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Finding Purpose (Hafnium)

Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 27/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Tamonten's apology went about as well as she'd initially expected it to, at first. She was silent for a time, Nellic looked on hopefully, and the dragoness glared. She spoke a single word, one tiny syllable, Nellic smiled hopefully even as she trailed off, and the dragoness glared. Then, when she got over her shame enough to open her mouth and say what little she could, Nellic looked on hopefully, and the dragoness glared while looking right into Tamonten's eyes, as if daring her to think that her words would mean a thing in the face of what she had done. The next moment passed in silence as the dragoness continued to glare at Tamonten, her eyes filled with righteous anger, but Nellic continued to look on with a gaze of blind hope, as if his naive optimism could make the green-scaled woman standing at his side somehow less enraged.

The tension around the three of them had, once more, attracted a great deal of attention. Eyes fixated on her from all across the yard, some curious and some hoping for more violence, the latter seeming to come mostly from the armed guards scattered throughout the prisoners.


The singe word, spoken in a harsh whisper but coming from a voice that Tamonten noted was unusually deep and heavy for a woman, caused Nellic's expression to crack just slightly, but after a moment the green-scaled dragoness proceeded on; "You rape my sister, break her, tear her soul to shreds.... And you offer me words?" She began to stalk around Nellic, whom Tamonten noted had adopted a readied stance in a very subtle manner for a man his size. "You take her purity, an act that she ought to have shared with one whom she loved... Sired your wretched half-blood spawn in her belly.... And you degrade her beyond our captors wildest dreams, such that she sings praises of your work to us. And you give me..."

She stepped in front of Tamonten and faced her squarely, a reptilian tail thrashing against the ground behind her, and it was hard not to notice that the tip turned into a blade-like bony spike that oozed a strange, reddish liquid. "Words...." she stated finally, and tilted her head at Tamonten as if asking for confirmation. Whether the swordswoman responded or not, she wouldn't get more than a word out before the woman standing mere inches from her spoke again, this time in a snarl as her eyes shifted in color and shape, leaving them as blood red with slitted pupils that were a brilliant blazing gold; "Were I not held from doing so by the fallen's collar, I would burn you down to the dust from which you were born! That we are here at all is a grave insult, and that I have been made to watch as my sister's were raped... Is worse.... But that I must endure this... These insults from the perpetrators!? Did you not take enough pleasure from my sister's body!? Must you delight in my pain as well, monster!?" Her voice had cracked when she'd mentioned her sisters, but afterwards her fury had only seemed to increase, to the point that her last word was nearly shouted in Tamonten's face.

Nellic stood a ways off, within reach if needed but passive for the moment. He was watching the exchange between the two with a great deal of concern, but as yet the dragoness hadn't opted to resort to violence. She was merely gazing at Tamonten with a look of raw, unbridled hatred, giving the pale swordswoman a moment in which she might be able to respond, if she so desired.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Initially the pale girl listened in guilty silence. The dragon's fury toward her was far from undeserved. Most of her words even proved to be painfully true. It was only as the dragonkin began to insinuate that the warped girl had enjoyed the act and the torment she had caused that Tamonten's mood began to turn to anger. It was hardly a righteous fury that the swordswoman felt boiling in her blood, more a defense mechanism. Whether she was defending herself from the truth of the pleasures, both physical and mental, she felt during her rape of the woman's sister, or simply from the angry dragoness was beyond her ability to consider at the time. Out of habit, her body began to tense in preparation to more violently defend herself even as her conscience dutifully attempted to remind her that she had done something truly awful to her potential attacker's family.

"I suppose you would have me offer you my neck?" She coldly asked of the dragoness. "That's beyond my ability. Oh, I'm sure she sung many praises. I'm sure she spoke in vivid detail about everything except what had come before." Tamonten's voice steadily rose in volume as she spoke. She wanted to scream at the green dragonkin, not because the rightfully vengeful woman deserved it but if only because she had been antagonistic and was an readily available outlet. "Our foul warden shuffled me into a room and told me I was pregnant with my lover's child and that I had the choice of either being an obedient dog and raping an innocent woman or having my child aborted and being given to the hellhounds until I was broken. You know what I chose?!" The dam of her reserve broke.

"I punched the bitch! How was I to know that even after my defiance she would use her magic to force upon me the one choice that I couldn't bear?!" By the end she was shouting her own fury, but in truth it wasn't aimed at the dragonkin as much as it was aimed at Elawdrin and the prison in general. When she gained enough of a handle on herself to realize that, she lowered her voice. "It is no excuse. I was weak or I might have shrugged off her foul abilities and continued to strike the harpy instead of inflicting that pain upon your sister. I never expected that I would redeem myself through words. But, though I might deserve death for what I did, I will not give you my unborn child's life alongside mine without a fight. And I will not allow myself to break until Elawdrin is dead."

"So, to answer your questions, no. I take no delight in your suffering, I take no delight in what your sister suffers through, and I am unable to do anything that would redeem me of the pain I inflicted."

Full defense again! There's a pattern here!

Stats (unarmed, naked, full defense): 66 Grapple, 92 Dodge, 63 Resistance, 0 Armor, 41 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 27/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

The cold tone of Tamonten's initial statement apparently did nothing for the dragon woman's mood, as she literally began to shake with rage... Or perhaps expectation what she might have considered justified violence against the pale swordswoman. The intensity of her fury seemed to rise right along with Tamonten's voice, her eyes blazing as she did just about anything but back off. Every word seemed to cause her to lean closer, her body setting for more violence while Nellic looked about ready to panic in the background. A faint glimmer of surprise a momentary pause were all that she received when she said that she'd punched Elawdrin in the face, and after that the dragoness merely held her ground while Tamonten offered what explanation she could for what had transpired in the fallen angel's dungeon.

She remained silent for a moment, and then her expression became grimly skeptical. "Bold words... Too bad they're lies!" she spat venomously, "My sister did tell of your actions in detail, wretch. In detail. You speak a big game, but she was more lucid than you seem to have thought while you treated with the fallen one! She heard your conversation, and the deal you struck for the life of your foul spawn! And she was most certainly present for what you inflicted on her AFTER you agreed to serve at her whims!"

Out of the corner of her eye, Tamonten spotted movement atop the main structure of the prison, and a familiar black-winged figure appeared there. Clad in a pure black robe as she had been before, the pale angel saw the confrontation between Tamonten and the dragoness and seemed to smile, the distance no barrier in experiencing the cruelty of the woman's gaze. The dragoness seemed not to notice the angel's presence, but many other members of the yard seemed to notice their warden's presence as well; "Your claims are empty, foul creature... As empty as your black heart! Even if a single word of what you've said is true, any cretin that willingly took an abomination like you to bed is unworthy of siring an heir!" She had slowly moved closer to Tamonten with every word, until they were practically nose to nose, and then she snarled; "Your spawn will not protect you from me, and I will see your last breaths drawn before me! Even if it is the last thing that I do in this world!"

She reared back her fist as if to strike Tamonten, but just then Nellic intervened, grasping both of them by the shoulder and violently wrenching them apart. A scowl was on the big man's face, and though she looked about ready to turn her wrath upon him for getting in her way, she never got the chance to. Elawdrin's voice rang out, clear and crisp and filled with mirth as it filtered across the yard; "Fun time is over, my lovelies~ It's time to come back inside for lessons!" The other members of the yard began filtering towards the door into the prison, which was now lined with guards, and the dragoness shot Tamonten a scowl before turning away and storming off, heading over to her two heavily pregnant siblings and helping them towards the slowly gathering crowd. Nellic scratched the back of his head and frowned, "That... Could have gone better, comrade Tamonten. But... At least you tried, yes?"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

As badly as she had expected the entire confrontation to go, the swordswoman hadn't expected to be called a liar. It stunned her to hear that the dragoness she had been spellbound into violating had a story of her striking some deal with the foul angel. Her ensuing wide-eyed expression and speechlessness probably did little to reinforce her claim to innocence. The following harsh words, aimed both at herself and indirectly at Krig, hurt, but even they weren't enough to rouse her from her sudden sense of terror.

