove any stragglers from their midst so they can focus on taking the most opportune targets instead. You can also get a bit of healing as we move, hopefully." She waited just a few second for any dissent or suggestions, but barring any she would quickly finalize her orders. "Let's get moving," she would announce before setting off in the direction that the group had previously agreed Striga's cell block was in.

Marching orders for easy of checking: Tamo and orc in the front, Krig, Sensensiel, Sashien, and Nellic in the middle, and Varthic and Pano in the rear. Not trying to spread out overly much. Gotta make the most use of everybody's perception and that eldritch lantern, after all.

Head on toward Cell Block C. Stop to pick up Varthic's ally if they come across them or wherever they might be residing.

Stats voted most likely to be applicable: 26 perception, 14 stealth, 56 dodge, 7 armor, 35 resistance.

When taking HP damage: 5 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 30 TP leather armor and 2 armor and 15 fire/5 force resist from a misc. ring (and her demon mutation). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and will always use it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 77/89, PP = 61, EP = 53/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Lightly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 91/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 82/110, PP = 52, EP = 75/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Nellic: HP = 100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 40/131, Status = Fine, Flight, Battle Aura X = 12 (upkeep 7)
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 74/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Krig's Sphinx: Fine: spent 30 EP

Receiving their marching orders after they had all reaffirmed their commitment to seeing Elawdrin beaten, Tamonten's comrades nodded in turn. Varthic's expression became a frown at being stuck in back, but he didn't seem able to come up with a good way to argue with her decision and so simply kept his mouth shut. Nellic, Sensensiel, Pano, and the orc all gave nods to her placement as well, not appearing particularly distraught over their placement, though Pano did cause the angel to blush and both Varthic and Nellic to facepalm as he intoned; "Don't worry friend! Even though it is round and squishy, I won't look at Betty's butt! Not even once!" Perhaps understandably, Krig looked somewhat hesitant to walk ahead of Pano after that, despite that she was fully dressed in a loose white robe matching that worn by the angel. Sashien raised an eyebrow at Tamonten's choice to put her in the middle, but she too simply nodded after a moment.

And then, they were on their way. "We shouldn't dally long with your friend," Sensensiel said a moment after they had started moving again, keeping her voice low so as not to attract attention. Krig was floating again, her body enshrouded in violet light, but she kept in position between the angel and the sphinx despite her vertical displacement. Her powers also seemingly distorted her voice, as she sounded several octaves deeper and a great deal more gravely when she added; "Yes... The sooner we are done with this and can confront this... Elawdrin.... The better!" Varthic, in response, snorted and said; "The person we're going to see isn't anyone's friend.... And I doubt any of us want to see her for any length of time beyond what we need her for. Once we've got these collars off, we're going on our way and having done with her!" That seemed good enough for Krig and the angel, though the latter frowned slightly at Varthic's statement.

They weren't molested along the way to Striga's cell block. Tamonten might have been thankful for that, given how poorly coordinated the group was. Sensensiel glanced about skittishly, often bumping into those beside her. Pano and Varthic walked too quickly, and more than once Krig glared back scathingly after Pano's helmet-clad head knocked into her tail as she floated over the floor. The orc at least kept pace with Tamonten, but the swordswoman found Sashien knocking into both of them from time to time, an annoyance that didn't become less frequent with time.

Arriving at Cell Block C, the orc simply opened the door into the guard chamber without giving them any time to prepare, though thankfully her mistake wasn't punished as the room proved empty. Completely empty. No blood, no bodies, no guards.... It looked as if they had simply fled, as the plates on the table still had come food on them and a deck of cards were spread across the surface of it. "It looks like nobody's home," Nellic remarked grimly, and then pushed past Tamonten to the door into the cells proper, making ready to open it at her command. After whatever preparations Tamonten might wish to make herself or ask her allies to make, the wrestler (or someone else if she opted to replace him with someone else) would fling the door open to find the cell block turned into a massacre.

Corpses of guards, both the normal ones belonging to the regular guards and the empty exploded husks belonging to the guards containing Elawdrin's foul otherworldly minions. Said creatures weren't putting in an appearance in corpse form, but among the dead were an eclectic group presumably including the majority of the prisoners that had been held within the block, including one that Varthic looked down upon with a particularly fierce scowl as they filtered into the room. The sound of soft feminine grunts were audible, originating from a cell in the very back of the room. Varthic and Pano glanced at one another before starting toward it, and everyone else stayed back at the pale swordswoman's prompting as the three of them headed around the corner to see what was causing the noise.

There, Striga would be found. The demoness was bloated like Tamonten had been after she'd been filled up by the gigantic gruff, and on top of her was one of the translucent humanoid creatures, clawlike arms folded over her forearms and upper arms so that her limbs were locked and steadily leaking blood. It seemed to be squatting over her, a tube extending out from its body and sticking into her pussy, and glowing blue orbs the size of chicken eggs were appearing at the base of the extending organ one by one, only to be slowly pushed down into the prone succubus. Her legs were curled around those of her inhuman assailant, bent back and trapped so that she couldn't move them, and with her wings trapped between her back and the wall, the only limb that was free was her tail. That thin appendage was curled around the pulsating length embedded inside of her, but if it was an attempt on her part to stop the eggs from entering her, it was something of an abysmal failure given that it didn't even seem to be slowing them. Her eyes were rolled up into the back of her head, and her tongue was lolling out of her mouth while drool dripped from it, and her weak moans suggested that she had been broken by that point. Traveling parallel to the eggs along the outside of its breeding tube were a series of glowing red lines containing tiny starlike orbs, their path of travel opposite that of the eggs, and after a moment of examination Tamonten would realize that they were pieces of Striga's soul, torn from her being violently in a manner that she would never have seen before. The creature was presently shredding the core of her soul, dividing it into easily edible chunks, and if intervention didn't occur quickly even that would be gone.

Fortunately for Striga, Varthic and Pano seemed to hate such creatures even more than they hated her, and between the two of them (and Tamonten if she wished to join in on the pummeling) the creature wouldn't even last long enough to pull out of the captured succubus. What they were going to do with the inflated, drained, and seemingly broken woman after it was dead, however...... The two demons didn't seem to have any clue as to what could be done, Pano frowning down at Striga while Varthic gave her a scowl that Tamonten could see was steadily slipping towards blind rage.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The pale girl gave Pano a blank look as he delivered his promise. When Tamonten opened her mouth to reply, however, Krig would probably not find much comfort from her. "I suppose it's too late to trade places with one of you in the back." Her lips spread into a wry smile. Though it might have been to Varthic's disdain, her comment was only in humor and she didn't really intend on switching spots just so she could keep an eye on Krig's rear in particular. That wasn't to suggest that after spending a large quantity of her week in prison that it wasn't a view she might kill for, though...

She wasn't wholly sure what to make of Sashien's raised eyebrow, as she had no idea what a sphinx was capable of--or what a sphinx even was, for that matter. Beyond that, after they had resumed their travel she did reply to the remarks about visiting her "friend," and mused that if Krig knew the half of Striga's brand of friendliness toward her then the succubus might not have survived long enough to disable a single collar. "Varthic is correct. I would call her many things, among which include an evil wretch and a woman who I hold less goodwill toward than even Elawdrin herself, but not a friend. Were it up to me, I would either lock her up so that she can be punished after Elawdrin's fall or execute her myself for her crimes, but she's a necessary evil unless we want to discover what else these collars can do."

As much as the repeated bumps and complete lack of cohesion frustrated the swordswoman over the course of their trip, she bore with it. It wouldn't be a point if they were attacked, she figured, as then each side would only have to deal with anything coming on their side and the ones in the middle could reinforce and assist whichever side they felt was failing. The swordswoman ended up taking the whole rest of the walk in stoic silence, right up until the orc flung open the door before anyone was ready. "Wait! What if..." Her protest trailed off as she first surveyed the empty room.

"Not a good sign," she remarked following Nellic's comment, and then followed him in. "Varthic and Pano" she addressed the two. "Nellic's going to open the door, we're going to put ourselves squarely in front of it and keep everything that might want out from getting into this room. Krig, get behind us and get ready to light the place up if we get rushed. Everyone else, keep an eye on the other door in case any of Elawdrin's minions decide to check in on this block." She took a spot to the side of the door and once Pano and Varthic were in position she nodded at the wrestler to fling the door open.

She couldn't even muster the energy to be appalled at the gory scene they found inside Striga's cellblock. It was another grim horror caused by Elawdrin's schemes and experiments, and if Tamonten had dwelt on them all then she'd have already curled up into a ball in the corner and snapped. For now she just had to steel herself to the reality of it all and do what she could for the ones who were still alive, specifically for whoever was making the noises. "Stay back and be ready," she commanded of Nellic and Krig. "It could be a trap, and there's no point in all of us wandering into it," she added as she stepped forward with the two demons to investigate the noise. She moved through the room carefully, briefly surveying each body for signs of life as the three approached the noises and taking a little extra time to examine the one that Varthic had scowled at. What they ended up finding once they had found the source of the noises didn't confirm the possessed woman's darkest fears, but it came close.

What the rest of the room hadn't accomplished, the sight of Striga being bred by one of the outsiders did. A queasy feeling overwhelmed Tamonten as she watched the creature rape the succubus, the very same demon who had raped her. The sight of the broken demoness even succeeded in shaking her, albeit only slightly, at the thought of what would happen to her and all those who had followed her if they failed. Like the hellhounds, her legs began to tremble slightly at the notion, but also like the fear caused by the hellhounds she overcame it quickly. The realization that the outsider was not only raping the succubus but also consuming her very soul spurred the swordswoman into action, if only because while the pale girl bore Striga no love she also couldn't afford to let the only one among them who knew how to deactivate the sealing collars be consumed. Unlike the two demons, however, she didn't attack by pummeling it, she attacked by drawing her greatsword, severing the tube that Striga's soul was being taken through, and then attempting to skewer the outsider's main body like she had its brethren in the armory.

Regardless of how the succubus's assailant ended up dying, Tamonten proved less distraught and frustrated by the state of the demoness than her two allies did. Her first act was to draw the wand of healing and then use it to stem the flow of blood, and her next was to replace the wand and direct her two allies. "Pano, pick her up but be gentle. Varthic, keep on your guard, there might still be more lurking among these things. We're taking her to the table," she commanded and, once Pano had grabbed Striga, immediately began to make the trip in reverse and return to the formerly empty room which was currently populated by the rest of her group. Assuming nothing of note happened, once they got close to the door she called out toward the other room. "Clear the table and seal the door behind us!" The pale swordswoman had already been planning a method of retrieving the information from an unwilling Striga, and she supposed this counted as unwilling.

Upon arriving at the table, Tamonten would motion for Pano to set Striga on the table and then make several more commands. "Krig and Sensensiel, come over here," she waved for the kitsune and angel. "Her wounds need healed. Krig, I need you to try to fix her mind. If you can't do that, then I need you to search for the secrets to the sealing collars, but be careful because it's hard to say what Elawdrin and the outsiders have done to her head." Her next orders went to the room at large. "Lock up the doors as best as possible while Krig and Sensensiel work. Afterward, pick a door and keep an eye on it."

Use 1 EP from the wand of healing on stopping Striga's bleeding. I believe this sets it at 3/20. I don't think the healing amount matters 'cos going to have Sensensiel work on her anyway.

