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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 235+407=642 vs. Scylla: 235+550=785 (MISS!)
Elise: 235+75=310 vs. Scylla: 235+108=343 (MISS!)

Elise misses both attempts, perhaps being a little too cautious?

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 255+200=455 vs. Elise: 285+35=320 (GRABBED!)

Elise is grabbed once more!

15/20 Scylla Pregnancy.

Free Elise Roll:

Brianna: 230+49=279 vs. Scylla: 235+360=595 (NO!)
Brianna: 230+48=278 vs. Scylla: 235+75=310 (NO!)

This time Brianna is swatted away both times!

Brianna: 6/20 Pregnancy.


1: Get off!

2: Ride me!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

(Goddamn man, seriously? 4 fails to hit this damn thing again? This is the 3rd or 4th straight turn this has happened. These dice are cursed now, they'd been giving me some good rolls up until now, but you've hexed them to give bad rolls only now. :p)

Elise missed both attempts to knock the scylla out, where she was then grabbed up yet again. It was starting to feel like the gods themselves were going against her at this point, Elise thought to herself, because this was just getting ridiculous now that she simply couldn't hit this scylla, and she wasn't going to stop and just run now that she'd come this damn far.

"Goddammit you bitch... let me the fuck go," Elise grunted as she was grabbed yet again, where she began struggling to get free so she could end this fight finally so they could rest a bit.

She pulled mightily against the scylla's tentacles to break free, where she would kick, bite, scratch, push, and pull her way to freedom, at which point she would bring the hilts of her daggers around and knock this monster girl out cold so they could rest a bit, with Elise tying her up with her own tentacles to keep her from following them easily.

[Same thing, break free and knock out with Beast Swipe, going for a nonlethal take down here.]
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 14 vs. Scylla: 6

Elise breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 1 vs. Elise: 26. Counter Attack = SUCCESS

Elise not only manages to avoid a take down, but an opening presents itself for her to attack, and she lashes out for 400 damage, leaving the Scylla with 400 HP. Unfortunately, it does not knock her out, if anything it pisses her off.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 18 vs. Scylla: 29. Counter Attack = NO.
Brianna: 9 vs. Scylla: 21. Counter Attack = SUCCESS.

Brianna misses with both attacks, and on the second one, the Scylla lunges forward and tackles her, sliding her pussy over Brianna's cock and almost instantly beginning to ride her! Brianna cries out as she suffers 55 pleasure, and gains 75 KP. Brianna has 185 Stamina until she has an orgasm! Brianna loses focus on her Mantra from the sudden rape!

The Scylla has 40 Stamina until she has an orgasm.

Changed Stats:

Scylla: 14/20 Pregnant

Brianna: 5/20 Pregnant


1: Try to Free Brianna.

2: Watch her get raped.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise's struggled paid off this time thankfully and she was able to slip away from the scylla, much to her surprise actually, as she was beginning to think she'd never get free for more than a few seconds. She even managed to grab her daggers up and swing them at her foe, catching her across her human like torso. As soon as Brianna came in to try and follow up with an attack of her own though, Elise saw her countered and grabbed by the scylla, who then began raping her instead now, which served to anger Elise even more than she already was.

"Alright you squid wannabe, I'm gonna kick your ass. Now get off of my lover damn you," Elise cried, rushing in to get the scylla off of Brianna to finish her off.

[Free Brianna and try to knock out the scylla once more.]
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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Free Brianna Attempt:

Elise: 13 vs. Scylla: 5.

Elise shoves the Scylla off Brianna!

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 17 vs. Elise: 29. Counter Attack = NO.

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 16 vs. Scylla: 30. Counter Attack = NO.

No one is able to hit a damn thing, and it appears Stalemated for the moment.

Adjusted Stats:

Scylla: 13/20 Pregnant

Brianna: 4/20 Pregnant, 197 Stamina.

Elise: 56 Stamina.


1: Kill kill kill!

