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Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

As the radio turned on, the three could hear a surprisingly clear channel. No static at all, though no voices or anything else either. At first everyone was quiet, waiting, but within ten seconds Frankie was impatient. "Gah! Give me that, let's try talking to them!" He yanked the radio away from everyone else and pressed the transmit button. "HEY! Is anyone out there!" Nothing happened, Frankie looked at the radio dumbfounded. He was about to toss the thing in frustration when a voice finally came over the radio. "Hello? Hello? We read you... *static* ...a shelter in the PetroTec Depot... *static* ...Route 3... *Static* Please resp.... *static* They'd found some friendlies, but the radio died! Frankie frantically started shaking the radio. "This recharges it, right? RIGHT?!?"
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"It should." If Frankie wasn't currently shaking the hell out of that thing Bea would probably be doing it instead. They finally found someone, and they were in a shelter! There were places to hide out for a bit! She REALLY wanted to get to one of those places, and she started thinking about all the roads she'd seen in the city. She tried to remember if one of those connected to Route 3. If they found a gas station Bea would need to remember to grab a map or something. Wandering around semi-blind was not helping.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Max, as ususal, was the calmest of the group. "There should be a way onto a main road around here somewhere. We should get on that and head towards the coast. I believe the lower numbers start there, then get higher as they go inland. Plus, we might be able to find a few more good sources of supplies before we have to leave the area." He paused and waited for the other two to stop their mad flailing. "If we're done here, we should get right on it."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

As Max had been talking Bea took the radio and started shaking it once Frankie started looking a little tired, but she slowed and came to an eventual stop by the time the man finished. She simply stood and thought some more before she started reasoning to herself. "We probably should keep moving. We have a general direction, the radio will recharge as we walk, and it's better than waiting in one spot in case more nasties start showing up. Okay, let's go." After having convinced herself she makes she all her gear is properly stowed. As she walks she thinks of the pry bar they found earlier. It was pretty sturdy, it kept its shape well, so it could probably be used as a weapon if they needed it. The bat would probably be better since it was designed to hit things, but a long piece of unyielding metal should work just as well.

(If the bar can be used as a weapon how would it compare to the bat?)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(About the same, but it can slash as well as bash. Bashing will make it break sooner or later, probably sooner)

Max started off down the side street that was at the intersection. No doubt he hoped it connected to a main road. There were very few landmarks in this neighborhood, it seemed. However, this was the direction of the ocean, Bea knew that much, so it was the right direction even if they'd have to backtrack a bit.

After three blocks, the road stopped curving and raised a bit ahead, with a stop light at the top. The three slowly walked up the slope, not exactly in cover, but not drawing attention to themselves. Before them was another strip mall, but this one was much larger then the last. Two buildings of storefronts and two resturants, a steakhouse and some sort of ethnic place. "See anything particularlly interesting? We don't have time for all of them, but one or two would be nice to search."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Well, the restaurants won't have anything that'll keep for too long, so unless someone wants to join me for a late lunch..." Bea stopped for a second to let that idea settle. "...then we should just ignore those for now. Let's look for some non-perishables, some medical supplies, and maybe some place that may have some ammo. We need something for that revolver." With her priorities said she started looking at each individual store trying to figure out which one had what she was looking for. Of course if someone else said they were hungry she'd gladly stop for a bite to eat.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"We can just get candy bars at the check-outs of other stores for a snack, we have some food with us after all." It was slightly surprising Frankie had something useful to say, though it might have had more to do with where he was looking. "I see a sporting goods store. They generally have some types of ammo." Max seemed to be in agreement, but had one comment. "Should we split up or not? It didn't turn out too bad last time, but it could have gone alot worse."

(Forgot to respond to this earlier. Yes, NPCs can take your XP, but I leave it up to the player. You can either let them level up, or take it all for yourself, depending on your preference)
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Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(Either way is fine with me.)

"Good eye, Frankie. This time let's stick together. I sure as hell don't wanna find one of those cannon bastards all by my lonesome." And so Bea heads off to the sports store with dreams of shotguns and rifles stuck in her head.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

As the group made their way across the complex's parking lot all was quiet. The wind was really starting to pick up, though, providing a creepy ambience. Once or twice a loose piece of newspaper hit one of them as they made their way to the target store. It was on the end, so the trip took a few minutes.

