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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Oh, I know. This place must be some kind of hell" Evelen replied, her gun at the ready. As she crept up to the bodies she noted that they were almost certainly not fresh. They were rotted, wearing uniforms much like the one Karn was in, though the cloth was eaten away by the natural decomposition of their bodies. There was something of a stench in the air, but nothing the brunette couldn't handle. The weapon that she had spotted next to them was an old rusted sword, next to a broken shield that she hadn't seen at first glance. "Friends of yours?" she asked, looking around to the treasure chest and pondering opening it. "Think that thing might be trapped? I'm thinking of opening it, might have something useful. I've had good luck with picking up random things along the way so far." If he didn't object strongly she would walk over and open the chest.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Even if they were my friends, i cant recognize then at their state, maybe they are just old soldiers than come here before you born. Karn said as he take the rusty sword and decide to use it as weapon even when it could fall apart with just some blows.

Evelen opende the treasure chest ready for what could be there, but there was not any monster and instead she find some coins of an old era and a gold tiara who looks to have a artistic and resistent style, maybe it could be usefull in a battle even when it looks more a decoration than a helm protector, the jewels on it were so shinning and take Evelen whole attention until her foot was taken and pulled behind making her hit her head against the chest. Karn turn and found than the dead soldier bodies had raised letting free some tentacles from their putrit chests, their nearly useless mouths create a inhuman screech and soon other of them get out of the weardrove, there looks to have something inside that fornitude but maybe Evelen should focus on these creatures now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen nodded at what Karn had said, thinking that from the advanced state of decomposition on the bodies that they were almost certainly at least a week old. Maybe more, she wasn’t exactly an expert on these sorts of things. The soldier picked up the rusted sword as she turned away to open the chest, finding that it didn’t seem to be any sort of traps in it. There were some coins there that looked very old, and were unlike anything she had seen used in the capital, so she felt they were probably from another era of history. In the middle of them was a gold tiara that looked quite beautiful despite its age, very artistically done, though it was probably useless in battle, and worse than useless while walking around. The jewels embedded in it were still shiny somehow, and would be a dead giveaway that someone was approaching for any monsters.

Of course, as she thought that Evelen felt something tug her ankles hard, which immediately jarred her off her feet. Her head slammed into the treasure chest, eliciting a cry of pain out of her as Karn turned to deal with whatever these things were. The brunette heard a loud, inhuman screech, and another similarly decayed body came out of the wardrobe, tentacles coming out of his chest. She got up to her knees as quickly as she could and tried to shoot the formerly human creature, aiming high on its torso in the hope that she would hit its heart or miss high and hit it in its head. "Karn, try to cover my back while I deal with this one" she said as she shot, though she was ready to switch up her focus if she managed to stun the monster badly.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With her sudden damage at her head, Evelen shoot just missed to cause a deadly wound at the undead creature, making only a big hole on some of his chest tentacles, she then move away trying to maintain her distance, as the soldier try to stop the creatures as much as he can wounding one with a swing of the damaged weapon and dodging the creatures until one wrap his arm and pull him closer.

Evelen shoot again, but her aim is not enough to take down this creature. Karn is not having better luck and soon is attacked by two of the monsters, he get more traped by the tendrils and soon his arms are secured leaving him at mercy of the dangerous living corpses. Unable to defend her, he can only see how the last zombie attack her and wrap her, his tendrils start to get close her privates and take her off balance.

Evelen 5/7 -attack rolls (grappled)

z1 3/5
z2 5/5
z3 3/5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen’s head was a little woozy, and so her shot missed somewhat, tearing a hole in the creature’s chest tentacles instead of making a more deadly wound to it. She began to back away, trying to keep her distance from the thing as she shot again, wounding it once more, but not doing enough to even knock it down. She could tell from the sounds behind her that Karn wasn’t doing too well, and the creature charged her with another screech, wrapping her up in his tentacles. Its entrapment of her legs nearly knocked her off balance, and the tendrils quickly began to move themselves under her loincloth-like pants. "Damn zombies" the brunette muttered, trying to shoot the thing in its chest from point-blank range, though if she had a chance she would aim for its head instead.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen was close to shoot when her weapon was moved away by a sudden whip of a zombie tendril, at least she manage to avoid lost a bullet, but now she can feel how the nasty tentacles are getting more close to her privates. Karn is having a lot of problems fighting two of these creatures, he decide to fight defensive and at least in this way he manage to cut some tendrils at a counterstrike.

