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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

the guro option?
and we're pretty sure we might have come to the conclusion that mist sisters had scat, but that's not totally certain. I guess it's tough to tell in a black in white how to start a ghosts tongue
Re: Fairy Fighting

Wow....you to take a chill pill, I saw your post, but I got mine directly from google translator. It said something different. Anyone would know that, I even said it was google translator. Sorry but thats exactly what i got from it. At least you can tell what the poll submisssions mean, the Uterus and Ryona ones were hard to tell. Lastly, no need to tell me that the submissions are more important than the votes, I read the entire thing and tried to be as accurate as possible.

P.S.: I've thought about it and FUK320, if chosen, would be the only robot enemy, a perfect final boss. As a next one I'd go with the Uterus Crasher or the Mist Sisters--the former being only the second enemy with a real dick---the latter has the only lesbian sex other than Tiki on Tiki (which is limited).

P.S.S.: hope FF becomes playable soon.

I'm sorry, but I fail to see how posting a machine translation right after a natural language translation has been made would be anything useful at all, especially if there are differences which may unnecessarily confuse some people.

I mean, google translations does have its uses, but it's still markedly inferior to a human translator, especially when dealing with non-European languages.

Really, all you need to do is to compare these two:

次回モンスター → 大ボス → END という流れでいくかな・・

"The next big boss monsters → → END in the flow of Iku Naka"

...to see that GoogleTranslate has messed up something fierce. See how it combined two separate texts into the same phrase?

And that inaccurate part came after a "P.S." I'd assumed that you had not read my post, since they contradict each other. If you had read my post though, then yours would look like an attempt to correct mine, which is not something that I view favourably if you don't even know what you are doing (i.e. speak Japanese).

Now, I'm not trying to be a glory hound here, but inaccurate information is just unnecessarily confusing to readers, especially if they contradict with actual, accurate information that is already present.

This distinction is important. Sometimes, google translations is the best you have, especially if an attempt is made to make sense out of the 'translations.' (and kudos to Toxic for doing a good job at it.) Your case is different though, as a translation was already present.

(except for the poll names, in which case I thank you for reminding me.)
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Just poppin' in here to say I don't wanna see no arguin' around here.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Now I see it, he was refering to the big boss as the last one, not both. I still say that there were two more guys as you did. Its just that I saw each monster as a boss. I know google translator is ineffective in translating, that and everything else is why I explained what I think is simpily, two more big bosses. Not four, not three, just two more big guys.

Your welcome for the poll names though. That was the main thing I was doing, adding in poll to your translation. All I did with the last note is to show what google would say, as alot of people would see it as, and what I think would it meant to say. At the time all I was doing was adding my opinion with that last part. Even so, we really mean the same thing. Sorry to make you feel overlooked. It wasn't my intention to do so.

Edit: this is clarification
Re: Fairy Fighting

How do you leave comments on site?

"I would like to see the Mist Sisters as the next enemy, and either the 41 combination or the FUK320 for the final boss please?"

Just to clarify, is that still what you mean to say?

Just asking before I start translating.

Shoot, unless its supposed to be the picture he showed before the last update, it looks like he took the 41 off as a choice.

Edit: Tentative translation: 「次のモンスターにはミスト三姉妹を見てみたいです。 ラスボスは... 妖精格闘ゲーム41のコンビかFUK320がいいと思います。ありがとうございます。」

There's a 50 'word' limit of sorts, but I'm not sure if punctuation counts.

I have yet to find a translation service for japanese that is even half way serviceable. It would be amazing if somebody here who spoke fluent japanese could help out all us international fans.

So, what do you want to say?
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I wonder - can't you just put your poll comments in English? He is a programmer, he must know English at a decent level...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Depending on what giant hand looks like, I might want to see that. Though I already voted for robot.
Re: Fairy Fighting

So, what do you want to say?

To be honest, I'm having trouble making up my mind...I'm stuck between the two crashers and the robot. I appreciate you offering up your services very much though :) I really wish I could speak the language...I have bought an iPhone japanese language instruction app but the learning has been very slow going. Such a magnificent language though.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Btw Toxic, Japanese people's understanding of english is much better than the American's understanding of japanese, so if you don't actually know japanese, it's actually a better choice to type it in english to a japanese person, I mean, they could be english drop outs or simply too lazy to try and translate it but they do have a much better chance.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Btw Toxic, Japanese people's understanding of english is much better than the American's understanding of japanese, so if you don't actually know japanese, it's actually a better choice to type it in english to a japanese person, I mean, they could be english drop outs or simply too lazy to try and translate it but they do have a much better chance.

It's the case with most Asian languages. Compare the many words in Cantonese/Chinese/Japanese that each have the same pronunciations and Romanized spelling but for each Romanized spelling, has 3-9 different characters that represent it in each of the main languages versus that few handful in English. Japanese, Korean and Mandarin is relatively easy to learn as a second language, but once you get to Cantonese...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Btw Toxic, Japanese people's understanding of english is much better than the American's understanding of japanese, so if you don't actually know japanese, it's actually a better choice to type it in english to a japanese person, I mean, they could be english drop outs or simply too lazy to try and translate it but they do have a much better chance.

its better to make a drawing, or a video of your interpretative dance. . . .

too bad you can only comment in mixtures of characters and spaces. .
Re: Fairy Fighting

I think you guys should point out the reason of your choice, rather than just stating what you want. That's why eluku wants the comments along with the vote.

It'll make the translator's life harder, but since I didn't volunteer for that job, that doesn't concern me *evil giggles*
Re: Fairy Fighting

I think you guys should point out the reason of your choice, rather than just stating what you want. That's why eluku wants the comments along with the vote.

It'll make the translator's life harder, but since I didn't volunteer for that job, that doesn't concern me *evil giggles*

Dammit that's why I didn't point that out. :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

Realy love the Fairy crusher,art of it sems amazing ...
Re: Fairy Fighting

I'd like either the bondage one or the machine one.

Haven't had any real bondage (many scenes were she get's tied up but it's mostly creature ability, not real bondage)

And well no machines so far, only organic creatures so I'd think it would be cool to see how it would hold up against them, will machine or creature be the better ... er ... hm man isn't really the right term to use :p
And many possibilities capable with machines, could even make a bondage machine now that would be awesome 2 for the price of one :D
Re: Fairy Fighting

I'd like either the bondage one or the machine one.

Haven't had any real bondage (many scenes were she get's tied up but it's mostly creature ability, not real bondage)

And well no machines so far, only organic creatures so I'd think it would be cool to see how it would hold up against them, will machine or creature be the better ... er ... hm man isn't really the right term to use :p
And many possibilities capable with machines, could even make a bondage machine now that would be awesome 2 for the price of one :D

Yeah, a bondage machince sounds good to me too.

Rough translation back to English: I think it'd be nice to have some machine monster. There are only organic monster up until now, so if you add a machine, some new tricks may be possible. I especially have interest in bondage machine, so could you make it the next monster.

Maybe someone can come up with better translation.

Have to agree that it's out of theme though.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I was kind of digging the crashers options but then I got to thinking how many large insertion enemies we already have. I personally would like to see the robot and one that he didn't list...a spider boss. *shrug* why not lol.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Who says whatever evil force is leading these monsters doesn't have a scientist or 2 helping em out? :)

Could make it half machine/half monster experiment.