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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Just when the little Suzanne heard that her mother was not in mood for her little game she made a little wimper and stop inmediately. S-sorry, Mama. They hurt when Suzanne lick them? Said worried her daughter, without know why she should stop playing her inofensive game, if her mother was moaning happily.

When the Matriarh heard that Evelen would not love to have a increment in her breasts, she was so confused and just turn to Zunasse who srough her shoulders before add If you are really worried about get a better shape, maybe a magic could reduce the effect, we have that rune that the cow girls use to try to avoid get a breast size that prevent them to walk. Maybe it will cause a smaller grow in a human woman, but i dont know if you should, your body will feel more pain with that and you will be a better breeder if they grow without that useless rune. It was clear that both girls think that have bigger breasts was a blessing for a mother like Evelen, she then smiled and give her opinion about Evelen age Also, im not sure but maybe you are already at the age that yours great-grandson had already fertile young childrens, for this town at least

For her part Suzanne smiled to her and hug her when Evelen pet her, even a little giggle escape to her when the word grandmother was heared. The young girl was certainly thinking on only had a baby when her own mother was ready to accept be called grandmother or granny., even when the deepest part of her mind, she will love to be like her mother and raise her own child.

The three girls waite until the Matriarch end the card writted in a little bone plate, she gave it t Zunasse and wave as they leave, not before Evelen dress herself on her virin outfit, soon she notice that her breasts were very sensitive, even the soft silk of the clothes were making her feel a little of pain and they were turning nearly invisibles as they get wet with her own milk. Dont worry, i know of a way to clean them. Also, dont start any fight or even hit any person of our people, i will take care of any transgressor Said Zunasse as they walk through a different pat that lend them in the backside of the training grounds. There were still some males and feets of distance.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"No, it doesn't hurt" Evelen replied quietly, "but it's just not the time." She listened to Zunasse explain the potential for magic to reduce her breast growth, seemingly bewildered that Evelen would want this. "I like myself the way I am. Besides, I'm fairly big for outside of here" she said, pondering the exchange of more pain for normal-sized breasts. "Still, it depends on how bad the pain would be, and if it would hinder me fighting." She didn't want to do it if the pain would distract her later on while she was fighting monsters. It was also very odd to her, the accelerated pace of life in this place. She was only 19, and that was old enough to make her a great-great-grandmother in this town? It seemed bizarre to her.

They left after that, Evelen putting on the clothes she was allowed. She was still leaking milk into them, and even though the material was soft and silken, the contact with her breasts caused her slight pain, though nothing she couldn't handle. Of course, she was still quite aroused as well. "Don't worry, I'll try not to fight. Also... I'm still so horny... My daughter is a walking aphrodisiac right now, having sex with her made me even more turned on" she whispered as they got close to the backside of the training grounds. She wasn't sure if she should go in for training as distracted as she was likely to be, but she didn't know what to do about it either.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

really lucky rolls O.O

Both woman dont were the recommended to ask about that spell, as they had never had used it or know of any female warrior who have need it. Oh really!? that sound interesting, may i have a session with both? that kind of ability is very uncommon among us. The girls on her age cant even control her new powers, but with the time they can decide when to use their new skills. Now quickly follow me and dont stop until reach the door. Suzanne press her mother hand and both run behind the guide, many lovers were around, but with a shoot of luck the three reach the backdoor of the training grounds. That was even more easy than i expect it, now follow me and i will take care of any warrior.

The trio walked through the building, hearing footsteps every moment. So, Evelen had not any moment to calm herself, between her focus on defend her daughter, her great needs building as she stay with her and the strange pleasurable feeling of dont being caught by a virile male. The speargirl soon was once again reaching her limits, with er body completely ready to be taken into a wild and rough experience, her mind even placed images of them being surrounded by a group of these powerful humanoids and then subdue to them in an incredible orgy, maybe trying to use herself as a decoy to only be caught with the rest... But of course that never happened, the knowledge of the place and the guide dexterity, make then reach the right place without real danger and then she leave them alone as she go to give the card to the women on charge of the place.

