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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving onward, the two women made their way out of the room with the giant plant. As they did though, they could hear something that sounded like heavy pounding on the walls. Brianna took a step towards one of the walls, and that proved to be both a good, and bad thing at the same time.

Without warning a huge section of the 'roof' caved in between Elise and Brianna, cutting the room into two pieces. Elise would have to jump backwards to avoid being hit, and Brianna was tossed forward, fortunate to have been moving towards the wall, or she might have been killed by the debris crashing onto her. When the dust settled and Elise could see again, she realized that Brianna was nowhere to be seen! The half of the room she had been on was completely caved in, and there didn't seem to be a way around it, or through it. As her heart began racing in fear for Brianna, suddenly she could hear her calling out through the debris!

"Elise, are you alright? Shit, we're completely cut off from each other! I uh ... OK there's some sort of map that fell out of the wall when it caved in, it looks like this section I'm in cuts away from you, and then later loops back
into your section. I think reading this map that some of these caves were sealed off because they weren't in use, and that's what I'm in now, what just opened up. Keep following your path until you find a room where a second tunnel connects into it, and I'll meet you there. If I'm not there, come down that path to meet me. I'm going to head out, I'll meet you on the other side!"


1: Reply to her and head out.

2: Reply to her but stay put for now.

3: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As she got up, Elise began to follow Brianna towards the wall, but just then the roof seemingly collapsed before her very eyes and Elise dove back after shoving Brianna forward so she didn't get caught in the collapse. Covering her head and curling into a ball, Elise rode out the collapse until the dust had settled and when it had done so, Elise scrambled to her feet. "Brianna... BRIANNA HONEY... WHERE ARE YOU?" Elise cried out, hoping her beloved was alive.

When she heard Brianna's voice, Elise nearly collapsed against the fallen bit of wall, feeling so relieved to hear Brianna's voice and that she was okay from the sounds of it. Hearing Brianna out, Elise sighed again and then leaned against those broken wall pieces, placing her right hand on the opposite side from where she could only imagine Brianna was placing her hand. "Alright honey, I'll meet you at the end of that path. Wait for me there if you make it first, and I'll be there... I promise," Elise called back to Brianna before pausing a moment. "And... I love you. Be careful okay," she went on to say.

With that, Elise dusted herself off a bit before she moved onward, hoping everything would work out. Elise kept her eyes and her ears open for anything out of the ordinary as she moved on.

[1. Reply and move onward. This will be interesting.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise heard a muffled reply from Brianna, unable to understand most of it, but it seemed like she was already moving out. With nothing to do but move onward herself, she did so ...

In her first room away from Brianna, she came across a Neural Impactor!

Meanwhile ....

Brianna had also come across a Neural Impactor, smiling as she picked it up and prepared to move onward ....


1: Pick it up and move onward.

2: Ignore it and move onward.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving on to the next room, Elise came across a Neural Impactor that was laying on the ground, and decided to grab it before moving onward, hoping it would come in handy for her. She hoped Brianna would be okay while they were split up too, and after taking the thing she moved on in high spirits, knowing she needed to be that way to keep going.

[1. Take the Impactor and keep going.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving onward, Elise found herself in what appeared to be an empty room. As she started to move through it though ....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Elise: 12 vs. Trap???: 4

Elise suddenly notices something odd about the floor, and realizes some kind of trap is right in front of her! She's just able to avoid stepping onto whatever it was though, and there does seem to be a way around it ...


Brianna entered a seemingly empty room, shaking her head at how quiet this area was. Moving through the room though ....

Trap Evasion Roll:

Brianna: 11 vs. Trap???: 2

She suddenly noticed what seemed like grass growing out of the stone, in an odd place. Realizing it was probably a trap, she made certain to avoid it ...


1: Go around the trap and move onward.

2: Trip the trap to see what it is!
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Maneuvering around, Elise easily manages to avoid the trap set in the next chamber and slides past it, not wanting to trigger it by accident. "Heh, not today Thembrikal, Thrembrikal... whatever the fuck your name is. A-Anyway, I won't be tricked that easily," Elise said, shaking her head and moving onward. "I hope Brianna's alright," Elise thought to herself as she exited that chamber and moved on for the next.

