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Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

366, ma'am, if we find a computer, I have cybernetics that will allow me to hack in and gain a good margin of control over whatever systems are linked to it. Inform me if we or the other group needs my assistance on such matters so that I may give my best, ma'am. Jillian replies as she follows the one assigned by Michael to be her current leader.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda stays near the back of the group, Barrett in her hands and pointed down the hallway towards the front. She has a shorter barrel and stock on it, as well as lighter ammunition, to make it easier to fire from the shoulder. A thin wire snakes from the side of it to the side of her head, and she has neglected a scope for this mostly close quarters room clearing.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Replying with a brief nod, Ava aligned herself so she was facing the door... then took a few steps back. Then, pointing her bow towards the door, she proceeded to draw the string back as far as possible, the humming of the weapon growing louder as a massive amount of energy began to gather into an enormous bolt. When the humming of the bow "stabilized", Ava began a quick countdown.

"5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 0."

Releasing her hold on the string, the bolt was sent flying with such force, that the door was sent flying into the room itself, taking the Fallen within the room by surprise. As before, the energy with in the shot itself began to superheat shortly after having been released from the bow. However this time around, the ensuing combustion was far more devastating than it had been before, creating an deafening explosion audible through half the facility. Having leveled a good portion of the contents of the room, Ava then proceeded to enter it as she had been ordered, still on alert for any remaining signs of life.
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Dec 4, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Sam gathers in a great deal of oxygen and then stills his pulse almost completely before following them in silently.


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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Tech expert. Good. Stick close. You, sniper."

A gesture to Linda.

"Stay in front of me. I'm relying on you to keep the front clear. I have your back."

The little group 366 leads is just passing the corpse of the unfortunate Fallen when the explosion sounds up ahead. 366 bursts into movement, urging her teammates ahead of her.

"That can only be one thing. We need to regroup, and now!"

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Jillian draws her small laser pistol and follows, the area was to much of an unknown to risk a sonic grenade, and it would take a little while to properly secure her shield. So for now she would make do.


Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

*hearing 366 issue command sshe just keeps with the group her own rifle at the ready covering the groups backs as she follows after* "damn fallen...just let one of them give me a clean shot.."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria had branched off in one direction when she heard the explosion. Moments later, the words of more being around proved to be true, or at least, one more was. It came out fast, it's target unclear. What was clear was what happened to it. It suddenly seemed to stop in mid air, then was lifted off the ground as something seemingly was forcing it up, yet nothing was touching it.

Anyone watching this would see Adria turn to regard it almost curiously. "Did I say you could leave or attack us? I think not."

With that, there was a crunching sound as it's body was snapped in half by some unseen force, crumpling to the ground in a shattered heap. "One down here, immediate vicinity appears to be clear now."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Copy that, Adria." Michael says over the radio to Adria, looking at the aftermath of the explosion "You need to learn to control yourself." he says, walking into the room and waving the smoke from his face "If you didn't fry the computer terminals, we have a schematic." he says, sitting at one of the few chairs untouched by the explosion, cracking his knuckles and smiling as he began typing, the top two tendrils on his back moving forward and increasing his typing speed beyond that of any human "If we're lucky I can hack into the database and......Bingo!" he cries out, stopping and pointing to the screen "Ava. Make sure to imprint this map onto your mind. We will be needing it soon." he says, standing and offering her a seat "Make sure and get it all." he says, looking out at the hallway and instantly raising his guard "We have an issue, people" he says over the radio, loud sets of footsteps, easily numbering in the dozens, being heard coming down the hallway "Lots of hostiles, incoming from deeper in the facility. I'd advise you to stay out of close combat range. From what I hear, these things can shatter bones with each punch."


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius departed from the rest of the group, taking a much more solo approach to it. Her hand waved by her weapon disc and retrieved a single pistol. From there, she headed down her own passage way, clearing room by room.

So far, it was warmer, for which she was happy.

Upon hearing the explosion she flinched and gave a quiet squeak. The goo-girl hadn't been expecting that at all. Unfortunately, there was a Fallen right around the corner that heard her which quickly rounded said corner and charged with a quick tackle, knocking the pistol out of her hand at the same time.

Still, Lillius wasn't to be taken lightly. With her other hand, she retrieved a knife from within and stabbed it into the neck of the Fallen even before she had completely fallen backward onto the ground, severing the vocal chords so that it couldn't call for help. She then wrenched it around before finishing it with a brutal slash outward, the now dead Fallen collapsing onto her.