Meanwhile Evelen could see that she and her daughter were not alone. The lizard girl was meditating completely naked, as her light green scales were reflecting a strange light sphere floating below her. The other room was filled with moans and lewd female sounds, even the words that were coming from there could express their slutty meaning to Evelen... and of course that Suzanne understand every of these naughty words, yet still she remain happily at her mother side looking the strange sphere.

After a time the luscious purple naga and a blonde fox girl leave the other room and saw the newcomers with a grind. Oh... what im smelling?' so this is the famous Suzanne and her mother... why are you so blushed? Said the blonde girl before get interrupted

Please let them alone, they dont want to have a time with both. Also both of you are distracting me of my training, so why not both start to fuck each other right now and stop harassing them? said the lizardgirl as her sphere disappear in the air

Hey, we are not trying anything wrong, we are just trying to talk with them, you know the thing that they say "melting ice" or something like that

Yessss, the high onessss are talking. Maybe it will take them an hour. So im Shiba and my friend issss named Kitomi... i sssaid right?

. said smiling the foxgirl and then turn once again to Evelen, walking slowly to her. Really, you looks really bad, maybe we can solve your little problem, if you want of course she wink and sit in front of Evelen. But first lets train, i heard that it was the reason for all this mess
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Maybe later" Evelen replied when Zunasse asked her for a session with her and Suzanne, relieved when the guide related that Suzanne would probably be able to control her aphrodisiacs when she was more matured. She followed the monstergirl towards the training building quickly, holding on to her daughter’s hand and trying not to look around. There were many pairs of lovers all around them, but thankfully no one bothered them until they got to the back door of the training grounds.

The building echoed with footsteps all around them, but they never saw a soul. Which was good, because Evelen was growing increasingly horny, thoughts of giving herself to any group of men and women who happened to come along filling her head. Soon enough they were safely at their destination, and Zunasse had gone off to give over the matriarch’s order for a bodyguard for Suzanne for processing. In the meantime, she found that the lizardgirl from before was in the room, meditating in the nude as she floated over a sphere of light. Lewd moans emanated from the room next to them, and Evelen strongly considered joining them, though she knew she couldn’t.

Soon enough, though, a few more people came in. A naga and a fox girl came in, the fox girl acting as if she knew of the two of them and asking Evelen why she was blushing. The lizardgirl intervened, telling them to leave the two of them alone, though Evelen considered the offer of training. "I’m fine, really. Once Zunasse gets back to take my daughter where she needs to go, I’ll have a match against you, I think" she said, hoping that maybe at the end of a grappling match one of the women would give her some relief, but not wanting to do it in front of Suzanne.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The blonde girl smile and even get closer to admire Evelen body. Of course, we can wait for Zunasse, maybe some of the girls having fun on the other room could join us too. Meanwhile why dont we have a little talk? Im the member in charge to collect information.

More like you are the gossip little rockie of the group, Kitomi. Said the lizard girl as she rest between her training.

Shut up, Maya. We had fight alongside and my fighting skills can match any of you Said the Foxgirl, as the naga giggled when Kiyomi end to talk. And i have grow, look it for yourself. Said a little angry, as she display her body to all

Oh Cmon, look at you. How can you said to be a woman with that petite shape? Why dont you retrn with your mother and drink some more of her milk? Maybe that shameful D cup could get better.

Nah, you are just jealouse that my mother has been a matriarch for a long time and how much time your sluty mother endure it? only a year?

Hey that wassss to rough Kiyomi. Letsss all stop this uselessss discussion and return to our trining

Indded Shiba. Lets train a little, I chalengue you Kiyomi! If i win, you will be my personal servant for a full week.

Heh, fine, The same will be for you Maya. I will enjoy to see you show to all that your family are just useless mindless sluths.