[1. Move on and avoid the trap.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving onward, Elise (and Brianna for that matter) would find a big ass safe house type thing sitting in the middle of the place. Entering inside, she (they) would discover a Mini Knife!


1: Take it and move on.

2: Move on without it.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise moved on, and found another relatively empty area, which turned out to be a safe house. If she knew Brianna, she knew that if their paths mimicked one another, then Brianna wouldn't stay and wait for her to make it to the other side to Brianna, and would instead move on to make it to Elise. Sighing with this thought in mind, Elise moved on and took the mini-knife she found as well as she left the safe house.

"Maybe when we meet back up and find another one of these, we should sit and rest for a while, just to have some alone time with one another to talk and stuff. We haven't really done that since we got here," Elise said to herself as she walked onward.

[1. Move on]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving onward, Elise enters a room with a single foe waiting for her, appearing to have once been a Ritualist, possibly Mathosian. No longer, as the woman grinned wickedly at Elise before taking a combative stance!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 9 Corrupted Ritualist Type 1: HP: 195. Stamina: 245. Pleasure: 30

Initiative Roll:

Ritualist: 29 (Last)
Elise: 30 (1st)

Meanwhile ....

Brianna had also come across a similar foe, preparing to do battle with her!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 9 Corrupted Ritualist Type 1: HP: 195. Stamina: 245. Pleasure: 30

Initiative Roll:

Ritualist: 5 (Last)
Brianna: 18 (1st)


1: Attack!

2: Be Raped.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As she was moving along, Elise saw another chamber ahead and then the ritualist woman within staring at her. Elise recognized the woman had once been Mathosian herself, which was sad, especially after what Elise had heard before from the Drayne she and Brianna spoke to. It made her think that she and this woman could have once been friends, and the thought saddened her somewhat. But the best thing she could do now was to grant her a peaceful end and slumber.

Elise moved in and took her battle stance. "Don't know what you're grinning about miss," Elise said, raising an eyebrow before she darted in at her and attempted to take her ass down fast so she could then move on.

[1. Attack with Swift Edge Chain, and if she kills her, move onward, taking any items that may be dropped.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 13, 15 & Not Needed vs. Ritualist: 10, 12 & Not Needed.

Elise lands both of her hits, the second one critically, and down went the woman, dead just as fast as she'd been there.

Loot Phase:

Ritualist: Nothing!

Finding nothing but the 400 XP she gained, Elise moved onward.

Entering the next area, Elise would spot what appeared to be a Map Piece laying in the middle of an otherwise empty room!

Meanwhile ...

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 11 vs. Ritualist: 27

Brianna mis fires her spell!

The Ritualist tries to grab her, but Brianna is able to counter it, killing her anyway.

Loot Phase:

Ritualist: Nothing!

Finding nothing but the 400 XP she gained for killing the Ritualist, Brianna moved onward herself. Soon enough she entered a new room, where she found what seemed to be a Map Piece in an empty room!


1: Try to Take it.

2: Ignore it and Move Onward.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise darted in and swiftly dispatched her foe, killing and putting her to rest before she had the chance to do anything rash towards Elise. With her foe dead at her feet, Elise knelt beside her and said a little Mathosian prayer under her breath and closed the dead girl's eyes before moving on. "Rest in peace now my kin," Elise murmured to the dead woman.

After leaving that room and making her way to the next, Elise spotted what appeared to be a map piece. Knowing that it could be a trap, Elise was cautious, but still curious to see if it were real or not. Creeping forward, Elise reached out and grabbed at the map piece to pull in to look at.

[1. Take the map piece of course, and assuming it's a real one, move on afterwards.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Reaching out for the Map Piece, Elise's worst fears were realized as her hand simply passed through it, as it turned out to be a projected illusion! Almost instantly she heard a mechanism trigger, and before she could react, she was grabbed by slim, but powerful tentacles! In moments a device appeared out of the ground, some kind of massive rape machine. Quickly she was placed on it, and while a Vibrator stuffed itself inside of her pussy, and her ass, two suction cup devices fixed themselves to her breasts, and another mechanical arm brought down a fake pussy, sliding it over her cock and beginning to stroke her! Elise suffers 100 Pleasure from this odd form of Pussy Ride, and gains 160 KP! She has 150 Stamina left!

Meanwhile ....

