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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise launches into her Rune Carve Chain, and has 91 MP left.

Elise deals 2,860 damage in total, leaving the Countess with 555 HP left.

Brianna ends the fight with a well placed Holy Blast, and the Countess literally vaporizes!

Both women gain 10,800 XP and discover there is no loot this time!

Suddenly a hidden doorway opens up, revealing a set of stairs leading downward. However, the stairs are blocked by another one of those barrier trap fields, the kind one of them has to get raped to take down. Brianna looks to Elise and shrugs.

"So who's doing it this time? I will unless you want to?"


1: Activate the device yourself.

2: Let her go ahead and do it.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

With another flurry of attacks from both girls, Countess Andra quickly fell to their combined might with Elise finishing her off with a stab into the Countess's heart. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you keep us here. We want to go home," Elise said softly as she gently lay Andra down with her dagger sticking out of her chest.

Once she'd laid her down, Elise pulled her blade free and looked over at Brianna with a serious look on her face. "We should keep moving," Elise said before Brianna looked over at her when they came to the device. "Oh yeah, um... I'll do it this time around since you did last time I believe," she added before stepping up to the device and preparing herself mentally for the coming onslaught of pleasure.

[1. Elise shall do it this time.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Nodding to Elise, Brianna would stand watch just in case.

Elise walked up to the device, and after a few moments, it came to life and yanked her forward, thrusting her inside it's tight depths! The pussy device mercilessly stroked her for what seemed to be a few minutes at most, drawing several rapid fire orgasms from the woman before suddenly releasing her! As it did, the barrier vanished, allowing them to move on if they so chose to.

Elise's Added KP: 1,863.

Skills Situation:

Elise: 3 Turn Cooldown on Signet of Agony, 10 Turn Cooldown on Clear Focus, 4 Turn Cool Down on Rune Carve. All other skills are available.

Brianna: 1 Turn Cooldown on Beatdown.

Stat Situation:

Elise: 13,711/50,000 KP.

Brianna: 14,783/50,000 KP.


3/3 Mana Pots, 1/1 KL Pot, 3 HP Pot, 2/2 Full MP Pots, 2/2 Full HP Pot for BOTH Women.


1: Rest for one turn to reach full stats.

2: Rest more that one turn to regain some skills (how long?)

3: Let's just go.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Biting her bottom lip in anticipation, Elise prepared for the coming pleasure, and wasn't disappointed. As soon as the tentacle things grabbed her and thrust her forward into the onahole, Elise squealed out as the thin pleasured her perfectly, not letting up one bit as it dripped lube all over her cock to allow it to slide easier. Elise could only watch as her cock disappeared inside and reappeared as it pulled back for several long minutes. She came multiple times inside of the thing, though it never once ceased its ministrations and kept going until it was satisfied with how much cum she'd given it.

When it was finally finished, with Elise having spurted at least half a dozen loads out, which left her balls aching a good bit, she was released and fell flat on her butt. Sighing, she decided to lay there for a couple of minutes before getting back up to move onward, feeling a bit drained from that. "Whew that thing always takes a lot out of you," Elise said, her cock still twitching slightly from the onahole's raping.

[1. Rest 1 turn and move on.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna nodded in agreement, keeping an eye open until Elise was ready to go.

Moving onward, they went down a flight of stairs that seemed to go on for half an hour, finally reaching the bottom. They discovered they were in some kind of cave like area, as the walls appeared to be made from stone, rather than brick or any known building material. The area was somewhat open, but only a singular direction presented itself, at least for now.

A large shrine sat in the middle of the place, one that radiated a new power. Cassidy suddenly appeared to explain what it was they had found.

"That is a shrine of rejuvination. Normally it would replenish your vital stats, such as health, mana and stamina, however since it seems you both are full, the shrine has the ability to remove a sizeable chunk of corruption from you, around 10,000 units. If you wish to take the shrine, you will have to first defeat Ashlynn Spiderfriend and her pet Arachne. If you do not wish to partake in the shrine, you should go."

Vanishing again, she left the two of them to make their decision.

Brianna just blinked at Elise and added in her thoughts.

"Well that sounds rather useful. Want to?"


1: Hell YES!

2: Nope.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

After moving along a ways, Elise looked around to Cassidy when they came upon another shrine, where she grimaced a bit before looking back to Brianna. "Didn't we already fight her? What the hell is this?" Elise asked curiously, looking a little weirded out by the fact that they would have fight one of the shrine bosses they'd already fought once before. "We aren't all that corrupted yet though I don't think. Are we? What do you think hon? And I think we did one of these shrines already too. I'm all for it, but if I remember correctly we had a bit of trouble with her last time, if it's to be believed that we're fighting Ashlynn again that is," she went on to say.

