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Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get


Needs to go commit sudoku
RP Moderator
Nov 15, 2008
Reputation score
So. I like to fiddle with systems, numbers and whatnot, Stats if you will. I have an old Stat-based system lying about since ages ago, it was something I used for my own, completely dead, forum.

I was thinking of Repainting it in a new style and then slap it up here, but someone poked me about that it'd be a good idea to find some interest before doing so.

The game itself is relatively simple, you make a character, make some "Moves" for it, and then get fighting. There wouldn't really be much of a goal in it, as much as letting you do some fighting whenever you felt for it.

The fighting, of course, is of erotic nature. I can't say it's the most "Realistic" of system for such a thing, but perhaps someone will like it. ... Lemme think of how to explain it...

Think of it, a little of pokemon. You make a character, give it some moves, then go out there and fight, earning XP, Credits, and such things, Characters can be of 4 different elements, Namely "Normal", "Fire", "Earth" and "Water", this was just to make it as simplistic as possible in that regard.

... And uh... Uuuuuh... *Scratches head* Donno what else to say, I'm not particularly good at explaining stuff. |: Oh yeah! Almost forgot, the game doesn't require GM's, just some common sense from the players.
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

*shows interest, and much of it* >///>
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

*Shows hesitant interest given how the last 'gm unnecessary' game crashed before it got off the ground*
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

*Shows hesitant interest given how the last 'gm unnecessary' game crashed before it got off the ground*

You mean that one where players made entire kingdoms and whatnot? Yeah, not gonna make it that complicated here by far. x: Although it do pain me to a degree to hear that "Hesitant" interest, I do think it's appropriate. >.<
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

So... no wind element? normally things like to be polar in nature:

Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

That is correct, no Wind Element. I kinda went CBA to get it to fit in anywhere.

I can never decide what beats wind and what gets beaten by wind, and then keep the other ones nice and tidy with each other. So I ditched wind. :\
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

For cycles, the way that I've most encountered it is:
(Fire beats wind with the whole 'fanning the flames' thing, and wind beats earth because of erosion.)
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

Hmm. I guess I can change to that, I mean, nothing is set in stone yet, and it can always be improved upon later. :v Thanks for the input.
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

So what types of moves can we make? Something like these?

Tentacle Whip: Trips foe, small chance of grappling (Earth Element)

Cum Blast: Fire a blast of cum from a tentacle (Water Element)

Wind Razor: Blades of wind slice through the clothing of an opponent (Wind Element)
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

Foreplay Moves (Basic Attacks)
Penetration Moves (Useable during...)
Mount Moves (Mounts Enemy, Allows Penetration)

Those would be the "Basic" ones, which can be either Normal Element or the Element of the Character if they have one.

Then we have Focus, Drain, Etc. The system was originally for a Pokemorph EroRP over at my forum, but I've decided to let just about any kind of character join now, furries, humans, whatever people want, to make the game a tad more available I guess. :\

And the Moves, RP wise, are precisely as a person makes them be. Foreplay? Lick, kiss, stroke, whatever. Penetration? Tentacles, Cock, Icicle? Whatever. Etc.
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

Ah... Not sure exactly how this will work, maybe you would get more interest if you posted more details about your ideas?
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

Here we go again, I suck at explaining. |:

Combat starts with 2 characters(at least), they begin with 0% Pleasure and 100% Energy. They Utilize "Moves" that costs Energy, to increase the enemy's Pleasure. Energy is regained every turn(except under a few set circumstances).

Inbetween the use of these statty bits, the players of course, roleplay what they can to fit the Move they used, more or less.

I can't really explain well, since I suck at that, but it's your basic "Use a Stat System to screw each other senseless". Some might not like it, some might play it, just throwing the game up here at some point incase people want it.

And, as stated, it's a GM'less game. And unlike the previous one, this one isn't about making an entire army or kingdom and keep track of that. |:
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

Actually, I think the other one would have worked quite well on it's own once it started, all it needed was the GM to come up with the maps.

This one... Either you'll need to come up with a system for move construction or pre-approve moves to keep everything balanced.
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

Move Construction System exists. And before players can go haywire, I just need to approve their moves. The game only lacks a GM for the Fights/RP bits, but someone still got to approve their character you know? :v

*Blurbs a bit* Unless others turns up showing interest in this, I dunno if I'll slap it up here...
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

*Turns up showing interest*
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

I'd like to see it step forward, but I have to say, I'm hesitant as long as it's not really developed.
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

Well, you have 4 people. Maybe you can try slapping up details to pull more?
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

I'd like to see it step forward, but I have to say, I'm hesitant as long as it's not really developed.

The system itself is already made, and would work right off of the bat, as I've stated, it is taken from a place I had at another point in time. :v Now, if you want a developed "Story" or something, then I bet things will get messier on my part...

Well, you have 4 people. Maybe you can try slapping up details to pull more?

Huzzah. But as I've been saying over and over again, explaining shit ain't my kind of thing. >:v

It's a stat-based combat system, people make a character, or multiple of them, and then head out and just fight. Now, if you want some bloody story to it, let me see if I can write something up real quick, aye?