Just then Zunasse get out followed of other four women, it was a pink haired arachne, a clay girl of 3.5 mts with pointed horns and sharp fangs, orange haired fire salamander and a little tough white haired girl with tiger marks and even tail and tiger ears. It cant pass a month before the two fight each other? oh well, at least is nothing too serious. Said Zunasse before get close Evelen. Well time to take Suzanne to her first class. If she gets aroused, will be fine if she sattle her needs with the others students? i will stay there and stop all if something bad could happen.

Suzanne happily get up, after kiss her mother. Suzanne will learn a lot f magic and earn a lot of friends. Said between giggles Dont worry Mama, Suzanne will return soon, Said as she wake and walk with the others, after Zunasse get Evelen answer.

Now that Suzanne had leave the place, the aroused Evelen could choice who to fight, afer the duel that will happen now between the Foxgirl and the lizardwoman..

Having the space enoght, both fighters looks each other for a time and circled slowly, trying to have an opening. Suddeny the Fox girl make a dash and using her leg to and right hand make her foe fall on the floor. She then get over her back placing both hands on her neck to make her lost breath, soon the lizrd girl start to get free of the grapple, but the fox girl started to caress her pussy, making her moan softly and even get wet See? just that and you turn into a useless whore, you are the shame of our group, Maya. said Kiyomi as a grind appear in her face.

The punishment to Maya continued, her moans get increased in intensity, as the lack of breath and the skilled moves of the fox girl placed her close her orgasm. But then she used her remaining streng to take out Kiyomi hands from her neck and use her lizard tail to wrap hthe foxgirl neck, turning her body she hold every limb of the little blonde girl and start to lick her pusy, as Kiyomi stay with her body in a full arch figure.

The little warrior tried to struggle and even succeed to give some fight to the lizard girl. both interchange moves and even used dirty tricks to get free of the grapples, until Maya give a supplex to Kiyomi and this was very dizzy to get free of the next move.

With her back on the floor and her whole body completely tired, Kiyomi just was able to moan as the lizardgirl use her toungle as Kiyomi Legs are placed over the fox girl. Soon with a loud moan Kiyomi orgasm and is leaved on the floor completely defeated, as Maya laught and looks to her. I will teach you to respect us, now what could be your first punishment. Oh yes, you must act as a sluty loyal foxpet and stay your dirty mouth closed until i allow you to talk again. Kiyomi whine and nod before get at her four, she then made weak noises and crawl out the arena using her tail to stroke her own honeyhole.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"It’s always good to have more people in on the training" Evelen said, ready to talk with the three monstergirls until Zunasse arrived. The lizardgirl and the foxgirl, apparently named Kiyomi, had a verbal sparring match. The lizardgirl, apparently named Maya, insulted Kiyomi for her looks, deriding her for her small breasts. It made Evelen a little self-conscious, considering that her own chest was probably a little smaller than the foxgirl’s… Kiyomi shot back with a crack about Maya’s mother, which definitely struck Evelen as a low blow.

When they had stopped fighting with their words, Zunasse reappeared with a few other monstergirls, most striking of which was what looked like an enormous clay golem who was almost 11’6. "Alright. She can do what she needs to do, as long as you’re there to keep things from getting out of hand" she replied, willing to trust the monstergirl enough to know when things were getting too crazy. Suzanne probably still wouldn’t be able to control herself on her own, but she still needed to get out and about and do things. When her daughter came over to kiss her it took some willpower to keep from turning it into something less innocent, but it was easy enough. "You do that. Pay attention to your teachers and don’t give them too much grief. And stay safe" she replied, patting the girl on the head before she walked away.

When Zunasse and Suzanne had gone, Maya and Kiyomi began a duel, quickly grappling with each other. The foxgirl had the upper hand early, squeezing her opponent’s throat as if to choke her, but soon she also began to caress the lizardgirl’s pussy, making her moan lewdly. It seemed like she would win, but at the last moment Maya turned the tables, getting free and wrapping her tail around the foxgirl’s neck, holding all of her limbs as she began to lick her pussy. They fought for some time, sometimes using dirty tricks to try and free themselves, until finally Maya slammed Kiyomi into the ground, knocking the fight out of her and then lapping at her pussy until she came.

