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Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Re: Fantasy RP

Well shit i did. *Doublepost for fixing sheetness*

I've come up with a way to make my character work, one minute while I build a sheet (will edit it into this post)

Name: Slith'rim Gurashk
Race: Lizardfolk
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Description: Slith'rim has dark green scales covering most of his body, with the exception of his cream-colored belly region. He stands average lizardfolk height, which is to say roughly a foot taller than your average man.
Personality: Slith'rim doesn't like to talk much, but he does like to hit things. Slith'rim isn't stupid, but it's difficult to understand what he means - his Common isn't as good as it could be. He's not mean, but he can come across as a bit rough.
Background: Slith'rim grew up in a remote jungle village, but left his homeland in order to fight and bring honor to the clan Gurashk, as many of the young males of his tribe did.
I'm going to have him live in a village on the island if that's alright with you. One of the Parties will find him and hire him since he isn't getting sick.

I'm going to nix the stats i don't really have a base for them to be used so that will end up as a problem since i have nothing to compare to. I'll probably use the same dice rolls for them and then come up with a guide to how that works for you and our other non magic users. But that will probably get done tomorrow.

Edit: I's bored so whee. (this can also apply for endurance so, Roll time, same rolling thing i did for the magic, so 1-4 low 5-7 medium 8-12 strong)
# 1 Below Normal: cannot lift one's own body weight (Gets tired after a 1/2 mile run or equivalent)
# 2 Normal: able to lift one's own body weight (Gets tired after a 3 mile run or equivalent)
# 3 Athlete: able to lift one's own body weight up to double one's own body weight (Gets tired after a 7 mile run or equivalent)

so for you:
Strength: I rolled a 10 so that's athlete
Endurance: and here i rolled a 6 so that's normal. Congrats. No I'm off to PM my other non magic users.
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Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

another post here to clear things up.

Normal human in the real world =/= normal human in the RP. The average human/elf whatever is not very strong because they have magic. Who needs big muscles or whatever when they have magic to do these things for them right?

So you lycans and other non magic users are strong compared to the humans of my world, but not so much i guess by the average standards of the real world.

Sorry. I can't have you able to rip trees from the ground and use it like a club.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

A quick question, and one suggestion. Since my telekinesis is based on the strength of the user, how much can I lift. Just looking for a general guideline really, I forgot to ask before. For the suggestion maybe move all the character sheets to one thread by themselves so we don't have to comb through the OOC to find them.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Alright, I'll make a character sheet thread and start getting peeps moved over, and you're a centaur? Hrm. I would have to say half your body weight.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Okay, thank's muchly.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Here goes mine, sorry for the wait.

Lyanne Meridres
Age: 20
Race: Lycan (Cat)
Lyanne is a short (4'11"), pitite girl, looking to be several years younger than her actual age, dispite her lycanthropy. Her dirty blond hair is kept short, and adds to her young look. She is rarly seen without her red bell choker.
Lyanne typically wears red or gold coloured clothing around the school, switching to simple, undyed smock that is easy to remove when traveling.
When transformed she resembles a large cat with sandy orange fur.

Lyanne is usually pretty stand-offish around other races when in a good mood and downright abusive at her worst. She has a sharp tongue and a general dislike of most "form-locks", as she calls those who cannot transform. Those spared her acid wit are the cattaurs, whom she feels some pity for, and elves and dark elves, who she is indiferent towards. When she is in the company of other Lycans, Lyanne becomes much more sociable.
When Lyanne wants to make her dislike of other races more obvious, she'll resort to more specific insults than just "form-lock".
Lyanne hates the term "Were" and will attack (usually verbally) anyone who uses it near her.

Lyanne's hometown had always had a strong tradition for producing lycans, and all children who carried the gene were 'infected' in a special coming of age ceremony. As granddaughter to the town's most revered elder, Lyanne grew up with a strong pride in her lycanthropy which developed into a strong dislike for those who could not transform as she could. Her older brother had traveled as a bodyguard and worked hard to lessen her attitude towards the other races. Eventually, her family decided to send her to a school among the 'form-locks' in an attempt to force her to come to at least acceptance with the other races.
After floundering for a year, and nearly being expelled for picking fights, Lyanne showed a sudden interest in thaumatugical studies. Despite being unable to use magic herself, Lyanne has stated that she wants to become an 'unbiased scholar of the magical arts'. In truth, she seeks as much knowledge of magic as possible in the hopes of somehow giving lycan's the ability to use magic, and/or keeping the disease from shortening their lifespans.

Agility: 5
Endurance: 5
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Made Gaia Avis of my characters.


Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Alrighty I am posting this on Chibi's behalf.

Currently I am trying to help her out with accurately setting up party formations as the plan, so I am to understand, is to split into two groups of six each eventually. At this time we are compiling characters together based on sheets and all to get a balanced team for each grouping. Hopefully this won't take much longer, and I am supposed to go over it with her again tonight.

We thank you for your patience.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Sounds great, thanks for the update, no hurries and no worries.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Name: Cally Ashford
Race: Selkie
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Description: Her selkie form is a Fur seal, and in human for she is 6feet tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a very lush figure.
Personality: She has a bipolar personality, she'llswing from one extreme to the next with no warning
Background: She voluntarily gave up her skin to go and take lessons at Southern Sanctum, and to follow a special someone that took her invitations the wrong way.
Magical abilities:
Transmutation: Medium
Telepathy: Strong

She has strong wind and water magic, and weak lightning magic.

