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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

In her nearly paralize state, Claudia nod and after deep breath said. My name is Claudia and this party is in some way to meet more people who play the EGG... so we can make friends by talking about our experience in the game... The shy girl suddenly get frozen without know what more she can say. ...That sound great, but im not a tester, im a worker of the corporation in charge of the software maintenance, i come here because some work partners invite me to come, i hope than is allowed for us to stay here.

Claudia nod and with a little smile answer ...Of course than all of you are welcome... it should be a really fun job... Claudia looks to be doing her best and the guy looks to be focus on her, even when he is starting to get quiet in the conversation.

She is Sandy and im Litzy, we are a little busy, but maybe we can talk more later
No doubt than she was trying to dont waste too much time on Evelen, so she can focus on the young man.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen didn't pay much attention to the conversation that was happening now between Claudia and the man, though it seemed to be going well enough. That made it all the more important to distract these two girls... and when they mentioned their names Evelen thought she had a way. She squinted at the girl talking to her, suddenly finding her familiar, and then she realized that there had been an NPC in her game with the same name, one of the students during the test, who looked very similar. "My name's Evelen. And did you say you were Litzy? You've showed up in my game before!" she said, mustering a surprised tone of voice and putting her arm around the girl's shoulder as if she were an old friend. "I thought I recognized you. How cool is that?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Eh? the girl mutter with her eyes turning in surprise to Evelen. Really? Aren't you just joking? No doubt than she had never heard about how some npcs are made, but the other girl just smile and looks more calmed. That's amazing, i wonder how is the Litzy of your game, is she also a man hunter?

Oh please Sandy, dont join this too

But it could be true, i heard rumors than that is possible, maybe someday i can meet both of you in my own game,The girl giggle and grind lewdly toward them, thing than was not welcome for Litzy who tried to get out of Evelen touch.

Meanwhile both Claudia and the young man looks to be in a little silent moment, he looks a little stunned by the cute Nerd girl and her innocence, even when he know how naughty the EGG can be, tthis could end right, if Claudia find other topic to talk with him or at least more courage to continue talking of the EGG
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"No, I'm not joking. Some NPCs come from other PCs, from the way they play their own games. You were quite cute. And not a man hunter at all" Evelen said, waving a finger at Sandy playfully with the last bit. Of course, for the next part she decided to embellish a little bit, and with a coy grin she tightened the arm around Litzy's shoulder. "She was more of a woman hunter~ Not a bad one, either." She looked over to Claudia, and things seemed to be going well except for a lull in the conversation. If only the girl could work up the courage to keep the conversation going. Come on girl, you can do it Evelen thought as she turned back to Sandy. "So, is she as deviant in the real world as she is based on the game?" she asked with a grin.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

A woman hunter!? But you already said than the Npc is made by your actions...

HAhaha, i was not expecting that, so Litzy have that hidden taste for the women.

Its a mistake! i only love to have fun with men, the game should had changed somethings of my avatar.

Sure. Said Sandy with a grind, without doubt she was loving this. In that moment Litzy just get so upset than move away Evelen's arm and get out of there, maybe to the pool to see some guys and use them to clarify her likes.

When Evelen turn to Claudia again, she saw than both werent there, she was not sure what happened but suddenly a voice call her attention. They leave a moment ago, dont worry, your joke was really great than i decide to let that poor girl have a chance with the Corporation worker guy. Anyway i can easily meet someone better in this party Said lewdly as she get close to Evelen, maybe playing a little with her
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"You only like men? That's a shame. Maybe I could show you otherwise~" Evelen teased, squeezing Litzy tight with her arm before the other girl pulled away, quickly moving towards the pool to get away from Evelen's teasing. She turned to look back at Claudia, but found that she and the man were gone. Sandy quickly confirmed that she and the man had left together a while ago, and Evelen grinned. "Thanks, I couldn't resist teasing her a little. The Litzy in my game was a good kid... And Claudia is so shy, that guy seemed like a good, similar match for her. I couldn't not try to help her out." She then noticed that Sandy was moving towards her, her implication when she said that she could find someone better than the man to play with clear. "Mmm, I hadn't really thought this would be that kind of party, and hadn't intended to make it that way, but I might be persuaded to change my mind" Evelen said, a little bit coy. If Sandy wanted in her pants, she was going to have to work a little bit for it.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Sandy smiled softly without getting closer to Evelen So you are one of the few girls who only come here to meet people and just talk about the game?

