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RPG エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle


Demon Girl Master
Sep 3, 2012
Reputation score
Free rpg made in wolfrpg. Has preg & bugs. All characters are elves. Don't know much beyond picture decryption and blog but it looks great. Proly got this a long time ago off the Japanese wiki wit all the free games.

. To DL click getuplod and dl top 3 files. Psw is singular of character type. Skydrive is non-h version.


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Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

Free rpg made in wolfrpg. Has preg & bugs. All characters are elves. Don't know much beyond picture decryption and blog but it looks great. Proly got this a long time ago off the Japanese wiki wit all the free games.

. To DL click getuplod and dl top 3 files. Psw is singular of character type.



Singular of character type? Like, is the password one character long? What page do I find the pass?
Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

Singular of character type? Like, is the password one character long? What page do I find the pass?


......but it's easier to download it from
Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

Hmmm. . . How does anything happen? Any CG art locations?
Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

Hmmm. . . How does anything happen? Any CG art locations?

Never got anything to show on my end. Even losing to the boss crystals give me nothing, but some exp for running away. Oddly enough.

Hell, it's hard even doing anything. Most of the monsters can effortlessly kill you if you're not careful. You can't spam the recovery crystal either; you run out of this weird currency they're using for it pretty quick. Three, maybe four uses and it's spent.
Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

hmmm wrong post? 全年齢 = any age ok, web say over 18 version need wait
Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

Right; skydrive is completely non-H. You people REALLY need arc_convert. Also i suspect this is a demo cause no bikinis in the game's pics. Those sparkles give recovery crystal energy so can grind indefinitely. Hold shift to speed the game up. My characters are at level 11. Should post a save?
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Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

I played a demo of this LONG ago where losing to the blue crystal resulted in an hscene but clearly like they said, there's no H content in this version. The girls don't even get naked when they take damage like the other version.
Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

so the getuploader one is the hentai game? can someone upload in anything other than getuploader, it seems i can't download anything there
Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

so the getuploader one is the hentai game? can someone upload in anything other than getuploader, it seems i can't download anything there

Well, I would've, except for the fact that the getuploader one seems to be missing character images completely. Maybe I need to download multiple files?

Right, that was the problem. Here's the entire thing, compiled. Seems to work fine so far.
(It's to that sharing site that we can't link to without the links being immediately destroyed.)
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Re: エンブリオクレイドル全年齢 Embryo Cradle

Well, I would've, except for the fact that the getuploader one seems to be missing character images completely. Maybe I need to download multiple files?

Right, that was the problem. Here's the entire thing, compiled. Seems to work fine so far.
(It's to that sharing site that we can't link to without the links being immediately destroyed.)

oh thank you very much. awesome way of making them not blocking xD. anyway rep+