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May 9, 2009
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I thought that it wouldn't hurt to have a topic for discussion/recommendations of fanfiction. Whatever you enjoy or hate, I'd just ask that you warn us if it's young-Riku/Mickey vore-fic or anything like that.

I'll start by mentioning a few that I enjoy, but feel free to use this topic however you wish. It won't say no, just like guys in fanfiction!
- is a novelization of Half-Life 2, currently up to level 7 (Highway 17). The writing gets a bit boring/repetitive at spots, but I'd blame that on HL2 not having much happening at times.

- are a set of tiny stories that could sort of fit in gaps in Half-Life 2 and the Episodes. They just add a bit of depth and texture to the HL2 world.

- , paraphrasing the author, is a hypothetical Firefly season two, set after the film Serenity. I'll say that it does feel quite like the original Firefly, with the caveats that it riffs on some of Firefly's episode plots a bit too much and that it
ret-cons the deaths of Book and Wash.
- , set in the Harry Potter universe, obviously, revolves around a magically binding dare to play the Gryffindor/Slytherin Quidditch game with the Gryffindore team nude. The story is notable to me both because it can be quite funny, and because it's written completely as a series of 'm-mails', magic-based e-mails. This is probably the only one I should warn anyone about, having both nudity and Harry/Ginny relationship content.

- ridicules and satires common trends in the Kingdom Hearts fandom. The story follows Vexen, Xaldin, and Lexaeus as they attempt to restore their fellow Organization members and prevent evil from taking over the universe. A bit of a weak plot, but among the funniest stories that I've ever read, and breaks the fourth wall well.

I'll have to think about what fics I could mention that would be more in-line with this forum's theme.
Re: Fanfiction

This is a great thread idea. Unfortunately my fave fics are not something most people here would enjoy :p

Though i think i can find something semi normal somewhere, lols. I'll edit this post after i look through my stuff.

x.x I found nothing that had a pairing people would like, so, i went without one lawls

---AU. Harry Potter disappeared! While the Wizarding world sink into war, Harry is thrown in a whole new world and left to fend for himself. He will have to prove himself worthy of bonding to the long thought dead Magical Dragons and becoming a Dragonmaster.

Severitus challages ftw! Basically there was a challenge issued a while back to make a Severus is Harry's father story, these are my faves: (Note, I'm not very picky except for the fact that everything i read is 100k words or more)

so I'm a harry potter fan... so sue me. xD
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Re: Fanfiction

I believe I’ve already mentioned the Pokegirl story ‘...where none have gone before’. I’ve only got ‘Wild horses and Pokegirls’ to add to that, but a lot of the Pokegirl fiction tends to be good. (And, of course, a lot of it isn’t…)
Re: Fanfiction

I'm enjoying the hell out of the firefly story. The author has done a marvelous job.
Re: Fanfiction

Yeah, I'd add my favorites but I'm not sure if some of them are around any more. I'll have to check my one site. It's about the only one that's got a nice, normal m/f pairing. As you can guess from my own writing, I mostly read yaoi and since I get the feeling that'd not go over well (despite being well written and/or funny in my opinion) I'll just say that I'll share if asked to.

*goes to site* *tries fanlinks* *gets trojan fixed warning from mcaffee* Yeah, I'll have to look elsewhere and see if I can't find that story again. And *sighs* *deletes site from faves* Shame too. Was a really nice story.
Re: Fanfiction

Same problem here Copper. All of my fave HP pairings are ones people here would find disturbing :p
Re: Fanfiction

What are you talking about, it's impossible to disturb me. Of course I'm even stranger than most people here. Which is quite an accomplishment now that I think about it.
Re: Fanfiction

If it's something that you enjoy, I say go ahead and post it. Just maybe mention what you think we'd dislike. And on that note, I forgot that the Firefly story, Forward, has River kissing a girl in one of the chapters. So yeah, if you don't like that sort of thing, don't read it.

Maybe I'll go first, and dig up some of the weird Kingdom Hearts fics that I've seen. Sora/Riku/Kairi with tentacles, for example. Or lion formed Sora/Kairi.
Re: Fanfiction

If you insist... ^^;;

Have i mentioned i like Harry Potter fanfiction most of all? >.>;;

ah, another Severitus first:

Harry Potter:
Exactly what the pairing dictates, some of these are completed, some are not, and maybe on Hiatus.

<-- A very heavy story revolving around cancer and character death. The Author's note at the end of this will have you crying.


<--Sequel to the one above, also, lotsa mPreg
<-- Female Harry! He gets turned into a girl
<--- Only because it's in different parts, though each part is so far less than 100k words.


Albus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy

Gundam Wing

<-- MPreg

And i think that's it. If i run across anymore I'll post them up xD
Re: Fanfiction

Nuff' said.
Re: Fanfiction

You can't do that without linking the videos.