After that the foxgirl began paying the price of their wager, following Maya’s order to crawl about on all fours silently, and she crawled out of the arena still stroking herself with her tail. Briefly Evelen pondered which one to fight. She didn’t know if she could beat either of them, judging from watching their sparring match, especially considering how aroused she was… So then it became a matter of which one she wanted to pleasure her. Kiyomi looked promising. Evelen might even be able to beat her, since she was apparently the lesser of the two and obviously still aroused. Though the naga was intriguing… She wondered what it would be like to be held in that long, strong tail. She would have to try it some time, just not right that moment. "Would it be okay if I had a match with Kiyomi?" she asked, looking to the lizardgirl. It seemed she would be the one making decisions for Evelen’s intended opponent, it seemed.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Now that her daughter leave, after a little cheerfull yes as she nods to Evelen instructions, the speargirl earn some time to recover herself a little before her match start.

Heh, good choice. Of course that you can train with my petite slutty foxpet. Pet, you can move normaly in this training, but you still cant talk or destroy her clothes.

Before start, these are the rules for these kind of duels. The girl who orgasm or get uncouncious will lost and the winner can do as they wish with her opponent, but nothing too rough or a soft order that dont pass of a day, as this is not a duel.
Said the lizardgirl, after give a powerfull slap to Kiyomi round little butt, the foxgirl moan and was close jump over Maya, but she stop and move toward the little arena. Evelen and Kiyomi were really in a hurry, they had to gasp slighty for breath and their stiffed neeples with their sweaty bodies show that their climax would come easily. However Kiyomi was still tired from her last battle and more aroused than Evelen, even touching herself without notice it and stroking her wet pussy with her soft tail.

Evelen take the chance to win this quickly with a move that she just learn, but her foe know how to get free easily and then both girls fall on the floor, the foxgirl was only abble to escape from the grapples, both girls stroking their bodies in their struggle, feeling the breath of the other and turning this nearly into a carnal moment, suddenly Evelen was able to stop all Kiyomi moves in a grapple who was close to the arch of triumph that the catgirl Melissa used against her and Evelen lick Kiyomi pussy making the foxgirl moan between a bigger struggle that make her free and the endless key interchange continued until Evelen neeples were pressed by mistake by Kiyomy arms and show to all her weak point with a loud moan and soon her foe have it in a grapple, liking her left breast.

E= 6hp 6ap grappled
K= 3hp 8ap
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright, those rules sound acceptable to me" Evelen said, taking up a defensive stance. "Just keep in mind that I have responsibilities to my family, so I'd really like it if things didn't carry over after this training session." She was ready and eager to start the match, badly aroused, though it was clear that the foxgirl was even more so.

Seeing this, Evelen quickly lunged at her with a move that the matriarch had taught her, though Kiyomi easily broke the hold, and both of them fell to the floor. They writhed together, stroking one anothers' skin as they tried to grapple, succeeding in nothing but turning each other on just a bit more, until finally Evelen got the foxgirl into the move Melissa had used on her back in the mansion, and lapped at the arched girl's pussy. Kiyomi began to moan lewdly, and Evelen thought she had won until the foxgirl broke the hold, and they fought and rolled for a while longer, until Kiyomi turned the tables and began to grope her breasts. She let out a loud moan as her overly sensitive orbs were caressed, and the foxgirl took advantage, gripping her arms and licking at her breasts. She almost wanted to give in right there, but she pulled herself together long enough to try and flip Kiyomi onto her back, to subdue her and get a good angle to lick her pussy.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Soon Evelen notice that even with her great arousement, Kiyom was a step ahead, any move or attempt of struggle was soon countered by a expert sudden move by the fox girl, as this continue the punishment to Evelen continued, her breasts were intensely sucked and pinched by the monstergirl mouth, her milk was out of control and soon her needs to feel something on her pussy were answered when Kiyomi used her tail to take out the virgin clothes over the neither of the human and then she stroke the human wet cunt without pity.