Afterward, assuming they make it back into the poker room. Have Striga set on the table, have Sensensiel heal her body and Krig try to heal her mind, barring that Tamo is asking Krig to rape her mind for her sealing collar secrets. What happens to Striga after really depends on what Krig accomplishes, but Tamo will stay close at hand in order to protect Krig just in case Striga goes all chestburster. (She will also push Krig out of the way and use herself to shield yon kitsune in such an event if Tamo has enough time to act, in a manner similar to what Varthic did for her. She will also do this if Striga herself attempts to attack Krig for whatever reason.)

Everyone else is to seal the doors to the best of their ability (read: barricade of chairs and the like) and then to basically rest and keep an eye on them. Assuming Sensensiel finishes before Krig does, Tamo will direct her to heal Pano and Varthic.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 77/89, PP = 61, EP = 53/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Lightly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 91/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 82/110, PP = 52, EP = 75/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Nellic: HP = 100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 22/131, Status = Fine, Flight, Battle Aura X = 12 (upkeep 7)
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 74/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Krig's Sphinx: Fine: spent 30 EP

Resistance (Krig) : ???

Tamonten's sword-swing forced both of the demons beside her to stop, lest they intercept the arc of the swing that took off the creature's breeding tube, but they were happy to capitalize on the position she left the creature in when she slammed her greatsword through its chest and impaled it to the wall. Even after they'd leaped past her and went on the attack themselves, Varthic forcibly tearing off one of the creature's arms and then using it as a weapon to take the other one off at the elbow while Pano simply smashed its head against the wall repeatedly until the thing lost consistency and melted into a puddle of formless goo around Striga, neither of the two demons made a comment on the prodigious strength it would require to force a sword into a stone wall.

After Striga's attacker was dealt with and the demon prince was kept from a tantrum by Tamonten's crisp commands, smoothly hiding how unsettled the sight had truly left her and healing Striga with the wand in her possession in the process, Pano lifted the demoness while Varthic carefully strode out while rechecking the bodies, and swept the table clean of any obstructions once they were back in the guard room. Again he lingered for a moment on one of the dead prisoners, an apparently human woman with fiery red hair that Tamonten hadn't seen before. Her body was slashed up as if by sharp blades, including a wide hole just over her heart, and her stomach was slightly distended, suggesting that she'd been pregnant when she died.

"Ack! What happened to her?" Nellic asked, his weathered face creasing with concern as he watched Striga carried over and laid down onto the table. "One of the fiends that nearly murdered you happened to her," Varthic supplied coldly, displaying no sympathy whatsoever for the fallen demoness. After she'd been laid out, the rest of Tamonten's party of misfits nodded calmly, Sashien having already been watching the door through which they'd entered while the rest of them went to search the cell block. The wrestler promptly closed the door and moved a chair over to make sure that it wouldn't open without a great deal of strength behind it, and then he, Varthic, and Pano all moved to the two doors leading out of the room to watch them, leaving Tamonten to issue her commands to Krig and Sensensiel.

"I don't think healing her body is going to be enough...." the angel said delicately as she gave the bloated demon a brief examination. Krig turned to her own task without complaint, pouring some of her energy into the demoness only to be left frowning, while Sensensiel started working her own magics to try and heal the demon's body. The latter effort was seemingly more effective than the former, as the slashes on her arms were quickly reduced to mere scars while Krig was left to turn to Tamonten and say; "I don't think there's enough left of her to salvage in there. We'd have to wait to find out, and we don't have the kind of time it would waste to see if her soul is going to piece itself back together. I'm going to go into her mind and see if I can find what you need." She reached out and clasped Tamonten's hand for a moment, offering a reassuring smile as well before turning back to Striga and adopted a scowl.

There was no visual indication that Krig had entered the broken demon's mind, no flash or flare or link of light to connect them. Her foxy lover's eyes simply glowed for an instant, and then widened in horror a few moments later. The kitsune's aura flared out as she slowly dropped to her knees, hands coming up to rest on her temples, her tail poofing up and her ears flattening against the top of her head. She began to whimper and shake, her shivers growing heavier until it seemed more like she was having some sort of seizure while her frightened and horrified sounds grew more and more pronounced. Within a few moments she had returned to the visage that Tamonten had seen her in when they had first reunited, shrouded in violet let and recognizable only because of her general shape and the recognizable potency of her spirit. Though she appeared the same, her mannerisms couldn't have been more different as she sat there, crumpled beside the table while squirming in the clutches of whatever mental battle she was fighting.

And then, it was over. Krig's aura snapped back to its subdued level, and she tilted her chin up as her ears perked, her eyes blinking rapidly to clear away the tears. Looking up at Tamonten, she grimaced and said; "That was.... Unpleasant, to say the least." Climbing back to her feet if the pale swordswoman would allow it, she continued regardless; "The news isn't great either. When she said she knew how to disable the collars, I don't think she was being completely truthful. She knew a word that would disable the sealing effect, but not how to remove them entirely, and when she tried to take one off of someone else by hand... It blew their head from their shoulders. I've got the word, but I don't know if it disables anything else Elawdrin might have enacted on them, since it certainly doesn't take off the security countermeasure." Krig fell silent, and after a moment Varthic approached the nearest wall with apparent calm only to slam a gauntleted fist into it, smashing a dent into the stone as he shouted; "Mother fucker! Of course she lied to us! Stupid void-taken witch!" He rounded on the rest of the room, "What the fuck are we supposed to do now? For all we know, she could be able to say a word and make these fucking things explode!"

It was Krig who replied first, speaking quite earnestly; "I don't know... But there is one thing that we can do now." Calmly raising a hand palm up, the kitsune pointed it at the now unconscious succubus and began to gather energy, her aura starting to flare again. "What are you doing!?" Sensensiel demanded sharply, "You can't just... Just execute her!" Krig didn't even look up at the angel as she bluntly replied; "I can. I am. And it's the right thing to do, unless you want to find out what those eggs she's carrying do when they hatch first hand." Sensensiel was visibly taken aback by that, and among her other companions only Nellic seemed to display any hesitance at the idea of simply killing Striga now, Pano and Sashien simply keeping watch on their respective doors while Varthic watched the scene unfold with a dispassionate scowl.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"I don't believe so either, but we must do everything in our power to ensure she survives at least long enough for Krig to work," the possessed swordswoman replied to Sensensiel. "Be safe," she replied when the kitsune made her own assessment. "You're more precious to me than anything that might be rattling around in her head. Remember that." And when Krig clasped her hand, Tamonten squeezed in return.

Her concern led her to immediately kneel at the kitsune's side when the spirit wielder slowly descended to her knees. Her first instinct was to grab Kringlicsly and cradle her, but she quickly decided against that lest she break the spirit wielder's concentration or otherwise make the situation even more dangerous, and so instead she ended up simply watching her lover with worry as the foxgirl whimpered. When it became obvious that the ordeal had ended, Krig wouldn't need to look up toward the swordswoman as the latter immediately wrapped her arms around the former and embraced the kitsune in an attempt to comfort her after the apparently traumatizing experience. When it became apparent that the foxgirl was ready to rise, however, Tamonten would aid her in standing and keep herself available to support Krig if the violet-haired woman needed as much.

The news that Striga hadn't been telling the whole truth wasn't surprising, though that wasn't to say that it wasn't disheartening. There wasn't really anything for her to say about the sealing collars, beyond a vague promise that they'd figure out something which probably wouldn't reassure anybody. Although, if Tamonten had been at all disappointed in the lack of surprise about Striga's lies that would've been wiped away by the surprise of Krig's following actions and words after Varthic had said his piece. The swordswoman was almost stunned as Kringlicsly made to blast the defenseless woman, and she found herself briefly conflicted on the matter of whether the succubus deserved to live, but despite that she found herself interposing herself between her lover and the very woman who had attacked her not more than hours prior.

"Krig, wait!" At first she wasn't sure why she had done it, but once she had taken the place of the succubus in front of her lover's palm it became instantly clear. This wasn't about Striga, as after only a few moments thought Tamonten was very much of the belief that slaying the succubus was the just and overall right thing to do and that she was carrying outsider eggs only strengthened that belief, but rather the swordswoman's actions were intended to protect Krig. She was sure that the last three days and her delve into the succubus's mind had been tough on the spirit wielder, maybe as tough as the time imprisoned had been on the pale girl herself, and she didn't want to allow being in the prison in that state to push her lover toward darkness in the same way it had pushed herself. She had to make sure that the spirit wielder was doing it for the right reason because, to Tamonten, that was the difference between justice and murder. As she stood in front of the demoness, she met Kringlicsly's eyes and looked at her without a hint of anything beyond determination in her own.

"Striga is a monster much like Elawdrin is a monster, but we're not," she spoke, matching Krig's earnestness. "I don't believe that you'd have the same view if it were me who had fallen to one of those creatures, nor if it had been Sensensiel," a chill ran up her spine as she recalled the position she had discovered the succubus in and her own statement inadvertently caused her to imagine herself in the demon's place. "But after these last three days I can't defend Striga, nor do I care to after her crimes. I just want to know if there's more than pragmatism in this choice before I step out of the way." She felt she had to at least make Kringlicsly think a little more on her decision.
Last edited:
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 77/89, PP = 61, EP = 53/66, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Lightly Injured

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 91/125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar
Pano: HP = 82/110, PP = 52, EP = 75/98, Status = Injured, Sealing Collar, 24/30 Resistance, -6 Dodge
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar
Nellic: HP = 100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Fine, Sealing Collar

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 22/131, Status = Fine, Flight, Battle Aura X = 12 (upkeep 7)
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 74/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Sashien the Sphinx: Fine: spent 30 EP

More than anything, Krig seemed surprised that Tamonten interposed herself between the kitsune's oncoming blast and the prone, deadened Striga. She lowered her hand slightly, the light flowing around it receding as well, but she did not dispel her energies entirely. "Yes... She really is a monster," Krig replied flatly, meeting Tamonten's gaze evenly as her tail slowly swayed back and forth behind her. "And no... I wouldn't have the same view if it were you, or even if it were!" she added fiercely, "And I hold no shame for that fact! I was in her head, remember? I've got an even better idea than you do for the crimes she's committed, not only here but elsewhere, before Elawdrin captured her. The way she... Feeds.... Lets her feel exactly what her victim feels when she's draining them, and she enjoyed that quite a bit. Especially recently."

The kitsune paused to give Tamonten a serious look, and then continued; "She isn't worth trying to save. She isn't worth pity. She was a rabid animal, and now I'm going to put her down, before the eggs inside of her hatch. After what I saw in her head, I would probably be doing this even if she wasn't carrying a small legion of the monsters bred by the sicko that made this place. I can give you a peek too if you want to make up your own mind, but it would be wasting more time that we don't have." Krig fell silent after that, but before Tamonten could speak up Varthic would chime in; "Finally, someone who speaks sense around here! Hurry up, the longer we dally here the more likely it is that our fellow escapees will be hunted down by Elawdrin's pets, and when that happens we'll be against her entire force."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman lowered her eyes following Varthic's comment, barely suppressing the urge to coldly demand that the prince shut up and to, in the same breath, remind him that she could've just as easily finished both Pano and him following their skirmish near the bakery. She honestly wasn't sure what she was feeling after Krig's retort though, beyond a confusing mixture of emotions not limited to anger directed at the prince. Perhaps the abuses she had suffered in the prison were simply affecting her more deeply than she had initially believed. Tamonten would've given anything for rest right then, but she knew their duty was far from done.

