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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just when Evelen press yes, the whole world turn into a deep darkness and soon she was once again resting on her seat, it take her a time to recover herself and in some way for her it feel odd to be dressed, as she was now used to walk around naked, her hand opened the door and she soon notice her fingernails in a normal short size, in some way she looks a little direfent from her avatar and even when was not a problem, she could make fun of it in her mind.

The real time looks to be early in the night and also was the dinner time, no doubt than she was hungry and there were a lot of things to do before continue her adventure inside the game in a future day.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen soon felt the by-now familiar feeling of weightlessness as the EGG went dark and slowly transitioned her back into the real world. As she sat in the chair she had to reach up to feel her hair, and note that it was just as short as when she had first gotten into the game, rather than almost to her chin. She thought vaguely about maybe growing it out here too as she got up and out of the pod. It was late in the afternoon by now, and she was hungry, and had done all of the recommended playtime for the day, so she headed home, considering the party she had been invited to tomorrow, and wondering what it would be like.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Like usual Evelen leave the Building corporation and go to her house, as a student she have a lot of things to do before return to play the game and there was also the part who she dont want to lost.

Tha night passed and then she get ready to go to the meating with the two girls who she meet yesterday, with the adress at her possession she order to the taxidriver to take her there and soon she was in front of a luxury house wh looks like a mansion, it must be the blonde girl house.

Evelen notice a group of young people getting inside the place, for some reason she thing to have seen them in the corporation a time ago. After pay what the taxidriver ask, she get inside, looking a pair of lovers using a bench and kissing softly each others. Evelen notice than the shy girl was resting on a seat, looking to the others talking and having fun.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen got back to her house fairly late, and after wolfing down some dinner she decided for once in her life to try and get ahead on her homework for the weekend before bed. The next day she woke up fairly early and got ready to go to the party that Claudia and Rachel had mentioned to her. She decided on wearing a fairly conservative outfit, since she had been told it wasn't a sex party and didn't really want it to become one, so she put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt and ordered a cab to the address she had been given. It ended up being an enormous home, almost a mansion, causing Evelen to whistle as she paid the taxi driver, though she probably shouldn't have been surprised given the way the girl had thrown around her credit card while they had been together.

A young couple had just arrived before her, and she could see them walk in the door, swearing she had seen them before in the hallways at Chamber Corp. Once inside there was already a pair of lovers making out on a bench, and she had to suppress a chuckle. In a corner she noticed the shy Claudia sitting alone and watching the others, so she walked over to her and sat down beside her, asking "hey, how's it going?" it greeting.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The shy girl really was glad to see Evelen sit close her, no doubt than she feel more safe to have someone who she know, at least a little more than the others testers. Oh...Evelen, im glad to see you, i never expected to be surrounded by many players, the meet has just started and there are like 40, im getting scared than this get out of control.

Soon Evelen notice than the lobby was starting to get filled with many persons, even when the room was really huge, she could count at least 20 testers on the room chating about their game experience or even some guys trying to get a couple between the girls who looks really confidence of them and even some of the girls were the ones jumping on the poor guys, but in a normal way and very away of a possible sex chance.

Rachel is in the swimming pool, taking care of many of the guests and if you want she can lend you a swimwear. Claudia said a little more calmed, Evelen could see a full desk filled with many appetizers and some refresh, no sign of beers or wine, maybe to avoid to lost the control of the party. I dunno, but some couples have get to the restrooms and looks to dont return, i dont know if i should look at them, but at least some guys bring some videogames and board games, they are playing in that two rooms.

Evelen can see three door and the stairs than looks to end in at least 12 rooms, looking through the glass at the ceiling, the middle door looks to continue to another hall and maybe others rooms, the left door continue toward a lot of rooms and the right goes to the dinning room and then the garden who was close the pool. At this room she see at least 5 groups of players, three males looking to the garden and talking about the girls on the swiming pool, another group of three peoples, a girl and two males talking close the table full of food; two girls cuddling close a poor guy who looks really nervious and shy even when he have a nice body; two girls talking and caressing themselves, maybe talking of the game or having some fun in the process; finally two girls were over two guys drinking and making jokes, no doubt the kind of jokes than they were making.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Oh wow, I didn't think there'd be that many people here" Evelen said, surprised they would even allow 40 people into their home. "Do your parents know you've got this many people over?" she asked teasingly, thinking that surely the girl would have okayed this sort of thing beforehand. Looking around the room was filling with people, most of them talking about their game experiences or flirting.