Evelen then used all her force to pull her away and try once again to lick her opponent pussy, but soon she saw how the foxgirl was waiting that to place Evelen in full display to all, as she used her tail to penetrate her even deeply trying to end this match.

Sso, Kiyomi isss sstill able to focuss to use her powerss?

Heh, yes. She must use a lot of her mind to control herself, but she still dont is able to perfect it. Said Maya as she reate a little ball at her hand

Suddenly Kiyomi turn to where was Maya and Evelen is able to escape of the grip, this caused the foxgirl to whine, as she cant believe how this woman can still fight. Both women start a mutual attempt to end the fight, her moans fill the place and this looks more like just a intense foreplay between two lovers who try to decide who was the dominant, however Evelen was the most who receive most pleasure, but her training with the succubus on her dimension was the difference and soon she found when to attack. She used her remaining strengths to flip the little blond foxgirl and then lick her pussy with all her might, moaning Kiyomi tried to struggle, but soon her moves stop and she remain docile to her foe.

Congratsss human! Kiyomi cant fight more, now do as you wish to her Said the Naga as she clamp cheerfully

E= 2hp 9ap grappled
K= 1hp 10ap
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Even though Evelen tried to fight back, she wasn't being very successful, as Kiyomi sucked on her breasts hard, her milk starting to flow steadily into the foxgirl's mouth. She felt the fluffy tail of her opponent shifting aside her clothing, and she trembled slightly, barely able to contain her anticipation. The soft, wonderful tail was soon stroking her wet pussy, causing her to moan lewdly as she ceased struggling for a few moments, once again considering giving in to wonderful caress. Still, she tried with all her might once more to get out of the foxgirl's grip, instead failing miserably and finding herself spread wide and on display for the other two, and Kiyomi soon penetrated her with the tail, forcing a deep groan of pleasure out of Evelen. She went limp for a bit, letting the foxgirl have her way with her, before suddenly thrashing one more time and getting free. The two continued trying to pleasure each other on the ground for a while, neither in a dominant position, though Evelen's training with Kimberly's succubus side made it far easier for her to resist the pleasure. Finally Evelen managed to flip Kiyomi over and lap at her pussy, keeping the foxgirl squirming under her, until finally she became still, submitting herself to Evelen's tongue. The naga clapped for her and told her she had won, but she didn't need any confirmation of that, quickly stopped her attentions to the foxgirl and moaning out "ahhh, your tail... I want it inside me again. Get me off nice and gentle, and if you do a good enough job I'll return the favor."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After heard the order from the human, Kiyomi tried to get up, she was close to pass out and she was unable to resist to the wish of continue what she started. Her hands were just the strong enough to resist her body and her skin was completely sensitive, her little whines and moans were filled with a intense lewdness and like a complete loyal pet started to pleasure the winner of the battle. Her hands rub against Evelen skin, as her tail start to rub softly to the female human lower lips, it was so soft and fluffy, her gold tail was already wet with Evelen's sex juices. Before penetrate her, Kiyomi started to kiss from the belly to Evelen neck, sometimes licking the skin and lapping the sweet nectar from Evelen chest.

Now face to face, Kiyomi remain in her act as if she just was a mindless pet. Her mouth soon started to kiss Evelen pasionately, as she do it her hands increase the needs to cum from the speargirl when she caress and pinch the stuffed milky breasts, sometimes making them shoot a little milk line toward the walls or the chest of the blonde foxgirl, then the tail penetrate the needed hole, just when also Evelen lost control of herself. More and more of her juises soaked the beautiful soft tail as this increase her speed and reach the bottom of her hole and even was like it want to pass toward her womb. The juices soon started to fall on the floor and Evelen just was unable to stop her intense orgasm, filling even more Kiyomi with her juices and warm milk. Her mouth produced a impressive lewd moan who even was not completely muffed by the foxgirl mouth.

