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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I don’t see why you’re even mad, I’m just following the rules of the game, as you explained them. I’ve already lost one of your orders for following one that didn’t count, I’m not falling for that again" Evelen said to the angry redheaded ghost. These phantoms were starting to annoy her badly. The plantgirl, meanwhile, seemed genuinely bothered by the fact that the brunette was separated from her family, and then went on to explain that the one in the armor was a man, gifted to her by “the mistress,” who couldn’t talk. "Mm, it’s fine. I plan to find them. I’ve already found one of them" she replied, "and yes, she’s just like you. Same skintone, same hair color, everything. Were you born that way, or did a certain kind of plant change you? If the latter, you might even have had the same process. And who is this mistress people keep talking about? Why would anyone try to rule in this place?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The maids were still struggling, the blue girl looks to try her best to stop the red one, who looks really pissed. We arent playing...ugh... you has make us get a lot of fun so we decided to...

Forget it, we will continue this trial!!

Fine, but we must clean this room a little more before leave the plant alone. The blue maid interrupt not leaving than this could turn into a noisy comfrontation, maybe Evelen could have now a chance to get free of this trial, if the red head calm herself.

The plantgirl continue reading as both continue talking, she change of page and frown before answer. Our Mistress have a big underground garden, i think to had seen a plant monster there, than could fit the description. She looks to take a moment to decide something and continue. You dont know our Mistress? Strange...

I supposed than you was a maid, maybe you are in training. I so sorry, but we have forbidden give information about our mistress, i suppose than you will have an audience with her soon, what i can say is than she is the ruler of this place and we had given all to her even our soul in order to serve her, dont fear she is a really good Mistress, you have nearly free will inside this castle after fulfill your duties.
The woman said with a warm smile at the end and then continue reading, looks like she cant say why that woman is ruling this place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen was pretty confused by the ghostly maid’s reaction, but especially the words of the blue-haired one. She scratched her head a little, running her hands through her short brown hair, before saying "sorry, I think I misunderstood you. You’re offering to pass me completely from these trials, but with a few conditions? I think… given the option between that and the next order, I think I would choose the order, assuming it didn’t take too terribly long. There’s a much higher upside to it, and though I do love this outfit, wearing it constantly would make things difficult. The offer is nice, though." She was trying to be diplomatic, hoping to calm the redheaded maid down and make the next order easier. Having to walk around with this powerfully arousing underwear and doing any and every order the creatures she ran across would give her was just too high a price.

Evelen then turned her attention back to the plantgirl for her little talk, after trying to clear up the misunderstanding somewhat. She seemed quite confused that the brunette had never met the mistress, not realizing that she wasn’t actually a maid. She asserted that she was forbidden to say anything, but that the mistress was good and kind, and that everyone there had given up everything possible in order to serve her. It was actually quite creepy… "Hmm… I see. I guess I will have to meet with her soon enough." Evelen replied, scratching her head again. If this “mistress” was the ruler of the temple, then surely she possessed the key. Perhaps she was the boss of this area, like the guardian at the second key they had fought. Hopefully the fight wouldn’t be as difficult as that one had been… "Thanks for the talk, though. Maybe I’ll see you again later" she finished up, slowly getting up and looking to the maids. The underwear was pleasuring her gently now, and she was used to it again, so standing wasn’t quite so difficult anymore.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The two maids heard her and even when the red one dont looks to be completely calmed she stop to struggle. I remember you than the next order will only made you maybe pass one of the next trials, you will still need to pass at least other to win the right of continue your path inside our Mistress palace. The girl said with a proud tone in the last part.

The plant girl bow again. Im glad to had serve you in something, please come to talk to me if you have any other question and also thanks for your help. Also, Im sure than our Mistress could help you to find your family. With these words Evelen get up and prepare to face her last order.

The redhead smirk, given a soft malicious giggle maybe thinking in which of the orders in her head could be the best for Evelen.

