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Fighting Legacy CYOA

Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

You get home, still riding the wave of excitement from your match earlier in the day, and decide that you want to just go out and celebrate. A win is a win afterall, so you decide to go out and have a few beers to wind yourself down. Simply minding your own business throughout most the night, a rather unpleasant and unsightly man seems to have his eyes on you. Though you see fit to ignore him, he gets a little too forward at the end of the night, and little does he know you are more interested in a fight than being a cheap lay for the night.

Bonus point time! Any skill that is still a 1, aside from defense which is about to level up from training, can be picked here. (though only one will be raised)

A: Kick his ass (striking up!)
B: Break his arm (submission up!)
C: Run! (speed up!)

After that situation last night, you decide that sitting home and doing a whole lot of nothing is the play for your second day off. Either forgetting to visit Michiru, or choosing not to visit Michiru to get a new outfit for your next match. Once you realized that she said she needed a week to make a new outfit at the end of this day, you just kinda go with it this time. Why not just fight the next match topless?

So about that outfit?

1: Try to sneak over to Michiru's office before you go to start your traning. (specify if you want same or different outfit, options still the same from original 8)
2: Just go and tell her that you dont need an outfit for this week so she can focus on all her other projects. (cause topless catfight get)

Once you sort that out, you head over to the training facility and work on your most glaring weakness from the fight before, defense. Compared to the week before where you were being taught a little bit of everything, this week although demanding was a little easier since you were starting to get a hold on how the flow of things was going.

"Julia, I dont really care one way or the other how you choose to fight. I am pretty sure Ruby, your next opponent would have no problem starting without clothes on either. Unlike Pearl, who was just starting out and had no real strengths, Ruby will present much more of a challenge for you. Personally, I want to see how good you really are, so do not get discouraged if you lose, I might be giving you too much too soon." Yuzo, doesnt seem to care if you have an outfit or not for the time being. He is far more focused on your training and your next opponent.

With that the only thing left to do is get ready for your next match against Ruby. From what Yuzo had said, she will be a far greater challenge than Pearl. is Yuzo talking up Ruby, or is she for real? One way to find out you figure. Though its not something you are going to lose sleep over, you do think about it a bit as you go home for the day. Tomorrow will be your next fight against Ruby.


Hp: 50
SP: 30

striking: atrocious (1)
grappling: pitiful(2)
submissions: atrocious (1)
sexual: awful (3)
defense: pitiful (2) ^up
speed: atrocious (1)
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

So, that trip to the bar to celebrate ended up doing you a favor all told. You have some revolting excuse of a guy hit on you throughout the night and when all was said and done, you end up breaking his arm in an instant when he finally gets a little too forward and put his hands on you. After the sudden shock of the people trying to figure out what had happened, all they remember is that lady who like a flash of lightning broke the man's arm. The bartender saw it all go down and simply suggested you head home for the night, as that guy got what he deserved.

As you simply decided to stay home and rest for the next day, you remember to head over to Michiru's studio and let her know that you would like to forego having a costume made this week.

"Well, I get to focus more on other things that I will be doing, so thanks for letting me know. I was almost ready to stop by your place. I have the patterns all done for the outfit I gave you last so it would simply be a matter of cutting the material. I can do that within a few hours when I have time between other projects.

That seemed to go over well with Michiru, as she seemed to be more relieved about being able to put more time in with her other projects. The few days of training pass by in what felt like an instant. Today is your second fight, and Yuzo pointed out that Ruby was a better fighter than Pearl, though you figure with another week of training that you were better than before as well. As you are walking in, Yuzo is there with a quick run down of your opponent.

Hello Julia. As you know your next opponent is Ruby. She is faster than you and better at striking, though equal in skill in most other ways. You still have an advantage when it comes to trying to make your opponent orgasm, though I do not see being able to use it much in this match. I guess this is where you could prove me wrong. Oh, and Ruby had agreed to fight topless in this match faster than I could finish the sentence to ask her.

With that all settled, now it was time to get in the ring again. You notice that she has shorter hair and unlike your red hair, it was a little darker shade of red with her's. Her features were that of someone who knew their way around a ring. Maybe simple inexperience, or that she wanted to go topless given the option, but you think Ruby is likely to either try to submit you or make you orgasm in the ring. Which is kind of odd given that Yuzo said that Ruby was better than you when it came to striking. You just cant get past thinking that Ruby agreed to this, just so that she can get you undressed faster. The way she seems to stand when she is in the ring, she keeps her head very far forward compared to the rest of her body.

Nevermind all that now, it is time to start the first round.

So, what is the plan for round 1?

A: Swing for the fences even though your striking is not as good as Ruby's
B: Try to force her into submission after removing her panties
C: Just go for a submission and ignore her panties
D: Make her orgasm
E: Fight defensively and hope to tire Ruby out some (+2 on defense, -2 on any damage inflicted both ways)


Hp: 50
SP: 30

striking: atrocious (1)
grappling: pitiful(2)
submissions: pitiful (2) ^up
sexual: awful (3)
defense: pitiful (2)
speed: atrocious (1)
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

She seems eager. I'd say defense first. E
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

Due to cloudflare issues, I am going to leave the vote open for another day. Either that, or until one option gets 5 votes as that seems to be the number to obtain an irreversible majority.

Voting so far:

E - 3 (kas, max, min)
Re: Fighting Legacy CYOA

Thinking the better of just rushing in, you choose to fight this first round defensively. You figure Ruby looks like she is going to rush right in and swing for the fences.

"Hello, Rizzo here, and tonight we have Julia versus Ruby in an exibition match. As the fighters move to the middle of the ring, I cannot help but notice that neither are wearing a costume for this match. Adorned in only their underwear and no bra. Ruby has been known to want to knock people out, and Julia won her first match by making her opponent orgasm. Two fighters who are both trying to rise through the amateur ranks are going to have at it tonight.

The first round starts with Julia evading a few of Ruby's punches. It looks like Julia just wants to survive through this first round. Though that monster shot Ruby just landed on Julia might make that a little difficult. As Julia recoils back she unleashes a desperation punch that connects with Ruby square on the jaw.

Ruby goes down! Out of nowhere that punch seemed to just rock Ruby to her core, sending her to the mat. Possibly out of shock Julia does not follow up and the ref starts the count. Ruby is quickly back up on her feet, and simply waits for the ref to finish the 8 count. Pearl still almost in shock of her handiwork comes back into the middle of the ring, promptly greeted by another bomb by Ruby.

Throughout the rest of the round Julia does her best to keep her guard up, while allowing Ruby to do most of the work in the round. Julia gets tagged here and there by punches from Ruby, but also gets in a few good counterpunches of her own in the process. As the round ends, neither fighter seemed to have any opportunity aside from the knockdown that Julia scored.

I would give the round to Julia based on the knockdown, though Ruby was definitely the more active between them. Ruby does not look phased from that shot that knocked her down, though it will remain to be seen if she has any lasting effects.

Rolls ended up dead even at 83 v 83, though that flash knockdown occured on a 10 v 1 roll. The first one of its kind so far.
So, I hear round 2 is a thing. Maybe while you are sitting in your corner recovering, you could think on what the plan is?

A: Swing for the fences even though your striking is not as good as Ruby's
B: Try to force her into submission after removing her panties
C: Just go for a submission and ignore her panties
D: Make her orgasm
E: Fight defensively and hope to tire Ruby out some more


HP: 50 -33 +13 (30hp) +5
SP: 30 - 9 (21sp) +5
Undies intact

HP: ?? (18 hp dmg taken)
Sp: ?? (17sp dmg taken)
Undies intact
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