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Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Oh, Louise will certainly have a go! But with so much money here, and so much going on, Louise has to party a little bit, don't you think? Also, she needs to do something about the veritable mountain of gold she's got around here. Do some bookkeeping, see about investment opportunities, change that gold into a form that can be transported without needing an ox cart, and thus drawing every bandit in a hundred miles... etc. So she'll be unavailable for a chapter! :D

Do they have check books? Or banks that won't gouge you on annual fees? That's what she needs.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Cool thanks for the heads up, I figured as much but still worth asking.


So sticking with elven prissy, wonder what's gonna happen with her, cause I also wanna say this is really cool I am really enjoying the CYOA. So good job on it dude.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I'm jumping on the bandwagon here, after that little spat before she went in, no way she's taking the 'lowborn human' outclassing her lying down.

So C.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

C for sure. This should be interesting.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

What? A return? Sorry for the rather lengthy wait, guys, but you're gonna have so much fun this time.

Also, the crowd has spoken. "C has come to."

Chapter 4: The Will to Power, or, Egotism

How does one speak of an elf? I have met several in my days, and though they differ as greatly as humans, there is something that is always true: they work on a different wavelength. But even elves would agree that Kyrie was a piece of work, the classical vain, spoiled daughter of the rich. Only multiply that with nigh-immortality, the possession of all the physical and mental gifts she believed she had, and sprinkle on an elf's natural disconnect to the feelings of mortal men, and you get this cunt... - excerpts from the Last Papers of the Scholar Eleanor d'Salve

How dare they? Kyrie felt rage beyond anything she had ever experienced before. When she finally awoke from the magical slumber, tied and humiliated by the other girls, the prickly self-worth and pride of the elfin girl morphed into something bordering on murderous intent. She wanted them to suffer. She wanted them to break. But she knew that it was not possible as of yet. After all, there were so many of them! They may be rabble, but they were not completely incompetent.

How dare they! That just made it worse, didn't it? Fools who didn't know when to stand back and let their betters do their work. And that lucky fool Louise kept carrying on like she had earned her power. No, she was simply a weakling who was being set up for a great fall. Nothing more than that, surely. And Kyrie would be there to see her fall. Probably even in the dungeon. To the monsters and fiendish, lustful creatures that held court within. Oh, she'd find herself naked and alone among them, her entire body broken-in and with nothing but mindlessness there on her face and-

Kyrie's orgasm came almost out of the blue, and she squeaked over and over in surprise and pleasure. She hadn't been paying attention to what the building tension and excitement within her meant. She laid upon the bed in her private suite, too tired from her orgasm to so much as pull her hand away from her crotch. Now her panties were soiled. She moaned in further anger, face reddened. Even this was the fault of that damned Louise!

Finally, Kyrie turned to her side, hand still between her legs. She slipped them into her sex again, and her masturbation continued... after all, except under magical enchantment, an elf didn't need to sleep. And trance... well, nothing stopped one from masturbating when they were in the midst of their meditative trance...


The time had come. Kyrie was armored to the nines, her elven plate shining in the morning sun. Her hair was set in an intricate braid, a tiara on her head that told of her status. Sword at her side, wand on the other, shield strapped to her arm, she didn't bother to carry a backpack with food or other supplies. She had no need. She was mighty. All she took with her besides her armaments was the map, the key to the magical dungeon within.

As she approached the dungeon entrance, there was a shadow. Kyrie pulled her sword reflexively.

Mikasa was there, her foreign eyes giving an expression unto fire.

"It is not your turn," the easterner said simply. Kyrie couldn't help but smile.

"I will do as I will. Just because that den of whores decided you would go next means nothing to me."

"I will not allow it." The girl shifted into a stance. She was willing to fight over this?! Kyrie giggled. It was too much! She pointed her sword at the young girl, and something akin to joy passed over Kyrie's face.

"Silly human. You think you can surpass your betters?"

A.) Fight the Welp - Mikasa has decided that she wishes to join the choir invisible. End her!

------------W.) Swordplay - Cut her down with your blade!

------------X.) Magical Attack - Why even give her a chance? Just pelt her with magic missiles that she can't even dodge, from your wand!

B.) Ignore the Fool - She may wish to fight, but you're closer to the entrance. Just turn and leave her. No, don't run! That would show weakness. Simply turn your back on the worthless slut and do as you will. Can she even stop you?

C.) An Opportunity Arises - Actually... charm person is a mighty spell, and with it you could turn even an opponent such as Mikasa to your side.

------------Y.) Banish Mikasa - If your charm succeeds, send her away. No need to fight, and it'd be nice to have a bodyservant this far from home! She can clean your armor when you return.

------------Z.) Bodyguard - In truth, who cares if the dungeon has claimed that only one may enter at a time? You're better than that. Bring your new cur along. Who wouldn't want a meat shield, am I right?

Kyrie's Statistics:

Medium-Veteran (Elf 1)
HP: 9
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 15
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 400/4000

Strength: 18 (+3)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 18 (+3)
Charisma: 18 (+3)

Charm Person With this spell, Kyrie can charm even a hated enemy into believing her to be their best friend. An intelligent humanoid creature as large as an ogre can be charmed, and would even fight to the death for her.