2: Sex sex sex!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise manages to shove the scylla off of Brianna soon enough, but Brianna was unable to pick up the knockout shot on the damn thing, which was really starting to annoy Elise very much that they couldn't take this thing out. The scylla could touch neither of them as well, which was good at least, the only other good thing to happen this time around aside from her freeing Brianna.

"Goddammit you bitch just go down for fucks sake, we're tired of you and I don't want to kill you," Elise screamed at the scylla, moving in quickly and deftly, where she'd make a feint to her left and act like she was coming around with her left arm's dagger for a kill strike, where she'd then spin and bring her other dagger around hilt first into the side of the scylla's head.

[Same again, knock out this mother fucking scylla so they can move the hell on for more stuff.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Roll:

Elise: 15 vs. Scylla: 11. Counter Attack = YES

With a grin as Elise came in, the Scylla whispered, "you'll have to baby! Gotcha!" Once more, the Scylla countered an attack, and this time it was Elise's, grabbing hold of her and instantly starting to rape her again.

Elise suffers 110 pleasure as the sex is enough to cause the Scylla to orgasm around her cock, which in turn tips Elise over the edge and makes her pop again too! Once more the familiar feeling of tentacled pussy riding her to an orgasm hits, and Elise can't fight it. Elise gains 360 KP, and now has 166 Stamina until she has another orgasm.

The Scylla has 115 Stamina left.

Brianna casts her Mantra of Speed once more, losing 50 MP and has 130 left.

Free Elise Attempt:

Brianna: 27 vs. Scylla: 8.

Brianna shoves the Scylla off of Elise!

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 9 vs. Scylla: 22. Counter Attack = NO.

Brianna, wary of being raped on a counter attack, misfires her shot!

Adjusted Stats:

Scylla: 12/20 Pregnant

Brianna: 3/20 Pregnant, 209 Stamina.


1: Bash her brains out!

2: Fuck her some more.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving in as swiftly as she could, Elise tried to take the scylla down, only to have herself knocked down and mounted before she could barely even blink. "F-Fuck no... I'm not... going to kill you... and my baby, no matter what you want. I refuse to kill my child no matter what," Elise grunted before cumming, squealing lewdly as she did and spurting her seed once more as the scylla's pussy squeezed it out of her pretty much.

Brianna came to her rescue though and knocked the scylla off of her, but waited a moment before attacking further, obviously scared of getting countered yet again by the damn thing. Quickly scrambling to her feet, Elise growled before grabbing her daggers again. "I won't kill you, but that doesn't mean I won't knock the shit out of you for that," Elise said through clenched teeth at the scylla before nodding at Brianna and moving around to the right, giving Brianna the left side so they could flank her properly so she couldn't dodge them easily. Then she darted in and attacked, trying to get the knockout blow she sought to take the scylla down without killing her, because her child was in that belly and she wouldn't kill it no matter what, it would be too horrible to imagine to her honestly.

[Attack again to knockout, and please for the love of god hit so they can move on to something else.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Roll:

Elise: 20 vs. Scylla: 24. Counter Attack = NO.
Elise: 2 vs. Scylla: 9. Counter Attack = NO.

Elise can't land a hit!

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 7 vs. Elise: 15. Counter Attack = NO.

Elise dodges!

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 11 vs. Scylla: 9. HIT.
Brianna: 21 vs Scylla: 22 MISS.

Brianna lands one hit, leaving the Scylla with 100 HP. Still, despite looking worn down, the Scylla refuses to be knocked out, and the realization sinks in to Elise that if they hit her again, the Scylla is dead. Yet, the beast didn't appear capable of passing out, which left her a big issue.

Adjusted Stats:

Scylla: 11/20 Pregnant

Brianna: 2/20 Pregnant, 220 Stamina.

Elise: 177 Stamina.


1: Kill Her.

2: Fuck her.

3: Try to run away to avoid killing her.

4: Try to dodge her until she gives birth (11 turns played out).

