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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 35/85, PP = 47/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Injured

(To be clear, the cross is a separate piece from the wheel. It's about 30 feet away.)

Tamonten's words drew a soft moan from the angel, and when she turned to look at the woman in the midst of her speech her warden was in an almost comically oversexualized pose, her hands on her breasts while her back arched to present her curves in intricate detail against the fabric of her dress, and her eyes were rolled up into the back of her head. She seemed to abandon the act fairly quickly, however, and when Tamonten asked what she'd have to do to assure her bound lover's safety the angel smirked and started sauntering over to her. "Honestly, what's wrong with you? Are you trying to ruin my panties or something?" she said as she drew near, and when came within arm's reach she ran a gentle hand over Tamonten's stomach, "That's okay though," she leaned in to whisper into Tamonten's ear, "I'm not wearing any~"

Stepping away and looking past the wheel, Elawdrin snapped her fingers twice more, and each revealed another scene. It was then that Tamonten noted the band of violet cloth wrapped around the base of the cross to which Krig was tied, and in front of each of the other objects appeared was another color, displayed in unique but obvious ways. The first snap of the dark angel's fingers caused a cage of red iron to appear a ways to the side of the cross, and in it was the orc woman she'd met in the yard, now sporting a shaft jutting from her crotch that most assuredly hadn't been there when they'd first met. She was thrashing around inside of her cage wildly, her knuckles bloody but leaving the bars warped in places. The hole at the top of the cage seemed to be the only entrance, and whether its occupant was mad with rage, lust, or a mixture of the two was impossible to determine. The second snap revealed a trio of the angel's foul holding devices, and she recognized each of the figures in them immediately, as the first two had pink and brown ribbons tied around their fully erect members while the third unfortunate soul had her bow tied around the base of her tail - Nellic, the gigantic gruff she'd encountered with the orc, and the green-scaled dragoness all tied up just as the last's sister had been during Tamonten's first visit with the fallen angel. All of them had the same deadened look in their eyes that the blue dragon had possessed, and none were even in a position to see Tamonten for her to check for recognition in their blank stares.

"You know, there's something that I really don't understand about you Tamonten," Elawdrin stated, "I've peeked at what you did with the faeries - glad to see that Jasmine's got the same perfect bouncy ass and silky pussy as I remember by the way - and if it weren't for the forced nature of all this, you'd probably be loving it. That isn't even your demon's doing either, I've looked in on both of you and I can assure that it's 100% you! The point is, I could make this so much easier on you if you just cooperate and have done with it, but still you rage and thrash and fight me tooth and nail at every turn. Don't get me wrong, I love the spirit you're showing! I think if you punched me again right now I might have no choice but to tear this dress off and fuck you until neither of us had any ability to walk within the foreseeable future, but still... I'm curious. Do you even know what you're fighting me for anymore?"

She hopped up onto an empty table that was sitting next to the gigantic wheel, crossing her legs and orienting herself in an alluring manner as seemed to be her normal manner, and wouldn't actually answer Tamonten's question until the warrior had supplied some sort of response to her own. When she was satisfied, the angel would gesture towards the wheel, which Tamonten would note had been divided into a number of sections that had a color and sometimes a symbol. White, black, green, violet, pink, red, and brown were the colors, each represented in just about equal proportion, while the symbols included a set of handcuffs, a potion, and a key. "As you can probably guess, it gets fairly boring here, all the routine I have to go through to keep this place up and running. So! I came up with a little game to play with my subjects when I got bored! Sometimes I like to take my decisions out of the equation and.... Just let fate decide things~ The colors are old, but they fit pretty well don'tcha think? I'll get to those in a minute, but the symbols.... Those are just for you."

Elawdrin reached out, and a bottle appeared from the darkness, which she set upon the table beside her before gesturing to the wheel, "Now that I have your lover, I have no need for the little kitten growing in your belly. You roll up that, and not only do you get your poor little brains fucked out of your skull, but in place of your lover's child you'll be introducing a combination of your blood and whoever you rolled for colors into my little experiment~" The symbol of the bottle was only present on some of the symbols with the red, pink, and brown, and one of the whites which was also accompanied by the symbol of the key... And it was a key that Elawdrin produced next, coming from a pocket in her robes, which she set down next to the bottle on the table at her side, "You roll up the key, you go free after you're done with whatever you also rolled up. The collar comes off, you get put outside, and I won't bother you again, I swear on my life. I'll even give you all of your stuff back, including your sword. You'll be free to go off on your own, to return to your faeries and plot my demise to your heart's content, BUT... Unless you roll up purple to go along with it, you'll be going off all alone~" She paused to grin sadistically at Tamonten for a moment before continuing, "The handcuffs are the most complex, so I'll just walk you through those with the colors.

"So, getting to those! Red is, obviously, miss rage over there - you wouldn't believe how awful the racket she was making before I put that silence around her was! Anyway, you roll up her, you get dropped in the cage.... And if you get the handcuffs with that, you're going in with your arms tied behind your back. Sounds like fun, right! Even I'm not sure what she'll do to you. Green, pink, and brown you can probably guess at from the gallery of zombies over there.... Though if you don't - you fuck whoever you roll up. Until I'm satisfied with it, of course. Roll up the bottle too, and you'll be coming out of it all preggers! Won't that be fun? And if you get the key, you get to go free after~ Now, purple is, as you've probably guessed, poor little Kringlicsly over there! She's been missing you terribly, and if you roll her up I'll give you some tender time together, just the two of you... And if you roll up the key, you both walk out of here with my blessing, no questions asked and no further threats from me or mine. Now, white's a little bit different - mostly because it's you. You roll that up by itself, and you go right back to your cell. You roll that up with the handcuffs, and you get to pick who you get to spend your little quality time with, but you've gotta pick someone or I'll give you to my pets or my guards for a while."

The grin on Elawdrin's face suddenly broadened, and her voice dropped to a sultry purr as she concluded her explanation of her twisted game's rules; "And black, is... Of course.... Me~ You roll that by itself, and it's just a boring my pick. You roll that up with the key, and I fuck your poor little brains out and take something to remember you by before I let you go. But, if you roll up the key AND the handcuffs..... You get to be on top~" Elawdrin paused, her eyes gleaming as if the thought excited her more than any other, "All those naughty little fantasies you've been having about me... You can fulfill them. All of them. I'll take off your collar and get your things first, and then I won't stop a single thing you might want to do to me.... Up to and including my own violent, bloody murder at your hands and/or letting you free all of the other slaves." She tilted her head curiously, "So, any questions before we begin? Oh! And you'll be going until you can't go anymore, and if you try to quit out early I might be very cross with you~ Understand?"
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The inclusion of the other prisoners surprised the pale warrior less than it probably ought to have. No, as Nellic, the orc, the dragoness, and the gruff were made visible, she couldn't help but think that she had discovered the sadism that was missing in Elawdrin's initial reveal. She couldn't say it didn't faze her inwardly, but with Krig was on the line she had to remain as calm as possible. Especially on the outside, lest the fallen angel easily detect the possessed warrior's weakness and indulge her sadism by playing against it. Whatever game her warden was playing at, she couldn't afford to blunder. So she watched and listened and tried to keep her face as neutral as possible, which wouldn't have won her a single hand of cards given how she continued to tremble with rage and despair every step of the way.

"You don't understand that because you don't actually understand anything about me," the swordswoman replied curtly following Elawdrin's question. "To think that you would ask me if I know why I'm resisting you when you don't even seem to know why you're still running your experiment. It's obviously taken a back seat to the games that you play with the sanity and lives of the prisoners. You're evil, that's all there is to it. If you looked into my head then you saw the black oak and Kasumi's corpse. You should know that duty demands that I muster my everything to stop a monster like you from repeating the process all over again. And you should know that I rage because I know that I don't have the strength to kill you now and skip whatever evil you have in mind."

Tamonten stood in stony silence as the game's explanation followed. When Elawdrin had concluded, she examined the wheel. Black with handcuffs and the key, that was the one to spin for. If she could just hit that, the nightmare would be over for all of the prisoners. She pointedly ignored the angel's question as to whether she understood or not and simply continued from where she had left off earlier. "Most of all, you should know that I would never leave Kringlicsly in your care for long enough to return to the faeries and muster them. Nor any of the others, including the woman that you tried so hard to pit me against. Once I have my sword, one of us will die before the next sunrise." Unless the fallen warden stopped her, the possessed swordswoman would punctuate her declaration with a spin of the wheel.

A bit short, but I figured short and sweet was the way to go for this reply.

As per ye PM, don't water whatever you have planned down or anything. I know no fear!

(Also, if they get out of here Tamo is investing in self defense classes for Krig. KICK THEM IN THE GROIN, KIAI, AND RUN.)
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 47/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Here's how the dice work for the wheel:
The colors represent Tamo's potential partners and are described in detail below. The colors are: white (Tamo) black (Elawdrin) red (the orc) green (the dragon) pink (Nellic) brown (the gruff) and purple (Krig)
The symbols indicate stuff as shown below, and as indicated on the following table.
Roll a d100, find the result among the following.

1-10 = Black
--1 = Key and Handcuffs, 2-3 = Key.
11-25 = Green
--16-17 = Key
26-40 = Red
--29-32 = Potion, 33-35 = Potion and Handcuffs 36-38 = Handcuffs (Tamo gets dropped in with hands tied)
41-55 = Pink
--46-50 = Potion 52 = Key
56-70 = Brown
--61-65 = Potion 67 = Key
71-80 = Purple
--75 = Key (Tamo and Krig go free)
81-95 = White
--85-87 = Key (Tamo's choice then go free) 89-93 = Handcuffs (Tamo's choice)
96-100 = Black
--100 = Key and Handcuffs (Tamo wins!) 98-99 = Key (bang Elawdrin and leave)

First Roll: 24, Tamo rapes the dragon.

Elawdrin tilted her head from her place on the table at Tamonten's initial response, her lips still curled into a smile... But that smile vanished just as soon as Tamonten suggested that she'd given in to her sadism. The first word of her next sentence left the swordswoman's lips as the angel rose, and then the winged woman moved like a bolt of lightning. Before even the first letter of her next word had left the swordwoman's mouth, she felt herself seized by the hair and yanked to face the wooden wheel. Her head was snapped forward with terrible force, smashed against the thick wood so hard that it nearly caved in her skull. What it did do, however, was shatter her nose and stain the white marker that she'd been bashed into red with her blood. She was then dropped unceremoniously to the floor, her muscles paralyzed by the agony welling up from her shattered face, and made to look up at Elawdrin who now stood over her. The pain wasn't located solely in her nose, however, as splitting agony spread across the entirety of her head, as if some sort of damage had been done inside the protective barrier of her skull.

The angel's playful expression was gone, replaced by a look of blind fury, and after a moment's pause in which Tamonten was left to her pain the angel reached out a hand toward her as her eyes began to glow... And then her lungs simply stopped working. No matter how hard she tried, no breath would come, not even when white hot pain joined the pain in her head, but after a moment her tormentor began to speak in a hoarse whisper, the words crystal clear even through all of the pain she was being made to feel; "Do you think me cruel, human whelp? Question the purpose with which I act in this place again, and you will be shown real cruelty." Tamonten was lifted off of the floor by invisible hands, putting her face to face with the enraged warden, "I play my games, have my fun... But my reasons for doing this are anything but forgotten, and if you so much as suggest as much to me one more time, I will do things to you that your tiny little mind couldn't even conceive of... And if you are still capable of conscious thought after I'm finished, you will know in your heart that the kindest thing I had done to you was force you to watch as I did all of it to your lover first."