With all these tentacles close her, Evelen soon feel them going below her shirt, they start to wrap her arms and legs, the filty slime soon drench her even more with the monsters smell, her breasts are now fully erect by the monster fluid effects, her mind start to feel dizzy and the zombie get closer enough than she could shoot easily at his head if her hands werent moved to another side.

Evelen 3/7 -3 attack rolls (very grappled)

z1 3/5
z2 5/5
z3 2/5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's hand was whipped away by the zombie, rendering her attempt to attack it useless, and its tentacles continued to move ever closer to her unguarded pussy. Some of them got under her shirt too, quickly grabbing her arms and her breasts, the putrid smell of the undead creature's slime filling her nostrils even as her nipples stiffened against the uniform. "Damn thing!" she yelled, trying to wrench her hand free and shoot the zombie in the head, hopefully ending her battle against it before it could rape her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just when the zombie was taking her close him, Evelen manage to free her hands the enough to shoot at his putrid head, the impact manage to destroy a big part of the zombie head and make him fall on the floor, however the tentacles just when Evelen expected to aid the soldier, some tentacles coming from the zombie wrap her and tear part of her clotes as she fall close him, from the head wound more tentacles sprout and pull her hair trying to subdue her and maybe rape her. She also feel these slimy tentacles pull up her shirt and show to all her erected niples, who nearly at the same instant were groped and piched by some tentacles, making her feel an increase at her pleasure. Her mind start to lost control of her libido and nearly make her give up and turn to kiss and use the horrible creature, but with a last will she shoot and by miracle hit the core of the tentacle parasite.

Tired and aroused she turn to see how Karn was close to be defeated by these zombies, his sword only can be used to parry the creature whips and hits when suddenly one of the monsters manage to attack him and bite part of his shoulder, the blonde warrior slice it in half and kill him, but then a last zombie wrap his body and trow him at the wardrove, making him fall uncouncious.

Evelen 1/7 6AP

z1 0/5
z2 4/5
z3 0/5
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The zombie’s grip on Evelen slipped as he brought her closer, and she managed to free her hand and shoot him right in the head. Most of the thing’s head simply exploded apart, its body falling to the ground, though just as she started to turn to help Karn the tentacles wrapped around her even more and tore part of her shirt, making her fall to the ground close to the body of the undead creature. Tentacles sprouted from the gaping hole in his head, getting just enough of her relatively short hair to tug it back harshly, others lifting her shirt up and exposing her ample breasts and pert nipples. Soon enough she was being groped by the tendrils, her nipples pinched harshly by some of the smaller ones. She was getting really horny, and her body wanted to give in, but she quickly dispatched that idea, shooting the zombie again, the bullet smashing into the core of the tentacle parasite that had taken over the corpse.

