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Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

  • Yes. We want to talk to the other tamer in a calm setting.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • No. Yell to attract their attention, but keep going.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Forget him. He's a dunce, and his sister is rude.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert



King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Action Taken: Help the poor guy out.

I lean towards the nervous wreck. "Healing Honey or refreshing Syrup," I whisper back, my eyes kept on the supervising NurseJoy. She was leaning a little too far to the right to be awake.

"Thanks," he whispers.

It doesn't take too long for me to finish the glorified personality quiz. (Last question involved my favourite Menace type. I wrote Panthress.) "Done!" I exclaimed.

The NurseJoy squeals in surprise and falls to the floor. She was instantly back on her feet, looking at the clock. "Congratulations, you're done early. Please hand me your test and wait until the end of the hours to leave so as not to disturb the other attendee." I glance at the clock, and don a look of despair. It's three minutes to. The nurse caves in. "All right. You can wait in the lobby." I thank her, hand in my test and leave.

Back in the lobby, I seat myself in one of the more comfortable chairs, nodding to the NurseJoy behind the counter. A few minutes later, the other test taker comes down the stairs followed by the other NurseJoy. "Congratulations on finishing your Tamer's Test. They will now be processed and graded. While this is happening, you will be each be interviewed by a League Psychic."

Just as she finishes her statement, a woman spontaneously appears in the middle of the room. She's wearing a fitted purple business suit, matching her short purple hair and violet eyes. "I am here to interview those taking the Tamer's Test," she states professionally. She looks at me, and I shrug, then looks at the other taker. He smiles nervously. "You're first," she tells him, before retrieving a key from the NurseJoy behind the counter and leading the boy off through the door to the right.

"Does she do that often?" I ask the Nurses, "show up right on time, and alone."

"Oh, yes. She's been the interviewer for as long as I can remember." The sleepy one replies. The other nods in agreement.

I'm not sure how long the interview will take, so I decide to make small talk with the Nurses. "Is it usually this quite here? I figured a PokéCenter would have a constant flow of tamers and owners asking for cleaning, healing and taming cycles."

The both glance at each other, as if asking each other for the answer. The sleepy one, now more awake, replies again. "Now that you mention it, there hasn't been anyone coming in for the past few days. We usually do get a tamer every other day, and all the local pet owners show up at least once a month..."

"How come you're not asking them into a taming room," I hear a third voice ask, causing the Nurses to blush. I turn to see the pantless girl that was waiting outside had come in through the front doors. She has her hands on her hips, and a bored look on her face.

Before I can even begin to come up with a reply, miss purple returns with the nervous boy. "Come with me, Mr.Bullwinkle." she orders. I grimace, still unsure how to react to the pantless girl before following the interviewer.

I'm led into a hallway lined with at least a dozen doors, then into the first door on the left. A taming room. A massive bed dominating one half the room, a collection of metal beams and straps in the other half. Miss purple simply stands in the middle of the room.

I figured it this part would be like what I read about in all the Pokégirl stories. The psychic asks a bunch of questions and passively scans my brain to determine if I'm insane or otherwise unfit to take care of another sentient creature. What she says instead: "The other candidate failed the practical."

I'm extremely nervous at this point. No real reason to tell me that, unless she knew I helped him, which was likely since she's a mind reader. "So, he's not gonna become Tamer?" I ask, trying to act dumb.

"No. He is." she responds, smiling a little. "As do you, mister perfect score."

I'm rather dumbfounded at the how the subtle change in her facial expression can have such a huge impact on my perception of her. I thought she was just a league stooge that was gonna do her job, hate it, then leave, but now I see a potential opponent. I was gonna ask her why the other guy was gonna be made into a tamer despite his short comings, but I realized either it didn't matter, or miss Purple was actually testing me. "What would happen if I told League Officials this?" I threaten.

"They'd tell you not to worry about it. 'Everything is under control.'" she retorts.

I simply frown and shrug, accepting her answer as fact. Truth was, I didn't care about what others or the League did. I just wanted to be a Tamer and get lost in the world and become undisturbable. If she wasn't going to impeded that, then I had no reason to bother with her. "So, we done?" I ask.

"Yes," she replies, still smiling. I decide right then that it's an evil smile I never want to see again. She silently walks with me out to the front counter, where the NurseJoys, and nervous boy and his sister are waiting. "These two have both passed their exams and interview," miss purple states, back into her professional act. She then simply disappears.