Elawdrin reached out a hand and clamped her fingers over Tamonten's face, and suddenly the pain vanished completely. The force lifting her dropped the swordswoman unceremoniously to the floor, and her lungs started working again as Elawdrin turned about and returned to her place at the table, and when she turned again the seductive smile was oozing back onto her face. If Tamonten opted to check herself over, she would find that her injury was completely gone, the only traces of what the angel had done to her the blood on her face and on the now slightly dented wheel into which she'd been slammed. Even the pain from the knee to the gut she'd taken earlier was gone, and the blow hadn't even left a bruise on her pale skin. "You can skip the rest of your speech, I read it in your mind~" Elawdrin said brightly, and then launched into the explanation of the game that she intended to play.

"Big words~" Elawdrin stated, mock impression in her voice, "If you think a bit of sharpened metal is enough to let you kill me, then I welcome the attempt! I'm sure that it'll be a fine show for your little kitten there, watching you die a hero's death." Tamonten spun the wheel as the angel delivered her retort, a surprisingly easy task after she actually got it moving, and on and on it spun for about a minute, gradually losing its momentum. It eventually slowed to a crawl, passing over the black mark accompanied by the key and handcuffs but heading again towards purple markers that would give her some time with her lover. The wheel never got there, however, as it slowed to a halt on the border of the red and green areas before edging back just a tiny bit, landing on a blank green marker.

Elawdrin actually looked slightly disappointed at the results, and said; "Green? How boring! Still, we must adhere to the rules~" She snapped her fingers again, and a cock sprung out from Tamonten's crotch just as it'd done before. "You've done this before, so you probably know the drill!" the angel said, gesturing towards the place where the green-scaled dragoness was held just as her sister had been. Adopting a gentler tone, Elawdrin added; "You can go over there willingly and do this gently, at your own pace, or I can play with your head again and you'll be just as savage to her as you were to her sister. Either way, this is going to happen."

(Feel free to go into as much or as little detail as you want from here. If Tamo refuses Elawdrin will charm her again, and we should prooobably just get this bit over with and get to the next spin. Elawdrin will also cancel the charm once Tamo's finished if it was necessary.)
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman didn't even have time to raise her hands in defense before she went crashing nose-first into the wheel. Unlike the earlier spanking, that particular hit felt more akin to some of the worst pain she had yet experienced. As the air was ripped from her lungs, she became very certain that she was about to die. And yet, she couldn't muster any fear over the idea, just a sense of guilt over the situation she'd be leaving Kringlicsly in. With that thought settling in and excruciating pain overwhelming her every sense, it was next to impossible to fully comprehend what the angel was saying to her, but it didn't take much recognition to realize that she had hit a nerve.

She was mildly surprised when the violent retribution against her words ended as suddenly as it had began. Once she had been dropped to the ground unceremoniously for what felt like the fifteenth time that day, she moved a pale hand to her mended nose. After discovering that no damage remained and pulling her hand away, she noticed that there was some blood on her fingers. For some reason, the sight of her blood was exhilarating. For a brief few moments she had managed to get the blackhearted wretch to treat her as more than a pawn in her games. She opened her mouth to verbally defy the angel yet again. You should have left me my broken nose. I would have displayed it proudly as a sign that I managed to coax you into behaving like the monster you really are. Though she had moved to speak, she swallowed her words and nothing came out. Tamonten's tongue held solely because she remembered that Krig's safety was on the line.

Instead, the pale warrior slowly and silently picked herself up, still weary from the sheer ferocity of Elawdrin's attack even despite the healing she had received. She would then spin the wheel to the sound of the fallen angel's response, remaining quiet as it went round and round only to stop on green. The possessed swordswoman grimaced as she realized which partner that put her with; the cock she sprouted a terrible reminder of what she was going to be forced to do again. With a slow, grim gait more fitting on a person walking to their own funeral than what she was about to do, she approached the dragoness. It was at the end of that dreaded walk that she replied to the fallen warden. "I would rather Krig be forced to watch me die a hero's death than to see me become what you would have me be," she finally said as she took up behind the dragonkin.

Her position, unfortunately, was just as her sister's had been. And this time Tamonten didn't have the luxury of her consciousness being buried to be able to ward off the voice inside her head reminding her about the abhorrence present in the act she was about to commit. She couldn't even put forth the resistance to force the fallen angel to use her powers, lest she lose control of herself. Loss of control was something she could afford least of all in the situation she found herself in, where every use of her energy would matter if she wanted to keep Krig safe. And, as she had considered not more than a few days earlier, as long as Kringlicsly was okay...

The pale swordswoman leaned in over the dragoness. "I don't know if you can even understand this or not, but I'm sorry," she whispered into the woman's ear. "I guess I really am a coward who would deal with evil in return for the safety of someone I love." Her pale hand reached for the helpless dragonkin's womanhood, stroking pale fingers between her labia to confirm that she was ready. If she wasn't, Tamonten would gently stroke at her bound partner's lower lips, trying to make the eventual process as painless as possible. But once she confirmed that the woman she was about to perform the foul deed on was ready for her, the pale girl straightened herself.

She held her own conjured manhood with her left hand, causing it to shake and stir in time with the motions of her possessed limb. She looped her pale hand around the dragonkin's waist as best she could and used two fingers to spread her victim's lower lips for her penetration. With a push so gentle that it might have seemed she was afraid she might shatter the dragoness, Tamonten penetrated her partner. What followed was not a savage rutting or even an impassioned tryst between lovers. It was cold and clinical. The act wasn't maximized for the warped human's pleasure or that of her bound partner. She pumped away at the woman's presented cunny with a steadily increasing pace solely to get the act over with.

To her disgust, even her artless sex in the situation was enough to arouse her physically. The sight of the dragoness, who had so threatened her, her child, and her lover, as nothing more than a lump of meat for her to fuck and discard was arousing to some deep part of her. The warmth and tightness of the woman's inner depths and the debased thoughts stirring in her head began to send sparks and tingles of pleasure through Tamonten. She could feel it as she drained the woman's soul and gave up small portions of her own; the feeling of euphoria that arose from the swapping of energy compounded oddly on all the other sensations. Most noticeable was the omnipresent feeling of guilt at what she was doing. At the wretched thing she had inflicted on not one but two of the dragon sisters. It led her to clinch her eyelids shut and try not to think about it.

Unfortunately and fortunately, she wouldn't have to think about it for much longer. Removing her ability to see what she was doing from the equation caused her to focus more on the sensations of her cock thrusting in and out of her partner's sopping sex, and her hands on the woman's athletic hips, which only made that familiar pressure inside her build all the faster. And with her eyes closed it was a little too easy to imagine the dragonkin, sans those moments where her hands rubbed over scales, as someone else, like Krig, and the dungeon as another place, like the fey forest. And when an unexpected imagining of her foxgirl lover in similar bondage, in a more consensual setting, entered her mind, it was over.

With a last, instinctive push to claim as much of the dragonkin's pussy as she could, she came. A prodigious amount of cum boiled forth from the tip of her conjured cock, its quantity aided in no small part by her warped body. But the pleasure of her orgasm only lasted until she opened her eyes to remember who she was actually with, where she actually was, and that she had just raped and likely impregnated yet another victim. Guilt soon replaced any ecstasy that she had felt when she had been able to hide in her little daydream. And that was soon replaced by more disgust. Her latest wave of disgust wasn't aimed at the situation though, it was aimed at herself. Tamonten's first coherent thought in the aftermath wasn't pity for the dragonkin or an idea to defy Elawdrin again, but something entirely more pragmatic.

With a lewd slurp, she allowed her quickly flagging erection to slip free of the dragoness's folds, allowing a small stream of cum to escape after it. The pale swordswoman leaned over the dragonkin and hooked her pale arm around her victim's waist again, maneuvering into a position that would have been familiar to the woman's sister. "Sorry," she whispered again. "I need all the energy I can get if I'm going to save Krig from this game." And with that she began to mercilessly stroke the raped dragon's clit. She plunged a finger into the woman's cum-filled pussy to add to the sensations. All of her experience garnered between the faeries and her trysts with Krig were used to great effect in order to bring the dragon to an orgasm and top off her own energy reserves.

With that, she unceremoniously withdrew her now-messy fingers and returned to the wheel with an expression of mixed resignation and duty on her face. "Did that satisfy you? Can I spin again now?" She asked coldly of Elawdrin. And assuming the fallen angel allowed her to, she would do just that, focusing in on the black mark section marked with the key and handcuff symbols again. The pale swordswoman acted almost like the dragonkin she had just raped was a distant memory.

Fuck the whole, as long as Kringlicsly is okay...
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 47/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

The colors represent Tamo's potential partners and are described in detail below. The colors are: white (Tamo) black (Elawdrin) red (the orc) green (the dragon) pink (Nellic) brown (the gruff) and purple (Krig)
The symbols indicate stuff as shown below, and as indicated on the following table.
Roll a d100, find the result among the following.

1-10 = Black
--1 = Key and Handcuffs, 2-3 = Key.
11-25 = Green
--16-17 = Key
26-40 = Red
--29-32 = Potion, 33-35 = Potion and Handcuffs 36-38 = Handcuffs (Tamo gets dropped in with hands tied)
41-55 = Pink
--46-50 = Potion 52 = Key
56-70 = Brown
--61-65 = Potion 67 = Key
71-80 = Purple
--75 = Key (Tamo and Krig go free)
81-95 = White
--85-87 = Key (Tamo's choice then go free) 89-93 = Handcuffs (Tamo's choice)
96-100 = Black
--100 = Key and Handcuffs (Tamo wins!) 98-99 = Key (bang Elawdrin and leave)

Pregnancy roll: 4. Welp.

Second Roll: 59 and the reroll cuz boring said 66, so I guess Tamo rapes the gruff.

Third Roll: 78, purple. Cuddle time with Krig!

Fourth Roll: 54, pink.

Elawdrin rolled her eyes at Tamonten's fairly dire proclamation that she'd rather die than see what the foul angel would see her become. "But... You don't even know what I want you to be yet~" she remarked coyly, but made no further comment as Tamonten took up the required position behind the bound dragoness. Her unwitting victim glanced back at Tamonten as she spoke, turning her head and her eyes as far as they could go, and for a moment there was a fiery flash of recognition in her eyes, but that was quickly buried under whatever Elawdrin had done to the woman, leaving only the broken husk that knelt before her with dripping sex presented invitingly.

Slipping into the green dragon was a different experience entirely from her session with the blue. Tamonten's first partner in Elawdrin's experiment had been soft and warm inside, but her second showed her more martial leanings even in this, as her insides were a firm vice that made Tamonten feel as if her cock was sheathed in liquid fire. From the very moment that she first entered her to the moment when she pulled out after delivering her seed, the dragon's inner walls squeezed around her shaft invitingly, almost demanding that she surrender her seed before her victim reached her peek.... Which was exactly how it turned out. The mind-broken moaned, and squirmed, and bucked her hips as much as she could from her compromising position back into Tamonten's thrusts, playing out her forced lust, but the euphoria brought on by the trading of energies and the imagining of Krig in a more wholesome version of this scenario pushed the swordswoman over the edge well before her partner was finished.

There was another moment, just as Tamonten's shaft throbbed and she bottomed out to deliver her seed into her victim, in which another flash of rage caused the green-scaled woman to shiver and go still, her eyes briefly burning red, but when the first eruption of Tamonten's sperm fired up into her womb that moment of clarity was buried in lust. The dragon's inner walls quivered as dose after dose of sperm painted those tight pink folds white, but even then her body was left hanging on the edge of orgasm rather than tipping over, her breath coming in short pants as she went still once more. What followed, however, caused the bound woman to squirm anew, and Tamonten's second apology for her actions was answered by a low moan. Her cum-soaked sex squeezed around Tamonten's invading digit despite its earlier filling with something much bigger, a rush of their mixed fluids coating the pale swordswoman's fingers, and with only a few moments of fingering her and strumming her clit the dragoness was brought to orgasm.