The door was open, and inside they could see that they weren't the first to have this idea. The store was utterly trashed. The floor was littered with all sorts of goods from the store and random other objects as well. Most of the ammo seemed to be cleaned out, but some hunting rifles were left. Everyone in the group could atleast have a firearm now. No doubt if they chose to sift through the mess they'd find atleast some ammo for that type of rifle, as it seemed to be the only type of gun sold here. If they were lucky they might even find some other types of ammo.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The trip through the parking lot was taking some time, and the wind that decided to pick up just then made it seem even longer. There wasn't much for anything to hide behind, but even with the relatively open area Bea kept hearing what she thought were inhuman whispers being carried with each gust that blew by her. She knew it was just her mind playing cruel little tricks on her, but she couldn't help but feel a little more anxious.

At a conveniently timed nervous peak Bea's eyes had looked to the side, so she was completely unprepared for the flying mass that struck her in the face. "Eep!" Her hands immediately came up to claw at whatever had latched onto her, but the distinct crinkling of paper immediately told her what it was. When she finally clenched it with one fist she brought it down to reveal a slightly red and quite embarrassed look. A few seconds later another part of the newspaper struck her once again. This time she looked rather unamused, and once it was down she started walking forward a little faster just to get out of this apparent wind tunnel. After having gained a few steps on the men she is attacked one more time, and as she sits there venting a rather frustrated growl she heard some very light chuckling from behind. When she finally pulled down the paper she tore it in half between the pages and let both pieces fly. The sound of twin grunts was music to her ears, and she continued with a smile.

After successfully and unsuccessfully dodging more of yesterday's news the group finally found their destination. And they weren't the first. Bea saw merchandise littering the floor as far as the eye could see, but thankfully she did find a few untouched rifles. "At least we found something." She picked one up for herself and started rummaging around for more ammo. "Hey guys, you should see if you can find some bats or something to use in case we don't find enough bullets."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The two men spread out, searching seperate area's from Bea. A good thing, too, as there was nothing at all in her area. On the other hand, Max found what he was looking for right away, ammo for the revolver. There was a nice pile of it in one of the corners, must not be very popular with whoever came through here.

Frankie was walking along a whole side to himself. His pistol was technically for target shooting, but was quite impressive looking. Ammo for it was on the looters' list for sure. He still managed to find one or two reloads here and there.

As for sports equipment for use as weapons, most good choices were easily available at normal stores, and therefore not sold in the specialty shop, or already taken by looters. However, there were a few golf clubs here and there. Max picked up a driver, the best looking left, and tossed it to Bea. "Largest head, should do some good damage, though we gotta be careful not bend the neck." Frankie really wasn't interested in the golf clubs, and hence didn't check them out, though Max gave him a look like he should be a bit more concerned about it.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Well, Bea found bupkiss. Hu-fuckin'-zah. Both of the guys found some ammo for their hand guns, so that was one thing left to worry about, and Max picked up a golf club and tossed it to her. Light weight, heavy club, minimal wind resistance, the practice swing told her all that as she listened to it slightly whistle through the air. This could work, but the neck/shaft/whatever looked a little too flimsy. She couldn't strike anything with it, and she couldn't use it to defend. She needed to be very careful and not catch the club against either her target or a nearby wall. That would be nearly impossible to accomplish, and eventually the club would bend down the center and become useless.

But a weapon's a weapon. "All right, I'll keep this thing for now. It'll probably break somewhere down the road, but until then it'll work." After everyone regrouped after they finished searching Bea started speaking once again. "Okay, we've got some ammo and a couple more weapons. There's not much left to use in here. Let's take a quick search somewhere else then get on our way. So what's our ammo count?" As she spoke she hoisted that rifle she now carried and tested it out. She really didn't like guns, but considering the circumstances she knew she could learn to love them. Of course she still wasn't all that familiar with them, so she obviously didn't know how to hold a rifle. "Either of you guys know how to use this?"
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"There were five reloads ready to go for the revolver, there's alot of loose bullets around there too but it'd be a hassle to collect them all, and reloading this thing one by one isn't a very good idea I think. There were also three boxes for the rifle somewhere in the back, might want to go pick those up." "I just found two, people just can't leave this awsome gun alone. Good thing I was conserving ammo, cause I still have some." Frankie's comment was ironic as ususal. The two looked at the rifle Bea had found. "It can't be too hard to use. I'd take it but it isn't as fancy as what I have now, so..." Max just shook his head at this. "I'll trade, if you want to."