"Freaky lady," the boy replies. "She probably heard you," his sister teases.

The NurseJoy behind the counter produces two red rectangles of metal. "Here are your Pokédexes. If you'll open them up and follow the on screen instructions, you'll notice that they are already registered with your names and just have to provide a thumb print key." I follow her instructions, then the dexes' to place my thumb on the screen. It warms to my touch before beeping. I hear the other now tamer's beep as well. "Congratulations on becoming tamers. You will now be issued a League sanctioned starter level Pokégirl to aide you on your journ..."

"Sqirtitty" the boy declares. I turn my head just in time to see his sister face-palm. He's smiling excitedly.

The NurseJoy sighs and types on a keyboard behind the counter. She shakes her head. "I'm sorry, we don't have a Squirtitty in storage here. In fact we don't have any waters types at all." The screen behind her lights up, and what is presumably the list of available starters scrolls across it. I read it, and consider my options.

Decision: Starter Pokégirl?
  1. Charmanda (Fire) - Thresholder that undewent a Level 5 taming cycle. She'll be completely obedient, but also lack a personality. Charmandas are powerful melee combatants with many fire attacks as well.
  2. Charmanda (Fire) - Feral born, ranch raised More personality than the former, which may be a curse as much as a blessing since Charmandas are known to be occasionally temperamental.
  3. Boobiesaur (Plant/Poison) - Thresholder. She'll have her whole personality intact, and this plant type has many status effect inducing attacks, including Lust Dust and Paralyse Powder. Their evolved form can also increase the bust of other girls in the harem.
  4. Catgirl (Normal) - Ranch born and raised. A common Pokégirl. Those actually trained for battle are pretty agile, and have many possible evolutions.
  5. A-bra (Psychic) - Ranch born, raised as a pet. A-bras are the lowest evolution in the most powerful psychic line of Pokégirls. They often know how to teleport, but they are also frail. They are also telepathic, reading the minds of people (though that is illegal).

Decision: What to do with her?
  • Let her out and say 'Hi'.
  • Request a taming room. Get an Alpha Bond forming now!
  • Head right into the wilds and start catching ferals.
  • Try to trade the starter for the other guy's sister. She's got spunk.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Psychic types are always fun so...


Although given the WTF evolutions of catgirls...

4 as a secondary.

B, alpha bonding is basically a requirement though. Otherwise they're near useless in a fight (if I recall anyway), in that they won't listen to you.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I'm torn between 3 or 5, but either way you should go with B.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Hmm... Boobiesaur is my first choice, but actually, let's go with A-bra instead.

Also, let's be the Gary Motherfucking Oak of this story and declare the other guy our rival. Challenge him to a battle, and afterwards, win or lose, say "smell ya later", sing the theme song and strut out of the place.

Hide in the alley until he leaves, then B.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I'll go with 5B as well.

I'm gonna need to start looking around for Pokegirl lore.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Starter: A-bra
Next Action: Tame her

"An A-bra?" I exclaim, the entry catching my eye. I piratically memorized all the various psychic types, and remembered this particular breed's drawbacks. Still, psychic types often break stories, what with their overpowered ability to overrule will power and mess with memories... plus an A-bra's evolutions have a pair of huge 'advantages'. "I'll take her," I declare.

"Really?" everyone else in the room asks simultaneously, surprised at my choice.

"Yes, and I'd like a taming room, please."

The Nurse behind the counter types into her hidden keyboard, then pulls out a belt with five tiny Pokéballs on it from some hidden compartment. In a white flash, another Pokéball appears on the counter in front of me. "Here is your standard issue Tamer's Belt, five complimentary Pokéballs and your starter. Please take good care of her." She says to me, as I retrieve my new gear. I nod and thank her politely as she hands me a key to one of the taming rooms, and proceed to said room 'get to know' my new companion. As I leave, I hear the other tamer's sister advise him to take the Boobiesaur.

Coincidently, I get the same room I was interviewed in. I lock the door behind me, and place my belt, dex and spare Pokéballs on the small end table right near the entrance.

I have the A-bra's ball in hand, and I twist it about, contemplating what I'm about to do. It's such a complicated moment. I have in the palm of my hand another living sentient creature, much more powerful than me, but about to become my subservient friend with an act as simple sex. Which at once both makes me incredibly excited and conflicted.