Again she differed from her sister, as while the blue dragon had been possessed of an abundance of spiritual energy that had allowed her to last through multiple orgasms. The green dragon, despite the presence of her inner fire, didn't have the same vast wells of spiritual power. As such, she was only barely conscious by the time Tamonten climbed off of the table and turned to face her jailor once more. Elawdrin had watched the scene between her and the dragoness passively, and though the angel was still possessed of her characteristic smirk, she didn't make another attempt at needling Tamonten at the moment. "Of course you may~" was all that the dark angel said, stepping aside and letting the swordwoman get back to the wheel.

Her second spin resulted in another victim, the massive gruff that she'd met in the yard, and came dangerously close to landing on the bottle to boot, though it stopped just short of actually reaching the dangerous little thing. "I guess your pussy finally gets a real workout! You haven't gotten anything big stuffed in there since you got to play with my puppies, have you? This should be fun!" Elawdrin stated, apparently happier about this result than the last. She strode over to the gruff and pulled the ribbon from around his cock before beckoning to Tamonten, "I shouldn't have to tell you how it's done, you're a big girl! I'm almost jealous, he's huge!" That much at least was true. The gruff's penis was to scale, making it longer and thicker around than her forearm along the shaft, with the flared tip being even wider around than her palm. His balls were no less frightening physically, each about the size of a cantaloupe, and his slightly fuzzy sack was fully visible from within the tangle of hair at his crotch. Like the dragoness, the great faerie's eyes were utterly blank, and his massive erection bespoke blind lust.

"Go on, have at 'im cowgirl!" the angel added when Tamonten started climbing up, and her pale bottom would receive another firm slap from the demented angel as reminder to what she'd only recently suffered from.


When Tamonten was finished with her second wheel-decided partner for the day, she was permitted her third spin. Around and around the great wheel turned, slowing as it reached the green section again.... Only for it to suddenly speed up once more as Elawdrin brightly uttered; "No repeats allowed!" Around it went some more, spinning for another minute before slowing as it neared the white section that might send her back to her cell.... And stopped just short of it, landing instead on the purple. Elawdrin clapped, "Bravo! You get some quality time with your lover! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" she said, and while she might be trying to get under Tamonten's skin again, the angel's voice didn't hold any hints of sarcasm.

"Take a few moments, have a little tender alone time. Just remember: no taking off the mask or removing the gag! She's not in any state to talk to you anyway. I'll be right over here~" she said as black tendrils appeared on the cross from which Kringlicsly hung, unbinding and then lowering the kitsune to the floor, where she reflexively curled into a ball. She didn't try to remove her bindings even though she was free, instead clutching at her eyes and whimpering pathetically from her position on the floor. Elawdrin stepped into the shadows, her presence vanishing, and other than the mind-broken slaves in the corner that gave the illusion that Tamonten was alone with her lover, unlikely as it was that Elawdrin wasn't actually watching the two of them.


Later, after Elawdrin had returned and Krig had been hoisted back onto the cross by her tendrils, the fourth spin of the wheel took place as the angel hummed an unfamiliar tune. Around it went, passing over the black and heading towards the brown again, but for the fourth time it stopped just short and ended up on the pink. "Oh my, that little body of yours really is getting quite the workout today, isn't it? I hope the big guy doesn't mind sloppy seconds! And look, you've gone through almost all of my party favors!" Elawdrin said, no less excited than last time, but then a sly look came over the angel as she untied the ribbon wrapped around the wrestler's dick. "How would you like to.... Bend the rules, a little bit? Just this once?" The angel's hands were gliding slowly over Nellic's shaft, which was impressive in and of itself but couldn't really be compared to the monstrous size of the gruff she'd been made to take inside only a sort while earlier. Her actions were causing the bound human to stir, light groans filtering past the bit that had been placed into his mouth, but he appeared no less mentally deadened than the rest of the fallen angel's victims.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Had it not been for the situation she was in, she might have breathed a sigh of relief as the wheel barely missed the potion icon. Given what came next, however, avoiding the malicious bottle was a bit harder to fully appreciate. The swordswoman looked upon the pillar that was the gruff's cock and could only audibly gulp. It held the dubious honor of being the most terrifying manhood she had ever seen. She was literally afraid of the thing. Of the things she had expected she might be willing to do for Krig's sake, trying to mount that one like that hadn't been top among them.

But apparently it was among that list. The swordswoman forced herself to approach the massive gruff with the same march that seemed more at home at a funeral procession than anywhere else. She scowled at the fallen angel's words, but said nothing. The pale girl couldn't risk speaking; she was too afraid that she might inadvertently say something in her anger that would doom Krig. The closer she got to the faerie's frightening tool, the more it worried her. It looked thick enough to split her in half and long enough to prod her organs through her womb. The amount of courage it took to begin climbing over him felt akin to the amount it had taken to confront the black oak.

And all the bravery she had mustered to prepare herself against that oak of another sort was lost when the angel used her opportunity to slap Tamonten on the ass. She scowled at the angel again and briefly considered launching herself at the woman, but quickly reminded herself of why she had folded to Elawdrin's sick games at all. I'm doing this for Krig, she reminded herself as she turned to look at the faerie from her position hovering over his cock. She steadied herself for her descent by placing her blackened hand on his abdomen and used her pale fingers to spread her own lower lips in preparation. Not that any amount of spreading herself was going to help her with the monstrous thing below her, she thought with a grimace.

The lithe warrior began to lower herself onto the shaft, and the first part of the journey proved the most difficult. Even as lubricated as she was from her body's arousal, she couldn't easily slide herself onto the flared tip. She found that no matter how she angled herself there simply was no easy way to impale herself with the gargantuan tip, and since the only other option was to forfeit the game and leave Krig to Elawdrin's cruelty... she pushed herself down.

It didn't hurt. It ought to have hurt, by her reckoning, but it didn't. There was a pressure from her insides, as if she might split in half like a piece of firewood, and her inner walls were stretched to what must have been to capacity. Overall, though, she was strangely numb to any pain despite the fact that her ill-advised push had sent her down a quarter of his cock. Tamonten had winced and grunted, but those were mostly in surprise. She didn't give much thought to what had spared her from a penetration that probably ought to have ripped her to pieces and maybe even killed her, but she was at least mildly grateful that her death wasn't going to be at the hands of a mighty gruff cock.

"Guh." Her pale hand moved to join its blackened counterpart on the massive faerie's stomach. She pushed herself down, inch by inch, until she felt the gruff touching her cervix, then a little bit further until the flared tip was pressing very insistently at her cervix, and she could feel his massive sack against her ass. Then she began to ride the gruff, slowly sliding up and down the faerie's erection. Like the dragoness, it was not an impassioned act, just a clinical attempt to bring the gruff to his orgasm and be done with it.

And like the dragonkin, her body began to adapt to the act. The way the shaft brushed every centimeter of her depths brought its own sort of pleasure, and she had a certain soft spot for faeries... There was thankfully some detraction from the experience as her legs began to go numb from the thing buried between them, and she continued until the gruff's shaft began to throb dangerously inside her and his scrotum began to seize beneath her backside without risking her own orgasm. As those telltale signs began to make themselves evident she made the effort to pull off of him. Elawdrin surely wouldn't mind where he came. It wasn't like she had rolled the potion, right? As she moved to slide herself off of the fey, however, she found that her legs were too numb...

And she panicked as she began to fall back down, pulled by gravity now that she had been accommodated to his length and girth. "No," she practically begged the goatman, even though he was in no state of mind or position to do anything about his body's reaction. "No!" Her second desperate plea was wasted as his shaft gave its first powerful twitch inside her. His first shot of cum hit her insides with so much force that it felt like it should have blasted her off of him. A second and a third followed it, and her belly began to round. She continued to try to scramble off of him, but her repeated panicked attempts at lifting herself off of him and sliding back down as her legs gave out only seemed to milk him of more of his seed. Her belly rounded further, making her look several months pregnant, and suddenly she found herself too weighed down to even try to push herself off of him any longer. Her eyes went blank with despair as he continued to fill her, making her look nine months pregnant, and then bigger, and bigger.

By the time he had finished, she looked like she was carrying troll triplets. I have to push on... The thought didn't come as easily to her as it had mere moments before, but she was quick to try. Tamonten made a concerted effort to force herself off of him, if only so that she could get rid of the massive intruder blocking her cum-filled womb from emptying. She pushed with her arms and legs. The latest time she made more progress than she had in her panic, but she still didn't make it.

Maybe it was just because she was getting close anyway, maybe she was just feeling sensitive after being filled with such a huge cock and so much gruff spunk, or maybe it was the warped nature of her body and mind, but as she moved to slide off, she was suddenly overcome with a small orgasm. She trembled as she slid back down, directly into the gruff's lap. Her balled fists rested on his stomach and she hung her head as despair and pleasure took her at the same time. Only one coherent thought ran through her head as she tried to sort out her feelings. What am I?

When it died down, she made a second push to escape the fey's cock. With a bit of a struggle, she freed herself of his flared tip, and unleashed a flood of cum into his lap. Tamonten dismounted and walked a few steps away on wobbly legs before collapsing on her hands and knees as her belly drained into a massive pool on the ground. She wanted to cry. She wanted to cry so desperately badly at everything that had transpired. The swordswoman couldn't though, she couldn't give up there. She wouldn't give Elawdrin the satisfaction of breaking her spirit. And when her belly had finally emptied, leaving a mess down the insides of her legs, she stood up and strode to the wheel again without a word and would spin the thing unless the fallen angel stopped her.

But this time she couldn't clear the despair from her expression, nor could she muster the defiance.


Whatever her despair after the gruff, it was wiped away in an instant when the wheel landed on Krig. It hadn't been the key, but it was very hard to be disappointed when she had gained a chance for some time with her foxgirl lover. The angel's words went in one ear and out the other as Tamonten sprinted toward the cross, ignoring her wobbly legs and soreness from her time with the gruff in the process. She ended up there quickly enough to hear the woman's warning about her blindfold and gags, which drew a frown from the swordswoman.

But she didn't even wait until Elawdrin was out of the room to grab the foxgirl and pull the spirit wielder's head against her shoulder, though her words would wait. "Krig," she whispered into her lover's ear. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. This is all my fault. I'm sure she's still watching us, so I can't take your blindfold off or the gag out, but I'm here. I'm going to get you out of here somehow, whatever it takes. Just hang on. I don't know what she's put you through, but try to be strong for just a little while longer. I'll get you out of here. I'll save you no matter what." She practically babbled as she cradled the foxgirl and tried to whisper her reassurances into the woman's ear.

She was suddenly very glad that Kringlicsly couldn't see her as the repressed tears from her time with the Gruff began to roll down her cheeks. Despite her promises, despite everything she said, she had no plan. She wasn't sure there was a plan that would work. It was very possible that she would never be able to earn her lover's freedom unless the angel wanted rid of them, and by then it might all be too late. The swordswoman could practically feel herself breaking under the weight of it all. Under that stress came a strange thought. I wish my father was here. It was childish, she knew, but it was the only thing she could think about. He always knew what to do. He always knew how to calm her.

And then some memories struck her. "I'll get you out of here somehow, so just stay strong until then," she echoed her earlier words a bit more calmly, with that same tone she had carried at the appearance of the alraunes after the black oak had been slain. As suddenly as anything else she had done, she began to quietly hum a song into the kitsune's ear. It was a children's song that her father had sung her all of once when she was a child as he was tucking her into bed, but she had liked it enough to remember it. Maybe it would help calm Krig a bit as well.


Tamonten would stay like that, humming softly into Krig's ear until Elawdrin came to fetch her. When the fallen angel came, the possessed warrior found that she didn't have the mental strength to release her lover. The warden would have to literally pry the warped human away from the spirit wielder. But when they were finally back to business, the pale swordswoman would stand with a new sense of determination that burned in her green eyes. Even when she spun Nellic's color it didn't fade, and she strode toward the man without paying any heed to the angel's words.