What could be... fight a monster with your hands tied, make you lost a lot of time looks to be what worries you more... maybe just trap you in an empty closed room for a day could be enough punishment, a very long bondage torture could also be fun. But you apologize and had show us than you are suited for our mistress...Heh, lets make this something fun for both, as also it will make you help us with our job. Come with us.

The two maids looks each other, the blue one looks curious for what could be the next order, floating they leave the room and the plantgirl, waiting for Evelen if needed until they return to the mist corridor, they made a spell and a circle surround the three of them, making them dont get mist at the place, they then reach a hole and then the red one said.

Simon said, go inside and clean completely all slave or monster dick with your own body, dont worry, i will be there so they will dont try to use you, but i will let them for a while if i dont like a lot your job. If you orgasm four times or pass out you will lost, but dont worry you dont have time limit.

Evelen made a peak at the hole and notice some shatered crystals there, the room was a mess, a mirror broken, two monster girls pregnant and kissing each other, they were filled with cum from head to toe and a huge monster resting at the floor using his body to seal a door than guide to another corridor or just a hole
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

At least Evelen’s little speech seemed to calm the ghostly maid at least a little bit, and she stopped struggling against her blue-haired counterpart. She explained that assuming she passed the next order, the brunette would still have to pass at least one trial. "Oh, I know" she replied, shrugging. The plantgirl bowed at her again, thanking her for having the little talk and telling her that she could stop by again whenever she wanted, also assuring her that the mistress would help her find her family. "Alright. Good luck with all this reading" she replied, before looking over to the redheaded phantom again. She went over a number of awful possibilities for orders, from fighting a monster without being able to use her hands to torturing her with a long, extreme bondage session, but ultimately decided not to reveal the content of the order just yet, instead telling Evelen to follow after the ghosts.

And the brunette did as she was told, making her way to the corridor behind the maids and then following them along to their destination. The mist from the broken crystals seemed to annoy them, so they cast some kind of spell that kept it away from them in the pattern of a circle… vaguely Evelen wondered if it wasn’t their job as maids to clean up all this mess. Finally they reached a hole in the wall, and her order was given; to clean all the slaves and monster dicks inside with her body. The maids would prevent the monsters from using her, and if she came four times or passed out before she finished she would lose the game. Looking inside the room was an absolute mess, with broken crystal bits and the remnants of a shattered mirror covering the floor… There were also two heavily pregnant monstergirls laying on the floor and kissing each other, covered completely in cum, and next to them was a rather large monster that may well have been the source, his body sitting in front of what looked to be a door. "So, can I take off the bra at least?" she asked quietly, "it’d be a shame if it got dirty." Regardless of the answer she would move to the monstergirls, beginning to use hands, arms, tongue, and hair to clean them of the loads of cum that covered them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The maid made another grind before answer Dont worry, your uniform is suited for that job, it will clean itself in a while. So dont take it off and go to work. The maid said, it was not an order but who know what she could try if Evelen undress herself.

The two monster girls were a harpy and a tanned catgirl, the mutations had made them lost theirs sharp fangs and claws, theirs bodies looks to made them perfect to pleasure monsters, as both looks to dont be in pain or disturbed by how they are heavily pregnant, the harpy has lost her bird legs who are very normal now, only she have feathers at her rear and back, all covered at cum, clean them was a pain, as they giggle and move as they pleasure each other.

Evelen started to clean the first, she was getting aroused by not only the uniform but also the smell, pheromones, fluids and sound, soon she was close to reach her climax without even get touched. Sge then stop and tried to calm herself, she has cleaned half a girl when siddenly she was unable to endure more and cum, making the two broken girls turn to her and giggle, they were close to fuck the brunnete girl but then theirs eyes shine slighty and turn to each other again, returning to caress each other, the monster also remain sleeping.

That was one, three more and you will loss. The read one said not so really happy to see Evelen reach her first climax, maybe she wanted to see her fail a lot but she hide it so good than nobody could notice it.