Can she permanently manipulate memories? What if she changed mine? What if it didn't happen the way I remember? Was I a coward that made a deal with her? Did I willingly rape the dragoness?

The uncertainty hit her well before the dragonkin's punch was on its way and left her so stupefied that she might have taken the strike squarely in her face, had Nellic not stepped in. She remained completely overwhelmed by the sudden rush of thoughts, not even in control of herself enough to begin following the rest of the prisoners to the doors, until the big man had finally spoken.

"H-how? I know what I did! I would have never treated with that foul woman! Gods, why would I?" The sinking feeling that she was truly asking herself rather than simply ranting into the courtyard air settled in nicely alongside all her other woes. "If my child were to be born in here I would have to watch the damnable angel put my firstborn through the same nightmare she's put everyone else through. I'd rather die first. No, there's no way I would have..." The realization that Elawdrin had been watching their exchange flared to life in Tamonten's already embattled mind. With a sudden roar of frustration she punched the ground, doing more damage to her hand than the target.

When she managed to regain some small portion of her calm, she straightened, shaking her battered hand in the process. "I'll kill her. Elawdrin will die, even if it costs me everything I have left." Her vow reaffirmed, she would either begin making her way to the prison doors if Nellic had, or remain near him if he hadn't. "Thank you for your aid," she finally directly spoke to the wrestler, "you may have saved me twice now. I'm sorry for dragging you into that. I... would understand if you'd prefer not to associate with me after all that. It seems that I'll not have a good reputation among the other captives, and I wouldn't want that to bring harm to you. Especially not after all you've done."

She wasn't very sure she had meant any of that, beyond her thanks and apology. The idea of pushing away the sanest sounding and seemingly kindest person she had met since her capture was anything but appealing, but she had to at least offer him an out. There was no point in both of them being demonized for what she had done, especially not when Nellic had already brought such protection to the rest of the angel's prisoners and could still do so much more as long as word didn't spread about him protecting a cowardly rapist.

Head to ye doors if Nellic is. Otherwise stay and chat with him for a bit.

Stats (unarmed, naked, full defense): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 27/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Nellic watched, silent and impassive, as Tamonten worked through her shock and her rage, speaking mostly to herself and then smashign her fist painfully against the ground. As expected, the strike did more to hurt her hand than it did to hurt the asphalt that she struck, Nellic frowned slightly at the swordswoman's reaffirmation to slay the fallen angel that had put her in the prison in the first place, but still the wrestler waited until Tamonten had finished. When she finally addressed him directly, Nellic offered her a wan smile and gestured for them to head towards the gathering crowd as he said; "It is no problem comrade. I drag myself into it after all! I just wish it could have better end than screaming and fighting."

He shook his head and scratched at the back of it again as he started towards the group, "Reputation here is not so good already... And I never cared for such things anyway. What is important is in the heart, not in the voice of someone else. Even if it makes it harder for me to escape from here, I won't turn away someone who needs help." He glanced sideways at her and momentarily went silent, and during that period Tamonten spotted Varthic and Pano coming around the wall. The demon prince was standing on his own two feet again, and standing tall and proud at that, but he scowled darkly upon seeing Tamonten talking to Nellic.

Not noticing the other two men significantly himself, Nellic spoke more quietly, and with deep shame that Tamonten could likely appreciate as he said; "Besides... You are not only one who has been made to do... Regrettable things... While in this place." He went silent again, and a few moments later they reached the edge of the crowd. The guards were slowly funneling them into the prison one at a time, but Tamonten would still have a few moments to speak to the wrestler if she wanted to do so. Varthic and Pano were a ways ahead of her in line, but the crowd was thin between the two of them and her, meaning she could go and talk to them without the prying ears of the guards as well. The night elf she'd spoken to about joining her cause was only a short ways away as well, though he didn't seem to be paying any attention to her. Finally, Elawdrin stared down upon them from on high, watching them filter into her prison with a soft smile, and if Tamonten looked up at the fallen angel she would find herself momentarily meeting the woman's gaze, earning her a devilish smirk from the foul woman.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman gave the wrestler a sad look as he reiterated his sorrowful phrase. She tried to hide the pity she felt for the big man, not wanting to add to his despair, but she had never been very good at being stoic outside of confrontation. "It's a burden that everyone in this place shares, isn't it? Even if some don't view it as such," she added, referring to the succubus whose teeth she had knocked out. "That's why she has to be stopped. It's not about vengeance. It's not about taking blood for blood. I've seen the price that innocents are forced to pay for such powerful and evil beings. As long as she's alive and free, this will continue in some form or another. Hundreds, maybe even thousands more will suffer or die. Even those who escape or are released will continue to suffer in the fear that she'll one day come back for them."

Tamonten sighed, punctuating a change to the subject. She patted Nellic on the arm, completely disregarding Varthic's scowl in the process. If she didn't know any better she might have thought that the demon prince was jealous of the wrestler's likability. "You're a good man, Nellic, that you would defend and aid the other captives is proof enough of that. Our warden has taken much from me, but I won't allow her to take my ability to trust that most of my kind are good and just for more than just appearances. Don't let her twisted machinations inflict doubt in you that you're anything but both, even for a moment." The pale warrior, now with a rueful smile on her face, offered her hand for the handshake she had turned down earlier. "If you ever need my help or anything else, just let me know. I'll do whatever I can."

Assuming nothing went awry during her handshake and Nellic didn't have anything to discuss in detail, her next stop would be Varthic and Pano following a nodded farewell to the big man. The swordswoman would find the time to defiantly glare at Elawdrin for the entirety of her walk toward the two, though, only redoubling her efforts at the angel's smirk. She would greet the demonic prince with a simple call. "Varthic," she stated as she finally stopped looking toward the fallen woman and instead directed her attention toward her demonic coconspirator. "I succeeded. I met your succubus as well, she lost a few teeth." Tamonten decided to let Varthic make the first comment about her being around Nellic, if only to feel out what the demonic prince's problem with the seemingly kind wrestler was.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 27/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Grimacing, Nellic offered Tamonten a nod in recognition of her statement, "Everyone except those that choose to ignore it... Or embrace it. If you are to try and bring the harpy to ground... I would like to help however I could." The wrestler managed a brief grin at Tamonten's compliment, again offering her a nod in return as they slowly ambled forward in line. "Let us hope that the efforts of good men and women will see us gone from this place, yeah?" he said, shaking Tamonten's hand firmly but not squeezing hard enough to hurt her, something that he likely could have done quite easily given the difference in size between she and him. "I'll keep you in mind, but... I think that things will be easier for me with succubus missing teeth."

It was with those words that they parted, and after a staring contest with their warden (they were forced to call it a draw) as she walked up, Tamonten stepped up beside her scowling cell mate and his oafish friend (and neighbor.) "Tamonten," he replied in greeting, "Damn... Was hoping I'd get to do that myself." He opened his mouth to say more, but then the guards demanded their silence as they passed back into the dark labyrinth of the prison. They passed in silence, people being split off in groups and returned to their cells, and eventually she, Varthic, Pano, and some others were dragged along as well. The guards did little more than push them back into their cells and lock them, and once the door was shut behind the demonic woman that had led them here and the cell block was shrouded in protective darkness, Varthic quietly said; "How many times? That should determine how long it takes for the effects to wear off. I hopefully won't be distracted next time we're out in the yard, so I can at least keep him from renewing the effects, but having to wait out the mind alterations is a chore I was hoping you'd be competent enough to keep me from having to sit through!"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman offered a conspiratorial nod at Nellic's offer of aid, not really able to think of any he would be able to proffer until the prison break itself and not wanting to speak in depth about it as they slowly progressed toward the doors, and another earnest nod as they parted.

The amicable nature of their farewell left her completely confused once she had been returned to her cell and Varthic had begun asking his questions. "What?" Her question was an earnest one, she didn't immediately understand what the demonic prince was going on about. "Did someone hit you in the head? What in the gods' names are you talking about?"

