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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

The succubus merely grinned at her, and then a voice filled her mind.

"I welcome the challenge little one. I've not had a real challenge in some time."

Penetration Attempt:

Flesh Teaser: 28 vs. Elise: 5.

Elise has no chance as suddenly the Succubus forces her into a sitting position, and a chair of some kind appears under her. Shoving Elise downward, the assassin found herself sitting in the chair. Before she could react though, magical energy tendrils grabbed her wrists, upper arms, shoulders, waist, upper legs and ankles, restraining her in the chair and binding her up, legs spread open! She would struggle against it, but quickly realize she had no prayer of breaking free on her own! With a grin, she felt some of the tentacles poke into her ass, toying with it but not directly fucking it, even as the succubus lowered her mouth down and claimed her cock inside. An energy barrier went up around them, and even as the succubus began to suck off Elise, she was messing with her mind.

"There, a little privacy. Let your friend there have fun with my pet. I have you all to myself for now, at least until she manages to get past my pet, IF she does. Now, just lay back and enjoy yourself, you can't escape on your own."

She began sucking Elise off, toying with her as she expertly dominated her. Elise suffers 130 pleasure as Flesh Teaser finds a critically vulnerable spot on her, sucking her off relentlessly. Elise gains 150 KP, and has only 58 stamina left until she has an orgasm! Elise can't break free of the magical chair suck on her own!

Grapple Attempt:

Supreme Succubus: 18 vs. Brianna: 26.

Brianna dodges the succubus again, shooting a worried look over in Elise's direction, but knowing she can't help her yet.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 2 vs. Supreme Succubus: 27. Counter Attack = NO.

Brianna: 8 vs. Supreme Succubus: 16. Counter Attack = NO.

Brianna can't land a hit!


1: Try to resist the sexual pleasure even though you can't escape on your own.

2: Give in and let her suck you off until Brianna can get you free.

3: Try to resist for a time (specify how long), and then if Brianna isn't able to help you, give in and enjoy it until she does.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As Elise began to struggle against Flesh Teaser's grasp, she suddenly felt herself pushed down where she expected to feel the ground meet her, where she'd roll and flip back to her feet quickly in an effort to prepare to fight her foe some more. But she instead landed in a perfectly built for her chair, where magical bands of energy wrapped around her in several places to prevent her escape, and she knew she couldn't break free alone by just how perfectly subdued she was at the moment.

"W-What the... n-no... please let go... make this a fair fight damn you. N-No not my ass... please, t-those tentacles will... t-tickle my prostate. C-Can't t-take it... m-much longer. NO PLEASE... N-NOT MY BALLS... THEY'RE SO SENSITIVE!" Elise moaned aloud, squealing lewdly as Flesh Teaser grasped her testes and tickled and teased them, kneading them and squeezing them until Elise was already on the verge of cumming after only a few seconds of sucking and doing that. "Oh gods... I... I'm going to lose my mind," Elise then panted aloud, shaking her head from side to side as if trying to resist the pleasure, though it was a weak resistance, letting Flesh Teaser know that she was effecting Elise with the way she was doing this and with her words.

[3. Resist until she orgasms twice, then give in until Brianna breaks her free.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Round 1:

Pleasure Roll:

Flesh Teaser: 9 vs. Elise: 7.

Elise can't resist the pleasure as Flesh Teaser continues to suck her off, teasing her ass with her tentacles. Elise suffers 70 pleasure, and it's too much, leading to her having a wild orgasm! As she reaches her peak, Flesh Teaser gently bites down into Elise's cock, drinking both her seed, and her energies! Elise gains 120 KP and loses HP! She loses 18 HP and has 147 left! She also has 213 stamina until her next orgasm. As she comes down from the climax, adrenaline surges through her, but it's not enough! Flesh Teaser suddenly 'speaks' to her again.

"Ah, you enjoyed that hmm? Having fun my lovely girl? There's plenty more where that came from!"