Completely tired after her potent orgasm, Evelen fall on the floor filled of her own juices, her body fully exposed, with a satisfaction lewd face, even moaning softly without control, as after a long needed orgasm who was denied by some hours. Kiyomi rest at her side, whining like a needed creature and even gasping with her tongue out between the laps that she give to clean the milk from Evelen nude chest. Without notice yet, Evelen was now naked and at her side the virgin outfit was completely a mess, filled with all that fluids and slightly broken by the intense sex battle.

Just then after had saw the whole event, three more girls get inside the room, after the loud moans. Two were completely filled of cum and it was like it was completely normal for all. It was really hard to know what kind of creature they are with all that creamy warm substance, it was the cockatrice girl and a tentacle girl. The last one was the minotaur girl who just start to talk with Maya and Shiba about what was happening in their native language.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Kiyomi whined and whimpered as Evelen stopped pleasuring her, barely able to resist masturbating herself to orgasm. Instead her hands began to rub up and down Evelen's body, the soft, fluffy tail slowly stroking her sopping cunt. She spread her legs wide for the foxgirl, already moaning quite lewdly when Kiyomi began to kiss at her stomach, slowly moving her way up her body and licking the excess milk off of her, until she got to her neck. The two began to kiss passionately, as the foxgirl continued to tease Evelen's breasts, pinching and groping them until milk shot out onto her own body. By now the speargirl desperately needed to cum, but she didn't mind staying like this for at least a while, allowing herself to be teased to build her pleasure up to dizzying heights.

Finally Kiyomi penetrated her fully again with that soft, wonderful tail, and Evelen let out a feral cry of pleasure, her own arms embracing the foxgirl and holding her into the kiss they were sharing. The tail pistoned into her deep and hard now, absolutely soaked by her love juices, which were starting to leak out onto the floor. She moaned uncontrollably, rapidly racing towards orgasm. Finally she felt the tail poke into her womb, and she let out a cry so loud it was barely muffled by the foxgirl's mouth as the intense orgasm that had been denied to her for hours washed over her. Her juices squirted out forcefully onto the ground as her pussy clamped down on the soaked tail inside it as if to trap it within her.

As the orgasm subsided, Evelen fell back onto the ground, panting as she recovered. It was the best she had felt in quite some time, and she tried to savor it for a while before remembering that her opponent now needed to cum probably as badly as she had, if not more. She let the foxgirl lap up the milk from her chest and stomach for a time before suddenly getting up and swinging around behind Kiyomi, wrapping her legs lightly around her waist and grabbing her chest. "Don't feel bad for losing there" she whispered into the foxgirl's ear as she began to grope her breasts. "I've trained with a succubus to resist pleasure, so I've gotten decent at it. Now just relax..." Evelen continued to tease Kiyomi's chest, not touching her needy pussy at all for a few minutes, before finally reaching down with one hand to trace the edges of the glistening cunt. "You're very pretty, you know. And you were really good at that. More than once during the match I wanted to just go limp in your arms and let you have your way with me" she continued to whisper, teasing her mercilessly. Finally she inserted a finger into the foxgirl's pussy, starting to thrust it in and out as her other hand came down to rub and stroke her clit. As aroused as Kiyomi was, it wouldn't take long to get her on the edge, and Evelen whispered "now cum for me" as she gently pinched the foxgirl's engorged clit, giving her her own orgasm.

She continued to gently stimulate her former opponent, looking around in the room. Her clothing was a complete mess, and she inwardly cursed; she would have to get Teresa to fix it or some such. Some of the others had also come into the room, covered in cum. "So who wants to have a match with me next? I haven't got much time, and I have a lot of grappling technique to learn."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The fox girl laid over her back like a bith on heat when Evelen turn her, maybe expecting that the human start to try to make her cum in the instant. But what she found was a very long teasing from her foe, her breasts were pleasured the enough to mantain her in the same arousament level, the minutes passed and she whine and whimper in need, even her hand write the words "please, make me come" just before Maya cough like to make her remember that a pet dont know to write, Kiyomi erase quickly her words, as she bite her lips and open her legs to give Evelen a even easy access.