The goo-girl quickly shoved the corpse off when she heard the sound of more approaching as well as the message over the radio. "I got one, and I suppose it's good I don't have bones then." She retrieved her pistol and flicked off the blood from her knife and returned it to her arm. Lillius was going to hold off those advancing hostiles from her passage way, but first she headed back a bit to a cleared room as she shifted into combat form.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa followed the bug girl through the rooms, loudly saying, "Clear!" each time they found a room with nothing in it. The fact that they were finding no hostiles, while the others were practically stumbling across them worried her. At Micheal's radio signal, she replied, "Copy that, sir." She turned to Xerberis and said, "Hey... umm... bug girl. Top says we've got incoming. Slow it down. We don't need to get swarmed while we're away from the rest of the squad."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

She nods a bit, landing. "Got a point there, though you gotta have bones to break first," she joked. "Besides, it's Xerberis, not 'Bug Girl, though it works!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria had moved off and was tailing Lillius now, when she noticed the first fallen attack her. She hadn't had time to attack it herself, but the woman had managed to fend it off herself well enough. Now though she could hear more of them coming down towards them, and the other woman was as yet possibly unaware of the other behind her. That was about to change,

Extending out the slightest brush of her power, she sent the charging fallen flying backwards, giving the woman enough time to finish her shape change, if she was right that that was what was indeed occurring. She spoke now, so as not to totally surprise her.

"Hey, thought ya might like some company. So how you want to play them? Quick and easy, or totally messy?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Melissa nods. "Dietrich." She pauses, then adds, "Melissa, if you want." She looks around the room, and says, "Looks like this one's clear too. Let's try to find a defensible position before we move further in."


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

How could Lillius have missed the woman behind her? Oh well, it didn't matter now. "Uhm... which ever way is the most fun I suppose? Which would probably be messy. Take time to inspire fear in them before they perish, since fear is a powerful weapon."

Before long, her body had shifted to look leaner, though it had incredibly dense 'muscle.' She withdrew dual knives and waited for the Fallen to approach.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"...Understood. Storing data for future use."

Taking the seat offered her, the girl began to utilize the "photographic memory" with which the modifications had granted her. The normally blank sapphire eyes became seemingly filled with life as "sparks" appeared to dance within them. Storing the map of the facility into one of the corners of her mind, Ava then stood up upon the completion of the imprinting as the sounds of countless footsteps from the hallways could be heard. Strapping her bow onto her back, and drew her energy blade, extending it to its normal length as she walked towards the oncoming mob.

"Objective complete, now completing secondary objective in accordance with Order-RJ750Z7, Slay all Fallen."

It was at this moment that a Fallen appeared in the door way to be beheaded by Ava's downward swinging blade...


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

"Nice to meetya!" she said, continuing her travels with her. "So, are these facilities always soo... empty?" she whispered. "Well, if someone shoots us, I'll just shoot back!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Adria smiled an icy smile at Lillius, one that was meant to be taken as amused. "That it is. I think I have something that should do the trick to begin with."

As she spoke, her eyes clearly began glowing a fiery orange color, there was no mistaking it this time. Adria's eyes actually GLOWED, and it was most definitely not a natural thing a human should be able to do. Her gaze turned to regard the fallen, who were on the move again.

"Hmm, so hard to decide.... Ah, you. Die."

The fallen she pointed to seemed to pause for a moment, shock on it's features, if it could even register that, before it's spine literally was snapped in half with such force it compounded outside the "flesh."

This of course probably just angered them more to attack faster, and by now Adria had drawn her sword weapon. Since they appeared for the moment to have no energy weapons, she didn't bother with anything else, but clearly this woman was no pushover. She had killed that fallen merely by WISHING it to happen. Why she wasn't killing the entire group like that instantly was unknown, though the expression on her face seemed to indicate she was, in some way, enjoying the prospect of toying with these creatures.


Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Lillius raised an eyebrow. She was glad that the woman was on her side. When the Fallen were near enough, the goo-girl moved with incredible speed, next to the nearest one before it could even react. As it went to retaliate, it was quickly cut along its belly and neck and then the goo-girl was out of range as she backed up. The Fallen reeled slightly from the pain, giving just a big enough opening for Lillius to move back in and finish him off with a stab upward into the base of skull, effectively destroying the brain.

She then backed up to beside Adria. "Your turn! Oh, and my name is Lillius." It seemed a potential side-effect of the combat form of the goo-girl's body was that she got cocky and self-confident.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Facility, Codename: Last Resort

Linda takes the point as ordered after the explosion, leading their group through the maze of tunnels towards the rest of the group. He rifle snaps back and forth down side passages as they pass, occasionally punctuated by the loud report of it's firing, amplified by the cramped conditions. The kickback is too much for her thin frame to shoulder at a jog, so she dumps the momentum by spinning with it, doing a small pirrouette at every intersection with a Fallen near it. The first two or three to pass behind her catch glimpses of the Fallen just starting to crumple, neat holes in foreheads.

They make it most of the way there before she stops the group shortly before an intersection. "There's four around to the right here, and another three on the left." She says quietly. "I think they're trying to ambush us."