It was a question he didn't need to answer, as the memories of his earlier warning to her came flooding back in her efforts to puzzle out what the demonic prince was on about. Once she had realized what the man was insinuating, the pale girl's immediate reaction was to explain what had actually happened. The callousness of her royal cellmate's immediate reaction irked her though, it was easily annoying as his general attitude toward her. Tamonten abruptly decided that she had earned the right to blow off some steam and let loose a bit of snark at his expense.

"Oh, that," she offered in an eerily cheerful, but low, voice. "Thirteen times," the white-haired swordswoman made a deadpan announcement. She paused for a few moments in order to allow the demon prince his immediate reaction, but she would continue afterward regardless of how he responded. "Right there in front of all the other prisoners, it was terribly embarrassing. But he was so skilled and strong, I had to struggle to keep from drooling all over myself," she continued in her expressionless monotone.

"Good gods, Varthic, I'd hate to inconvenience or bore you by getting raped." her stony mask finally broke, replaced with exasperation and a roll of her eyes. The pale girl tried very hard not to think of what she had already suffered as she made her morbid quip. "The only time he touched me was to shake my hand. He's a good man. Truth be told, he was the only person I interacted with in the yard that didn't want to rape or kill me, barring the group." That particular truth stung her heart bitterly. She slumped down into her customary corner, resting her back against the cold brick wall. "Where did you even get your information on him?"
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Varthic grimaced at her initial number, apparently taking her quite seriously despite her deadpan delivery, and during her pause he muttered; "Uhhh... Right. That's... Going to take some time to wear off then." He scratched his head, apparently finding the situation quite awkward, and when she went on the demon prince only seemed more embarrassed. "Please, spare me the details!" he quickly demanded following her proclamation that she had to keep herself from drooling from Nellic's treatment of her, but then the breaking of her expression caused him to adopt a look halfway between confusion and anger.

"I don't... But... He said..." Varthic sputtered for a response, but then he jerked his head toward the wall and muttered; "Gods. Dammit. Pano." He glared daggers at the wall that which his much larger companion was on the other side of for a moment before turning back to Tamonten and folding his arms. "Where do you think I got my information about him? He said that the other big oaf was trying to collect people for a harem, and-"

Varthic was interrupted suddenly by none other than Pano, who loudly called out; "No I didn't! You were half asleep when I said it, but I said he was trying to protect people from being added to a harem!" Varthic scowled at the wall, "Then why didn't you correct me when we were going out to the yard?" Pano, in an irritatingly cheerful tone, replied; "Because you said you didn't want to talk about it anymore after this first time!" Varthic started sputtering again for a moment before responding coherently; "But... You... That.... That was right after that damn succubus conned me! I was barely coherent, why did you listen to me!? Uhhgg.... Never mind," He turned back to Tamonten and said; "So, what did happen out there? I assume you didn't actually get raped by anything..."

Following her conversation with Varthic and Pano, Tamonten was left with more or less nothing to do. She could work on the bars, or talk with her fellow prisoners, but neither seemed to produce much in the way of useful headway. Varthic was as surly and irritable as ever, and Pano was... Well, Pano was Pano, and beyond questions about the whereabouts and well-being of Betty, he didn't seem to take much interest in anything beyond their escape plans, which he wasn't much help on. Varthic was marginally more useful in that regard, offering that he'd made a potential ally in the form of a black dragoness, though he refused to divulge how.

Other than that, they were given food and water in healthy portions, and despite their surroundings it was actually fairly good. The rest of the day passed without any events worth repeating, but the next day brought with it a return to the horrors. The lumbering mass of flesh that was their more direct jailor came into their cell block once more, light filtering into the room from the doorway around his bloated, abominable frame. He stopped in front of their cell, yanked open the door, pointed at her, and sputtered; "You! Out here... Nnn.... Now! Schkkk..."

(If you want to attempt ye prison break now, you can. Or, you can attempt to gather more allies and solidify plans. The choice is YOURS!)
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"I was less productive than I would've liked to be," she replied, avoiding commenting on the parts that came before Varthic's question under the belief that any further discussion on that topic might add a headache to the list of things she was suffering from. "I secured the aid of the orcish woman and Nellic, and the escape group seemed willing to help us enough to allow us to serve as a diversion for their own plans. After that there was the encounter with the succubus and not much else," she lied.

"It's a start, but I wish I knew anything about the strength of the guards and the jailer. Elawdrin isn't exactly keeping normal prisoners. If Evan wasn't extremely capable, then it only makes sense that someone as freakishly strong as Nellic could have wrestled him into submission, stolen his keys, and staged a one-man jailbreak by now. I doubt the thought hasn't crossed his mind. I originally assumed that they were purposely keeping you weakened for just that reason, Varthic, but if Elawdrin isn't then it's a sign that she's confident in her pet," the swordswoman's tone remained scholarly as she inadvertently complimented the demon prince. "Next time he comes for me, I'm going to test him and feel out if there's any other way to deal with him. You probably shouldn't join in unless it goes exceptionally well."

Barring any further conversation or replies that needed answering from Varthic or Pano, that particular plan was what consumed most of the pale girl's time and thoughts. Remembering her practice with her wings, Tamonten took a few seconds to manipulate the leathery appendages into wrapping around her naked body like a blanket. She wasn't exactly a born manipulator, so she needed to plan out her words in advance. The black-hearted angel's abomination seemed almost childlike, more adoring the prison's warden as a mother than anything else. She would play at that and see if she could garner how intelligent and loyal Evan truly was to his evil mistress.

Her train of thought would be thoroughly interrupted by Pano's inquiries about her foxgirl lover, however. "Krig- er, Betty... Betty is okay, I think. An angel carried her to safety before I was captured," she softly replied. The question, unsurprisingly, made her get lost in her thoughts about Krig again. Tamonten dearly hoped that she was okay. Mostly, she hoped that the spirit wielder had kept her promise. The pale swordswoman quickly built a little world in her imagination as to what became of the father of her child.

She could see Krig coming to and the angel landing and letting her down on one of the few intact roofs of Artmirst. In her mind, she could hear the angel explaining that they had lost the battle and offering Tamonten's last words to the kitsune. With hindsight she wondered if those last words hadn't been a mistake, they were surely a cruel and selfish thing to inflict on Kringlicsly. From there, she guessed that Krig would go to Jasmine to ask for help in rescuing her, but the wise, green faerie would set her straight and explain that they couldn't risk breaking their peace with the demons just to recover one person. The violet-haired kitsune might anger, she might cry for a while, she might weep on one of those beds of flowers, but she was young and she would find love again, maybe even from the sidhe, nymphs, satyrs, or gruffs of the sanctuary. It was a bittersweet thought, but as long as her lover lived on, then everything else was bearable...

Sometime after all that, Tamonten ate all of her food and drank every drop of water in order to keep her strength up, and whenever she was sure that there were no guards nearby she began the slow and arduous work of loosening the bar she had targeted on her first day there, if only as a way to pass the time. Without any means of keeping time it was impossible for her to determine how long she had been at it, but she worked until she was well past the point of exhaustion, and continued even then. The idea of being asleep in a cell with Varthic gave her little solace, and so she continued to plot and loosen the bar until she was so weary that she couldn't keep her eyes open. Only then did she sleep.

And it was a short, dreamless sleep that only lasted a few hours before the monstrous jailer made his appearance. Tamonten practically jumped up from her claimed corner, having slept against the cold brick wall. Her adrenaline cleared the sleep from her eyes faster than her hands could. Her mind raced as she tried to remember exactly how she had planned to test Elawdrin's prototype. He opened the door, as expected, and made his demand, as expected, and then it began. "I'm sorry, Evan, but I won't go back to your mistress without a struggle," she explained calmly.

