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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As they took a few steps forward, suddenly an energy field went up around them, and Brianna let loose a curse.

"Shit, it's a shrine like last time. This ought to be fun."

Enemy Encounter:

Venus Suck Trap: Accuracy: 210. Evasion: 195. Capture: 210. Sexual Attack: 225. Magical Defense: 150. Speed: 195. Stamina: 145. Pleasure: 50. HP: 600.

Weeping Kelanio: Accuracy: 275. Evasion: 275. Capture: 255. Sexual Attack: 245. Magical Defense: 275. Speed: 275. Pleasure: 60. HP: 5,000

Initiative Rolls:

Venus Suck Trap: 195+197=392 (2nd)
Kelanio: 275+34=309 (4th)
Elise: 225+268=493 (1st)
Brianna: 215+112=327 (3rd)


1: Attack the Plant!

2: Attack the Winged Woman.

3: Forgo your turn due to shock.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving inside the tower area, Elise glanced back as the energy barrier sprang up, which told her that it was actually a shrine rather than a tower just like the two previous shrines. "Yeah looks like it, thought it was actually a tower myself. Wonder what it'll be that we've gotta fight," Elise replied to Brianna as they watched for what was to come.

As soon as their foes came out to attack, Elise's daggers were up and ready to strike. Spotting another shrine leader like the two previous ones, Elise knew that she'd be a tough nut to crack if they tried to take her on first, so she targeted the plant woman first, knowing that if they could manage to make it two on one then they'd have a much easier time. Darting at the plant woman, Elise made to slash her to bits before she could grab them or anything, knowing it'd be hard to escape if that happened.

[Use Beast Swipe on the Venus Suck Trap.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Roll:

Elise: 225+556=781 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 195+700=895 (MISS!)

Elise misses, so the skill doesn't go on cool down.

Grapple Attempt:

Venus Suck Trap: 210+242=452 vs. Brianna: 215+50=265 (GRABBED!)

Brianna is grabbed, but uses her grenade to get free! Brianna deals 150 damage with the grenade, leaving the plant with 450 HP.

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 200+138=338 vs. Plant: 150+397=547 (MISS!)

Brianna misses with her Holy Blast, seeming to decide to stay ranged against this thing as it grabbed her so easily. She also seems to be saving her mantra buff for after this thing dies, perhaps because of how easily she got grabbed before.

Grapple Attempt:

Weeping Kelanio: 275+612=887 vs. Elise: 275+88=363 (GRABBED!)

Elise is also grabbed, but uses her grenade to get free, dealing 150 damage. Kelanio has 4,850 HP left.

Both Women: 27/30 Turns with Shrine Buff.


1: Attack Again.

2: Give up your turn and think about what might have happened if not for those grenades.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Darting in and slashing her daggers, Elise just couldn't manage to strike the plant girl unfortunately, then her eyes went wide momentarily as Brianna was grabbed by the thing and then that she avoided remaining grabbed thanks to her grenade, which forced her free. Elise started to move towards Brianna as her lover made a counterattack against the plant girl, intending to remain near her side and cover her from attack, but her move was cut short as Brianna attacked and she herself was ambushed by Kelanio. Forced to drop her grenade to break free, Elise did so without hesitation, though lamented the loss of the thing as it meant she'd have to escape totally under her own power should she get grabbed again.

"Damn, sweetie, we've gotta take that plant down now so we can both focus on this one here," Elise told Brianna as she got free from Kelanio and prepared to launch herself at the Venus Suck Trap girl... thing again.

When she got the chance, Elise rushed the Venus Suck Trap in an effort to take her down, hoping to at least damage her enough so that Brianna's attack should it hit would finish it off.

[Beast Swipe again on the Venus Suck Trap, and here's a hoping I actually hit because once Kelanio starts raping Elise she'll have a tough time of it, or if the Venus Suck Trap gets her for that matter.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna nodded, seeming to start to focus more ....

Attack Roll:

Elise: 225+268=493 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 195+419=614 (MISS!)

Elise misses again! No Cool Down on her Skill.

Grapple Attempt:

Venus Suck Trap: 210+713=923 vs. Brianna: 215+375=590 (GRABBED!)

Brianna is grabbed again, and this time she isn't getting away so easily!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 170+225=395 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 210+218=418 (STUCK!)