Something was wrong, for some reason Evelen feels aroused even with her tactic. Her brunette har was starting to be drenched in cum, her hands smell to it and the taste at her mouth was good, maybe she pass for halt something.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen was a little annoyed that she couldn’t take off the bra, but it wasn’t that bad. She went about her business quickly, noting that they were sort of odd monstergirls she had been tasked with cleaning. One was a harpy, but her talons were gone, and her legs were just those of a normal human. She had some feathers on her backside, but besides that she hardly looked like a harpy. The other was a catgirl with quite the tan, but she seemed to have been declawed and defanged. It was almost a little bit cringe worthy, though maybe she had been born that way… it was almost like they had both been bred to maximize the pleasure they could give to monsters. Cleaning the two of them was a pain in the ass, as they were always moving around as they kissed and stroked each other.

This was tougher than Evelen had expected it would be, and she found herself terribly aroused. The underwear was really doing a number on her even though it was being gentle and leisurely about it, and the smell of cum and pheromones was heavy in the air, both from the monster and the monstergirls. Her hair was already soaked with the salty cum, the smell and taste pervaded her senses, and she was very close to cumming already. She had to stop, pulling back when she was only halfway done with one of the girls, panting heavily... and then she moaned out long and lewdly, not even needing to be touched in order to peak. The monstergirls both took notice of her then as she panted in recovery, making moves to begin pleasuring her, but before they could do it their eyes shone with a strange light, and they went back to paying attention only to themselves. The redheaded maid had apparently intervened with magic, and announced that three more orgasms would cause her to lose. "I know" Evelen grumbled, taking a moment before going back to work, using more or less the same technique, though trying to use her full body a little bit more than she had been before as opposed to just her arms, tongue, and hair. This was it, she had to pass this trial, absolutely. She repeated the thought in her mind, knowing that it was basically do or die, focusing all of her will on holding back her pleasure.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Even with her mind focused in endure the pleasure, the many things happening around her were making her unable to resist as she wanted, her ample breasts passed over the first girl, making quick moves to take all the cum on her, her limbs were moving as best as they could to clean the girls, but the taste and feeling of cover her whole body with that warm cream was so great, she tried to go faster to end before cum until she archer her body and hug the two girls as she cum in bliss. The neko giggle and increased her moves on the harpy who looks to had cum together with Evelen, her tongue hang to a side as a complete mindless slut face appear, her legs get spread and her wings move wildy, making the smells flow everywhere, soon a big egg get out of her cunt, it looks to be so pleasing for her and she dont needed to effort herself so much to let it go out.

The birth continue as both kiss each other, the monster looks to had awaken but for some reason his appendages remain in place, not trying to fuck any of the girls, out of their nature Evelen thanks this and continue, she has nearly cleaned all, her tongue passed on the girls holes after had used her fingers to put as much cum out as possible, she feel so bad to dont do all this job using her tongue, but even after this she drink some of it between laps and licks. Just then the first egg let free a small creature who looks like the big monster at her side, it crawl and start to looks for the women breasts, Evelen need to push him aside when it tried to use her, then she move to the girls tails, cleaning the fur and feathers as best than she could.

She was so aroused, her body arched with need of more, she even was glad to have her underwear or she could had think in use the monster, but even then her work was dont done. Evelen needed to clean the slutty face of both girls and with a mirror fragment she notice than she looks nearly as them, her tongue reach the necks and cheeks of both, nearly looking as a threesome. Unable to resist it more, she cum just when the two girls start to give birth again, eggs falling from both naughty holes of each girl, the monster baby cries start to sproud and even some start to disturb Evelen, tring to get her breasts free of her bra and her cunt filled the small apendages caressing her as begging to be feeded. Evelen tongue was out too and for some seconds she remain in blank kissing both girls than fortunatelly dont return the favor, she could taste theirs saliva droling out and being laped by her, she hug then and press theirs naughty body feelings theirs warm and theirs babies on them.