-Space Colony: The Arena-
In the brightnoble future of the sixty-eight millenium, there is only peace, and entertainment for the vast masses of alien races living together throughout the universe. In a large Space Colony, rivalring any other in terms of size, is the place where an event simply called "The Tournament" is being held.

This event have lasted without break, for the past twenty millenia, always bringing a source of entertainment for everyone with it's bizarre form of enjoyment, namely, aliens of all walks of life, duking it out in various environments. But it is not a fight to the death, nor even a fight to harm the opponent... Except perhaps their pride.

The Fights themselves is about sexually defeating the opponent, wether outlasting them, making one achieve the pinnacle of climax first, or just to go on and on until all participants drop from exhaustion. The Fighters live a good life, they are treated fairly well, and they never have to suffer a dull moment since they can fight whenever they wish to do so.

The more peculiar aspect of these Fighters, are that they have a link to the Elements of nature, Fire, Water, Earth and Wind, which enhances their sexual assaults upon the opponent, or can spell their carnal demise if they are paired up against an element that triumphs over their own! There are, of course, those that do not possess this Elemental Force, but they still manage most of the time.

This is Space Colony: The Arena, are you willing to claim glory and fame in the pits of carnal combat, or are you merely there to have a good time? Either way, you'll make the spectators happy...

( Bleh. Happy now when I've written up a crappy "Story" to go along with the game? <_< )

Bonus: Overview of how Move-Making Works:
-Applies to All Basic Moves-
-Normal Element Type moves have a base Energy Cost of 10.
-Element Type Moves which are of the Element Types the Character have, costs 10 Energy as Base(Does not apply to Normal Element)
-Element Type moves which are not of an Element Type the Character have, costs 50 Energy as Base.

-5 Extra Pleasure Damage costs 10 Energy.
-Base of 10 Energy Damage costs 10 Energy and 1 Cooldown.
-5 Extra Energy Damage costs 10 Energy.
-5 Extra Self-Inflicted Pleasure Damage reduces Energy cost by 5.
-For every 1 Turn Cooldown, a Move costs 5 Energy less to use.
-Special Effects may reduce or increase Energy Cost, it is up to the Approver.

-A Move may at most cost (ECfM) Energy before Reductions.
-A Move may at most deal 30 Self-Inflicted Pleasure Damage
-A Move may at most have a 3 turn Cooldown.

=Basic Move Types=

-Foreplay Move-
Have a Base Pleasure Damage of 5.

-Penetration Move-
Have a Base Pleasure Damage of 20.
Have a Base Self-Inflicted Pleasure Damage of 10.
Can only be used on Pokémorphs you are Mounting.

-Mount Move-
Have a base "Hold" of 2 Turns
Have a base "Cost to Flee" of 20 Energy.
Have a base Cooldown of 1.
+30 Energy Cost gives the Move +1 turn of "Hold" on Victim.
+10 Energy Cost increases Cost to Flee by 5 Energy, Max Cost to Flee is ECfM/2.
Elemental Mount Moves have -10 Energy Cost and +10 "Cost to Flee" towards Characters weak to that Element, but Characters of either same element or are strong against that element have reversed effects, +10 Energy Cost and -10 "Cost to Flee".

=Advanced Move Types=

-Mass Move-
Have a Base Pleasure of 10.
Have a Base Cooldown of 2.
These Moves affects all Enemies.
+5 Pleasure Damage adds 15 to Energy Cost.

-Drain Moves-
Have a Base Drain Cap of 5.
Have a Base Cooldown of 2
Deals Self-Inflicted Pleasure equalling to the amount of Energy chosen to Drain above Drain Cap.
Can drain up to ECfM/2 Energy from the Enemy.
Adding 1 Turn Cooldown raises Drain Cap by 5.

-Recover Moves-
Have a Base Recovery Cap of 0.
Have a Base Cooldown of 1
For Every 10 Energy Sacrificed, Pleasure is Reduced by 5.
Can at most Reduce Pleasure by up to ECfM/2.
Adding 1 Turn Cooldown raises Recovery Cap by 5.

-Curse Moves-
Have a Base "Lasts for max X Turns" of 4.
Have a Base "Moves Cursed" of 3.
Have a Base "Curse Pleasure" of 5.
+1 to "Lasts for max X Turns" raises Energy Cost by 10.
+1 to "Moves Cursed" raises Energy Cost by 30.
+5 to "Curse Pleasure" raises Energy Cost by 50.

-Empower Moves-
Have a Base "Lasts for max X Turns" of 4.
Have a Base "Moves Empowered" of 3.
Have a Base "Empower Damage" of 5.
Have a Base Self-Pleasure Addition to Moves Used of 10.
+1 to "Lasts for max X Turns" raises Energy Cost by 10.
+1 to "Moves Empowered" raises Energy Cost by 30.
+5 to "Empower Damage" raises Energy Cost by 40.

-Special Move-
For all the moves that don't fit into any type, the cost and final effect is up to the approver.

