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EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
"Members of the War Council, Assembled Guests, Ladies, Gentlemen... greetings. My name is Professor Tolliver Smith. As you are undoubtedly aware, we have been at war with the rebellious, devious Eastern provinces. We are in a deadlock, in technology, in infantry, in ships and aircraft. Both sides are quite firmly entrenched, and it had proven next to impossible to inflict more harm upon them than they upon us."

"I present to you the first step in a new direction, a chemical and biological weapon that we have worked on for many months. This weapon is undetectable and will allow our troops to penetrate the Eastern defenses with minimal losses and minimal infrastructure damage. I present to you subject EVP-0128."

From behind a thick one-way window, the assemblage stares at a woman clothed in a simple set of blue coveralls, manacled in an X to a diagonal table.

"She is, or was, a member of our own military. She was found guilty at court-martial, and sentenced to use as a weapon against the enemy. As you can see, she is fully clothed and quite normal-looking, though at this point quite helpless. We have isolated the air venting in her cell, as her... power... travels through the air. Observe as we introduce a regular human."

A door opens into the chamber with the subject, and in walks a blonde, muscular male clad in gym clothes. He pauses, smells the air... and is immediately drawn to the woman, moving to stand before her.

"He is drawn by her scent and her pheromones, which have been enhanced. They will only grow stronger with time and... arousal."

The helpless woman struggles, loudly protesting as the man kneels before her, pressing his face into her clothed crotch. He inhales deeply, and then begins scrabbling at her coveralls, beginning to tear them open in frustration. He finally exposes most of her body, as well as her womanhood, which is by now rather moist. He immediately shoves his mouth onto her exposed vagina, lapping at her desperately.

"It is quite impossible to resist her for any man at this range. Over time, her range and potency will grow, unless she is cleansed with a certain combination of chemicals, and even then her reprieve will be temporary."

The man rips down his own shorts, exposing his already-hard member. He rapidly aligns his cock with her now flowing pussy, thrusting himself forward with abandon.

"He will fuck her until his orgasm, which will render him virtually catatonic from a somewhat traumatic climax. But observe as we allow another person into the mix."

Another door opens... and a short brunette emerges in gym clothes. She is drawn in by the musk at a faster rate, charging forward to gaze at the rutting couple. The bound woman cries out to the newcomer for help. Without a moment's hesitation, the brunette steps in behind the man... and wraps two hands around his head. One swift jerk later, the man crumples to the ground like a ragdoll, his head hanging at an odd angle from his neck.

"You see... the victims will kill for sex with EVP-0128. And as her arousal grows stronger, so does her potency."

The bound woman's relief turns quickly to dismay as the brunette kneels between her legs, lapping at her delicious juices in a fever. The brunette slides a hand down the front of her own gym shorts, slipping a finger into herself...

"We will insert the weapon deep inside our enemy's forces. It should take no more than a week... then our forces can enter, safely inoculated against her power, and conquer even the most impregnable targets with minimal casualties, resistance or structural damage."

"Long live the New Confederacy of Western States!"


OOC: Welcome to my first attempt at a CYOA, the world of EVP-0128. EVP-0128 is the protagonist of this somewhat twisted CYOA, and was a member of the military of the Western States, who are naturally at war with the Eastern States (it's an alternate history for the USA, though I doubt geography will play much of a role here).

EVP-0128 has been converted into something of a biological/chemical weapon by her own government. Her vagina emits pheromones that attract mammals of all types. As time passes, the attraction and range will slowly but steadily grow. Should she become aroused, it will grow much stronger, though the range will continue at the same pace. The only way to remove the effects (and thereby "reset" the weapon) is a combination of rum, semen and heat that requires a skilled chemist to create properly.

Of course, you have a number of choices when it comes to EVP-0128 herself.

Vote 1) Who is EVP-0128, really?
A. Interior Communications Specialist, 2nd Class (IC2) Catherine "Cat" Silvio, a natural "whiz-kid" when it comes to electrical wiring and electronics, but particularly communication circuitry. Cat is a short, petite, bespectacled redhead, somewhat quick on her feet but not very physically strong.
B. 1st Lieutenant (1LT) Rebecca "Becca" Walker, a nurse practitioner who was is rather adept at medicine and chemistry. She is able to administer first aid in the field, and she is able to synthesize a salve that lessens or neutralizes the effects of her pheromones. Becca is a platinum blonde of medium height and rather curvy, possessing average strength and speed.
C. Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Sonja Redford, a rifleman first but also a skilled practitioner of Tae Kwon Do and Kickboxing. She is capable of beating men to death with her bare hands, and is skilled at improvising weaponry regardless of location. Sonja is of a medium height, a dark-skinned woman with brunette hair and a toned build. She is a physical powerhouse, but has no medical or technical skills.