Slowly she recover herself and notice than she was the only one covered in cum from hair to toe, her silky thighs were also so wet than she could feel the warm cum inside them, however she notice than the little creatures were starting to spoil her work, but before she could feel herself bad the red maid inform her than her work with these two has ended and now she must find a way to end this before lost this order.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

All of the sensations that flooded Evelen were quickly overwhelming her regardless of her attempts to resist them. Her breasts sliding against the monstergirl’s soft skin while they were sucked by her bra, milk still flowing into it, was just incredible, and as always the taste and smell of the thick cum was quite the turn-on. Her fetish for the stuff was really coming back to bite her now, and she almost felt like she needed to detox for a while like a drug addict once this was all over. After a few minutes of cleaning she couldn’t take any more, and she wrapped her arms around both monstergirls in a tight hug as she arched her back, squealing out in ecstasy with her second orgasm. It seemed that the harpy came as well, her face looking quite broken as her tongue hung from her mouth, drooling all over herself as she spread her legs. While the brunette was coming down from her high the harpy was beginning to give birth, large eggs sliding slowly out of her cum-slick pussy.

It was such a hot sight, and Evelen couldn’t help but wish that she could be in that harpy’s position, pumping eggs out of her cunt… she shook her head, trying to push the thought from her mind as she removed her arms from the monstergirls, hooking two fingers on each hand into both their pussies and drawing out the cum that was still inside. She felt bad for not using her tongue to clean the girls, but it would just take too long. At the end, though, she dragged her tongue against both the oozing holes, tasting both the thick, salty cum of the monster and the tangy love juices of the monstergirls. By the time she had finished with that, the first of the eggs had begun to hatch, and as she pulled back a much smaller version of the larger monster that was laying against the wall. It quickly climbed onto Evelen, searching out a breast to suckle at, but she shoved it aside and forced it onto its mother instead, and then went about cleaning up the backsides of the monstergirls, licking and rubbing the feathers and fur until they were as clean as could be.

Evelen was so aroused she could hardly stand it, her body aching with need. The underwear was still fucking her slowly and gently, milking her breasts and cock, and she was quite thankful for that. If it hadn’t been doing so she would have probably jumped on the monster and rode it for all she was worth in this situation… There was still some cleaning to be done on the girls; their faces were filthy. As she scooted over to them against she caught sight of herself in a broken fragment of mirror that was lying near them, finding that really she looked just like they had beforehand… Her upper body, at least, was utterly covered in cum. Still, she began to lick their necks and faces, moaning out lewdly as she did so, the taste incredibly wonderful to her. As the girls began to birth more eggs she came once more, her eyes rolling back into her head as she hugged the two monstergirls, kissing and licking their faces. They were too tired and broken to return her kisses, so she simply sucked up their saliva, her tongue probing their open mouths as their babies began to tug at her bra, trying to free her breasts to feed, others trying to get to her holes.

When Evelen finally recovered a bit she realized just how bad a situation she was in. She had cleaned the monstergirls more or less completely, but the babies were smearing and messing up her work, dirtying them again. She had also cum three times, and only had one more orgasm to work with… thankfully the redheaded maid told her that she had finished with the monstergirls, but now would have to deal with the monster’s member, and seemingly tried to give her a hint. The brunette gave a heavy sigh, dismissing the spell that gave her a cock, angry that she hadn’t thought of it earlier, and tried to clean herself a bit, getting the huge mess of cum off of her body as she rested and recovered. The underwear was still pleasuring her, but not much anymore, especially now that she didn’t have a cock to be sucked. When she felt herself ready she decided to try the monster a bit slower, not using her tongue as much and primarily cleaning him of cum with her hands and arms. If she felt she were getting too close to the edge she would stop and try to clean herself off, resting for a while before resuming.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With her new tactic, Evelen take a while to clean herself, it take her more of 20 minutes and at the end she ended with a soft bright skin and she feel like an alcoholic throwing her beers to the floor, all that cum should be delicious and she cant lick it of her hands, her hair feel weird but she can tolerate it.

Then she move to clean the monster dicks, the big member is so big, hard, hot and with an amazing texture, her two hands moved like a service to masturbate the creature, the lustful sounds and images of both girls was turning all worse, but at least with her new tactic Evelen manage to endure it, yet the task feel like it was taking her hours after the times than she needed to calm herself.

