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Elisa (plmnko)


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
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The day hadn't been going well, weather-wise. Clouds had been massing all morning, covering up what had been a start to a nice, beautiful day and promising rain for the rest of the day.People hustled back and forth, trying to get out of the sprinkling rain before it became a full-fledged rainstorm.

Things were no different at the EGG building, a collection of shining glass and steel that sat there, the slight pitter-patter of rain beginning to tap against its windows. People leaving and approaching the building often held something above thier head to keep from getting too wet- and Elisa was no exception,

There were a number of people she'd pass on the way up to the building, most muttering about the wasted potential of the day; while the building had backup generators for its backup generators, a chance to take a meal or break outside was often a thing many looked forward to. But that wasn't why she was here- instead, it was the letter in her hands- her name had come up for the latest round of beta testing.

Past some sliding glass doors, she would find herself in a lobby that had plenty of people streaming through it, each of them headed in or out, or through a number of long hallways that sprouted off either side. There were a number of people walking around- most were women, though there were a few guys mixed in here or there, mostly on the technicial side. Most were talkng in hushed whispers about some scenario they'd played in, and thier favorite things about it- or the fact that it was starting to rain. Before long, a quiet voice would call out to her, asking her to bring the letter over to the reception desk.

The woman sitting behind the desk was slight, but she looked like she knew what she was doing. She'd ask Elisa to see the letter, and then double-check her name against a computer file. Everything would come up clear, and the woman would pull out a clip-on badge and place it on the desk for Elisa to pick up.

"Now, you need to keep that on. You're heading up to fifth floor, lab one. I think you might want to hustle up there, they're about ready to begin."

The hallway leading to the elevator had some amount of people in them, but not enough to where she'd have to push through them. Elisa would get the elevator to herself as she rode up, and before long, she was standing in front of the first lab on the fifth floor. The door would open automatically upon sensing the badge, and a figure standing behind a bank of computers would wave at her to step inside.

"I guess you must be my guinea pig, huh?" she says with a laugh. Her black hair is pulled into a ponytail, and she looks barely out of college. "My name's Tara, and I'll be your tech today. That's just a fancy word for getting to watch computer screens while you get to play around in that thing."

She guestured over to a pod, sitting in one corner of the room; the EGG was apparently shaped like an egg. The pod looked like an egg, set on its side, and a door was flipped open, revealing a seat facinf the narrow end of the pod. It was here that Tara steered Elisa.

"Anyways, here's all you have to do: take a seat in there, and the game will ask you some questions. Just fill them out and if you have any questions abut any of the options, well... just ask me. I did alpha-test these, so... I might be able to give you some detail."

Tara would hold the door long enough for Elisa to get in and settle comfortably inside before pointing out one last feature.

"There's a microphone in here that picks up your voice prior to game start. If you have questions, just speak and I'll reply to you like normal."

With that, she shut the door, blocking out the outside light, and a screen flickered to life in front of Elisa.

Welcome to the EGG. Please fill out the following features using the following options:

If you would like this particular feature in your game, please select Y. If the feature is one you would not like to see in your game, please select N. If you select Y. please add a number from 1 to 5 that tells how often you'd like to run into that feature, where 1 means 'rarely', 3 means 'normally', and 5 means 'often'.

Mythical Beings (angels, devils, demons, etc.)
Monsters (tentacles, slimes, etc.)
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen)
Cybernetic enemies (robots and the like)
Sex Changing
Futanari - would you like to start as a futa? - would you like the option to become one, forced or not?
Non-Consensual Sex

Roughness: please answer this one with a sentence or two. This controls how rough the creatues inside will be on you.

Extra Content Requests: If you do not see a option for it above, please fill in what you would like to see here, and the game will attempt to add it as well as it can.

After those questions were done, a screen would pop up, allowing Elisa to design her character. There were options for many things, including a nother name if she so desired.
Finally, a third window popped up:

Please select the difficulty level of the game.
=> Normal
Very Hard
Screw Me Silly

Please select a game format:

Elven Entanglement
Battle Against The Darkness
Planetary Exploration
Secret of the Old City
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

The day has finaly come and Elisa was more than excited tofor starting her time as a beta tester for the famous proyect than she has heard the last days, her walk through the subway was out of problems, but it has been long as she lives almost at the other side of the city. Unfortunately once she leave the train she soon is able to notice her lack of luck today. Oh... well is just rain, if i run without stop i must be fine. The young girl said taking a little of her hair away of her face as she prepare to do a quick run to where the bulding should be.