Unlike humans, elves gain magic naturally, and so no studying will allow them to learn new spells outside of leveling up, and they gain no extra spell slots for higher stats.

Platinum Comet: A magical, silvered longsword with a blazing white hilt.
- it can glow as the spell Light upon command.
- It adds +1 to attack and damage.
- It also becomes sheathed in fire when in use, giving it +1d6 damage.
Final stats: 6-18 (1d8+1d6+4) damage

Shooting Star: A magic wand of great power, black like the night sky, but filled with stars when in use, which streak out as the spell Magic Missile, which does 1d6 damage and auto-hits.
Can be used 3/day, at which point the stars go out, and the blackness turns blue like the day. Regenerates at dusk the next day.

Elfen Royal Plate: +1 full plate armor.
Boots and Cloak of Elfenkind: Allow one to sneak silently and nearly invisibly. One can only notice them, if in use, with a 1/6 chance.

Map to the Ancient Treasure: This map shows the way to an ancient magical treasure. It also acts as a potential key to understanding the dungeon after all this time.

Age: 97
Hair: Sky Blue (natural!)
Breasts: B cups
Height: 4'10
Body type: very petite
Virgin: yes, and extremely proud of her purity, to boot.

Mikasa's statistics

Novice (Mystic 1)
HP: 7
Armor Class: 7
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 200/2000

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Charisma: 12 (+0)

Thief Skills: Like thieves, Mystics have the potential to pull off outrageous stunts that nobody else could manage. Climbing a sheer wall without a rope. Hiding in shadows out in the absolute open. Unlocking masterwork locks. These are not mere normal capabilities, no. These are well-nigh supernatural in nature!

Find or Remove Traps: 20% - a double ability. Finding traps in this case means using the ability when there is absolutely no hint given in the description of an area. Removing traps should be obvious.
Move Silently: 30%
Hide in Shadows: 20%
Climb Sheer Surfaces: 90%

Mystics wear no armor, and though they can use weapons, Mikasa doesn't feel the need. She fights with her fists! 1d4+2

Map to the Ancient Treasure: This map shows the way to an ancient magical treasure. It also acts as a potential key to understanding the dungeon after all this time.

Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 18
Hair: Black and very long
Breasts: D cups
Height: 5'1
Body type: athletic
Virgin: yes
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Nice to see this continued

C - Z.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

C She's a stupid enough woman to want a slave and of course keep her as a body guard. So Z.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

CZ all to CZ
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Anybody else want a vote? Going once, going twice...
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Holy shit.

... I'll vote C-Z as well. In other news, I think A-W and A-X should have been flipped. Want to use her sword? Vote AXE! Magic more your thing? Vote AWE!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

CZ seems to be quite far ahead, but I will approve of it as well if not to drive it home but to also say "Welcome back!"
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

So clearly, the crowd has spoken! C-Z has been chosen!

Kyrie decided, almost on a whim, how she would proceed.

"Wait," she said calmly, putting her sword back into its scabbard. "Let's talk about this instead. Maybe we can come to some sort of agreement."

Mikasa glared, not trusting a word that came from the elf's mouth.

"What is there to discuss?"

"Simple," Kyrie said with a brilliant smile. And then her eyes began to glow. But before Mikasa could react, she was caught, and her eyes widened in shock.

Saving throw! Roll... 3. FAIL

"...you will serve me. And you will come with me into the dungeon. Won't that be nice? You'll even get what you want out of the deal." Kyrie walked up to the slightly taller oriental girl, and reached out, cupping her cheek gently with her hand. She leaned in close, as though to kiss. Mikasa blushed. And Kyrie giggled.

"Don't you agree, Mikasa? Don't you want to serve me? After all, from what people have said, you're so so so far away from home... so serve me. At least for a little while."

Mikasa nodded, enthralled, entranced. As per the spell, she still had her free will, still had her personality intact, but it was warped by the charm effects. Kyrie was her best friend, her confidant, the person she trusted most.

"As long as you do not ask me to betray my real master back home... a-as long as you do not contradict my orders, then I agree."

"Of course!" Kyrie said brilliantly. What a fool. What a foolish welp, to be entranced so easily. Kyrie still smiled, though, and walked around Mikasa, patting her on the butt, to the latter's yelp.

"So then, shall we enter the dungeon we so deeply desire? Together?

Mikasa frowned, confused.

"The rules say only one can enter at a time. Would it not be best for me to enter for you, in order to help you gain whatever it is you seek?"

"Oh, my sweet Mikasa, that is a good idea," Kyrie says, before taking the other girl's hand and walking forward towards the entrance. Mikasa follows, of course, listening intently.

"But my idea is better, see? This will be safer for both. We can do things together nobody can do alone, and besides... who cares what some old legend says, anyway? We're greater than that."

Mikasa nods. "You know more of the realm of magic and legend than I, mistress. I defer to your wisdom."

"There, see? Isn't that swell?" Another giggle, and then, finally, Kyrie grows serious. The time has come to enter.

"Let's go. You first, of course."

