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RPG Abandoned Erotical Night 2

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Re: Erotical Night 2

Awesome, you can rotate the map, that's a really cool feature.

I found this to be cool as well. I found it especially funny when I had about 6 pigs following me around.(I don't know how it happened just pressing menu buttons randomly). I rarely Laugh out loud but I laughed out loud.:D
Re: Erotical Night 2

biggest reveal I got out of this is that yes, it is a new protagonist (and that previous shots using the old one were just a placeholder)
Re: Erotical Night 2

0.1.3 pff thats a early beata demo but its means they working on it and so far the map loks strank but beter then the on of en1.

cant fait thil they at the first enemies in the demo for testing new bf skils:D
Re: Erotical Night 2

I hope this time all the attacks have their effekt not just 3 of 12 like the first one.
And the enemies dont run away too fast...
Re: Erotical Night 2

I hope this time all the attacks have their effekt not just 3 of 12 like the first one.
And the enemies dont run away too fast...

Yeah, and some actual leveling up, so that you don't have to rely on items to beat the enemies.

Oh, and a ""submit" option would be nice XD
Re: Erotical Night 2

I hope this time all the attacks have their effekt not just 3 of 12 like the first one.

Not sure what you mean by that. Every attack has a purpose. The 'foreplay' moves make the main means more effective.
Re: Erotical Night 2

They do need to improve on the gameplay, from what I remembered 95% was just foreplay with very little actual sex
Re: Erotical Night 2

Not sure what you mean by that. Every attack has a purpose. The 'foreplay' moves make the main means more effective.
I think he was referring to their individual weaknesses. For the most part it was just breasts and ass, nothing else. It would have been nice if some attacks did more or less damage depending on the situation.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Usually the foreplay moves weren't worth using in the first one; it took about the same amount of turns either way with the possible exception of the Erotica-fight. And the final fights were basically "use cooling gel/angel's tear, use touch attack on weakness, repeat 100 times" while occasionally spending more healing (since you didn't have battery for the boss rush). Rest of the game was about toys.

While I don't mind toys in the game, having them be more or less the sole focus kinda ruins the point of a sex game where the main character has been "taught all sexual techniques"; doubly disappointing since out of the huge number of abilities (20+) you had only ~4 were actually useful :p

And the game mechanics were really repetitive and way too few enemies actually used penetration attacks of any kind. In fact, I don't think any enemy deviated from the "hug/blowjob/handjob/titjob/penetration" routine with most of them only having the first 3. I really wish we'll get a bit more of Succubus Quest-like variety into the game where:
1) Actual sex is the most used thing in game.
2) Repetition is not the key to success (2.5, separate stages like "foreplay" -> "touching" -> "penetration" work pretty well for this).
3) Enemies are more interesting beyond stronger ones having more HP and "offensive power".
Re: Erotical Night 2

I'd be really happy to see some new positions too,
and maybe even the main character being a person instead
of a wireframe model of a person..

I'd wanna see stuff like intercrurral, basic rubbing, handjob through trousers,
, more-detailed licking, maybe even at least variations of positions.. OR EVEN..

Multiple positions, like a handjob, following by a short bj, or something like that.

Also, the "kiss on the ear" thing was annoying, I hope they just make her
make out with him instead as a beginning arrousal move.

ALSO.. Who else thinks a female-type tentacle monster would be kinda nice?
It'd add a new angle to the game.
Re: Erotical Night 2

I hope they make a large hp bar or at least a lvl up system
Re: Erotical Night 2

I hope they make a large hp bar or at least a lvl up system


The biggest problem was the lack of character advancement. Once your pants came off, you were just as weak to the last boss as you were to the first enemy you face. Being fairly even in offense/defense with your opponents as you go via leveling would nullify the need to spam cooling gel as a silly gimmick.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Even the pants were usually off after 1-2 tries if they matched the encounter level, so it actually was a fake level up system in place there.
Re: Erotical Night 2


The biggest problem was the lack of character advancement. Once your pants came off, you were just as weak to the last boss as you were to the first enemy you face. Being fairly even in offense/defense with your opponents as you go via leveling would nullify the need to spam cooling gel as a silly gimmick.
Nothing was worse than fighting the last hidden boss without a crap ton of stuff still saved from the rest of the boss rush. I can only do like 2% per turn? She's doing 200% per turn? Seems fair.
Re: Erotical Night 2

Nothing was worse than fighting the last hidden boss without a crap ton of stuff still saved from the rest of the boss rush. I can only do like 2% per turn? She's doing 200% per turn? Seems fair.

Lategame you really needed to have all 3 of the enhancing drugs (that give you extra HP) active in the tougher fights unless you use battery (which you have enough for only couple of fights).
Re: Erotical Night 2

Mmm, weird, I figured he would put the chars in a matching perspective with the map, also, is that last char at the bottom that ghost girl form Touhou project?
Re: Erotical Night 2

Mmm, weird, I figured he would put the chars in a matching perspective with the map, also, is that last char at the bottom that ghost girl form Touhou project?

Took me a second but yeah, that's definitely Youmu Konpaku... ILL drew Miene dressed up as her recently as well... is there some kind of Youmu craze going on?

It also could be a preview of a future Yakyuken opponent, as the same developer makes both, and the YKK game gets bi-weekly updates I think.
Re: Erotical Night 2

edit: So, finally, small update. They're creating/adjusting the interface and they're translating the game in English. I really do hope they translate it
the same way they did with the first, that gave it so much comedic value.

will the Master of Gay teach the hero the ways of defeating the Guys?
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