We could do that. How about if i teach you a little of my skills? It will be only foreplay, like the two girls over there, one of them is a old friend, but i doubt than you want to play with them too.

The girl sit once again, waiting for her answer.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Yeah, I met Rachel and Claudia yesterday, and thought they were nice. Thought I might meet some more people with similar interests to me" Evelen said, smiling. When the girl offered to show her a few things and talk, Evelen looked over at the two she pointed to, a pair of girls making out and doing some light petting. "Mmm, I'd prefer to go somewhere a little more private if we were doing things like that" she replied, wanting to leave the door open for this to progress a little bit farther, while at the same time not being all out in public with it. "But that would seem... appropriate somehow, in discussing the game. I always love to hear how other people have experienced this thing~"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

We could use one of the empty rooms from upstair. Answer before take a moment to remember her experiences in the game

If you really want to know, I have earned a lot of good experiences in my game, at the start i tried to fight and protect myself, but then i found a town and i decide to stay there, im sure than i dont need to go deep in what kind of job i have there.

It will be better if we go to another place if you want to know more, im not used to talk about these things in public
Sandy wait for Evelen to know if she should talk more and if she accept to have some fun
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Mmm, we could go upstairs, yeah" Evelen said, nodding. From the sound of it the girl had had an interesting game, one she had made to revolve around sex by staying in a town. "Yeah, let's go, I'd like to hear more" she replied, grinning as she got up and motioned that she would follow Sandy.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

A little slow, Sandy get up of the sofa and guide Evelen to the stairs, there were many doors but not all were restrooms, yet still the first one is one of them, unfortunately there is a group of testers having some fun, they were using condoms and doing more foreplay than nothing else, yet still a girl was starting to turn to receive an anal and taking out a condom from other guy to use her breasts and mouth on it, it is a luck than every tester have a full check up for sex diseases if they allow it. Sandy take Evelen to other room and this looks completely empty of testers, they close the room and sit on the bed, the girl cuddle on Evelen and whisper.

No doubt than you want to heard more before have some fun, but can i caress you a little as i talk? it will not so invasive, i will dont touch you in your private place and chest if you dont allow it
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen followed Sandy up the stairs at her slow pace, looking from side to side at all of the doors. She wondered briefly just how many bedrooms this place had... Looking in the first one she saw that it was already occupied by a number of testers, many of whom were engaging mostly in heavy foreplay, though a few were having sex. It seemed all of the men were wearing condoms, which set aside one worry she had had when she had first heard of this meeting. All told, the people she had seen so far were being pretty responsible about things. Eventually they came across an unoccupied room and slipped inside, closing the door behind them. Evelen sat down on the bed, and Sandy quickly followed, cuddling up to her and whispering a question. "Mmm, go ahead. You can get a little... invasive..." she whispered back coyly, "just not too much."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Sandy smile and place her arm around Evelen's shoulders and the other soon at her chest giving some soft touches, her head rested softly at her side for a moment and give her a soft lover kiss on her neck before start talking in a passionated low tone at her ear.

Like i said before, fight was not of my priorities when i decide to join this~ So i put all the settlings in a high rate. Im sure than you should have an idea of how was my game in that time~

Monsters, slavers, beasts and even plants. All trying to touch this, taste me, corrupt me, turn me into their personal sex slave or something lower. Of course than the first times i tried to protect myself, but not in an attempt to win, but for increase the excitement and after some losts i reach the town.

Naked, chained, completely full of warm cum, in a sex town where i was the lesser being.

They place me in the middle of the town, with my body secured to dont try to escape, but for what? escape was something impossible, monsters outside and a great wall full of pervert soldiers will never leave me free.
As the woman say her story, her hands make slowly more intimate touch to Evelen, soon her chest and neithers were touched sometimes in a quick and pleasant moment, each part of her body is a target for these experience hands and mouth than is used when Sandy make a brieft stop.