That last one is a bit modified from the fic, I believe.
Re: Fanfiction

Like Chibi said, you're warned, then, and most of the stories have their own disclaimers at the top, so you know more detail about what you're getting into. Still wish I could find that Seifer x Quistus one. It was really sweet.

- Cid x Reno. I dunno why I like this one. I just do. I think it's more the imagery.

- It's an implied Reno and Rufus. There really isn't any "naughty bits" described, more implied and mentioned in passing. I like it cuz it goes more into the character's character.

- This one's art. I like it because I actually have a gal friend that I think Reno looks like in this picture including the not so large chest but minus the bit at the waist *laughs* (it's very PG, too, nothing pervy outside the happy trail.)

The site, Destiny Interrupted, has some other stories and art on it, too. Haven't really poked around, but they have a good variety. All listed on the side there, if you follow the links.

- A smutty m/m/m/m fun story about an interesting game of Truth or Dare staring the boys of FF8

- I *love* this story. Again, it's all four FF8 boys. What I think I like best is the relationship dynamics more than the sex *laughs* My favorite bit comes near the end with Irvine and Seifer.

A Cowboy's Fantasy
(Irvine x Zell)
(Irvine x Seifer)
(Irvine x Squall)

I think it's just Irvine's accent that I like so much with this story. Kinda pwp, but I like it.

- This one's post-FF8 and also flashback in game. Has Seifer x Squall and Irvine x Squall but I like it more for the character relationships and the different views of game events.

- This one puts the FF8 crew in the real world (Florida). Reading it, I almost can't help but thinking the author's actually talking about something that really happened in their life. It's a very touching story actually and I like it up to the last section where the author feels the need to sum things up in a nice tidy package and assert herself into the story. If it was a fanficing over of real life events, up to and including the end, okay, but if not, the last part seems too...*shrugs* I dunno. It's not Mary Sue-ish, but as I've gotten older, I dislike OC's in fanfics.

- Part one, with links following to the other 19 chapters (they're short). Given that I just spent an hour and a half reading this, I thought it worth sharing. Main pair is Zell x Squall, doesn't get really hot and heavy until Chapter 9 and has the exploration of character relationships that I like a lot, including some Seifer x Quistis.
Re: Fanfiction

I've mentioned this one before, but it IS my favorite:

-- Ranma 1/2 fanfic, IT'S GOOD. Basically, the author puts another girl into Ranma's life, but this time she's NOT CRAZY PSYCHO; naturally Ranma falls for her. With a new girl in the picture and Ranma's inability to tell other people important things, shit hits the fan and things get serious - this isn't Takahashi's Ranma anymore by the end.
Re: Fanfiction

Gentlemen, I must resurrect this thread and present you with a new fanfic series, for to not do so would be a travesty. Currently I've only read most of the original stories, (which make up likely less than 10% of the total fiction, and 2% of the different authors,) but the quality of what I have read cannot be denied. Or perhaps that’s just how I see it. Anyway, I present to you the Protectors of the Plot Continuum!

The basic premise? An organization designed to enter bad (, BAD) fanfic and remove the characters warping the plot, i.e., the Mary Sues. Anyone with an ability to laugh at bad writing errors has the ability to appreciate these stories. Assuming they haven't written any of the stuff getting bashed, of course...
Re: Fanfiction

Looks good :3

The Author of Chimera has a sequel to it.

The Author is phenomenal. If you like this sort of thing. She does vast amounts of research to make sure she's getting the details right :3 This is all I've been reading on for the past few months actually. Her stories come in three parts and are all very very long.
Re: Fanfiction

I've actually been convinced to write an ending for the Rogue in Diablo. I've had some interesting ideas for it.
Re: Fanfiction

There was this series. It was called The Misadventures of Selphie Tilmitt.
I fucking loved it. I've never seen Ifrit decimating somebody's ass written so well.

Re: Fanfiction

How can there be so much fanfiction posted of my favourite 1 player game of all time (FF8), and all of it yaoi? ;_;

You people are mean.

I believe I’ve already mentioned the Pokegirl story ‘...where none have gone before’. I’ve only got ‘Wild horses and Pokegirls’ to add to that, but a lot of the Pokegirl fiction tends to be good. (And, of course, a lot of it isn’t…)

I can't find either of these. Google is failing me!
Re: Fanfiction

How can there be so much fanfiction posted of my favourite 1 player game of all time (FF8), and all of it yaoi? ;_;

You people are mean.

I can't find either of these. Google is failing me!

Actually, tMoST, if you couldnt tell, all of the sex involved Selphie. So it was Selphie's ass that Ifrit was decimating.

Also! Found it again, but... Won't load. Dx
Re: Fanfiction

I believe I’ve already mentioned the Pokegirl story ‘...where none have gone before’. I’ve only got ‘Wild horses and Pokegirls’ to add to that, but a lot of the Pokegirl fiction tends to be good. (And, of course, a lot of it isn’t…)
One of the main sites was down for a while but is up again.