Grapple Attempt:

Supreme Succubus: 5 vs. Brianna: 13. Counter Attack = YES!

The Succubus tries to grab Brianna, but the Chantress finds an opening, and whacks her over the head with her staff, dealing 400 damage! The Succubus has 100 HP left.

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 22 vs. Succubus: 18. Counter Attack = NO!

Brianna fries the Succubus!

Free Elise Attempt:

Brianna: 27 vs. Flesh Teaser: 23.

Flesh Teaser is too busy taunting Elise to realize her pet is dead, or that her shield is down, and Brianna practically HURLS her away from Elise, freeing her!



2: Let Brianna handle it a turn.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"N-No... please slow down... or s-stop altogether. I don't... w-want you dammit... I don't want to be corrupted," Elise panted to Flesh Teaser as she sucked her off.

As she felt the tentacle probing her ass some while the crown of her cock slipped into the succubus' mouth, Elise felt her poor testes churning as her seed began boiling up her urethra towards her sweet release. As her balls tightened up against her body, Elise's orgasm struck, a cute squeal of ecstasy spilling from her lips as she came as hard as she could into those sweet succulent lips of Flesh Teaser's, and she kept spurting her seed, and kept spurting more as one of Flesh Teaser's hands massaged and squeezed her poor balls to coax more out. Then she felt a pair of fangs sink into her raw sensitive flesh and her squeals of ecstasy turned into ones of pure bliss as she felt her own spiritual energies being drained from her body.

Elise felt very drained, of both energy and cum both. The only consolations she could find in that magnificent orgasm aside from how good it felt was the fact that her adrenaline was now pumping hard through her veins and that at the very least this lusty succubus seemed to enjoy her, so if it came down to it she was going to feel good for all eternity. Elise's half lidded eyes glanced over at Brianna as she all but obliterated the other succubus and turned her attention back to her and Flesh Teaser. Bracing herself slightly, Elise looked down at Flesh Teaser when the succubus spoke to her again telepathically and smirked.

"Oh yeah I enjoyed that, it felt great getting to cum so hard like that, so thanks. And of course there's going to be plenty more cum in those big fat balls of mine. But you won't taste another drop of it sugar, sorry, Next time you should use your pussy. I might have given in completely if you'd done that instead of being all prissy and using your mouth because you wanted to tease me instead," Elise told Flesh Teaser as Brianna made a savage attack on the succubus and freed her from the confines of the magical chair she'd been trapped in.

Once free, of both the chair and the cum that was building up in her balls, Elise grabbed her weapons and stared at Flesh Teaser for a moment before nodding to Brianna. "Alright hon, hit her hard and fast okay," Elise said, not holding back and going in at Flesh Teaser in hopes of stunning her with a quick attack to give them a few free shots since Brianna's magics were quickening them currently.

[1. Revenge time, attack the bitch with Beast Swipe in hopes of stunning her, and if she does stun her, Elise will go with Rune Carve Chain.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 28+5=33 vs. Flesh Teaser: 7. Counter Attack = NO.

Elise is faster, and manages to land her hit, stunning Flesh Teaser! She hits for 300 damage, leaving her with 4,700 HP. 3 turns cool down on Beast Swipe.

((Note: While stunned, an enemy CAN'T dodge an attack. FREE SHOTS!))

Elise lands every hit including the rune burst, and three of the hits land for critical damage! Elise deals 1,300 damage and Flesh Teaser has 3,400 HP left. Elise has 155 HP, and 85 MP left.

Flesh Teaser is stunned, and loses her turn.

Brianna lands both her smite attacks, dealing 800 damage, sort of kicking herself in the rear mentally for using her beatdown and not having it here to finish the fight earlier. Flesh Teaser has 2,400 HP left, and Brianna has 48 MP.


1: Attack (a few skills left!)