Evelen turned then and slowly got up, looking around to find Karn. She was just in time to watch the soldier kill one of the zombies, but right afterwards the last zombie wrapped him up, throwing him against the wardrobe and knocking him unconscious. "Alright, come on and get yours" Evelen muttered, aiming carefully. She was very tired and aroused, so she would probably only get one shot. She knew where the core of the parasite had been in the first zombie she killed, she would just have to hope that it was the same place on this one and shoot it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Her shoot fly toward the creature possible core, however she fail to impact in t critical zone by some inches, the creature notice the danger and soon shoot his tendrils against her hands and pull her to a side, making her fall hardy in the floor, the her lost the grip at her sword as also nearly the counciest, dizzy and tied at hre hands she cant do to much as the vile monster get close her, slowly more tentacles get out and secured her legs, before lift her close the creature after drag her at the floor. Her unprotected pussy soon feel the tentacles caress her lower lips, her shirt and items were removed away to leave her only with her useless loincloth, her breasts soon feel the odd slime drench her whole chest, making them get fully erected as the tentacles pinch her and caress them, even they pull her niples and clitoris once she was aroused by the many tentacles, suddenly her rear was prenetrated by a long tendril, thrusting deep inside her with a single motion, this cause a sudden pain and disgusting feeling, but even then Evelen cold notice her body shiver and get wet by the sudden feeling of have her rear hole be ravished.

For minutes she was used like this, the creature looking to dont do more than see her get reduced to cum by just a tentacle at her inside, sudenly she started to get used to the pain, than even her experienced body had been unable to resist without groan, soon she cant stop herself to moan as her gun and Celestia's sword are placed far away of her, the strengh of the thrusts increased as she is impaled by the long tendril, bouncing like a ragdoll and nearly could feel her inside muscles being affected by the potence, she was not sure but her insides were starting to get fully relaxed, her face blushed by the sudden strange feeling than her belly produce and then she start to squirm and moan, her body arched and she could not resist it anymore as she cum and cum without stop as she lost the control of her lower body, the monster looks to had pressing a switch at her and she could feel a heavy need to release her bladder, her urathra cant be pressed even when she try to do it and she just saw how her sex juices get mixed with her piss, her rear hole also looks to dont release her leftovers thanks to the tentacle inside her, just then she turn to see where the soldier remain still uncounciest, but then he made a sudden groan and that make her know than he will wake up if she continue moaning, but after all his wounds it could be little what he could do.

More tentacles sprout and each of her lower bodies were penetrated, her mouth get filled with a tentacle who first pass bellow her and get filled with her mix of juices, her mouth could taste each of the substances and more strengh was used at each penetration, making her think than she could be transpassed by any of them, hollow tentacles start to drink her substances as she see the creature inside the monster grow and free more tendrils, her body soon start to be stunned and she could not move even a finger as more nasty slime invade her body, the smell was so intense than she could return her food easily if she would not be muffed by one of the appendages, the monster take away the zombie pant and a long wide putrit erect pennis appear.

She was not sure why she could endure being fucked like this, why she could be starting to get used at this threat by this naughty dirty undead creature, then it just get worse when she was placed an inche close the dirty tool, without cant do anything she just was sudenly penetrated by the long phallus, making her bleed a little even when her body was used by these moments after being raped by countless creatures. Even if she tried she would be unable to stop moaning with her muffed mouth for all the time than she was used, cumming a lot of times until with a potent orgasm she was released, in an instant she release her insides resting at the dirty floor filled of different fluids before be taken in that place by the monster until pass out looking how Karn looks at her and the monster eat what she take out.


Evelen wake up conpletely exausted and horny, at least not enough to dont think straight, but for some reason she feel very ashamed, more shy than what she ussualy is, her nude dirty body could feel something carry her as the weat corrupted air make her feel cold all the time. She then notice than she was at the soldier's shoulder, her weapons were at his back and she only wear what could be a skimpy top shirt who could be what remain of her shirt and her loincloth.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen’s shot seemed to be on target, the bullet slamming into the zombie, but… she was just a little bit off, missing the core of the parasite by a matter of inches. The tendrils quickly retaliated, more quickly than she could react, and grabbed her hands, tugging them hard to the side and slamming her onto the ground. Her gun skidded away from her then as her head impacted the floor again, making her quite dizzy once more. She had been taking a lot of blows to the head recently, and it was starting to wear on her. She was also too tired to fight back anymore, too aroused to make the effort to fight through her tiredness. More tentacles wormed their way out of the corpse’s chest, securing the brunette’s legs and dragging her across the floor a short way to the zombie before lifting her up in the air.