She had to get him thinking, or at least listening to her. She wasn't so naive as to believe that she was the only one who had tried this route with the mutant being, but a lack of hostility might at least catch him off guard for long enough to get more conversation out of him. "Do you know what she does to us after you lead us to her?" She continued quickly, wanting to get the question out before he could react with violence. "She disgraces us, hurts us, shames us, and forces us to commit atrocities against each other against our will," she explained. If she could only get a response from him on that subject, she might know so much more about what made Evan tick. But she wasn't in a position to be overly hopeful, and she wasn't a liar either as she prepared herself for plan B.

She readied herself to dodge the dangerous tendrils in case her attempts at vocal communication didn't work. After that, she'd launch herself at him like a missile, hoping that she might be able to crash into his stomach and land a few hits against him, maybe even stun the massive creature if she brought her entire weight to bear against him.

Ready full defense. If he attacks, then attack him with flurry of blows (1 extra attack) and stunning blow (on both attacks) the round after. Otherwise, time for more talking!

Stats (unarmed, naked, full defense): 66 Grapple, 92 Dodge, 63 Resistance, 0 Armor, 41 Perception, 14 Stealth

In case of attack:
Attack: +50 = 66 [Base] - 8 [Flurry of Blows] - 8 [Stunning Blow]
Damage: 1d8 + 23 = 36 [Base] - 5 [Flurry of Blows] - 8 [Stunning Blow]
Two attacks. Resistance check vs 33 on both or he's stunned.

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Though Tamonten's initial reply drew a scowl from Varthic, the demon prince simply nodded in response to her listing of allies, "Good. Excellent work. Allies gained and an enemy down is hardly a bad start." When she question the strength of the guards and their jailor, Varthic sighed and said; I assumed as much as well... Though, they didn't seem bothered at all when I replenished my energy. The abomination is more dangerous than it appears, at least. I saw one of the other prisoners attack it. Blows against it that the hideous thing doesn't just shrug off heal in moments, and as strong as... Nellic... Might be, I doubt he'd be able to wrestle that thing down. Those tentacles on its back emit poison.

"The guards that saw us out into the gate aren't quite so dangerous as far as I've been able to tell, but they aren't weaklings either. The regular guards are just lesser demons, nothing worth worrying about. I haven't seen any of the lesser demons among them." With that the demon prince went silent, and barring an expression of rejoice from Pano as she said that Krig was alright, the three fell into a prolonged silence. Varthic took a corner far from hers, leaving her to her own devices as he sat with his legs folded on the stone floor. He never really looked at her unless she moved, and his eyes never strayed below her face, even when he at one point came up and started attempting to loosen one of the other bars alongside her without saying so much as a word.

When Evan made his appearance, Varthic remained in the back of the room, well away from their mutant jailor. Given the man's speed the last time they'd fought, that presented no barrier to him if he wanted to come to her aid, but would probably seem less threatening to the abominable man. Evan hissed and sputtered as Tamonten refused to go along with him, spittle flying out and raining against the floor, coming almost far enough to reach her. She couldn't help but notice the small pockmarks that appeared in the stone because of it. "Nnnn? Hccchhhkkkkk... You will come here!" he said angrily, his head twisting to the side as the white of the larger eye turned a bright red, "Mother say I bring you, so I bring you!"

The tentacles on his back quivered, but they didn't yet lash out at her, allowing Tamonten to continue. The monstrous being was extremely difficult to read, his horribly warped form making attempts to interpret his expression or body language all but impossible, but he at least seemed to be listening to her. "Nnn... What? Mother not... Hurt...." he said, seemingly confused, "Mother not... Not bad... Not hurt! Make good! Make shiny one happy! Evan hears it!"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

"Maybe not bad, but she's misguided." The swordswoman tried to seize on her momentary opportunity. The nature of his response wasn't the most desirable of the ones she was hoping for, but it beat the worst case scenario by leaps and bounds. She expected that childish loyalty would be difficult to overcome, but it might mean that he at least had some autonomy in thought. "You've probably been here longer than anyone else except your mother, you've noticed haven't you? How many times does your mother summon the other visitors before they stop struggling? If she was truly making us happy, wouldn't we all come willingly to your call after our first meeting with her?" And then she sought to cement the first seeds of doubt and thought in Evan's head by adding; "All in her dedication to create some perfect being."

If her assumptions about Elawdrin's interactions with the childish jailer were correct, she expected that the insinuation that Evan himself wasn't the perfect being would upset him, if not enrage him. She attempted to speak ahead of that and calm him enough to avoid him grabbing her. "I will come with you without struggling this time, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your mother for taking too long by speaking to me." Tamonten willingly stepped forward from the cell, painfully aware that it meant one more day of torture and more hours at Elawdrin's whim. But if she could begin to convert the angel's abomination, it would pay off in the end. She didn't know that she'd ever classify any delay as being worth it in the end, though.

"Would you mind if I talked on the way? You wouldn't have to reply or anything," she asked of Evan.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant

Evan continued to look more and more confused as Tamonten went on, and out of the corner of her eye she spotted a surprised look on Varthic's face as the hideous creature. Drool ran down the monstrous man's face, and his one useful eye blinked repeatedly, the threatening red becoming a dark orange, but he didn't lash out at her. There was no enraged reaction despite her insinuations, but his words caused his tentacles to flutter as he tilted his head at her. "Sssshhckkk... Okay. You can... Nnn... Talk."

With their conversation seemingly concluded, Evan would lead Tamonten through the same route, past the same group of normal-looking guards playing cards around a table, and several of the succubi guards whom she noted traveled in numbers between one and three. The whole journey took perhaps five minutes, but was fairly circuitous and difficult to remember easily. When she arrived at their destination, Tamonten was pushed through a doorway and into a dark room, and a door slammed shut behind her, sealing her off suddenly from Evan.

After a moment of silence in the pitch blackness, a spotlight suddenly appeared, and in the center of it stood Elawdrin. The fallen angel was clad now in a flattering outfit similar stylistically to the clothes worn by a priestess of the Star God, but with a number of pieces simply removed to display the pale flesh beneath. A slit ran down both sides, exposing the fallen angel's legs from foot to hip, and the sections that had been cut out revealed both her taught belly and her finely shaped bosom. The image of the angel nude flashed unbidden into Tamonten's mind, and raw imaginings of the taste of the woman, or the noises she might make while Tamonten held her down and rutted her like a wild animal followed before she could stop them. "Hello Tamonten~! Enjoying your vacation?" she called brightly, adjusting the rectangular spectacles that she wore in front of her pitch black eyes. "I hope you've missed me! Come over here, I've got a little game for you to play!"
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The swordswoman nodded and followed Evan without struggle, though she sought to make the most of her jailer's acceptance. If she could simply gain Evan's understanding it might make the difference between a successful escape and a failure, it might even make going to Elawdrin a second time worthwhile in the end. "I can prove that I'm not happier for being here," she continued once they were on the path that would return her to the dark warden. "You see, before I was brought here, I was traveling with someone very important to me. We were separated and now I worry for her and I miss her."

"She was the most beautiful person I've ever known. I don't know that words would do her justice," not that it would stop her from trying. Barring a few short pauses whenever they passed some of the demonic guards, Tamonten would go on at length about her missing foxgirl lover. "Everything from the tips of her toes to the points of her ears was perfect. I wish I had a way to show you her eyes, they're almost like kaleidoscopes," she commented, slightly wincing once she realized what the implications of such would have been. Still, Tamonten continued undaunted. "I could get lost in them for hours. And her hair, it's so pretty. It's a dark purple sort of color but it ends in red, it was so silky smooth. Her skin was so soft and unblemished, you might have mistaken her for an angel. And she has a bushy tail and two pointy fox ears on her head, they only added to her beauty. Oh, and I'll never forget her scent," The pale girl sighed wistfully as if to call upon some phantom of Krig's smell. "She was amazing in every way."

"But it wasn't just her looks that made me love her, you know? She has this way about her that made me feel like I was nothing more than a normal human. All the pretenses, all my worries, all the tension in the world, it was all gone when I was alone with her. She had the ability to turn me into some dumb, lovestruck schoolgirl." The swordswoman let out an odd giggle at that thought. It felt strangely therapeutic to get those things off of her chest, even if the person she was talking to was an unreadable mutant. "It was probably childish of me to fall in love so quickly, but it's the first time I've ever felt this way. While I don't know if it was love at first sight, I think I knew from the first time I cradled her in my arms that I would give anything to protect her. Still would."