2: Taunt her and let her recover.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Darting in at Flesh Teaser, Elise managed to slide around her defenses well enough to perform her skill on the succubus bitch. Elise slammed the hilt of one of her daggers into the side of Flesh Teaser's head as her other slashed her foe. "Gotcha now bitch. You're gonna go down now. Sorry though hon, if you hadn't been trying to corrupt us then we might have had some fun with you and not cared even if you'd raped us some, so long as you let us go afterwards," Elise said as Brianna followed up on the stunned succubus.

Elise moved in to hopefully finish the powerful succubus off with another flurry of attacks since she and Brianna both had Brianna's haste spell active on them both. Finishing her flurry of attacks on Flesh Teaser, Elise ended her attacks by lunging in and stabbing her daggers through Flesh Teaser's chest to finish her off.

[1. Attack with Rune Carve Chain on Flesh Teaser, and since it's hasted and all it will be a double attack for 2,000 dmg I believe.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

((So Rune Carve is on cool down, which means Signet of Agony is what she'd use. Ironically, this means Flesh Teaser will not get another turn lol. Also, I forgot to add her damage boost from the new system haha. Still getting used to it.))

Elise KILLS Flesh Teaser on the second round before the chain even ends, ending this fight!

Loot Phase:

Flesh Teaser: Full HP Potion.

Supreme Succubus: Nothing!

Both women gain 5,400 XP, and hit Level 6!


1: Grab and Go.

2: Grab and ???

((Shrine takes effect once you move.))

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

(No worries dude, so long as she and Brianna got her. Didn't expect Beast Swipe to work honestly so Flesh Teaser would be stunned for her and Brianna to obliterate her.)

Throwing a flurry of dagger strikes at Flesh Teaser, Elise slices and cuts her expertly in all the right places to prevent her from managing a counter attack. She kept up the attack and pressed it home as she spun around one last time and lunged at her opponent, burying her dagger right through Flesh Teaser's chest where it slips into her heart, ending the cruel teasing succubus' torturous reign of terror she forced upon her victims.

"I... really kinda wish that she hadn't been evil and corrupting and whatnot you know. She would have been one helluva good fuck, and that mouth... oh with that mouth she could have made us both squeal in ecstasy for hours on end. I hate that the succubi here have been turned into such evil beings. Nothing like the succubi we used to have fun with every day," Elise said, looking a bit saddened by the loss of such beauty as Flesh Teaser was.

Alas though she couldn't sit and mourn for long she knew, and so she took up the potions left from Flesh Teaser and passed one to Brianna to hold onto after seeing what they were, knowing that they'd come in handy. "Alright sweetie, let's move along before something else shows up, that went better than I anticipated," Elise told Brianna, leaning over to kiss her beloved on the lips as she passed her the potion and they set off, taking the power of the shrine for themselves to utilize in battles to come.

[1. Grab the potions and go, time to move on, besides there's no point in resting when it wouldn't really benefit them too much.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna only nodded, seeming to not want to think about it at all. Moving onward ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Elise: 22 vs. Trap: 6.

Brianna: 12 vs. Trap: 9.

... Elise would spot a trap! A small trip wire was across the hallway they were in, and she would have to reach out to stop Brianna from tripping it. With disaster averted, they could breathe a bit easier.


1: Trip it anyway for the fun.

2: Carefully go past it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Taking their new potions and moving onwards, they soon came upon a new trip wire trap that Elise noticed a bit before Brianna did and she swung a hand out in front of her beloved and caught her so she didn't trigger the thing. Sighing a bit, Elise stepped over the thing and and helped Brianna over it too before they continued on, figuring it best to just leave the thing be where hopefully one of their foes would trigger it on themselves.

"Come on, let's just keep going. I want to hurry through this world if possible so we can go home. I don't like this place," Elise said as they continued onwards, with Elise keeping an eye out around them just in case something tried to sneak up on them both.