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise wasn't able to manage a hit on their foe this time around, but Brianna did manage to get a strike on her thankfully, after Elise managed to avoid her retaliation attack on her. Seeing the scylla on her last legs, Elise knew that another good strike against her would outright kill her, as she simply seemed to refuse to faint, so she attempted to feint to the left before diving in at her and choking her out to force her to faint, because even if she was evil she still carried her child, but Brianna however wasn't restricted in that and Elise wouldn't fault her for killing the scylla to keep her from having to.

"I don't want to kill you, but that doesn't mean Brianna can't do so. So submit and she won't kill you," Elise said to the scylla as she tackled her and got her arms around her neck.

[She really doesn't want to kill her and unless she absolutely has to she probably won't here or in the future, so she will attempt to take her down without killing her, to get the possible item she might drop. Brianna is free to kill her if Elise can't subdue her in a nonlethal way.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"Then that will be your downfall, either today or down the line."

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 11 vs. Scylla: 16. Counter Attack = NO.

Elise: 22 vs. Scylla: 25. Counter Attack = NO.

Again, Elise fails to land a hit.

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 9 vs. Elise: 7. Counter Attack = NO!

Suddenly, Elise is back in the tentacled embrace, as the Scylla laughs evilly.

Free Elise Attempt:

Brianna: 18 vs. Scylla: 3.

Brianna shoves the Scylla off just as fast.

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 28 vs. Scylla: 25. Counter Attack = NO.

As she shoves her away, Brianna lashes out with her magic, trying to knock out the Scylla herself, but it seemed the Scylla was weaker than she thought, for the blast kills her, finally ending the life of the Scylla.

Altered Stats:

Brianna: 1/20 Pregnant, 232 Stamina.

Elise: 188 Stamina.

Loot Phase:

Scylla: MP Potion.

Tar Demoness: Full MP Potion.

Lich Queen: Full HP Potion.

Spider: Full MP Potion.

Taking the items, both women are once again at maximum capacity for MP Potions, now at Max capacity for Full MP Potions, and have 1 Full HP Potion as well!

As they finished looting, Brianna suddenly doubled over, groaning. She looked at Elise with a worried look, and finally admitted the truth.

"Elise, that Spider ... it impregnated me. I think I'm about to give birth."


1: Wait til she gives birth then try to move on.

2: Try to move her somewhere else before she gives birth.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise disregarded what the scylla said with a growl as she went in to tackle her, but she ended up getting grappled against by the numerous tentacles the scylla had again. Brianna managed to rescue her though by tackling the scylla off of her, which Elise nodded in thanks and then Brianna threw one of her spells out at the creature and ended up killing it, which Elise turned her head away as soon as it happened and closed her eyes. "Gods... I gave her the chance to give up and leave, because despite that it was my child. Why didn't she take it Brianna? I didn't want to kill her if I could help it," Elise said to Brianna, lamenting the death of the scylla and her unborn child some, but she knew deep down that they had no choice, and that there was a very good chance that they wouldn't have any other choice later on if it happened again, that the cruel demon or whatever it was that had brought them here would force them to do things that they otherwise wouldn't want to do, or would never do any other way.

Looking to Brianna after collecting the items they gained from the fight, Elise had a slightly worried expression until Brianna said what was happening and what all had happened to her. Elise rushed to her side and helped her to sit down. "I know it might be dangerous, but we can't really move else where too easily, and I'd rather us be in terrain that we know at least a tiny bit instead of going to a new area. And don't worry about it sweetie, I feel that whoever or whatever brought us here will be doing this kinda thing to us more in the future. So we should try to not let it get to us okay, else we'll be easy to defeat and won't be a thorn in their side. The longer we stay alive and the longer we fight, the more they'll wish they hadn't brought us here. I love you Brianna, now come on, let's get those spider eggs out of you and move on," Elise said to her beloved Brianna, where she then helped her get the eggs out of her before they tried to move on.