Brianna had also decided to go for the map, muttering, "ah shit!" when it turned out to be fake. She too was grabbed in a similar rape machine to Elise, and raped in the same fashion! Brianna suffers 95 Pleasure from this strange tentacled device, gaining 155 KP. She has 175 Stamina left!


1: Attempt to get free (would she succumb and be raped til the trap was done with her at any point, or give in to have an orgasm at any point, etc?)

2: Succumb to the pleasure and be raped until the device is through with you!
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Knowing that it was probably a trap didn't deter her, and so she reached out, only to find out that it was one. "D-Dammit, of all the rotten luck," Elise yelped out, even as the tentacles grabbed her.

Elise squirmed around as the sex machine thing rose from the ground and she was placed onto it. Feeling the dildos sliding into her folds and ass made Elise's body seize up for a few moments, giving the machine ample time to affix the suction cups to her breasts, and the onahole to lower itself down over her dick, which was already throbbing from the pleasure. "N-No please... let go," Elise panted, pulling at the tentacles on her arms to try and break free.

[1. Try to break free, though if she can't break free before she cums once, then she'll stop resisting until after she cums a total of three or four times. After which and she'll snap out of it and try to break free again. :p]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Trap Attempt(s):

Elise: 26 vs. Trap: 20

Elise manages to break free quickly!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Trap Attempt:

Brianna: 13 vs. Trap: 18

Brianna is unable to break free of the trap!

Pleasure Roll:

Trap: 4 vs. Brianna: 23

Brianna resists taking any pleasure, but time has been wasted!


1: Move Onward.

2: Rest Stats to full then move onward.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

After squirming and thrashing around in the trap, Elise managed to break free amazingly with relative ease. Once she was free, Elise rolled to the side and away from the thing, where she scrambled back to her feet and dusted herself off. "Whew, that was close. Stupid fake map piece, getting my hopes up," Elise said to herself, where she then moved onward since there was nothing left to do.

[1. Move onward]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving onward, Elise found herself in a room that looked almost identical to the one she'd JUST left. Only this time there didn't seem to be anything in it. As she started to cross it though ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Elise: 13 vs. Trap???: 7

An instinctive warning suddenly compelled her to lunge forward and roll, proving to be a good thing as suddenly a large number of very healthy looking plant like tentacles thrust past her, missing her by inches! Rolling to look back, she saw some kind of rift had opened, and the tentacles were coming from it. Moments after missing her, and being unable to locate her, the tentacles retracted, and the rift closed!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Trap Attempt:

Brianna: 27 vs. Trap: 1

Brianna manages to rip herself free of the trap!


1: Move On.

2: Take a moment to recover, then move on.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise moved to the next room and felt a presence nearby... specifically behind her. She ducked and rolled forward to dodge what felt like an attack, and managed to do so, glancing back to see the rift thing opening up behind her and tentacles thrashing about futilely after her.

"Whew that was close," Elise muttered, moving on.

[1. Move on of course, and if possible when it's an update like this, just auto move on, cos that's what I'm gonna do anyway unless she's lost a bit of HP or is in need of rest.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving onward, Elise suddenly found herself looking at an Alarune!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 9 Alarune: Stamina: 205. Pleasure: 55. HP: 900. Weak vs. Cold. Special Ability: Aphrodisiac Kiss.

Initiative Roll:

Alarune: 16 (2nd)
Elise: 18 (1st)

Meanwhile ...

Brianna moved onwards, entering a room that seemed to be empty ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Brianna: 3 vs. Trap???: 8

... when suddenly tentacles grabbed her from behind! Crying out, she had just enough time to see some kind of rift had opened in the room, and there were countless tentacles coming from it before she was restrained, and penetrated in all of her holes! Brianna suffers 65 pleasure and gains 125 KP from her rape! She has 153 stamina left!


1: Fight!

2: Other? (Can't escape)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving along some more, glancing back at the rift in the previous room as she exited it, looking more than a little relieved that she'd gotten away. Heading into the next room though, she saw an alraune staring back at her. "I... don't guess you're going to just let me pass are you huh," Elise said to the alraune, taking her battle stance.

With that, Elise readies herself for battle and darted in to attack, not wanting to waste too much time as she slashed.

[1. Swift Edge Chain.]