When the group was done discussing ammo, Max went to the door to look out. "I don't think we need to search any more here. There really isn't all that much more we could use right now anyway, and its about one thirty by now I bet. We might want to pick up the pace a bit."
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Trade? No no, I just wanna know how to actually use it. Guess I'll have to figure out on my own..." That last bit was said a little more to herself as Bea left to grab the rifle ammo. "Since it's about 1:30 I guess we should get moving if we wanna hit that safe zone. Let's just grab something to snack on before we leave." As she takes her own advice the woman took hold of the radio and looked it over. Last time they didn't get much out of it before the battery died, but maybe if they waited a bit longer it would hold more of a charge to allow for an actual conversation. There should be some kind of power meter or something on it somewhere.

(Quick snack run before leaving)
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

The group made their way outside. The closest food joint was nearby, but a quick wiff of the wind told them that the food their seemed to be spoiled already. Someone must have raided it and left the coolers open. The smell was almost enough to induce vomiting, but moving out of the area brough back a normal feeling.

The steakhouse was back the way they came a bit. Max led the way, this time they had a tailwind so nothing to hit them in the face. As they got closer, they saw the door was open, and snarling noises could be heard from within. Sounded like atleast two infected were in there.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Spying some place to eat the group made their way forward, but the smell of rancid meat and rotten flesh nearly made Bea stop and wretch. That was not appetizing. Once she managed to move away from the wind the smell cleared enough for her to think straight, and soon after she spied the steak house they passed on their way to the sports store. As they approached the sounds of something living could be heard inside, and from what she heard it didn't quite sound human. "*groan* I'm really not in the mood for those things right now. Forget it, let's just go." And at that Bea went straight for the road and continued to head towards what was hopefully Route 3 while checking that radio.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

(Heh, was about to tell you the radio was ready again)

Max saw Bea get the radio out again, and stuck his hand out for it. "Better make sure it's on the same channel. I think I remember it." He turned the radio on, there was silence on the channel once more. "Hello, is anyone still there?" Only a few seconds of silence this time before a response came loud and clear. "Hello! Were you the one's who contacted us earlier? We lost your transmission." Max continued the conversation, not wanting to waste valueable battery time passing it around. "Yeah, this radio doesn't have much of a battery life, but it can recharge. Look, we got your location, but aren't quite sure how to get there. We're at a strip mall... don't know the name, but its more then one building and has two eateries." Voices were heard, but whoever was on the other end was talking to someone away from the radio, after a few seconds they came back on the air. "Okay, then instead of us giving directions, look for the bank, it should be across the street on the West side. They have map pamplets in there, as well as a big map on the wall, you should be able to find your way with that." "Alright thanks, but we just know you're on Route 3, where at on that road?" Several seconds of dead air, then the power light flashed off. The radio had died again...
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Maps?" The moment she heard that she started walking in a hurry across the street, her eyes focusing on the bank the group had mentioned. She approached it carefully, and if there were any nearby windows she would take a peek inside to search for any zombies or spiders or whatever was waiting inside. If she didn't see anything then she'd immediately enter and search for that map.
Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

Even from a distance, everyone could see the bank was trashed. Papers of various shapes and sizes littered the lobby. Many people probably tried to loot the place, kind of like the bank the three had found yesterday. Fortunately, no one was around in this one. As the three got to the door, Frankie just walked in a started sifting around in the papers. Max stood guard, however, putting any of Bea's fears to rest about ambushes. Before long, the short man stood up with map in hand.


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Re: Everybody Needs a Hero (Termite)

"Hey, we're not that far from Rte 3!" As Bea stared at the map she seemed excited enough, but after a few seconds a rather somber look came over her. "Still don't know where the PetroTec Depot is..." She opened the map to look for some more detailed areas on the off chance that their locations was somehow marked. She very strongly doubted it, though, and if she found nothing then so be it. "At least we know where we're heading kinda. The radio should hopefully recharge by the time we hit that road, so we can ask then. Ready to go?"

(Map was a little hard to read, but after I copied the image into Paint I finally figured it out.)