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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

uhm question... I dont want to be annoying. but. How do I do the attack where tiki blows fire? I REALLY suck at fighting in this game and want to be able to get to Dark Tiki.

the only thing i can suggest is put on health regen and beat the amoeba, once you get to dark tiki your health regen should be turn off. That how it worked when i beat the bee boss was the last one to beat before dark tiki.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Hey Everyone. I wanted to introduce myself. I've been playing Fairy War for some time now but i just decided to sign up. Im new at this as well.

I also have a question about how to perform Tiki's sex grapple when fighting herself. I remember performing it easily in older versions but its not happening now. Does anyone know how to do it?
Re: Fairy Fighting

strong punch
Re: Fairy Fighting

Forward + Strong Punch, only works when close-up.

Edit: It's similar to throws/grapples in Street Fighter or other old school fighting games.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I just noticed something..... If you get defeated by Eggplant's counter move, there is noending picture. Had to experiment to make sure. I do like the new gameover picture but it was strange when i died on purpose the 2nd it didn't show up... just throwing that out there
Re: Fairy Fighting

New Update. Amoeba has an SP attack and Gameover screen from what I can tell from the google translation.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The game over screen was there in the previous update, but the SP attack is new. Eggplant's game over image got updated a bit as well

The SP attack... oww, just OWW. I mean, Magical Girl Ai didn't go quite that far with the massive, brutal insertion
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Re: Fairy Fighting

I agree about the massive insertion for Ameba. However I think it would be nice to see some new ending animation and picture for the GO rape then the same old picture we had for the other endings. Maybe in due time. :p
Re: Fairy Fighting

Massive Insertion.. owie but nice. I just wish she was facing me when it was done to her, and that the amoeba pulled down on her... yes so the steel I-bar scene in Magical Girl Ai is my favorite scene in the entire OVA so what?! :D A Game over screen for that special would be nice. I imagine tiki vaginally impaled on a stalagmite? stalagtite? dunno them cave spikes, hehe.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Is it weird that the part I don't find erotic is that I can't see that as anything but ice now, and cold = not sexy to me.

The "Game over" for ameba wasn't saying there's a new one, but that the sp finish is an automatic game over.
Re: Fairy Fighting

He SUPER COMBO FINISH her. thats not right. A Hidden Lotus onto ice for an epic insertion..... no wonder its an automatic kill
Re: Fairy Fighting

The new move...
Made me think of...
Tiger mask???:eek:
Re: Fairy Fighting

Eh... GreenAmeba's SP finish needs its own ending animation. At the moment it's as incongruous as if Fluidhunter's oviposition SP finish led to the swallow-whole animation.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The new game over screen for Eggplant is pretty nice. Not digging the whole gigantic impale with the slime...but then again there isn't much of that enemy that I have liked so far. Oh well.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Oookay, so, back when I voted for Amoeba, I sure as hell didn't expect THAT as a SP Attack!

On one hand, it made me laugh my arse off... On the other, it's not at all what I was hoping for.

Ah well, win some, lose some! Eggplant's new lose picture is awesome though, hope he gets one for his counter-ending as well~
Re: Fairy Fighting

Ah, the irony. Even Eluku must suffer the wrath of having the title of "Lurker"