[1. Go for it, but only if Brianna is up to the task and wants to do it.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna started to say something, but Cassidy interjected at that moment, having suddenly reappeared!

"You are correct, you've faced her before. Each shrine boss is actually a clone from the original, and as for the originals, I know not of their fate. I am sorry, I should have explained that before."

Just as quickly, she was gone again.

Brianna for her part shrugged.

"Well, we took her down the last time, and now we know at least one of her tricks. Let's focus her down first and try to ignore her pet, or she'll just summon another one like she did last time. As for our corruption, this scanning spell is useful for that anyway. Both of us have over 13,000 units of it, so this would take a size able chunk out, and let us keep these potions that are supposed to remove it on hand for later. I say we do this, maybe we'll get another map piece out of it too."

Pausing a moment, Brianna smirked and then added. "light her up with one of your stuns early and I'll smash her quickly with Beatdown. Should be able to take a size able chunk off of her before she can move again. Take every advantage to shorten the fight early that we can."

Their minds made up, the two women activated the barrier, and their foes arrived!

Enemy Spawn:

Ashlynn Spiderfriend: Stamina: 300. Pleasure: 60. HP: 5,000.

Level 9 Arachne: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 70. HP: 800. Weak vs. Fire. Special Ability: Sexual Domination (Webs you)

Initiative Rolls:

Elise: 11 (3rd)
Brianna: 5 (Last)
Arachne: 14 (2nd)
Ashlynn: 23 (1st)

((New Combat System starts here, so this ought to be interesting.))

Grapple Attempts:

Ashlynn: 7 vs. Elise: 11+5=16

Arachne: 14 vs. Elise: 27+5=32

Elise dodges both tackle attempts!


Elise: 2 Turn Cooldown on Signet of Agony, 9 Turn Cooldown on Clear Focus, 3 Turn Cool Down on Rune Carve. All other skills are available.


1: Follow Brianna's Advice and try to stun Ashlynn.

2: Different attack pattern?

((Note: You can select your follow up attacks now so that I can keep running until her attacks are stopped by something such as a grapple. Or I can auto run her and line the attacks up with my own style which would maximize damage, up to you.))
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

When Cassidy popped back in and said what she did, Elise sighed softly at the knowledge that all of these shrine bosses were simply clones of the originals. "Well that sucks. Guess we'll just have to fight this on too and get rid of her too, and then the rest," Elise said, her hands on her hips as they walked into the shrine. "And alright honey, let's do it, I'm ready if you are," Elise then told Brianna when her beloved seemed set on going into this shrine.

Once inside, Elise awaited Ashlynn to come in, where she wasted no time and moved towards their foe, dodging both her and her pet along the way. Steeling herself, Elise went in and slashed at Ashlynn in hopes of stunning her as per Brianna's plan, where she would follow up with as great a chain of her attacks as she could manage.

[1. Beast Swipe on Ashlynn, and follow up with her basic chain attack since I think it's the only one up. As soon as Signet of Agony Chain is up, use it assuming she can.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 15+4=19. 30+4=34 (auto crit). 19+5=24, 23+5=28 & 30+5=35 vs. Ashlynn: 29. 12. 12, 18 & 28.

Elise: 25+4=29, 23+4=27 & 12+4=16. 21+5=26 vs. Arachne: 16, 3 & 29. 11

Brianna casts her Mantra of Speed Spell as soon as she can, giving both she and Elise double the turns!

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 16 & 29. vs. Ashlynn: 11 & 20.

Brianna: 22 & 1. vs. Arachne: 15 & 2.

Grapple Attempts:

Ashlynn: 12 vs. Elise: 22+5=27. LOST SECOND TURN. DIED before Round 3.

Arachne: 6. 20. 18 vs. Elise: 25+5=30. 21+5=26. 17+5=22.

Battle Recap:

In the first 'round' of combat Elise missed her attack against Ashlynn. Brianna then used her Mantra of Speed, leaving her with 185 MP. Launching into attack mode, Brianna landed both of her Holy Blast attacks, dealing 1,200 Damage to Ashlynn, which left her with 3,800 HP. Ashlynn and the Arachne both attempted to grab Elise, but the Assassin easily dodged them both.

Recovering from her earlier miss, Elise launched into attack mode to open her second attempt, and hit pay dirt. A pair of well placed Beast Swipe attacks landed critical on Ashlynn, stunning her while dealing another 1,320 damage. Ashlynn was still alive though and had 2,480 HP left. Brianna then launched into her beatdown attack, dealing 1,950 damage, but still Ashlynn remained standing with 530 HP. The Arachne attempted to grab Elise, but once more missed.