"I don't think I ever even gathered the courage to tell her I loved her to her face. I would give up everything if to see her just one more time and remedy that." She sighed again, though it was a noise of despair instead of fond memories. "Ever find someone that made you feel that way?" If Evan chose to answer then she would listen in respectful silence, otherwise she would go silent for the rest of the journey.

Whether she ended up needing to listen or respond to anything before they found their final spot, she would try to say a quick farewell to the jailer before she was ushered through the door. "Goodbye, Evan. I feel it's only fair to warn you that I've no intentions of coming back to this place without a struggle in the future." With that, she would stoically step into Elawdrin's twisted domain and allowed the door to shut behind her.

Following the fallen woman's appearance, an entrance that was reminiscent of the demonic dreams that Tamonten had little memory of, came a reminder of just what she was dealing with. Raw daydreams of what she might do to the angel if she were to hold the power seemed to force their way into her mind. Sex wasn't really an adequate description for what the pale girl did in those hazy thoughts, it was all so very hateful. She did not so much remove the robes from Elawdrin as she tore them, leaving a few red lines on the woman's creamy skin where she was too vicious in doing so. In those dreams she commanded the largest, fattest conjured cock that her body could reasonably bear, and exulted as every centimeter was forced down the winged warden's throat, until her lips grazed against the skin of the warrior's groin. That Tamonten from the daydream didn't find enough satisfaction in that though, quickly choosing to mount the angel from behind and rut her until her belly was rounded beyond that of a woman in her final term. With the intensity of those images and the ones that followed, it took some moments to collect herself.

Given time she managed to do just that, though a red streak across her cheeks spoke of how the images had continued to affect her. "You're right up there with splinters and broken ribs," the swordswoman replied with forced cheerfulness. She was determined to be defiant to the black-hearted woman at every opportunity, though that day she chose to do so in the same way she had defied the succubus the day before. "I see you've got a new outfit. I don't suppose you've seen the error of your ways and are meditating on how to atone? Well, if that's the case then I'll just see myself out. You see, my hand is still sore from some of the fun I've had while I've been here, so I couldn't possibly play another of your games." Despite any inherent lack of wisdom in that course of action, Tamonten attempted to do just that; her hand moved to open the door. In the odd event that it worked, she would immediately run.

In the more likely event that the door was locked, and the less likely event that there wasn't some trap on the door meant to debilitate runners, she would sigh. "It was worth a try, right?" She stated more than asked before she heeded the order to approach the fallen angel. Her defiance was anything but at an end though, as she mentally selected the woman's glasses as a target for her fist once she came close enough to Elawdrin.

If the door is unlocked: run away!

If it is locked or trapped: well, shit.

If it is just locked: approach Elawdrin and punch the nun-habit and glasses wearing bitch! (Aim to break her glasses in the process).

Attack: +66
Damage: 1d8 + 36

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
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Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 40/85, PP = 46/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Stunned, Injured, Grappled

Tamo paunch!
Attack: Miss.

Elawdrin counters with a Stunning Blow!
Attack: 6 + 47 - 8 = 45 damage.
Masochist: 4 + 9 = 13 PP damage. She technically regains some EP, but is already at full, so meh.
Resistance: Elawdrin wins.

Tamo is then grappled and put over dat angel's knee for spankings.

Evan seemed to be somewhat at a loss as Tamonten spoke at length about Krig, as the ugly brute didn't make any sounds that could easily be interpreted as speech, though he would emit the occasional noises akin to those he'd been making up until then. The mutant's expression was extremely difficult to read, but as Tamonten spoke she began to notice things, little twitches of his face, particularly his eye. His tentacles were just as expressive, their motions varying in speed and intensity depending on what she was saying. He seemed to move more quickly in both the odd twitches of his eye and the writhing of his oozing tendrils when he was interested in what she was saying. Though it didn't vary much, the thing seemed most interested in what she was saying when she spoke about color, and the least when she mentioned her feelings for the kitsune.

When Tamonten asked the he'd ever experienced something similar, the mutant cocked his head and replied; "Nnck? Love mother, only mother... Mother no hurt Evan, nnnnnmmmkkk... Other people mean, they hurt." He paused, and after a moment spent making odd noises he added in what might have approximated a sheepish voice for him; "Gggnnn.... Pale girl nice to Evan too... Evan like pale girl... Nnnccchhkk.."

When it came time for Tamonten to part ways with the hideous monstrosity, her words caused her guide to make a sound somewhere between a gurgle and a whine, and then she was alone with Elawdrin. The angel gave Tamonten a moment to enjoy her wicked imaginings, and when the swordswoman delivered her quip the wicked woman simply gave a delighted laugh, and replied; "Wonderful! You still have that fiery spirit... You're like my favorite little hangover!" Her next sentence only caused the winged woman to grin all the wider, "Do you like it? I'd hoped you would, I'm afraid I didn't think to wear anything underneath~" The woman giggled gleefully as Tamonten went for the door, which was unsurprisingly locked, and then added; "Oh I heard about that... Poor little Striga, getting her just desserts from the noble hero~"

She giggled again and tilted her head as Tamonten approached, not responding in any particular way to her statement, and didn't move in any manner that might suggest that she was protecting herself. The swordswoman's punch sped straight for the angel's glasses, and for a moment it seemed as if Tamonten was going to hit her target right on the mark.... But then Elawdrin suddenly twisted, Tamonten's fist not even grazing the side of her head before it was suddenly intercepted by the woman's hand, which closed over her fist in an incredibly tight grip as the woman turned with Tamonten's momentum. She jumped up, driving her knee into Tamonten's chest right at the bottom of her ribcage, instantly driving the breath from her longs and causing her body to seize with a sudden weakness.

Elawdrin hadn't lost her confident smirk throughout her maneuver, and released Tamonten and stepped back immediately afterward. Her body's sudden momentary weakness would permit her to do nothing but fall to her knees, and as she recovered from the blow her foul hostess would gloat over her; "Such a naughty thing, always resisting~ Don't worry though, I'm well dressed for your... Punishment~" A chair appeared from somewhere, and the angel lifted Tamonten into her lap, placing the swordswoman over her knees and pressing down on the small of her back so that she couldn't move. Tendrils of darkness appeared suddenly, wrapping around her ankles and wrists and binding each of them together tightly. "Are you religious?" she asked curiously, but the moment that Tamonten's mouth opened to issue some sort of response the angel's hand came down sharply on her ass, causing her rear to sting and a surge of arousal to suddenly shoot up her spine all at once. "You might want to start praying, naughty Tamonten.... Because I'm not going to stop until you've been punished in full for your transgressions~" The angel's hand reared back again, preparing another stinging blow...
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

She looked at Evan long and hard following his reply. It had, of course, been fully obvious from his initial reply to her careful verbal prodding that he was mentally akin to a child, but somehow the difficulty of Evan's own plight had never dawned on her until just then. Not only childlike of mind, albeit commanding much more physical power, Elawdrin's creation was a mutant in appearance. Where could he thrive outside of his mother's facility? It was obvious that none of his allies had extended him any kindness in the prison itself, and she doubted that many would meet his visage with anything but disgust and horror on the outside. And did the angel's prototype even understand why?

The thought reminded her of her own possession and the way that those few peasants who had glimpsed upon her had fled. But of Evan and her, she had been the lucky one. The pale girl had loving parents and a normal upbringing that had spanned most of her life. She had hundreds of happy memories of her time spent on her mother and father's farm, of occasional trips into the nearby village, and of her father's training. She had suffered when the possession altered her very skin, it was true, but what was it to Evan's lifetime spent with a mother like Elawdrin and people who hated him for reasons that he likely couldn't comprehend. And there she had been, trying to manipulate him all the while considering him an abomination. Maybe none of it was on the mark, but it was enough to send waves of guilt through her every extremity.