At least until Elawdrin made a comment about bending the rules. "I'd like to break the rules and you, but I lack the strength," she announced, unable to will away her defiance since her mental strength had recovered. "So whether I want to bend them or not depends. To what end?" She asked plainly of the warden.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 47/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Elawdrin watched Tamonten mount and ride the gruff impassively, and her unwitting partner wasn't in any position to do much to return her motions. The bound faerie seemed to enjoy her motions all the same, however, as the gigantic man bucked up into Tamonten's motions as much as his current position would allow him to despite how clinical her motions were. Pushing against his stomach allowed the swordswoman to feel his muscles moving in time with the bucks of her hips, and she could feel the faerie's mighty shaft pulsating steadily inside of her. When her bottom finally rested against his sack, she could literally feel the huge orbs contained within churning up the load that was about to be shot up into her. Taking the massive thing inside felt as if she was at risk of being turned inside out every time she drew upward, and every downward motion felt as if it should have split her in half, but somehow all that Tamonten felt from the acts was pleasure.

When she felt the signs of the gruff's oncoming orgasm but failed to rise off of the tremendous dick buried inside of her, Tamonten heard a soft giggle from behind her, and her verbal protests had little effect on him. The sound of someone snickering was just barely present from behind her as her body was literally inflated by the faerie's semen, and when the gruff had seemingly finished with his colossal relief Elawdrin broke out into hysterical laughter upon seeing Tamonten's despair. "Oh gods.... That's priceless! You look like a balloon!" she said, speaking through her hysterics with only some trouble. After a moment the laughter died down, and as she struggled to get herself off of the gruff that she might release the massive pressure resulting from her sudden bloating Tamonten felt the dark angel slide up behind her, pressing her soft bosom against the swordsoman's back in a gesture that might have been erotic coming from anyone else. She reached down and gave Tamonten's clit a rub just as the swordsman came down from her orgasm, and then she felt another spurt from the cock still buried inside of her slit as the angel gave one of the faerie's tremendous balls a soft squeeze.

"He really filled you up, didn't he? You look like you've got a couple of little goatmen ready to pop out in there! It's really too bad you didn't roll that potion~" Elawdrin just kept on getting closer as she spoke, eventually wrapping one arm around Tamonten to rub her belly while the other curled around and took the cumflated swordswoman by the chin, gently directing her face to the side as if she intended to kiss her on the lips again. She didn't though, and instead started softly licking at Tamonten's cheek for her tears. "I don't know what it is, but your despair only makes me hornier~!" she cooed, and then, perhaps oddly, helped Tamonten lift herself off of the gruff's cock. The angel rose away from the ensuing flood of semen, keeping her outfit perfectly clean, but as Tamonten rose and walked away the angel knelt down and examined the gruff's rod, which was soaked with a mix of semen and Tamonten's love honey. Leaning forward, Elawdrin licked up a a line from the base of his shaft up to the top, causing the bound goat-man to squirm and bleat as another small eruption painted the angel's face and hair with the leftovers of the load he'd filled Tamonten with.

"Yummy~" she commented, giggling and slowly cleaning off the mess on her face with some fairly lewd work with her tongue and fingers.


The gagged kitsune whimpered and tried to squirm away as Tamonten lifted her into her arms, and at the sound of Tamonten's voice her struggles briefly intensified before Krig went still. Now that she was closer, the swordswoman was able to see the injuries on her lover's body in grisly detail, showing clear signs of torture. The most prominent wounds were the bruises on her face, however, and Tamonten could see that several of the fox girl's teeth had been broken or knocked out during the beating she'd taken, and the skin around one of her eyes was so badly discolored that she had good reason to suspect that it was swollen shut. She only seemed slightly lucid, but after a moment of hearing the tune that Tamonten hummed softly into her ear, she began to softly clutch back at the swordswoman holding, and her whimpers began to fade away.

The two of them were left like that for who knew how long, receiving no disturbance from Elawdrin or any of her cronies for what felt like hours. When the angel finally returned, she simply appeared a few feet away as if she'd always been there, hands clutched behind her back and a strangely empty expression on her face. Shadow tendrils suddenly reached out from the darkness, and Krig was torn violently from Tamonten's arms and dragged away, vanishing into the shadows before her muffled screams were silenced as soon as she left the edge of the light. "She will not be harmed further," Elawdrin commented calmly, but after a moment's pause she then added; "Today. You have my word." The angel didn't give any further comment on Tamonten's time with Krig.


Elawdrin's smirk had returned by the time Tamonten's next partner was decided, and the foul woman centered that look squarely on Tamonten as she lightly teased Nellic with her hands. The memory of what the angel was able to do with just her fingers was still quite fresh in Tamonten's mind, and it seemed that Nellic was no more immune than she, as she could see the large man's shaft quivering with excitement after only a few seconds of even her lightest touch, a bead of precum appearing on the tip. "Oh, well... I just thought that, as nice as this cock is, it doesn't really compare to mister firehose over there~ If you'd be willing to indulge another little game of mine, I'd be willing to take this one for you!"

The prison warden's grin became an outright smile that ranged somewhere between manic and sadistic, "Don't worry, it's nothing too severe! Just a little game of trading questions~ Honesty is obviously required, but I don't think you'll have a problem with that. I'd even be willing to let you start out as the questioner, and we'd be done just as soon as I'm done with him! That might take a little while though, watching you's gotten me all worked up~ Of course... You could still take care of that yourself! I'd even still be willing to let you go afterwards~"
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman remained mute for a few moments. There were so many conflicting emotions running through her head. No, she didn't really want to climb atop another cock, if not for the emotional devastation that it was wreaking on her then simply for the physical. She couldn't keep the pace set before her, her mind already felt ready to give into the fallen angel's abuse, if only because her body found ecstasy in every humiliation lavished on it and surrender would be so much easier than struggling. At the same time, she didn't want to leave Nellic in Elawdrin's hands, simply out of respect for the big wrestler and a desire not to see him harmed. And, of course, she was still enraged at what the fallen angel had done to Kringlicsly and wanted to lash out at her because of it. But beyond it all was curiosity. What could cause a sentient creature to become so terribly and unnecessarily evil?

"As if I would do anything so cruel to him as to place you into his lap," she venomously retorted once she had found her voice again. "If you're so horny then go get mounted by one of your wretched puppies, but if you want to play yet another of your petty games and desire some flimsy justification for it then let me take him in a different way in return for it. You'll be able to ask me your questions until he finishes and then I can answer and ask mine in return, and this way another is not left to your 'mercy'." Her anger boiled. She sought out any conversational barb she could use, any act of defiance that she could put forth that Krig wouldn't suffer from, and cared little about what they might cost her in the near future. "And if that's unacceptable to you then get out of my way so that I can see your original game through."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Tamonten's venomous statement merely drew a chuckle from Elawdrin, though the angel also stepped away as if to allow the swordswoman to mount the bound wrestler. No reaction other than a roll of her eyes occurred at Tamonten's rude suggestion as to how she could satisfy herself, but when Tamonten opted to introduce an alternative Elawdrin took on a surprised look. "Really? I hadn't expected you to even be open to the idea! I thought you'd keep your mind closed up as tight as you could, and I must say that this a refreshing change of pace! I feel like we're really getting places Tamonten~" the angel said cheerily with her face set in a broad smirk. "I suppose you'll be wanting a question from me first then? Well, my first for you is...." Elawdrin paused dramatically, "What are you doing here in Artmirst? What were you hoping to find?"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

A shiver of disgust ran down the pale girl's spine at the idea that she had done anything to please their foul warden. At least, she was pretty sure it was disgust. If there was anything else to it, her fury was a shield enough against thinking about it too deeply. "Don't get your hopes up." She strode, or came as close to a stride as she could get with the soreness and bowlegged walk granted to her by her time with the gruff, toward Nellic and brought herself to face-level with his cock. The swordswoman frowned at its size, but at least it couldn't stretch her hands out.

"That sounded like two questions," she pointed out without looking at the fallen angel, if only because she could. "I came to find a cure for my arm. Nothing more, nothing less." There didn't seem to be any point in even trying to lie about that one. She reached her pale hand forward and began to timidly stroke Nellic's massive erection. This time she would be able to keep Elawdrin's game strictly separated from her own pleasure. There would be no additional confusion, no additional chances for despair. Or so she hoped.

It was slightly odd to her that there was a growing concern in the back of her head that her own ministrations might not measure up to the fallen angel's skills. It was odder still that, despite recognizing the lunacy of the thought, she placed her shaking, blackened hand on the shaft beneath her pale hand and began to slowly piston them up and down the wrestler's cock in unison in reaction to her own perceived inadequacy. "Why are you doing this?" She had asked the same question internally, but aloud it was directed toward Elawdrin. "Not the experiment, your passion about that is obvious," and the bloody proof about it was probably still plastered across Tamonten's nose and cheeks. "But surely someone as powerful as you are doesn't need to torture us all for your project or to inflict such pain on us in order to further your goals. If Striga is to be believed some of the demons would even gleefully volunteer themselves up for your lash and your experiments. So why?"

She realized that while focusing on her question her hands had slowed and so she dutifully sped up. The idea that in his lust-addled head Nellic might be yearning for a return to the fallen angel's touch irritated Tamonten for some foolish reason. But no matter how much she told herself that the thoughts were insane, it wasn't enough to convince her that they actually were. It bothered her to the point where she pulled her left hand away and began to drag her tongue along the underside of his shaft and tip while her hand continued to stroke the lower half of his cock. The salty taste of his precum stirred her away from her irrational thoughts enough to realize that she had effectively just removed her own excuse for pushing for the angel to allow her to choose another method of servicing him.

It was hard to say that she had simply been trying to get him off and be done with it when she was lapping at his rod like a kitten at a saucer of milk. Her hands would have sufficed, she knew that, even if they hadn't been as capable of bringing the man pleasure as Elawdrin's depths would have been. So why, then, was she leaning forward to take the wrestler's manhood into her mouth? Why was she more focused on the veins and contours of his cock on her tongue and lips for the first time than the fallen angel's words? Why fellate her fellow prisoner like a young milkmaid who had been told it wouldn't count if it was just her mouth? Maybe it would have been mentally easier on her to just mount the man.

She might use competitiveness or Krig's safety as an excuse for going above and beyond the call... but in reality the first thought that sprung to mind was that maybe the fallen angel had been right about her. Asking herself question in itself had the same effect as removing an essential brick from the bottom of an already leaning structure. Every doubt she had held for the last week, every orgasm she had suffered during the fallen angel's abuses, every time she had gone along with one of the foul woman's agents or games rather than fighting to the bitter end, in the flash of an eye she reexamined every single moment in the light of that question, and for once the extra doubt weighed on her so much that her willpower didn't immediately bounce back. It didn't really help when she remembered that her warden could read her thoughts with apparently as little effort as might be required to turn a page in a book.

It helped less when she realized that her body had essentially gone on autopilot in her efforts to finish Nellic when the doubt had hit her so hard. She couldn't tell if she had missed one of the angel's questions, or maybe even two or three or all of them. She knew that her hand had continued to masturbate the big man. She vaguely knew that she had dipped her mouth down his cock farther than she had even been able to take the satyr she had met nearly a week before, and that her gag reflex was far less persistent than it had been then. It wasn't hard to tell that after that she had risen up enough to press his cock in-between her breasts, even though they weren't large enough to fully engulf him, especially as she had remained in position even after her near mental breakdown and her soft mounds and the valley between them was slicked with precum.

Tamonten had been creative in her absentmindedness, apparently, as she had leaned her upper body in such that she had sandwiched his cock between his own abdomen and her modest cleavage. She squeezed her tits around him using her hands and enthusiastically rubbed her body against the massive shaft while giving him as much of a titjob as she could give him. Her mouth sealed around his tip and she did her best to bob along the length of his manhood that went unstimulated by the rest of her body. And by the time she had cleared her mental daze he was already beginning to throb. She was so late in her recognition that she couldn't dislodge her mouth in order to avoid the first, second, or even third rope of Nellic's cum landing in her mouth.