Setting her feet after dodging the Arachne, Elise turned and finished off Ashlynn with a well places series of swipes from her Swift Edge chain, despite Ashlynn's attempts to dodge it. Turning to face the Arachne, she landed two of her hits from another Swift Edge chain, dealing only 360 damage. That left the Arachne with 440 HP. Brianna was only able to land one of her spells though, leaving the Arachne alive with 140 HP, and a chance to continue the fight. Elise however was able to dodge the Arachne, and then finished off the Arachne with a single hit from her Swift Edge chain.

With both of their foes quickly dispatched, the two women activated the shrine, watching as it's energy washed over them, stripping most of their corruption away! With that done, it was time to check for loot!

Both Women gained 5,400 XP.

Loot Phase:

Arachne: Nothing!

Ashlynn: Rejuvination Potion.

Finding a Rejuvination Potion for each one of them, Brianna handed one to Elise.

"That was much easier. Guess we know now how to end a fight fast huh?"


1: Move Onward while replying.

2: Rest to full, reply and then move on (1 turn needed, can't be caught).
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Darting in, Elise slashed Ashlynn a couple of times before Brianna cast her mantra of speed on them both. With that, Elise smirked and nodded to Brianna before diving back into the fray. She slashed and stabbed furiously, striking perfectly and quickly taking Ashlynn down, keeping her on her heels the entire time and by the time she'd shoved her dagger into Ashlynn's heart and finished her off, Elise caught their foe and gently laid her down. "Sleep now, and forgive us," Elise said softly and looked back at Brianna before darting at the Arachne and taking her out with a single attack and feeling like she was practically a goddess, having turned into a super bad ass.

"Aye we do. I think our powers that were given to us are a good combo. Come on though honey, let's get a little rest before we go on. I'm a bit out of breath," Elise said to Brianna, nodding to Brianna before taking a seat to rest a bit. "We're a lot stronger than before is why we won so easily I think," she added before motioning Brianna over to sit with her.

Once they had rested long enough to recover, Elise would get up and help Brianna up before heading onward, holding Brianna's hand as they went.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna nodded, realizing Elise was right. She certainly felt stronger than she had before, and her attack power certainly showed that. Sitting down to rest just long enough to be back at full strength, she'd then get up and take the offered hand, her thoughts briefly drifting to what they might do if and when they got off this rock ....

Moving onward, they pair hadn't gone too terribly far when suddenly they spotted 4 enemies coming towards them! They had just enough time to note that the room had a huge pool of deep water in it before their foes were visible!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 8 Slime Girl: Stamina: 200. Pleasure: 55. HP: 800. Damage: 20. Weak vs. Lightning: Special Ability: Stuck on You. Will Attempt to Kill when Pregnant if Attacked. Attacks Can't be stopped, they must be slain.

Level 8 Enoly: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

Level 9 Amphibious Drayne: Stamina: N/A. Pleasure: 60. HP: 700.

Level 9 Demonic Starfish: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 45. HP: 500. Weak vs. Lightning.

Initiative Rolls:

Elise: 18 (tie breaker: 10) (4th)
Brianna: 15 (5th)
Slime: 18 (tie breaker: 23) (3rd)
Enoly: 19 (2nd)
Drayne: 12 (Last)
Starfish: 24 (1st)

Grapple Attempts:

Starfish: 1 vs. Elise: 9+5=14

Enoly: 17 vs. Elise: 28+5=33

Slime: 29 vs. Elise: 15+5=20

Elise manages to dodge both the Starfish and the Enoly, but she is unable to avoid being tackled by the Slime Girl, who instantly starts to ooze around her body!


1: Try to get free!

2: Slime Girl Pussy sounds AMAZING (let's fuck it once).
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Sitting beside Brianna, Elise smiled softly and pulled Brianna close, their naked bodies in such close proximity arousing her slightly, but she was able to keep from getting a major hard on. "Brianna honey, what are you thinking about?" Elise asked curiously as they set off again, noticing that Brianna had been thinking about something.

After Brianna stated her thoughts, if she decided to, Elise would simply smile and hug her beloved before leading the way into the next area. They came face to face with four foes, most of which they hadn't encountered before. "Whoa, something new huh. Come on honey, let's do this. Aim for that Enoly thing first and the Starfish, I'll try and handle the others," Elise whispered to Brianna with a nod before readying herself for battle.