[1. Help Brianna get the eggs out of her and then move on]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, and gritting her teeth against the pain she expected, Elise could see the complete numb shock on Brianna's face when she began to give birth. Instead of pain, Brianna's body began to react as if she were having sex! Gasping as each baby spider made it's way out of her, scuttling away faster than Elise could target them, Brianna helplessly convulsed as she experienced an orgasmic birth. By the time all of the baby spiders had made their way out, Brianna could barely move.

It took a few long minutes before finally she stood, still a little shaky.

"Well ... that was NOT what I was expecting. Forget this corruption bullshit, this bastard could make a fortune in a hospital by using his magic to let women have a pleasing birth experience instead of a painful one."

Shakily moving along, they were fortunate to come to a completely empty area of the tower, although there were signs that something recently had passed through the area.


1: Move onward.

2: Wait for a fight.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Kneeling next to Brianna, Elise prepared to pull the eggs of the spider woman thing that had laid its eggs within her lover out when Brianna began to push. She was just as surprised as Brianna was by the fact that there was no pain and instead incredible pleasure as she began convulsing as the birthing began. Watching the first spider slip out of Brianna's poor pussy as she stretched to allow the passage of the things outwards. She didn't bother trying to snatch the things up after the first couple of them, as they were too fast to bother with and too small to make much of a threat to the two of them.

"Wow, um... didn't expect it to be pleasurable at all honestly. But a pleasing birth might make them thrash around too much on the beds when they're pushing the babies out, but would be better than the pain though I guess," Elise replied to Brianna's words with a smirk and a raised eyebrow, though she wasn't fully disagreeing with her. "Come on sweetie, let's get moving again alright, probably be good to get away from here. Don't know what might happen with those little critters that popped out of you, and I don't want them to maybe try and creep up on us and tackle us to the ground and try to rape us too," she added, offering Brianna a hand to get up.

Heading onwards, they came to an area that looked like it'd been recently visited, but by what they couldn't tell. Elise figured it best to move on up the tower as soon as possible since they were there and all, so they could get out of the thing and move further onwards to wherever the leader guy that was doing all this to them was at. "Come on, I'd rather get moving on up this thing so we can get back out and into the open where we've got more room to maneuver and stuff," Elise said, making to head up further through the tower with Brianna at her side, now no longer pregnant.

[1. Move on]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As they moved on ...

Trap Encounter:

Trap???: 16 vs. Brianna: 24

Trap???: 8 vs. Elise: 18

Brianna suddenly seemed to notice something, and she grabbed Elise, yanking her back! A moment later, Elise saw some kind of alien creature crawl up the wall and into a hole in the roof above them, and she realized they had narrowly missed some kind of trap.


1: Move On.

2: Wait a round to see if the thing is really gone (chance to be caught).

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Heading upwards, Elise nearly stepped right into the room with some strange looking creature before Brianna yanked her back as the thing crawled up through a hole in the ceiling. "Damn that was close. Thanks sweetie, glad I had you with me or I might have gotten snatched up by that... whatever it was," Elise told Brianna with a peck on the cheek before stepping cautiously into the room for them to move through and head up further.

[1. Move onwards some more, no fear.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving on, they came to a very large room, and at the far end they spotted some sort of shrine like structure. Before they could say anything to each other, Cassidy appeared.

"You have found a Shrine of Accuracy, which can grant you a temporary boost on landing your melee attacks. In order to make use of the shrine, you must first defeat it's guardians, Flesh Teaser and her pet Supreme Succubus. If you do not wish to face them, run, run as far and as fast as you can before they see you. I ..."

Suddenly she vanished, and they were left to decide what they wanted to do.


1: Gonna get me a shrine!

2: Two Succubi? Yeah, we'll pass.

((Shrine of Accuracy: When activated, this shrine grants you a +5 to all physical combat attack rolls as far as their connecting goes. Temporary only.))