The young lady do her best in try to fing the huge building, dodging the masses of people on the streets than were increasing the march as the rain increase in potence. Go, go, go... im closer, i can do this... why all this people are out at this hour? She thinks at her hair as she almost push away the people. After some fails on find the place and the wrries to dont be hit by a car, Elisa manage to get inside the building, maybe a little wet and gasping for air at the entrance as she see the many people doing theirs task here. She tried to arrange herself as much as she could until get interrupted by a voice than was talking to her. Oh its me, sorry i forget to see the news... i hope than the rain ends when we end the game sesion. She add smiling as she get closer to the woman behind the desk. She soon follow all the requeriments to have all in order and then fighted to wear that strange clip-on badge and have it at place, she just fear than her blouse was not so transparent by the rain as she could see. Eh!? Its already so late, where is? ok fifth floor lab one, thanks. She said worried but glad than they havent started. The next moments passed really fast and she worries to had pushed some persons by mistake in her hurry, getting the luck to reach the elevator she thanks the heavens and look to the people before hide her breasts closing her arms just in case, but it was maybe not needed as there looks to be just womens here except by a few of male workers.

Her walk to the lab was normal until she notice the automatic door... just how this could work with just her badged, she blink a few times amazed as she get inside the lab and meets this new woman. Heh, i preffer the tittle Game tester, but its ok. My name is Elise nice to meet you Tara, so that pod is the EGG? uhm well i guess than the name makes sense. The girl follow then the instructions and goes inside not sure why they needed all these screens and even a microphone.

Oh dont worry, it must be all right if i must answer some questions. Soon after said this Elise prepare herself to answer whaterever she needs. She was expecting common answers as her name and likes, she wanted to write her likes but for common things not like she was expecting how indecents the questions really are.

Hmm... lets see humna... why i want humans is so boring and i dont want to kill really a guy. She mutters dont really caring to be heared and just focusing at a question per time. As she answer the questions she notice than these were getting more rare as she proceed, she was starting to randomly place numbers for the last ones as she fears than she wouldnt love the answers given by the workers, anyway this was just a game... a normal ero game for what she can suppose.

Humans N
Male/Female Y2
Female/Female Y2
Mythical Beings Y3(angels, devils, demons, etc.)
Monsters Y5(tentacles, slimes, etc.)
Plants Y4
Bestiality Y3 (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen)
Anthros Y3
Cybernetic enemies Y2(robots and the like)
Sex Changing Y2 only npcs
Futanari - would you like to start as a futa? - would you like the option to become one, forced or not? No- temporal
Non-Consensual Sex Y4
Slavery Y3
Corruption Y4
Pregnancy Y5
Birth Y5
Egglaying/Seedbearing Y5

Roughness: please answer this one with a sentence or two. This controls how rough the creatures inside will be on you. Dont wounds but they could be really Rough

Extra Content Requests: If you do not see a option for it above, please fill in what you would like to see here, and the game will attempt to add it as well as it can. Oh sure, why dont you had Bimbofication, Lactation breasts expansion and temporal transformations, oh please this game looks to had been created by 4chan lol

Hmm... these were some odd questions, why i needed to answer that? Oh nevermind i has do it, this cant gets more weird.

Please select the difficulty level of the game.
=> Normal
Very Hard
Screw Me Silly

Please select a game format:

Elven Entanglement
Battle Against The Darkness
Planetary Exploration

Secret of the Old City

Eh? what... oh well it sound like i could mix this. Elise thinks as she see the nexts two questions, she suppose than as a tester she could try a little the hardest difficulty as she could start a new game later. And then decide to mix three just for fun and finds out what the game will do, maybe she could find a bug at the system. If the computer needs baddly than she choice only an option then she will go to planetary exploration, but really she dont see why she cant be at a dungeon in a distant planet fighting against the darkness.
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Re: Elisa (plmnko)

After she entered her selections, the game screen would go black, leaving Elisa to feel like the power had just gone out. For a few minutes, she was simply there, in the darkness. Was the game even running? Maybe she ought to call out, was there something wrong...?

With one blink, suddenly she found herself inside a large, opaque tube. She felt well-rested, as if she'd been asleep for a long time. Her muscles were all stiff, though, and she felt like she needed a good stretch.

The room into which she emerged was a rather nice one- it contained a bed that was at the least queen-sized, covered with a comfortable bedspread. If she were to test it out, she would find it to be right to her standards. The head of the bed was pressed up against the wall, right to a sheet of clearsteel- a glass-like substance that could take just as much pounding as the rest of the ship could, but was almost like having nothing in the way. Outside the window... was what looked to be deep space. The occasional small ship shot by, and admittedly, it was tempting for her to just stand there and watch the stars.