There, now we have twelve people :D
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

#1 Cally, Servante, Calcius, Corvus, Vance, Slith'rim (later)
#2 Orma, Richard, Saul, Misha, Maithgen, Kua.

And the team leaders are not based on favoritism, but who has show the most level headedness so far, and Saul because he's an older individual and a teacher. If anyone has a problem with these arrangements take it up with me, and we'll discuss.

Team 1 Leader: Corvus.
Team 2 Leader: Saul.

so this is how things will go after the explanation of the disease. The secretary, while listening to the man in charge, will make the arrangements.
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Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

I agree with Hope no need to worry about hurrying, but the updates appreciated.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

New person in, since Chibi's allowed it.

Name: Richard Kethren
Age: 22
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Description: Fully covered in dark gray clothes,(Think storm clouds.) and a steel-gray faceplate with dark bluish lenses.
Personality: Normally quiet and contemplative, with random outbursts of unusual behavior.
Background: Richard comes from a family with a history of skilled magic-users, typically in the field of ice magic. While he has shown signs of maintaining that tradition, ever since being horrifically burned, and scarred, in an accidental fire, he's also shown extreme skill in handling fire. He's also been known to act a little erratically since then. Also, since the fire, he's developed the habit of using his Illusion skills to allow people to "hear" his voice, since his vocal cords are damaged such that his normal speaking voice is barely even a whisper.

Magical Abilities:
Nature Magic - Almost total mastery of fire. Rather skilled with ice, as well.

Transmutation - Medium. Often used to change water to vodka.
Illusion - Strong. Used as noted above, and often used to provide music during his outbursts of randomness.

NOTE: For those who read LFG, my character is, in fact, heavily inspired by that comic's Richard. So DON'T call him "Dick" unless you want a close call with a fireball.
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Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Room for one more? If so, consider this a placehoolder while I flush out the character with chibi. Chibi, I'll PM you with the rough draft once I get home, about five or six hours from now, plus writing time ((EDIT: here she is))

Name: Jessica Kender
Age: 20
Race: Halfling
Gender: Female

Description: Barely over three feet tall, Jessica is slender for a Halfling, with short brown hair and light brown eyes. She is almost always seen playing with knives, which she seems to have an endless supply of, either twiddling them in between her fingers or juggling three or four at a time. She wears motley clothes, preferring earthy colours and absolutely hates anything that impede her range of motion, such as dresses and the like. The only constant about her wardrobe are a pair of fingerless mesh gloves, which are always in immaculate condition and which she is never seen without. Her hands are covered with little scars from her constant knifeplay, and there is a single scar horizontally across the bridge of her nose, marring her otherwise delicate facial features.

Personality: Jess (as she prefers to be called, its her own little inside joke, short for jester) is the class clown for the entire school, only she seems to be the only one that enjoys her jokes. Nobody is safe, students or faculty, and almost every wood surface in the school has at least a couple marks to show as well. Her favourite prank is to throw a knife so it sinks into the ground right in front of a person's foot, tripping them up when they walk. She had a lot of trouble doing this with the races that don't have feet, until she figured out to aim a bit higher so they stroll into it with their face. To date, nobody has ever been hit directly for her, though all believe it's just a matter of time. The only time anyone breathes easy is when she's off on one of her romps into the surrounding countryside, every two days or so.

Background: Jessica has always been an unorthodox prankster, never truly causing harm but coming close many times. Those in her hometown got sick of it and kicked her out pretty much as soon as she was old enough to live on her own. She wandered her way through the wilderness, becoming a fair survivalist, and finally found her way to the coast, where she hopped a ride to the neutral continent and enrolled in the school. She's been there almost twice as long as it usually takes to graduate, between her constantly skipped classes, complete disregard for homework, and constant pranking of the faculty. She does seem to like Saul though, only calling him by 'mum' and bringing him back some wild game whenever she heads out, though she still has no idea whether or not he appreciates it, as she usually walks off before he can say anything.

Magical Abilities:Jessica is a reservoir, And has no magical abilities of her own. Her mesh gloves, however, have been enchanted to use her power to conjure her knives, though she is very careful to hide this, making them appear to come from under her sleeve, underneath her shirt, etc... It isn't enough however, and so she is periodically drained by the teachers about once a week (which is part of why she has been at the school so long, she doesn't want to leave).
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Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

Alright boys and girls, this is your pilot speaking, we have delayed take off due to a number of problems and we are officially on a Hiatus until next Sunday Evening to see if Oni gets back. If he does not, we are going to start a NEW Sanctum thread and restart the RP with those of us that are here on a regular basis, because I really hate leaving people behind. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please enjoy the in flight movie and some of those tiny sodas.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

I wouldn't wait for me either. To be honest I've lost all interest in roleplaying as of late, and may not be around much anyways.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

I wouldn't wait for me either. To be honest I've lost all interest in roleplaying as of late, and may not be around much anyways.

Alright, so unless Oni comes back there will be a scrapping of the first sanctum thread and a restart. Thanks for the heads up
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

I may still play, I'll just wait have to see how I feel when we start back up.
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

I'd be more than raring to go. As a matter of fact, I'm saddened I didn't sign up for more rp's
Re: Fantasy RP, sign up and OOC

im all set, and im thinking of starting my own RP as well, if i can get enough of a story going. I find myself short just one that i've been itching to play, so i guess i'll have to do it myself, if i have the ambition for it