Brianna struggles, but she can't get free, and the plant reels her in!

Grapple Attempt:

Weeping Kelanio: 275+229=504 vs. Elise: 275+447=722 (DODGE!)

Elise dodges as the Virago woman tries to grab her, and with her still flitting about, Elise is forced to focus on her and hope Brianna can escape on her own!


1: Attack Kelanio!

2: Throw yourself into Kelanio's arms and have sex with her for a round or two.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Darting in again, Elise just wasn't able to land a blow on the plant girl, which annoyed her to no end, then her eyes went wide when Brianna was grabbed by the bitch after her attack failed to hit. When she saw Brianna's struggling unable to break her free, Elise made to go and help her, but Kelanio swooped in and blocked her from doing so. Gritting her teeth, Elise glanced over at Brianna as she was being reeled in and struggling tooth and nail as she did so, she knew that she couldn't get to her just yet and so turned to Kelanio and focused on her.

"Brianna... don't let that thing get you now you hear me dammit. I'll handle this one for now, you get free and keep fighting," Elise called to Brianna as she narrowed her eyes at Kelanio and prepared to attack her while inching closer to Brianna in the process.

Elise moved in at Kelanio, moving as fast as she could so she could catch her opponent good with her daggers as she moved in with careful and precise attacks. Slashing out at her foe, Elise used her new found skills in order to try and beat her back for the moment and perhaps give her the chance to go and help Brianna out of the bind she was in at the moment, assuming she couldn't escape on her own beforehand.

[Use Signet of Agony Chain on Weeping Kelanio and hope that 3 or more attacks hit her.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

((26 turns on the shrine, missed that last post))

Attack Roll:

Elise: 225+262=487, 225+386=611, 225+86=311, 225+334=559 & 225+525=750 vs. Weeping Kelanio: 275+189=464, 275+531=806, 275+68=343, 275+266=541 & 275+301=576. Elise lands 3 hits (Lucky her). None crit and she deals 300 damage. Her rune burst ...

Elise: 225+274=499 vs. Weeping Kelanio: 275+260=535 (RESIST!)

... is RESISTED by Kelanio. (Well shit) 5/5 turns in cool down. Elise has 25 MP left.

Kelanio has 4,550 HP remaining.

Penetration Attempt:

Plant: 225+770=995 vs. Brianna: 150+703=853.

Elise can only watch in horror as the plant reels Brianna in, and even as she struggles, it starts closing it's plant walls around her. This of course restricts her movement some, and she's unable to squirm away before being placed upside down, and closed inside. A few moments later, Elise can hear muffled grunts and moans from inside as the plant begins sucking Brianna off.

Brianna suffers 50 pleasure and takes 70 KP, and now has 90 Stamina left until an orgasm.

Escape Roll:

Brianna: 150+43=193 vs. Plant: 225+ NO ROLL NEEDED (STUCK!)

Brianna can't get free, and could be in a bit of trouble. With the plant walls closed, Elise CAN attack the plant now, but at a 35% reduction.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelanio: 275+283=558 vs. Elise: 275+564=839 (DODGE!)

Elise dodges another take down attempt, knowing she can't keep this up forever.

25 Turns on Shrine left.


1: Attack the Plant and start hurting it, praying Brianna can get free soon.

2: Keep focusing on the Virago woman and let Brianna have some fun/try to escape on her own.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Darting in, Elise caught Kelaino with her daggers, but when she made to detonate the magical bursts of energy on the flying bitch they failed to catch her opponent any at all. As she did this, Elise glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw the plant's walls close in around Brianna where she heard a muffled moan as she knew what was happening to her beloved, though she could do nothing about it she knew, but that didn't prevent her from wanting to hurry up and get to Brianna's side and help her.

Dodging Kelaino's retaliation attack, Elise dove to the side as she came swooping in to tackle her, then she rolled and flipped back to her feet, ready to keep fighting. Knowing she couldn't go to help Brianna with an enemy at her back that could easily catch her because of her ability to fly, Elise hated herself but knew she had to stay focused on Kelaino for now, at least until she could stun her somehow perhaps. Running in as she powered herself up some more, Elise attacked Kelaino again in an effort to hurt her enough to maybe make her retreat a bit and give her the chance to go to Brianna's aid, though she was fairly certain that she'd have to keep up any sort of attack against the Virago matriarch/queen or whatever she was.

