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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The woman take a moment to recover her composure and then take Evelen's spear as also all the weapons from her family. Darius remain watching the town and its surroundings, he remain with all his belongings and just turn when the monstergirl shout, impresed by the potencials of that armor.

...sorry, i should have smell it too, but the scent of the monsters fluids distract me. At least all can get inside our town, please follow me. Excuse me, do you know if a driver with two Nighmares reach this place before us?[/color Darius said and at the instant the woman answer, as she bow to him Of course Sir, he was taken to meet our grand matriarch, after solve the problem of his horses I see, well i must go to make some bussines, dont get in troubles beegirl Darius said joking and then separed of the group.

They then moved to the entrance of the town, It was a huge place, in the center were the ruins of the old empire and around many tents made of the monster skin, Evelen saw that the women were the ones making all the common works, as the males were training or getting healed, her eyes reached to see that few females were dressed with loincloth or little pieces of monster fur skin, a lot present many different pregnant states and even these were sometimes assaulted by the lusty warriors.

They walked until reach a huge tent, there the woman ask them to pass in. Inside was other two tigergirls having a good time with a huge dark skinned male with tentacles sprouting from his back. the floor was the same meat floor of the cave. It will dont take too much, please wait until i store all and find the ceremonial outfits
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen handed over her spear and listened to the conversation, glad to hear that the driver had gotten there safely. "Mm, I'll try to stay out of trouble, but you know me. Always getting into trouble and thinking with something other than my head" she replied, sticking out her tongue playfully. They then walked into the town, entering into a huge place that looked like it had been built haphazardly around the remains of an old ruins. It looked like the town from here was all primitive tents made of monster skin, and it also looked like all of the work was being done by women. In fact it looked as if the women were slaves, almost all of them completely naked, and seemed to be serving the men, who seemed to be nothing but warriors. Many of the women were also pregnant, and even those seemed to be targets for molestation. Evelen wasn't sure if she liked this place very much.

Finally the group reached a huge tent, entering into it to find a couple of half-monsters having sex with a man who had tentacles. "Please hurry, I don't know that I like being left alone here" Evelen replied, a little suspicious of the arrangements in this place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

As the woman left the four girls alone, Evelen started to fear that this could end really bad, now without her weapon and fully exposed, there was little that she could do to handle any trap or misunderstanded. She just wait alerted, trying to dont call the attention of the humanoids having sex, Teresa dont wasted time and made Suzanne to turn to other side, she wanted to take her family away, but outside they will not have any defense against the pervert half humans. The moans and naughty sounds made all worse, this looks like a large wait, but then the guide return with a case, just when the male and women had ended their personal time together, they smile to the four strangers and maybe they would make them join, if the grey skinned girl were not there. Sorry for the wait, who will be first? Teresa made a sigh of relief and put Suzanne in front of them Thanks for the clothes, we really apreciate your help to endure this hard moment Teresa said expecting the best for the virgin's costume.

The box get opened and all saw many white clothes and jewels, who were given to each one of them, the brief relief ended when they wear the outfit, it was just transparent little lionclothes and tops, both adorned with runes and with a big cleveage let them fully exposed to anyone, at last now all were protected by the law of the town.

The guide then used a dark paint to draw lines on the girls and help them to wear correctly the necklances, brazalets and earings. When she end, she sit on the floor and admire her work Perfect! Now we can stay here and talk or go around our town, until our leaders end their talk with your friend. Teresa was just a step to express her opinion about the called "virgin outfit" but was stoped when Celesta touch her shoulder.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen waited impatiently for the woman to return, not bothering this time to try and keep Teresa from protecting Suzanne from sex, the sounds and sights actually bother her as well for a change. She couldn't be sure what it was, but it was probably her fear that they would all be forced into slavery in this place that did it. The three eventually finished their session and smiled at Evelen and her family, causing the speargirl to brace herself to explain. Just then, however, the guide came out, holding a case. As Evelen put on her "clothes" she felt relief, even though they still revealed everything. As the guide drew lines and symbols on her, helping her with the accessories, she asked "So these will do what for us, exactly? I assume we'll be safe from... whatever it is that normally happens here."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Without stop to drew, the Guide explain why these clothes will help them to avoid be impregnate against their will. “These are our ceremonial outfits that our females used once they reach the reproductive age, normally these clothes make them know that they are free to be taken, but once they find a male who want her, this one gift to her jewels or pieces of his hunts to make them know to all that she cant be taken by any other male. Unfortunately this tradition had disappeared with the time and now only works to protect important females of others cities. Interesting, but these runes what really are? I can only understand some of them interrupt Celesta, starting to be caught by the strange culture history, soon she get answered when the woman end to dress the last of them “The runes and symbols are to show that our great matriarch is the one who is protecting you and no one must try to use any of you as breeders or sex partners, unless you accept it.