Barring angelic intervention, however, she would pull free after that and begin to spit the wrestler's seed out onto the ground. And once she had taken some time to mentally recover from the havoc her doubt had sown in her mind, she would step away from Nellic and put forth the effort to answer the angel's piled up questions and ask her own, and then she would spin the wheel again. But her most immediate and pressing interest was in trying hard not to recall the thoughts that had caused her such doubt, or how eager she had been in her ministrations when rational thought wasn't in the way.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

"Is that all?" Elawdrin stated, as if musing on Tamonten's response to her question. "I'm not sure that you can really find a "cure" given that what you have is another soul crammed in and attempting to take over your body, but I guess it's the closest word that comes off the tongue so easily." She paused and eyed Tamonten for a moment, but rather than smirking as she seemed ever eager to do when addressing the possessed swordswoman, the dark angel looked oddly contemplative. "That seal will hold by the way. You could walk out of here with it on, collar or no, and so long as you don't damage it again the demon spirit in your arm won't ever bother you again. It was some pretty impressive engineering, but with the original model it wasn't hard to replicate a superior version that sealed it off completely. The damage to your soul from wearing the older one looks like it's permanent though, so I'd try to avoid the succubi were I you~"

She paused again, smirking to herself for a moment before adopting another contemplative look. "I could probably remove the demon from you entirely.... But I won't. I doubt you'd let me fiddle around with your soul that deeply anyway, and as interesting as I find you, I don't feel the need to go out of my way to help you against your will. So... Good luck with that once you're free of me." Of course by then Tamonten was well into her two handed hand-job, causing the wrestler to squirm and groan within his bindings. The question that she issued in response to Elawdrin's caused the angel to sigh, and as Tamonten started lapping at the huge man's cock, getting a fine taste of his thick musky scent and causing her to become marginally light-headed, Elawdrin moved next to Tamonten and sat down cross legged on the table that Nellic was bound to. "That's.... A very simple question with a very complex answer. You're going to be busy for a while though, so I guess I can give you all of the juicy details. Just make sure you pay attention, or I'll have to give you more spankings!" It seemed like something that Elawdrin that might have said with enthusiasm normally, but the angel's voice had suddenly become extremely deadpan.

"Well, like it or not, you get to find out why I'm doing this whole experiment thing to begin with, but it's all really tied in to how I fell! I'm sure it'll all make sense to you once I've explained it all." Elawdrin began, getting more comfortable. The angel's expression was notably neutral, and the glimmer of mad laughter that Tamonten had seen whenever she'd looked into those black eyes was gone, though at the time the swordswoman was too occupied with stuffing her mouth full of Nellic's manhood to notice. The wrestler was an ever eager participant, bucking his hips energetically against the bobbing of her head and then later grinding his hips when she opted to start using her chest. He wasn't throbbing yet, but the more she got into it the more excited Nellic became.

"Firstly, I have to begin by saying that there are... Things... Out there. Things that you lucky mortals are protected from so that you can live in peace. Things that are a lot worse than demons or dragons or fallen angels. You lot get to deal with those most of the time simply because we're busy with things that make them look like nubile party favors, but we sometimes send our younger members and our extras to help you out when we get the chance. Anyway... Daemons from other worlds, tears in the fabric of reality that would eventually consume the world, ancient gods rising from their torpor driven mad with hunger, artifacts of immense power and immeasurable evil, abominable demigods from other dimensions, lawyers... We deal with all of those so that you don't have to. As far as I've been able to tell, that's kind of our purpose in life, though no one's yet figured out who made us so that they could ask them. The gods used to take care of that sort of thing, as the more learned faeries would say it, but then some jackass went and destroyed most of them and then didn't pick up the slack. So there's us, fighting the good fight and often dying in some of the worst ways possible just so that you lot can sleep soundly at night.

"I know that it really doesn't make up even for some of the things that I've done to you in particular, much less to everyone else I've got here, but I should note that before I fell I did a lot to help in that fight. I was on the front lines against things you literally can't even truly imagine, sometimes all on my own, and I saved a lot of people from fates far worse than death. I also watched a lot of my people die doing the same... Brothers, sisters, parents, lovers... And oftentimes, the ones that were given to sweet oblivion were the lucky ones. But I didn't ever lose sight of what we were doing and why we were doing it." Elawdrin paused, and silence reigned save for the noises that Tamonten's attentions upon Nellic were causing, a combination of her slurping and his moaning and the manner in which his squirming caused the table to rock back and forth. That silence stretched onwards as the swordswoman's self doubt distracted her and her body finished the man while on almost complete auto-pilot. His seed, hot and sticky and salty, sprayed up into her mouth in thick surges that gave the swordswoman an ample taste of the man's potency. Elawdrin made no effort to keep her down on the man as he came, however, and Tamonten was able to pull off and spit out Nellic's seed without any molestation from the black winged angel, resulting in the rest of his orgasm spilling out onto his stomach but leaving her largely clean.

"Well, now that you're finished, I suppose I don't technically have to say any more... Which is just too bad for you, because I'm going to anyway." Elawdrin still wasn't smiling again, and she continued in a tone far removed from her usual flirtatious bemusement; "I was getting on in years when it finally happened.... We're immortal you see, but only about a quarter of us live to see our thirties, and maybe one in twenty get to be a hundred. When I fell, I was.... I want to say a hundred and fifty five, but it's hard to remember exactly. I'm about two hundred and thirty right now, if that gives you any useful context. Anyway... Suffice to say, I bit off a little more than I can chew," she tried rather obviously to disguise it with a return of her usual cheer, but the sheer deadness in her eyes, voice, and expression was striking when compared to how the fallen angel normally acted, and seeing her try to fake that was like watching a person attempt to pantomime the manner in which a beast would act.

"One of those things from beyond our reality... One of the big ones.... It beat me. I figured I was going to die at the time, but I guess I wasn't that lucky. It took me back to wherever it had come from. I.... I can't even describe what it was like," the black winged angel had begun to shiver, and her eyes were both extremely wide and brightly aglow in their characteristic orange, "It was like living in a world that was just... Missing things. Stuff you don't really notice unless it's not there. Sound was... Wrong, and so were the colors. I can't really explain it because the moment I even try to wrap my head around it my head starts to hurt. That's the thing about outsiders.... They're just things that we can't understand even on a conceptual level. Even looking at one of them is... Harmful. And this one did a whole helluva lot more to me than sit there and make me stare at it, though you can probably guess well enough that I don't need to go into detail, even if being violated by that makes what I do to you look like a schoolgirl prank. When I finally broke, and my wings turned black as my Insight left me, it just... Stopped. I didn't know why, and I guess I still don't, because then it.... It did something to my mind, and then flung me back into our reality.

"When I landed, I was in the middle of the woods. I'd hit the ground somewhere near a small farm in about the shape you'd probably expect.... Energy drained to the point of starvation, body shredded to hamburger, mind in more pieces than a set of linken logs.... You know, the usual stuff. Humans found me, nursed my body back to health over in their home, not even realizing what they'd brought in. It was pretty cold when I landed, so I guess I must have been in Crolia. It didn't matter really, anywhere I'd hit I would have done the same. When I came back to, my other hunger, the new one... I sated it. I just... Couldn't stop myself, even after I had enough energy to go off. Maybe that was what that thing did to me before it let me go, but whatever the case, I killed them. All of them. Even the children. And ate them..... Their souls, I mean. I wasn't quite far enough gone to eat them physically. When I came to, I realized what I'd done, and I did the only thing I could think of; I called my family. What happened next isn't too important, so long story short, the archangels tried to reverse what had been done to me, but they couldn't, and eventually I just left. They tried to stop me, but I picked my moment well, and after that I was on the run for a few years, soul searching. I managed to keep from killing anyone else thanks to them, or at least not anyone during feeding. Then, I was the chance witness in a battle between some young members of my kind and an elder dragon that had awakened, and all the memories of fighting to defend mortals came crashing back as I watched that thing kill four children. Well, I obviously couldn't stand for that, and after the dragon was dead I managed to save one of them, and that's when it really hit me... What we were doing was pointless.

"My kin were throwing their lives away for a world full of people that didn't care, who wouldn't thank them... Hell, some of you have tried to kill or enslave us whenever you were given half a chance, and while it would obviously be unrealistic of me to expect all of you to be decent when I can't even say the same for my own kind, that still pissed me right the fuck off. So, I started searching, and eventually I figured out a way to keep the monsters at bay without ever having to sacrifice anyone; use other monsters." She paused again, allowing a ghost of her former expression to appear on her face, but only a moment later she continued; "Eventually I tracked down an outsider small enough for me to capture, and then I started... Experimenting. I thought of it as poetic justice at the time, but eventually I figured out a way to change it even though it was already a creature of magic. I warped it beyond recognition, at least of its own kin, and then.... Well, I mated with it. Had to see if they could be sustainable. The result.... Was Evan. My first failure, at least as a weapon of war, but he's been a good son to me. That little experiment had some pretty dire consequences though, as not only did it almost kill me, it left me sterile for anything that didn't lay eggs. A few more changes to my initial subject once I had properly taped myself back together and it could do that, but the creatures that it produced were.... Weak.

"I obviously needed better genetic stock than what I had, and so about three years later, here I am. The Artmirst invasion was something of a godsend to my research, even if it did result in a whole lot of bad for a whole lot of other people, and I've been trying to find the right combination to create something that can replace my kind for about a year now. The demons have been useful, and a lot of them were actually quite eager to help me even though I've never told them what the real goals for this project are. I guess being a card carrying member for the bad guys has its perks. Imagine my surprise. Anyway, that's probably everything... Or at least everything that comes to mind."

Elawdrin's smile returned, and she looked as if some great weight had been lifted from her shoulders as she straightened and hopped off of the "As to why I'm such a terrible person, I suppose the reasons for that are a bit less complex. Partially, I'm just taking out my own general frustrations on you, and while I know that that's wrong, I just can't seem to stop myself. Another part of it is simply to instill discipline, as I've found that you lot are a lot easier to manage when you've had some proper subservience bapped into you. Finally.... Well, after getting laid consistently for so long, a woman does develop her needs. You've obviously learned to appreciate that given your enthusiasm earlier. I'm not trying to justify my actions - they aren't morally justifiable, I know that - but I'm just playing the hand that I've been dealt. Now, as it's my turn to ask a question, I have to ask... What do you think of all this? I've never actually told that story to anyone before."

Spin: 89, White with handcuffs, Tamo's choice.

Another spin later, and the wheel landed on the section of white still partially coated with her blood, the stained sticker accompanied by a handcuffs symbol. "Well, that's just a big stinker isn't it? You finally got to pick, and all you've get left are raginhard over there, me, and back to your cell block. What'll it be then?"
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

It took her several moments to try to recall all of Elawdrin's words from when her attentions had been so thoroughly divided, but Tamonten had been shocked to say the least. Most of her surprise had come from the fallen angel being so candid about it all, although the idea that their world was a speck ready to be extinguished, devoured, or wiped out any given day by things beyond her comprehension wasn't exactly a heartening prospect. Perhaps that was why, upon falling down to her knees in order to spit out the wrestler's cum, she simply stayed there and adjusted herself for comfort in order to listen to the demented warden's tale. There was no violence, no fury, no anything, just intent listening.