[2. Just keep going, no need to tempt fate.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving onward, they found a room that had partially filled with water in one area, as well as a Lich Queen! Smiling at them, the Lich began to move towards them, her intent clear. Before Elise could react though ...

Initiative Roll:

Elise: 25
Brianna: 18
Lich Queen: 2
Scylla: 26

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 29 vs. Elise: 21.

... A figure emerged from the water, and Elise suddenly found herself in the tentacled embrace of a Scylla again! She was quickly dragged towards the water, even as the Lich Queen set her sights on Brianna!


1: No Scylla sex!

2: Oooh, fuck me baby.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As the pair continued onwards further, they soon came upon another watery area, where Elise remembered that the scyllas dwelt. But she was starting to get a bit thirsty as well and thought to stop and take a drink of the water if it was okay to drink. Kneeling down, Elise started to get a handful of water to drink when she saw the lich queen standing there waiting for them. Jumping back up, Elise prepared her blades for combat, but was cut short as another scylla splashed up out of the water and grappled her before she could even blink and react.

"Gah... dammit. Brianna... take care of that...b-bitch over there. I'll handle this thing," Elise cried out as she was tackled down, where she began struggling and fighting to get free and fight the scylla.

[1. struggle to get free and fight, no scylla sex this time around.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 6 vs. Scylla: 23.

Elise isn't going anywhere yet.

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 3 vs. Lich Queen: 11. Counter Attack = YES.

Brianna isn't fast enough to recognize the Lich Queen is baiting her, and as she tries to recover from misfiring her spell, the Lich races in, pins her down, mounts her and begins to ride her! Brianna barely manages to stifle the urge to cry out in shocked pleasure, but she can't deny the pleasure. Brianna suffers 55 pleasure, and gains 75 KP from the sudden sex. Brianna has 200 stamina until she has an orgasm, while the Lich has 190 until she orgasms around Brianna's cock.

Penetration Attempt:

Scylla: 13 vs. Elise: 18.

Elise manages to resist the Scylla's attempts to mount her inside that tight, tentacled pussy of hers.


1: Try to struggle free again.

2: Watch as Brianna gets raped, which may lead to you getting raped.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Struggling against the scylla, Elise barely made any headway if any at all at breaking free, the scylla's tentacles just holding her so strongly that she simply couldn't get free enough to kick loose. Brianna was quickly overwhelmed by the lich queen herself and knocked down, where she was then mounted by her foe while Elise was left struggling with the scylla.

"D-Dammit... get off of me. D-Don't want any more sex right now from you lewd things," Elise grunted at the scylla, who thankfully hadn't managed to make any headway at mounting her yet, but Elise knew that it wouldn't take long to make that headway against her if she didn't keep fighting.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt

Elise: 18 vs. Scylla: 25.

Elise gets closer to freedom, but not close enough!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 27 vs. Lich Queen: 28.

Brianna struggles mightily, but the Lich Queen is able to overpower her and keep her pinned down!

Lich Queen Special Skill Attempt:

Lich Queen: 29 vs. Brianna: 26.

The Lich Queen suddenly darts her mouth down, and passionately kisses Brianna! Brianna struggles furiously, almost in a panic, and suddenly her entire body goes limp, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as the Lich Queen's 'venom' takes root in her system.

With Brianna momentarily paralyzed, the Lich Queen continues to ride her, the only movement from Brianna coming from her body lightly bucking under the pleasure inflicted upon it. Brianna suffers 55 pleasure, unable to fight back, and has 145 Stamina left until she has an orgasm. Brianna also gains 555 KP from both the rape, and the kiss!

The Lich Queen has 80 stamina left until she contracts in an orgasm around Brianna's captured cock.

Penetration Attempt:

Scylla: 4 vs. Elise: 8.

Once more, Elise's struggles prevent the Scylla from being able to start fucking her.


1: Try to get her you again.