It held Evelen in front of it for a long moment before beginning to do anything, a tendril slowly rubbing against her wet pussy. It squirmed between her slit, visibly becoming wet with her juices while the other tentacles undressed her, her backpack and shirt coming off and leaving only the useless loincloth that was left of her pants. The slimy tendrils then went to work on her chest again, covering them in the arousing slime as smaller of their number pinched and rubbed her very stiff nipples. She was already quite aroused, letting out soft moans that turned quite lewd when they began to tug hard on her nipples and clit. The zombie had his brunette captive quite worked up and on edge, very ready to be penetrated by the tentacle that was teasing her cunt. The undead had other plans in mind, though, and she soon felt a long, thick tendril slam into her anus suddenly and without warning, hitting exceptionally deep inside her. Her eyes went wide and she let out a cry of pain as it speared her, deeper than probably anything besides Urumi’s tentacle when it had gone all the way through her. That had at least been done slowly, though, and she had had time to adjust; when done all at once, even Evelen’s experienced body wasn’t ready for it. Even so, it still made her more aroused…

The zombie ceased pleasuring its human victim then, instead only pounding her bowels with the lone, thick tentacle. She groaned out weakly in pain as it became apparent that the creature wanted more to humiliate her than anything else, trying to get her off with nothing more than a powerful assfucking. It took a few minutes, but it was starting to work, too. Evelen couldn’t help but moan out lewdly, barely noticing the tendrils scooting her weapons far away from her. Apparently taking that as its cue to go further, the zombie increased the strength of its fucking as she moaned, pounding her as hard as she ever had been before. Her body bounced up and down in the air with each thrust, her legs and arms flailing even though they were held by the tendrils, and she let out increasingly loud moans and gasps of mixed pleasure and pain. There was a strange feeling that spread through her even as her pleasure built, though; her lower body was starting to relax dangerously, her muscles being beaten into submission by the thick tentacle.

It also felt like it was slamming into Evelen’s bladder with each thrust, which was quickly weakening her control over that particular organ. It made her cry out even more as she desperately clenched, trying to keep herself from losing it, but the feelings she was being given were just too good. It felt wonderful to have her body relaxed while it was pounded, and then there was the natural pleasure she got out of having a big, thick tentacle in her ass. She began to squirm even as she bounced up and down, blushing brightly and moaning loudly and lewdly as her body gave in to the pleasure completely, her resistance slipping away. Finally her back arched quite a bit, and she screamed out in pleasure as her love juices squirted out onto the ground, a powerful orgasm wracking her body just from being taken in the ass. Of course, that wasn’t all that squirted out of her… a golden stream of piss sprayed out along with it, the contents of her abused bladder emptying themselves onto the floor in front of her as she came. Her colon felt like it was about to do the same, except that her rear hole was still too stuffed with tentacle to allow for it.

Evelen’s body twitched and writhed as she came down from her high, still impaled on the zombie’s large tendril. She was definitely getting too used to being humiliated and abused, because it seemed as if being made to piss against her will had only enhanced her pleasure. She managed to spy a look over at Karn, seeing that he was still sleeping, which was good, because she didn’t really want him to see her like this, though he did groan suddenly… if she kept moaning she would probably wake him up, which was both good and bad. On the one hand, maybe he could help her, potentially saving her life. On the other, he would see her in really the worst state. She was a little conflicted about it, but it was soon pushed out of her mind, at least for a little bit.

More tentacles quickly sprouted from the festering corpse, an extra one slamming into Evelen’s pussy just as hard as the first had speared her ass, hitting her cervix hard, while a second one hovered in front of her mouth for a few moments. Her eyes widened when she saw that it was dripping; it had been dragged down below her, through the puddle of piss and sex juices, and the next time she moaned out lewdly the tendril forced its way into her open mouth. She could taste both the familiar taste of her own honey, and the rather unfamiliar, bitter taste of urine on the tentacle as it made sure to rub itself thoroughly against her tongue. The brunette was even more turned on now, rather against her will, as she was fed her own fluids and pounded in every hole. This was a little extreme, even for her. Well, maybe it wasn’t. Was it really more extreme than what the chain demons had done to her? Probably not. This was just one more frontier she was exploring in her time in the EGG, not much different from others.

