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Family Ties (BurningGold)

Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

Running around the corner, Iris is brought to a halt as she sees the strange creature pulling Luna toward it. It looks like some bizarre cross between a plant and a woman, with vine-like tentacles waving around it and green leafy skin, as well as a vaguely humanoid shape and two strange bulbs with little red caps that look like nipples hanging from where its breasts should be. Its head, or what Iris believes to be its head, is a mix between a flower and a bulb, a thick looking core just barely visible beneath the surrounding leaves, which turn red as they near their tips. Two golden orbs on mobile stalks jut out from either side of the creatures head, possibly the strange monsters eyes or possibly something else entirely. It stands on a pair of thin legs that, aside from being made of the same strange leafy material as the rest of the creature, are exactly like those of a human.

Iris snaps out of her examination of the creature as emerald bumps into her as she follows her around the corner. The creatures tentacles are slowly dragging a struggling Luna toward it, and the plant monster seems to have just noticed Iris and Emerald as it turns its head to regard them. Suddenly, it speaks, in an odd hollow voice that sounds like that of a woman, but with a much higher bass; "Who are you? And what do you want?"
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

The creature had Iris blinking in confusion as to what this thing was. A plant demon? What exactly was this thing? Did it even have a gender? These questions and the girls examination quickly came to a halt the moment Emerald bumped into her. When the fey broke her train of thought she was about to rush in and try to save Luna, but then the plant thing spoke to her. When it asked who she was and what she wanted Iris responded; " I'm that girls sister, I want her back!" Iris said, obviously frustrated. She didn't know what this thing was, nor how strong it was, but maybe it could be reasoned with. Which could be a good thing, considering how powerful it might be.

" What... Who are you? Can you please let her go? " Iris asked as she gripped her sword's hilt tightly, staring at the odd creature. " Maybe there's something else you'd rather have? " She questioned, as if trying to bargain with the thing.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33

The plant creature cocks its head as Iris speaks, apparently listening to what she had to say. It even lets Luna go, and the girl immediately retreats back over to stand beside Iris, seemingly a little shaken but otherwise alright. "Sister?" The creature says, apparently confused as to the meaning of the word.

It seems to notice Emerald, and suddenly growls. The creature emits a keening wail and immediately turns away. It sets into a run, its tentacles waving in the air as it flees down the street and away from the trio. Luna is the first to speak as the creature runs, apparently not very interested in following it; "What in the hell was that thing? And why is it running away?"
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

It wasn't exactly surprising that the plant woman didn't understand the meaning of the word "sister". Iris was about to give it her own definition of the word, however before she could the thing started making whaling sounds and fled. The sounds made her shudder and take a step backwards.

Iris looked to Luna when she asked about what that thing was and why it was running. She had no idea what it was, but had an idea of why it was running. The girl had noticed it had begun to flee after it saw Emerald. Perhaps it was afraid of fey. " Maybe it's afraid of Emerald. " she said plainly. Her look suddenly shifts to an upset one, her blue orbs looking at the girls. Iris suddenly reached in and tried to grab Luna, gently but firmly. If successful she'd say " Please, don't ever do that again! " referring to how she had sneaked over and gotten caught.

( Iris attempts to grapple Luna )
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled

Luna is caught by surprise by Iris suddenly grabbing onto her, and doesn't resist the hold regardless. "Hey, at least I didn't end up naked like you have every time we run into something. That thing must have been watching the street, it probably knew we were coming. The second I popped my head around the corner, it was reaching for me. Usually, they never see me coming, you know that better than anyone." Luna replies, her dark brown orbs meeting Iris bright blue ones.

Emerald breaks the tension by saying; "I think it would be best if we followed it. The creature seemed to recognize me, it might know where more of my people are."
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris's face seemed to flush pink from Luna's comment. The fact that she kept ending up naked was more then less embarrassing. She looked away from the girl after that, then loosened her hold on her. When Emerald spoke up Iris shifted her attention onto her; " Your people? Are there other fey who are imprisoned here or something? " Iris asked. If that was the case, and that plant this could lead them to said fey, she'd consider going after it. The plant woman kind of intimidated Iris, she didn't want to follow it without a good reason.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Grappled

"I don't know, it's possible. Many Fey of many different kinds have come to this place to fight the demons. It's possible that it knows where some of my people are, or has some of them captive. It it even possible that it is an ally to my people, a magical construct perhaps." Emerald replies, looking at Iris.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

" Well, I suppose we can follow it. It seems reasonable, to some degree, so I guess we wouldn't be at too much of a risk for an attack. " She replied. " Hey, maybe it might know some things that man wants to know. " Iris suddenly said when realizing that. Letting go or Luna Iris turned to the direction the plant woman went in and, without and word, began to follow, expecting the other two to be right behind her.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Horny

The other two women followed along as Iris started after the plant thing. It was still in sight, far down the road, and seemed to be heading toward some kind of clearing up ahead. The buildings up ahead seemed to thin out, and they could see trees up ahead, suggesting that this was some kind of inner city park. Most of the trees looked normal, but one of them was taller than the others, with leaves that had turned dark red.

