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Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I agree. B, if possible with checking before going in.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Seems like voting at all at this point is moot but I'll run with the crowd

B peek in if possible.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

But... but being Leeroy Jenkins is who Olivia is! :p

Either way, I regret not putting more detail into the other door, but...

The crowd has spoken! B has been chosen

The door opened slowly, for once. She knew -knew!- someone was there this time. But who could it be? As it opened it creaked, and she inwardly cursed. But nobody noticed. For somebody WAS there.

Three goblins, larger and stronger than the ones she'd met before. One wore a necklace of gold, a silver bejewelled ring, even had a fancy hat, which was so impressive it had plumage. The other two were also blinged out, though not to that extent, silver amulets and copper rings, and unadorned trilbys. It was the home of the head honcho goblin, the leader of the merry broken tribe, and his two bodyguards. But what was important was what was going on in the room with the three goblins, for they were not the only ones here. No, there was a woman. She had shoulder-length pink hair, amber eyes and was crying out in something akin to pleasure or exertion as one of the two goblin homies defiled her.

It was a sickening sight, and Olivia stared through the crack in the door, eyes wide. As the goblin leader watched, sipping water from a ceramic goblet, and the other goblin homie stoked a fire, the girl, laying with her back against the wall, cried out louder. Olivia could see the thing's cock slip into her, moist from her lubrication. Its tool was large... human sized, at least. Not huge by the standards of a man, no, but she had a good idea of the variation, and if this was a goblin's cock, then she...

No. She felt arousal growing as she saw the girl defiled. But that was horrible! How disgusting it was to watch as it kissed her, the two of them messily swapping saliva as its hand kneaded her breast. She didn't resist, even kissed back, but it was clearly perfunctory. She wasn't in her right mind, she couldn't be. How could she truly enjoy getting pounded by such a creature's meaty cock, split open and feeling it in her most sensitive depths?

Screw it, if she watched any longer the multiple doses of aphrodesiac curses she received would doom her here and now. So, since the goblins were unprepared anyway, she kicked the door open to announce her presence, armed with her deadly maced and armored with her magic shield, emblazoned with the tree she was already finding comfort and strength in.

"Put the girl down, goblins!" She demanded at once. The goblin within her shreiked, surprised, and stopped, pulling out then and there. Liquid dripped from him, just a little, and Olivia pinkened herself as the girl moaned once more, hips wriggling without the sensation. But pink turned to red, and she glared at the three. They stood up, but they seemed not to focus on her necessarily... but the shield! They spoke amongst themselves in unintelligible tones, but before Olivia could charge them, the goblin boss raised both hands -though his sword was clearly close by- and spoke in the common tongue.

"Wait! You have shield? My shield! But how? Crab spiders..." Clearly it was trying to talk. It wasn't friendly, it wasn't trying to fight right now, but it was clear that things could go either way.

"I killed it. One of them, at least. And I took this shield as my prize. Must I take from you as well?"

"Kill spiders?! Then my goblins... goblins all dead!" He sounded angry, but not at you specifically.

A.) Attack! - They were fools to lower their guard, no matter how strong they were. Their actions are unforgivable. LEEEEEEEROY JEEEEENKINS!

B.) Intimidate! - Continue to make your demands clear, threaten them! Scare them into giving you the girl.

C.) Discuss Things - Ask them questions, trade information... put rescuing pinky pie over there on hold. These are the first beings you've met who aren't actively trying to kill you straight out, after all.

D.) Leverage - Try to bargain with them... whatever it takes to get the girl! There may be a living goblin in the garden, after all. Do they even know?

Acolyte (Cleric 1)
HP: 5/6
Armor Class: 1
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 215/1500
GP: 20

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 7 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

Turning Undead (and more!)

Sister Olivia has the supernatural power to channel the radiant might of her gods against the forces of the undead. If she is successful, the undead forces will flee from her, and will not touch her even if cornered.

To do this, one must roll 2d6, and reach a number higher than the undead creature's required number. For example, a skeleton requires a 7, a zombie an 8 at this level.

Thankfully, due to the gods' grace, this power is even greater within the dungeon. Creatures of lust will react just as undead, and be turned too!