Just when Kiyomi was close to lost the control and start to pleasure herself, Evelen moves to pleasure the Foxgirl pussy and this cause the monstergirl to stop any move, nodding to say to the human that she should continue, with all this it was really easy to make Kiyomi come, she even moan with all her might as she arch her back and then just wave her tail, as Evelen continue touching her.

After heard the human words, Maya translate to the others as she get close Evelen, easily the speargirl could notice the grind from the powerfull yet still sexy minotaur and the black long hair tentacle girl, no doubt their needs to teach the human her place. The Cockatrice girl just blushed looking the happy foxgirl on the floor.

So, do you want to learn grapple techniques? That sound great, but some of us are not expert in that style, however maybe is better in that way. Try to learn all that you can before fight with the others, as after me only the Cokatrice is close your level. Oh yes, my punishment will be maybe too hard, but only if you dont win another match. Now hit me will all you got Said Maya as she place in a light defensive stance.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hmm... The minotaur and the tentaclegirl look happy to see me. I bet they'd like to kick my butt all over the place Evelen thought, looking at the two. As Maya spoke she got up, patting Kiyomi on the shoulder as she did so, and went over to carefully fold the clothes she had been given and set them aside. "All I ask is that no one hinder my ability to fight in the future. So as long as it's not crippling, I can endure a little hardship if I lose" Evelen replied, winking. "And I don't mind fighting losing battles in settings like this, where the consequences aren't devastating. It's better to lose here and learn from it than to lose on the outside and not get the chance." She saw that the lizardgirl was in a defensive stance, apparently waiting on her to start the match, so she slowly walked towards her. With a move much quicker and more sudden than she had been, she then lunged at Maya's legs, hoping to pick her up and slam her back onto the ground in perfect position to lick her pussy.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As the fight start, the naga helped to take the tied Kiyomi out the ring and then she translated Evelen's answer and all the others three half human beging to talk between them, maybe choising what to do to the human, in case that they beat her.

There was not time to see this for Evelen, her first attemp was easily dodge by the lizard girl who just was more skilled and focused than Kiyomi. Every move that Evelen made was easily countered by the halfhuman. Not only that, but when Evelen succeed to catch her, Maya soft scales help her a lot to escape from her. Evelen can feel that her energy was leaving her, as this fight continue, maybe Maya was also at the same condition, yet still more rested and helty than the human, who just some minutes had a hard duel with the foxgirl.

E= Hp 4 ap 2
M= Hp 5 Ap 1
Ahhhhh! many ties and escapes from the grapples >_<
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen kept trying to get Maya into a hold of some kind, but she was always unsuccessful, the strangely soft scales of the lizardgirl making her hard to grip. Thankfully she too was managing to stay out of her opponent's grip with quick footwork, though she was starting to get a bit tired. "You're quite good at this. And you say the others are better? This could be a long day" she joked, keeping up her attempts to grab Maya and throw her to the ground.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen's foe giggle with the human words Dont worry, you have enough time to meet all of us and even get fun with all, before your little girl comeback Said Maya as she get down her guard for an instant, the one who Evelen use to try to get close the victory. Now with her foe on the floor, Evelen expected to be able to grapple easily, but this was false and without too much effort the lizardgirl push her away using her legs and get up nearly at the instant. Move after move, the speargirl attempt to win the fight, as Maya just get free and make the human fall on the wet floor. Just when Evelen was close to get completely tired, she notice how Maya nearly fall when her feed slide at the floor, finally Evelen make the lizardgirl fall on her back and then secured her legs before start to lick, Maya moaned, as both were very tired to continue this duel, however Evelen feel something wraping her neck and her eyes saw how Maya grind Nice try she said, as her tail continue pressing even more the weak human neck until her vision get dark and Evelen body get completely limp.