Perception: Success.
To-hit: 10 + 30 = 40 vs 38 == Hit.
Mind Check: 6 + 10 + 3 = 19 vs 18 + 30 = 48 == Enemy wins.

Suddenly, Iris spots movement out of the corner of her eye, something colorful coming at her from around the corner. She turns toward it, ready to intercept an attack, only to find a large orange flower, about the size of a dinner plate, in her face. It seems to pause for a moment, before spraying a strange golden powder into her face just as Iris inhales. As Iris breathes in the strange powder, she immediately becomes uncontrollably aroused. Her nipples stiffen to points, her nether-lips become enflamed, he clit hardens and rubs against her panties, and her flower instantly starts gushing.

Luna and Emerald are clearly unaware of Iris sudden state, however, as Luna says; "What the hell? Are you alright Iris? Get away from her! Stupid plant things."
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

( I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been interested in seeing this happen. )

Iris starts coughing once she inhales the golden powder, stepping back and away from the flower in a futile attempt to escape it. Once she stops coughing though her mind is quickly put in a haze of lust, her face already flustered and her lungs taking in deep breaths of air. Her eyes are already glazed over in desire and her body shows signs of how horny she is. The white haired girl was about to strip and walk toward the plant that had done this to her, however she turned and looked away from it and at whoever had just said her name. Her eyes quickly fixed on the girl, who she didn't even recognized because of her state of mind, and her legs started moving, then she sprinted.

Iris would attempt to not only grab the person but force them on the ground. If successful she'd bring her into a lustful, wet kiss and start try to fondle her.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Horny, Grappling

Luna doesn't even try to react as Iris rushes toward her, not understanding Iris state of mind. So, when Iris tackles her, Luna is caught completely flat footed, and Iris bears her friend to the ground with relative ease. All she gets out is a startled grunt before Iris forces their lips together, and begins fondling Lunas small breasts beneath her armor, the young woman not responding, but not aggressively forcing Iris off yet either.

Emerald, seeing Iris attacking Luna, shouts; "Iris! Snap out of it! Damned plants...." Before turning away to try and deal with the source of the sudden attack. The flowers vines doesn't seem to stretch far enough for it to reach either Luna or Emerald, and it goes back around the corner that it had ambushed Iris from.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris continued to hold her lips against the person's own lips passionately, before suddenly pushing her tongue in and exploring the depths of the mouth. She continued folding the small breasts gently, but quickly moved on from doing that. She heard a voice as she did all this, a familiar one, but ignored it as she proceeded to try and rip the clothing off of the girl and herself. She was far too out of it to comprehend what Emerald had shouted at her and was far too focused on satisfying this new burning lust. Even if it meant raping Luna in the process...
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Horny, Grappling

Grapple: 2 + 48 + 3 - 8 = 45 vs 17 + 24 = 41 == Iris wins.

Despite her own distraction and Lunas immediate resistance, Iris manages to disrobe her in short order. Starting with her shirt, which Iris easily pulls over Lunas head, and then her pants, which Iris yanks off, Lun swiftly finds herself completely naked. As she pulls back to remove her own clothes, however, Iris watches as Lunas dark armor wraps around her, hiding her nudity and encasing her fully in the armors strange black substance. Her friend, now seemingly clothed once more, but not in the hard, spiny, shadowy armor, shouts; "What the hell are you doing Iris?"

Mind vs Body: 12 + 30 = 42 vs 13 + 30 = 43 == Enemy wins.

Meanwhile, Emerald follows the flower around the corner, only to be confronted by a blast of the flowers pollen. Despite her strong mind and Fey heritage, Emerald too falls victims to the plants toxin, her weapon falling to the ground as her mind is overwhelmed with lust. It seems that Luna is the only one with her mind intact at the moment.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris started to drool slightly once she had disrobed Luna, her heart pounding as she got closer to getting the relief her body was screaming for. The excitement was short live however. It came to an abrupt end once Luna wrapped herself in the mysterious shadow armor. The white haired girl lets a cry of frustration out as she starts trying to rip it off, getting more and more frustrated as the seconds went on. If she found she couldn't get Luna naked once more she would swiftly break into tears and say the following, " I'm going crazy! Please please please...." she'd continuously repeat, practically sounding mad.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Horny

Grapple: 10 + 48 + 3 = 61 vs 11 + 24 + 30 = 65 == Luna wins.
Grapple: 2 + 48 + 3 = 53 vs 15 + 24 + 30 = 79 == Luna wins.

