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[WIP - Full] Fallen Princess Lucia Story ( dropped/abandoned )

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I am on the lead up to the war and yet I cannot figure out how to access the EX quest. Talked to the little sister and the purple haired girl but no new quest appeared. Also I see people talk about saving the king but he isn't in the demon castle when I completed the game. Am very confused

EX quest is only available near the end of the game, after the following, which is spoiler-y:
You need to get to the point where Lucia can gain levels to recover from Loki's curse. You need to lose to Loki the first time in order to advance the plot. It helps to be pregnant as that lowers her stats. De-level her into the teens and be pregnant and Loki should be able to beat her (may or may not need to sabotage her too). After that event there should be a choice whether to give up or not. Giving up leads to a bad end, choosing not to give up should lead her to looking for a specific item to counter Loki's poison, which will allow her to gain levels.
I kind of wondering the dancing while pregnant scene...
Its been 5 or more days since i tried it (dance then go to 2nd floor, repeat)
but the scene doesnt trigger...

Also, current I level 60, from 1 to 60 i was farming level at thief hideout
Any other place who have better farming place?
I'm also wondering how to give birth while dancing, tried all i can think of now with no success.
There is no "birth while/from dancing" scene, at least as far as I can tell from digging through the dancing event in the editor. Think the warning was just flavor text, or he had something planned there and never implemented it.
There is no "birth while/from dancing" scene, at least as far as I can tell from digging through the dancing event in the editor. Think the warning was just flavor text, or he had something planned there and never implemented it.
Hello there Mayak. I'm just a little wondered how is the translation going :)
Hello there Mayak. I'm just a little wondered how is the translation going :)

Burned out :cry:

Maybe I'm just dumb, but who the heck am I supposed to talk to at the beginning of the game to find out more about this bridge? Feels like I talked to the entire town at this point.

Would need more information about exactly where you are. Might try Yugi's discord, a link to which should be in his signature in the OP. Or the one in my signature. I'm on most days (both servers), but even if I'm not, someone else might be able to help you out in real time.
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how do i prostitute Lucia in the slum after the 50 corruption option against the Slum king?
how do i prostitute Lucia in the slum after the 50 corruption option against the Slum king?
Game discussion is supposed to go in the game thread, not the translation thread (board rules for this section). Problem is, you can't find it by searching the English title, the game thread needs updated. https://ulmf.org/threads/black-panda-chi-ruushia-rj183431.9048/

But to answer your question since we're bumping the thread anyway, if I recall correctly: For the slum brothel, you have to invite slum people just like you would in the other side of town for the "normal" brothel. You need 80+ corruption and have her already nude to do random outdoor prostitution.
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Anyone figured how to get the scene where Lucia has all her clothes on and is being held up? on the first picture on dlsite
Nvm found it, think it is a orc scene.
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Does anyone have a 100% completed save file they could upload please??
Is there a way to obtain History Book 5 in Casino after you have decided to arrest the cheater?

I'm doing a virgin heroine run, and I can't enter that door.

Edit: never mind, when talking to the clown, he gave it up
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hi how do i get corruption? and how to get the skill "masturbation" and "prostitution"? and how to open chests?
Hey! Can someone please help me??? I am always getting an UnknownError! As soon as i change something on the Options! Please help! >.<
4. This section is not for game discussion. Use the corresponding H-Games section thread for game discussion.
how to rasie the shame ,somebody help me :(
Official Warning - Please keep game discussion in the correct thread
Someone have full save 100% of this game? I play long time I did not get completed yet or some walkthung
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Hey! Can someone please help me??? I am always getting an UnknownError! As soon as i change something on the Options! Please help! >.<
As mentioned in the FAQ, this is probably caused by having the files in the save folder set to read-only. Just right-click on the save folder, click on properties, and uncheck the box for read only.

The rest of those asking questions should check the game thread, this is the translation thread.
The FAQ and hints I attached to this post should answer a lot of questions, any others should be asked in the game thread.
As mentioned in the FAQ, this is probably caused by having the files in the save folder set to read-only. Just right-click on the save folder, click on properties, and uncheck the box for read only.

The rest of those asking questions should check the game thread, this is the translation thread.
The FAQ and hints I attached to this post should answer a lot of questions, any others should be asked in the game thread.

Sorry for bothering you but i couldn't find the link for the partial on your blog.
Maybe it has been already asked but even with search button i failed...maybe can you help me? :D
Sorry for bothering you but i couldn't find the link for the partial on your blog.
Maybe it has been already asked but even with search button i failed...maybe can you help me? :D
That's because this is an official translation at this point. The English DLsite version of the game has the translation already applied, so there is no longer a need for a patch. If you previously bought the game on English DLsite when it was in Japanese, you should automatically have access to it since it's the same RE number (he didn't make a separate page for it).

If you can't or don't want to pay for it, the English version shouldn't be hard to find. If all else fails, ask on Yugi's discord (link is in his signature in the OP) and someone should be able to hook you up with the patch, even if I'm not on.
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