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ACT Ci-En Active [えのきっぷ / Enokippu ] くノ一牡丹 II / Kunoichi Botan II (RJ01027690)

Hentai no Echii

Demon Girl Pro
Oct 16, 2013
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Seems like Enokippu's back again with a sequel for his past game, Kunoichi Botan. Now with Live2D. Seems like , creator of Ruins Seeker, is helping him out for this one. ( )
It's still in early development and seems to retain the game play from his first one.


's back again with a sequel for his past game, Kunoichi Botan. Now with Live2D and . Seems like , creator of Ruins Seeker, is helping him out for this one ( ).

The demo is available (requires a subscription to his Ci-en).

Basic gameplay:
Like its predecessor, Kunoichi Botan II is a semi-stealth RPG Maker game, where you can avoid combat (and save your precious HP) during infiltration by goons. These guys will chase you if you get noticed and will force you into combat if they catch you. Other enemy types may behind you and initiate a grapple QTE when your back is turned. The difficulty of infiltration can potentially be lowered depending on the actions taken during "intelligence mode". Here, you run around town gathering info by helping out the townsfolk, or by seducing/pick pocketing the right people. You can also avoid (or seek out) sexual harassment events in this phase.

Combat (may be subject to change):
Kunoichi Botan II takes the combat rape system from Akakubi (one of Enokippu's previous games), and builds on top of it by incorporating the grapple-escape mechanics from the first Botan game, and adding Live2D animations and voice acting. Instead of being turn-based though, this game uses what TV Tropes calls the (examples of this include Child of Light, Final Fantasy's ATB, and Epic 7's combat readiness). You can see this in action for regular combat , and for combat rape scenarios and .

You have the usual option of attacking/using arts/using items/defending during your turn. On enemy turns, successful QTEs let you mitigate damage or avoid grapples. When grappled though (either by failing a QTE or starting the match already grappled), getting the next QTEs right appear to halt the "progress" of the grapple somewhat and only buys you a bit of time, unlike in Akakubi where a series of successful QTEs shakes the assailant off. This is where the mechanics of the first Kunoichi Botan game come in. At the end of a series of QTEs, you're presented with 4 choices, to continue "pleasuring" the guy (媚びろ), pull a suprise attack (不意打ち), try to shake him off (振り払う), or to simply endure (耐える). Based on Enokippu's Ci-en posts, its difficult to pin down exactly how arousal interacts with this system. But if we assume that it follows the first game, then getting the enemy as horny as possible (but without penetration) while keeping Botan's arousal low would be the goal. Penetration would then lower the chances of a surprise attack succeeding, and getting creampied too much would lead to a GOR scene, thanks to the mindbreaking properties of half-oni semen.

Standard RPG Maker stuff:
Arrow keys: Movement (mouse clicking also lets controls movement) and QTE inputs
  • Arrow keys + shift: Run
  • Z: Accept/interact
  • X: Menu/back
  • Ctrl: skip/fast forward dialogue

  • Female protagonist
  • Coercion/Rape
  • Prostitution
  • Big breasts
  • Mind break/corruption
  • Hypnosis
  • Ryona

Other Images:
Hypnosis minigame:

Grapple screenshot:

Battle tutorial:

Prostitution interface:

Another shot of the prostitution interface:

Game over CG:

(Contains videos of Live2Ds and game updates)
(Has stuff not in Ci-En)​


  • xcr0RBB.png
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The only thing I didn't like from his previous game is that "creampied=gor"
Seeing her dropping cum between her legs while running around would be sexy af
I hope that will be a thing this time
getting creampied too much would lead to a GOR scene, thanks to the mindbreaking properties of half-oni semen.

But I thought she got some drink that allows her to be immune to that effect at the end of the last game...
But I thought she got some drink that allows her to be immune to that effect at the end of the last game...
She got a drink that strengthened her, didn't grant immunity IIRC. You can still get creampie game-overed even after drinking the medicine. The main benefit was it allowed her to fight the half-oni (the lewd enemies) in actual combat, as before that they were so strong it was impossible, her only way to beat them was a sneak attack while being groped.
Looks good. Only humans, or monsters and tentacles will be a party of party?
Love the first one
And the others games from the circle
And this looks nice

I can't wait lol
From all that I've seen it looks like it'll only be humans, though there's always the possibility for there to be monsters at some point.
Hmm. Having to do a QTE every single round got super fucking tedious really quickly with Akakubi. Hopefully it'll be better implemented here.

But yeah, looking forward to this. Hopefully less death and more enslavement game overs this time.
I personally really liked that. Or, well, not necessarily the QTE's specifically, but the implementation of grabs and combat rape. Created a kind of risk and urgency where failing meant a worse situation and created an even higher sense of urgency, as opposed to a lot of other combat rape games where you either just waste a turn to escape and nothing else, or the escape is completely random. It also meant you could set how challenging it would be to escape yourself. As someone who finds the thrill of being caught and the risk of failure almost as, if not sometimes more sexy and enticing than the sex itself in games I really enjoyed it.