For days or more likely weeks and months i was used by each townpeople, town visitor, even pets and monsters. I lose the times than i cum or give birth in front of all, for only that time i was only feeded with their warm seed, the same placed permanently in every inch of my body, many others slaves were used like me, but i never tried to look around and there was not time for that until a day, many prisioners come to the city and nearly all the men turn their needs to the new flesh, leaving me unchained and helpless in the same place. Maybe you could have tried to escape or hide.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen relaxed into Sandy's touch, the arm that rested around her shoulders and held her steady, and the other hand softly brushing up against her chest, teasing at her breasts through her shirt. The gave her neck a few soft kisses before beginning to whisper into her ear again, her voice sultry as she began to tell the tale of her game. From the sound of it she had had a very... sexy game, one with little story and almost no fighting, just never ending sexual encounters. Evelen closed her eyes and envisioned the pretty girl next to her being raped by countless monsters, pilloried in the middle of a town square and used constantly. All the while Sandy was teasing her expertly, her hands running over Evelen's stomach, her legs, moving towards her more sensitive bits before moving away, leaving her to want it for a while before finally groping her breasts softly through her shirt, teasingly rubbing at the crotch of her jeans.

As the story moved on she let out quiet murmurs, the teasing and the story starting to get to her, as she began to envision herself too in that situation, covered and filled with cum, constantly pregnant and giving birth in front of a whole town while immobilized in the stocks. "Mmm~ After a while of that, I don't know that I'd want to run away" she whispered back, grinning as she looked over at Sandy now. The girl would be able to feel Evelen's nipples hardened at her touch, though she wouldn't be able to tell just how wet her panties were becoming...
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With Evelen answer and how her body answer to her touch, Sandy have all the need to know than she could go ahead and pleasure her even better, she focus more on the aroused breasts, something than Evelen have earned a great like. Pinching, rubbing, teasing and just caressing. Sandy increase her moves before decide than its time to go below Evelen's shirt, ready to stop if needed. If all goes right she will go for her jeans.

Good answer, but the few people using me now werent enough, like a beast in need the idea to leave my place came and in the right moment i just go away of the street center. At the dark halways i just started to look for more pleasure, something to fill a great hole inside me, until suddenly close a sewer a monster found me and i just wait for him, his tentacles wrap me and fill my need, a lot of times he used me and finally let me on the street, i tried to follow him but some bandits saw me and nearly rape me again, unfortunatelly i was so dirty than they decide to just sell me for some coins to any traveller, i was scared with the idea than i would leave this city and have a bored life serving only a man, but then the creature appear and start to kill them until only both of us were alone.

It maybe do it for what it put inside me the last time or really loved me, but thanks that i just realize than there was a chance to rule this town and enjoy the game even more. I tried to comunicate with it, with nothing to loss and the other chance be taken by it, i had nothing to lost, fortunatelly the creature looks to have a bond with me. Like a team we prepare all for our first step.

After clean myself a little and take some clothes to hide my slave mark and shackles, i return to where were the others very used slaves, it was really late in the night and only a pair of guards were in the place, easily they were killed without make any noise and all the slaves were ours now
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Noting that Evelen was responding to her touch, Sandy began to focus on her breasts as she continued to tell her story. Sometimes those hands gently groped Evelen's chest, other times they pinched lightly at the stiff nipples through her shirt as she heard about Sandy's wandering off to find someone, something to fuck her, eventually finding a tentacle monster by the sewer. The girl's teasing was incredibly effective, more so than any lover she had ever had in the real world before, and many of the ones in the EGG. Evelen was getting quite turned on, so she didn't resist when the girl began to slip her hands under her shirt. Slowly they crept up her stomach as Sandy related how the tentacle monster and she had teamed up, planning to take over the city. It was agonizingly teasing, but finally the girl cupped Evelen's breasts through only her bra at first, then slipping under it too to grope her bare flesh. She let out a soft moan and bit her lip, leaning back into Sandy's arms, her approval readily apparent. Those skilled hands worked her soft orbs for a while, teasing her nipples, kneading the flesh gently, before one of her hands began wandering down Evelen's stomach again, rubbing it. As the story progressed Evelen could feel that hand rubbing around her waist, dipping down ever so slightly underneath of her jeans. She could hardly wait. The story was quite good, and Sandy's hands were working their magic on her, so she wouldn't put up any resistance if the girl wanted to get under her pants...
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As Sandy continue her invasion, she cant avoid for look for more, her tone turn more seductive, her hands and mouth do better what Sandy had notice turn on her partner and then she goes bellow Evelen pants, as she continue her story. Her hand soon caress her over her panty until she sense they are wet enought to proceed to a direct contact to her most private place.