For most of the tale, depressing was far too light a word. Hopelessness was a more adequate descriptor of the feeling encouraged by the idea of such a creature powerful enough to defeat the angel and waiting for its chance to consume the world. She felt a tinge of sadness at the story of the angel's fall, which was something the swordswoman might have thought herself incapable of feeling for Elawdrin prior to the story. And as her captor begun to speak of why she had started the program, Tamonten became introspective. If the fallen angel knew how morally reprehensible the things she was doing were and knew how wrong it all was but she was still doing it, did that mean that to the self-proclaimed evil woman the ends justified the means? She must have believed that she was doing the right thing to some extent. It was incredibly egotistical of the possessed human, but it made her wonder how many of the things she had done for the 'right' reason were really right.

But by the end of it all, it was hopelessness that still reigned supreme. It wasn't just the idea of the fragility of the world, nor even at her continued situation. There was something strange in Elawdrin's story. Even Tamonten, who could barely begin to comprehend most of the powers of a faerie knight, let alone something that even a fallen angel couldn't fully explain, couldn't help but connect a few worrying dots. Whatever the creature was, one that could break a century-old angel, she said it had willingly let her go after doing something to her mind. And though the malicious warden had suggested she believed that her new hunger might have been the change it wrought on her, Tamonten couldn't help but wonder if maybe the woman's work since her return wasn't doing what she thought was right so much as what something else desired. She didn't dare say it aloud or even think overly hard about it, lest Elawdrin know her thoughts. The pale girl almost pitied the monstrous angel for it, but terror at the idea of even possibly being correct prevailed. If her line of thinking was right... Well, it would be bad.

And so Tamonten was incredibly relieved that the return question allowed a little bit of room for dishonesty by omission. "This was easier when I was just thinking of you as a heartless, evil bitch," she admitted. "But... I think it's sad, mostly. What your allies and you went through. That your kin and you were forced to shoulder such a burden without we who were being protected even knowing about it. I can't even imagine what it feels like to lose comrades like that against an endless swarm of such evils, let alone to know that they died without thanks or recognition. And I can't think of a word or gesture that would properly thank you for the good you were able to do, or to apologize. I wish I could, but unfortunately all I can offer is... thank you. For what you did so many years before even my father or mother were born and for sharing your story." The idea of thanking the angel was something that was hard for even the swordswoman to wrap her head around, especially since she could only take Elawdrin's story at her word, but it came easily enough. Indeed, an incredible calm came easily enough with every spoken word.

Assuming the odd choice to thank her didn't trigger some murderous rage in Elawdrin, the pale swordswoman would continue without pause. "It has made me ask questions about myself that I never would have known to ask otherwise. And it brought me peace," she added honestly. "It's a firm reminder that, as long as I draw breath, it's my duty to do everything in my power to stop you. No longer will I benefit from the protection of unknown guardians without at least trying to do my part, even if that means coming into conflict with someone who was one of those guardians. If you cannot stop yourself from continuing down the evil path that you're on, then I must try. And since I lack the power to talk you out of this or the power to get you actual help, that leaves me with few options. But at least now when the time comes I'll able to go into it with... less hatred." She set the angel with a stare of grim determination.

But Krig's immediate safety still mattered, and there really was no way she would be able to defeat Elawdrin with nothing but her fists in a one-on-one. So, she would stand up and return to the wheel, giving it another spin. For a few moments after it had stopped, she stared at the bloody white marker. "I'm weak," she suddenly announced. "In every way that matters. So many times I have wanted nothing more than to give in and at points I even thought that if I just apologized it might make the pain and despair stop. And my body gave in regardless of how my mind fought itself." She couldn't begin to fathom why she had admitted that to the angel, but Elawdrin probably already knew it from her peeks into the swordswoman's mind. Maybe her openness was because she believed the next time she saw the angel it would be in combat. "That's why I want rid of the demon. Because to be honest, I craved the power it offered me so that I could achieve my dream of being the strongest warrior in the world. At one time, I craved it more than anything else. And as soon as I went up against an opponent that I saw no other way to overcome, I broke my seal and seized the power. And I reveled in the strength it gave me over them as I swept them aside like nothing. Now that I've tasted it, I am scared that its mere presence will tempt me. I think that maybe the seal was never in any real danger of completely failing, it was always just me..."

"I choose to return to my cell."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

(Tamo gains 6 exp.)

If Elawdrins was looking into her mind and noted Tamonten's secretive thoughts, there was no indication of it on the angel's face. She seemed to be in her own little world following her story even after asking her own question, but she was shaken from that when Tamonten began to speak. The swordswoman's initial statement drew a brief laugh from the angel, but it wasn't one that suggested any malice on the warden's part, but rather a sign of what seemed like genuine amusement. The smile that lingered on her face afterwards rapidly dropped to a sad one, leaving their dark warden looking more somber than Tamonten had ever seen her. She opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it again and nodded without making a sound instead. It might have merely been a trick of the fading glow from Elawdrin's eyes, but as her eyes darkened to their normal black it was possible that something was shining at their corners.

No murderous rage was triggered by the pale swordswoman's thanks, and her reaffirmation of her quest to end the woman's experiments didn't bring one either. Indeed, Elawdrin simply retained her sad smile, and that expression never became condescending or smug as she might have thought that it would. The warden didn't speak again until Tamonten rose and returned to the wheel, at which point she softly said; "I never forgot why I fought to protect mortals, ungrateful as they might be. Not when I was in that thing's clutches, and not after it had broken me either. You're an excellent reminder as to why... Maybe that's why I keep paying so much attention to you. My experiments won't only save my own kind - they'll save yours too. At least in the long run."

Placing her hands behind her back and standing straight as Tamonten spun the wheel, Elawdrin displayed a moment of surprise at Tamonten's initial announcement following her question, but then smiled softly as she gave further explanation. "Maybe you are weak. Maybe eventually I will end up finding your breaking point, and then you'll be as boring as everybody else. But your passenger never found it before me, and I didn't reach it today. Maybe there's hope for you after all?" She stood facing Tamonten in silence for a moment, smiling in a manner that was entirely unusual for her, before saying; "Evan's on his way, he'll take you back to your cell." She went silent for a moment, and her smirk vanished only to be replaced by a distant look, and a few seconds later the door opened to reveal the bulky figure of Evan standing within, waiting for her. As Tamonten moved to join the deformed creature that Elawdrin had spawned, the angel spoke in a voice just barely above a whisper; "When you do finally break free and come for me.... Don't let me escape. I'll only do this again somewhere else."

Whatever Tamonten's response to that, she was then led back to her cell by Evan, who greeted her with an awkwardly delivered; "Hccchkkk.... Hello pale girl." The trip back was relatively uneventful, but when she passed the cell that normally contained Pano she noted that the huge demon was conspicuously absent. Varthic was to be found pacing the cell, and after Evan said his goodbyes and departed from the cell block the demon prince immediately glanced Tamonten over and said; "What happened? The harpy didn't.... Make you... Uhh.... With Pano, did she? That freak came in and dragged him off about an hour after he took you." From his awkward stuttering in the middle to the tension in his body, it was obvious that Varthic was a good deal more distressed than he was willing to bet on, but was fairly terrible at hiding it.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The idea that she might end up a pawn in what sounded to be an mad angel's last attempt to stop herself hurt the swordswoman more than she could have ever expected. Her eyes remained pointed at the ground as she walked toward Evan and she couldn't muster the heart to reply aloud. There was no other course available to her though, Elawdrin had to be stopped, no matter the cost. She couldn't be allowed to breed an entire army of the things that had managed to break her. All the possessed warrior could do was to save what remained of the angel's honor and justice by ending her before she could bring something worse upon the world.

"Hello, Evan," she replied to the tentacled jailor in a placid shadow of the tone she had carried on their first walk. "I'm sorry if I'm not very talkative on the way back. It's not anything that you've done, I just have a lot to think about," she explained, maneuvering her wings to wrap around her body like a cloak as she had earlier, largely for practice. Though she couldn't say that her physical state hadn't affected some part of her decision. The cum that had run down her thighs from the gruff's load had dried on her skin along with her own juices, and her ass was probably bruised. It wasn't really a state that she wanted anybody to see her in. "And you can call me Tamonten if you'd like, it might be a bit weird for me to keep calling you Evan without ever telling you my name," she added as a way of confirming that her silence was no fault of his.

Afterward she would remain silent for the trek back to her cell, barring anything from Elawdrin's offspring that required a reply, and would say her own farewell as she parted company with him. And when she was in her cell she listened to Varthic patiently, but shook her head as soon as he had finished. "No, I didn't see Pano at all," she offered, somberly. "She left for a short time which might have been when she called for him." At his obvious worry, Tamonten considered offering some words of comfort, but in the end decided that the demon prince's pride probably wouldn't abide them, and they probably wouldn't be comforting even if he did listen given the state that she returned in. So, instead she gave him a few moments before continuing. "I come bearing more bad news, sadly."

"Her plan is far worse than anyone might have imagined. She's not just doing this on a whim to create some perfect being, she means to create an army of them intended to take over the work of the angels." Admittedly, work which, had Elawdrin not explained to her shortly prior, Tamonten would have never even known about. "If she succeeds then the result will make Evan's power look like a kitten's, and maybe even outshine that of angels. Worse, she told me of Evan's origins, of what she intends to breed the army from, and if she pulls it off... I think those of us who die or break in here will be the lucky ones." She didn't dare risk telling anyone the full truth of that, lest Elawdrin discover her thoughts on the truth behind the warden's experiments. "And before I was able to learn all this I was forced to rape several of the allies I had gained in the yard. And... she has captured Krig."

Somehow, she managed to deliver every word calmly, even if her tone was dark. In a way, hearing the story was the best possible outcome, as it pushed her toward the coming conflict. Before she had shied away repeatedly, telling herself that it wasn't the right time to make a move, but now she knew that there was no waiting for the 'right' time. "I am going to attempt to break free tomorrow, probably either when the guards come to take us to the yard or to return us to our cells, as I'm not sure we can best Evan. The latter time seems the most opportune, given how many are present when they first unlock our cells versus how they bring us back. You don't have to try with me if you don't like the odds, but I don't think we can afford to be idle any longer."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

"It's... Nnn... Okay" Evan replied when Tamonten said that she'd be a fairly silent traveling companion. He seemed content to keep that silence as well, save for the reply that he gave when she told him to call her by her name; "Okay... Tam...Mon.... Ten." With that, the rest of their journey would pass in silence, and Evan would leave her in her cell and depart from her cell block immediately.

Varthic was visibly less than pleased by Tamonten's lack of knowledge on his companion's whereabouts, but when she said that she came bearing bad news he let out a tired sigh and said; "Alright, what is it now? I don't see how this could possibly get any worse!" Whether Tamonten enjoyed proving the demon prince wrong or not was largely up to her, but Varthic's face fell further with every word, falling into a deep scowl when she mentioned that she'd raped and likely alienated several of their fresh allies. He adopted a quizical look when Tamonten told him about Krig, and he gruffly interrupted to ask; "Krig? That was the one that was with you when.... When we, uhhh.... Last met, right? The one with the purple hair that Pano kept calling Betty?" If Tamonten answered affirmatively, all Varthic managed was a grimace of something that vaguely approached sympathy, and in a tone just as gruff as before he said; "I'm sorry to hear that."

Allowing her to finish without further interruption, Tamonten's cell-mate nodded and said; "I agree. The sooner we get out of this hellhole, the better. We can rush the guards after they take us back from the yard tomorrow, and then we'll take the fight all the way to the black harpy, so that I can rip her heart out with my bare hands! I don't know what you mean when you say that she's trying to replace the angels, but she's not going to finish it if I've got anything to say about it!" With that the demon prince would fall momentarily silent, and unless Tamonten did anything that brought a change to his expression or gave him a need to speak again, Varthic would remain silent and retain his dark scowl as he returned to his favored corner of the room.

Another hour or so would pass before the door into their cell block opened, and Pano would be dragged back into his cell by a pair of the guards. The big demon was unconscious, and the two demons snickered as they hurled him face first into his cell and locked it behind him. It would be another three hours before the door opened again, and the guards gave them food and water. The rest of the day passed uneventfully and boringly, with Varthic sitting in the back or working at the bars they'd weakened.