As she cleaned the maids looks to be talking of something happening at the temple but Evelen dont heard too much of it. She then after a time ended to clean the creature but the maids looks to be still waiting her, just then Evelen heard a noise behind the creature.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen took about twenty minutes, maybe twenty-five, to clean herself to her satisfaction and lessen her arousal. Her skin felt absolutely wonderful and soft after being covered in all that cum, and she almost got the shakes at the sight of it sloughing off her onto the floor. She could still taste it, could only imagine how wonderful it would be to lick it off herself or the floor… she could barely restrain herself, but she did. When she finally went on to clean the monster’s enormous dick, she found herself even more tempted to rip her panties off and ride him. The cock was huge and bumpy in a way that she knew would be intensely pleasant inside of her, but instead she allowed herself to settle for giving him something of a handjob. The moaning and lustful noises all around her only made her want to lean down and suck him off more, and she had to stop for a while several different times, recovering. She finally finished after what felt like hours, but couldn’t have been that long, as she hadn’t even made him cum. Still, the maids acted like she wasn’t finished, and there was a noise coming from behind the creature… slowly she moved around behind it, trying to see what else she would have to clean using the same technique as before.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The creature is very close to the hole and leave a very narrow space where Evelen crawl to get inside, touching the creature body until she manage to see a terrible view for her.

The place is the size of a batjroom, at it three girls are close a tentacle monster, the whole place is covered in fluids and she just suppose than it could take her hours clean this with her tactic, but certainly she could try. Of course than the girls were drenched in the vile white substance, the whole place have that potent smell than make Evelen get wet in need, but she have a mission.

The woman at the side is really a mess, her round belly could bear 5 childs in it, the poor girl looks to be each moment drained by the creatures inside her, her own breasts have little tentacles sprouting for her breasts aound her niples and these caress and suck her milk, she rest at a corner of the room, without the chance of move by her large breasts, belly and hips. Bellow her bred hair, two long tentacles use her body, they looks to come from her back and remain continualy fucking her without stop, looking to think for themselves. Her gazed eyes and automatic moans are more than enough to suppose than she has been more than broken by the insane place.

The second is a dark purple haired human woman, filled at cum with her belly slighty round as if she had 7 months, she breaths heavily as she sleep, she have soldier gloves than are trapped in tentacles coming from the ceiling, she also have her belt and a large boot close to be completely melted by strange substances, her cheecks are filled in tears at her buccake face.

Finally a bug girl looks to has been the one making the noise, she is sucking a tentacle and loogs to enjoy the moment, her belly filled with eggs and her orange hair made a mess as also her transparent wings.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It took some effort on Evelen’s part to crawl past the monster she had just cleaned and into the hole, and spent most of it brushing against the creature because he was so close to the exit. When she got in, though, her heart sank. There was a small room there, maybe about the size of her bathroom back home in the real world, and it was absolutely covered from floor to ceiling in cum. There was a tentacle monster in the middle of the room, probably the source of all that spunk, and then three girls. One was absolutely one of the worst messes she had ever seen; she was so pregnant that she was probably incapable of moving, and there were small baby tentacles suckling at each of her swollen, lactating breasts. She even seemed to have tentacles sprouting out of her back, and they were fucking her lower holes mercilessly, seemingly with a mind of her own. Which, judging from the way the woman’s eyes were glazed over and her moans of pleasure were hollow and automatic, was more of a mind than she had left.

The sight called to mind the time during the entrance exam for the Academy when Evelen had grown tentacles of her own and fucked herself and Suzanne, and how wonderful that had been… this first girl was completely broken, but it was something the brunette wanted to experience. Fucked massively pregnant by herself, laying there feeding her children… There was a second girl, another human with dark purple hair who looked to have once been a soldier. Her arms were held above her head by some tentacles in the ceiling, some clothing still on her body, but it was being dissolved by the sheer volume of cum. The cum on her face was streaked with tears, so she was apparently not broken quite yet. The third and final girl was some sort of insectgirl with long orange hair and beautiful transparent wings. Her belly was obviously full of eggs, and she was happily sucking on a tentacle, either broken or just enthusiastic from the start.