"The thing I'm talking about isn't quite the same sort of love you feel for your parents," she patiently explained at the end of her introspection. Tamonten mustered as kindly a visage as she could manage, though slightly marred by the exhaustion of the last few days, as she regarded Evan. "I think you'll experience it yourself some day. I hope you do. And for what it's worth, I think some of those people are mean and hurtful because they don't really know you. I believe that if they really tried to talk to you, they'd realize that you've got a good heart." Or maybe she just really wanted to believe as much herself. "I don't know if your duties to your mother ever allow you any free time, but if they do then maybe you could come and chat with me every once in a while? It gets pretty boring in that cell, and I wouldn't mind having someone else to talk to."

Afterward, she would offer those parting words to him and find herself with Elawdrin.

"Don't forget that I got in a bit of practice before administering her 'just desserts'. Though if you have, you wouldn't be the only person who doesn't seem to remember that," she would reply as she approached the dark warden. Her tone was quickly becoming strained and she barely made any effort at attempting to hide the form her defiance would next take. Right then, Tamonten wanted nothing more than to break the angel's glasses with her fist. She wasted no time in pursuing that goal, her pale fist launching out toward the bridge of Elawdrin's nose as soon as she was close enough to the religiously garbed woman.

Only it missed. Missed by mere centimeters, no less, only to collide into the angel's waiting palm. The swordswoman gave a mighty effort in pulling her limb away from the woman, but gained no ground. Given any other setting, the sight of a naked woman locked in a perilous struggle against an angel in a nun habit might have been considered something close to amusing. There was no laughter to be had in Elawdrin's chamber though, especially as the fallen woman drove her knee into Tamonten's stomach and knocked the struggle out of all of her limbs. The pale girl was left to drop to her knees, unable to do anything but cough and sputter as she attempted to replace the air lost from her lungs. She vaguely processed that she was being pulled into Elawdrin's lap, but had none of the fight in her that was necessary to stop the woman from repositioning her. By the time her strength had returned, she was well and truly bound, and could only wiggle fruitlessly against her bonds.

Given the exchange that had occurred, Tamonten was well beyond false cheerfulness as a means of defiance, instead preferring the more direct means of struggling, biting, and maybe a bit of cursing if she could find the time. A perfect opportunity presented itself when the angel asked her ludicrous question. "Wha– guh!" A sound of pain joined the sharp crack of the dark warden's hand against her ass, which itself fueled a jolt of mixed pain and humiliating pleasure that shot up her spine. All pretenses of kindness were truly gone then, as she struggled with all her might against the forces restraining her and began to attempt to curse the angel.

"Are you– ah!" She found herself cut off again as another strike landed on her bottom. "Do you – ow! – think I'm – gah! – a child – urk! – who would – eep! – break under a spanking?!" She yelped as another slap found her backside. The pain of the act wasn't the worst the warrior had ever experienced, far from it. Tamonten wouldn't let herself break to a simple spanking after she had already suffered through so much. As the act continued though, she began to realize that the pain wasn't the issue, the issue was the pleasure she was beginning to feel. Her warped body received the bruising of her rear with the same reactions that it might a lover's touch, and it was building into the all too recognizable sensations of an impending orgasm. Worse still, she could feel a familiar connection forming between the blackhearted angel and herself.

I won't give her the satisfaction! Tamonten mentally declared her new plan to defy the woman, setting her mind to resisting the feeling of the debased enjoyment of the act that was beginning to infect her traitorous body. Physically she redoubled her efforts to struggle free of the fallen angel, however fruitless they may have been. In the meantime she gritted her teeth to avoid letting out anymore audible sounds of pain for Elawdrin—or worse, moans.

Mechanically, try to escape the grapple. Use Self-Control in an attempt to avoid orgasm.

(Self-Control: The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof.)

Realistically, there's pretty much no way that Tamo is going to be able to worm her way out of a grapple with a fallen angel, so flail at the rules and do whatever the fluff calls for. >.>

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 35/85, PP = 59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Injured

Spanking time! She'll be draining Tamo with every spank, so that brings the total up to d4 + 17 per spank, and I think I'll add the sensitive penalty to that for fluff reasons, so d4 + 21. That means that Elawdrin will be draining half of that plus 20 per spank as well, while Tamo only regenerates half. >.>

Spank 1: 22 PP damage, Tamo gains 11 EP and loses 31.
Spank 2: 22 PP damage, Tamo gains 11 EP and loses 31.
Spank 3: 24 PP damage, Tamo gains 12 EP and loses 32. She resists orgasm with self control.
Spank 4: 25 PP damage, Tamo gains 13 EP and loses 33. She resists orgasm with self control. Her EP is dropped to 0 and she can no longer resist.
Spank 5: 24 PP damage, Tamo gains 12 EP and loses 64. She cums.

Elawdrin then fingers her without draining her.
Pleasure: 3 + 1 + 5 + 54 + 4 = 67 = Tamo cums in a round. Holy sheet. That lets her regain all of her EP since she's going to do it three times.

Evan cocked his head at Tamonten's attempt to explain the different sorts of love, "Nnnn..... Hwah?" What she said next confused the monstrous man somewhat, as far as she could tell, but when she offered to speak to him if he came by, his expression changed to something that she hadn't seen on his face before. "Chhk... Okay..."


Tamonten's struggles in the bonds created by the fallen angel were, perhaps unsurprisingly, unsuccessful. There wasn't much within range of her mouth to bite at, and so she was left only with the ability to squirm helplessly while Elawdrin issued her "punishment." The fallen angel did so with the sadistic glee that Tamonten no doubt expected of the foul woman, and her words were punctuated by the sound of the black-winged warden's hand striking her backside. "Of course~ Naughty children need to be punished!" she replied, and as the next blow smacked against her increasingly red bottom Tamonten felt the dark tendrils of the fallen angel's spiritual essence sink into her soul, feeding from her and intensifying the dark pleasure that rolled up her spine from every sharp blow.

The first few moments of her abuse were furious, as painful as they were pleasurable, and left her bottom raw and stinging constantly, the added sensitivity only making each blow hurt more. Her resistance held well enough, though her juices had most certainly begun to flow, the lewd punishment forcing her to become increasingly excited. Elawdrin seemed to have some measure of mercy, or at least knew how best to inflict real pain upon Tamonten, as after a few moments she slowed her ministrations considerably. Where before she had smacked her hand against her rear savagely and rapidly, now Elawdrin began to rub her hand delicately over the sensitive skin, soothing away the pain before drawing her hand back. Tamonten was left waiting for several seconds each time, and though the first three waits were ended by rough smacks, the angel then began to punctuate her blows with a return to the soft rubbing that eased the pain but did nothing to assuage her steadily growing excitement. As her punishment went on the rubbing became more commonplace and increasingly sensual, squeezing and massaging the soft flesh of her rear.

By then Tamonten was on the edge, her traitorous body loving both the smacks and the rubbings that Elawdrin laid across her increasingly tender backside, and the fallen angel had devoured her almost down to her very core. Her will held, however, and Tamonten was able to stave off her incoming climax even as she felt it preparing to take hold.... For a moment. During one of her increasingly lengthy groping sessions, Elawdrin suddenly ran her fingers across Tamonten's flower, which was soaked with her arousal by then. The angel didn't say anything, but Tamonten got the distinct impression that the foul woman was pleased at the results of her handiwork. The spanking came again, harsh and painful and swift, and now Tamonten felt the last dregs of her energies fading away, the loss of her strength causing blackness to close in on her vision. Her mind became sluggish, and no matter how hard her will fought to assert itself she felt her control of her body slipping rapidly.