Dodging the starfish thing as it dove at her was easy, with Elise simply sidestepping it as it came at her. The enoly came next, with Elise easily managing to maneuver around it as well, batting the fish man away. However, Elise wasn't prepared for the slime to form into a girl and grab her like it... no, like she had done. Feeling the slime trying to ooze up around her, Elise gasps and immediately tries to struggle free to at least help Brianna get rid of the enoly and the starfish things, her heart starting to race a bit as she flailed her body this way and that to break free. "N-No... let me... go dammit. No time to play right now," Elise grunted.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 15 vs. Slime Girl: 4

Elise manages to break free quickly.

Brianna casts her Mantra of Speed, and has 185 Stamina left.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 30, 22, 29, 9 & 25 vs. Enoly: 5, 18, 21, 17 & 5.

Brianna lands 4 of her hits, with only the first landing critical. Brianna deals 650 Damage which is enough to kill the Enoly ....

Brianna: 19 vs. Starfish: 16

Brianna lands her Holy Blast for 600 damage as the Starfish is Demonic, and fries it too.

Grapple Attempt:

Drayne: 25 vs. Elise: 21+5=26

Elise BARELY manages to dodge!


1: Attack the Drayne.

2: Attack the Slime Girl.

3: Run Away!

4: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise manages to struggle free of the slime girl, who had become solid enough to give a firm shove to do so. Glancing to her side, Elise saw Brianna obliterate the enoly and starfish as per her plan, taking out what she deemed as the two weaker foes first to keep from being harassed while they fought the drayne and slime girl. "Alright honey, now let's do this... WHOA!" Elise called to Brianna, giving a little yelp as she ducked under the drayne's lunge.

"Now come on you two, you don't gotta fight us like this. It's clear we can obliterate you without much effort. I mean just look at what Brianna did within the blink of an eye. So come on and back down and we'll all be on our way," Elise said to the slime girl and drayne, whichever would listen, if either.

[4. Other, try and talk them down if possible, maybe see if one or both be friendly ones like that one a few battles ago. :3]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

There was a long moment where the two creatures actually stopped, looking over the two of them as if not sure what to make of them now. The Slime began making some strange noises in the direction of the Drayne, who sat there seeming to listen. The Drayne tilted it's head in the direction of the Slime, glancing over at the two women every now and then. The slime had gone quiet, though it seemed thoughtful now, having formed into a more solidified state. Finally, she reverted back into her slime state, and began to ooze off in a seemingly random direction!

The Drayne meanwhile looked at the two women, and then surprised the hell out of them when she began TELEPATHICALLY communicating with them!

"Interesting, you show far more promise than any we've seen come to this world, save for the Alteran woman. That being said, there are some things you should know. Not all of us wish to follow Thembrihkal, the lord of this place. Some however are bound to do so regardless, while others, such as the two of us, have learned how to go against his wishes here and there while fooling him into thinking we are loyal. There is a growing splinter cell of us, and we hope some day to rise up. That day is not today though, but any help you can provide would be helpful. If you are able to deal enough damage to his network, we may be able to take advantage, and help others, if not you. I wish you luck on your journey."

Brianna blinked. Alteran woman? It was too much, she had to ask a question of this creature.

"Alteran woman? As in the Alteran race rumored to have built the gateways?"

"Yes. You have already met her as well, she is your guide, and the prisoner of Thembrihkal. You must have far more potential than even I can see for her to have risked communicating with you. If he knew she was helping you in any form beyond translating the maps for you, he would severely punish her."


1: Continue talking for now.

2: Thank her and prepare to move on (loot and XP will be granted when you move onward in this case).

3: Other?
Last edited:
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise hadn't expected her words to get through to the remaining two, however she was incredibly surprised when they did seem to do so as the slime girl looked to the drayne and vice versa, and then the slime girl slithered off. When the drayne's voice entered her mind, Elise gasped softly, having been so surprised by this whole turn of events that she was at a total loss for words.

"I uh... I see. We ran into a... Lust Demoness not too long ago, after we defeated the first shrine with Ashlynn and just before we defeated Countess Andra," Elise replied to the drayne, trying to think it silently back to her since the drayne seemed to be telepathic. "I hope she's okay, poor thing's been tortured for a very long time from what I could tell. Um... could I ask you a favor by chance? I... I would like to know what happened to our peoples, and how long we've been in stasis. I'm half Mathosian and half elf, and Brianna here is full elf. Are... are we the last of our kinds? W-What happened to our home planets?" Elise went on to say to the drayne, curious about what all had happened.

[1. Continue talking for now.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

The Drayne let out a long sigh, the look on her face suggesting this was a long story, and one they wouldn't like to hear.