This would probably take a very long time using the brunette’s technique from before, but she didn’t really have any choice… First, of course, she would check the second girl’s belt to see if it was still solid and if she could clean it. It might be useful as a tool to clean the girls, instead of just using her hands and arms. If not, she would go about things the same way she had with the monster before, slowly and steadily cleaning the girls in a way that almost guaranteed she wouldn’t cum. Indeed, she barely felt the pleasure from the underwear if she focused hard enough; the real threat was the heavy smell of delicious cum all around her, so she would have to keep vigilant, lest she start licking it off the girls or the floor.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The brunette started to make her moves, easily taking the belt from the second girl who groaned softly between dreams, managing to say "no" in a weak whisper, her pregnant belly fall a little more without a restriction, drops of cum fall from her holes. The belt looks to be a little damage but usable, Evelen started to use it until a small voice call her attention. [siz="1"] No. You can only use your body[/size] Looks like the blue maid remember her before the red one get inside the room, fortunatelly Evelen stop and used only her arms. Her inside begs to use her tongue to eat as much cum as possible, sometimes she let her tongue free and moan softly as she happily smell the potent smell, but at the end she always stop.

After a long torture, Evelen cleaned the monster and the girls, she needed baddly to cum and be used,needing to drink the cum at the floor, as her belly is empty after the work. The second girl awake and looks the brunette help...help me please...[/color] She begs in weak tone, showing her fears and tortures at this place, a tentacle from the first girl notice her and caress her body, filling her back with cum and slime, making her beg for help even more in tears.

Well done, cant hide than im impressed, maybe we could give you a best treatment, as you have the skills to be a decent maid.

Eat, rest and prepare for an hour, we will give you your next trial soon
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen took the belt off of the girl with ease, finding that it was damaged a bit and soft, but wouls still work for what she intended to use it for. She was just starting to clean the cum off of the girl’s belly when a quiet voice spoke to her, the blue-haired maid reminding her that she wasn’t allowed to use anything but her body. "Dammit, forgot about that" the brunette muttered, casting aside the belt and beginning to go about using her hands and arms only. It was a long, grueling process, and she had to stop a few different times to rest and recover herself. Her tongue hung from her mouth for a lot of the process, and she drooled a fair bit, having to battle with the part of her mind that demanded that she lick the cum from the girls, the floor, the walls… She managed to resist though, sometimes not by much, but she did, and after quite a long time she had cleaned off the women and the tentacles. She wanted so badly to cum, to drink the cum off the floors while the tentacle beast fucked her senseless… The second girl begging her for help snapped her out of it, and made her really quite uncomfortable. She turned away, looking to the redheaded maid, who complimented her skills and told her to eat and rest, because she had passed this trial. "Where is there something reasonable to eat? The kitchen?" she asked, not wanting to have to eat anything awful. "And also… is there any way I could control this underwear, and how much it goes after me?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Food? You could eat all this yummy cream, the kitchen have a huge quantity of different than a mortal could eat, but is only for servants, dunno if we should let you eat more the maid looks serious and maybe enjoy denny that to Evelen. The ex warriorgirl, continue trying to call Evelen attention with whispers and soft struggles, she begs and let her tears drop, but also she ttry to endure how the tentacle from the corrupted breeder press at her rear hole and fill her back with nasty cum slime aphrodisiac.

