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Experimental Fate - Vandread

Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

4 is right out. In the off-chance we get captured, we should try to keep the number of offenses we could be put to death for to a minimum. Also, there's a slim chance we might actually want to come back to this shit-hole.

2 is also no good. Are we trained pilots? No, we're scientists. With no pilot training; it is doubtful that even if we had a gun we'd be able to hit anything with it, let alone an actual pilot with actual combat training. Besides, us having a weapon gives them authority to blow our ass up.

3 might not be a bad idea, but we still run the risk of killing people; besides, we need to get moving as fast as possible.

1 therefore is best. The sooner we get out of here, the less time they have to realize their remote-shut-down doesn't work, and the less time to target us with the ship's defenses. Also, since we're in the same hardware as the other pilots, if we can get a large enough head-start they shouldn't be able to catch us.
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

1. No need to bother with anyone else/
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

1) He needs to leave now and doing anything to prolong the stay is foolish. Fighting them will only make things harder on any return trip or make the Vandread a higher prioity target for re-capture.
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

All right! Hibiki gripped the controls and made the motions to walk forward. He spent several hours reading a stolen copy of the training manual for the Vanguard, so he understood how it worked. Unfortunately he didn't have any experience on exactly what kind of handling this thing had, which is why he caused the mecha to stumble ungracefully out of the hanger and through the now empty banquet hall. He tore down the curtains hiding the hallway to the launching catapults. If I can just get outside, I'll be home free, he reassured himself.

The General had made to his command chair, which was on a platform that could change what floor it was on. "Commanding Officer on the Bridge!" announced an officer as his command platform rose.

The General cursed inwardly his control panel came online. "That runt has completely ruined the ceremony. I want him executed the moment he's apprehended."

"Sir! The intruder is taking the stolen fighter through the arming hallway," one of the other men on the bridge replied.

"What?" howled the General. "I ordered you to disable it."

"The Vanguard is not responding to any remote commands, sir. We're not even getting any signals from it except from the IFF tag."

Another officer spoke up, "Sir, the escort ship Mabarochi is hailing us with questions concerning the exhibition match."

"The exhibition match has been canceled. Order all ships to move into a into the defensive position around Tarak, except the Mabarochi. Tell them we need a compliment of their fighters outside our hangers in case the intruder escapes the ship. Order the flight deck to seal off the launching catapults. Order the pilots to get into any Vanguards we have ready and take out the stolen one!" The general growled as his commands were relayed. "That third class brat. He won't get away with ruining everything."

Hibiki wasn't doing badly. He had adjusted to the handling of the Vadndread and had just collected a re-entry staff, a Vandread sized umbrella, for the trip back to the surface. "Nothing to it!" he said, as he had the fighting machine charge down the hallway. He was a few steps away from the launching catapult when he noticed the large security doors slowly closing. "Ha! Those are way too slow," he jeered as he ran through. It would still be while before they closed completely, but at least he was only one long hallway away from getting off the ship. He was next to the launching catapults, a couple of Vanguard sized chairs on magnetic rails designed to get a Vanguards up to speed out of the ship, having better acceleration than a Vanguard's own thrusters could provide. They were controlled by the flight deck, so he couldn't use one.

  1. Just a bit farther: The launching platform is very long, but it iss perfectly straight. Hibiki just needs to gain some speed and he'll be home free.
  2. Sabotage the doors: Despite being in a large robot, Hibiki could help the large door close, then encourage it to stay closed. It could buy him some time.
  3. Sabotage the catapults: There's three launching catapults. Hibiki could quickly render them useless with a few choice punches from the Vanguard.
  4. Sabotage everything: Maybe be a bit excessive, but less they have to work with, the more time Hibiki has to escape.
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Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

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Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

...Seems we're a kill-target anyway, lock the doors (2)! If possible, damage the catapaults too, if not, then run the hell away.
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

...Seems we're a kill-target anyway, lock the doors (2)! If possible, damage the catapaults too, if not, then run the hell away.

Oops... :3
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

(4) Excessiveness is the best!
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

4. We are Science Incarnate. We shall not suffer technology to be used against us!!
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Hibiki turned back to one of the sliding doors, sending his Vanguard's arm out to grab one of the door's protruding structural angle brackets. With the fighting machine griping the door, he had it pull it to it's closed position faster, then drew the only weapon the Vanguard was equipped with, the sword, and stabbed through ceiling until he saw sparks, then again in the floor. He then repeated his actions again with the second half of security door, which was retracting back into the wall.