After the creature take care of the guard bodies, we move the slaves to the monster's hideout in sewers, a deep place were we will be not disturbed, have the time to get ready and wait until the persons forget this event.

The girls were not so scared to scream, as me many were already waiting to have a personal time with the creature and the few scared were calmed when they see me get close the creature. From that point all of us turned into breeders for him, he feed us with cum and use us at least three times per day, soon we give birth to the first creatures and accept our price for that instantly, more warm cum, new babies to carry.

With the time we fill that place, the creatures were too much for us and i was glad to still be able to try to talk him and look for more breeders. Dressed and cleaned, i walk in the night around the street, some tentacles hidden in my mantle to be safe and the creature hidden prepare to protect me. I notice a place without too much guards and a lot of sluts, many males soon notice me, no doubts than they could be a problem, so i move to a safer place in the halways. They purtsue me but at the end they meet their end, but their screams made me decide to let our attempts until tomorrow. We made a plan a little creative, with the money of the nosy dead guys i buy the service of a prostitute and take her to a hidden place and our now big childrens will take then to our home, at the start it worket really good with low level whores without anyone at their side, many of them looks useless and weak to resist, so we only take 7 of them
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Of course than we dont leave any clue and as the time passed we get better in our plans, at the first night we ended taking 16 girls, the next time we fully leave that place empty, a nice view of more of a hundred of naked pregnant girls filling our now most huge home, lossing their imperfection and turning into usefull bredders thanks to the creatures, of course than they tried to find who kidnapped all these girls, but our power was unstopable now and each human seeker was defeated easily, from them even we get some women to use, but we dont have time to waste and we lounch our attack in the night. With tricks, stealth and power we defeat the ones of the lower and medium zones of the city in the, the same started for the remaining ones, but there were many noises in the battle, quickly some of our childrens tried to kill the soldiers on their beds, but some were really skilled and at the end we lost many creatures to defeat every soldier on the city. From there we just take what was us now, a full city of perverts ready to serve us as our slaves and ironicaly i and many others slaves turned into the persons in charge to hide this to the world.

At this moment Evelen and Sandy were really excited, Evelen's jeans were fully wet thanks all the foreplay and no doubt Sandy was ready to check if Evelen want more, maybe then they could have a real sex sesion. More had passed in my game, but maybe we can do something more fun now~ she whisper in a sexy way
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Sandy's tone grew more sultry as she continued on with the story, telling Evelen about the first stages of her plot to dominate the town as her petting became heavier. As she talked about the way the monster had used her and the other slaves, her hand slipped into Evelen's pants, gently caressing her through her panties, and she leaned back into Sandy's arms a little more and spread her legs slightly, letting out another soft moan. She's damn good at this... she thought, as Sandy expertly teased her, kneading the flesh of her breasts and tweaking her nipples gently.

By the time the girl had gone through how she and the monster had kidnapped a number of women, using them for breeders, Evelen's panties were soaked, and Sandy's hand slipped under them, teasing at her bare flesh directly now. Evelen couldn't stand it. The story was sexy, her partner was so skilled, and she was now squirming in Sandy's arms, no thoughts of stopping anywhere in her mind. When the girl ended the story and whispered that they could do something more fun, Evelen nodded and said "oh please yes," needing to get off badly now.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With her partner fully needing it, Sandy turn her eyes to see her at her face and get close enough to Evelen to make her give her a kiss who Sandy take it as a plead from her partner not before said Dont forget to return the favor . Her hands forget any stealth and focused on just give a carnal pleasure, soon Evelen's jeans were fully opened and down enought to reveal a little of what is bellow, her blouse and bra dont resist too much as both slowly get removed with her passionate moves.

Evelen could feel how each of her erogenous places were used in the right moment and then Sandy went down and focused on her partner clitoris and wet hole with a hand, as the other remain using Evelen breasts and others places. Evelen soon start to reach her climax, her back arched and suddenly Sandy made a move to avoid the orgasm of her partner, this happened at least 6 times more until she notice than Evelen was starting to need baddly cum and with only a pinch on Evelen's clitoris she make her reach her peak.