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ACT Ci-En Active [えのきっぷ / Enokippu ] くノ一牡丹 II / Kunoichi Botan II (RJ01027690)

isnt he making a new game that is futuristic or something.

Terrible guess just looking at the pictures, no effort to even put the text through a machine crutch.



What's required to create an 18+ game using RPG maker tools?

His answer:


Illustrations (with variants)
UI images for HP and the menu.
Pixel animation
Music and sound effects

As for the last picture at the bottom of the post with the bunnygirl, that's the mini-game based on his very first game Sol Lui. He's intending to release that either this month or the next. As to why he's doing this side project instead of continuing with Botan, Sol Lui's 10th anniversary was December 2021. I don't consider this a new project; it's no different from the spaceship minigame inspired by Among Us he released on January of last year.
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that's the mini-game based on his very first game
He's intending to release that either this month or the next
Terrible guess just looking at the pictures, no effort to even put the text through a machine crutch
I don't consider this a new project
i do. so i say you made a terrible judgement in that sense seeing as we dont know how "mini" the mini game would be.
as to why he's doing this, i am assuming that considering that he lost some data a while ago and had to do some work from scratch (which he was doing) he may have wanted to take a break.
i do. so i say you made a terrible judgement in that sense seeing as we dont know how "mini" the mini game would be.
as to why he's doing this, i am assuming that considering that he lost some data a while ago and had to do some work from scratch (which he was doing) he may have wanted to take a break.

We shall see, since you're making assumptions of your own regarding his progress and have selectively cherry picked quotes to support your argument.

I've seen the animations for the sex scenes in previous posts and know he has done enough to compensate for reworking the scenes he originally intended several months back.

Mini-game being what it says on the tin; no more than 1 hour to go from start to finish. No different from the spaceship mini-game, which isn't conversation based and takes more time to finish because of the skill level involved.

Unlike others who bluff, I'll back up my assertion with direct quotes.




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I've seen the animations for the sex scenes in previous posts and know he has done enough to compensate for reworking the scenes he originally intended several months back.
i mean, yeah. he has been working. seeing as he made new stuff since the dead hardware. just assuming he wanted a break since people tend to do that.
Unlike others who bluff, I'll back up my assertion with direct quotes
i know. what i said was that he may be working on a mini game, but many times these end up being more than just a mini game. i mean unholy sanctuary made a unholy jail mini game. he then made a whole game out of it. he did the same for the unholy torture and that escape game/dlc? that is what i mean. he is working on a mini game, but i will consider it such once it is done. that is what i meant.
selectively cherry picked quotes
oh yeah. sorry. i tend to do that insteaad of quoting whole sentence. might make that clear before i do that, huh.
He's currently working on a minigame featuring the protag from his first game to celebrate it's 10th anniversary. Comments in previous articles indicate that it'll be released at the end of this month. Known features include hypnosis, womb tattoos, and some kind of seduction-focussed(?) minigame where you can raise the stakes by wearing skimpier clothing for higher rewards but equal difficulty. Possibly tentacles too.
Can anyone link the blog post to his Sci-Fi Mini-game from last year? I can't find it in his Cien-blog and it would really interest me because I've never heard of that.
Can anyone link the blog post to his Sci-Fi Mini-game from last year? I can't find it in his Cien-blog and it would really interest me because I've never heard of that.

No surprise considering the title is New Year greetings and casual followers won't remember each monthly post content.

Also not a surprise the thread wasn't read through as someone else commented on the mini-game last year.
February Ci-En update:

For those of you wondering about his mini-game, he's not going to make his self-imposed deadline of end-February. I'm guessing he's trying for March and will then sell it on DLsite, those who have paid subscriptions on his Ci-En site get a discount.

As to why he's selling it on retail instead of giving it out for free like his Sci-Fi mini-game, the rest of his post gives the rationale for it. On top of being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, he's also remembered how his friend last year saw his cancer metastasize and then commit suicide. He's never been too concerned with money and income to date, but these two factors have made him reconsider his overly artisanal outlook on life. Can't say I blame him, since exercise and diet to treat diabetes is a long-term initiative and if he slacks off again on his muscle training he might well find his medical expenses ballooning.
February Ci-En update:

For those of you wondering about his mini-game, he's not going to make his self-imposed deadline of end-February. I'm guessing he's trying for March and will then sell it on DLsite, those who have paid subscriptions on his Ci-En site get a discount.

As to why he's selling it on retail instead of giving it out for free like his Sci-Fi mini-game, the rest of his post gives the rationale for it. On top of being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, he's also remembered how his friend last year saw his cancer metastasize and then commit suicide. He's never been too concerned with money and income to date, but these two factors have made him reconsider his overly artisanal outlook on life. Can't say I blame him, since exercise and diet to treat diabetes is a long-term initiative and if he slacks off again on his muscle training he might well find his medical expenses ballooning.
Yeah... Its critical he gets into good health habbits now while things are still early. He's gonna need those habbits to help keep costs down.
This is just another one of these legacy devs that made it big enough to just spend 3 years telling people about what they're gonna do without actually releasing anything of substance.
This is just another one of these legacy devs that made it big enough to just spend 3 years telling people about what they're gonna do without actually releasing anything of substance.

Don't know what "big enough" means when total sales on DLsite for the game is under 100,000 to date. Still, not bad for a one man circle. I can name others which don't release anything for over 5 years yet still boast higher cumulative sales.
If you do something really right just once, you can sometimes live off of it forever.
Inappropriate behavior
Don't know what "big enough" means when total sales on DLsite for the game is under 100,000 to date. Still, not bad for a one man circle. I can name others which don't release anything for over 5 years yet still boast higher cumulative sales.

Just ignore that guy, all he does is go whine on every thread like an entitled little b even though I'll wager all he does is pirate every game.
We just got an update post on the 10th anniversary "mini" game, which purports a November release (meaning the 30.11.22 most likely, since that's what his post schedule is). This would imply work on Kunoichi Botan 2 is going to continue in December, and we'll get our next update on it on the last day of the year. Damn.

I love Eno's work, but I think he likes running off into random directions with his work even more. xD
Whatever keeps him inspired and motivated I guess, haha
Subtle link begging is still link begging. Official warning.
His new game will/is available at comiket 101 for a price tag of 1000 yen. He said later he will finish it off and charge 1600 yen for it.
There's something on his cien about it having 4 stages.

In another news for kunoichi botan 2, it'll look like it's gonna be delayed even more because his timeline to finish this mini game will extend later into 2023...
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Damn, im kinda sad, botan is a golden standard of small, simple but good hrpg. Cant wait for a sequel.
Anyone has any idea how many stages does the Comiket version contain, and the release date of the full version?