[Use Clear Focus and then use Beast Swipe on Weeping Kelaino, because she she can't very well attack the Venus Suck Trap while a boss is at he back. Then assuming she doesn't get grabbed if she misses with Beast Swipe, she'll do so again in the interest of not having to update with virtually nothing changing.]
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Roll:

Elise: 225+40=265 vs. Kelaino: 275+ NO ROLL NEEDED!

Elise again misses with her attack, the damn Virago seeming to taunt her as she effortlessly avoided Elise's attacks. Elise now has 30 MP.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 225+555=780 vs. Brianna: 150+320=470 (PLEASURE!)

Brianna again wasn't able to fight the plant woman, as she continued sucking Brianna off. Brianna suffers 50 pleasure and gains 50 KP, wildly thrashing inside as she struggles to get free ...

Escape Roll:

Brianna: 150+739=889 vs. Plant: 225+693=918 (STUCK!)

... and while the plant walls continue to bulge slightly to Elise's viewpoint, Brianna is helpless to get free! Suddenly, the walls stop moving, and Elise gets the impression that Brianna might have succumbed and given in to her pleasure!

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 275+428=703 vs. Elise: 275+668=943 (DODGE!)

Elise dodges Kelaino yet again, perhaps a bit worried at the sudden lack of struggles coming from Brianna's fight...

24 Round on Shrine Left.

Next Round:

Attack Roll:

Elise: 225+473=698 vs. Kelaino: 275+500=775 (MISS! God what is this, you can't hit but you can dodge?)

AGAIN Elise misses with her attack, the Virago now clearly amused and taunting her. She has 35 MP now. 3/5 Cool Down for Signet of Agony.

Brianna appears to have given in to her pleasure as the plant EASILY sucks her dick again, and the muffled screams of pleasure are all Elise needs to hear to know that the plant has finally succeeded in sucking Brianna off to an orgasm! Unseen to her, Brianna shudders as she's forced to orgasm into the mouth sucking her dick, crying out as the pleasure is intense. After her orgasm though, a strange white light fills the area, and suddenly the plant itself shudders, and Elise senses the plant has somehow lost a chunk of it's health!

Brianna suffers 50 pleasure, and an orgasm. She has 195 Stamina left until she has another orgasm. Brianna gains 100 KP. Brianna enters the Adrenaline Boost Stage and has +50 to all her rolls for 8 turns.

Escape Roll:

Brianna: 150+386=536+50=586 vs. Plant: 225+650=875 (STUCK!)

Even with a boost, Brianna is helpless to get free when she starts struggling once more, the plant continuing to enjoy her.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 275+424=699 vs. Elise: 275+605=880 (DODGE! Something has to give here eventually ...)

Once again Elise dodges, as the game of cat and mouse continues ...

23 Turns left on the Shrine.

Round 3!

Attack Roll:

Elise: 225+38=263 vs. Kelaino: 275+ NO ROLL NEEDED!

AGAIN Elise misses! 40 MP, 2/5 left on cool down for Signet of Agony.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 225+161=386 vs. Brianna: 150+228=378+50=428 (RESIST!)

Brianna manages to resist any pleasure this round ...

Escape Attempt:

Brianna: 150+560=710+50=760 vs. Plant: 225+616=841 (STUCK!)

Brianna struggles mightily, but still can't get herself free! 6/8 turns on Adrenaline left.

Grapple Attempt:

Kelaino: 275+591=866 vs. Elise: 275+565=840 (TACKLED!)

This time Kelaino manages to fake Elise out, and suddenly comes flying in, taking her down to the ground! As she immediately straddles her and starts the positioning process, struggling with her, Kelaino whispers to her, "got ya. Time for some fun sexy. Let your elf friend have her fun, and you can have fun with me. You'll love it."

22 turns on shrine.


1: Try to throw her off!

2: See what kind of fun she has in mind this next turn.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As Elise tussled with Kelaino back and forth, with Elise attempting to slash the virago matriarch several times over the next minute or so, while avoiding Kelaino's counterattacks quite well. In the meantime she heard Brianna's struggles from within the plant dying down a bit as her moans increased little by little. When she heard Brianna squeal out in ecstasy, Elise was distracted a bit in her next attack, which threw her off enough to keep from hitting Kelaino that time as well, the small virago woman being quite nimble it seemed.

