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Evelen (Tiffanian)

Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sighed, deciding she didn't have enough time to look for more books. She would sit down and start reading the ones she had, hoping she had the right sort of information that would help Suzanne. She wasn't nearly as quick a reader as Celesta, after all.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

So, Evelen started to read and get a dissapointed surprise, the first book was big and hard to understand, she tried anyway, but she dont found anything. Then continued with the other and she was glad to find some of information, but was just a little and nothing to cure her daughter, more likely they were a tale of the curse.

With her hope in the grounds, she take the most big of the three and just sigh as she tried to start with the through that she dont have the time. Suddenly someone push her head and she hit the book softly, she turn to see her plant girl sister smiling Heh. That is a very hard lecture for you also, we are nearly out of time. So why dont let this bad boy to me and look for the others said proud and with a big sister funny tone, maybe she think that Evelen is the little sister now. Suddenly a little noise sound in the south section, where Suzanne was.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Damn, these books are hard. I can barely figure out what's going on here Evelen thought, growing frustrated with her poor understanding. Suddenly she felt someone bonk her on the head, and she confidently asserted that she would read the book for her. "Thanks, I was getting tired of this shit" Evelen said, handing her the book and quickly going off to where Suzanne was, to check up on her and to try and find more for Celesta to read.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen go there, as Celesta just start to read the book with a smile, she certainly was a talented reader and research like no other had see Evelen in her live. After some minutes, she found her daughter half buried in a little mountain of books, she was just resting with a book opened with some unknown symbols and other closed in her left hand. She looks tired and sweating a little in her face.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Is she okay...? Damn it, we need to find this cure fast Evelen thought, and she carefully picked up one of the books Suzanne had picked out, skimming through it to see what it contained.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

She started to read the book and it was a little hard for her, at least she make a great discovery. This book was a great clue to find the last key, not a way to save her daughter. The other book looks also that dont have info to cure the curse and looks more like a magic old book, but not like the one who she used to make Suzanne learn magic.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen tried to commit the clue about the last key to memory; when they had healed Suzanne and rested up after the test, they'd probably need to go after it. The other she isn't sure about. Maybe Suzanne was trying to learn a new spell? She gently shook the girl, wanting to wake her and ask her.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Suzanne take a moment to wake up, she them touched her forehead ouchh... it hurt whisper to herself and slowly get up still drowzy and a little warm in her blushed head. Evelen ask her about the books, but Suzanne shaked her head, her face show that she said the truth, she even look the place wondering herself why the place is new for her. The time nearly end and Suzanne just lift a book who she founded, but after read a moment, Evelen noted that it will be of not use. About the clue Evelen noted a known name, it was the names of the last owners of Mitzuki, the ex-slaver and his wife.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Hm. So they owned one of the keys. I wonder how they lost it. And I wonder what the story is of the key I just found with that parasite Evelen thought idly, though she was concerned for Suzanne. She decided to lead her to the others, conducting a brief search of the bookshelves between here and there to see if she could get any last minute material for Celesta. She would take the strange magic book. Maybe there was some significance to it?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

With a low hit of luck, Evelen found a book with a tittle who could by a proof of some helpfull clue to find a cure. When Evelen reach the center of the library, she found Braveheart giving some white papers and a ink with a feather who Celesta used to make notes of all the books, Teresa said her the things that she found. The plant girl was looking the paper trying to get all settled and in that moment Evelen lend her the two books who the plant girl take happily.

After some minutes she ended the first and ended her notes and start the second to close it quickly with her eyes full opened Put this thing where you found it, this magic book is forbiden. Nobody should read this, is very dangerous. If you fail in make these spells you could hurt yourself or even something worse Evelen could see the fear in her eyes, this book was not ussefull to cure Suzanne and maybe she should avoid to use it in this moment.

Braveheart then explain them that the governor ask to a little talk with them in his office.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright. I think Suzanne started to read this book, will she be okay?" Evelen asked, worried by Celesta's reaction. The last thing they needed was for Suzanne's problem to get worse by more dark magic. If everything was alright and the others were done, Evelen would take the book back and then go with them to meet the governor.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Celesta cover her mouth and look worried by her niece. Its true Suzanne?, do you read this book? The little girl shaked her head, worried by all this, as she even dont remember how she take it No, Suzanne dont read it. She even dont saw that book until wake up at the side of Mama Celesta make a sigh of relief and store the notes in her dress Then all will be fine. well, i found the cure, but it will be no easy to get all to the treathment, but lets talk of that in the mansion.