As they talk, the trio restart what they were doing, without get worried that they have visits or the other woman was talking, this made Celesta to ask other question “I know that this could not concern me. But, why this town is so different? Its like everybody just want to get the biggest offpring possible. The grey skined woman sit on the floor and then take a deep breath before start.

These lands are unable to produce any product from the earth, as we are fully surrounded by the great creature, our only food is the meat from the monsters and their fluids, so our warriors must look for the creatures, as we protect our lands and families. Until this point all looks at some point easy, but there is a great problem, the monsters are filled with something that affect a lot of our people, not many reach the 30 years without get affected, a lot of our soldiers turn into monsters and our females in mindless breeders. If you mix these two problems, you should note, that our chances to survive are really low, but at least we reach the reproductive age at the year of birth and the monster food make us be able to enhance our bodies for have a better offpring and of course others advantage. Said looking to her body muscles and beautifull body.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... That actually sounds pretty nice" Evelen replied to the story about the original purpose of the ceremonial clothing. It was sort of romantic, really. It was a shame it hadn't kept up. She listened quietly to the woman's story about why the place was as it was, and she couldn't help but feel a little sad. "Well that sucks. Isn't there any way you can farm around here? I've heard that it's possible through a couple different means even with bad soil. Or at least find some way to remove the poison from the monsters..."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

After heard Evelen comment about her experience earned in these days, the woman sigh and answer with a sad little tone We dont have any ground, all is flesh and we dont have the liquid that you call water, it will be hard to farm around here.

Trying to dont make then looks like a desperate town, she smile and add At least we are trying to get help from the others cities, but our kind are treated like trash in many of them and others are worse than us. About your idea to take away that substance, i guess that our people will dont support it at the start, as they use it to make their child's grow quickly and make them ready for their purpose in their lives, as also many tried and fail to reduce the damage of our food.

Maybe we can find a way, to solve your problems, you see, we... Celesta tried to said her about the keys, but Teresa muff touch her shoulder in an attempt to make her dont talk about their secret until all looks safe. We could try to change the government that rule on Dragan´s city, and then we will find a way to unite both cities, maybe create a commercial line with the others towns, as well. The woman giggled and shake her head Thanks but that sound impossible, our better chance is take the earth from another town and use your experience to grow things in poor soil
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hm... That would be a problem. Has anyone ever dug down into the monster's flesh? Do you have any idea what's beneath it?" Evelen asked, waiting for the answer and the guide to speak again. "I can see why you'd be treated poorly, though... You're really different from other people, and I can see how it would scare and confuse them. In any case, you never know what's possible. The government might just change drastically as a result of a tragic accident." She said, shrugging.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The questions from the speargirl, were making them forget about the moans and lusty sounds coming from the trio of half humans. The guide take a time to remember and then said "There was a time a long time ago, that our people tried to find water below the monster flesh, then when they had dug around 5 feets a earthquake started and a strange dark substance sprout from the hole, followed by hundred of tentacles, many of our people disappear that day, but the survivors talked about some kind of a great aura hidden inside. From that time, dig on the flesh was forbidden and eat that meat is now a tabu.

Even then, many females can resist the temptation to feed themselves with that meat to increase their chances to turn into a matriarch

Celesta´s eyes shine when she heard about that strange entity So a great aura, maybe its the monster soul or a powerful artifact. Maybe we should find a way to make a better research. The big sister just sigh and continue protecting Suzanne eyes, from the indecency in the room, as the little one was starting to feel tired of dont be able to see anything.