Mace: 1d6+2
Full Plate
Shield +1
Holy Symbol
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 21
Hair: White (dyed, for purity!)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'4
Body type: curvy
Virgin: no (she was a bad girl)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

That's right! Not all of the goblins are confirmed dead... they should go see if that one survived the rape vines. Then, we can grab the girl and sneak on out behind them. In other words, I vote D. Though, I could be convinced to vote for B or maybe - maybe - even C, if given a compelling enough reason.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

That's right! Not all of the goblins are confirmed dead... they should go see if that one survived the rape vines. Then, we can grab the girl and sneak on out behind them. In other words, I vote D. Though, I could be convinced to vote for B or maybe - maybe - even C, if given a compelling enough reason.

See, for once we have something that isn't straight up "is this a trap, or a fight?" I intend to do this more often...
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Since one of the weak goblins did 5 damage in one hit, I vote B.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

B although I don't think they will be intimidated by us honestly. But I also don't see Olivia actually having a civil conversation with them either.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust


Let's be diplomat at first, hoping that one of the goblins we fought did not go snitch at his boss. Besides, the shield seems to be important to the goblin chief.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

I think we've got enough, thanks again everyone for voting!

The crowd has spoken! D has been chosen

Olivia felt the fire in her heart remain strong, but she wasn't quite dumb enough to think that she could take on all three of them quite so easily. Oh no, she was going to rescue the pink-haired lady, but no matter what she truly felt, she had to play this cool. The goblins were worried. Perhaps they weren't the only survivors and were stalling. But maybe she could use some knowledge to help. After all, one of the goblins might well still survive.

"Not all. At least, not when I saw last. One survived, not long ago.' The goblins looked at each other, and the leader spoke in his language to the other two, letting them know. They sounded excited when they barked back.

"Where goblin?!"

"No, that isn't how this works. If you want to know... we'll have to trade."

"Trade what? Already have shield!"

"We never traded for it... I fought for it, when you ran." The goblin glowered at her, and Olivia smiled, stepping forward.

"What you want?"

"The girl. Give her to me and I'll even guide you to your ally." She started walking towards her then, walking slowly around the three goblins in order to get to her. If a fight broke out, she knew that it would be safer if she was between them and her. Then they couldn't take her hostage. The goblin leader thought for awhile, clearly conflicted, annoyed.

"If I give, homies not respect me," h e admitted.

"too bad. I have your shield, I fought your spiders, and I'm giving you back one of your men, I think I deserve a little respect, don't you? My gods give me the right to kill you, but I am merciful. I will spare you, and you can find some other girl. But this one? She points at the girl with her mace. Pinkie looks up at her, eyes glazed over as though only slowly starting to regain sense, "...this one is mine. She knelt down beside the girl, and touched her. She shuddered. Olivia could smell her, the scent of sex and passion. She looked over her for a moment, looked at the girl's expression. It wasn't fear. And while Olivia was straight... she'd had a lot of magic cast upon her this day. She felt heat as her hand touched the firm, springy flesh of the girl's arm.

"...show us goblin. We all go. Together." Damn, that would make it harder, if he intended to take both his goblin homies with him. It could be a trap. And holding onto the poor girl, it'd be harder to fight... but she nodded. She got up, taking the girl with her, and led on, letting the goblins follow. It wasn't ideal, but she needed to take this girl away. She pulled off her cloak and wrapped it around the girl, who clung to her arm trembling. She smiled, patting her head, and walked forward.

"It's this way, trust me." She led back through the ruins of their old camp, to the goblin-talk of the three. She didn't understand the language, but she felt she could tell a little from the tone... it wasn't all fear, was it? No, she suddenly felt very wary. They passed, then, and walked on to the next area, the place she'd fought the three goblins before. The two bodies were already gone, probably scavanged by some creature, maybe even the surviving crab spider. She smiled, though, it meant that she didn't need to explain the situation at all.

"Past here. The garden. He's in the garden." That's what she said to the goblins, turning back around and watching them. The three spoke again amongst themselves, clearly the boss explaining what was happening. The two were afraid, and backed away. She smiled. So they knew what the place was like. She wasn't surprised, really, but it was nice to see it. She turned and walked towards the door, taking the girl with her. "Naturally, I fought through here as well. And as you can see, I escaped without issue. Truly, I am merciful, like my gods, to help you so."

She opened the door without fear or hesitation, and was greeted by a spurt of goblin seed onto her face. She gasped, and blinked in surprise! And then she saw it, and the goblins behind her saw it, and so did the girl with her... the plant was tormenting the goblin, making him groan, milking him of his seed! Tendrils wrapped around his human-sized member, stroking him as other tendrils and petals toyed with and stimulated the monster's body. And she even saw one tentacle within the goblin's arse. It was feeding the goblin sap, too, and she wondered... did it have any relation to the potion she had drunk earlier? It didn't matter, she felt the hot, sticky cum on her face, felt a drop of it roll down, down, until it went against her firmly closed lips. For a long moment she resisted. But it was right there... her lips parted, her tongue slipped out and licked the cum off of her lips. It tasted as good as she remembered. No... it tasted better.