The next day, Tamonten would be awakened by the screams of someone, a woman who looked like a cross between a human and a bird given her lack of arms and raptor-like feet, being dragged off by Evan. Varthic was standing at the bars with his arms folded, a stoic scowl on his face and his back proudly straight. He watched Evan pass by without moving a muscle even though he was practically pressed up against the bars, and when he was gone the demon prince returned to his usual spot and muttered; "I'd like to kill that freak before I get out of here too." Another hour or so passed, and then the door to their cell block opened to reveal Evan's return, only this time he was carrying their morning food. While that was odd considering that it had been the guards who'd fed them previously, what was more odd was that the mutated man came back to Tamonten's cell after he'd fed the rest of the prisoners in their block, and then simply stood there watching Tamonten eat, tentacles waving in strange patterns around his back.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

She gave a brief nod at Varthic's question, but said nothing in return at his sympathetic words. At his followup she did speak again. "I'm not sure either," she half-lied. "But I've known of three angels and all of them have held incredible power. If she means to create something capable of replacing them, it will be an army powerful enough that I don't think the world could survive it being loyal to a madwoman. And," she continued, darkly. "I think that when we kill her, we must burn her body and ensure that not a single speck goes unaccounted for. This madness of hers, it can't be risked to infect another. She must be burned and the ashes must be sealed away somewhere where nobody can ever have the fortune of stumbling upon them." The swordswoman was completely serious. Nothing could be left to chance.

Beyond that, she spent her time much as Varthic did: either sitting in her corner or working on the bars. The bars bore the brunt of her attentions by far. They proved a nice distraction from any creeping doubts, the distracting thoughts, and the building sense of despair over where Krig was in the prison right then. They reminded her that the situation had become bigger than Krig and her, probably bigger than everyone in the prison, but they also gave her time to plan. Maybe it was wrong of her, when faced with what Elawdrin had told her, to continue to think the way she did, but the foxgirl still came first. Most of her planning centered on how to get Kringlicsly out while she herself went to face Elawdrin, and she had just the person in mind for the job. The rest, well she could wing it. Or rely on the power in her arm...

Once their meal had come and she had eaten and tiredness began to take her, Tamonten laid down. She would need all the strength she could get for the next day, and the last two had already taken much out of her. She didn't struggle at all against the embrace of sleep that night, but what she wouldn't have given to share it with Krig in a place far removed from the prison.

The pale swordswoman was traveling back to the faerie sanctuary, and then she simply was back all in the blink of an eye. Missing the beauty of unspoiled nature and her own triumphant return to the grove might have been saddening had she not spotted a particularly pleasing sight. In that blink, she had ended up back among the flowers that had served as beds not all that long before, and laying among them was Krig, sound asleep. She took some joy in simply watching her lover sleep. The kitsune's purple and red-tipped locks of hair laid against her unblemished skin and rose and fell with every sleeping breath, making for a peaceful sight. She couldn't help but take in her beloved spirit wielder in the woman's entirety though, everything from the expression she wore to sleep to her perfect beauty. Still, as entrancing as that all was, Tamonten was too impatient and happy to let Kringlicsly sleep for too much longer.

She gently stirred her purple-haired lover with a few nudges of her shoulder. Krig's eyes opened slowly at the insistence of the swordswoman's continued efforts, and the pale girl's own met them as realization must have run through the kitsune's head. It didn't take much once it had fully set in though, immediately afterward the foxgirl shot up like a bolt and the two embraced. They wrapped each other in a hug that would have been ten times too tight had they not been separated so tragically, but seemed more like a sensible precaution given the circumstances. "I missed you so much." The swordswoman declared her words without loosening her grip in the slightest. Kringlicsly replied, and though the swordswoman couldn't really comprehend what her lover had said, she pulled back just enough to kiss the violet-haired woman.

Tamonten would have been happy with that. She could have died in Kringlicsly's arms right then and there and considered her life a fulfilling one. She was excited to be reunited with her kitsune love, and that was as far as her excitement had needed to go. But even in her contentedness she couldn't ignore a sudden sharp throbbing in her chest. Her heart felt like it had simply stopped for an entire second, and shortly afterward it became impossible to ignore that both Krig and herself were naked. Perhaps she hadn't noticed it so thoroughly until then because nudity among the fae was so common? It felt alien, but she needed no answer before her hands began to roam against the foxgirl's back, and once they were met with a soft moan into her mouth it encouraged her wandering fingers to explore further.

Her heart stopped again when she reached the kitsune's perfectly rounded ass, squeezing the pliant flesh under her fingers. Her hands rushed back to her lover's hips and she began to lean the kitsune back toward the ground until the foxgirl was supine beneath her. She pulled away from Krig's lips in order to kiss at her neck. A headache overtook Tamonten, but she didn't stop. She wasn't sure she could. The splitting pain in her head rated something close to the pain she had felt when Elawdrin broke her nose but still she trailed toward her love's collarbone and then down toward her breast. The agony-wracked swordswoman wrapped her lips around the Kringlicsly's nub and suckled on it for a few moments before pulling away and sitting up, then she said something aloud.

And when Tamonten herself couldn't understand it, she realized that she was no longer herself. No, in truth she hadn't been herself for the entire dream. The pale warrior was watching something that was parading as her, and her lover couldn't tell. 'No! Krig! It's not me!' The swordswoman tried desperately to warn her lover the moment she had realized what was going on, but found she had no mouth. 'Don't let it fool you! Kill it and save yourself!' Nothing she tried to shout had an effect, Kringlicsly could only hear the doppelganger.

It said something to Krig which caused her some surprise, but she accepted. The two disentangled long enough for the kitsune to position herself on all fours and for the thing wearing her skin to settle onto its knees behind her lover. It moved a hand to its crotch and from it grew something that looked practically unholy. It was almost long and thick enough to give the giant gruff a run for his money, and it had bumps and nodules and could only really be described as demonic. And with no fanfare it angled itself and drove itself to the hilt in Tamonten's lover. The purple-haired foxgirl's eyes widened at the massive intrusion and she protested, but the body thief didn't listen. Everything began to spiral downward so fast that the swordswoman couldn't even fully comprehend it.

It pounded away at Krig like a beast in rut. Initially the spirit wielder went along with it, but the doppelganger only grew rougher. When it became so rough that the kitsune began to protest, it was only spurred on. The foxgirl resorted to attempting to struggle free, at which point the body thief grabbed hold of her arms and pulled them back. Tamonten tried to assist her lover in some way, but she had no power to fight it with. The pale swordswoman didn't even have a body to do anything with, all she could do was watch. She was forced to watch as the thing that had stolen her looks raped the purple-haired kitsune, and as Kringslicsly shouted for help -- and not just for help, but for her -- and nobody came. She was a witness as it wrangled both of Krig's wrists into one hand and put its other hand on her head and forced her face into the flowers. And she could see the moment that it drained the last dregs of her lover's energy, reaching its own climax as it did so and filling the kitsune with its seed.

And once it had finished, she could hear it very clearly as it addressed the now-helpless spirit wielder. She immediately knew what it was. "I can see why she likes you so much. Sorry, love, years of being dead and locked away have done nothing for my skill and stamina, and I've got to be mindful of keeping my heritage going now that I've technically been killed once." There was no response from Krig, she laid motionless except for ragged breaths and a look of terrified realization on her face. "Aw, you're no fun without the struggle, but it's okay, I'll just try out the rest of your body before I take you home." It pulled free, allowing the spirit wielder to fall prone as its cum leaked out and formed a pool between her thighs. It looked like it was taking stock of its options, and it began to molest the foxgirl as it came to a decision. It inserted a finger into the abused kitsune's pussy, getting cum and her juices all over it, and then trailed up to to Krig's ass.

It plunged the finger into the spirit wielder's backside, lubricating her for its use, and began to piston in and out of her to its knuckle. It obviously didn't care to wait too long, as only a few minutes after it had begun the doppelganger had straddled the prone kitsune and was pressing its massive shaft against Krig's tight pucker. It forced itself in, and Kringslicsly screamed as the over-sized thing took her in a way that she wasn't prepared for. The body thief used the swordswoman's tail to to penetrate Krig's sex. Its tail and cocked pumped in and out of the limp spirit wielder in turn, its hand smacking her ass every once in a while and causing the foxgirl to yelp.

After an eternity, she began to shiver underneath the doppelganger, and not long after that it hilted one last time and painted her bowels white with cum. Afterward, it withdrew from the now entirely motionless spirit wielder, stood up, hefted her over its shoulder, and casually strolled away. The next thing Tamonten knew, she was in a hall lined with marble columns, living statues being actively molested by tentacles situated along those columns. The demon, its skin now as black as night, sat on a throne at the other end of the hall, and beside its throne was Krig. The violet-haired kitsune was bent over and locked into a set of stocks with a ballgag in her mouth. No longer was her skin unblemished. She had acquired several tattoos. On her stomach was simply an underscored "Pussy" with a row of tallymarks underneath so numerous that they threatened to encroach on her legs, with a corresponding "Ass" with similar tallymarks under it on her lower back. Her right and left shoulders sported "Mouth" and "Other", respectively. Overall, there were so many tallies that it was impossible to tell how long she had been a captive. Beyond the marks, there was a silver collar around her neck and something had been jammed into her cunny and was held in place by several straps that had been wrapped around her legs and waist.

But despite it all, Kringlicsly struggled fiercely, something which the demon watched with no small hint of amusement. "Surely you've realized by now that nobody is coming for you, love. She's long gone and I would welcome a faerie attempt. Even a pretty thing like you can get boring without some variety." It stood up, another unholy instrument sprouting from between its legs. It stalked behind Krig at a leisurely pace, its walk a sensual, swaying gait. "Although I must admit that all your moving about adds a certain light to you. I'd think you'd thrash a bit less with being an expectant mommy." It unstrapped the contraption from Krig's body and slid the sex toy free of the spirit wielder, in the process revealing both that it had been vibrating and that the foxgirl was already sopping wet. The act only caused Krig to thrash even more wildly. It didn't matter though, trapped in the stocks as she was there was nothing she could do to stop Tamonten's doppelganger from taking its pleasure.

It plunged itself into Krig's depths, fucking her already lubricated hole with complete abandon. It laughed and cackled and taunted the spirit wielder as it reached around to rub at her clit. She resisted violently, but could find no escape from the stocks or the doppelganger. And eventually her resistance halted as she began to shudder from the body thief's ministrations on her. Tamonten could see it in her eyes as Kringlicsly was locked into orgasm against her will. This time, the demon continued, bringing her to her peak again and again before finally finishing inside.

And the scene played out again and again and again. It felt like the swordswoman watched her lover raped a hundred times. She might have thought she was watching a single abuse repeatedly as some sort of torment, except that each time the doppelganger said something new, and each time there were more tallymarks. Krig struggled less and her belly had grown more, and she had new tattoos including "cum here" with arrows pointing to her ass and sex and "tickles" with an arrow pointing toward her tail just to name a few. And over time more of Tamonten's friends and even family began to join the demon's twisted harem. Jasmine was first, she replaced one of the living statues. The sirens and knight soon followed. Even the warrior's own mother and father. After watching the fate of so many people at the hands of her demon, Tamonten couldn't even mentally scream anymore, she couldn't even try to muster the will to stop the demon from adding to its twisted harem any longer even if she had a body. She could only blankly watch.

