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Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Bubblegum waits for Marceline. She then spots her. "Bonnibel? When the hell you become a vampire?" Bubblegum glares back at her rival. "It's Bubblegum...." Marceline smiles playfully. "No more Princess Bubblegum?" Bubblegum sighs, then explains. "I have been replaced in my kingdom due to the influx of monsters since Finn and Jake's disappearance..." Marceline crosses her arms, listening. Bubblegum continues. "Do you have any idea where they are?"

Marceline shrugs, dismissively. "Could be dead for all I know. Last I heard, they were out looking for some lost fairy friend. Reminds me of a video game's timeline." She smiles. "So you decided to become a vampire?"

Bubblegum looks to herself. "No. I just am wearing a Darklike Outfit. It makes my skin pale." Marceline rolls her eyes. "Laaaame. Why are you always finding ways against the Apocalypse? I built Hollowdeath to EMBRACE the darkness it brings. It's soothing, don't you think?

Bubblegum glares to her. "That isn't how to live. People should be living in happiness and joy. Not dark and gloominess!" Marceline responds. "Nerd..." Bubblegum retorts. "Goth..."

Marceline sighs. "You still are quite silly. But it seems that you have rallyed a bunch of this kingdom's followers to your cause. Good for you!" Bubblegum looks to the side. "Well yes.... I was hoping that maybe-" Marceline interrupts. "That we could form a resistance? Of course!"

Bubblegum looks surprised at this. "You serious? That's grand! That is quite grand. I humbly bestow upo-" Marceline interrupts again. "We won't if you talk like that." Bubblgum blushes a bit. "Er.... uhm, thanks."

Hollowdeath is now on Bubblegum's Resistance!

Marceline winks. "Bye nerd. Lets hope that we can help you into your little castle soon." Bubblegum sighs. "Bye goth."

Bubblegum then looks around after Marceline leaves. The population has no "relations" meter anymore, indicating Bubblegum has formed an alliance. Though she can still try for items or friends.

A.) Go out toward the next town.

B.) Stay here and talk to people.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

B. Don't we still have a wallet to return? Not that it'll get us any rep anymore points but still.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

B. return the wallet
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

B. Try and have sweaty Nerd-on-Goth sex with Marceline.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

(Nope. Not gonna happen, Iggy! >:3)

Bubblegum decides to talk to people again, trying to maintain the good name she has in the kingdom. She looks to the populace and sees the rocker chick and the man still looking for his wallet. The rocker chick seems to be on the verge of giving up. Thinking she may be better at the keyboard than the guitar...

A.) Talk to the man.

B.) Talk to the rocker chick.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Okay you know what? B.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

B. She can play her keyboard~.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

B. Eh, why not.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Bubblegum walks to the rocker. She seems to be on the verge of putting it up. "Having trouble?" The rocker smiles. "Oh, hello! Yeeeah.... I just can't seem to hit a note without a second guitarist with me.... I need it to sound just right. I can't find anyone to help me, so I am thinking of just sticking with the keyboard..." Bubblegum nods. "Oooorrrr......" She picks one up. "You could let me help you!" The rocker laughs happily. "Aha, you play!? That's perfect!!! Follow my notes..."

The guitarist plays a few notes. Then Bubblegum plays the notes. "Good! Good! Now.... play close to the same time I am. Hopefully, I can find the best sound to play when we do." The two then jam on their guitars for a bit. Playing more and more faster and intense as they go along. Bubblegum displays a surprising amount of skill with it.

"That is wonderful! By the way, my name is Teckta! It's a pleasure to get to know you! I knew you were something of a name around here, but you took me by surprise!" Bubblegum responds. "Heheh. I practice."

Teckta then nods, playing a bit better than before. "Perfect! You helped me out a lot! As a reward.... how about this? I found it in an old abandoned human space shuttle." She hands a blaster to Bubblegum. A very useful item indeed. "This bad boy can even keep blood dragons at bay! Darklike scientists are developing them to act more.... dark just for us." She smiles, a fang showing.

Bubblegum waves to her. "Thank you! You are indeed awesome! I am glad to help!"

There is no one but the man now. She goes over to him. "Hey! My wallet! Thank you! I hope The Sting didn't annoy you too much...." Bubblegum responds. "Yeah..... he put up a fight but I stopped him from doing too much." The man nods. "Well... Might I reward you then? I can upgrade your melee attacks to level 2." Bubblegum gasps softly. "That would be most grand!"

The man nods, smiling. He then takes the wallet. He then holds Bubblegum's hand and glows her, filling her with power. Bubblegum can now easily fight regular Bandits!

Bubblegum nods and waves happily, having felt accomplished. Night falls and the bar opens again....

A.) Camp out.

B.) Sleep Inn.

C.) Go out adventuring.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

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Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Bubblegum decides to head out to Hollowgrove for a campout. A rest is needed for the night. She takes out her tent and sits in it. "Hmmm.... Today was indeed a good day. Me and Marceline didn't end up killing each other. And I saved someone's wallet. My search for conquest will be an easy one indeed."

She looks to her inventory, thinking if she should use her Ink Tag to save her place. "This thing will practically make me immortal in a way. I can restart here every time I die, should the situation occur."

A.) Ink then sleep

B.) Sleep.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Erasing you game data...................
Your game data has been successfully erased.

Just kidding =P A.) always save your game after boss fights and important events.
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

Bubblegum takes out her memo pad, writes down some nots, then stamps the magical Ink Tag on it. She smiles to her accomplishments, then sets it aside. She then closes her eyes. "Hnnn.... Goodnight.... to another dreary day in the Apocalands...." She falls asleep.

The next day, she wakes up. She walks out of her tent, stretching and yawning. She rubs an eye as she looks over the horizon. "Should I start my adventuring now or wait around Hollowdeath?"

A.) Nearest Route

B.) Hollowdeath Town
Re: Exile in the Candy Kingdom

A.) Best to take it slow and steady, and small.