"Hmm, swimming, huh? I like swimming, but I think it'd be too much of a hassle. Besides, any swimsuit probably wouldn't fit me all that well, and I'd hate to come out of it, right?" She said, wanting to see Rachel again, but at the same time not wanting to leave the shy girl alone. There seemed to be a couple of different options for what to do, from going to play video or board games, to hitting the refreshments, to finding someone or some group to flirt with. She decided to take the cop out answer. "So what would you like to do? I don't really know what to do, I've never been much for board games and things. "
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Rachel must have all in order, this house is really huge, so 40 guests are not a problem, but i fear than soon will be too much of them. Claudia said before heard Evelen continue her questions

Well she have a lot of clothes, maybe you could find something of your size, about what i love to do...well, i love to see the garden, but maybe you will love more to talk with someone, after all that is the reason to make this meeting, im sure than we can make a new friend... even when im really scared to talk to them.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"How many people did you invite, anyway? Or are we all just sort of showing up?" Evelen asked, wondering just how many more than 40 they could have possibly anticipated having. As Claudia talked about what they could do, she pondered, and looked over to the one pair of lovers on the bench, still kissing one another. "You seem pretty shy, Claudia. Why this party? Are you looking for something out of it?" she asked, crossing her legs and idly kicking one as she relaxed in the chair. She got the vague impression that the girl was just a little too shy to try what she really wanted to.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Claudia look down for a moment to remember how many people Rachel invite to the party and then sight softly. We invite a lot of people, i dunno how many will come, Rachel just placed a poster on the snack bar and she also invite them personally.

Just when Evelen ask her about why she was here, she just shake her face and then answer a little sad. Rachel said than i need to meet more people, thats why im here, but i dunno if that is possible, i cant even move of here without think than something bad could happen
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen whistled a little in disbelief. "Shit, you might get a lot of people here. Posted in the snackroom? You're likely to get half of everyone" she said, grinning a little. From the way it looked a lot of people wanted to meet others in the area with similar... interests. As Claudia talked about "something bad happening" she giggled, though. "Something bad? What would happen that would be bad just from meeting new people? Nothing bad happened when you met me, did it?" She was looking straight at Claudia now, a curious look on her face as she leaned a little closer to the shy girl.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Half of the testers? That sound terrible, there must be houndred of them. The shy girl sight and get more nervious, as Evelen focus more on her an ask her even more True... you looks to be a nice person, but... Rachel was the one to talk to you, Claudia made a nervious smile and then ask to her guest. I really dont want to be like this, i was more shy and quiet before be a tester. Could you help me to try to talk with them, please? I really need your help said the girl with plead eyes.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Mmm, I guess that's true" Evelen said, sitting back again and looking out at the others. "So what are you looking for? Another friend? Maybe someone to hop in bed with you? You could probably find either here, easily enough, and your approach would be a little different depending." She didn't think the girl was the type to run around looking for sex, but you never knew.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Claudia just cant help to turn fully red, as her glasses get out of place a little. D-do... you mean to meet... boys? Im only here to meet people, but... a good boyfriend... i dunno... im not sure to be ready Completely out of herself, she start to touch her darkgreen hair, maybe thinking than she looks really weird with this dye than her friend Rachel make her use to look more like her avatar. No doubt than she looks more like an anime girl and her body was not so bad, in some way she would be a really beautifull girl, if she were not so shy, even her glasses give her a cute look.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Why does it have to be a boy?" Evelen teased, grinning as she leaned a little closer. Claudia was quite cute in a nerdy sort of way, which suited Evelen just fine. "I don't know what to tell you, though, it's not that hard. You just have to walk up to someone and start talking to them. Since this is a party for testers, you already know you have a common interest with them, and have an easy conversation starter. You just have to have the courage to do it."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

