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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

Lol, the fucking slime won. Oh well. Looks like the bee will have to tide me over. Everyone says he will put the rest in but I doubt that, very highly. Something seemed a little fishy withthe polls though, but I guess I'll fuckin keep it to myself

P.s. Eluku added a secret to fluidhunter, anyone figure it out?
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Lol, the fucking slime won. Oh well. Looks like the bee will have to tide me over. Everyone says he will put the rest in but I doubt that, very highly. Something seemed a little fishy withthe polls though, but I guess I'll fuckin keep it to myself

Re: Fairy Fighting

Well, it's a pain having to recognize the materials and items from moonrunes, it's a pain handling my stocks in english, i don't want to make the game even harder than it already is.:)
It's not difficult it's just tedious. Once I wasted 30 minutes looking for what I thought were mushrooms, but turned out to be bamboo shots. Never the less the game is amazing they buffed HH with mid-combat chanting, demonization bar and moves for the DS, more spirit bars for the LS, made autoguard a god tier skill for the gunlance's fire and fast reload moves, but most importantly they fixed the hitboxes! I don't know if I can get back to MHFU after all this. All that's left is the eng patch that is on the way and this will be perfect.

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Re: Fairy Fighting

It's not difficult it's just tedious. Once I wasted 30 minutes looking for what I thought were mushrooms, but turned out to be bamboo shots. Never the less the game is amazing they buffed HH with mid-combat chanting, demonization bar and moves for the DS, more spirit bars for the LS, made autoguard a god tier skill for the gunlance's fire and fast reload moves, but most importantly they fixed the hitboxes! I don't know if I can get back to MHFU after all this. All that's left is the eng patch that is on the way and this will be perfect.

Tediousness is something i really don't like in my games.
I really want to try the new weapon type, couldn't get MH3Tri.
What do you mean by fixed hitboxes?
I don't remember having problems with them in unite.:confused:

Need an evil laugh in there, that's evil.
Re: Fairy Fighting

For the slime I think grip and throw attacks and special attacks would be the best.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Tediousness is something i really don't like in my games.
I really want to try the new weapon type, couldn't get MH3Tri.
What do you mean by fixed hitboxes?
I don't remember having problems with them in unite.:confused:

Need an evil laugh in there, that's evil.

You are a lucky man, or just hunted plesioth with a bow, that hip check. It's not problematic it just makes the game harder than it was meant to be. And about tediousness, not very forgiving are you? Yes it takes time to find out what the hell is that skill on that armor, or what are you supposed to get in that quest. But once you get used to the runes then you begin to tell them apart, and that's a step in the right direction for people who play japanese games for pervs.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Dun mind perv, long as its not over the line. And what kind of game are we taking about, besides John's failure to satisfy his rightous self-irony?
Re: Fairy Fighting

in case no one decided to post it yet, the 'secret' is a new grab for FluidHunter.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Ain't seen it yet...i'll try and see what combinations to perform it with. Now as you told me. Thank you, Ju. Damn Eluku is really mischevious. Bet he's liking to keep surpises for the winners. No offense to him, just that i've ever so not seen such a secret lover person for a H Game.
Re: Fairy Fighting

The new grab move goes something like this: Naga suddenly flashes red and does a ridiculously quick low grapple, grabbing Tiki by the legs, sitting her down and spreading the legs. She then proceeds to stick her tongue down Tiki's throat, while two mini-nagas drop down to join the play. The first sucks on Tiki's boobs, and the other licks and fists her nether region.

It's the usual tap to escape grapple and fills up the Naga's SP quite fast. I only saw it while playing against the Naga, so you'll have to figure out how to pull it off yourself
Re: Fairy Fighting

You are a lucky man, or just hunted plesioth with a bow, that hip check. It's not problematic it just makes the game harder than it was meant to be. And about tediousness, not very forgiving are you? Yes it takes time to find out what the hell is that skill on that armor, or what are you supposed to get in that quest. But once you get used to the runes then you begin to tell them apart, and that's a step in the right direction for people who play japanese games for pervs.

Bow mostly, expecially the G version, earlier versions i managed with LS and evade armors, but yeah, plesioth's the only beast i never enjoyed fighting and now i know what you meant about the hitboxes... XD

Thx for the info, i gonna try it now.:)
Re: Fairy Fighting

It's the usual tap to escape grapple and fills up the Naga's SP quite fast. I only saw it while playing against the Naga, so you'll have to figure out how to pull it off yourself

Down-Back-B without full energy bar, with energy bar full it does the oviposition move...
Re: Fairy Fighting

whoa whoa whoa I have been coming here for years. I don't have any +rep because I am teh ultimate lurker and haven't posted any of my work or the project I've been working on after carefully observing what people like over the past two years and putting it all together.

Oh but nevermind that. I suppose it will still have to wait.
Re: Fairy Fighting

whoa whoa whoa I have been coming here for years. I don't have any +rep because I am teh ultimate lurker and haven't posted any of my work or the project I've been working on after carefully observing what people like over the past two years and putting it all together.

Oh but nevermind that. I suppose it will still have to wait.

I gave you rep cause i felt your pain.
Re: Fairy Fighting

what's this rep thing you guys are talking about ?

Reputation, in the top-right corner of each post you can see green or red squares, that's the reputation counter, if you want to give positive reputation to a post you hit the little scale on the top-right corner of a post, negative reputations is given by hitting the other icon, you can even leave a small comment. If you hit the scale in one of your posts you can see how much reputation one of your post obtained and how much reputation you have in total. If you leave the cursor over the green/red squares you should be able to see a bubble saying things like you're new around here or you just started to contribute.

Somehow i feel like i'm digging my own grave, oh well, always feels nice to help others.
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Re: Fairy Fighting

Its called "Stupidity" for me ears. Rep don't have a meaning, else then you've been posting a lot. Thats all it means, jeez. Some special reps are given for special seats or staff members, or perhaps staff members ranked you so.

Its just two idiots, and Magus's belief for being the "Ultimate" when he's a minority of what lurkers are and what he says and do. I've seen a dozens of his posts, so he should shove it up his ass and eat his own clothes. I've been lurking too, but just a tiny bit, because i feel the need to serve a better purpose then silence.

John's more likely a jerk and a idiot, so he confronts Magus for saying he "Feel" his "Pain" which are the obsolete of saying "They just got emotion problems" going on. Just ignore them, people like them will continue jerking around by any means neccessary to gain attention. Better you took attention to those needing and deserves it, right?

Re: Fairy Fighting

You should stop just plainly offending people, it's become unsightly.

Stop trolling!

From wikipedia:

In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion
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