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Heading up a little further, Elise led them into another new room, a larger room that looked almost like an arena of sorts. Just as they went inside it, they were met by Cassidy. Elise stood there and listened to Cassidy's words before she looked over to Brianna. "Well sweetie, what do you wanna do then? I'm all for better accuracy since that's what this seems to be and all, and since we had such a hard ass time hitting that damned scylla earlier. But if you're against fighting some succubi then we can go, but think quickly about it alright, doesn't look like we have a whole lot of time to decide," Elise asked Brianna, readying herself for some fighting again, but ready to run on out of there if Brianna was against fighting a pair of succubi, since Elise remembered what Brianna had told her about only just managing to get away from one not long before they ran into each other.

[Elise is ready to go for the shrine, but if Brianna is totally against it and too scared to try and fight some succubi then she won't go for it.]


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna noticeably shuddered at the mention of two succubi, but she quickly clamped down on it. She was afraid of taking on this fight, but she had a sneaking suspicion that eventually, they'd have to fight a succubus. She spoke quickly, and confidently to Elise, though she did have just a hint of resignment to her voice.

"Let's go for it. Chances are this sick bastard who brought us here knows about my ... issues with succubi, and probably has something in store later on that we'll HAVE to fight one, so we may as well get accustomed to it now. Besides, if this goes how I think it will, you'll at least know what you are up against."

Before Elise could say anything further, Brianna walked up to the shrine, and suddenly an energy barrier went up around the area. Two succubi appeared, one with four arms, and the other with ... tentacles! Brianna let out a small hiss when she saw the tentacled succubus, and Elise didn't need to have her say anything to know that this was the succubus who'd raped, and bitten her.

Enemy Encounter:

Flesh Teaser: HP: 5,000. Stamina: N/A. Pleasure: 65. Special Ability: Super Magical Chair Suck.

Level 5 Supreme Succubus: Stamina: 155. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700. Damage: 35. Special Ability: Womb Fuck. 75% Chance of Pussy Ride, 25% Chance of Blowjob.

Initiative Roll:

Elise: 2 (Last)
Brianna: 13 (3rd)
Supreme Succubus: 22 (2nd)
Flesh Teaser: 26 (1st)

Grapple Attempts:

Flesh Teaser: 20 vs. Elise: 12. Counter Attack = NO.

Before Elise can react, Flesh Teaser grabs her with her tentacles and yanks her in close!

Supreme Succubus: 3 vs. Brianna: 17.

Brianna starts to call out a warning to Elise, but has to dodge the four armed Succubus, who is now between her and Elise!

Brianna doesn't hesitate, she casts her Speed Mantra, and launches an offensive! Brianna now has 80 MP.

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 11, 17, 15, 19 & 10 vs. Supreme Succubus: 3, 21, 30, 22 & 18.

Brianna only lands one hit, for a measly 100 Damage, but that doesn't stop her from trying again!

Brianna: 10, 7, 5, 8 & 15 vs. Supreme Succubus: 22, 21, 24, 20 & 2.

Again, Brianna only manages one hit for 100 Damage, dealing 200 total damage. The Supreme Succubus has 500 HP left, and Brianna has exhausted her hardest hitting ability!


1: Try to escape the succubus.

2: See what she has in mind for you.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Listening to Brianna, Elise smiled a bit with an apologetic look on her face before patting Brianna's shoulder, and just as she was about to speak she was interrupted by the sudden barrier of energy that sprang up around them to prevent their escape. Looking around she saw the two succubi coming towards them and was a bit amazed that one of them had 4 arms while the other had tentacles sprouting from her back. Her eyes widened even further as Brianna hissed at the tentacled one which told her right there that this one was the one that had tormented Brianna before, and as such she looked back to that one and narrowed her eyes.

Elise opened her mouth to say something rude to the tentacled succubus, but before her words could come she was snatched up in the tentacles and pulled towards her new foe. "D-Dammit you bitch... I didn't say I wanted to get grabbed by you... but if you didn't corrupt us then I'd welcome the fun. But time for me to get out of here so I can beat you though," Elise grunted as she began struggling, using the added boost from Brianna's magics to hopefully get free and then she'd attack Flesh Teaser to try and take her down.

[1. Break free and use Beast Swipe on Flesh Teaser if she breaks free on the first try.]