Maybe with the time you could control it, anyway you should be more than grateful of have that useful cute underwear. Then the second woman increse her begs for be saved and this make the red maid get pissed. Begging to leave? Why if this is where you belong? Slut scum like you must feel fortunate to reach their max potential in theirs useless life. She then pinch painfully the human niples and after she slap the girl face, she place her hand on the girl cunt and head to cast a charm. Newbie, what do you want to do with this girl? i can let you free her without get a punishment or you could torture her to get some benefices like food
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yeah, this cum is fine, but it’s not very filling" Evelen said, "I want some real food." The redheaded maid seemed intent on making things difficult for her, on taking things away from her, but she was trying hard to appear accommodating and not angry about it. The second girl was still struggling against her situation, whispering at the brunette to beg her to be set free, which was still disturbing the human. She tried to focus on the ghostly maids, keeping her mind off it. The blue haired phantom responded to her question about the underwear, telling her that she might be able to control it with time. "Oh, I do love it. It’s very nice. I’d just like to be able to get it to pick things up sometimes when I wanted it to" she replied, before the girl’s begging got on the redhead’s nerves too much, and she lashed out with insults and abuse. After that the ghost asked Evelen what to do with her; to let her go free, or for the human to torture her in order to get benefits. "Well… I’m not much for torturing people" she lied, "so out of those options I’d rather let her go free. I’d really like some food though."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

I know, its a very useful and beautiful uniform, we could make it feel better if you want.. The blue maid said to then softly touch Evelen bra.

Oh really? But these girls can easily survive with just that and you look to share the like of it, you looked so painfully needed to lick each inch of cum at this room and you could drink milk too The maid giggle and then pich harder the girl breasts until some milk start to flow.

Dissapointed giving a deep sigh, the red maid turn to Evelen, casting other spell on the woman to wound her or something worse. You still need to learn a lot rookie, but fine if you want to exchange your chance to get food and something more for just give to this vessel a little of freedom before get caught again, its fine for me.

The maid shine in a purple light and then the tentacles release the girl who cry of happiness, the girl bow to Evelen and give a very sentimental thanks, she cover her nude body each moment and was ready to leave as also the maids. Evelen was free now of do what she want now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Well, I don’t need it to feel any better than it did at the start there. That was pretty damn good. It’d just be nice to be able to turn it on and off at will, and intensify it when I wanted to. Oh well, maybe with time" Evelen replied to the blue-haired maid, shrugging. It wasn’t a big deal, but if she had been able to control the pleasure it would have been nice to just wear around places. The redheaded maid, meanwhile, disputed her assertion that the cum wasn’t filling, claiming that the girls lived on it, and that she could drink milk from the girls anyway, pinching the begging girl’s nipples until milk flowed to prove the point. "Well, I can’t imagine that making the next trial any easier, so it would run counter to your telling me to prepare for it" the brunette noted, still trying to gently poke holes in the phantom’s ideas without seeming confrontational. Her answer about the girl seemed to upset and disappoint the maid, but she caused the tentacles to release her, causing her to bow to Evelen in an outsized thanks. "Well, can I keep her with me? Use her as a tool for the trials to come?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. The girl could be useful, and it might help her to escape later… Regardless of the answer she would go back to where she had left Teresa and Karn, scouting for food along the way and then resting for a bit before starting the next trial.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Doubt than have your stomash empty could be better than enjoy yourself for some hours, maybe the next trial should be the last. The maid answer holding her arms and looking to the captive woman with a malicious gaze. Once Evelen ask for have the girl as help the maid frown and sigh in botter. Sure you can have that vessel for a while until the end of yours trials, her fate will be the same.

Thanks lady, i will be in debt forever with you. The girl say in her best way to stop her tears after that terrible long moment trapped at that room and nearly losed all hopes to escape until Evelen come.

All walked until return to the room where Teresa and Karn should be, however they notice a strange event. Chained at the bed Karn was blinded and muffed, completely nude and Teresa was sleeping peacefully over him, as also a girl hidden at the blanket, the blonde angel looks to had received the cum of more than an orgy, her wings were a mess and her front was filled at cum shoots, her belly is a little round and she remain cuddling completely sleep over the strong young warrior. The maids giggle and look each other not trying to make a noise but turning to Evelen. See? Why dont you are like the naughty angel doll and relax a little before the brutal trial for come?

Evelen feel herself a little tired, cleaning her eyes and hear her belly made noises were starting to be common events now. The warrior blush and shake in fear than even an angel could be like that, what would expect to mortals like them in this dammed place?