"To the best of my knowledge, the two of you have been in stasis as you call it for over a thousand years. The year, by your calender would be three thousand and thirty. About 700 years ago your home world was over run by an invasion from another plane of existence, it's people forced to abandon the world you knew as Mathos, or Mathosia. About 550 years ago they resettled on a new planet that we've managed to keep hidden from Thembrihkal, so he is as of yet unaware your own people still exist, or that they are building up defenses should he return. Both of your people survived and live together, along with the Norn, and what's left of the Sylvari race. The last I heard, there are only around a thousand or so Sylvari left, they were nearly wiped out. As for Cassidy ..."

She trailed off, perhaps uncertain of how to explain this. Finally she continued, an almost pained look on her face.

"Cassidy is, as you thought Brianna, of the Alteran race, the ones who built the Galaxy Gates. Much of what she knew was taken from her mind forcibly by Thembrihkal when he defeated her, though he's been unable to completely corrupt her. Something about her physiology makes her extremely resistant to being completely corrupted by him, perhaps and advanced mutation. Either way, she's outlasted everything he has done to her so far, and is still resisting him after all this time, which I believe by your year measurements, she's been in his clutches for well over 700 years. How she has survived so long, I don't know, but we've been unable to help her. You may be her only hope of ever escaping this place."

Brianna simply remained silent, trying to process everything that she'd just been told.


1: Continue talking.

2: Thank her and say good bye, time to move on.

3: other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

After listening to the drayne's response, Elise's heart sank more than a little. "A... t-thousand years? My gods... h-how? Everyone we knew, pretty much... is gone," Elise replied, falling to her knees as she spoke.

After the drayne had finished talking about Cassidy, Elise felt life surge back into her legs and she managed to stand up again. "I guess we don't have much choice then do we. I'd planned on punching that bastard in the face on our way out anyway. And Cassidy has helped us out quite a bit since we woke up, giving us info and stuff I mean," Elise said softly to the drayne, reaching over and squeezing Brianna's hand as she showed a determined look in her eyes. "Is there anything you could tell us about your movement? Like... a means of telling who is with you without giving you away in battle? Like, maybe a motion that nobody else would recognize, or words, or a signal of some sort?" Elise went on to ask the drayne.

[1 and then 2. Keep talking for a few moments longer to ask about what she's wanting to know before moving onward.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"I'm afraid not. Anything we could use for you to recognize us would allow him to recognize us as well, and crush those he recognized. However, those who belong to our movement will likely appear to not be trying, as if to stall the battle out. Some may act more like the others, and may need you to speak to them like you did to us. Our numbers are few though, so do not expect to have many more battles that are this ... quick. I wish you the best of luck, and before I go, take these items."

Loot Phase:


Starfish: NOTHING.

Amphibious Drayne gives: Rejuvination Potion (from Slime Girl), Map Piece and 600 XP Spell Cast upon you.

Both Women Gain a total of 1,200 XP.

Taking the items, they parted ways, dropping down into the next level of the Catacombs!

Moving onward and into the second level, they eventually came to a massive room that seemed to have some kind of huge plant growing in it. As they started for the only exit ...

Trap Evasion Attempt:

Elise: 23 vs. Trap???: 21

Brianna: 29 vs. Trap???: 6

... Brianna suddenly let out a yell and threw herself at Elise, knocking them both to the ground and out of the reach of a pair of enormous tentacles that would have grabbed them.

"Fuck, that thing is alive! We need to get out of here, FAST!"


1: Run!

2: Walk up to the trap and let it grab you!
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"Oh well, it was worth a try I guess. Thank you miss. And, I'm Elise, and this is Brianna. If you don't know our names, or your movement doesn't know, then you could pass our names and what we look like along to others when you see them. It'd be great to not have to fight every single time we run into someone. I mean, we've killed Ashlynn Spiderfriend or whatever her name is twice, Kelaino once, Blood Raven I think... and maybe another one or two at shrines. And we killed Countess Andra not too long ago as well. It just seems like we're only going from one battle to the next with no end in sight is all," Elise said to the drayne, thanking her and graciously taking the items before they parted ways.

Heading down further, Elise led the way in higher spirits than she had been in a while, thanks to finding more possible allies mainly, but also because they'd found out a little more information. While she was deep in though as they walked, Elise was nearly grabbed by some tentacles had Brianna not been there to save her from her fate. "Oh gods... thank you so much honey. I really need to focus, else I'll get grabbed eventually," Elise said as she looked over to Brianna, kissing her on the lips before scrambling to her feet and pulling Brianna up before they ran on to the next area of the catacombs.