The last of her resistance gone, Elawdrin suddenly stopped, and after a few moment's of nothing she felt the fallen angel's fingers lightly tracing across her stinging bottom. Her sex quivered with excitement at the softest caress, her whole body primed to smash its way over the edge, her mind's desires be damned, but it was forced to wait as the tendrils of the fallen angel's spirit wrapped tenderly around her core. It would have been trivially easy for what remained of her soul to have been pulled from her body by the fallen angel right then, but fortunately or unfortunately Elawdrin did no such. Instead, her peeking excitement allowed the dark angel to seep into her, feeding on the very core of her being and violating her in the most intimate manner possible. And then, her hand rear back and smacked Tamonten sharply on her bottom, giving her body just the signal it needed to burst over the edge. All perception save for her sense of touch seemed to simply black out in those moments, leaving the physical sensations magnified as she rode out her orgasm, and Elawdrin took full advantage of that. Her hand bombarded Tamonten's rear once more, pain and pleasure blending together as her body was wracked with the now nearly indistinguishable sensations that rolled through her being.

When she came down from her climax, Tamonten felt the tendrils of her tormentors essence slowly receding from her own shredded soul, and blackness rapidly closed in on her vision.... Until two soft, incredibly agile fingers slipped into her soaked sex and started grinding against her sweet spot. There was no time to muster any sort of resistance, and even though she was exhausted her mind was forced to remain conscious, enslaved to the pleasure that wracked her body. It took maybe ten seconds for Elawdrin to work her into another orgasm, and at the same time Tamonten felt her exhaustion passing as her spirit rebuilt itself from her own sexual energy. Unfortunately, if Tamonten thought that her ordeal was over after only one, she was sorely mistaken. The fallen angel's fingers continued pounding into her sensitive flower, hitting her in her most sensitive spots every single time and sending another spike of pleasure to join the waves resulting from her climax, which just seemed to go on and on even though Elawdrin was no longer feeding on her.

She didn't even have time to catch her breath after her second orgasm before the third was upon her, leaving Tamonten nearly at full strength even though her soul was straining at the sudden revitalization. And after she rode out her third climax there was a fourth that followed it immediately afterwards, leaving her spiritually rejuvenated but physically exhausted. Only then did Elawdrin's fingers pull out of her sex, which was now as pink as her abused bottom. A moment later she heard a soft sucking noise and a lewd moan from her tormentor, who's face she could see, and then one final sharp smack upon her rear sent a last tingle of pain and pleasure up her spine. "You're so delicious, you know that? All that fight is so wasted, but I think it makes you taste even better! I think I'm starting to get addicted~" the fallen angel said, and then laughed softly even as the tendrils wrapped around her wrists and ankles pulled her out of the angel's lap and dropped her unceremoniously to the floor.

Though her body was still fairly excited, most of it had passed by now, leaving her relatively in control as the fallen angel stood up and walked over her, stepping on Tamonten's lower back (and tail) as she did so. "Such an amusing creature you are, Tamonten~" Elawdrin said, and then the pale warrior was lifted by an invisible force and set forcefully upon her now jelly-like legs. Elawdrin spun in place, standing about eight feet away from her. The nun's habit that she wore was relatively unfussed despite the length of Tamonten's punishment, but the manner in which the woman now stood somehow caused the already revealing garment to be even more so, allowing Tamonten an eyeful of perfectly defined curves as the woman's black garment and wings clashed with her ivory skin. Elawdrin was biting her lower lip softly as she gazed at Tamonten with her eyes as dark as her wings, a noticeable flush appearing on her pale cheeks. Every part of her oozed lust and pure sexual appetite, even seeming to be offering her the chance to try and sate it, and after a momentary pause in which Tamonten was able to gather herself back together she said; "What would you say if I told you that if you gave me a child, that I would let you go? No further threats from me, nor any of my servants..."

She ran a hand slowly over her taught stomach, "You could just walk out, find Kringlicsly, and be on your merry way... If you just gave me a tiny bit more of your seed, that I might conceive your child with it." She tilted her head and shifted into a slightly different but equally alluring pose, "What say you to that, Tamonten?"
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Each of the fallen angel's blows rippled through to the bound woman's very core. Her body had no compunctions about surrendering to the humiliating act. It wasn't the same sensation of pleasure as Kringslicsly's ministrations upon her eager sex in the tailoring shop, or even the same as the hellhound rape she had suffered, it was something new. The pain itself elicited excitement in her pale form, and indeed her warped body converted some of that to a more common feeling of pleasure, but it was the act itself that was to blame for the way her womanhood began to drool with her juices. Despite her disgust, the feeling of being utterly dominated for a third time, the fourth if she counted Krig's efforts, had sparked a new type of arousal in her. Only her willpower would prevent her warped body from giving into the angel's punishment.

The swordswoman gritted her teeth as the angel smacked her ass again, the harshness of her spanking causing the sound of flesh hitting flesh to echo through the room. The feeling of pleasure and pain spiraling through her backside and into her very core stunned her for a brief second each time the foul warden's punishments came, but each time the black-hearted woman drew back Tamonten returned to fruitlessly struggling against her bonds. To be so helpless against nothing more than a hand on her back and two tendrils, she hated it. Or maybe she loved it? Maybe if it was Krig instead of the wretched Elawdrin. Either way, her body certainly loved the feel of the increasingly pleasurable gropings that punctuated each punishing blow.

A few more spanks and Tamonten found herself on the edge. The familiar pressure of a knot in her belly just waited to explode through her every extremity. She willed herself away from the impending orgasm. She wouldn't give Elawdrin the satisfaction. And she couldn't let it happen because to her it would be tantamount to her body proving something dark about herself. That physically she actually enjoyed what the angel was doing to her. That outside of Krig, she might have been more excited then than with any of her other partners.

By then her teeth were so tightly clamped that she might have feared chipping one if she had been in any other state of mind. But not tightly enough to catch the moan that escaped as Elawdrin unexpectedly turned her attentions on the pale warrior's sopping cunny. As much as she wanted to convince herself otherwise, she could feel that her will was beginning to slip. Another flurry of blows added to the increasingly red tint of her rear, and it was over. All of her strength, mental and physical, began to slip away with the last dregs of her energy. Her mouth fell open, issuing a few groans of pain and pleasure, and her struggles ceased. She began to tremble in the fallen woman's grasp as the tendrils of the prison mistress's soul wrapped around her own in a rhythm with the caresses she was paying to Tamonten's battered skin. Her trembling wasn't in fear, it was her body's readiness to go over the edge.

"Please don't," she begged in a small whisper.

Smack. She came with a primal scream. It was every bit as hard as she had come when Krig had accidentally devoured large portions of her soul. It was humiliating and shameful. Like a token of proof that, despite all the fight she had put up, her body had enjoyed what the woman had done to her. Thankfully for her, she wouldn't have to think about that for several minutes. Her mind was wiped blank by the pleasure finally unleashed. Her tongue lolled out and her eyes rolled upward. She shook violently in Elawdrin's grasp, but not to escape the continued spanking. Her cunt clenched in time with every attack on her tender cheeks, as if it was attempting to milk some phantom cock of its seed, and in doing so spattered Tamonten's own thighs and everything else caught in the crossfire with her juices.

Blackness began to set in as she was finally released from her orgasm, and she was thankful for the escape from confronting what her surrender had meant as her mind began to return to her. But Elawdrin even robbed the swordswoman of that. The angel's slipped into her well-lubricated pussy without resistance and found her g-spot with a practiced ease. The pale girl was well beyond shame by then. "Stop! Stop! Stoooo-ah!" Her begging was cut short as the fingers moved in a come hither motion across the sensitive patch on her inner walls. Without fanfare, Tamonten was locked into a second orgasm. This time, a wave of sticky girlcum issued forth from her traitorous sex to add to her shame.

And then a second. And a third. And through it all, that dreaded sense of consciousness returned to her. So brimming with energy was she from the pleasure of her abuse, she simply could not escape the light returning to her eyes. Which made it all the more despair-inducing when she was dropped to the ground, a mask of pleasure still on her face from the ecstasy induced on her, only to be stepped on and discover that degrading act sent a shiver of pleasure through her spine as well. She wouldn't have even bothered to stand up if the angel hadn't forced her to do so.