She quietly sighed and stepped out of the way of Krig's palm, before pivoting and removing herself from the area of the table entirely. "When this is all said and done and Elawdrin is slain and we're free, I do wish to know the full extent of Striga's crimes," she stated plainly after she had taken a new position near one of the doors they had initially entered the guard room through. Tamonten wasn't really sure why she wanted to know, she'd had a first hand taste of the succubus's limited mercies and had no doubt that the succubus had probably been doing similar for every single day of her demonic life. Maybe Krig's perceived initial coldness regarding Striga had scared her for some other reason. Although it wasn't like the idea of beating the woman, had she not been broken, half to death like some sort of rabid animal for her secrets hadn't lingered in the swordswoman's mind right up until another option had presented itself in the form of her lover's rescue -- it hadn't even fully dissipated until the moment Krig's palm was pointed at the succubus. Then again, perhaps that was exactly what frightened the possessed girl the most.

It wasn't anything that she particularly cared to dwell on for the time being, at any rate. After Striga's incineration, which Tamonten forced herself to watch until there was nothing left of the woman but ash, she would speak up with her focus once again on the battle and escape to come. "I understand that time is at a premium, but this is probably the last place we'll be with any semblance of fortification against Elawdrin's minions until we face her personally. I assume that the rest of our injuries can be healed easily enough as we navigate the hallways, and I hope the same is true for disabling the sealing effects, but if there's anything that needs to be done that we can't handle on the move, now would be the time to speak up and take care of it."

Shortpoast but I didn't want to force this too far along partly 'cos it felt forced to start giving directions for magestuffs like healing Pano and the orc's mind would work or even for her to notice how low Krig was on energy and partly 'cos I figured the NPCs would probably chip in on the dialogue anyway. Also 'cos Striga might still explode or something strange, I guess.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 53/66, Status = Collar, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine, Collar
Pano: HP = 110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Fine, Collar
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine, Collar
Nellic: HP = 100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Fine, Collar

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 72/131, Status = Fine, Flight, Battle Aura X = 12 (upkeep 7)
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 74/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Sashien the Sphinx: Fine: spent 30 EP

Krig's response, delivered as Tamonten stepped aside and moved away from the table, was both flat and cold; "You really don't. But, if you still feel that way once this is done, I'll show you some of what I got out of her." With that Krig would calmly raise her palm again and issue forth a blast akin to that which had obliterated one of the hellhounds earlier, and after the near-blinding violet flash she had reducing Striga and the table that she'd been lait upon to little more than smoking dust in the blink of an eye. Varthic seemed to relish the sight, and most of the rest of them watched the succubus burn with little regret, but at that point it was too late. Striga was gone.

"Shelicthia!" Krig said suddenly, and Tamonten would feel the collar around her neck suddenly pulse. The barrier around her spirit simply vanished, allowing a thrum of power to flow through her unabated once again. The foul presence of her demon was absent however, leaving her alone in her own mind completely despite the swell of energy she'd felt, meaning that whatever repairs Elawdrin had made to her manacle were effective in holding the demon locked in her arm back. Whether that was reassuring to the swordswoman or not was up for Tamonten to decide, however.

Though all of them seemed eager to continue, after Tamonten mentioned healing there wasn't a person among them that didn't frown and nod in agreement. Krig, after pulling a potion out of her robes and drinking it, went around healing the assorted physical wounds alongside Sensensiel, though when she reached the orc she closed her eyes and pressed her hands to the woman's temples. After a moment she blinked, and then shook her head slowly before blinking again. "Thanks," she grunted, and Krig nodded before doing the same to Pano. Once they had gotten to Varthic and Tamonten as well and Krig had quaffed another potion to restore her energies, they were ready to move along again at as close to full strength as they could get. Little conversation was needed beyond grunts of thanks to those doing the healing.

And then, unless Tamonten opted to stall them for some reason, off they would be. Everyone else seemed eager to be off, at least. The first few hallways were as empty as they'd been when they left, but then they ventured into unfamiliar territory as they proceeded into the deeper depths of the fallen angel's sanctum. They passed another gathering of corpses, ruptured succubus guards and normal ones, as well as a few stains where the outsiders carried within the dead had fallen. Another scene of the same sort soon followed, this time with a trio of dead hellhounds and the ashen husks of the hideous creatures that had exploded out from them. Someone had clearly come this way before, and it was at the next and final scene of death that they were discovered. The night elf with the ritual scars, his body broken and shredded, lay against the wall, still breathing but only just so. The oddly striped alraune lay on the floor, rocking back and forth slowly while muttering to herself. The three dragonkin sisters, now all bereft of their children, lay facedown on the floor in a pile, all unmoving. The two wolf sisters were the first that were clearly and obviously dead, holes burned through their chests. The massive satyr that Tamonten had been forced to rape was lying in two pieces on the floor, and was covered in dozens of wounds that no longer bled besides that.

The small chamber was not bereft of enemy dead either, however. The dessicated remains of two of the centipede things were there, as well as the evidence of dead creatures that burst from the succubus guards. There were signs of something else in the guard chamber as well, something larger and deadlier judging by the gashes in the sides of the room, but it wasn't there now, nor were their any signs that it had been killed. Oddly, it looked as if one of the centipede creatures had met its end at the hands of something with blades as well. "Huh..... Guess they went the wrong way!" Pano declared simply. Nellic looked crestfallen, and gazed around the room sadly for a moment before proceeding to the dying elf, "This one still lives.... Comrade Krig, if you would please utilize your talents once again, maybe he could be saved." Krig nodded and approached without apparently thinking much of it, but if Tamonten wished she could stop the kitsune before she reached the elven man.

Beyond that, the pale swordswoman would know that the fallen angel's private sanctum was near. She had seen this room before, in her walks with Evan, and would recognize it as the last room before they entered the place where she had conducted her breeding experiments upon Tamonten herself and more than half of her companions. Varthic evidently recognized it too, as he started for the door immediately, though upon arriving at it he didn't open it. Instead, he pressed his ear to it and frowned, concentrating.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Krig's reply succeeded in turning the swordswoman's annoyance toward her, though the pale girl bit her tongue and didn't make the retort that immediately came to mind. Had Kringlicsly forgotten that she had just spent three days in Elawdrin's special care? Had she forgotten that Tamonten had faced beings which should not be? She doubted that any crime Striga had perpetrated, no matter how foul, could match up to the visions inspired by the outsiders. As much love as the possessed human held for her kitsune lover, this was one case where she didn't believe the latter had any idea what she did or did not want. She had come to fully trust Krig's judgment on the matter that the succubus's past crimes were beyond forgiveness, but it still mattered to her that she know them even if her reasoning was naive or silly or even harmful to herself.

After being unsealed, Tamonten quickly discovered that she was more aware of her own energy than she'd ever been before, along with the conflicting energies in her left arm. The possessed girl quickly raised her blackened limb to inspect it, during which she discovered that the shaking of her left arm coincided with the pulsing feeling generated from the energies within it. It seemed that Elawdrin had been truthful when she suggested that she had not only repaired the manacle but also improved the design, and the pale girl had no idea how to feel about that. Otherwise, she remained utterly silent and nearly motionless in the minutes that followed, beyond her comments about the guard room likely being their last pseudo-sanctuary. When the spirit wielder and mage had finished their work, no words were necessary to understand how impatient the rest of the group was to see things through, so she just as silently readied her greatsword again and unsealed the door and ushered them out. The gruesome sights and general atmosphere of their all-too undisturbed journey certainly didn't make the swordswoman more talkative.

But when they discovered the corpses of the other escapees, it was Tamonten's turn to vent her frustrations. Not verbally, certainly not so close to Elawdrin's chambers, but physically by way of hammering her fist into a wall. It didn't make sense. She couldn't put her finger on why but it simply didn't make sense to her that they would find the group there of all places. It wasn't until Pano spoke that she was able to pinpoint it: why was it that a group of people who claimed that they only wanted to escape moving towards Elawdrin's inner sanctum? It wasn't supposed to go like this. Everyone she had met or even seen in the prison seemed to have died in the breakout. It had been so bloody and with such a terrible loss of life that the swordswoman wondered if their cruel warden would have anybody left to conduct her vile experiments upon. She had been sure that at least this group would make it out and to freedom. What had led them to seek Elawdrin's head instead?

That and the morbid scene were more than enough to put her on edge. She had been too deep in thought about what it all meant to notice Nellic crossing toward the night elf and stop him, but she snapped out of it when Krig's name was spoken. Before the kitsune made it too far the swordswoman grabbed her by the shoulder. "Elawdrin is not a woman above using the dead and dying as bait, and I won't have the only ones among us who can burn the outsiders in the middle of such a trap," but that didn't mean that she had any intent of letting the man die. She strode forward in Krig's place, removing the wand of healing as she did. "If either of you have the ability to heal from a distance, even if it's just enough to stabilize him, now would be the time to reveal that trick. Otherwise, I'll use the rest of the power left in this on him and try to get him stable enough for Nellic to carry him back so that you can heal him in full."

Barring one of the healers showing such a proficiency, she would do just that. She would crouch beside the night elf and use the entirety of the remaining charge in the wand. Regardless of how the man was stabilized, once he was she would then nod to Nellic to carry him toward the group. "Pano, Sashien, protect Krig and Sensensiel as they work by keeping an eye on their patients in case more of those things are inside them ready to burst out or Elawdrin has placed some other trap on them. You," she regarded the orc, "keep an eye out to make sure nothing comes in behind us while we check for survivors and the casters heal them. Nellic, carry the alraune to Krig," she would add once Nellic had delivered the casters' first patient. The pale girl didn't make any command of Varthic, given that it would likely only cause his effort at eavesdropping to fail.

She instead moved toward the dragonkin sisters, not bothering with the gruff or the wolf-like women given their states, checking them for pulses. The possessed human also took a moment to eye their collars as she checked each one. "I'm sorry," she whispered, before she even knew if any of the three were alive or dead. "By all rights, I should be lying there instead of you, especially after what I did," she continued as she checked each in turn, carefully trying to keep her whispers low enough and her back to the majority of the group so that nobody else in the room would hear her words or even notice that she was talking. "But if there's one lesson that this place taught me quickly, it's that justice does not exist unless we force it to. I fear that the only justice I can offer you now is that I will ensure that Elawdrin is slain or that I will fall in the attempt, but I will promise you three this." When she was done, assuming that no traps or interruptions were sprung throughout it all, she would motion for Nellic to take any of the survivors back to Kringlicsly and Sensensiel, then she would simply stare at the doors to Elawdrin's inner sanctum and search for the inner strength to inform the group what was going to happen next.

Left off there because there are already plenty of things in this post that might change what happens next, plus telling the group that Tamo is going to go ONE ON ONE a fallen angel is probably best left for chatstuffs.

Use the remaining wand of healing's lay on hands functions in order to try to stabilize the night elf (2 EP left in it, so he'd regain 12 HP if it matters). Although if Sensensiel wants to contribute with a healing bolt that'd be cool (still go ahead and use the wand if it doesn't seem like the elf is stabilized enough with just the bolt).

Afterward, Tamo's gonna go check the dragonkin sisters for pulses (also check their collars for things like existing and being active).