And so the two enter the Dungeon of Lust. And unbeknowst to them, a scream is heard all throughout the valley, and all the women within it are struck by a combination of terror and a sudden, unexpected orgasm. A waitress at the Kobold Pie Tavern drops her beer as she cries out. Louise, taking a bath in a nearby stream, gasps and quietly bears the pleasure as it overwhelms her. Eleanor, reading books, grows loud and ecstatic. Olivia and Melany, currently making love, cling to each other in surprise, their own ministrations amplified in oh-so-familiar ways...

When the scream finally ends, and all the women in the town come down, all will look towards the dungeon of lust with nervousness and secret excitement. What has Kyrie wrought?


The Dungeon Entrance

Whispers grow in the back of the two adventurers' minds as they find themselves in a truly strange hall.

This first entrance of the dungeon is organic, as though built out of and into a gigantic tree.

"A seed of Yggdrasil? Here?" Kyrie whispers, confused. For the hall is roots and bark, water flowing in a pool in the center, leaves shrouding the ceiling, twin passageways splitting off from the end of the large chamber.

Kyrie goes herself to taste the water. It is nothing special, no strange effects. But it is pure, special. Meanwhile, Mikasa walks along the perimeter, making sure there are no dangers afoot. She stands near the two passageways, a frown on her face.

"Mistress, there's nothing here. We should move ahead," Mikasa recommends. Kyrie listens, distracted and confused by the realm she has found herself in, and follows Mikasa to the passageways.

"It's mocking me, I think.


"The dungeon. It knows my mind. It knows what I desire more than anything. It knows the secrets of our people. It hates me, surely."

There is fear in her voice.

"We may still retreat, and try the dungeon individually," Mikasa recommends. "I defer to your decision."

A.) The Left Passageway - Pretty obvious.

B.) The Right Passageway - Also obvious!

C.) Retreat for now - Maybe this is a bad idea. Kyrie is terrified by what she's seen, and Mikasa wants to protect her mistress from further fear. Breaking the rules could be bad.

Kyrie's Statistics:

Medium-Veteran (Elf 1)
HP: 9
Armor Class: -2
THAC0: 15
Alignment: Chaotic
XP: 400/4000

Strength: 18 (+3)
Intelligence: 18 (+3)
Wisdom: 6 (-2)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 18 (+3)
Charisma: 18 (+3)

Charm Person With this spell, Kyrie can charm even a hated enemy into believing her to be their best friend. An intelligent humanoid creature as large as an ogre can be charmed, and would even fight to the death for her.

Unlike humans, elves gain magic naturally, and so no studying will allow them to learn new spells outside of leveling up, and they gain no extra spell slots for higher stats.

Platinum Comet: A magical, silvered longsword with a blazing white hilt.
- it can glow as the spell Light upon command.
- It adds +1 to attack and damage.
- It also becomes sheathed in fire when in use, giving it +1d6 damage.
Final stats: 6-18 (1d8+1d6+4) damage

Shooting Star: A magic wand of great power, black like the night sky, but filled with stars when in use, which streak out as the spell Magic Missile, which does 1d6 damage and auto-hits.
Can be used 3/day, at which point the stars go out, and the blackness turns blue like the day. Regenerates at dusk the next day.

Elfen Royal Plate: +1 full plate armor.
Boots and Cloak of Elfenkind: Allow one to sneak silently and nearly invisibly. One can only notice them, if in use, with a 1/6 chance.

Map to the Ancient Treasure: This map shows the way to an ancient magical treasure. It also acts as a potential key to understanding the dungeon after all this time.

Age: 97
Hair: Sky Blue (natural!)
Breasts: B cups
Height: 4'10
Body type: very petite
Virgin: yes, and extremely proud of her purity, to boot.

Mikasa's statistics

Novice (Mystic 1)
HP: 7
Armor Class: 7
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 200/2000

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 10 (+0)
Wisdom: 13 (+1)
Dexterity: 18 (+3)
Constitution: 15 (+2)
Charisma: 12 (+0)

Thief Skills: Like thieves, Mystics have the potential to pull off outrageous stunts that nobody else could manage. Climbing a sheer wall without a rope. Hiding in shadows out in the absolute open. Unlocking masterwork locks. These are not mere normal capabilities, no. These are well-nigh supernatural in nature!

Find or Remove Traps: 20% - a double ability. Finding traps in this case means using the ability when there is absolutely no hint given in the description of an area. Removing traps should be obvious.
Move Silently: 30%
Hide in Shadows: 20%
Climb Sheer Surfaces: 90%

Mystics wear no armor, and though they can use weapons, Mikasa doesn't feel the need. She fights with her fists! 1d4+2

Map to the Ancient Treasure: This map shows the way to an ancient magical treasure. It also acts as a potential key to understanding the dungeon after all this time.

Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 18
Hair: Black and very long
Breasts: D cups
Height: 5'1
Body type: athletic
Virgin: yes
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

C - go back to town and let the others know that it IS possible for two (and possibly more) people to enter together. Also investigate if anything unusual happened when the two of them entered the dungeon together
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Do you guys truly wish to turn back so soon?