She looked up at the goblin, its face clearly pleasured. Then she looked back at the other goblins too, and smiled. This was what they had... perhaps they could look forward to it. They looked surprised and fearful, though, too. She wondered why.

A.) Make a Break For It! - You said you'd lead them to the goblin ally, and you have. You never said anything about helping! Since the nearby plants were so occupied, maybe, if the two of you booked it, you'd make it all the way across!

B.) Say Farewell - You've gotten the girl, but you're not going back through the garden, no way. Time to head on and try for new areas... so say goodbye to the goblins and head off their way!

C.) Olivia the Merciful - You can feel the power inside of you. If you channel your divine power you could, perhaps, turn the plants holding the goblin, and free him for his goblin allies!

D.) Bull Rush! - Time for a dramatic sneak attack! Use your Strength to try and push the goblin leader into the plants as well! Maybe you can distract the others this way.

Acolyte (Cleric 1)
HP: 5/6
Armor Class: 1
THAC0: 17
Alignment: Lawful
XP: 215/1500
GP: 20

Strength: 16 (+2)
Intelligence: 7 (-1)
Wisdom: 16 (+2)
Dexterity: 9 (+0)
Constitution: 13 (+1)
Charisma: 13 (+1)

Turning Undead (and more!)

Sister Olivia has the supernatural power to channel the radiant might of her gods against the forces of the undead. If she is successful, the undead forces will flee from her, and will not touch her even if cornered.

To do this, one must roll 2d6, and reach a number higher than the undead creature's required number. For example, a skeleton requires a 7, a zombie an 8 at this level.

Thankfully, due to the gods' grace, this power is even greater within the dungeon. Creatures of lust will react just as undead, and be turned too!

Mace: 1d6+2
Full Plate
Shield +1
Holy Symbol
Wicker Golem Adventurer's Pack (backpack, small retractable tent, flint and steel, 50 ft rope, climbing hooks, 8 torches, 3 days iron rations)

Age: 21
Hair: White (dyed, for purity!)
Breasts: C cups
Height: 5'4
Body type: curvy
Virgin: no (she was a bad girl)
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

Forgive my tardiness! My post was mostly done yesterday, but I got busy with schoolwork and just being so darn tired. Here you go. I promise I'll make up for it with another post tonight... as long as I get a clear vote by then. :D
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

C Try to free the little creep. The other goblins will probably try to attack you once their numbers replenish, but you can punish them then, not before. It's not Righteous if it's a first strike, unless it's a Righteous First Strike!
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

D. Does the strength check work the same way as a normal attack, but with the strength mod added on?

Personally not a fan of any of those options, but I guess there's not much else we can do.

Option B leaves us open to potentially getting followed and attacked by the three goblins at a later point, but that is the best alternative, we could leave while they are distracted by their comrade in the tentacle plants.

I don't like A. because that goblin was snatched up as soon as he walked into the room, pretty sure there's going to be even more plants along the way to the opposite side of the room

I don't like C. because it faces the same problem of trying to fight them in the last segment, they have numbers and power over us.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

IDK. If we turn the vine beasties and save their friend, that might do two things: gain their favor (for whatever it's worth) and make it easier to intimidate them. As in, "look what we can do with our divine power. Do you really want to fuck with us?"

So, I vote C.
Re: Expedition to the Dungeon of Lust

D. Does the strength check work the same way as a normal attack, but with the strength mod added on?

Personally not a fan of any of those options, but I guess there's not much else we can do.

Option B leaves us open to potentially getting followed and attacked by the three goblins at a later point, but that is the best alternative, we could leave while they are distracted by their comrade in the tentacle plants.

I don't like A. because that goblin was snatched up as soon as he walked into the room, pretty sure there's going to be even more plants along the way to the opposite side of the room

I don't like C. because it faces the same problem of trying to fight them in the last segment, they have numbers and power over us.

Honestly, having difficulty choosing is a good thing, in my mind! If no option is obviously "the best" then you have to use judgement... and I like that. I've made a few mistakes when it comes to making certain options obviously better, so the idea of it being a tough choice appeals to me. Glad you're voting, as always! Thanks to everyone, naturally.