By the ninth month of it, she could guess that it was the ninth month because Krig's belly had grown as much, the kitsune was no longer in the stocks. She sat loyally by the throne with tallymarks that reached past her knees and covered her arms with disobedience trained completely out of her, wearing only a collar. Kringlicsly's eyes, the ones that the pale swordswoman so adored, were empty then. And even though Jasmine, the knight, the sirens, and even her parents still struggled, it felt like the light had gone from the swordswoman's life. The latest time, the demon said only a few words and the foxgirl's ears perked up. "Playtime, slut." Krig eagerly crawled between the body thief's legs, placing her lips against the base of the shaft that began to sprout, and licked at it without hesitation or disgust. She wrapped her mouth around the tip and began to expertly suck the doppelganger's cock. And when the demon had enough of that, it simply said "Up." At which point Krig climbed into its lap, facing away because her pregnant belly would allow otherwise on the throne.

And so Tamonten watched as her lover bounced herself on the lap of the very thing that had stolen her body. She never slowed, never doubted, and never struggled. The kitsune had been so thoroughly broken that she was only a shadow of her former self, living for the demon's pleasure, and the spirit wielder shuddered in repeated orgasms as she mindlessly fucked herself on its shaft. As its impending climax came on the foxgirl's eyes rolled up into her head as her mouth opened and-

A scream woke Tamonten up. Not the type of scream she had been expecting, but still a scream. The swordswoman herself was out of breath and covered in a sheen of icy cold sweat. She had immediately shot upright and her hand grabbed at her sealing manacle, checking for any scratch, imperfection, or damage. When she could find none, the fear that had taken hold in her heart only grew stronger. She brought her blackened limb up to inspect it.

The dream -- or, more accurately, the nightmare -- had seemed so real. Was it her future? The pale warrior had considered making use of the demonic power in her arm again when she went to fight the mad angel, but would she be able to withstand it the third time? Maybe not. Maybe she needed to make an extra plan, just in case. A plan to make sure that even if she succeeded against Elawdrin and fell to the demon immediately afterward that it would not have her body for long enough to hunt down her loved ones. With a little thought, she had just the people for that job. With cold realization she realized that she could leave nothing to chance, every move over the next so many hours needed to count.

Tamonten had completely forgotten that Varthic was in the cell until he spoke up. She gave a slight start and looked at him in surprise, but quickly calmed down and blinked a few times as her brain began to process what he had said. "I'm not sure Evan is so bad. He reminds me of a misled child. We might even be able to make him an ally, though I doubt he'll be willing to accept his mother's death easily." Although it was true that he was born from the seed of the the same otherworldly abomination as Elawdrin's army would be, it was hard to want to pick up arms against the jailer. He seemed almost innocent, in the cruel way of a child with incredible strength. She wanted to at least try to lead him toward a path of doing good, and maybe even a place where he might be accepted. Still, the pragmatic side of the swordswoman knew that he would need to be monitored by something even more powerful than Elawdrin, in case he had some connection to the being that had inflicted her insanity upon her.

When their breakfast came, she forced herself to eat. The nightmare had lingered on her mind and sapped her appetite and left her little time to consider the implications of the jailer being the one to deliver her fare, but she knew she would need her strength. Evan's return was a pleasant distraction from that, though, and as soon as he had begun to watch her eat, she decided to try to converse with him. "Hi, Evan. How are you today?" Tamonten chose polite conversation, making the assumption that none but his mother probably ever bothered with as much toward him. Once he had replied, or offered no reply at all, she continued. "Um, are you allowed to speak with me about the other prisoners? I don't want to get you in trouble, but I was wondering if you had seen or moved a woman with a bushy, purple tail, with matching hair and ears? She's the one I told you about yesterday, pretty eyes and her hair has red tips. She's very important to me and it would mean the world to know that she's okay." Of course, the main reason for her question was out of concern for Krig's well-being, but if Evan answered then she'd at least have something to prove Evan's usefulness to their cause to Varthic too.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

"You'll get no objection from me," Varthic stated coldly upon Tamonten's suggestion that they burn Elawdrin's body once they'd killed her, and then fell silent.


Varthic merely grimaced incredulously at the idea of gaining Evan as an ally, and didn't seem to think that idea as even worthy of a response.

When she actually started speaking to Tamonten, Evan perked up, his lips twisting into what could have been a smile for the mutilated creature. "Nnnn.... Uhhhh.... Hh.... Hi..." he started, stuttering somewhat, "I'm... Okay, nnn.... Not.... Get hhh... Hhhurt... Yet." He tilted his head at her when the swordswoman began to speak of Krig again, and his lips twisted downwards, exposing a handful of oddly spaced teeth in shapes that teeth probably shouldn't have been made into, including what almost looked like an octagon at the corner of his mouth. "Mmnnngg.... I sorry... I nnnn.... Haven't seen her..."

Evan paused and slowly tilted his head the other way, his tentacles quivering, "Sometimes.... M.... Mommy takes them.... To the white room, nnnn... When they're.... Chhkkk... Really fat. Was shhhhh..... She.... Like that?" He paused again, and this time when he started up again he slowly stuttered out; "How are you tt....Today, Tamm... Monnnnn... Tennn?" Varthic was sitting in the back of the room, watching her converse with Elawdrin's mutant spawn with an expression that held mixed disgust and confusion.

They weren't given much more time to converse, however, as the door into the cell block banged open a few minutes later, causing Evan to turn his head and tilt it with his lips twisted in opposite directions. "Time to come out and play, pretties! To the yard with yah!" a female voice called, one of the guards, though a surprise not entered her voice as she said; "Evan? What are you doing here? Get out! You know how your mother gets if she finds out you've been in with the prisoners for too long!" The mutant gave a wordless grunt and simply started away, the guards carefully filing past him to open their cells and then file back out. Varthic slowly rose, staring at her, but the demon prince didn't make any move to enact their escape plan just yet, sticking to their plan to do so when they were brought back.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"Fat?" The swordswoman trailed off, her gaze trailing down toward her food as she tried to puzzle out what Evan had meant. It seemed a bit odd for the angel to discriminate based on body shape. "Oh," the realization of what he had actually meant hit her as she considered who among the prisoners could even begin to fit that description and her mind went to the pregnant dragonkin sisters. Krig surely wouldn't fit that description yet, but if she was there long enough she might. "Oh." The pale warrior echoed hollowly at the thought of Kringlicsly being forced to rape and being raped by the other prisoners.

"No, I don't think so," she replied softly as she straightened her neck so that she could meet Evan's eyes again for a few brief moments as she answered. Afterward she returned to eating, though it provided no escape from the recollection of the broken, pregnant Krig of her nightmare. "I'm okay," she replied to Evan's inquiry about her own state of being after a few more bites of her food. "I found my sense of duty again and it gives me strength." She trailed off. After a few moments of silence, she put her meal aside, simply unable to force herself to have an appetite, and looked at the jailer.

"I'm glad you came to talk to me, Evan," she announced suddenly. The news was probably less than pleasing to Varthic, but it was honest. "That you would bother is proof that you have a good heart," she continued, even though it was still probably more wishful thinking than any sort of certainty. "I hope you never lose that. And I hope you find friends who can appreciate that about you." Before the pale warrior could finish her sentiment, however, the cell door banged open. Understanding that her time was short, Tamonten stood up quickly and approached the bars to whisper urgently to Evan. "Be well and stay safe, Evan, and don't get into trouble on my account. But if you see Krig, the person I described, please tell her that I'm okay." She felt bad for putting that task on the jailer, though it was far from the most serious message she might have to pass onto Krig through a third party. She gave no physical motion to bid farewell to the mutated son of Elawdrin, less chance that the guards would notice which prisoner Evan had taken an interest in.

When that was done, she folded her wings around her body to cover her nudity and prepared to make the walk to the yard. She steeled herself for the confrontations that awaited and the favors that needed to be asked, but it was nearly time, then it was all or nothing.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Evan squinted at Tamonten at her sudden announcement, and though it drew a quiet gagging noise from Varthic in the background, her announcement drew the first expression that the swordswoman could genuinely determine was a smile. His grin reached from one ear to the other, literally, and his eye widened considerably, until it looked as if it might simply flop out of his skull. It could likely be said that, given where he'd seemingly been brought up and who his mother was, it was unlikely that Evan had ever heard anything so kind from another being in the entirety of his life, and other than a soft whimpering the mutant was struck silent by her words. As such, her quickly whispered request caused Evan to pause before departing, and he gave a quick dip of his head in acknowledgement of her request before taking his leave.

The departure from their cell and subsequent journey out to the yard was much the same as it had been last time, and soon enough Tamonten, Varthic, and Pano walked out into the open area with the rest of Elawdrin's prisoners. She was greeted by the sight of.... Well, basically the same thing that she'd seen last time. The group she'd met and partially recruited, including both the orc and the gruff, were present once again, and the gruff noticeably looked straight at her for a moment and frowned before looking away. Nellic was visible as well, among those she recognized as the ones he protected from the other prisoners, and he looked at her with the same scowl she'd seen the very first time that she'd laid eyes on the massive wrestler, back when she'd thought him an enemy. Present too were the dragon sisters, sitting at the same beaten up old table in the corner that they'd been at last time, only now the blue dragon's belly was flat, and the green one's was growing large with Tamonten's own child. They all shot glares of raw hate her way.

The succubus she'd defanged the day before was missing, but the seemingly mindless woman with the tentacles was still there, sitting in the exact same place she'd been after Nellic had thrown her. It almost seemed like she hadn't even moved. Varthic, after staring around for a while, turned to her and said; "I've got to go see a few people. You go talk to whoever you need to, and then come find Pano and I around the corner." His voice was commanding, but lacked the imperious arrogance that she'd heard in it when they'd first met, and he gestured towards the corner that presumably led to the other portion of the yard. He waited a moment to see if she wanted to make any sort of reply, but it was a very brief moment, and would depart for his destination if she didn't respond quickly, and even then he only waited long enough to make a quick reply to anything that she said if such was even necessary.

Pano, rather than follow Varthic immediately, remained behind a moment and stared down at Tamonten, a frown on his face. "I'm sorry about Betty, Betty's-Friend!" he said quite earnestly after a long period of silence, "I just want you to know.... That no matter what, love will go on! Just remember that!" He gave her a series of pats on the head that were almost thumps on the head, though they weren't quite hard enough to cause her any real pain, and then turned to follow Varthic, who was already halfway across the yard. After that, Tamonten was left to her own devices.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

It was difficult to disparage Pano's parting gesture, even if she wished she could say it had been more inspirational than it was. The yard was too much of an overwhelming reminder of her situation to really take heart in anything regarding her coming task. Hints of despair wouldn't slow her any longer though, the swordswoman had to do what she had to do and nothing would fully stop her from it.

Tamonten allowed Varthic and Pano to leave without verbal reply, and herself set off for the group from the day before. She ignored the withering glares of the dragon sisters. Their hatred was well earned and she intended to give them an opportunity to take their vengeance, but not then. There was too much left to be done to ensure that Elawdrin was stopped and Kringlicsly was taken to safety, and to end up in a fight with the women she'd violated might knock her out of commission for the coming prison break. She strode toward the night elf, and as soon as she was given an opportunity to speak directly to him free of the prying ears of guards she would speak unless otherwise stopped by the group. "Today. When the guards are filtering us back into our cells." Without waiting for a reply or ever really looking at the gruff, she would move to turn and leave.

If she managed to successfully depart the group, whether she was delayed or not, she would head toward Nellic next. She undertook that task with a bit more caution, uncertain of whether the wrestler's scowl was simply something he wore to fend off attackers or if Elawdrin's magics had a part in it. "Nellic," she called out to the wrestler, awaiting some positive response before she'd step too close to him. She carefully avoided the topic of what had happened in Elawdrin's chamber, deciding to let him speak first on the subject if it was going to be spoken about at all just to see what he might remember. She would continue on, if he reacted in a friendly enough manner, with; "I wanted to ask if you'd seen a new prisoner: a woman with purple hair with red tips, a fox-like tail and ears of the same color?"

A lot of what ifs, I know, but I wanted to keep that forward momentum going in the event that everything doesn't go horribly wrong. >.>