"Dammit Brianna, fight and get out of there right this instant, or else when I do pull you out of there I'll give you a spanking, and... whoa!" Elise called to Brianna after she heard her sexual defeat to the plant trap girl.

Kelaino took that opportunity to attempt grabbing her again and was this time successful unfortunately. Grunting as she was knocked down, Elise looked up at the virago woman as she straddled her and positioned herself around and spoke. "W-What if I don't want to have fun with you huh? What if I'd rather Brianna be out of there with both of us together? Wouldn't that be more fun? You'd get to have two dicks at the same time to play with," Elise replied to Kelaino before she attempted to buck her hips up and knock Kelaino off of her, hopefully quickly enough so that she could actually hit her afterwards and go to help Brianna since she seemed to be in a bind.

[Attempt to struggle free, if she fails to break free but Kelaino also fails to actually do anything in return then struggle again. If she breaks free then attempt Beast Swipe on Kelaino.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Kelaino smiled evilly.

"She seems like she's having fun herself enough, don't want to wear her out too quickly now do we?"

Escape Roll:

Elise: 205+214=419 vs. Kelaino: 255+374=629 (STUCK!)

Elise can't break free! Signet of Agony is available next turn!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 225+548=773 vs. Brianna: 150+695=845+50=895 (RESIST!)

Brianna resists pleasure!

Escape Roll:

Brianna: 150+2=152+50=202= vs. Plant: 225+NO ROLL NEEDED (STUCK!)

Brianna still can't get free, and Elise can hear her start to rage in frustration. 5/8 turns on Adrenaline Boost.

Penetration Attempt:

Kelaino: 245+628=873 vs. Elise: 195+303=498 (PENETRATED!)

With a grin, Kelaino thrusts her hips down, and her TIGHT pussy claims Elise's throbbing cock inside. Quickly she begins to ride Elise, the pleasure intense. Kelaino's body was stupidly tight, gripping Elise perfectly all around. The Virago woman expertly rode her, so tight around her Elise might wonder if she COULD pull out or if she was literally trapped forever.

Elise suffers 60 pleasure and has only 60 stamina left until she suffers an orgasm. She also gains 80 KP.


1: Try to stop the rape.

2: Let her bring you to an orgasm.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"If... she's gonna get worn out, she'd rather be with me when she is... a-and vice versa. But I don't plan on letting you wear either of us out that easily," Elise said as she bucked her hips up, which only served to stimulate her a little as her fully erect dick slid right up between the cheeks of Kelaino's ass and failed to get her out of Elise's lap.

Glancing over at the plant where she could hear Brianna struggling and failing to get free, but resisting the pleasure at least Elise could tell, as she wasn't moaning like mad anymore yet. While she was distracted with Brianna's predicament, Kelaino had the perfect shot that she wouldn't easily get without Elise being distracted and thrust her hips down, where Elise's tip had ended up against her soft petals after her earlier struggling and caused her dick to sink into Kelaino's extremely tight pussy. Kelaino didn't stop her downwards thrust until Elise was buried hilt deep inside of her and her tip poking at the horny virago matriarch's womb. Her dick was already throbbing in anticipation of seeding that lusty womb.

Wrapping her arms around the horny virago matriarch, Elise tried to catch her as she feverishly bounced up and down upon her dick and made it throb more and more, bringing it closer to release. Her testes were already starting to clench in preparation to spurt it all out, and the fact that Kelaino was so tight it made her eyes cross from how good it felt didn't help Elise any. She wanted to cum, to give in and let this girl bring her to her sweet release, and to do it again, and again... over and over Elise's mind flashed with Kelaino taking her, and Elise happily letting her ride her until she was so fucked silly to the point that she was actively helping Kelaino pleasure them both, returning the favor and taking her from behind and cumming oh so hard every few minutes. As her imagination wandered, Elise couldn't help but buck her hips back up into the horny virago a couple of times before pulling Kelaino with all her might to slide her dick out of that extremely tight and warm love tunnel.

[Try to break free, but if she can't end up doing so but resists the pleasure next round, then she'll give in until she cums.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Another smile.

"A fighter. I like that, it will make your defeat that much sweeter."