Iris hears Luna sigh as she bursts into tears, her attempts to remove or shift the dark armor proving futile as Luna grabs her wrists and pushes her hands away. Iris would have been surprised by how strong Luna was had she been more lucid, the dark armor giving her increased power in her muscles. The black armored girl pushes Iris away, eventually wrestling her off entirely and pushing her aside, regaining her feet. "I'm sorry that I have to do this to you. This hurts me more than it hurts you, Iris;" She says, her voice unusually cold, though Iris doesn't take note of that through her haze of lust.

Meanwhile, a primal scream of lust echoes from around the corner where Emerald had gone. She had apparently found the plant.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

As she was thrown off by the girl Iris's fists suddenly ball up, pulling her white hair as she whimpered in torturous frustration. Her lustful mind doesn't think to run off and find someone, or rather something, else to satisfy her. No, she was set on Luna and would not give up. Looking at the girl in blank armor she slowly gets back up, her clearly lost blue eyes looking at her as she suddenly speaks. " Why won't you help me!? " She suddenly cry's out, clearly upset and crazy.

Iris suddenly springs right at Luna like a crazed jackal. Her arms go for her waist and quickly wrap around them as she puts her strength and weight into slamming her to the ground. If successful in bringing the girl down she would begin tearing at the armor, slamming her fists against it and trying to break it like a monkey slamming a rock against a coconut.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 46, P = 33, EP = 33, Horny, Grappled

To-hit: 6 + 48 + 3 = 57 vs 31 + 30 = 61 == Miss.
To-hit: 9 + 40 = 49 vs 38 = Hit.

Iris slams into Luna, but girl, covered in her dark armor, pushes Iris away with little effort. Then, as she tries to pull herself back, Iris suddenly finds herself unable to move! Looking down at her legs, she sees that the stones that make up the road seem to have taken on a liquid form, and are running up her legs, locking her in place. A golem, formed from the stones that make up the road and the earth beneath, rises in front of her, part of it still locked around her legs.

Meanwhile, a passionate scream reaches from around the corner where Emerald had disappeared, suggesting that the Fey woman had reached her climax. Her moans continue unabated seconds later, along with numerous wet squishy sounds, and it wasn't difficult to guess what exactly was going on at the moment.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Letting a fearful scream out from what was happening Iris begins struggling like a mad woman in an attempt to escape. If successful she'd give up on Luna and simply run away in search of something to satisfy her.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris Status: HP = 9/46, P = 33, EP = 33, Horny, Grappled

Grapple: 12 + 48 + 3 = 63 vs 20 + 52 = 72 == Enemy wins.
Grapple: 13 + 52 = 65 vs 17 + 48 + 3 = 68 == Iris wins.

Despite her struggles, Iris is unable to free herself from the golems hold, the animated stone proving too strong and too swift for her to free herself. The golem tries to secure its hold on her, stone and dirt wrapping around Iris nude form, but she manages to wriggle out of it, ending up a little higher, with the golems arms wrapped around her waist, rather than her midsection, while her legs flailed against the moving earth beneath her.

To-hit: Automatic hit.
Damage: 1 + 6 + 30 = 37 damage.

Luna, meanwhile, cocks back one armored fist, and then hammers it right into Iris gut. The blow very nearly knocks her out completely, though Iris just barely manages to hold onto consciousness. Despite the pain in her belly from the blow, Iris mind is still completely possessed by animalistic lust, her need for release no less intense now than it had been before Luna had punched her in the gut.
Re: Family Ties (BurningGold)

Iris continued her mad struggle to escape the golems grasp, the burning animalistic lust within her driving her insane. Her crazed struggles quickly cease though as she makes a pained grunting sound when she felt Luna punch her. Iris was left gasping for air like she has a breathing condition like asthma. When she can finally breath again she is left in tears, the horrible pain in her stomach and burning desire of her still dripping pussy just too much. She could hardly move any move, much less now resist the rocky golems hold. Her blue eyes look at her friends once more, seeming desperate and frightened, much like a rabbits.

" Luna... Sister... P-Please don't hit me again! " She suddenly pleas, " I-I just wanted to have sex with you... I'm sorry! Ill leave you alone so please let me go so I can find someone who will fuck me! I can't take this any more! " If Luna looked at Iris's body she would she just how soaked Iris's armor was in the crotch area. The white haired girls thighs seemed to be grinding together in a futile attempt to help with her new desire.