When Evelen wake up she feel how someone was stroking some parts of her arms, back and legs, her vision was a little dazed but soon she reach to see how Maya was giving her maybe a massage. Good morning, little one. Ready for your next match? i will punish you when all end of train with you

[Evelen is close to lvl up her skill and has been fully healed]
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen saw that Maya let down her guard for a moment when she was speaking, so the speargirl tackled her to the ground, trying to end the fight quickly. It wasn't to be, however, as as the lizardgirl pushed her away and jumped up. They continued to fight for a while, both of them having little success in doing more than making each other tired, until Maya slipped and nearly fell on the patch of juices from Evelen's earlier orgasm. She rushed forward, knocking the lizardgirl on her back and quickly securing her legs before burying her face in her crotch, licking at Maya's pussy. She thought that she had won as the lizardgirl began to moan, though suddenly she felt something wrap around her neck, and she realized that she had forgot about her opponent's tail. "Dammit" she squeaked out, barely able to get in enough air to speak as the tail constricted her windpipe hard. A few seconds later her vision began to go dark as she was choked out, unable to breathe, and finally she went limp against Maya and passed out.

She awoke to someone stroking her arms, her back, and her legs, her throat a little bit sore, but nothing too bad. She opened her eyes to find that Maya was the one massaging her. "Hm, alright. That was a good match. I'll see if I can't win the next one, though. How about the cockatrice? She seems like a good next opponent, and I think you said she was near my level."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Maya made a grind as she looks Evelen body a last time Of course, she have the same grapple skills, but she is not an easy opponent. From now on try to learn what you can, as your jorney could you fight monsters with these abbilities. Said the lizardwoman before leave the arena and start to talk intheir idiom with the cockatrice girl.

She was the smaller but not more petite than the foxgirl, her eyes were filled with a pure inocense look, shy and scared walked filled of cum to where Evelen was and then blushed as she looks to had read something Hi~♪ said as she hide her face with her wings instead arms, her body had some parts with feathers, like if they were clothes that dont hide the important places.

The fight start and the cockatrice was most worried to mantain her distance than fight Evelen, who at the end decide to be the first to attack. The human easily made her opponent fall on the floor, she could feel the soft feathers bellow her body, as if she were over a very confortable big pillow, but then the monstergirl start to struggle with all her might, filling Evelen with the cum as she get free the enough to jump away.

Evelen tried to grapple her again, but this time the Cockatrice jump over her shoulders and make her fall, Evelen feel some soft claw wounds on her shoulders and soon she get away of the monstergirl who was over her. The halfhuman dont let her go far away and this time she step over Evelen arms, maybe to restrain her. The speargirl tried to get free but her body was starting to feel heavy and slower.

E= 4 Ap 1 -1 stunned
C= 5 Ap 3
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"I don't expect any of you to be easy opponents, especially since I'm just now starting out with this sort of fighting" Evelen replied, standing up and looking over the cockatrice. She was a small monstergirl, but still quite curvy, and she had an innocent and shy look to her. "Hello. Can you speak this language?" she asked, looking quite amused as the girl covered her face with her wings.

It seemed the cockatrice was mostly going to be defensive, as she wouldn't make the first move, so Evelen quickly moved to tackle her to the ground. The attack was quite successful, and she laid on top of the soft, feathery body of the cockatrice for a moment before her opponent began to struggle with all of her strength, getting the cum that was leaking out of her pussy all over Evelen before getting free and jumping away. The speargirl tried to tackle her again, but the cockatrice just jumped over her, knocking her down with her claws and putting slight cuts into her shoulders. Evelen tried to get away from the monstergirl and up on her feet, but found that she couldn't as her body started to get heavy and the cockatrice stepped on her arms. "Damn, you have some kind of paralyzing poison, don't you?" she asked, as she tried to swing her legs up and wrap them around her opponent's waist, trying to upend her and slam her down on her butt.