Escape Roll:

Elise: 195+104=299 vs. Kelaino: 245+369=614 (STUCK!)

Elise can't get free!

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 225+523=748 vs. Brianna: 150+3=153+50=203 (PLEASURE!)

Brianna can't stop herself from being pleasured this time, and she begins to moan again as the plant woman thing starts sucking her off again, her body threatening to buckle under the intense pleasure. Brianna suffers 50 pleasure and gains 50 KP. She has 105 Stamina left until she suffers another orgasm. ((Had to add 30 pleasure due to forgetting she's weak to female plants ....))

Escape Roll:

Brianna: 150+300=450+50=500= vs. Plant: 225+383=608 (STUCK!)

Brianna still can't get free! 4/8 turns on Adrenaline Boost.

With Elise suddenly giving in, Kelaino grins, thinking her broken. She aggressively rides Elise, but near the end she slows her motions down, teasing Elise towards that final tipping point. Slowly Elise builds up her pleasure as Kelaino expertly keeps her from blowing too fast, torturing her with the pleasures of the flesh. Finally, with Elise's body trembling for release, the Virago gives it to her. Suddenly she twists her body over Elise's cock, before suddenly thrusting down hard and deep over her, and Elise's body can't handle it. Her orgasm explodes inside of the Virago's tight pussy, and as she pops inside she can almost feel the pussy contract in milking motions despite the Virago not being close to her peak yet. As Elise continued to spurt, she felt almost like the tight pussy was squeezing her, encouraging her orgasm to last longer. Finally it died down, but if felt like she was spurting her release for several minutes! Elise suffers 60 pleasure and orgasms, and also gains 110 KP. Elise has 185 Stamina until her next orgasm.

Kelaino has 135 Stamina left until she orgasms around Elise's cock.


1: Try to escape her pussy.

2: Get raped senseless until Brianna either breaks free or orgasms the plant to death.
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"Defeat? Ha don't make... me laugh honey. You might be t-tight as hell... but my dick isn't... so weak that it'd... just give in to you that easily," Elise panted, letting a few soft unbidden moans of pleasure slip out of her lips.

She noticed Brianna wasn't able to resist the pleasure any longer herself and that made her want to get free that much greater. Elise could tell that Brianna's poor dick was getting the sucking of a lifetime within those petals, and she wished she could help her, but she couldn't get free herself. Unable to break free of the tight warm pussy milking her dick, Elise's lust took over for the moment and she grabbed the horny virago's hips and held on for dear life, knowing her release was too close to try and fight.

"F-Fuck... c-can't... hold back... any longer," Elise panted as Kelaino rode her expertly, her balls all but on fire at her imminent release. Then Kelaino suddenly slowed down to sexually torture Elise, which gave the poor half elf half mathosian such a thrill that she couldn't help but let out a moan of ecstasy as she leaned in and kissed Kelaino right on the lips when the lusty virago when her orgasm finally did strike her after Kelaino allowed her to cum.

She spurted her cum into Kelaino... and spurted... and spurted some more, her balls tightening up with each shot and churning out so much cum she felt like she would dehydrate from the sheer amount of it that came out of her. Despite what she'd said earlier, Elise's dick was eager to give the virago's extremely tight pussy all it desired as it betrayed her and all her thoughts were directed through her second head, which was screaming for yet more sex so it could spurt more cum out.

"D-Dammit... c-can't help it... been so long since... I've had a real pussy to... c-cum in. Gods... Brianna forgive me... s-she's... t-too tight," Elise panted, unable to resist the pleasure she was receiving from the virago matriarch. With her toes curling from the pleasure, Elise bucked her hips up to meet Kelaino's downwards thrusts, her own lust taking over too much after going so long without a real pussy while she was in stasis. "D-Don't think... that this means... you've defeated me... because you haven't. I just... haven't had... a real pussy in so long... that I can't help myself. But... I want to be on top too dammit, so if you'll let me, then I'll fuck around with you for a while. Gods my balls are on fire. What have you done to me?" Elise went on to say to Kelaino as she grabbed the lusty virago's hips and bucked her hips up, even going so far as attempting to turn the tables enough to roll on top of Kelaino so she could fuck her and be on top too. She could only hope that Brianna broke free soon and snapped her out of this rut she'd fallen into.