Figuring the more I dwell on the matter, the more likely I will psych myself out of getting what I need to do done, I push a button. The Pokéball shrinks to the size of a marble. I pushed the wrong button. Fumbling, I reverse my actions and press the correct button to release the girl from inside. Red beam of light comes forth from the ball, forming a shape on the floor in front of me.

The red light fades, and before me a petite girl lays asleep, wearing a red sun-dress. True to her breed, she doesn't have much of a bust, but her exotic colouration makes up for it. Her skin, which I assumed would be a yellowish colour much like sandstone, is instead, her skin glitters as gold, and I can make out freckles on her cheeks and arms, her lips are a darker shade. Her hair, an unusual feature among the A-bra line, is a warm pink colour like you'd see in a sunset. A top her head are two thin antenna, three inches long, the ends sporting short pink hairs.

I take a moment to take in the beauty sleeping on the floor in front of me. Then my chivalry kicks in, and I kneel down and lift her off the floor. She's light. As I stand, she stirs in my arms. Her eyes open and meet mine. Her pupils are the same colour as her hair, with tiny golden flecks that seam to sparkle as she glances around the room.

"Hello," I say to her.

"Hello," she replies in kind, looking back at me again, a blank expression on her face. "Are you now my Master?" She doesn't seem to mind being in my arms.

"Yes," I reply, trying to stay calm. Even though I was half expecting it, her lack of emotion is a bit disturbing. "I'm a tamer, now. You are my starter girl."

"I want to be tamed," she states simply. "Will you please tame me, Master?"

"Sure," I say. I appreciate her direct approach, it saves me the awkwardness of having to ask. Plus, I kinda like a forward girl. "What's your name?" I ask, laying her on the bed.

"My previous owner called me Sunset," she answers, shifting into comfortable position on the bed and removing her dress. I gasp in awe as she reveals her dainty body to me, subtle girlish curves and small perky breasts. I notice her pubic hair is the same warm pink as her hair, before her dark-gold nipples completely dominate my attention.

It takes me several minutes, feeling up her chest, causing her to gasp and squirm, before I register what I'm doing. Between the sensations of her smooth, warm skin, and the noises she's making, my pants feel very tight and repressing. "Sorry. What do I call you?" I ask, trying to maintain some semblance of self control.

"Anything," she replies, breathing heavily. "Just don't stop."

I have no trouble being unable to argue with her. I let my hands wander her body, massaging and groping with complete abandon. She keeps her hands on the bedsheets, gripping them tightly as she continues to writhe is my clutches. But despite how enjoyable it is, I suddenly stop. She looks at me, and opens her mouth to say something, but stops when she notices that I'm undoing my clothes.

Never have I found wearing a button up shirt to be so oppressive, or wearing an undershirt to be excessive. Having decided to skip half the buttons, I have both covering my face when I feel the pressure of my pants completely give away. The sudden cool breeze on my loins surprises me almost as much as the sudden warm fingers wrapping around my fully hardened member, starting to stroke it. I get the clothes out of my eyes just in time to see her lips wrap around my cock.

"Oh, wow," I moan, as she begins to slowly lick the head of my shaft. She has one hand wrapped around the base, while the other strokes it. I instinctively place my hands on her shoulders, fully content in the enjoyable experience. It isn't long before I cum in her mouth, the stimulation too good, too much for me. Pulling my still hard member out of her cum filled mouth, I watch her swallow it all, her expressionless eyes watching me back. Part of me wants to stick it back in, but another part know that wouldn't be fair.

I push her down on her back as I climb out of my pants and join her. Knowing what I intend, she spreads her legs open, and uses on hand to spread her nether lips open, inviting me in to her quick obviously wet glistening hole. I lean over top of her, my arms wrapping around her smaller frame as her free hand grips my still hard cock and guides me in. She's breathing heavily again, as I press down, filling her up without any resistance. She's warm and squishy inside, slick with the juices of her arousal.

"A-bra," she moans. I barely hear her as I begin thrusting. Her hands have found their way out from between our bodies, and she wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She holds on to me, panting, gasping and moaning randomly as I thrust repeatedly.

Suddenly she grips me tightly, her eyes widening in shock. She still somehow lacks any readable expression, but it somehow looks extremely erotic and spurns me to thrust ever faster. She starts screaming and griping me tighter, as I pound her into the mattress. I feel her squirm and shiver against my body, her breath against my ear.