2: Get raped/watch Brianna get raped.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise struggled mightily against the new scylla, but just wasn't able to break free, but she felt that she was making a bit of headway against her tentacled grip, though she was sure that the scylla could probably overpower her once more if she let up for even a second. Glancing around at Brianna, Elise saw the Lich Queen kiss her beloved right on the lips and she felt jealousy flaring up inside her chest as her eyes narrowed at the bitch as the venomous kiss took its hold on Brianna.

"D-Damn you... Brianna is my lover. I'm the only one that can kiss her like that," Elise growled before she started kicking at the scylla, managing to prevent the thing from taking her grapple further and starting to rape her. Elise turned her attention fully back to the scylla, where she kicked at her to try and get loose so she could finish her off and go help Brianna.

[1. try to break free again.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

The Lich smiled at Elise.

"Don't worry, I'll treat her good and keep her warm for you."

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 28 vs. Scylla: 28 (Seriously?!?).

Elise and the Scylla remain locked in a battle of wills, with Elise almost, but not quite breaking free.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 3 vs. Lich Queen: 4.

Brianna weakly struggles, but the Lich Queen seems to have focused a bit much on taunting Elise, and ALMOST lets her prey escape.

Pleasure Roll:

Lich Queen: 25 vs. Brianna: 21.

The Lich Queen gets back to the task at hand, and continues to ride Brianna off. Brianna suffers 55 pleasure, and has 90 Stamina left until she has an orgasm. Brianna gains 55 KP from the rape.

The Lich has 25 Stamina left until she climaxes around Brianna, and triggers a double orgasm!

Penetration Attempt:

Scylla: 23 vs. Elise: 18.

The Scylla gains the upper hand finally, either due to her finally figuring out Elise's defense, or Elise being distracted by the Lich Queen's taunts. Either way, suddenly Elise feels tight, tentacled pussy slide effortlessly over her cock, and begin riding her. Elise suffers 55 Pleasure, and gains 75 KP. She has 180 Stamina left.

The Scylla has 130 Stamina until she orgasms around Elise.


1: Try to get free from the rape.

2: Other?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

(Shouldn't the players always win on a tie dude? Would make more sense if they did and would also keep battles from taking forever.)

"Y-You'll pay for that you bitch, she's mine," Elise growled at the lich woman after she spoke about keeping Brianna warm for her.

Elise struggled against the scylla as viciously as she could, hoping to get free so she could show that lich queen a thing or two. Unfortunately Elise could get loose from the tentacles grip the scylla had her in, though she came close she felt. Brianna she saw was having trouble getting free too though she noticed that she nearly broke free as well just like she had.

Elise knew that Brianna wouldn't last too much longer with a tight pussy gripping her nice... thick... juicy cock. "No... Brianna... she's gonna cum soon and I can't stop it. Dammit... I want her cum inside me, not to go to waste in some slut's pussy who only wants her cum and doesn't care anything about her aside from wanting her cum," Elise thought to herself as she glanced over at Brianna being ridden off by the lich queen, who's pussy she could almost sense was squeezing and milking Brianna's cock as tight as she could while bouncing up and down on it.

While distracted with her inner thoughts, Elise's defenses were bypassed by the scylla who's tentacles managed to swat and knock her hands away so her own tentacled pussy could capture Elise's own cock. Elise let out a gasp before her body shuddered, her length twitching and aching with both need for more sex and being a bit sore after all the fun up until now. Elise's body was trying to override her mind and just give in for one of the rides of her life, but her mind was still mostly in control thankfully... for now at least.

"No... stop it... that feels so good. A-And I... want Brianna inside me... not inside of her," Elise panted some of her inner desires aloud, not realizing it before it had already been spoken aloud. With that, Elise threw her left hand over her mouth but the words had already been said unfortunately, so Brianna, the scylla, and the lich queen all three had heard her, and then she began trying to escape, trying to block out Brianna's moans of pleasure if she could. Elise would try to struggle free from the scylla at this point, though she was obviously distracted by things, but she still gave it her all, or as much as she could anyway.