Back on the bridge, "He's sabotaged the second door. He's smashing the catapults."

The General was nearing his breaking point. "Where are those fighters?" He shouted. "I want that punk destroyed. Forget about retrieving the Vanguard."

"The pilots are making their way to the armory now, sir," answered one of the bridge officers, "more are in the lockers suiting up."

Suddenly, the Ikazuchi shook from a powerful impact. The whole ship rocked as the artificial gravity lagged. The General recovered from the quake, "I gave the order to stop the exhibition!"

Down on the launching tarmac, Hibiki was trying to keep the Vanguard balanced, despite the fact that the shaking had stopped several seconds ago. "What was that?" He then noticed the blinking red button light below his view screen, a switch on the radio. He pushed it. "Might as well listen in."

"This isn't part of the exhibition. It's the women!" "They're mounting a surprise attack." "Formation has been broken." "Forget the intruder. All ships, guard the Ikazuchi!" "The enemy forces have broken through."

"Women?" Hibiki gasped as he listened to the frantic chatter. Suddenly, the historical footage of the horrible monsters that once plagued man kind flashed before him. The hideous face, the disgusting slimy hide, the sharp claws and teeth that could flay him alive.

"Escort ship Hajiri has been destroyed. The Mabarochi is down too!" "The Ikazuchi's new sections have been breached."

"What deplorable tactics," the General cursed. "They're hiding in the background fire. Send the Vanguards out!"

"But the intruder sealed the door and wrecked the catapults."

"I don't care if they have to blast a whole out the side of the Ikazuchi! Send them out! If we lose this battle because we don't use our latest weapon we'll bring shame to our fore fathers."

Hibiki shut off the radio. He couldn't listen to anymore. It was paralyzing him. "Women," he muttered. He took a moment to shake off his fear. "This is no time to chicken out, whatever a chicken is." He looked down the launching the hallway. He couldn't make out the stars at the other end, by he could occasionally see a flash of light. "Those monsters are right outside the ship, probably blasting anything that moves." He had the Vanguard turn so that he could look at the door. "And I've got a battalion of angry Vanguard pilots right behind that door."

His eyes went wide as one of the door began to slide open. He had to act fast!

  1. Make like a B and go straight: Hibiki should make the best of his time. He should escape while he can and hope the women either don't notice him, or ignore him.
  2. Crazy Lone Samurai: Hibiki should swallow his fear, summon his manly fighting spirit and take on the women head on! Manly strength!
  3. Roadblock Samurai: Hibiki should take his chances with the other men. At least they'll just kill him, instead of eating him alive.
  4. Ninja Escape: Hibiki should hide behind the door that isn't opening, then follow the Vanguards out. As soon as they are outside, they'll engage the women. The distraction might allow Hibiki to escape back to the surface of Tarak.
  5. Ninja Double Back: Hibiki should behind the door that isn't opening, then go back into the Ikazuchi to grab some weapons. Then fly out and fight his way through the women.
  6. There is no escape: Hibiki should surrender his stolen Vanguard, letting a real pilot take it and accept whatever punishment the military have in store for him. They're probably be able to fight off the Women, despite the escort ships having been destroyed. They weren't anywhere near as big or powerful as the Ikazuchi, after all.
  7. Join the enemy: They'll want to eat his innards, but maybe the women will let Hibiki go if he helps them out. He should find they're communication signal and see if they're willing to chat. Hopefully they'll be happy to communicate via text only, since their howls can melt a man's brain. Hibiki likes his brain.
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Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

2! He's a freaking mad scientist~ DOOMWEAPONS!
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

2! Fight the monsters!
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

2! He's a freaking mad scientist~ DOOMWEAPONS!

All he has is the wooden sword. No energy bombs, no hidden missiles, no gun ports. Just the one little sword. Hibiki has to build the doom weapons before he can use them.

Edit: Okay... it's not actually wood. I don't know why I typed that. It's a proper Vanguard sized, metal sword.
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Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

1) Wai? Every other option either means death by experienced pilot, death by execution if he survives, or death by space-faring creatures.

And death by cross-fire between experienced pilots and space faring creatures.

Get the hell out of there. 1! He's not an experienced fighter, and if experienced pilots and whole space-craft are being destroyed piece-meal, what chance does the mad scientist have?

Odd name for a space-faring horror.
Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Re: Experimental Fate - Vandread

Number One

As in looking out for it...