=Sample Moves=

Type: Foreplay, Normal
Costs: 10
Effect: 5 Pleasure Damage

-Heated Kiss-
Type: Foreplay, Fire
Costs: 10 (For Fire Element Chars, Would cost 50 for Non-Fire Element Chars)
Effect: 15 Pleasure Damage, 10 Self-Inflicted Pleasure Damage
Cooldown: 2
Last edited:
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

-Applies to All Basic Moves-
-Normal Element Type moves have a base Energy Cost of 10.
-Element Type Moves which are of the Element Types the Character have, costs 10 Energy as Base(Does not apply to Normal Element)(1)
-Element Type moves which are not of an Element Type the Character have, costs 50 Energy as Base.

-5 Extra Pleasure Damage costs 10 Energy.
-Base of 10 Energy Damage costs 10 Energy and 1 Cooldown.
-5 Extra Energy Damage costs 10 Energy.
-5 Extra Self-Inflicted Pleasure Damage reduces Energy cost by 5.
-For every 1 Turn Cooldown, a Move costs 5 Energy less to use.
-Special Effects may reduce or increase Energy Cost, it is up to the Approver.

-A Move may at most cost (ECfM) Energy before Reductions.(2)
-A Move may at most deal 30 Self-Inflicted Pleasure Damage
-A Move may at most have a 3 turn Cooldown.

=Basic Move Types=

-Foreplay Move-
Have a Base Pleasure Damage of 5.

-Penetration Move-
Have a Base Pleasure Damage of 20.
Have a Base Self-Inflicted Pleasure Damage of 10.
Can only be used on Pokémorphs(3) you are Mounting.

-Mount Move-
Have a base "Hold" of 2 Turns
Have a base "Cost to Flee" of 20 Energy.
Have a base Cooldown of 1.
+30 Energy Cost gives the Move +1 turn of "Hold" on Victim.
+10 Energy Cost increases Cost to Flee by 5 Energy, Max Cost to Flee is ECfM/2.
Elemental Mount Moves have -10 Energy Cost and +10 "Cost to Flee" towards Characters weak to that Element, but Characters of either same element or are strong against that element have reversed effects, +10 Energy Cost and -10 "Cost to Flee".

=Advanced Move Types=(6)

-Mass Move-
Have a Base Pleasure of 10.
Have a Base Cooldown of 2.
These Moves affects all Enemies.
+5 Pleasure Damage adds 15 to Energy Cost.

-Drain Moves-
Have a Base Drain Cap of 5.
Have a Base Cooldown of 2
Deals Self-Inflicted Pleasure equalling to the amount of Energy chosen to Drain above Drain Cap.
Can drain up to ECfM/2 Energy from the Enemy.
Adding 1 Turn Cooldown raises Drain Cap by 5.

-Recover Moves-
Have a Base Recovery Cap of 0.
Have a Base Cooldown of 1
For Every 10 Energy Sacrificed, Pleasure is Reduced by 5.
Can at most Reduce Pleasure by up to ECfM/2.
Adding 1 Turn Cooldown raises Recovery Cap by 5.

-Curse Moves-
Have a Base "Lasts for max X Turns" of 4.
Have a Base "Moves Cursed" of 3.(4)
Have a Base "Curse Pleasure" of 5.
+1 to "Lasts for max X Turns" raises Energy Cost by 10.
+1 to "Moves Cursed" raises Energy Cost by 30.
+5 to "Curse Pleasure" raises Energy Cost by 50.

-Empower Moves-
Have a Base "Lasts for max X Turns" of 4.
Have a Base "Moves Empowered" of 3.
Have a Base "Empower Damage" of 5.(5)
Have a Base Self-Pleasure Addition to Moves Used of 10.
+1 to "Lasts for max X Turns" raises Energy Cost by 10.
+1 to "Moves Empowered" raises Energy Cost by 30.
+5 to "Empower Damage" raises Energy Cost by 40.

-Special Move-
For all the moves that don't fit into any type, the cost and final effect is up to the approver.

=Sample Moves=

Type: Foreplay, Normal
Costs: 10
Effect: 5 Pleasure Damage

-Heated Kiss-
Type: Foreplay, Fire
Costs: 10 (For Fire Element Chars, Would cost 50 for Non-Fire Element Chars)
Effect: 15 Pleasure Damage, 10 Self-Inflicted Pleasure Damage
Cooldown: 2
The following statements correspond to numbers I have placed in the quote.

  1. Are these costs the same for normal element characters?
  2. What is ECfM?
  3. I presume 'pokemorphs' comes from the previous time you played with this system.
  4. What exactly do 'moves cursed' and 'curse pleasure' do?
  5. And what do 'moves empowered' and 'empowered damage' do?
  6. What are the base costs for these moves?
Re: Ero-Battle Game: The Interest Get

1: Moves of Normal Element costs 10 Energy for Normal Element chars, yes.
2: Energy Cap for Moves, AKA how much Energy a move can cost at most.
3: That would be correct, damnit, thought I had gotten all of those.
4: Moves Cursed is how many attacks the Curse move affects before vanishing. Curse Pleasure is how much Self-Pleasure the cursed moves deals to the victim.
5: See above, but make it your own moves and increased Pleasure Damage to the enemy.
6: ... That's something I've seem to have forgotten completely. D'oh.

I am off for now.