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FGT Scat Loli Ryona Guro [Eluku] Fairy Fighting

Re: Fairy Fighting

So whats the deal with the money issues? Can anyone translate?

And what are peoples thoughts on unfinished releases of a game? Releasing steps, etc.
Re: Fairy Fighting

An unfinished game is like putting your ingredients into the pot, but never starting the soup!

You need true determination in order to make the perfect dish, or else you may as well stop cooking altogether! BOOM!

(Is he on topic? :O)
Re: Fairy Fighting

Original Post;



Google Translation;
Recently, I'm afraid it can not be updated much.
(Perhaps a little too skip struggling with bringing the first stall.)

Without making a game of personal delivery,
Keep the motivation is difficult to complete.

After a little charge, may be delivered and updated information.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I'm with Games dude here. I don't see anything so bad about this. It's actually something I've long found annoying, the idea that topics have died if they fail to "stay on topic". Conversations in real life rarely have set decided topics. They move from one thing to another, relevant or petty. I often find some of the best stuff is said off topic. It's said because that's what they wanted to say at the time. You can't make a topic for these passing things. This little exchange of nonsense definately ranks in the petty end, but none the less I quite enjoyed doing a quick search to collect some chair spin gifs. I even found a curious blog and a new image board as I did so.

If people had something new to say about the game there was nothing stopping them. There was the vague speculation on paying for the game, but without better information I didn't personally have any comment to make. I was waiting for something more to go on. We haven't just forgotten about the game because of some idle fun.

It's true, that this might not be the best place for this, but then there apparently is no place. I'm not trying to incite an overgrown 4Chan like anarchy. I don't go there myself either. It's just nice every now and then to be able to post something casually without worrying about purpose or response.
Re: Fairy Fighting

I don't really mind these otopic pics tbh.

Some make me laugh alot (like the punchingbag doofus, thx gamesdude for posting that one :D ).

Some make me smile.

The rest I feel indifferent towards em, don't really think its that annoying at all.

Makes it abit more interesting then just *pr0nlink* *comments comments comments* *preview to next patch for said pr0ngame* *excited people* *updated pr0n link* ... rinse and repeat ...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Apparently I didn't make myself clear. I'll try to rephrase to make myself understood.

Off-topic posts don't bother me. It's the incessant image-spamming that bugs me. Image spamming is the domain of idiots and chantards, which is why 4chan is the cesspool it is. A little image spam is generally funny and interesting, but you people have been doing it for a solid week, for three goddam pages. I'm sure I'm not the only one to find this just a little bit much. It got old after the sixth or seventh post. Also, in case you haven't picked this up by now, I already think you're one of the dumber members of the forum. Almost every post you make furthers this opinion of mine, I think the most recent one was the sex mugen movelist post you made in which half the commands either had added button presses or were in the wrong direction or were just flat out wrong. I have zero respect for you, and the fact that you led this batch of image spamming just lessens that. I would hope that you don't care, and don't get all uptight over it, I'm just explaining why I never expect you to think out your responses or basically do anything more thought provoking than image spam.

It's not people like you who are ruining ULMF. I don't think ULMF is ruined; in fact I think it has a long way to go before it's ruined, and even though I'm posting less than when I first joined I'll still be active, probably until it does turn into 4chan lite. By the way, it's people like Kaka and those other guys that are constantly posting big ass games that are not really anything more than visual novels up on ten million hotfile links, mistagging them, not providing any explanation to them, and not providing any feedback to us whatsoever that are ruining ULMF (at least for me).

But seriously, fuck you if you don't realize the fact that shit like this doesn't help the trend we're on. Again, in case you've forgotten, the image spam is what I'm talking about, not the off-topic posts. Actually, the fact that I posted at all is somewhat of a backhanded compliment, because I at least respect you enough that maybe you'll realize that image-spamming for three pages only helps make the slope we're on even more slippery. I know kaka and those idiots are pretty much just bots since they don't ever actually post anything aside HERE DOWNLOAD THIS MASSIVE FILE.

