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Fighting Legacy CYOA

Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

Next vote moves this forward, or if I see no action between now and when I wake up tomorrow.

Vote Count:

B - (4) max, min, mc, plm
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

You get back to your corner and marvel over actually knocking Ruby down for a bit. Who knew you had it in you, you think to yourself. Then a dose of reality hits you as you start to realize that you need to focus on what you are doing for the next round. You figure that you just knocked Ruby down, made Pearl orgasm in the last fight, so the only thing left to do is get a submission. After a slight bit of rationalizing it in your head, you end up deciding that would be the plan. Make Ruby submit to you here, in this round.

"We are back for round two. Rizzo here again to bring you the blow by blow as we start round 2.


"Ruby looked like she was a rocket with how fast she shot herself out of her corner when the round started. Julia just wound up and smashed Ruby as she charged in again to start this round. Ruby just got dropped like a bad habit from that shot. Julia doesn't seem to be so shocked this time and goes right to work on Ruby. Ruby has her panties removed while Julia starts to put Ruby into a single leg crab, while also sliding a hand inside of Ruby on top of that hold. Ruby seems to be recovering from getting nailed, and the stunned feeling she had is being replaced by the feeling of ecstasy that Julia's fingers are providing.

That seemed to shock Ruby back into action, as she promptly broke herself free of the hold she was in. No sooner was she out of the hold that Julia previously had on her, Ruby ended up getting Julia down and in one swift motion evened the playing field by removing Julia's panties. The opening afforded to Julia by Ruby after being disrobed was enough for Julia to get back to her feet, though Ruby would continue her attack anew.

Ruby would get Julia onto the ground again, but this time without any obstacles in her way Ruby would be able to explore about inside of Julia for a short time. After the initial shock of the pleasure Julia experienced wore off, she was able to get herself free again. Ruby at this point looked like she was extremely gassed, and this suspicion would be confirmed as Julia took her down almost immediately and had her in a submission hold soon thereafter.

Ruby was not quite finished yet however. She had one burst of energy left in her. Enough to overpower Julia and reverse her fortunes so that Ruby was now the one on top of Julia. This looked to be her desperate last ditch effort, as she was pretty violently fingering Julia and also trying to suck on Julia's breasts. It was not enough for Ruby, as Julia was able to seperate herself from her attacker one last time. Julia was able to reverse the hold again, though Ruby had just enough left in the tank to escape the hold. You could tell Ruby had spent all her energy to escape that hold. Ruby was only trying to survive to the end of the round at this point. Lucky for her, there was little time left in the round. With time winding down in the round, Ruby was visibly tired now. A few weak punches were landed and Ruby could really only defend herself as she had no more endurance to press her attack further. The bell rings to end the round, and both go back to their corners.

After a few seconds, Ruby gives up and throws in the towel. She could not continue, the exhaustion simply too much for her to overcome to answer the bell for round three."



striking: pitiful (2)^up 2 crits, sure why not
grappling: pitiful(2)
submissions: pitiful (2)
sexual: awful (3)
defense: pitiful (2)
speed: atrocious (1)

That was not the way you wanted to win, though winning is better than losing I would suspect. As you head back into the locker room to shower and change back into your street clothes, you run into someone as you were both turning the corner. This someone would be your next opponent, and your main rival.

Who was it that you ran into when you turned the corner?



As you leave the locker room, Yuzo was there to greet you.

"I see you already met your next opponent. She is the best I have here, and hopefully one day you can be better. I will try to have her take it easy on you as she simply outclasses you in every aspect by a wide margin. Though you have impressed me so far beating both Ruby and Pearl. Maybe, just maybe, you get lucky. Though I seriously doubt it. You know the drill by now. Take the rest of today and tomorrow to rest yourself. We will resume your training after that, and again you will fight at the end of the week. Though I must warn you, I will not allow anyone to start a fight while completely naked in this gym. You should get another outfit made for you if those arrangements have not been made already.

With that you have the next two days to yourself. The question becomes now, what do you want to do with yourself while you have spare time? (Pick all that you want to)

A: Go to the bar and hunt down those bonus training points again?
B: Go to Michiru and make some suggestions for changes to your outfit?
C: Go to Miki and get something done about that mess on top of your head?
D: Go to your house, lock yourself in, and fear for your life, afraid of what is going to be done to you in the next match?
E: Go to some random place not listed here, because that's what winners do? (specify where and to what purpose. get crazy with it)

You know that you have to pay Michiru a visit, so the only reason to pick B is to make changes to your outfit. The visit is forced, and another outfit of the previously chosen outfit will be provided automatically.
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Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

4 A E:for E go to a lesbian bar second night.
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

2 A E... lesbian bar sounds good ;)
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

Voting so far:

A- (locked)

E- (locked)

4 - (3) max, zep, kas
2 - (3) min, kas, gen

Seems Julia got knocked sillier than I thought from her encounter with her rival. I will let this vote carry over.

You almost try to forget about the woman you ran into on your way to the locker room after the match. Though your plan for celebrating your latest victory was simple. Go to the bar and just let yourself go for the night. The first place you visit was a rather mundane establishment, and word of your handywork had started to spread. People would at most gesture to you from time to time, and a few drinks would get sent your way in appreciation of you taking a stand against the person who tried to have their way with you. In the end, you were able to keep your wits about you long enough to realize that another unsavory fellow had taken a liking to you. Instead of being forward with this one, you simply evade him like a boss, using your newfound speed to separate yourself from this unwanted advance.

(Speed up, since it was the only stat left at a 1.)

The next day, most of your mundane tasks are handled, like paying Michiru a visit so that you have a new outfit for your next match. Michiru was busy with other things, and simply had given you a package that had contained your outfit. A perfect reproduction of the one originally given to you.

With everything situated, you decide to try a different tact when you go back out to the bar on the second night. You figure that if you hit on another woman, then they guys would leave you alone. This would turn into an almost unmitigated disaster. For some reason, it ended up like you had a sign that said "fuck me" on you. Which a few girls did throughout the night, just simply letting them have their way with you. This experience would end up helping you, but also carry with it a cost. Just from the sheer number of times you were brought to orgasm throughout the night, your ability to defend against sex attacks will be penalized in the next match.

(sexual skill up, though a price was paid for it)

Now it was time for your training. Your experience at the bar the night before would make it so that you were unable to train yourself further sexually, though Yuzo would make it clear that you needed to make your weaknesses into your strengths as you trained throughout the week.

What was the focus of your training this week?

A: Striking
B: Grappling
C: Submissions
C: Defense
E: Speed
F: All around training (will give a chance to raise any stat aside from sex, but will have another penalty going into next match)

Number vote is the rivals from the last section. If it remains tied, I will break the tie.

striking: pitiful (2)
grappling: pitiful(2)
submissions: pitiful (2)
sexual: inept (4)^up (defense = 0 against sex attacks next match)
defense: pitiful (2)
speed: pitiful (2)^up
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

B. I already voted for the old vote so i can't vote for that one again, can i?
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

I already voted for the old vote so i can't vote for that one again, can i?

You could change your vote if you so desired, but yes you cannot vote twice for the same tally.