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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

No, he's just sitting his lazy ass and trolling stupidly without noticing his pathetic hypocrism beats him worse then a sabertooth tiger trying to use his teeths to rape your head. For literally said and serious.
Re: Fairy Fighting

No, he's just sitting his lazy ass and trolling stupidly without noticing his pathetic hypocrism beats him worse then a sabertooth tiger trying to use his teeths to rape your head. For literally said and serious.

Stop trolling!
Re: Fairy Fighting


gtfo troll
Re: Fairy Fighting

Whoa...where'd ya get that one, Sain? Heck, i need that one for this hypocrit Johnny.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I like how I can disappear for a few days and I return to 5 pages of useless crap.
>_> Good times...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Which one's useless? I'm just keeping it alive. Oh...wait...just trying, because of one certain person that can't stand to truth and admitting defeat.

Just ignore him, i'm done with him. Just waiting to hear what awesome words from Pyro again. He's the pillar of Short-Word Awesomeness. Unlike me, i gotta "blah blah" too much, as i do now.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Because his link got messed up. So he fixed a obvious one, MU is great for sharing files. Thats why he did it, fast and easy download that nearly always works. Expect the worst and imbossible, bro.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Because his link got messed up. So he fixed a obvious one, MU is great for sharing files. Thats why he did it, fast and easy download that nearly always works. Expect the worst and imbossible, bro.
I'd much rather Mediafire, since mediafire links only die when they...well expire, as opposed to MU, which can have them as unavailable from time to time. I'd know, I used to have a premium account there, but those incidents disappointed me.

PS : New grab move is neat, needs a finisher to go with it.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Agreed with you to both comments there.

The finisher may be invented later on, currently now. I think Eluku should focus on the new monsters, then later take some updates on his existing and older ones. Should be quite a update then, right?
Re: Fairy Fighting

JohnDoe and Ragnarok-Bloodedge both need to shut the hell up. You're both feeding the troll within the other, and it's annoying as fuck!
Re: Fairy Fighting

Ain't trolling. Not yet...but i can. I know how trolling is. But i have no reason to do it now, unless there's a pointless topic about something stupid.

John have continued a topic of continual denying for hypocrism and that he isn't a troller, when you in fact can check all of his posts in here. You'll realize 76% of his posts sounds like a Polite Trolling. I'm getting a bit tired of it, this is a page about Eluku's work, not based on senseless words.

So don't accuse me, unless you have direct proof. Thank you.
Last edited:
Re: Fairy Fighting

Ain't trolling. Not yet...but i can. I know how trolling is. But i have no reason to do it now, unless there's a pointless topic about something stupid.

John have continued a topic of continual denying for hypocrism and that he isn't a troller, when you in fact can check all of his posts in here. You'll realize 76% of his posts sounds like a Polite Trolling. I'm getting a bit tired of it, this is a page about Eluku's work, not based on senseless words.

So don't accuse me, unless you have direct proof. Thank you.


YOU started this shit.
I believe in the me that believes in the you that believes in herself, but i also believe in the unbelievability of believing in living beings that believe in themselves beyong the believability of believing in someone else, so if you belive in the me that believes in the you that belives in herself, than the truth of belief wil be believable.:cool:

And yeah, i know it was a tengen toppa reference...

John...shut up. Your inaccurate trolling isn't meant to exist in here. Your comments are unavailable to answer or question anything, whatsoever. Due of your stupidity to beat your mind for not understanding what yourself even says...

Gawd, people. They just can't make it clear and say something else.

Rin, listen.

It is true what you said, but that wasn't a challenge. You took it wrong. He approved my cause of correcting a better case of accuracy towards translation, which i did by all on my own. I served him gratitude towards as approving me. It was a matter of accuracy between my translation were more accurate. Not a challenge.

But well, you are true, indeed. I know that anyways, but i don't want to sound like i'm perfect, i just did what i felt for being a least out of my crawler lurk hole for a moment. So i translated it as soon as the news came from Eluku and tried to keep it as perfectly accurate as possible. Was only matter of accuracy between Dragonstix and my translation.

No offend taken or given, only correction of what was wrong and misunderstanding. Peace.

What did i do?
I don't get it...:confused:
I didn't do anything, i didn't mean anything, i wasn't even here when it happend, and if i was here i was sleeping, and if i was sleeping i was dreaming of being somewhere else!!!:(

What the hell was that about???

TTGL? Oh...now i remember where i head that before. True that Rin made a TTGL refer. Bloody nice.

John: Excuses are a helpless need to weaken your cause of stupidiy and self-irony to the wrong side of a mirror. Your inability to understand yourself is mocking yourself for the reason you cannot add to the next referred "E" situation. You may as well give up both trolling, excusing and proving yourself wrong in the fact you weren't there when you said it. Jackass.

Sorry for my outburst, but i hate persons like him. I'd like if someone began growing up and admitting self-defeat. It is not a shame to admit a truth, else then you don't win a game, if it were a game. Like it isn't now. But honestly...no offense given to others, John deserves to learn what it is to be "Defeated" by himself.

Thank you for your time for understanding. Good day to you too, milady/sir.