Further exploration of the bedroom would locate a screen on the eastern wall (the bed was against the south wall, with the pod she stepped out of in the southwest corner of the room. There was a closet full of uniforms and other clothes should she need them. There was also a full ensuite bathroom, complete with multihead shower stall. All in all, it was a pretty nice bunk, even if she was out in the middle of who-knows-where.

After a few minutes, however, the screen would flicker, and a face would appear on it- a young woman, a few years older than Elisa was. She looked to be in another room like hers on the ship, but hers was quite a bit bigger and nicer, too. Though there was something off-camera making a loud gurgling sound...

"Hello, Elisa, and let me be the first to welcome you out here, beyond the Gate. Sorry about the whole cryo-sleep thing, but being that we're not exactly supposed to be out this far, well... we can't have you remembering just how you got here. It's safer for you- and us- that way. But now that you're here, let me tell you a bit about what we do."

A door in the northern wall of the room split open, and a line of lights lit up the hallway, stopping in front of two rooms.

"My name is Oria, and I'm the Senior Field Agent among the group here- but not so much by choice... You see, it may be peaceful and happy on the other side of the gate, but that's just because of what we accomplish out here. Have you ever heard of the GPB- the Galaxy Protection Buerau? Well, you're part of it now. I wish we could have recruited you instead of simply conscripting you like this, but honestly, we need the help. Many of our former members have been captured, or just never returned from their missions. Right now, including you, there's about... three members left. We couldn't afford to be choosy, so... here you are.

We battle the forces of the Dark Omega, who has been trying to get his forces through the Gate for many years now. It's through sheer determination... and other things... that we've managed to keep his forces upon this side of the gate. He operates by seeding the worlds on this side with these little creatures that he likes to call 'Seeds', that can take root in just about anything or anybody- even humans. Once infected with a Seed, the resulting hybrid is referred to as a 'monster'. I know, we looked for a better term, but we couldn't find one. Anyways... the drive of these monsters is to find and, well... copulate with humanoid females. Their goal is to subdue the females of a planet, turning it into essentially a giant nursery, breeding up soldiers to go through the Gate and attack us. That's where we come in.

Being that until these monsters have control of a planet, they tend to hide from males- but they'll attack females on sight. Your job is to go down to the planet, find who or whatever is controlling the monster activity, and destroy or inapacitate them. With me so far?"
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Once done to her choices than were mostly a joke at the end, as she couldnt expected how this quizz ended. Elisa soon get surprised by the completely lack of light than the game system get affected. Did i break something? Hi, is someone hearing me? Looks like im experimenting a blackout. As more time passed more her anguish grow, maybe she would need to pay something by breaking the machine.

Soon she was unable to mantain her eyes opened in the deep darkness and after open them again she found herself inside some kind of strange tube. The event scared her and quickly made her best to get free of this cryo capsule. Her eyes tried her best to turn everywhere, she asked herself many things about if this was real and more likely where she was now. At least this is a really good room, if she werent badly needing to make some ejercise to strech completely her muscles she would jump to the bed but at least she sit on it as her eyes check around. Uhm, this is so confusing and i guess than im not more at Earth anymore. She said more than amazed by the outside, she then get up after check the stars and get direct to the clothes. All these are mine? Sure... i bet than there are a camera at the bathroom and this room. Elisa was passing her time looking for any possible camera and then the screen turned on, the orange hair girl was at her four looking for any secret device and that sound made her almost cry by the surprise.

Ehm, hi stranger. Can i at least ask how much time i has been sleeping? She said after the girl started to talk but soon the wall opening make her take a break to ponder more of her actual status.

The woman continue talking, but soon she needed to heard more from this named Oria. There was a lot to understand and this soon was starting to look as a sci fi movie... one for adults mostly. She soon tried to remember anything from that so called GBP but if nothing goes at her mind she will just shake her head as the talk continue. As more this so called Senior talk more the young girl cant believe how bad this looks. A so named Dark Omega, seeds than change this than rape women, persons like her missing or captured. Of course than i get it. So basicaly this GBP put me on the space without me consent and now i may be in a distant place trying to stop an invasion...

Exactly how can i succeed? I guess than i cant say no so... Do we have weapons or a plan? Im in, but dunno what i can do really, by the way what is in these others two rooms after the hallway
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

"Well... if it had been any other time when we'd had plenty of agents, we might have just asked you... but we're in a bit of a bind. Anyways... on with the tour! I hope you like your bedroom- admittedly, they're much nicer the more you go up in rank, but at the same time, some never move up, instead staying in this kind of room. The shower's nice, the bed's soft, and if you lay on the bed on your stomach and spread your arms out, you can almost think you're flying as you stare out the window. It's kind of fun... but anyways. let's go!"