Vote 2) What crime was EVP-0128 found guilty of (hinting at her informal skills)?
A. Stealing (sleight-of-hand)
B. Desertion (stealth)
C. Sexual Perversity (sexual technique)

Vote 3) Was EVP-0128 really guilty (no gameplay effect)?
A. Of that and much, much more.
B. Guilty as charged.
C. Framed by a friend.
D. Completely innocent, just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Vote 4) In which Eastern target is she being inserted first?
A. An entrenched infantry position in a Northern wilderness (pine trees and snow)
B. A naval vessel
C. A military research facility
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

Edit: Vote consolidation:

1A: IC2 Silvio.
2A: Theft
3D: Innocent. Of course, she's been learning since she was imprisoned...
4C: R&D is hugely important! Must go here! Disrupt, or better yet capture the research. Maybe she'll get exonerated for heroism...
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Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

1) A
2) A
3) D
4) B
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon


Classic rape and revenge story.
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. A
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

1) B
2) B
3) B
4) C

Becca learned of the weapon they were working on, and was caught amist her desertion
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

1: B
2: B
3: B
4: Hell, why break the trend? B
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

1) C
2) C
3) B
4) C
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon


Let the Games..... Begin!
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

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Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

Sex it up! :D

Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon


"Fuck, uh, command, everyone's else is dead, how do I drive the boat?"

Also, "hey there sailor".
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

1. A
2. C
3. A
4. B
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

Voting results:
1) A 7 votes, B 6 votes, C 1 vote. EVP-0128 is IC2 "Cat" Silvio.
2) A 4 votes, B 3 votes, C 7 votes. Cat was found guilty of sexual perversity, specifically possession of unapproved pornographic material and foreign sexual toys.
3) A 4 votes, B 4 votes, C 1 vote, D 5 votes. The pornography and sex toys were stashed in her locker by a fellow sailor moments before a living space inspection.
4) A 2 votes, B 5 votes, C 7 votes. Cat is being dropped into a suspected military research installation via parachute from a high-altitude aircraft equipped with stealth capabilities.
Cat awakens in a large metal chamber. The only thing she can see is a large red light, her vision still quite blurry. She looks around... she has been strapped down to the wall, her hands bound in front of her and a pack attached to her back. A long strap runs from her pack to a long pole above her that runs the long end of the chamber. The floor seems to shift beneath her.

"IC2. You're awake. Good."

The voice comes from a figure in front of her. She squints, her eyes focusing in the dim light, and recognizes the speaker as one of the security guards from the Western States Research Center where she had been held for the past three months, subjected to several... experiments. She realizes with growing dismay that she's currently being held in an aircraft, and she has a parachute strapped to her back.

"For what it's worth, I don't think you're guilty. Unfortunately, that really doesn't matter now. What does matter... is your 'assignment.' It's mid-July. You're being air-dropped into an Eastern research facility near Jacksonville, Florida. This is one of their more important research facilities, in addition to its use as a naval base. Their security will be tight, but that won't matter. You're currently at the first state of pheromone emission. That means that any person within twenty feet of you will be drawn towards you with a slight level of arousal. As they get closer, the arousal will grow. As time passes, the potency and range of your... emissions... will increase. The potency will also increase with arousal. As a side note, animals with a stronger sense of smell, such as military working dogs, will be attracted from a much longer range."

Cat opens her mouth to speak, but is cut off by a swift motion from the guard.

"Sorry, no time for questions. We're about at your drop point. As your chute opens, it will also free you from your bindings. Within approximately a week, the lab geeks estimate that most of the base will be neutralized based on your presence alone. All you have to do is stay alive. Then our troops, safely immune to your effects, will sweep in and take the base."

A moment later, the red light flicks to green. The guard pulls the straps on the wall loose, dragging the bound Cat to the opening door. The air howls by them, as they're flying a short distance above the clouds.

"Good luck, IC2."

The guard braces to push Cat out the door and into the open night air. Cat has two options:
A) Allow herself to be pushed out, or
B) use her legs and leverage to try to kick the guard out, instead (this might be a bit difficult due to their size difference).
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

A, the guard's done nothing wrong. No need for murder just yet, eh?
Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon

Re: EVP-0128: The Life of a Biological Weapon