True, maybe find another friend like you and Rachel will be more easy than a guy Said the nerd girl in an attempt to dont think bad about Evelen sugestion of find a person of the same gender.. Soon Claudia turn everywhere as she nod when Evelen say her tips but soon she frown and focus on her again. All look to be busy talking, maybe they will get pissed if i interrupt them and how i will know than they arent dangerous? If i talk about my game they will only will think dirty things about me, turn into a slave in your first sesion is not a great topic to start a talk, i guess. No doubt than Claudia was very worried to fail in her attempts to earn more friends.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen grinned at Claudia's reaction, the way she either didn't get the implication or willfully ignored it. She almost wanted to try and seduce the shy girl, but she decided against it. "Just walk up to people, you don't even have to start the conversation. Eventually they'll acknowledge you. And I'm sure most of them have been in situations that are similar in the EGG. I mean, I willingly acted as a slave for a bit in my game" she said, patting the girl's knee. "Come on, pick a group. I'll go with you."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

But... its not the same willingly act as a slave, than be one for the rest of the game without want it... but i guess than you are right.Said Claudia slighty blushed after heard than Evelen acepted to act as an slave for a while in her game.

She then tried to calm herself and look around, taking out the male group, the two couples and the pair of girls. Finally said The people close the hors d'oeuvres looks like the best choice, maybe. But that guy close the two girls looks really handsome, could one of them be her girlfriend... i... well, maybe we should go to the other group. Said the nerdy girl scared to get in a bad position between the poor guy and the two girls who are starting to get even more close him.

Claudia get up and think twice before get close the two guys and the girl, one of them looks to start to get close the girl, very close. Her soft moves are just enough to manain the distance and the other guy looks to wonder if he must do something.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"No, it's not the same, my way is dirtier" Evelen replied, winking at the blushing girl. She looked over to the group standing by the refreshments, following Claudia's eyes, and nodded in approval. "Yeah, he's pretty cute. What does it matter if one of them is his girlfriend? If so, then maybe you can make a group of three friends. If not, then maybe you'll make a couple friends and something more." The girl got up, and then hesitated for a bit as Evelen stood to follow her over to the group. One of the girls tried to get closer to Claudia, who seemed to back away a little, prompting Evelen to put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey guys, enjoying the party?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Loking than the food table group was dangerous, Evelen take the shy girl toward the handsome shy guy, without waste time one of the girls move close then, she loos a little serious and not doubt than she was trying to make them be away of the man.

Oh sure, its a nice one. A great way to meet someone special, isnt darling? Said the girl grinning and looking toward the young man who quickly turn to other side.

The other girl giggle and get nearly over him, Maybe we should go to a more private place, the five of us ♥

The man frown and tried to move away, but the sofa was not big enought to allow it. Its really a cute house, maybe we should just talk... Arent you one of the girls who organize this? said looking to Claudia, maybe in an attempt to escape of this harrasment.

Oh...y-yes... im glad to heard than all are enjoyng our meeting... Said the girl in a very shy way, she was very blushed and tried to dont look to the guy.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It soon became clear that the girl getting close to Claudia was doing so because she didn't necessarily want the shy girl there. Apparently she had eyes for the equally shy man. "Mmm, it could be. Lots of people to meet here" Evelen replied, ignoring the comment about the five of them finding somewhere private, knowing that Claudia wouldn't go along with it and seeing that the man probably didn't want to. Indeed, he quickly tried to change the subject, asking Claudia if she was one of the organizers. She replied in a characteristically shy way, and Evelen leaned closer to her, whispering in her ear "he seems like a good guy, and a lot like you. Just try to keep conversing with him and don't be scared, I'll try to occupy the girls." When she had said that she shuffled over to the other side of Claudia, with the girls. She grinned, putting her arm around the one nearest the shy girl, and asked "so, what are your names?" in an attempt to keep them from bothering Claudia and the boy.