Now, with all in the place. The group walked out of the library and after some stairs and floors they reach a huge place filled of big rooms with people reading citizen notes and writing orders for the army. Then some minutes later they get inside a luxury office, there was the governor and other three persons and two guards close the door, he invite them to sit close to start the talk Its a pleasure have greater research that are looking for the way to get out of here. Before continue let me present you to my other guests. The Head of our research Department the alchemist Vander Henrick and in my left the General in charge of the search of the keys Regal Maximus
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"The book was open in her hand when I found her, and she woke up not feeling well. It might be something to do with the curse, but I don't know" Evelen whispered to Celesta, not sure if things were actually fine. "That's good. At least we know what we're looking for." She followed the others to the governor's office and sat somewhat nervously, though she gave the men a warm smile, nodding to them and letting the others do any talking.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen sit in her chair looking to the others, as she remember that Celesta had not any clue about what happened with Suzanne, as she have been treatened by Yuki a full day. Without said more i let them to explain our state The alchemist take the word and said We had heard that the slavers know where is the last key, their propose with them are unknown, but we suspect that they are working with the cults to earn money and power. The soldier take the word and hit the table with his fist We must invade their town and take the key by the force, they are just thrash who kidnap our people to their filthy propose and even breed them with monsters to create armies. Soon they could attempt to invade us. the governor make him stop and turn to the women and ask them for answers, Celesta and Teresa answer their questions about if they know the story of the cave and they expose all the things that they earned in the tales and books, earning the approval of the men and then the alchemist add We get some rumors, but after the lost of some of our army we could need your help. All are invited to search more clues in some ruins, all will accept?
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

Evelen listened to the others talk, a little worried by the talk of slavers and cults working together. When asked if they would search for clues in a ruin she asked "when would this be? I think we have commitments for the next few weeks, but after that we may be able to do it. I can't make any concrete commitments right now."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

The answer of Evelen put the Soldier in his limits and his harsh lowd tone break the silence No, we cant wait two weeks, that was we are expecting for their help, as our forces are having a hard time these days. The governor look to the soldier and this stop We can wait two weeks anyway, we dont have any chance to protect these researchs and the city at the same time with our forces divided around the zone. I will give them 15 days, but if all are not ready for that day, we will just continue without their help The governor said looking to Evelen.
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Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"That should be fine. In two weeks things should be taken care of" Evelen replied, nodding to the governor. Sounds like things are getting pretty bad.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

It sound fine for my, our team should had found more clues and maybe the place where the other two keys are Said the alchemist getting up of his chair and looking to Suzanne hair and eyes for a moment. The General just cross his arms and tried to call for a while. Meanwhile the governor ended the talk Then all is seattle, if any of your team discover something more, please bring it to us. Im sure that the keys will be discovered soon after the terrible events that are happening.

Now Evelen and the others were ready to go out, but she could say still something more. After leave the car was ready for them and Braveheard ask them if they want to check the city.
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

"Alright, we'll be sure to help in any way we can" Evelen said, nodding to the governor. She didn't really have anything to say, so she followed the others out back to the carriage. "I suppose it might be nice to check out the city a little. I don't really like being out here much, though. I feel so unsafe being outside the mansion around the regular people."
Re: Evelen (Tiffanian)

[damn good luck]

The girls and the old man get inside the car and get out of the government area, even the guards let them pass without check them, maybe they forget to do it. The car passed through beautifull plazas and gardens decored with fountalns, statues and illuminated with some weird lights. Evelen saw some food merchants in the corners and kids playing and rolling in the grass, as their parents look to them, the car passed by the high class houses who were not so big as Dragan mansion, but they were still huge mansions, Evelen could note some naked women from time to time crawling or just resting will metal collars and chains, betwen them she noted domestic half humans like cowgirls, nekos, bunnygirls and dog girls, between other not so common races like elves, wolves, wingedgirls, nagas, etc. Some were in bad state or just resting in their little pet houses, maybe this was the only way that some citizens allow them to stay in the city.

They leave the place and reach the comercial streets, it have some guards ready to catch any slaver, but they leave them to sell half humans to the nobles and any lucky with money, Braveheart was ready to go out the car and show them a lesson to the human sellers, but it could put in danger Evelen family and just apologize to make them see this, but it was needed to show them the truth of the city. They leave the place and reach a more normal shops, dresses, weapon and potion shops and many others medieval stores who called the atention of the girls by how cute they look. Suzanne and Teresa were just ready to get out and check how were maded to make them for they own, but were stoped and they just continued their trip.