Okay, Elise is torn from the pleasure and wanting to save Brianna. She wants to give in, but her mind is still fighting and telling her to keep fighting. She will fight unless some things happen however, so here are some of those things.

If Brianna cums and cries out aloud where Elise can hear her then she will turn to look at the two with a look of wanting which will distract her some, and if the scylla and or lich queen taunt her some more after her slip up in what she said, then Elise will deny it with an embarrassed look on her face, covering her face with her hands and giving the scylla free rein for a couple of turns. Other than that she will fight the pleasure and try to get free.

Also, if any of her fetishes are used against her, then she'll give in for a couple of turns. One of those fetishes is urethral insertions, so if the scylla tickles the inside of her cock with a tentacle inside her pussy while riding her then Elise will instantly be putty in her hands... or tentacles rather. If you like I can PM you a list of Elise's fetishes that I came up with which would spice things up that you can just give her an extra bit of pleasure or make a roll to see if her fetish triggers and she doesn't resist the pleasure from it or something like that. Just a thought to make it more fun. If it's not something you want to try and add in then I'll roll every turn to see if Elise would give in or not. :p


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

A smirk crossed the Lich's face as she replied coyly, "Well, maybe when we corrupt you, we'll set a foursome up for you."

Escape Rape Attempt:

Elise: 27 vs. Scylla: 15

Those words seemed to spark something inside of Elise, who found a sudden surge of strength and tossed off the Scylla!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 4 vs. Lich Queen: 15

Brianna can't toss off the Lich Queen, and if Elise was looking at her, she'd catch a sudden, almost malicious look on Brianna's face.

Suddenly, Brianna seems to lay back, and stop fighting her rape! The Lich Queen continues to ride her, oblivious of the look on Brianna's face, and finally, there's no holding back any longer. Elise can tell by the way the Lich Queen suddenly alters her movements that the monster is having an orgasm around Brianna's cock. The sensation causes Brianna's body to twitch, and buck as the intense pleasure is too much for her to take, and with a wide eyed look, and a slight grunt, Brianna explosively orgasms into the pussy milking her! Brianna suffers 110 pleasure due to the pussy orgasming around her cock, which sends her into an orgasm as well. Brianna gains 470 KP from the sex, shuddering as she is forced to impregnate the Lich Queen!

Suddenly, there's an audible snapping of power, and an arc of it comes from Brianna's body, lashing into the Lich Queen, who takes 255 damage instantly, and has a shocked look on her face. As adrenaline begins to surge through Brianna's body, she scowls up at the Lich Queen.

"Get. Off. Me. Bitch!"

Status Changes:

Brianna: 8/8 Adrenaline Boost.

Lich Queen: 20/20 Pregnant.

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 26 vs. Elise: 7. Counter Attack = NO.

Elise is distracted by Brianna's sudden shift in demeanor, and as a result, the Scylla once more grabs her!


1: Fight back!

2: Get raped while in shock over Brianna's 'change'.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"N-No... you won't corrupt me that easily you... you bitch," Elise growled as she hefted the the scylla up and tossed her off completely before she scrambled to her feet.

She looked over at Brianna just as the lich woman rode her perfectly as Brianna's face contorted in ecstasy when the lich woman came around her lover's cock and milked an orgasm right out of Brianna. Elise felt anger welling up inside of her as she heard Brianna growl up at the lich queen woman, trying to throw her off as she noticed that Brianna's orgasm had hurt the lich as well.

Distracted as she was, Elise didn't notice the scylla coming at her again, who managed to wrap some tentacles around her before she could stop her, but Elise immediately began struggling for freedom, wanting to go attack the lich woman and free Brianna from her corruptive touch. Elise knew that she needed to handle this scylla first though or she'd just have the thing dogging her every move until she did.

[1. fight back obviously and try to attack the scylla if she can. Use Swift Edge Chain if there's any way to do so afterwards.]