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Fight Club - Alpha version

Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

I don't really understand what im suppose to do all I know you cant beat the lady at the beginning then for some un forsaken reason the main character becomes submissive to her...even though she isn't there and now I cant even for some reason beat Sonia I always hit more than she hits me. but when it come to the final I always lose :/

edit:also whats with the stats and making her lose to men? I just want to beat everyones arse not get raped(for change) XD
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

I don't really understand what im suppose to do all I know you cant beat the lady at the beginning then for some un forsaken reason the main character becomes submissive to her...even though she isn't there and now I cant even for some reason beat Sonia I always hit more than she hits me. but when it come to the final I always lose :/

edit:also whats with the stats and making her lose to men? I just want to beat everyones arse not get raped(for change) XD

Get a balanced mix of stats and demand alot of money, buy the drugs & use them and trade hits with Sonia and you'll win
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

sounds kinda hard to do but i'l try
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

There are two surefire ways of beating Sonia:

1) Buy drugs to enchance your stats

2) Hire a detective to find more about Sonia

Sure you can get several different bad ways of losing, but as in the original CYOA/Gamebooks, there are always good paths as well.

On the digital format you also have much more freedom of choice than you would in a real book.

Thanks for all the suggestions and bug reports, a blog for development of the game has been created at

And version 0.067 is on the way ;)
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

Well, i could say version 0.067 is already more than half finish, however i think that unless i make some more content, people who don't play the paths i have been adding material will think that nothing was done ;)

Rest assured, i plan on releasing it tomorrow or so.

EDIT: The new version is now live :)
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Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

cool but I mostly run out of money helping her friend and I don't like cheating (kind of a moral thing XD) so I don't buy the drugs should we lik pick the stat the goes best with the style or is the style like not really important?
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

I would have to check the code again, but your style will give you a bonus to one of the three main stats.

I made a small change and updated the fight to show both your Endurance stat and your Health Stat during the match.

The "fair fight" versus Sonia is meant to be hard :)
That being said, it is possible.


You can win by putting Sonia very low on Health before the end of the 2nd round, very rare to happen unless you manage to counter a combo.

You can also win on the 3rd round if:

one of two options:

1) You either have more current endurance than your opponent and enough health
2) Your Power and Agility combined are very high.

I would say, the easy way to win versus Sonia would be to build a boxer with very high stamina, almost zero power and win by defending.

If you want to be bold, just make a very high action fighter with max power and agility, almost zero stamina, and survive until the 3rd round for a surprise k.o.
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

cool i'll defiantly give this game another go ( went straight power the first three times and got owned lol)
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

At the Flamingo, when the patron asks me to sit on his lap, the game crashes. Is this intentional?
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

It's close to the end of the current content, but no... it shouldn't crash there.

Let me have a look and see if i can reproduce the bug.


Yep, my bad, hotfix incoming.

Should be fixed now.

Thx for the feedback :)
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

New version 0.068 online at the same link.

Expect some content on the main quest and one additional plot at the first gym.

For more information check the blog ;)

Best Regards.
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

Keep on keeping on. I'm enjoying this CYOA quite a lot.
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

I'm loving it so far!

What's the new option after leaving Charlie's gym for? (Leaving a message with your "friend" instead of becoming a bouncer or finding a new gym)
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

The npc hasnt been implemented yet. That call will trigger a meeting in a certain path in the future.

As for the gym path i am glad to say you can expect a slutty option which does not trigger a gameover in the next patch.

As usual feel free to send ideas and suggestions my way ;)
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

Hey guys, new version available with 3 paths extended!

Thanks alot :D
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

Does said path include the slutty gym path? :D
Re: Fight Club - Alpha version

The Gym path and the Bouncer path have been extended in very interesting ways. Not sure what the third one is; it's not the Flamingo or Twin Roses, and I have yet to remember what choices cause that mystery dude to appear right after the Sonia fight.