Have Nellic carry stabilized elf back for healing. When he's done with that have him carry the alraune back for healing. Afterward he can continue his stint as a human mule by carrying any surviving dragonkin sisters over for healing (though Tamo will help with the last one if there are more than one).
Order Pano and Sashien to protect Krig and Sensensiel in case the elf or the alraune or anyone else they treat goes all chestburster.
Order the orc to watch for flank attacks.
Varthic can do whatever he wants to do.

This feels like it might come up: 26 perception, 56 dodge, 7 armor, 35 resistance.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: 5 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 30 TP leather armor and 2 armor and 15 fire/5 force resist from a misc. ring (and her demon mutation). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and will always use it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)


Krig didn't miss the swordswoman's brief look of annoyance, but she also didn't opt to make an issue of it at the time. She received a worried glance from both the kitsune and the angel, as well as one from Nellic, when she slammed her fist into the wall, and perhaps to her surprise she did as much damage to the stone as Varthic had. The demon prince and Pano both seemed surprised even if she didn't.

Krig stopped immediately when Tamonten put a hand on her shoulder, and the entire group froze and subconsciously moved away from the dying elf at her reminder of Elawdrin's capability for deception. Sensensiel chimed in; "I can be of some assistance, but I'm afraid that my talents for healing are mostly for the treatment of minor injuries...." She looked to the elf and frowned, "I'm not sure that I could heal that with my greatest powers, much less what little we can spare now that we are so close to our greatest battle. Still, perhaps we can do enough to prolong his life for proper healing later!" With that, she would join her magics with what Tamonten used with her wand, and together they did what they could to heal the elf. The combined magic of the wand and the angel's spell caused the man to shiver and gasp, his eyes shooting open.

Nellic quickly scooped up the alraune for Krig to heal, but the plant woman started thrashing immediately, and covered the wrestler in tentacles to the point that he had to ponderously creep over to the wary kitsune. Pano and Varthic carefully watched both elf and alraune while the orc stood guard over the door, and soon enough Krig managed to fight through the alraune and deliver her healing while Tamonten went to check on the dragonkin sisters. Be it kind fate or another trap set by Elawdrin, all three were still alive and possessed of strong heartbeats, their apparent injuries fairly minor, and Nellic wordlessly carried each over to Sensensiel and Krig. None of the survivors awakened except for the elf, who began to sputter and cough painfully. Her companions continued to give him a wide berth.


In any other situation the pale girl would've at least felt some success at the number of survivors her group had managed to save, but there was no solace to be found as she eyed the door leading to Elawdrin's inner sanctum. They were not saved, they were as good as dead unless the fallen angel herself was slain. The wolf-like women and the bisected gruff were probably safer than any of the men and women who still drew breath in that room.

She considered drilling the elf for information, but she doubted there was much of use to be found out from him. She supposed she might learn something about any personal guards that had rallied to Elawdrin, but it seemed as useful as knowing the weight of the bear that was going to try to maul you anyway. Instead, when she had finished gathering her courage for the confrontation ahead, she approached the elf and knelt by his side. Her only question was phrased in a single word. "Elawdrin?"


"N... No.... Mon... Monster...." the elf gasped, sputtering up blood, "She... It..." Sensensial and Krig both frowned, but it was Varthic who spoke up; "He should have been healed, something is-" Blood splattered over Tamonten's face as the night elf's chest erupted suddenly, a hole appearing as he stared down in horror at the small, eyeless, serpentine monster that had just torn through his rib cage and the flesh over it. It gave a shriek and then shot out, scrambling across the floor at a speed that was anatomically impossible for something of its shape.


"Do not let it escape! Burn it! Scorch the entire room if you must!" She called the orders out to the casters while she herself made every effort to grab her greatsword and chase the thing down in order to cut it down.


Her companions reacted quickly to her shout, but the swordswoman got to the thing first. Her greatsword carved through the ground, creating a long gouge in the floor but also cutting the serpentine monster fairly cleanly in half. It thrashed on the floor for a moment, but then the gasping elf sputtered his last and expired. The alraune, at that point, had passed out. "...The fuck was that?" Varthic asked, clearly only mildly distraught.


"Exactly the sort of thing that must perish with this prison," she responded plainly. "Burn it. Burn his body," she commanded of the casters in an emotionless tone as she cleared away from the little creature she had slain so that the spirit wielder and mage could do their work. "If you have the spare strength, the remaining survivors should be kept in a wall in case they've been infected as well. When you're done with that, I'll have any magical boons you can offer me. I'm going in first, and I'm going in alone. This madness ends today."


Sensensiel set about burning the elf's corpse, and then simply did so to the fallen wolf sisters and the gruff as well. She was extremely efficient at it. She opened her mouth to speak after her duty was done, but then Tamonten finished her request and the entire room erupted in protest before she could get a word out. "What? Are you insane? You're not going in there alone!" Krig said. "Hah! That's funny! You seriously think I'm going to let you go in there alone? If anyone's going to kill that harpy, it's going to be me!" Varthic added. "I am sworn to see her dead! You won't go in there and pants... I mean, fight her without me!" the orc added. "This is not good strategy, comrade. You cannot face her on your own!" Nellic added, trying to be diplomatic.


As the protests began, Tamonten's gaze returned to the door. It really isn't the best strategy, she thought to herself. What was she going to accomplish by all this? Did she really expect to face Elawdrin and whatever monster had butchered that entire group alone? What was there to gain from this? Some heroic death? Some release from the visions that she knew would plague her for the rest of her days?

Tamonten didn't truly have a reason... so she made a few up. "And if we all go in there at once we'll what? We'll discover how many times Elawdrin has to say her command words to blow each of our heads from our shoulders? We'll determine how many of the minute she's used since our breakout has started setting traps and countermeasures?" She delivered with a sudden fury, one that she didn't truly feel.

"There is no gain to be had by all of us walking in there at once. Our best option is to send one of us in to determine what's in there, to discover as many of Elawdrin's foul tricks as possible, and pave the way for the rest. In a worst case scenario, where we truly cannot win in this place, then the others might still have a chance at escaping and alerting the rest of the world at the cost of that one. I would not send another in my place for this." It was all a lie. There was nothing tactical to speak of in her choice and she had no intent of ever involving the others no matter what success she might find in that dreadful room. Something else drove her to try to face the angel in single combat. Foolishness, anger, honor, or whatever it might be she couldn't place her finger on it, but it was there and it was all-consuming.


Tamonten's sharp retort, delivered as passionately as it was, at least managed to silence her allies for a moment. Sensensiel closed her mouth and pursed her lips, while Nellic looked on uncertainly. Unfortunately it was only a moment, and not all of her companions were so easily mollified. Varthic quickly let out a derisive grunt and said; "As if! Honestly, I don't even know why you're trying to lie about it. There's nothing selfless about what you're doing. You're just-" The demon prince stopped speaking suddenly, but not because of anything that had happened to him. Krig, not more than a second after the demon had started to speak, stopped gawking and started across the room toward Tamonten with purpose in her stride.

And, the very moment that Krig arrived, she reared her hand back and slapped Tamonten across the face with every ounce of power held within her frail but magically enhanced frame. Her lover was no fighter, and the attack was horribly telegraphed, but the swordswoman allowed it to land anyway, and it very nearly knocked her off of her feet.

"HOW DARE YOU!?" Krig roared furiously, and only then would Tamonten see the lines of silvery light running down her cheeks. Her voice had raised, and she stood shaking before Tamonten for a moment before she got enough control over herself to quiet her own voice. "How dare you!?" she repeated, her voice lower but packed with twice as much venom. "You want to go in there by yourself!? That's suicide! And you fucking know it too!" She paused for a moment and looked about ready to slap Tamonten again, but Kringlicsly managed to hold herself under control again.

"What are thinking? That・What? You have to die to redeem yourself!? For things you were forced to do!? What the fuck would that accomplish!?" Every word was spat like a curse・Particularly the ones that were actually curses. "Do you think you had it bad in here? How about me, huh? Do I mean that little to you, that you're just going to throw your life away like that? I was out there for three days looking for you. I came here and fought things that should never have existed to get you out・ And you want to go die for nothing, and invalidate everything I've done to try and save you?"

"If I meant nothing to you, then you know what・Fine! Go ahead and get yourself killed, and accomplish nothing in the process! But don't expect us to just leave after you fail!" Her lover fell silent and spun on her heal, but there was nowhere for the enraged kitsune to go, so she simply stood in place while her body shuddered visibly.

Varthic, master of tact that he was, opted to then say; "Well・Yes, pretty much that. But with less caring about your well-being and more being annoyed by your stupidity!" Even Pano shot him an annoyed look at that, but the demon prince vainly carried on; "I mean, honestly・You're going to go in there by yourself based on some vaguely defined feeling, or some sense of honor, and get yourself killed. Then we're down a person, and the harpy is at best mildly inconvenienced! That's a terrible strategy! Besides, why would I listen to you? Why wouldn't I just follow you in and break the harpy's neck while you soften her up for me?"


"Shut up, Varthic," the swordswoman whispered, her head still turned from Krig's blow. She knew in her heart that she had deserved that. "You mean everything to me," she started weakly as she finally turned her head to look at Krig, rubbing her cheek as she did so. "The thoughts of you were the only thing that kept me from breaking in this place!" She insisted, much more forcefully.

"But I raped them, Krig. I raped two of the dragonkin, I raped the gruff, I even raped Nellic," she started again, finally admitting to the full of it, as if it would somehow convince her kitsune lover that the pale girl truly deserved death. "I should've resisted, the second time she never even used her powers. I should've fought harder! And yet I'm still standing and three of my victims might already be doomed. What redemption is there for me?"


Tamonten would see her lover quiver just slightly at each admission, but Krig didn't speak in response. "What redemption is there in death?" Sashien asked curiously, and Tamonten would find that the sphinx had approached her on silent feet, and was standing so close that turning too quickly might cause their noses to touch. "If you are killed, what would that accomplish? I am curious. Mortals throwing away what little time they have in foolish ventures has always fascinated me!"


Now Tamonten was beginning to get frustrated. It was one thing to have Krig stand against her choice, and she was even accepting of Varthic's comments, if only so she could tell him to shut up, but the sphinx as well? "Why does everybody keep acting like I intended on walking in there, laying down my sword, and dying?! I intend very much on separating Elawdrin's head from her shoulders!" While her response was born partly of frustration, the rest was largely an effort to avoid the question.


"Have you ever fought a fallen angel?" the sphinx asked, tilting her head to the opposite side, "They are not unlike my own kind in power, you know... Though rare, Elawdrin is not the first of the fallen that I have witnessed. The last leveled exactly one quarter of a Badarian city when cornered by a group of angels. A human summoned me to distract whatever had caused it, but the fallen had already taken wing and fled."


Sashien's comparison was of little aid to Tamonten, who had little experience with either sphinxes or fallen angels. "I've not," she answered honestly. "But most of the things I've fought in the last week I'd never even known existed until a few moments before jamming my sword in them," perhaps she was just being contrary by bringing that up. "Then what would you recommend, in your experience?" She asked pointedly, though the momentum of her frustration was beginning to die down.