[Giving in for now, until Brianna either breaks free herself, or kills the Venus Suck Trap through orgasms.]
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Kelaino shook her head, only sliding herself down more aggressively over Elise as she kept her pinned down. That seemed to be her answer to letting Elise be on top.

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 225+700=925 vs. Brianna: 150+430=580+50=630-10=620 (PLEASURE!)

Brianna begins panting as she gets her dick sucked again, feeling her end approaching rapidly once more. 60 Pleasure, 60 KP gained.

Escape Roll:

Brianna: 150+777=927+50=977-10=967 vs. Plant: 225+750=975 (STUCK!)

Brianna still can't get free! 3/8 turns on Adrenaline Boost.

Elise doesn't bother fighting her pleasure, and Kelaino continues to ride her off, threatening to completely consume Elise with pleasure. Elise gains 60 pleasure and 60 KP.

Next Round:

Pleasure Roll:

Plant: 225+400=625 vs. Brianna: 150+38=188+50=238-10=228 (PLEASURE!)

Brianna begins convulsing in pleasure as the plant continues sucking her dick, and despite her best efforts, Brianna just can't resist the pleasure. Finally, it's too much for her, and Brianna screams in pleasure as once again she is hotly defeated and made to blow in an orgasm. She trembles as the adrenaline rush is suddenly gone, replaced by a completely dominated feeling, and a thrill of pleasure at knowing she's helpless to get away. Letting loose a loan moan of lust, Brianna finally gives in to her pleasure, knowing she should get free when she has her next orgasm thanks to her passive skill damaging her attacker. Still, she gives in, allowing the plant to suck her off, knowing it's just too good to escape from for her. Brianna gains 60 pleasure and gains 110 KP. 190 Stamina until orgasm.

The plant has 40 HP left now thanks to Brianna's skill damaging it.

It will take 4 turns for Brianna to orgasm and kill the plant, so we'll skip to four turns later and add the numbers.

4 Turns Later:

Kelaino: 1 orgasm. 90 Stamina left.
Elise: 1 orgasm, 350 KP. 70 Stamina left.
Brianna: 1 orgasm, 290 KP. 155 Stamina left.

Brianna enjoys the next little bit, periodically moaning as her dick is sucked repeatedly, working her towards yet another orgasm. Finally, she can't handle it any longer, and with a loud scream of pleasure, she orgasms a final time. This orgasm kills the plant, freeing Brianna finally. Shaky, Brianna stands, ashamed of herself for letting herself get defeated by a damn plant and for giving in.

"Oh god ... that was so damn good. I'm sorry Elise. I just couldn't ... it felt so good. I .... ELISE!!!"

The last bit as she suddenly realized Elise was being ridden by the Virago woman.

Meanwhile Elise was having her own fun. Kelaino kept riding her, and before very long Elise felt the Virago herself orgasm around her cock, the sensation of it actually making the pussy get even TIGHTER around her, seeming to squeeze and rub her at every angle, massaging her cock. Not even a few moments later, this increased sensation proved too much for Elise, and she blew a second load as another orgasm tore through her. This time it was even better, the contractions of the Virago pussy having not quite completely subsided, milking her with renewed vigor. And still, the Virago kept riding her, and was well on the way to making Elise get ready to pop another orgasm when finally Brianna broke free. She probably wasn't even aware of it, caught in her own passion, at least until Brianna screamed her name in horror.


1: Snap out of it now that Brianna is free.

2: Keep giving in until Brianna can free you herself, lost to the pleasure of sex.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"F-Fine... you can take the top... f-for now. But... don't think I won't... get you flipped over... soon enough. Then... we'll see if your ass... is as tight as your pussy," Elise panted to Kelaino as the horny virago began bouncing harder and faster on top of her, one hand roaming up and down her body while the other groped Kelaino's ass and squeezed while she was ridden.

Hearing Brianna's squeals and moans of pleasure only served to make Elise even harder if that were possible at the moment, and Kelaino would feel Elise's dick pulsing in time with her heartbeat as it throbbed with need. When she heard Brianna's sexual defeat at the hands of the plant woman inside those petals, her heart sank and though her mind wanted to struggle, her body's actions were still controlled by the head that was seeking only pleasure, and was getting it too. However at the same time a thrill went up Elise's spine and caused her to shudder at hearing those squeals increase in pitch, with a small part of her wishing she could see Brianna's defeat and her dick sucked like it was getting.