Kunoichi Botan instead had the random chance of escaping, but the entire game was about manipulating the odds while balancing the risks of doing so compared to the odds of succeeding, which was also a neat solution I really enjoyed. As others have mentioned here though, I do wish that getting penetrated wasn't just a straight up loss. I would've preferred if Botan could've been penetrated and creampied once or twice at least before getting a game over. Hopefully this sequel will make that a reality. The Live 2D animations he has posted on Twitter, both of the sex and the molestation, is enough to make believe it could be one of the best hentai games out there for me, especially considering just how much I really loved both the first game and Akabuki.
I looked through a few comments on the Ci-en page, and regarding monster-related content, I found a few comments mentioning "jellyfish brain rape" (like that scene from Ruins Seeker). Based on one particular comment, we might get a little animation on that in the context of an interrogation scene. Take this with a grain of salt though since the comment is Google translated :

Fingers crossed we get something like those facehugger/slug things from the first game too. I found the scene involving those guys pretty hot.

I also found another comment (in English this time) on plans to make combat rape endurance adjustable. This should hopefully prevent Botan from going down in a single creampie.
how much content is available in the demo? debating on trying it out
Hmm. Having to do a QTE every single round got super fucking tedious really quickly with Akakubi. Hopefully it'll be better implemented here.

Especially when all you want to do is fail it to get to a specific position, and then they don't do the one you want, so you have to keep edging and edging....and then you give up and just finish on a position you didn't want because it's good enough.
Went ahead and supported the dev on Ci-en to look at the demo. It was only version 0.1 alpha, so there wasn't much besides what seemed to be the tutorial mission.
All sex scenes seem to be animated in this game, including the ones in combat and the Bad Ends from what I've seen posted on the Ci-en.
Only played through once fully before writing this, so I might not be perfectly accurate.

First I should probably note that the game might get an at least partial translation in the full version? On the main menu there's three options for language: Japanese, English, and Chinese,
It says this in english below:

The combat itself is similar to the past game, you can just sneak up behind enemies to kill them instantly, or if they see you it'll initiate combat.

The combat itself is turn-based, however turns are decided on a small bar at the top, whoever's icon goes to the right first gets to attack, the speed your little icon moves is based on agility, can't think of a way to describe this nicely, apologies.

The fighting part of combat is pretty simple. You have four choices; Basic Attack, Skills, Items, and Wait. The wait attack is similar to that in other games, it just works as a way to dodge or counter some special attacks when the enemy gives a signal.
Killing enemies also awards a skill point that can be used for purchasing more skills to use.

Combat Rape (CR) is somewhat similar as the previous game. Sometimes the enemies may use a different attack in battle which brings up a QTE. Combat Rape may also intiate first in some events. It's just pressing arrow keys to respond, however there's a bunch of different colours the QTEs can be:

QTEs.png Greens and blues are labed as the choice that will proceed with the mission. In short these are the best option if you want to avoid getting hit or grabbed.

Reds, pinks, yellows will result in a dangerous outcome. This can range from you just getting hit, to you getting grabbed and pulled into the CR section of combat.

The ? icon QTEs seem to be only appear based on your situation. These are the same as the options before, just hidden. This may happen due to a bunch of different situation, however in the Demo this only minaly happens in one scene where an enemy sneaks up behind you to grab you.
If you were to relight the torch nearby before the enemy grabs you, the QTEs will only be partially obscured, however if you left the lights off, they'll be completely obscured and you'll have to guess.

Energy.png Upon being grabbed, it'll start out with just groping, progressing to penetration if it goes on long enough. The enemy can seemingly continue to lewd and creampie Botan for as long as Botan can last.

Due to whatever kinda demon-potion Botan drank in the last game, she can only orgasm about 5 times before you lose combat. A bar on the right side slowly fills up as combat progresses, once it fills, you lose a sigil and Botan reaches her peak. Enemies' seem to orgasm based on the progression of the scene.

Instead of the normal combat menu, it's changed around now.
- Resist, this just pushes the enemy off you, some QTEs occur, suceeding pushes the enemy off you and puts you back into normal combat. The difficulty of the QTEs seems to depend on how far in you are in terms of being lewded.

- Indulge, this seems to make the enemy orgasm faster. I assume is mainly used for your own enjoyment, or for the next skill.

- Kill, same chance-based system as the last game; Succeeding instantly kills the enemy. As before, the chance raises based on how close the enemy is to orgasm, failing likely results in the lewdest of handholding.

- Endure / Wait. This doesn't seem to do anything, as far as I'm aware.

The demo explained what was happening past the tutorial, however you weren't able to actually do any of it, It seemed really in depth though; the main focus being assassinating some ruler of the land. However you can do a lot of side-things beforehand to get allies, information, etc to help out with the assassination, all of these with their own unique situations. It does say you can go forth and attempt to assassinate the ruler at any time, however this likely won't go well without any preparation.
There's also a few puzzle-minigames for pickpocketing, and I assume there'll be more in the future.
I could explain some more things further however I'm not trying to write an entire essay here, feel free to ask any questions though, hopefully I explained everything decently >.<
Man, reading your description of the demo just made me even more painfully excited. Sounds like the CR is straight up a combination of Akabuki and Kunoichi Botan, with the major difference being that there are different outcomes depending on how you fail the QTEs, which is a pretty cool idea. I wonder how far he's come with it at this point. Feels like I've been following him on Twitter and seeing updates on this game for years by now (even if it's technically just this year). I seem to recall that he not that long ago said that the basic systems are done, and that he was working on story stuff, but that could've just been for the introduction/chapter 0/1 of the game. Hope the wait won't be too long either way!
Maybe there will be a twist like:

We're playing as the clone of Botan, while the original is already 😍😘🥰🥵