Krig casts Psychic Shield x = 10 on Tamonten.
"Well... Not going in by yourself, certainly! I mean, you intended to go in and try to kill a woman that can set things on fire by looking at them by runnig in and beating her to death with a metal stick." It was, however, at about that moment that Krig spun, grabbed Tamonten, and kissed her aggressively on the lips. For a few long moments Krig's body was pressed against hers, before the kitsune broke the kiss and Tamonten found herself still feeling the woman's presence. "If you get yourself killed," she said fiercely, "I'm going to kill you!"


The pale girl couldn't say that she wasn't surprised by the sudden turn of events, but she certainly didn't struggle or resist Krig's much less painful touch. "I believe it," she commented in response to the foxgirl, rubbing her cheek again. She was doing it again, wasn't she? The swordswoman was pulling the weight onto herself despite having several strong and competent allies available to help her. "If it worked for an evil tree, I think it can work for an evil angel," she turned to the sphinx and responded to the lion hybrid's comment.


"Trees don't move," the sphinx replied dryly, but then padded away and curled up. "You're not going in there by yourself," Varthic stated simply, as if that were fact, but Krig slowly turned toward the demon prince and fixed him with a flat stare. "I think she's going in by herself Varthic," Pano supplied lightly, and after meeting Krig's stare evenly for a moment, Varthic sighed and said; "Fine. But don't expect me to waste precious seconds saving your ass when we have to come in and finish her off!"


"I'll keep that in mind," she replied to Varthic about as dryly as the sphinx had replied to her. "You're correct though. However I may feel about all this, Elawdrin must die today regardless of who does accomplishes it. Allow me to at least take these boons and bear the brunt of her initial trickery, then you can come once we've figured out her game and crack her skull," she offered.

Sensensiel casts a +48 body buff on Tamonten.
Varthic simply nodded, having nothing further to argue, and then the orc chimed in; "You are insane..... I like that! Take off the harpies head in one swing!]" Nellic, though certainly not possessed of his usual cheer, nodded to her and said; "Good luck, comrade Tamonten. If you die, let it be known that it was an honor knowing you!"

Sensensiel was next, loosing two of her own prepared spells to then cast two upon Tamonten, one similar to the one she had felt from the fae when fighting the plants and another that made the chill atmosphere of the prison far more bearable. "Beware of illusions. And of whatever minions she might have," the angel stated simply. "She'll try to talk you down, get into your head in a less literal sense," Sensensiel added, "Don't let her get to you. What ever you do, don't trust her!"


The swordswoman didn't have much to offer in the way of personal responses, so she gave each a nod in turn as they spoke and only after Sensenshiel had finished did she speak up. "I've dealt with similar a few times over the last week, it's getting to the point where I'm wondering if there's some sort of handbook being passed out around here with a section on giving speeches about how hopeless things are. But hey, if I throw myself into this sort of stupid situation a few more times then I think I'll be considered a professional at this sort of thing, so don't worry too much about me," she offered with a small grin. A little humor to try to raise spirits never hurt, even as dark and terrible as the situation felt.


Tamonten's attempt at humor landed fairly ineffectively. Krig and Sensensiel just shot her sour expressions, while the orc knight, Varthic, Nellic, and Sashien simply stared at her. Only Pano responded positively, brightly saying; "I got it! I bet you could make a career out of it! You'll just need to get your degree from Acheron university, just like I did!"


Okay, maybe joking in life-or-death situations wasn't for everyone, especially judging by the various reactions. At Pano's reaction, though, she simply had to inquire on two points; "Acheron has a university... and you have a degree?"


"Yup! We just started it, and I was one of the first to join!" Sensensiel, like Tamonten, was unable to resist, as she asked; "What did you major in?" To which Pano proudly replied; "Child psychology!"


The pale girl blinked a few times and then vowed to pretend that had never happened. She turned to Krig instead. "There's a few more things before I venture in. First, Krig, is there any way you can light my sword with your fire? It seems to have a particular effect against the outsiders. And can you use your mental powers to link your mind with mine? I would use it to relay information so that the group can prepare for whatever I find inside and come in to reinforce me if I'm going to fail."

Krig enchants Tamo's sword with Holy Fire x = 5 via pyrokinesis.
"Yes," Krig said simply, and then she would feel the woman's mind connect with her own. 'Draw your sword' Krig would instruct mentally, a command that Tamonten knew she could respond to if she needed to, and once she did the kitsune waved her hand and set the entirety of the blade on fire. White fire, the holy flame that she used when she wished to spare those she didn't wish to harm.


Tamonten uses Fell Might x = 10.

Tamonten: HP = 88/89, PP = 61, EP = 43/66, Status = Collar, Pregnant, Fell Might X = 10, Body +48, Psychic Shield X = 10.
She did as Krig instructed, bringing her sword out so that it could be bathed in the kitsune's white flame, but she couldn't help but make a small mental quip as she did so. 'Far more pleasant than the last voice in my head.' Outwardly, she looked at the group in whole for a few moments, taking a few deep breaths for courage. Once she had found that courage again, she spoke vocally. "I'll return with Elawdrin's head," she stated plainly.

She turned for the door quickly and moved to open it, trying to do so before her temporary boost in courage via bravado and her own preparations faded away, and then would disappear into the fallen angel's inner sanctum. Her last preparation happened after she crossed that threshold as she attempted, on a whim, to call upon the power residing in her cursed arm, which she soon discovered responded. The wracking pain and the extreme increase in her strength flowed into her through her improved manacle. While she wasn't sure whether to be glad or worried about it, she was as ready as she'd ever be to face the dark warden that had overseen the torment of so many.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)


'It had better be!' Krig snapped mentally, though she offered no expression to suggest that she was any more upset than she had already been by Tamonten's decision. Her preparations complete, Tamonten received another series of nods from her companions at her bold proclamation, though only Varthic offered a verbal reply; "We will see."

Stepping beyond the threshhold into the next room, where Elawdrin presumably waited, Tamonten hadn't gone more than a step beyond it before the door was closed behind her. The familiar room had again changed shape, the odd wheel and assorted restraints replaced by.... Total emptiness.

There, in the center of the room, at the heart of that dread emptiness, sat Elawdrin, in a chair carved from thick oak wood that had been burned black. She was leafing through the pages of an unfamiliar tome, a pair of glasses once more adorning her unnatrually beautiful face.

She looked weary, more than anything else. She glanced up as Tamonten entered before returning to her book. Only when the swordswoman started toward her would the angel speak first; "Will your friends and loved one not be joining us?"


"If I should fail in my duty, I've no doubt they'll see things through," she responded plainly as she stepped forward again. 'She knows we're all here,' she mentally informed Krig, not that she found it surprising or imagined that the foxgirl would either. 'This reeks of trap, be wary.' Without yet halting her advance, although it was only a slow walk at the moment, she continued.

"Your fellow angel thinks that you should be captured alive. Believe it or not, I wish it were possible." She peered around carefully in her approach, holding her greatsword out to help illuminate the darkness and hopefully catch whatever tricks Elawdrin had ready before they caught her.


"You have more confidence in them than I then... And more than Sensensiel, judging by her discussion with your lover before blowing a hole in my wall," Elawdrin replied dryly, continuing to read her book as Tamonten approached. "That does sound like my daughter," she added as the pale swordswoman drew closer, finding her progress unhindered and finding no signs of any of the fallen angel's tricks. "And to that I must simply say; As do I!" she continued brightly, shutting her book and leaping to her feet, a bright smile upon her face as she ripped off and folded her square spectacles.

"So.... I suppose this is it then?" she asked, quirking her head to the side and folding her hands behind her back, "This is the climactic showdown, where you slay me and end my evil once and for all? I suppose you wouldn't be open to a bit of banter first, hrm? Just to humor a woman on her way to the grave?"


"I loved stories of knights and climactic showdowns and rescued princesses in my youth, but I've learned that similar fights in the real world leave much to be desired. Much better to just have your head and be done with it," she replied. The swordswoman would end up pausing short of a range to charge and enact Elawdrin's death though, not for the fallen angel's request but because she wanted to take one visual sweep of the ominous room for traps. "You've got as long as it takes me to figure out how vulnerable your neck really is for your banter."


"Okay then... You really ought to look out behind you," the fallen angel said, and then she would hear a thunderous crash as something fell from the ceiling to land behind her... Something that was half again the size of the massive gruff, and as inhumanly monstrous as every other minion that the warden had thrown at her.

It stood on two reverse-jointed legs that were as thick around as tree-trunks and covered in chitinous plating that looked as effective at deflecting blows as it did at outright stopping them. The plating along its chest was similar, and reminded Tamonten of the armor possessed by warriors from the far East, like those she had seen in a few books possessed by her father. Its arms were dispraportionately long, but the last three feet of them were covered in thick, shining blades.... Blades that were as long as Tamonten's arm and about twice as thick. Those were not its only limbs, however, as she could see dozens upon dozens of tentacles waving about in the blackness behind it, all attached to its about and roughly one in every ten tipped in a glowing red eyeball. A pair of insectlike wings sprung from its back as well, akin to those possessed by a dragonfly, and they twitched back and forth among the sea of waving tentacles.

Last of all, its elongated, eyeless head was perched upon a long stump of a neck, a crest standing out from the back that flared out, while the front narrowed into a set of jaws that were large enough for Tamonten's head to fit inside and surrounded by a double set of razor-sharp teeth. All in all, however, despite its inhuman appearance and the horrible sense of fear that was forced upon her mind simply by looking at it, it was actually probably the least horrific thing she'd seen, at least where a threat to her sanity was concerned. It had slashed at her as it fell, but Tamonten was easily able to avoid the swing or block it on her own blade, but doing the latter would have her skidding across the floor several feet from the sheer force of the strike.

"I call it my Bladebeast. This specimen in particular I named Paul! What do you think?" Elawdrin asked brightly, while the massive creature let out a sputtering hiss and took a single silent step toward her, adopting a position by which it could swing with either of its bladed arms at her if it so wished.


"As far as your children go I much preferred Evan and Sensensiel!" She growled through gritted teeth. As she recovered from rolling out of the way, Tamonten made the effort to focus on the image of the beast, doing her best to ignore the feeling of horror that its countenance forced upon her mind, in the hopes that Krig would be able to pick up on it.

Once she was on her feet again, she didn't hesitate for a moment. No matter how intimidating the thing was, it needed to die as quickly as possible if she was to have any chance at all against Elawdrin. Rather than doing the first thing that came to her rational mind, which was retreat, she pushed herself forward to swing at the thing Elawdrin called a Bladebeast. She could only hope that her boons would give her the strength, speed, and reaction to get past its vicious arms in order to swing at its main body, and beyond that she could only hope that those same magics would enhance her strength enough to actually do any damage to it in the two slashes from her own blade that would follow.

I've lost the exact numbers but Tamo made two attacks via double strike with the following modifiers and damage: +132 attack, 2d12 + (106 x 2) + (3d4 x 5 fire damage) and ended up dealing a total of 274 damage after armor and DR. In addition it hit her for 44 damage after her 37 armor. The following changes happened this round:

-44 HP (44) Enemy.
-24 PP (37) Hitting enemy.
+12 EP (55) Hitting enemy.
-6 HP (38) Fell Might.
-8 EP (47) Fell Might.
-12 PP (25) Getting hit.
+6 EP (53) Getting hit.