Many things were still in the air, but maybe Evelen should decide if she will wait in the tent until be called or search around the town in case that she still remain suspicious of the town and their citizens
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... I was hoping there's be some sort of more fertile layer underneath the initial flesh" Evelen replied, sighing. She listened to the rest of the speech and then asked "would it be too much trouble for you to show us around a little before we're called on? I don't really want to just sit here. Also, what's your name?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

(congratulations!!! we reach the first 100 pages of smuting posts)

Celesta used that moment to show her knowledge about the topic, smiling as she said with a scholar accent. Even if there were fertile soil, we are talking about a living creature. the tentacles and the dark fluid must had be a immune system that take care of any invader, or do you think that many adventures don’t tried to dig their way out of this thing.

The woman just look her clueless for a time and then get up, ready to show them the town “ My apologizes for forget to introduce myself. Im Zunasse, one of the few female warriors who protect these lands. We have less of 5 hours to see many important places of our town, please follow me”

The group leave the trio having her time and Teresa finally uncover the sight of the young Suzanne, not like there were a change, as when they were walking around the streets, some warriors have their time kissing some monster girls and letting them use their rods as much as they want. The guide stop in front of a tent with some strange smells and said, this is the place of our best healer, our medicine is made from monster remains and healing spells. They made a peek to see some warriors using some bones to splint their wounded limbs until they have their turn with the healers, one Naga used classic healing spells, as a girl with horns and dark wings was riding another, her hips move every time faster and a pink aura start to surround the pair, until the male was fine enough to take her hips with his strong hands, making her go deeper and faster until a loud moan advise that he had fill her womb. The beastman was completely healed and tried to continue, but others two stop him, as a very wounded wolf man need the aid of the succubus.

Our females live enough to get specialize in an area, and teach the new generation to do their jobs before their minds break. Both of these girls have their own group of students and we have others healers around the city. Evelen then remember that when they were walking, she saw many girls in others tents using bones and monster skins with some writings on them teaching some childs in the streets and inside the tents, “Now we can go to see how they make our food from the monsters hunted, the place were our best mages teach lessons to our young women before they go to their works, our library, the place where our warriors train or the ruins in the center of the town, please choice wisely, as we can only go to 3 of them.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Zunasse? That's a pretty name" Evelen replied, nodding and allowing the guide to show them around town. The entire place was full of sex, as if no one had any shame or sense of privacy. It was nice in some ways, but maybe a little excessive. Soon enough they got to a huge tent that was supposedly used for healing. It looked like some of them used fairly normal healing spells, while a succubus in the middle of the room seemed to be healing a man through sex. It was amazing, really, as he had seemed pretty badly injured before, and by the time he came he looked as if he was back to perfect health. When they were done watching that, they continued walking for a bit, with the guide telling them a little about the role of women in the town, and giving them options on where to go. "The mage and warrior schools and the ruins seem interesting" Evelen said, thinking of Celesta and Teresa when selecting the last area.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Zunasse dont waste time to make them follow her away of the medical tent and toward the magic school. They take a time to reach and meanwhile they could heard birthing sounds and baby cries from many places, as also childs playing happily in the streets and inside their houses, completely used to their surroundings, some even get close Evelen and the others with curiosity of their clothes. ZUnasse make them go away, but not before they get their hands in the four dressed girls, even they pull theirs clothes trying to take them away. Fortunately Evelen´s family managed to maintain their transparent clothes.

Some minutes later they reach their destination, the magic school was made of bones over all, there were many letters and symbols in the walls, maybe hiding secrets about old times, it was weird to see walls like a normal house, maybe there was a magic with the power to give forms to any material. Inside were around 17 students, all young women of many monsters classes from cat girls to demons, The masters were using illusion spells to teach them about many things, from how help in a birth, to what to do in case a monster invasion. The lass passed quickly and the students take a recess to rest and eat something, as the teaches talk between them and some even kiss each others, as a pair of young students kiss each caress in front f the others, maybe training in how settle their males.