The tendrils kept thrusting deeper, harder with each passing moment, until Evelen felt as if any one of them might plunge all the way through her. Her throat bulged with thick tentacle, and she found that while she no longer really had any sort of gag reflex after all her time in the EGG, she did have to breathe from time to time, which made the vigorous throatfucking a little bit difficult on her, but it was a feeling she was quickly coming to enjoy. She vaguely noticed that the zombie was sucking up the various fluids she had excreted with hollow tubes, apparently feeding on her various substances. The nasty, terrible slime the tendrils were covered in was starting to seep into her even more, making her feel… strange, in addition to the intense pleasure she was feeling. Her moaning was interrupted from time to time by retching, the absolutely putrid smell of the decaying soldier in front of her getting to her and triggering an urge to vomit, but the tentacle plugging up her throat prevented her from doing so.

Of course, despite all the negative things that were happening to Evelen, from the taste of piss in her mouth to the way she was being used so harshly to the rancid smell that filled her nose, she was thoroughly enjoying the zombie’s abuse. Her body was more or less completely immobile now, bouncing up and down in the air like a ragdoll, completely limp. The creature ripped off the corpse’s pants then, revealing a simply huge, rotted cock that was somehow still erect. It moved her closer to the member, very close, the tendril that had been using her pussy backing out to make way for it. She wanted it, so badly, and it wasn’t long before the creature gave it to her. The huge, dirty member plunged into her all at once, causing her to scream out in pain in a very muffled way. Even with all her experience and as aroused as she was, she hadn’t been ready for that, and she could feel that her pussy was bleeding after the rough penetration, though not a lot. She soon adjusted as he began to piston in and out of her, the tendrils still forcing themselves deep into her throat and bowels. Her stomach began to gurgle from time to time, needing badly to release its contents one way or another, but not being allowed to.

Evelen couldn’t stop moaning as she was utterly dominated, the huge appendages pounding her hard and fast, her body thrashing limply from side to side and up and down with each stroke. The pain and pleasure mixed were quickly driving her wild, and it wasn’t too terribly long until she let out a muffled squeal, cumming hard around the rotting dick. The zombie didn’t stop for even a moment, though, and she vaguely wondered if it was capable of orgasm still as it fucked her furiously. Time seemed to drag on, Evelen being made to cum again and again around the huge shaft inside her, until one final, incredibly powerful orgasm nearly knocked her out. In that moment the tendrils simply dropped her, and as she fell to the floor her stomach gurgled and grumbled, tired of the abuse it had taken, before finally letting go of its contents with a loud wet noise. The rather large shit splattered in with the other fluids she had let out, and just as she was fading from consciousness she noticed that Karn was watching, which was just enough to absolutely mortify her as the world faded to black.

Evelen woke up some indeterminate amount of time later, exhausted and quite aroused still, but not so much so that she couldn’t think. She could feel and see that Karn had hefted her over his shoulder after redressing her, and she instantly felt more shy and ashamed than she was used to feeling. Although, considering what he had seen her doing… "Are you okay?" she finally asked after a while, trying not to show her exhaustion in her voice.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Oh you are awake. Yes... im fine. do you think than you can walk?

The soldier looks to have some blood at his clothes, but he just looks to be fine, he had taken her at a new place as she was out, it looks to be a diferent floor, there arent any broken wall by the monster guardian cave tentacles, the walls are more illuminate by a dark purple shine, the crystals looks nearly as if they were lamps or torched placed there at porposse to make all the visitors see around them, however the floor and the ceiling are covered by a strange mist and some torture pervert art is everywhere like paintings or image at the wall.