The creature's arm lashed out at Tamonten as she surged in, but the pale swordswoman ducked the thoroughly telegraphed to the sound of a sigh from Elawdrin. Her greatsword came up in two swings, wreathed in white flames that allowed her to cut through its hide like butter...

Until she got about halfway, at which point a spell from the fallen angel hit it and the cutting got a good bit harder. Her sword was quickly yanked free for a second swing, but that one too was harder than it might have been, and when she pulled back the creature seemed to enter an enraged frenzy and began to thrash wildly. One of those swinging blades clipped her as she tried to get out of the way of the oncoming onslaught, and Tamonten was sent flying aside with a gash in her side so deep that bone was now exposed, though her assorted magics allowed her to largely ignore the pain from it.

"I suppose I do need to even things out a bit," Elawdrin stated simply as she tossed another spell at her creation, causing its wounds to close before Tamonten's eyes. "You are fighting with the boons of two others, after all~" The monster, on the other hand, entered into a frenzy and started thundering toward her with murder in its visage.


"Or, you know, you could always just not make things even. That would be fine too," the swordswoman replied, a bit woozy from being able to see one of her bones and having a very detailed look at the layers of flesh and fat and muscle that made up her body. 'Okay. Think I'm ready for the cavalry to show up,' she called out mentally to Krig. She was sure she hadn't revealed all of Elawdrin's preparations, but the one she had found had already nearly cleaved her in two, so by her reckoning it was probably one of the most important ones to discover.

She wasn't about to be idle while she waited for the group to come in and swing the odds back in their favor though, she wanted to finish the Bladebeast before the door opened and the others arrived. Forcing herself to charge at the thing again this time she swung at it with all her might, placing a fairly large gamble on the level of endurance the thing had left in it.


Tamo made another two attacks against it at 2d12 + (126 x 2) + (3d4 x 5) damage. The first swing did enough to kill yon bladebeast. Other changes that happened this round:

-6 HP (32) Fell Might.
-8 EP (45) Fell Might.
-10 EP (35) Spirited Warrior.
-24 PP (1) Hitting enemy.
+12 EP (47) Hitting enemy.

Again weaving through the storm of blades coming forth from the monstrous beast, Tamonten stepped into range of Elawdrin's creation and swung with all her might.... Right for the things legs. Her greatsword tore through the first limb and then the second, causing the howling beast to fall to the ground with a thunderous crash. The swordswoman was already moving, a blur of soft red in the gloom of Elawdrin's lair, and by the time it fell she was in position to finish it. An overhead swing brought her blade down onto the back of the bladebeast's neck, slashing through the layer of waving tentacles like air, through a chunk of the crest on the back of its head like so much fresh snow, and then through the monster's neck like so much butter. Her sword embedded itself into the floor as she took off the monstrositie's head, and though its limbs continued to flail feebly it was clearly just in the throes of its death.

Elawdrin let out a soft sigh of disappointment, and as the door slammed open and Varthic, Pano, the orc knight, and Nellic came storming into the room, she said; "Well.... I suppose that isn't really surprising. I really need to find a way to deal with that vulnerability to fire!"


'Either I'm hallucinating from loss of blood or I really just killed that thing,' the thought crossed the swordswoman's mind before she realized that Kringlicsly could probably pick up on it. She couldn't really afford to worry about it given the situation, though. "You've other appointments to take first, Elawdrin," she replied as she turned to face the fallen angel. She readied herself to charge at the fallen angel at the first hint of any further action against her or her group. She intended on charging regardless, truthfully, even though she was sure that the woman probably had some other tricks up her sleeve. At least she would reveal them for her allies even in a worst case scenario. "You know that I can't let you escape, no matter what ploys you have left in you or the cost to me. It was the last request of a person who I both despised and yet on some level respected, and I intend on seeing it through."


"Hrm... Well, that's four for four!" Elawdrin stated plainly, slowly clasping her hands behind her back while the fighters fanned out around her. Each was empowered in some fashion, Nellic sporting a strange glowing glyph over his head, the orc appearing covered in scales and even heavier with muscle than she had been before, and both Pano and Varthic enshrouded in a soft glow, Pano's red and Varthic's blue.

"Only two for four on turning my words back on me though.... I'm impressed! Only the elf from the first time around managed that one, and he was a lot smarter than you were!" Elawdrin continued, but none of her four allies opted to take the bait of her words. Krig, Sensensiel, and Sashien didn't make an appearance yet, but the door was conpsicuously left open behind Pano, the last to move

"You know, I can't help but wonder what they always think when they come in here.... I mean, I always try to convince the groups that I'm actually trying to be stopped somehow, and I could have sworn you bought it when last we had girl talk. Did you? I'm curious!"


The pale girl couldn't puzzle out what Elawdrin was talking about. Four for four? Two for four? First time? It wasn't until the fallen angel finished that everything clicked. She couldn't keep the rage from showing in her features, as much as she tried. She wanted to launch herself at the angel right then and throttle the black-hearted woman. Her bloodlust was magnified all the more by the demonic energy she was bolstering herself with. She only barely managed to stop herself short, when she realized that it was probably what the angel wanted. Elawdrin likely wanted her to fling herself at the woman and to put herself in the middle of whatever traps the lying creature had in store. It took a few moments to calm herself down enough to drop her scowl, but when she did she turned to Varthic and Pano instead of Elawdrin. "You said you could disintegrate the bitch? Give that a shot and let's see where it takes us."


"Way ahead of you!" Varthic replied, and then began to let out a groan that built to a roar over the course of about three seconds. Light gathered around him, and then he lashed out with one hand and sent a bolt of blue energy about as large as Tamonten's head at the angel. Elawdrin smiled sweetly before being enveloped in a flash of blue light, and when that blast cleared the angel was still standing right there, her book vanished. "Very good!" she said, "Only two out of four groups managed to notice that one! You're beating the statistics after-" Whatever the angel might have said was interrupted when Krig shouted; "Above!" and appeared in the doorway just as she unleashed violet energy to match the blast that Varthic had sent at the angel's illusion. A shadow flitted from above, barely visible even in the illumination cast by the kitsune's energy blast.

Elawdrin escaped the attack unscathed, at least as far as Tamonten could see. On black wings she came, flitting down to the ground as softly as a feather and quickly spinning towards Tamonten and her assembled allies, about twenty feet past where she'd been when she'd been in illusion form. "Well, I suppose it is a first that an escape attempt included outside help~ Still, it's hardly unaccounted for! Contingencies upon contingencies and all that!" she said casually, her face cracking into a grin. She didn't adopt a relaxed position this time, however, and instead shifted into a stance indicating preparation for motion.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)


The pale woman rushed forward to meet the angel first in combat, not out of any confidence but simply out of a desire to begin revealing her contingencies, as Tamonten was probably the most suited to surviving those contingencies given the sheer amount of magical aid provided to her, so that her allies might capitalize on the woman's vulnerabilities. Her motions were nothing like they had been with the Bladebeast. Against the fallen angel, her sword swung in probing motions, attempting to test the angel's defenses without overly exposing herself to retaliation.

A whole lotta things happened this round. Mostly, Elawdrin used defensive stance and proceeded to avoid every attack (except Sensensiel and Krig's) pomf the fuck out of the entire melee group first with defensive fighting hits and then with hammering waves, leaving only Tamonten, Krig, Sensensiel, and Varthic conscious. Elawdrin punched Tamo specifically twice for a total of 17 damage through Tamo's 47 armor (+10 from spirited warrior). Other things that happened:

-6 HP (26) Fell Might.
-10 EP (37) Spirited Warrior.
-8 EP (29) Fell Might.
-14 HP (12) Elawdrin hit.
-12 PP (0) Masochist.
+6 EP (35) Masochist.
-3 HP (9) Elawdrin hit.
+17 HP (26) Sensensiel heal.

A storm of attacks followed Tamonten towards Elawdrin. The swordswoman's testing strikes were unable to land upon the fallen angel's flesh, but she wasn't idle in the process. The fallen angel stepped through the second swing and drove a knee into Tamonten's stomach, causing pain to shoot up her torn side, and then palmed her in the face and sent her tumbling backwards. Pano was next to try his hand, but the big demon's powerful swings got no closer than Tamonten's sword, and he ate a lashing kick to the stomach, a punch to the jaw, and a shoulder check that had him following Tamonten for his troubles. The orc knight and Nellic tried their assault together, the orc slashing out with her axe while the wrestler tried to grab the fallen angel, but she simply grabbed the handle of the axe and dragged the orc in, jabbing Nellic painfully in the side with the point of it before kicking the orc aside and tossing her blade casually after her.

Varthic got the closest of the melee fighters besides Tamonten, one of his quick jabs nearly landing on the foul warden, but she responded in kind and he too was soon sent tumbling away. All of them rose, but they were each somewhat battered for the experience, and for some reason Tamonten seemed the least wounded by the exchange. Of course, that wasn't everything they had. Not yet. Sensensiel sent a stream of stinging bolts through the door, the attack barely seeming to phase Elawdrin but landing nonetheless. "Really? Really!? Come on, you can do better than that!" she called out, only for Krig to gruffly answer; "Allow me!" A bolt of power unlike anything that she had ever seen from the kitsune came streaking out, and hit Elawdrin right in the chest. It was the angel's turn to start tumbling backwards, and even though she sprang back to her feet with a single flap of her wings her expression had soured greatly after the hit from the kitsune.

Sashien didn't put in appearance as yet, but why that might be didn't make itself known either as Elawdrin straightened, "Not bad. I'd say that that's probably the best I've had so far from any of my test groups! Now, lemme show you what I use to discipline particularly naughty children!" The angel gathered power and unleashed it in a flash....

A wave of power emanated out from the black-winged angel, pure force hammering against the lot of them as they recovered from her response to their initial barrage. The orc was thrown into the darkness surrounding the room and did not return, though a resounding thud was heard. Pano was slammed into Nellic, and both went tumbling back toward the door and landed in a heap. Varthic crossed his arms and flared his aura, mitigating the damage of the attack but still being pushed back. Tamonten alone wasn't repulsed by the angel's assault, her preparations for a counter from the angel enough that she could block the brunt of the magic, and after impaling her sword into the floor she managed to avoid even being pushed back as Varthic had been. "Hrmph. Impressive, I suppose... But your friends didn't fare so well!" That much was true, as only she and Varthic seemed to be up of the melee fighters.

There were other troubles to be had too, unfortunately. A struggle could be heard from behind the door, the sounds of the sphinx roaring in anger at something unseen. Krig looked exhausted, and was already reaching for another potion. Sensensiel had turned back, possibly to deal with this new threat, but she too looked exhausted. "I don't have any friends!" Varthic spat in reply, and uncrossed his arms in preparation for another charge.

Originally I accidentally wrote "meet their hands at the end of this sociopath angel". Preserving that derpy typo for future generations here.
There was no joy taken in being the lone melee combatant to avoid being pushed away by Elawdrin's waves. Tamonten could only ask herself if this was it, if they were truly going to meet their ends at the hand of this sociopath angel. Why hadn't she sent someone to warn the world, as she wanted to? Why hadn't she prepared better? Why had she bought into the woman's lies?