Evelen notice that she could talk with a winged teacher who was eating a piece of flesh meat, a neko being foreplayed by a purple slime girl, a bug girl talking with two students or a tentacle girl using magic to write something in a large bone square.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The group of five walked through the streets of the town for a while, surrounded by the sounds of children being born or running about and playing. It was a little more cheerful for Evelen than some of the other places had been, and even though some of them tried to grab at her clothes, she figured it was just childish curiosity, and was fine with it as long as she was able to keep the clothes on in the end. Eventually they came to the magic school, finding it made mostly of bone and looking almost like a normal house would elsewhere. They stood at the door watching mages teaching young half-monster girls magic, and also about the art of midwifing. The class was over soon afterwards, though, and the students took a break, either to eat, or in some cases to fool around with each other. Evelen looked around for people to talk to, and immediately counted out the ones who were having sex; she didn't want to interrupt anyone's fun, after all. That left a teacher on her lunch break, and a tentacle girl who was writing something using magic. She opted for the teacher, also not wanting to disturb the conversation of the girl, and so she walked over and tried to strike up a conversation. "Hey there, what sort of magic do you teach?" she asked, thinking that something inoffensive to start with.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

(are you sure? i always hate to be disturbed by the students, when im eating between classes)

Evelen walked toward the winged girl, followed by her daughter and the guide. Teresa decide to sit below a bone tablet, it was really hard for her, to expose at a full town with so naughty clothes and she need a moment of rest, now that Suzanne was in a safe place.

The winger girl frown a little before place her food on a safe place and end to swalow her food. T-hat cloothes... are you... foreigner? im not god talking your lenguaje. Said in a very market accent before Zunasse repeat Eelen words in her natal dialect. The girl nodded and said a long talk before Zunasse translate it to Evelen. She said that she teach a lot of different magics, this time she teach the students about how to use fire spells to prepare the food for their lovers and how use it in their housewife work.

The winged girl said more and Zunasse repeat again "She said that which kind of magic are you looking for? Tantric magic,manipulation, mind, time or rune magic? Suzanne was really impressed by the quantity of magic kinds that they have, but she was also focused in the others girls, it was her first time in a school and many girls were like her physical age
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen smiled over to Teresa as she went off to the side to sit down, trying to be a little bit more reassuring than she normally was. She knew this was probably really hard for the poor girl, being more or less naked in full view of everyone, in a place surrounded by sex. She was far too proper for such a thing. As she spoke to the teacher, she realized that it was probably a mistake, as the winged woman struggled badly with her language. Luckily Zunasse stepped in to translate for them, allowing the teacher to explain to them. "Magic for cooking? That's... interesting. I usually don't think of using magic for mundane purposes" Evelen replied, then waiting for more translations. "I thought I couldn't learn magic myself, since I'm human" she said, inquisitively. "If I were to try I'd probably be best at tantric magic" she said with a chuckle, "though it'd probably only be good if I could use it to try and get monsters off of me when I'm in a compromised position. If you mean my daughter... what is rune magic?"
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Zunasse giggled thanks to Evelen answer. And decide that she dont need to get an answer for the teacher. Shame that you arent able to use magic, you were perfect to be a tantric mage. Anyway, The rune magic is maybe diferent in others countries. Here we think that some symbols have mistic powers that have the power to cast spells usind the energy of the environment.

We also cast spells in them, to use them when we need them or to mantain a spell activate, like the barriers around our town or the light that without any reason only make the needed parts easily visibles. Maybe even could be attach them in not- magic talented humans, so they can use some spells when they need it, but could be dangerous at the start.

The guide then start to talk with the winged woman and it looks like she could accept Suzanne as student.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Hmm... That sounds interesting, but I don't know that I'd want to stay here long enough to learn and if it might be dangerous I should probably avoid it" Evelen replied. "Zunasse, how long do you think we'll be here? If we're going to be here for a little while anyway, it might be nice to see if Suzanne could learn some time magic, it sounds like that would be a useful thing for her to know."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Zunasse frown, slighty clueless about what the human fear in this town Dangerous? Really? But if this is a safe place to live and our warriors will give their lives to protect us, if a monster or many of them attack, even i could give my live.

The girl call a little as she think about how much time all this culd take. If all goes right, all could go to their destination in 2 or 4 days, if you want, of course. Not like she could learn more than the basic of one of our magic classes, maybe if you want to live here for a season. Im sure that you will be welcome, if you decide to stay to live with us, but maybe a common human could have problems to survive in this place.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"No no, not the town, learning rune magic. I thought you said it would have been dangerous to try" Evelen said, though she did in fact think of the town as dangerous. "Yeah, even if Suzanne can only learn the basics, it's at least something for her to do, and she's actually a pretty fast learner in my experience. In any case, I have something to do, and then a home to return to elsewhere, otherwise I might stay a little longer."