The possessed warrior had fallen far from the willfulness she had held when she first faced Elawdrin that day. She panted, her face was flush, and she struggled to support herself on her wobbly legs. Even worse, Tamonten was aroused by the foul angel's provocations. Her body urged her to accept the woman's offer. It pushed her to rut the woman through the very floor of the prison. Not for freedom, but because it would be fun. Even her mind nudged her that way, toward freedom and the loving arms of Kringlicsly. "I... I... Krig and I would be safe... On your word...?"

Wait a second. How did she know Krig's name? The thought was what prevented the pale swordswoman from taking that appealing offer. It wasn't that Elawdrin knew, the warrior knew well that the angel was capable of violating people's minds, but instead it was the reminder of what the fallen angel was willing to do to those she captured that turned the possessed human away from accepting.

Tamonten's demeanor shifted suddenly. She straightened up, she regained control over her breathing, and she stared the foul warden straight in the eyes. "You really are worse than a tree at negotiating. What's with you sociopaths and offering unacceptable terms? Look, I don't even care if you keep this foul experiment of yours running, so long as you atone, release those who don't want to be here, and only accept volunteers for it." Unless Elawdrin did something incredibly surprising, namely accepting Tamonten's demand that she atone and only use volunteers for her program, the swordswoman would continue without much pause. "But unless you're willing to do that, I'll keep fighting you until you're dead, all the occupants of this prison are released, and this place is burned to the ground!"

"Then we'll see whose efforts are wasted, you bitch!" The pale girl would go into a sudden charge at the angel yet again. Her right fist cocked back, as if she were aiming for the woman's glasses for a second time, but Tamonten's attack wouldn't be so straight forward. Instead of launching her fist at the woman, she shifted her weight at the last second and sent her left wrist swinging at the side of Elawdrin's head, using the heavy shackle of her possessed arm as a blunt weapon to make up for the lack of momentum in her attack.

Third time is the charm! PUNCH THE ANGEL.

Attack: +66
Damage: 1d8 + 36

Stats (unarmed, naked): 66 Grapple, 62 Dodge, 33 Resistance, 0 Armor, 26 Perception, 14 Stealth

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP.
When dealing HP damage: She takes d4 + 9 pleasure damage, half of which is gained as EP. On a killing blow, enemies must within 30 feet and line of sight must make a (Damage Done/8)*Monster DC Resistance check against her. If they fail once, they can't attack that round. If they fail a second time they surrender or flee. Additionally, on a killing blow she makes a second attack against an adjacent target at -10 damage and -10 attack.

When taking EP damage: She takes an additional 16 EP damage from Open Soul x4.

When taking PP damage: She takes an additional 4 PP damage from sensitive. An additional 8 (overall 12) PP damage if her opponent is a faerie, plant, kitsune, has fox ears, a fox tail, violet hair, is Krig, is engaging in bondage, or energy drain is involved, . She regains EP equal to half of PP damage taken. She has giving soul and takes 4 EP damage, causing her partner to regain 4 EP damage (20 and 20 respectively, assuming this stacks with open soul).
Has potent: Impregnates/Impregnated on a 3 or higher.
Has supernatural: bestows corruption as a supernatural character.
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

Tamonten: HP = 35/85, PP = 47/59, EP = 64, Status = Sealing Collar, Pregnant, Injured

Tamp paunch!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 1 + 36 - 8 = 29 damage.
Sadist: 3 + 9 = 12 Pleasure.

Elawdrin grapples Tamo again! Then some stuff happens.

Though it might have been difficult to really tell with any accuracy under the circumstances, as Tamonten rushed toward the fallen angel that had so tormented her with a fist raised, it almost looked as if she were.... Pleased. She didn't dodge the blow this time, however, as Tamonten's feint and sudden shift seemingly caught the woman by surprise. Her manacled hand slammed against the side of Elawdrin's hide, breaking the arms of her glasses and drawing blood as the heavy metal tore her soft skin. Even so, the angel spun with the strike, rolling with the force of the hit and subsequently slamming her wing into Tamonten's body as she twirled about with a dancer's grace. The hit didn't particularly hurt, merely knocked her offer her feet, but the fallen angel was apparently quick enough to capitalize on it.

A hop and another spin, and Tamonten suddenly found her manacled hand clasped by Elawdrin's, and the other was quickly grabbed around the wrist. A third spin took the pale swordswoman right off of her feet, ending up balanced precariously on her heels with next to no ability to move without ending up on the ground on her back. Elawdrin held Tamonten up, supported by her hands and her knees in a dancer's dip, and smiled at her from mere inches away despite the blood slowly trickling down from her temple. "Your resistance only makes me hornier," Elawdrin stated simply, and Tamonten could literally feel the foul woman's arousal now that the angel's body was pressed so closely against her own... And she got to feel it a lot more closely when Elawdrin suddenly lunged her mouth forward and tilted her head, pressing her mouth against Tamonten's in a long, hungry kiss.

When that kiss broke, Elawdrin suddenly pulled Tamonten back up and spun again, taking the swordswoman halfway and forcing her to stand and move quickly on fairly unsteady feet. Spinning out to the extension of Elawdrin's arm, Tamonten felt the grip on her manacled hand release, the other hand having already let go, and before she knew it Tamonten was spinning away from the angel, stumbling and barely keeping her feet, until her back suddenly slammed against a flat wooden surface. "I know it's really your thing, but could you hold off on trying to punch me again for just a minute please? I think you'll really want to hear this part~" her momentary dance partner said, and then she raised a hand and snapped her fingers, the sound echoing into the darkness.

Lights appeared, a spotlight onto where Tamonten stood revealing a great wooden wheel, the object that she'd smashed into. A second light appeared, drawing her eye to a great wooden cross. It stood at least twenty feet high, and the horizontal bar stood about two thirds of the way up from the bottom. On that bar, her limbs bound with crimson silk, a blindfold over her eyes, and a ball-gag keeping her silent, hung Krig, her head hung downward and her spiritual essence so weak that Tamonten could barely even detect it even when she was looking right at her, but strong enough to confirm that it was no mere illusion. Elawdrin's eyes glowed their signature bright orange, and she cracked her neck and wiped away the blood on her head, the wound vanishing completely under what was likely an effort of magic, after which she added; "I'd really hate to show you what I'm like when I'm being cruel."
Re: Finding the Breaking Point (Hafnium)

The possessed human didn't even bother to resist Elawdrin's retaliation. She knew well by then that she couldn't contest the angel in a straight contest of brute strength. The fallen wretch might punish her again, might shame and humiliate her again, and it was true that she might not be able to do anything to immediately stop it. Whatever the woman was playing at with her absurd dance and the new instrument that the swordswoman ended up being backed into, it was fine. Tamonten even managed to find the time to defiantly spit not long after the kiss had been forced onto her. The pale girl was willing to pay any price simply for the satisfaction of inflicting some pain on the evil woman.

Or so she thought until she had looked upon the revealed cross.

The revelation of what the device she had bumped into was and who was on it had left a feeling of terror in the pit of the warrior's stomach more than anything else Elawdrin had managed to inflict upon her. And it made her rage. More than ever, she wanted to rip the fallen angel limb from limb. Somewhere amidst that, however, was a suspicious feeling. Something seemed off about the way her foxgirl lover had been presented. It just wasn't sadistic enough for the prison warden. She seemed more the type to force Kringlicsly to watch Tamonten's humiliation, and in doing so torment both with the aftermath of that knowledge. To present the swordswoman with her kitsune lover while the latter was still struggling and then force the former to watch her be drained. But the possessed woman couldn't call the angel on her possible bluff, because if it was Krig then...

"I loathe you, you foul monster. There will be no more offers of redemption. If it takes me the rest of my life, one day I'll wring the life out of you. I'll strangle you with my own bare hands and I'll watch as the life drains from your eyes. I'll dismember you and feed you to your damned dogs. And I'll enjoy every, single, second." The swordswoman finally turned to look at the fallen angel again. She was so weak and yet so furious at the sight of Krig bound to the cross that she visibly trembled. "But for now, what wretched task would you have me do in return for her safety?"