But none of it truly mattered then. All but two of the collared escapees defeated, Krig was almost exhausted and Sensensiel torn between helping Sashien fend off the unseen combatants outside and aiding in the battle proper. There was no escape and victory was unlikely. 'Krig, I don't even know if you're linked to me anymore, but... I think it's important that I say this now, whatever might happen.... I love you, Krig, and I think I have ever since we met. I spent a lot of time in here thinking I was a fool for not telling you directly sooner, and yet when you came to rescue me I made the same choices that I had berated myself for. But whatever happens here, I won't let that happen again. Whatever happens here... Just know that.'

With nowhere to run, no emergency option to enact, and no plan to save at least her friends from coming oblivion, the swordswoman presumed that there wasn't much left to do but act. While inwardly she had confessed to Krig, outwardly she was preparing for what she imagined would be her last contribution to the battle. She assumed a ready stance, and when Varthic called out that he had no friends she replied. "We may not be friends, but how about you help me stick my sword into this bitch!" And then she attacked. She did her best to coordinate herself with Varthic, whatever the demon prince's response to her might have been. When the angel attempted to avoid his punch, she would be there, aiming for the woman's neck in the hopes of catching her during a moment of vulnerability and ending it all.


Tamo's final attack math was (+182 attack) 2d12 + 118 damage (x2) + 3d4 (x5). After Varthic received more pain, Tamo's attack modifier exceeded Elawdrin's dodge score and was an automatic hit, which killed her instantly (I hope.) Fun fact, Tamo's quickstats for this battle were (with buffs):

35 speed (counting armor and enchanted boots)
110 dodge (counting enchanted boots, +10 while unarmed)
37 armor (2 from ring, 5 from leather armor, 30 that can't be ignored)
69 resistance (+30 against hostile effects)
34 perception
22 stealth (counting armor)
148 Grapple
12 Spirit Ceiling.

Unarmed (146) 1d8 + 92 damage.
+8 Greatsword (176) 2d12 + 114 damage. + (3d4 * 5) damage.
"Hah, if you can even get to her before I'm done taking her apart!" Varthic replied plainly, but as he passed her she saw the demon prince give a tiny, almost imperceptible nod. His glowing aura allowed him to move a lot faster than she did, and thus he reached Elawdrin first. The demon princes's punch went straight for Elawdrin's gut, but as she kneed him in the stomach in response for his failure to land, the angel having caught his fist easily, Tamonten's followup strike came in directly at her neck.

Flaming steel met flesh, cutting easily through the otherworldly barrier that had protected her from Krig's earlier blast, and only then did the kitsune manage to reply to the swordswoman's confession of love; 'Now isn't the time, idiot! ..... But, I love you too! Now... Yeah, do what you just did, but pretend that I told you to do it first!' Her sword only mostly took off Elawdrin's head. Thankfully, mostly included plenty enough that she barely even managed to adopt a surprised look before Tamonten was behind her, and the narrow flap of skin tying her head to the rest of her corpse was stretched by the fall of the attached head from the attached shoulders.

Elawdrin fell, releasing Varthic, who pulled away with a low grunt, and collapsed into a bloodied heap on the floor. And then.... Krig and Sensensiel flung themselves away from the door as the hulking figure of Evan came rushing in through it, the sphinx bound to his back and unable to do more than shiver in the grasp of his poisonous tentacles. "Mah.... Mother!" he cried, moving as quickly as his misshapen form could, but upon seeing Elawdrin's decapitated form and the pool of blood spreading from it, the mutant stopped and stared. His alien eye swiveled, once onto Tamonten and then again onto Elawdrin. He had seen the blood on her blade, as it would be hard to miss such a thing, but for a moment the mutant stood frozen in the center of the room.


'Krig, go and heal the others,' she would mentally suggest after Evan had begun to look between his mother's corpse and her. "I slew your mother, Evan," she admitted easily. "I did it for the reasons I explained to you. But I don't wish to bring anymore harm to you this day," she added before sheathing her sword. "I'm not asking you to forgive me, or even to spare me. But if you think on it, and you find it in your heart, I would like to take you somewhere else. I want to bring you to a place where your talents can be utilized and where the people aren't so cruel to you," she offered. Although it was hard to imagine such a place, she had every intention of asking if the Lady of Acheron could use one with talents such as Evan's.


The lumpy, overlarge, freakish Evan continued to glance between Tamonten and his slain mother, acting as if he hadn't even heard the swordswoman at first. His lip began to quiver, and his hulking frame began to shape. Bloody tears began to stream from his malformed eye, and he stepped forward on shaking legs to collapse at the corpse of the fallen angel, beginning to utter some of the most pathetic sounds that Tamonten had ever heard. Her companions were stuck staring for a moment, expressions caught between pity and revulsion... All save for Varthic's. The demon prince did not drop his aura, remaining primed for a fight. Indeed, he slowly approached the mutant, who was still taller than he even when kneeling, as if intending to simply beat the poor mutant to death over the carcass of its progenitor. And then, he reached out and put a hand just beside Evan's shoulder, and in a voice softer than she had ever heard from the demon prince but still possessed of the man's characteristic gruffness, said; "I know of a place."

Evan tilted his head up in confusion, but found the demon prince simply meeting his gaze as he relaxed backwards, his aura flagging and leaving the room mostly dark again. "I know of a place where you can stay, and someone that would help you find a better place in the world than this. But... First, you need to put down the cat." Evan twitched, and looked down at Elawdrin, and then at Tamonten, and finally back up to the demon prince before nodding slowly. The malformed man's tentacles slowly lowered the paralyzed sphinx to the ground, and Krig simply shook her head and went around, passing out healing to those in need while Sensensiel silently joined the gathering over their enemy's corpse.


Well, that proved quite a refreshing change of pace, although the swordswoman couldn't help but feel that she must have failed on some deep level if she was relying on Varthic to solve problems civilly. "I'm sure Sashien would appreciate it," she added to the demon prince's comments. With the matter of Evan seeming like it might come to a peaceful close, and without her direct intervention at that, all the exhaustion and weariness of the day seemed to catch up with Tamonten all at once, and along with them the pain of her injuries. "Hey, I'm, uh... I'm no healer, but I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be able to poke my own... I think it's my ribcage?" She glanced at the wound in question as she spoke, her face gaining a green tinge as she quickly averted her head due to queasiness. Her announcement was followed by her gingerly dropping into a sitting position.


"No... No that's wrong," Sensensiel said idly while staring down at Elawdrin's corpse, as if watching it for signs of life. As Evan was climbing to his feet and Krig, looking as exhausted as Tamonten felt, came over to see to her injuries, Varthic said; "Hey... Isn't that the rib that Pano broke when he punched you through a wall?" Pano, as Krig mended Tamonten's flesh, brightly replied; "Yup! I can see my fist print on it Varthic!"
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Pano and Varthic's comments regarding her injury only succeeded in making the pale swordswoman more and more nauseous, and by the time they were done she might've been more accurately referred to as the green swordswoman. It was true that she'd had injuries which were probably worse and it was true that she had seen far worse sights just over the course of the day. This particular wound, however, had a very personal significance to her, that being that she could poke one of her own bones. "If I puke, I'm going to aim at you two," she warned them. This couldn't have been good for the- Tamonten started to think before stopping herself, realizing that Kringlicsly was probably still linked with her. No, she certainly couldn't let that cat out of the bag just yet, she wasn't about to spring the truth of her pregnancy on her lover mere moments after her first (non-drunken) direct admission of love.

Thanks to her demon, the possessed girl had quite a bit of experience in keeping select thoughts to herself even without a real understanding of how Krig's powers worked. Her favorite method of obscuring private thoughts was to allow her attention to drift to a bunch of different little things at once, although it could be hit and miss. The prison provided her with all the little things to think about that she could ever want and then about a thousand more beyond that. There was, of course, the simple, like was Elawdrin truly dead or was this all some countermeasure as well? This didn't worry her as much as it probably ought to have, because if this was the fallen angel's way of faking her own death then they were probably already dead if she so desired it.

Then there were the more complicated things, like how they were supposed to not only get themselves out of the prison and to safety through Artmirst in the state they were in but also clean up the mess that had been left there. How many children from her experiments did Elawdrin have under her care that now needed homes? How many prisoners had to be sorted between broken and sane? How would they ensure that no outsiders slipped into the outside world, perhaps even residing in the prisoners themselves if she was to judge by the night elf's demise, to begin some new infestation? Each thought seemed to spawn about three more questions and no answers, and the road to obtaining the latter would probably require five-hundred percent more allies who were one-hundred percent less exhausted.

Speaking of questions without answers, Elawdrin's death had left many. It was hard to say which parts, if any, of the angel's stories were true. The pale girl felt less comfortable and certain about what had transpired than before she had even initiated the breakout. For all the swordswoman knew, everything was a lie and the slain woman had willingly allied herself with the outsiders. And with Elawdrin dead it was very likely that she'd never have the answers, which was doubly disheartening as having some reason as to why so many had to suffer in such horrendous ways was one of the few ways she had managed to cope with everything that had transpired to that point. Between that and the terrible loss of life, the victory felt nothing like a victory...

Okay, so maybe allowing herself to think about other things wasn't the way to go. Maybe it would've been better to just think about how much she really wanted a nice, warm bed in a nice, warm room after a freshly cooked meal and a nice, hot bath right about then. A nice, warm Krig to share that bed with her would be much appreciated too, even if they just spent the next three days sleeping to recover from the last three. "Varthic," she would suddenly address the man once Kringlicsly had finished mending her wounds. "Does your Lady of Acheron's holdings include any really good inns? I think I'd be willing to pay all of my denarii for a feather bed right about now," she joked, feeling half-delirious with exhaustion as it only seemed to get worse and worse with every moment she spent sitting on the floor and trying once again to use humor as a cure for the non-physical wounds that ailed her.

After her comment and whatever response it garnered, however, her attention turned to the group of people staring at Elawdrin's corpse. Primarily her attention turned to Sensensiel. "Was she telling the truth, Sensensiel?" The swordswoman asked from her sitting position. "Did you know her?" Tamonten decided to avoid bluntly asking whether the woman was Elawdrin's daughter or not for the time being.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 89, PP = 61, EP = 66, Status = Fine, Pregnant

NPC Stats
Varthic: HP = 125, PP = 65, EP = 110, Status = Fine
Pano: HP = 110, PP = 52, EP = 98, Status = Fine
Orc: HP = 70, PP = 50, EP = 90, Status = Fine
Nellic: HP = 100, PP = 45, EP = 45, Status = Fine

Krig: HP = 51, PP = 52, EP = 4/131, Status = Fine
Derpangel: HP = 67, PP = 89, EP = 14/102, Status = Fine, Eldritch Lantern, +24 Dodge (Arcane Armor), Arcane Focus
Sashien the Sphinx: Fine: spent 50 EP, Paralyzed x8

"Icky! Varthic, Betty, make her stop!" Pano replied following Tamonten's threat to aim in their direction if she had to vomit. Varthic merely looked amused. Krig offered no response, either physical or verbal, to the hidden thought, but she did see to Pano's concern rather quickly, wearing a brief smirk as she healed Tamonten's injuries. With the wound on her side healed, a bit of her weariness and illness passed, and then she was left with the trail of thoughts leading from her attempt to hide her thoughts from her psychic lover.