I scream, finally climaxing again, almost painfully. Her fingers have dug into my back, and her eyes have closed.

I spend a minute panting on top of her before I ease myself up. She keeps a firm hold of me, keeping her body pressed against mine. "Are you OK?" I ask her, suddenly concerned that I lost control of my self. She simply nods and says her breed name. "Taming shock?" I ask, rubbing her back. She nods again, before letting go of me and leaning back. She makes a circle with one hand, and starts thrusting an index finger in it. "You wanna go again?" I ask, trying not to laugh. She nods. "Not right now. We have work to do." She nods again, and I assume she's agreeing.

I lean forward and kiss her lips gently. She responds aggressively, licking my tongue passionately.


Rocky Bullwinkle: Rookie Tamer
  1. Sunset - A-Bra, Shiny
  2. -
  3. -
  4. -
  5. -
  6. -


Decision: Next move?
  1. Find that other tamer and challenge him to a friendly Pokégirl battle. You wanna know how powerful Sunset is.
  2. Find the other tamer and challenge his harem to a sex battle. Sunset is still horny, and a lesbian porn show is always nice.
  3. Find that other tamer and introduce yourself properly, then head into the wilderness to catch some ferals.
  4. Head strait into the wilds and catch some ferals. We've got bellies to feed, and a harem to build.
  5. Get to a city ASAP. We want to get involved in some politics or crime.
  6. Wait! Hang on! Why are we calling this girl Sunset? Would another name be more appropriate?

I'm gonna need to start looking around for Pokegirl lore.
Start and . There's also a Yahoo group, but I'm not a member.
Last edited:


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

3, or 1 if people outvote me for it. Somehow, I don't see that happening though.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1 as a primary,
3 as a backup/follow up.

I do recall A-bra's being some what weak early on, but I don't remember enough to make accurate assessments about it. Thus, a battle to see what it could do would help. Would make feral hunting easier.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert


Sunset is active now, but eventually she's gonna conk out for a bit. Might as well use her to catch a feral so you have something else to use.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Choice 3.
His sister facepalming at him saying 'Squirtitty' leads me to believe he's not the brightest bulb in the bunch, and as such he might make a good sidekick later, so good relations should start now. Also, if he chose a Boobiesaur like his sister suggested, based on the descriptions of the pokegirls a confrontation would result in a loss. Maybe you could catch... okay, I don't know the names, but I'm sure there's pokegirl versions of 'Ratata', 'Caterpie', or even 'Pidgey' out there.


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Choice 3.
His sister facepalming at him saying 'Squirtitty' leads me to believe he's not the brightest bulb in the bunch, and as such he might make a good sidekick later, so good relations should start now. Also, if he chose a Boobiesaur like his sister suggested, based on the descriptions of the pokegirls a confrontation would result in a loss. Maybe you could catch... okay, I don't know the names, but I'm sure there's pokegirl versions of 'Ratata', 'Caterpie', or even 'Pidgey' out there.
You mean and for example?


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

Excellent. I shall have to bookmark that for future reference.

Also, TT, catch a Titmouse. You'll need a cook. :p


Jungle Girl
Jun 4, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

You should catch a Tyamazon or a Slicer or another first-tier fighting type because they are weak against Psychic pokegirls so should be easy to catch and they are strong against most of the types that a psychic type is weak against.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1 sounds good, sure.

Also, I lol'd at "Sunset, shiny" and I'm not sure why.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

1 then after have recover from the battle, go to cach some feral before A-bra require sleep


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

You should catch a Tyamazon or a Slicer or another first-tier fighting type because they are weak against Psychic pokegirls so should be easy to catch and they are strong against most of the types that a psychic type is weak against.
Actually, I was planing to catch every thing, but that does bring up a good point. Of course, I have no idea what your vote is.

Right now it's a tie between choice 1 and 3, with 3 votes and an alt vote each.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

You should catch a Tyamazon or a Slicer or another first-tier fighting type because they are weak against Psychic pokegirls so should be easy to catch and they are strong against most of the types that a psychic type is weak against.
This one looks like a 4


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

This one looks like a 4

I've started writing, but not in any way that will set the vote in stone.

Excellent. I shall have to bookmark that for future reference.
Careful. That dex is a out of date, but it can still provide a decent base line for understanding the other Pokégril types.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Exotic Exponent - A Pokégirls Self-insert

I say 3 or 4.