Evelen skimpy top clothes barely reach to cover her neples and her bare ass is expossed, as also the ramains of her previous rape, at least she have her backpack and weapons at her place and Karn have the rusty sword on his belt. He looks to be close to continue toward a straigh corridor, but there is also two metal doors than could be opened and maybe Evelen could find something useful on them.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I don’t know if I can or not" Evelen said quietly, "I feel pretty exhausted. If you helped keep me up I could probably do it." Karn seemed to have been roughed up a bit himself, a little bit of blood on his clothes, but he seemed fine. While she had slept it seemed that he had carried her some distance, because the floor was much different, and the light was brighter, though still dark purple. It allowed her to see that everything above and below them was shrouded in strange mist, and that the walls were covered in bizarre art depicting perverted torture. She shuddered a little bit, looking around to see where they were going. The soldier was headed on a straight corridor, with several metal doors to either side, but Evelen didn’t really think she would like to explore more than necessary in this sort of place, and he seemed to know where he was going, so she would let him go on ahead.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The soldier slowly place her on the floor, ready to hhelp her to stay firm at the floor, but Evelen could only feel her legs and rear really sore and it could be a pain walk all the way, but she can expect than this damage could be reduced soon after walk a while, however she feel her intestinal muscles being still afected by what the zombie had made to her, even her mind looks to be slighty altered as she feels to be vulnerable to another accident in front of her temporal partner, at least he looks to be more worried for their safety and dont looks to be so ashamed to see her in this state.

The two continue walking for a while, dont trying to see what is inside the two unknown doors, then they were in front of a stair than go up, toward the dark mist, the soldier looks to take a little breath and then start to go up after see if Evelen want to say something about this.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen was slowly and gently placed on her feet on the floor, and she was able to stand without much trouble, though her legs and butt were very sore. Still, it would probably do her some good to walk it off, and she decided to stay on her feet and avoid taking any help Karn might offer her. Still, it felt like her colon had been battered to the point of taking damage, and as she kept walking alongside him there were times when she felt as if she might not be able to stop herself from shitting all over herself and the floor. She blushed, feeling quite terrible about the prospect, though the soldier didn’t seem to take note. It was good that he seemed so serious and focused in times like this. They kept going for some time until they reached a stairwell which led up into the dark mist, and Evelen didn’t object, though she did get out her gun and reload it to full if she had the bullets to do so, looking to be very careful as she ascended the stairs.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Karn made a little smile and then turn to the stair, maybe glad to know than Evelen dont looks to be so much concerned about where they must go. The brunette girl could feel the dense mist touching her skin, nearly as it were thousands of wet members touching her everywhere, even then she can feel a cold atmosphere around her as her vision is reduced until she nearly cant see her nose, her bare feet soon can feel than the floor is filled with many strnage things, moving below her and her nearly nude body, at leas it looks like the smog dont have any side effect at her.

Evelen can only heard strange sounds everywhere and the soldier's footstep in front of her, causing her to shiver and feel herself like she is in constant danger, her range weapon would easily miss a target at feet of distance from her and maybe she could be raped at the instant, her insides dont looks to get better and to get all worse she feel than they arent alone, from behind her she can heard a very little giggle, she tried to aim, but the giggle just move to a very distant place each time than she try to shoot, the soldier looks to dont notice anything as he dont stop to move, making her decide what she should do now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen seemed to make Karn happy by not objecting to the path they had to take, worried about the mist, but not overly so. As they walked up into the mist she found it much more dense than any normal mist, and she felt as if her body was being caressed by hundreds or even thousands of tendrils or members of some sort. It was cold there too, very cold, and she could barely see her hand in front of her face. To make matters worse, the floor seemed to be covered in strange, moving little things that she could under and against her bare feet, which made her shiver. Damn temple she thought, starting to get really annoyed with this situation. At least the fog isn’t an aphrodisiac or something. She could hear strange sounds all around them, coming from things she couldn’t see, which only made her even more paranoid. Every so often she heard a little giggle behind them, though as soon as she turned to aim it was gone. Karn didn’t seem to notice, though, and Evelen whispered "someone’s behind us" as she continued to creep forward, ready to shoot if something attacked her, though whether she would see it in time was another matter entirely.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Her whisper soon reach the soldier ears and then turn around in an attempt to heard them, this give a chance to Evelen to get close him, even when the mist only giver her chance to know where he is.

