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Fantasy of Mana

Re: Android 070

My city combines the price of the London Underground with the efficiency of the Paris Metro (neither of those are good) when it comes to public transport.

I haven't been driving since I crashed into a noob driver who slammed on her breaks the instant a light went orange and completely caught me off guard.

So unfortunately I'm Cleesing it a lot these days.

kudos on the picture :D
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Re: Android 070

I don't think it's dead... Just resting. Remember, everyone has given it a seal of approval. Just be patient.
Re: Android 070

Dead thread may yet rise from the grave to terrorise your subscription list.
Re: Android 070

Zombie threads? We're screwed...
Re: Android 070

It's not dead.....

Let's say....18%. I'm moving a little slow nowadays, but I'll speed up.
Re: Android 070

I knew my faith in the reptilian messiah and the floating question marks was not misplaced!
Re: Android 070

I knew my faith in the reptilian messiah and the floating question marks was not misplaced!

"Don't believe in yourself, but believe in me who believes in you!" or something along those lines...

Just remember, floating question marks, you need to keep us posted somehow. If you make a new monster when you hit... 20% or something like that, it would be appreciated if you at least took a screenshot of you making it so we can all go "hey, that looks neat!" and our faith shall not be deterred... Besides, Bluemonday already has enough problems... Cleesing it to work isn't fun, especially when you don't have work anymore... His life may depend on your ability to flash! ... Wait... I was suppose to say that to a hooker... [checks his reference cards again]... Where am I?
Re: Android 070

"Don't believe in yourself, but believe in me who believes in you!" or something along those lines...

Just remember, floating question marks, you need to keep us posted somehow. If you make a new monster when you hit... 20% or something like that, it would be appreciated if you at least took a screenshot of you making it so we can all go "hey, that looks neat!" and our faith shall not be deterred... Besides, Bluemonday already has enough problems... Cleesing it to work isn't fun, especially when you don't have work anymore... His life may depend on your ability to flash! ... Wait... I was suppose to say that to a hooker... [checks his reference cards again]... Where am I?

no! that builds hype and makes people really impatient and just more hungry for more progress, its like giving change to a homeless person, they forget instantly and just expect more...
Re: Android 070

I know I'm new to the site, but I gotta say, my money's on it being great. I say that for 2 reasons. 1: The question marks have neither vanished nor posted every day about getting another picture a quarter of the way done. 2: the money I have TO put on it equals 4 dollars. Looking forward to the game, mate, I love seeing everyday guys-and punctuation marks-succeed!
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for changing the title....the scope....... and general idea of the game. I kinda got sidetracked, but please don't hate me...

The good news is that I may have something playable before the week is up.

The file contains a small preview, however don't go thinking that's all I've gotten done in this direction.


  • Anim Preview.zip
    78.8 KB · Views: 0
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Okay, I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for changing the title....the scope....... and general idea of the game. I kinda got sidetracked, but please don't hate me...

The good news is that I may have something playable before the week is up.

The file contains a small preview, however don't go thinking that's all I've gotten done in this direction.

This certainly is quite a change from the initial design.

However, I support it 100...no, 1000%. That's ten times my total support. Yeah. Your inspiration willing, take this project and run with it. As in, do your best. Please do not abscond with it.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Wow... I agree wholeheartedly. Run like The Flash Gordon with this project.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Supporting it just as much as I was before. Eagerly awaiting news of progression.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

I'm just glad to see this hasn't died. Too many times have I seen potential wasted due to a lack of motivation.

It looks good, and you have my support in the creation.
Re: Fantasy of Mana

:D Yay its alive its alive, and doesn't look half bad. Keep it up!
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Based on the thread's name being changed, I'm guessing this game is going to have something to do with the Mana/Seiken Densetsu series?
Re: Fantasy of Mana

Based on the thread's name being changed, I'm guessing this game is going to have something to do with the Mana/Seiken Densetsu series?

The most recent anim preview show Riesz from Mana, so yes.

.- . though I find her leg to body proportion slightly weird.