I don't understand your third paragraph. At first you're talking about how you have every right in the world to be stupid, then you're talking about how you have every right in the world to be off-topic. Well, I agree with you in either case, but what I am trying to get across is the fact that ULMF has a reputation for not being stupid n/t posts, and that we actually do think out our posts more often than others. By the way, your response and the responses of others is a perfect example. Now we've established a dialogue, a debate if you will, where we can resolve our differences like civilized people rather than just throwing snarky flames at each other. Did you see how, when you responded with a non-thought out dumbass image post that all I did was make a smart-ass comment, mostly designed to provoke a reaction than anything else? And now I'm actually talking to you instead of sniping at you (well I guess I'm still technically sniping at you but it's not designed to be sniping, I'm just stating facts to explain my opinions to you)? Which is better, do you think?

I especially don't understand the last bit (of that third paragraph). I complained, and the image spam stopped, and now there's an actual discussion going on. It's off topic as fuck, but as I said I have no problem with off topic as long as it's thought provoking.

Mission fucking accomplished, my post was EXTREMELY productive, thanks in part to you. Thanks!

@US and ronin: like I said, no problem with off topicness. So I'm not sure if you want to revise your statements.
Re: Fairy Fighting

By the way, it's people like Kaka and those other guys that are constantly posting big ass games that are not really anything more than visual novels up on ten million hotfile links, mistagging them, not providing any explanation to them, and not providing any feedback to us whatsoever that are ruining ULMF (at least for me).

Actually, Most of them have been banned for repeatedly ignoring warnings about how they aren't following the rules.

Edit: Also, next time you feel you need to make a post like that, go play a FPS or something for an hour before making it. That should help lower the aggressive feel of your statements.
Re: Fairy Fighting

No, I'm actually pretty calm and cool right now, just got off work, had a pretty good day (sold a big ticket so my next paycheck will be pretty fat). FPS's also just make me angry. The aggressive tone was because, as stated, I don't like GD and I have no problem with everybody knowing that I am openly hostile towards him. I appreciate the thought; I did however try to make it less about my hostility and more about the discussion. If he just wants to respond to the hostility that's his problem, as I won't be responding to something that holds no interest for me. So no worries about a flame war.
Re: Fairy Fighting

You say that like aggression in a post is bad.
Re: Fairy Fighting

aggressive or not, it's disgusting how right he is.

I post off topic a shitload, but I continue the current conversation. Where we end up may not be relevant, but there was a visible trail that can be traced. But I guess a bunch of anime pictures is basically the same thing as a conversation right?

Gelbooru doesn't allow hotlinking in this subdomain? Anyone care to translate that?
Re: Fairy Fighting

Gelbooru allows hotlinking at all? I thought you couldn't hotlink it anywhere. I think the reason is similar to how you can't hotlink 4chan pictures.
Re: Fairy Fighting

well all I know is some pictures I used to be able to see, I checked recently and couldnt
Re: Fairy Fighting

Well we're an H-forum, so they've probably banned us from accessing their images via IMG tags. I doubt we're special, they probably have done the same for everybody who links a lot of their images that way. They want hits on their site, not ours.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Just checked Gelbooru. It's not actually hotlinking that's the problem. If you click some of the images there, they're not showing up. Just their tags taking the place of the images. I guess something's up with the server itself, and most likely a temporary problem at that.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Standard time for a server issue to resolve: 5 business days. So next Wednesday if it's still fucked up, I guess it's broked.
Re: Fairy Fighting

Hmm To be quite honest, I did not think continuing this thread in such a way would incite such a negative response. : /

One thing I have liked about this forum is in fact its constant ADD and random witty posts many users add into the discussions. The images can be traced, in their own twisted way, back in this thread to one I posted of M. Knight Shamalan....so I would like to apologize if my image linking caused so much turmoil here...
Re: Fairy Fighting

Tox, you upset? You normally don't care too much about how ridiculous any of us act.

Being in a bad mood is like not caring for when it's -just- the right time to pluck your pie out of the oven, if you let it burn, then no one is going to be happy! Hehehe.
Re: Fairy Fighting

this topic need new update of Fairy Fighting :(

(or maybe that's me who need it)
Re: Fairy Fighting

As fun as random choice images are, sorting through them to look for updates isn't really what I come to this thread for.

Also, hasn't Gelbooru always been really, really slow? Whenever I try to access it I notice load times -much- longer than Danbooru.
Re: Fairy Fighting

As fun as random choice images are, sorting through them to look for updates isn't really what I come to this thread for.

Also, hasn't Gelbooru always been really, really slow? Whenever I try to access it I notice load times -much- longer than Danbooru.

and here I think it's just me who experienced that!