Stay close, this place looks to be more lively than the last time. He whisper in return, his tone looks to be a little affected by the moment, maybe thinking in what could be around them.

Suddenly a sudden move behind her make her turn and shoot, her bullet impact the ground making a potent noise and the giggles fade nearly at the instant. She can heard the sword small noise as the soldier prepare himself to fight, they stay like this trying to move as they prepare to hit anything more, fortunately nothing happen for a while.

Evelen could heard noises away of her getting slowly away, until suddenly after a time her nude back hit the cold and slimy wall, giving her a nasty surprise, she then heard a door sound and a hand take her arm.

After pass what looks to be a door, Evelen could see what looks to be a large corridor filled with mist, old crystals looks to be the source of this strange mist, even then the small light than they provide give to Evelen the right quantity of light to see even more thann before, she then notice what looks to be someone holding a sword and other wearing a spear getting inside a room and closing a door behind them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Thankfully Karn heard Evelen’s whisper and turned to attempt to hear the giggling that she heard, letting her get fairly close to him now. "Alright, will do" she replied very quietly when he told her to stay close, not thinking it was a good idea to separate anyway. He seemed to be a little bit affected by their surroundings, obviously not sure about being in a mist-covered room with whatever it was that was stalking them. After a time Evelen saw and heard a sudden move behind her, and she spun around and shot at the space where she thought it had gone. She hit only the stone floor, a loud noise echoing throughout the room, though the giggles faded away almost instantly. The soldier drew his sword, ready for whatever it was she had shot at to come to them and attack, though before that could happen Evelen’s back hit the wall. It was cold and slimy, and the brunette almost yelped out in surprise, but she managed to contain herself. She heard a door opening, and then felt Karn’s hand take her wrist and lead her through that open door.

When Evelen got inside she could see that they were in a large corridor, still filled with the strange mist. It looked like the mist was coming from a few old crystals, which only provided very dim light. Maybe older, damaged crystals let out this sort of mist as their inner workings rotted away, or something like that. Even in this poor light, though, she could see two figures coming into the room and closing another door behind them, one of them holding a sword, another wearing a spear. That looked promising… "Hey, who are you?" she called out, holding her weapon ready in case they were hostile, but she held out hope that she had found two-thirds of her family.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The two humanoids figures start to get close them, as the mist at the corridor dont give a chance to Evelen to see them.

Mama? one of them said as both unknown figures store their weapons, they start to get even more closer and then the brunette heard another familiar voice Evelen!? are you sure than she is here? The other said with an happy tone. Glad to know the two voices, Evelen cant stop to go close them, placing her weapon to a side and trying to just be close the two persons in front of her. Karn tried to stop her, maybe worried as he dont know her family, dont paying to much attention, she just hug what she expect is her daughter, a warm happy feeling invade her as she feel the soft and addictived skin of her daughter.

Susane is so happy to find you Mama. Her delicated hands soon hug the human and both bodies feel each other again, soon both can stop each other to feel each other as they are unable to see each other completely. Evelen then feel a very luscious body press against her nude back.

Thanks to the gods we found you, i was so scared, this place is so scary.

Mama is now with us now, all will be fine. the young girl said as her hand take away her mother upper clothes. Susanne is so hungry and weak. The rations dont help. Mama, can Susane drink a little? The young woman said as she slowly place her mouth close Evelen breast, her motherly instincts start to affect her again, as the happy crying woman behind her press her lewd body against her. A peaceful and strange feeling start to fill her as what looks like a far whisper try to said her something, but Evelen is so focused in this moment.