One thing led to another, and eventually she addressed Varthic with her query about a soft bed, to which he replied; "We.... Don't exactly have much of a tourism industry set up yet. We've started working on that, but we do have room for private quarters for visitors. Pano and I would put in a good word for you. And yes, we do have beds. I suspect you wouldn't have too much trouble finding someone to help warm them either." Krig took some exception to that, and blurted indignantly; "Hey! She already has someone to do that!" The kitsune's tailed puffed up, becoming more than twice as fluffy as it was normally, and she offered Varthic a scathing glare. The demon prince seemed more amused by her indignation than anything, and with a wry smirk he replied; "That hasn't stopped her so far." His statement did nothing whatsoever to ease Krig's mind, at least judging by the readoption of her fierce scowl.

When Tamonten turned her attention to her enemy's corpse and asked her carefully worded question to the pure angel standing over the dead fallen one, Sensensiel turned her head to look in the pale swordswoman's direction. "Mmm? Yes....." she said, and then looked back down towards Elawdrin's body. The fallen angel's head had thankfully fallen face down, and Sensensiel gazed at it for a moment before saying; "Elawdrin is..... Was my mother. She had me long before she was taken though, if you're concerned about me being afflicted with the same madness that claimed her." As if on cue, Tamonten would feel the collar around her neck pulse without warning, and a moment later there was a soft click and it opened and tumbled away from her neck. Those on Varthic, Pano, the orc warrior, and Nellic also popped off simultaneously, each one clattering to the ground, and the massive wrestler finally adopted a smile again as he said; "By the gods it is good to have that gone! I had thought that we wouldn't be able to remove them with the harpy dead!" The orc warrior, as yet unnamed, nodded in agreement and added; "Feels good to have that gone! And...." She cast a glance over at Tamonten and grinned in a manner that did nothing at all to ease Krig's nerves as she added; "Makes me think about getting a few other things off.

Unfortunately, the relief caused by the removal of the collar around her neck was mitigated, as their release wasn't the only reaction to the fallen angel's death. A fetid, inky blackness settled over the room just as suddenly as the release of their bindings, the sensation that it caused on Tamonten's skin akin to standing in thick water. A presence was felt a few heartbeats later, its very proximity making the pale swordswoman's skin crawl and setting every one of her allies on edge.... Save for Sensensiel. The angel alone seemed unbothered, a pale glow appearing around her and shrouding her in light that warded off the foul presence, but it became clear a moment later that the thing that had come was no mere physical presence. A void opened beneath Elawdrin's corpse, revealing a mottled green... Thing.... Sitting just below it, and as it came into view the room was filled with its horrid aura, its presence unlike anything she had ever felt before. A mouth opened in the seemingly solid green flesh where none had existed before, one filled with stringy tentacle-like teeth, and even looking down into that alien maw was so great a threat to her sanity that Tamonten could not force herself to do so. Even Sensensiel looked away, but all were able to see the body of their foe slowly sink into the void that had opened, her descent made as if in slow motion or in a place where the law of gravity did not apply.

Elawdrin was gone in seconds, and then the void closed, and the horrible presence was gone a few more seconds after that when the void closed. In its place there was only a single black feather remaining, the dark plumage emitting a pale light that was just barely detectable over the glow cast by Sensensiel. "I think it's gone," the angel said, before kneeling down to retrieve the feather and then subsequently moving over to Tamonten and offering it to her. "You ended her suffering, at least for a time," she said, "This rightfully belongs to you... And I think... No, I feel that she wanted you to have it. Our feathers are valuable and possessed of powerful magic, even after we fall. Even if you can't use it yourself for something, you can always just pawn it off to the daemon." Even though she said it, Sensensiel didn't much seem to like the idea of Tamonten simply selling Elawdrin's feather.

"As interesting as all that was," Varthic remarked coolly, "We probably ought to get moving now. Elawdrin's dead, and we've still got a bit of clean up work to do before we can get out of this dump. For one, we've got to find out where she kept the children she made us foster, and for two we've got to make sure that none of her spawn - present company excluded of course - don't get out of here alive." Krig adopted a sour look, but many of the others nodded grimly and Nelic said; "I agree. None of those things must escape these walls." The orc warrior, hefting her greataxe, spoke up again with a dark smile on her face; "I can't say that I mind the idea of some more violence against those things.... I owe them a good bit of pain for what they did to me!"

It was only then that Evan managed to rise awkwardly to his feet, having remained on his knees while Elawdrin's body was taken by the abomination that had likely inflicted her with her madness. "Nnnn.... I can.... Hccchhhhkkkkk.... Show you...." he began sheepishly, unable to hide the fact that he was uncomfortable talking before so many people, "Show you where she kept.... Things. Children. Hccchhhkkk.... Other things."
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman's mind wandered to another of her promises to herself in the prison as Varthic verbally prodded Krig, and as such when she opened her mouth to talk at first it was as if she was in another room entirely. "No," the pale girl commented wearily. "I've got the prettiest woman in the world to warm my bed, how arrogant would I have to be to want more than that? Besides, she's the only partner I've ever had that was good enough to make me scream her name," she added brazenly with a blush and a small smile, if only to shock the prince and her lover both and because it seemed a more effective way to turn the conversation elsewhere than simply asking either to stop.

She let the subject drop at that assuming the other two did the same, instead turning toward the series of comments which sparked Sensensiel's reply. She didn't manage to say anything else before her collar clicked off and Nellic and the orc spoke. Krig might not have been aware of it but the glance their still-nameless ally cast at her wore at her nerves every bit as much as the kitsune's; a fact that was probably made visible by her efforts to awkwardly pretend she hadn't noticed the orc's look. Tamonten had seen what the other woman had done during Elawdrin's twisted game, and being on the receiving end of her lusts seemed more likely to result in a groin injury than anything else. Plus, she'd been forced into enough debauchery in the prison, and at that particular moment in time she really, truly only wanted Kringlicsly. There might be times in the future when she would need to struggle to maintain her loyalty, but in the present she had no such issues.

Her concerns about remaining monogamous would prove petty and easily cast aside by sheer alarm when the outsider rose to claim Elawdrin's body. She could not look at it, no matter how much she wanted to, nor could she speak the orders which she had intended to give several minutes prior but were stalled by concerns of the dispositions of the fallen angel's present children. The swordswoman had intended to tell them to cremate the woman's body and part of her still demanded that she command just that, but another part of her knew it was too late. It was the same part of her that knew that the outsider was here to reclaim Elawdrin without even looking at the grisly scene, and the same part of her that knew that its appearance and the visuals were probably just a formality and that it had truly reclaimed her in one way or another the moment her pulse had stopped.

When it was all said and done, she accepted Sensensiel's offer of Elawdrin's feather and tucked it into the same satchel that contained the fangs she had harvested from other creatures. She might not ever use it but she wouldn't pawn it either. "I wasn't worried about you being afflicted by madness," she replied as if the outsider had never even come, which in her mind was really all there was to do with a monstrosity like that. To look at the great beast would have been to be driven to the same depths of insanity as their cruel warden had been, so it was best to focus on things that she could deal with. "But if it was true, I thought I should apologize. I'm sorry that this went the way it did, and that we didn't capture her. How many times has this happened now?" She asked based on instinct and the angel's lack of reaction to the monstrosity that had claimed Elawdrin.

Regardless of Sensensiel's reply, she would continue by stating; "Between the events of today and three days ago, I think I owe you a great debt. Should you ever have a favor that you feel an overconfident human without a lick of common sense can handle, feel free to look me up!" The swordswoman grinned for a brief moment before becoming serious again. "But if it's another family problem, give me some time to prepare and we'll handle it permanently," she would add, independent of whether or not Sensensiel had given any concrete answer to her earlier question.

She didn't have anything to immediately add to Varthic, Nellic, or the orc's following comments. It wasn't until Evan spoke that she threw in her two denarii. "I agree, this isn't a task we can leave half-finished. Lead on, Evan. Let's begin with the children, and then we can figure out what will be necessary to safely escort them out of here." The swordswoman paused for a moment before adding; "If we can't do anything to remove Sashien's paralysis then I call 'not it' on carrying her. Although..." she turned to Krig as she continued, "if you'd like a ride I certainly couldn't say no to that," she joked with an exaggerated wink before collecting her gear and getting ready to follow Evan. Not that her joking nature was to say that she wouldn't carry the foxgirl if she asked, simply that Tamonten wasn't expecting her to do as much.

When the journey to the nursery took the group past the unconscious prisoners, the swordswoman would speak again. "Evan, what does the other door in Elawdrin's inner sanctum lead to?" After his answer that it wasn't another route and as such they had no concerns about any straggler guards coming from any path but the one the group themselves had traveled by, she would decide to leave the unconscious prisoners be for now, too weary to be ready for a confrontation with the dragonkins. "They should be safe enough here for now. Once the children are taken care of we can begin tackling the task of our fellow prisoners."

TO THE BABYTORIUM. Leave the dragonkins and alraune as they are for now. Basically, current plan is to find babies, figure out the ones she knows are hers, and then figure out how they're going to get the lot of them out of the prison and to somewhere that they're going to be cared for. Through OOC knowledge I imagine this is where Sensensiel's contacts are going to come into play.

After the babytorium is handled, the goal is to begin handling the various prisoners, with the exception of the dragonkins. Corpses are to be burned. Living prisoners should preferably be rounded up into one block before determining their sanity and general disposition. Insane prisoners will probably be handed off to Sensensiel's contacts or be locked up and left so that Xeon's forces can be sent to retrieve and try to heal them. Sane prisoners will be allowed to go. The goal is similar for conscripted demon guards, only they'll all be locked up and probably handed to Xeon's forces eventually, so long as they offer to surrender. A bonus goal is to capture a few of Elawdrin's modified guards or hellhounds and try to determine if there's anyway to detect their passengers that doesn't kill them outright, and then to use that on ye prisoners before letting them loose.

Once that's done and all the sane prisoners have collected their stuff from the armory and left, Tamo is going to pick through the leftovers in ye armory, she's mostly looking for a breastplate. Once the armory is looted she'll make a loop back to dem dragonkins and Elawdrin's inner sanctum, determine what's to be done about them (most likely heal them), get that confrontation out of the way, and then loot Elawdrin's BDSM supplies stash for a few things. >.>

Then it's off to ACHERON! And DEBAUCHERY!

Just in case: 26 perception, 56 dodge, 7 armor, 35 resistance.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: 5 non-natural Armor reduction from 3 DU, 30 TP leather armor and 2 armor and 15 fire/5 force resist from a misc. ring (and her demon mutation). She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4+9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a make a resistance check against (Damage/10)*Tier. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender.
When wielding a Two-Handed Sword: She ignores 1/2 Non-Natural AV. On a killing blow she makes an attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack. Anytime she attacks an opponent below 30 HP remaining or reduces them below 30 HP, or deals more than half their HP in an attack, she makes a resistance check against them and if they fail then they are killed instantly.
Extras: She has self-control and will always use it when she takes PP damage as a result of attacking or being attacked, allowing her to make a 1d20 + resistance check against the amount of PP damage exceeding her limit as a DC in order to avoid orgasming that round.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 20 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 5 PP damage from sensitive. She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (24 and 24 respectively, as this stacks with EP damage).
When dealing PP damage: She has supernatural and corrupts as such.
Fetishes: She takes an additional 8 (overall 13) PP damage if her opponent is a member of the fey, a plant, has fox tails, fox ears, is a kitsune, is Krig, has violet hair, bondage is involved, or is draining her.
Extras: She impregnates and is impregnated on a roll of 3, due to potent.
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