While Brianna is getting her dick sucked dry, Elise's plight took a turn for the better one might say, though in reality it took a turn for the worse as Kelaino reached her first orgasm and her pussy clamped down around Elise's dick so tightly that she nearly fainted. As Kelaino's pussy convulsed around her member that was buried oh so deeply within it, Elise kissed the virago girl again, this time much more passionately. While the virago's super tight pussy squeezed her as she began bouncing again, Elise began actively helping Kelaino dominate her cock by bucking her hips up to meet Kelaino's, just unable to resist the feeling of those walls contracting around her, and soon enough Elise let loose a cry of ecstasy yet again as she popped and spurted a second load equally as large as the first if not more so into her pussy. Feeling her adrenaline rush dying down to a sputter as her dick was dominated oh so hotly, Elise now knew she had no chance of escaping the pussy she was now trapped inside of without help, because it was just too damned tight and felt too damned good to want to.

When Brianna was finally freed, Elise would glance over at her, a look of shame on her face that said she just couldn't resist it for long. "B-Brianna... s-sorry... t-t-too t-tight. My d-dick never... h-had a chance. G-Gonna cum again... c-can feel it... my balls are... g-getting drained dry," Elise panted aloud as Kelaino rode her, her body weakened from her two orgasms, but when she saw Brianna her mind flashed back into control of her body now, and she placed both hands on Kelaino's hips and attempted to pull her off of her poor dick before it was totally a slave to that super tight pussy.

[Now that she's had a good fucking, Elise's blood is pumping and now that Brianna is free and she can see it, Elise is going to struggle free and get some payback.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

13/30 Shrine Left.

Escape Roll:

Elise: 195+300=495 vs. Kelaino: 245+643=888 (STUCK!)

Elise can't get free!

After a moment of hesitation, Brianna uses her Mantra of Speed, giving both women 2 turns per action. She has 85 MP left.

Free Elise Rolls:

Brianna: 220+574=794 vs. Kelaino: 275+667=942
Brianna: 220+400=620 vs. Kelaino: 275+500=775

Brianna gets batted away both times by the wings of the Virago, the second time causing Brianna to stay down for a moment as she still was breathing heavily.

Pleasure Roll:

Kelaino: 245+556=801 vs. Elise: 195+500=695 (PLEASURE)

Elise still can't stop the Virago from riding her, and she can feel both the tightness of the Virago pussy contracting as it prepares to orgasm around her again, as well as her own body getting ready to spurt again. Elise might have the feeling that they were about to share a mutual orgasm if she didn't get free soon. Lords only knew what that would feel like to be spurting herself at the same time Kelaino's pussy contracted and squeezed at her.

Elise suffers 60 pleasure and gains 60 KP. She has 10 stamina until she has an orgasm.

Kelaino has 30 stamina remaining until she has an orgasm.


1: Try to get free before she rides you off to a double orgasm.

2: Give in to her and hope Brianna gets you free (or doesn't depending on how you look at it!)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Trying to lift Kelaino off of her throbbing dick proved fruitless, as the horny virago just wouldn't be dissuaded from her bouncing and Elise's dick twitched with need again and she knew that she couldn't handle any more of that perfect squeezing before blowing her load again, and this time she could feel Kelaino was almost there too, and if she came along with her... gods Elise knew that she'd scream in ecstasy. Brianna she saw was knocked away both times she tried to free her by Kelaino and was feeling that she'd never get loose now and that her poor dick would be milked completely dry.

"N-No... d-dammit... cock's... gonna pop... a-any second," Elise panted and whimpered as she was ridden and brought closer and closer to her release yet again.

Elise knew that her body couldn't hold out any longer, and if Brianna couldn't get her free then her member would explode inside of the virago and she'd be dominated even further than she already was. Despite this however Elise clenched her thighs together tightly and prepared for the coming orgasm, knowing that even if she broke free she probably wouldn't be much help this close to climax, so she glanced over at Brianna with a desperate look in her eyes to let Brianna know how little help she'd be until she came again even if she were freed, though she didn't stop trying to get free and grabbed Kelaino's hips and tried to pull her off again.