So, at what point was John trolling here? Seriously, where. STFU and stop trolling, RB.
Heh. Arby.
YOU are the one who came back in this thread and kept it going.
whoa whoa whoa I have been coming here for years. I don't have any +rep because I am teh ultimate lurker and haven't posted any of my work or the project I've been working on after carefully observing what people like over the past two years and putting it all together.

Oh but nevermind that. I suppose it will still have to wait.

what's this rep thing you guys are talking about ?

Reputation, in the top-right corner of each post you can see green or red squares, that's the reputation counter, if you want to give positive reputation to a post you hit the little scale on the top-right corner of a post, negative reputations is given by hitting the other icon, you can even leave a small comment. If you hit the scale in one of your posts you can see how much reputation one of your post obtained and how much reputation you have in total. If you leave the cursor over the green/red squares you should be able to see a bubble saying things like you're new around here or you just started to contribute.

Somehow i feel like i'm digging my own grave, oh well, always feels nice to help others.

Its called "Stupidity" for me ears. Rep don't have a meaning, else then you've been posting a lot. Thats all it means, jeez. Some special reps are given for special seats or staff members, or perhaps staff members ranked you so.

Its just two idiots, and Magus's belief for being the "Ultimate" when he's a minority of what lurkers are and what he says and do. I've seen a dozens of his posts, so he should shove it up his ass and eat his own clothes. I've been lurking too, but just a tiny bit, because i feel the need to serve a better purpose then silence.

John's more likely a jerk and a idiot, so he confronts Magus for saying he "Feel" his "Pain" which are the obsolete of saying "They just got emotion problems" going on. Just ignore them, people like them will continue jerking around by any means neccessary to gain attention. Better you took attention to those needing and deserves it, right?


You should stop just plainly offending people, it's become unsightly.

Stop trolling!

From wikipedia:

I'm offending only you. For your behavior and lies. You dig your own grave, unlikely to realize you've both copied with i said and repeated it over to tick me off and also done that to others. You've resigned from you, to prove yourself wrong. Denying the truth that you're wrong too often to touch the cold ice, then you pick it up. Only to troll your fantasies over to others.

That and you're highly annoying to think you're a perfect specimen about all you say, when you were the one starting the discussion and gets pissed just about me ranting you're disgustingly sight for making my eyes sore, so to speak.

Either drop your behavior and start realizing both truth and self-defeat. Then i will reconsider my attitude towards you. Come to a agreement you make yourself, understood?

I may sound really mean and rude, but i am plainly stating facts and setting up a solution to your problems. Chose what you want to do, i got no rights to force you, matter my attitude towards you, though.

Yes, i know what a troll is. If you read the 73 sides and all your posts, carefully. Studying them...you'll see some are trollish, some are barely. Some speak truth and some are plain too stupid to seem you were drunk. Picking up what you are, however. I chose troll, because you repeat what others says first to make it lengthing, offending them in a mischevious polite way to seem way too clear for the trained eyes and mind to understand so. And don't trust Wikipedia...not all of it are right. Some info are. If i were you...i'd consider learning by life experience, not an internet site.

Oh whatever...tried to make a deal with the donkey. But he's too dumb to know else. I'm off to bed, this guy have wasted my time when i tried something nice towards him in my last post. Good grief, John. Grow up...

Nighty, everyone else. Peace and don't quarrel like Donkey John and i do.

AND AGAIN, RB starts it. Jebus Chrispies.

If YOU really want to continue this SHIT, take it to PM.

Re: Fairy Fighting


First: Why do i have to troll if there's no point for it here?
Second: Read your past post to realize your fails
Third: I have NO reason to offend others who don't deserve, but you offend me
Fourth: I'm very agreed i'm taking this topic to a lenght, but making it clear
Fifth: Fail troller (John) thinks he got me, sadly. I'm not trolling yet

This is what "Trolling" is. Thank you and welcome. Wiki is bullshit.

Re: Fairy Fighting

The point is to not continue it. Definition aside you're taking up space in this thread with pointless bickering back and forth. This isn't the place for it. That is all. :|
Re: Fairy Fighting

I'm already done now. I've stated the fact and taken the toll as finshing the line of "Stupidity" and "Argumental Disfictation" he's a troller. Why? Here's why...

Signs that your trolling is succesful:
*Your victim screaming in all-caps at you.
*Personal attacks (Calling you a retard, idiot, etc).
*Being an Internet Tough Guy.
*Making a crude remark, before quickly logging off before you can retort.

Signs that your trolling is unsuccesful:
*Your victim identifying you as a troll.
*Identifying yourself as a troll.
*Your efforts being ignored.
*Being counter-trolled

Thank you, and hav a nice day. My main focus will be Eluku and Secondary will be others (except John) i will refrain from any continual topics about his Self-Afflicted Statements.
Re: Fairy Fighting

What have I said, Ragnarok?

*Counts down the days it takes for him to drive you crazy-go-bonkers*
Re: Fairy Fighting

What? What have i done now then? All i tried, was to reveal John wrong. And then i get slapped for doing the humanity a favor? Good grief...what is wrong with people these days? Oh well, people are people. They support only the bad persons and not the neutral ones.