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Escape from Yoshi's Island


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
It was a beautiful day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Princess Peach woke up in her bedroom, the bright morning sun was shining through her open window. The birds were singing harmoniously; a good indicator that this was going to be a great day where nothing could possibly go wrong. She yawns and spreads her arms wide and then sits up in bed. There was a knock on her door and Toad enters the room holding a tray carrying her breakfast on a tray so she can eat breakfast in bed.

"Here's your breakfast Princess. The orange juice was imported specially from Reswob Farms."

"Oh, delightful. I can't wait to try it. Leave me to my breakfast, please."

Toad nods and leaves the princess alone with her food. The princess licks her lips as she looks at her delicious breakfast of bacon eggs and pancakes. She eats her breakfast before taking a sip of the special orange juice. As she drinks it, she notices something weird. The juice tastes a bit weird, and upon drinking it, her head started to throb. Peach starts to think malicious thoughts and rage surged through her body. She flips her breakfast tray off of her and smashing it into the wall. Toad and a couple other servants rushes into the room to see what the source of the sound was.

"Princess! Are you okay?!"

Fury welled up inside Peach for no apparent reason and she threw the covers off of the bed and jumped off of it, letting out an enraged roar. Toad and the servants backed away slowly, scared. Peach ran forward and punted Toad out the door, sending him tumbling down the stairs. Peach uppercuts one of the mushroom-headed servants into the ceiling, knocking him unconscious, then procededing to stomp the other one into the ground. She then charges out of the room and rampages throughout the castle, destroying everything in her path. After much rampaging one of the guards took down Peach with a tranquilizer dart.


Many hours later, Peach wakes up in a large grassy field in an unknown location. There was a large mountain nearby, and she could see the sea in the distance. She was dressed in her favorite pink dress and pink high heels. However, she was stripped of her familiar crown that served as her symbol of royalty. Pinned to her dress was a letter bearing the royal mushroom seal. She opens the letter, detailing the events prior to her tranquilization. In short, she was exiled for her destructive behavior and Bowser is to be crowned the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom. Peach clenches the letter in rage. She must find a way to get back home.

What should she do?:

A. Try and look around and get her bearings.

B. Storm off in a random direction.

C. Other.
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Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

C. Wait for Mario to do something. (Isn't that how it always goes?)

(Joke vote, feel free to ignore)
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island


Because it feels pampered-princess appropriate.
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

Peach angrily storms forwardin anger of being exiled to this... place. She had no idea where she was. As she stormed forward in her anger, she came across a large white-petaled flower with a happy-looking face and legs protruding from the base of its stem. Peach looked at it in awe at how pretty it looked; It instantly calmed her down.

What should she do?:

A. Approach it.

B. Continue looking at it.

C. Avoid it.

D. Other.
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island


Obviously. It's just a pretty, harmless flower, after all. And it looks so happy! ^_^
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island


Devour it

(EDIT: Oh wait I guess that's kinda like A, except we also eat it)
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

And d'awwww, no bursting into flames? lol
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

A. Because it looks cool.
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

Peach decides that it would be wise to approach the pretty walking flower. It seems harmless enough, right?

As Peach approaches it, the flower becomes startled and spits out several bubbles at her, which pop on impact, sending Peach flying backwards. Peach was left lying on the ground with her dress covered in the sticky, soapy remnants of the bubbles. Peach sat up angrily at being attacked by the harmless-looking flower and stormed up in front of it to scold it.

"How! Dare! You! Do you know who I am?! I am Princess Peach of the Mushroom Kingdom! How dare you assault me so carelessly! Appologize this instant!"

The flower stares at her blankly, and then sprays out another stream of large bubbles at the princess, sending her flying backwards again. Peach sat up again in anger, wanting to teach that flower a lesson.

What should she do?:

A. Attack the flower.

B. Go around the flower

C. Other.
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island


Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

A. Slap the smile off that flower's face.
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

A. But do it in the traditional Mario fashion: STOMP IT!!!!!!!!! >:-D
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

Peach tries to think of a way to get back at that flower. She looks around and finds a good-sized rock and throws it at the flower, hitting it right in the face. The flower's face caves in and its entire body explodes with a popping sound. Peach takes a step back in surprise and looks at her hand, both impressed and frightened by how she destroyed that flower just by throwing a nearby rock at it; She didn't even throw it that hard. Perhaps the flower wasn't all that tough.

Regardless, Peach continues onward, cautiously stepping around the remains of the flower. She still needed to figure out where she was. After a short bit of walking, she notices a floating, white box with a face on it. Peach approaches it cautiously and touches it. The face springs to life and starts talking, causing Peach to stumble backwards, startled.

"Hello, and welcome to Yoshi's Island. I am one of many information boxes scattered about the island. We provide helpful hints and information to travellers as they explore the island. Be on the lookout for other information boxes should you need any help. Have a nice day."

Peach gets up and apporaches the information box again.

"Hey! I have some questions! Can you help me out?"

Peach stands there staring at the info box, awaiting an answer. After a minute of waiting, she hits the box, irritated.

"HELLO! I am talking to you!"

"Hello, and welcome to Yoshi's Island. I am one of many information boxes scattered ab-"

Peach glares as she realizes that it is only a recorded message.

"Well, that was a letdown. At least I know where I am now. Perhaps I should keep going if I want to figure out how to get back to my Kingdom. I won't let Bowser be its ruler."

Peach marches forward, trying to navigate as much land as possible before nightfall. The scenery gradually changes from grassy plains to a field of flowers. Peach looks admires the scenery as she travels.

"Now that I look at it, this place is actually quite beautiful. Perhaps I should have my next summer home built here?"

At that moment, peach notices the slight rustling of flowers in a nearby portion of the field.

"Who's there?"

What should Peach do?:

A. Throw a nearby rock at the rustling flowers.

B. Wait and see what emerges from the flowers.

C. Approach the rustling flowers.

D. Ignore it and keep going.

E. Other.
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Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

C&A. Approach very slowly with rock in hand and throw it if it's hostile.
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

D, because ignorance is bliss.
Re: Escape from Yoshi's Island

Peach cautiously approaches the rustling patch of flowers. Upon her doing so, the rustling stops and whatever was causing it, seemed to recede back deeper into the flowers. Peach groans as she regains her composure.

"Ugh... I'm not going to get anywhere if I keep stopping for every stupid distraction."

Peach walks past the patch of flowers and keeps moving on her journey. As she travels even further on her quest to find a way back home, the incline increased as several hills intercepted her path. After a few hours of traveling, Peach arrives at an impassable flowered cliff.

"Now how the hell am I going to get araound this?"

Peach then notices a small floating cloud with small flapping wings and a "?" in the center of it.

What should she do?:

A. Go back.

B. Follow the base of the cliff and try and find a way around it.

C. Throw something at the cloud.

D. Other.