[Try to break free and attack if she does with Beast Swipe.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

12/30 Shrine Left.

Escape Roll:

Elise: 195+400=595 vs. Kelaino: 245+743=988 (STUCK!)
Elise: 195+100=295 vs. Kelaino: 245+143=388 (STUCK!)

Elise can't get free even with two chances!

Brianna now has 98 MP.

After a moment of hesitating, Brianna sighs.

"Forgive how this will look Elise."

She pops one of her MP potions, going to full MP! Suddenly energy crackles from her finger tips, and she casts a spell that lands on Elise!

Elise now won't take any KP from sex until she orgasms, and Brianna has 0 MP.

Brianna takes a knee for her second action, waiting for the right moment to attack ...

Pleasure Roll:

Kelaino: 245+656=901 vs. Elise: 195+400=595 (PLEASURE)

Elise can't stop the Virago from riding her off to her climax. The pleasure is just too much with the pussy expertly riding and gripping her, and finally Elise can't handle it any further. It seemed the Virago wasn't holding back either, and right about the same time Elise started to spurt wildly into Kelaino's pussy, Kelaino started contracting around her, squeezing Elise's spurting cock! Between the wild spurts and the powerful, near milking contractions of Kelaino's pussy as they shared an orgasm, Elise's body was trembling. She literally felt like her cock was about to be sucked right off of her body, the milking sensation was so strong. Her orgasm went on for several long moments, possibly a minute or more before finally subsiding, even as Kelaino kept riding her! Finally her orgasm died down, but it seemed the woman wasn't stopping! Elise suffers 60 pleasure and takes NO KP thanks to the spell, which is now gone. She has 135 stamina until she pops again.

Kelaino has 225 Stamina left.


1: Try to get free now.

2: Give in and hope Brianna has a plan!
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

No matter how much she struggled and pulled at Kelaino, Elise just couldn't break free from her and was whimpering pitifully at being unable to manage it. Her body now acting on instinct again pretty much as it started bucking up against her will, Elise saw Brianna cast her spell as she muttered what she did, giving her a look of thanks for understanding how little help she'd be until she came again, as well as forgiveness for being unable to break her free just yet.

"F-Fine then... fuck me with all you've got Kelaino... make me cum so hard my balls go dry," Elise said to the virago matriarch and held on for dear life as she was ridden hard and fast again.

Leaning her head against Kelaino's chest as she peaked and her orgasm washed over her, Elise bit one of her nipples to help ride it out, suckling a bit as she did. Deep down, Elise was almost wanting Brianna to stop trying to free her and to even join in and take the horny virago's ass so that she could milk both their dicks dry. Hell as tight as Kelaino's pussy was, Elise felt that even should they be unable to get away, it might not be so bad, having her cock milked dry every day like this was a tempting prospect... a very tempting one indeed, and how good she'd feel for Kelaino to go at her for hours on end and finally release her poor abused and extremely raw cock only to take it back in after only a few minutes of rest.

These thoughts flashed through Elise's mind as she and the horny virago matriarch reached their peaks together, and Elise came even more than last time if that were possible, so hard her balls hurt because of the squeezing Kelaino's pussy gave her. Hell it felt like her cock was being pulled off of her that's how greedy and hungrily that pussy milked her seed from her poor balls. Even as her orgasm finally finished after a whole minute or so of spurting her seed wildly into Kelaino, Elise felt that needy pussy hadn't stopped riding her for even a second and was still going at it and already working her poor abused cock towards another climax. Elise knew if she couldn't get free before her next orgasm she might lose the will to fight and just let herself be taken repeatedly because it just felt too good.

"A-Alright now... my turn... now get off of me... right... NOW!" Elise growled at Kelaino before laying back flat on her back, which would likely give Kelaino the perfect opportunity to ride her hotly, though Elise would swing her legs up and around the horny virago's shoulders and push with them to throw her off of her poor dick so she and Brianna could get back into this fight since it was 2 on 1.

[Now try to get free with renewed vigor and use Beast Swipe if she manages to do so, and continue trying to get free if unable to do so this round either by her own power or with Brianna's help. As soon as she gets free, whether this coming turn or the next she'll use Beast Swipe to follow up her freedom. If she is unable to break free before coming to the verge of another orgasm, she'll submit and let Kelaino claim another load of cum from her poor balls.