The strip of lights in the hallway started flashing, and suddenly, a hologram of Oria appeared in the doorway.

"Elisa, come on! Don't be a slowpoke!"

Oria was dressed as she was on the screen- in a white and blue skintight uniform that almost looked like a catsuit more than a functional uniform. Her eyes flicked over Elisa, and she shook her head.

"You know, you're lucky I'm not into girls right now... I bet you'd look good in a uniform like mine. It's a shame that you get to design your own, but I guess I'll just have to sit here and watch. Anyways... these two chambers here are what we jokingly refer to as the 'Guest Quarters". They're essentially holding cells for creatures you might want to bring back to the ship from the surface. Command is always looking for more of the little things to study, especially those that have qualities their kind shouldn't have. If you can incapacitate them and transport them back here, we'll kick a little more in on your paycheck... and if you feel like it, we might even be able to have it tamed for you.

Come on, think about it- getting all worked up after a mission, getting railed by something you've sworn to defeat- even acting like it's overpowering you... it's a great way to blow off some steam. Maybe when you get back from Koris, I'll stop by and introduce you to a few of my... friends... if you'd like?"
Oria's face was red, and there was a look in her eyes that pretty much indicated that all Elisa would have to do was ask if she ever wanted a go.

The hologram moved on, stopping at another door. Ahead, the hallway turned to the left.

"This is the Encounter Room- pretty much a training room where you can fight anything you've come across- and some that you haven't. It's also nice for playtime of other sorts, too... but I have to bring up the training or I end up against the Gargantua again with it being broadcast shipwide... again... but it's good for training."

They turned the corner up ahead, and saw that this hallway was shorter than the one they'd just left. Up ahead, there appeared to be a large door, set into the wall, and smaller doors. The large doors were set into the wall about midway down the hall, on her right, and then there was a smaller pair of doors firther on the right, and then a set on the left.

"The big doors lead you out into the ship; if you come back from Koris successfully, you'll be allowed to wander the deck. I know Katya wouldn't mind meeting you, either... but anyways, that door on the left is just storage. If you need something, just go in and get it, and if it isn't there, you'll have to use the computer inside to contact the boys in procurement. You might not like them at first- there's kind of a quid-pro-quo with them- they kind of want little 'favors' from time to time to make sure your equipment gets there... but anyways, those doors further on the right are computer stations. If you have to fill anything out or send someone a message, that's where you do it. One room's a scanner, the other's your standard terminal with hard chair. Yes, they want you to contact them for a better chair. Yes, they are evil little bastards."

Ahead, Oria and Elisa would turn the corner, heading into a door. The hallway kept on going, but the room they entered had a number of things in it. It looked like a doctor's office, but the mass of arms and metal tentacles hanging from the ceiling was enough to give one pause.

"Behold, your very own medical suite. If you get too busted up, or... well, anything... come here, and the doc-bot can take care of you. Hey, Doc Robot! Wake up!"

Above, the arms started to shift, almost as if the machine was waking up after a long sleep, and a green, glowing eye in the center opened up to regard the two.

"...my name is NOT Doc Robot. I'm not like that digital eight-bit boss from that vidgame you caught me playing three days ago. Now then... you, my dear, may call me Stitch. I'm here for whenever you need me- if you manage to get yourself hurt, incapacitated, or injured, I can patch you up something fierce. But that's not really my primary purpose... you HAVE told her what she can expect down there, Oria...?"

The look on Oria's face was a bit subdued, even if her grin was still in place.

"...Stitch's primary function is to help deliver samples from agents, and take them for study and growth. It's a fact of the job- you can be the greatest shot, the strongest, the fastest, but sooner or later, you're going to run into something that outplays you and gets you right where it wants you- or where you'll eventually want it. That's why we have Stitch here- and the next room. Part of the job is that, well... anything bred within you ends up carrying part of your genetic makeup. Fluids, genetic legacies, hair color... any of those could be seen as evidence that we were on a world that we weren't supposed to be. In other words, if you get knocked up by something, Stitch here can help you deliver it, quickly and quietly- but if you can't make it back, well... we'll give you a scanner keyed to your genes. It'll pick up the young and port them next door... to our little nursery."

Oria stepped through the door, revealing a long room with what looked like a table on one end with another robot that Stitch could inhabit above it. The rest of the room, however... was filled with various tanks- round ones filled with liquid, tall ones full of gently moving air, terrariums that represented nearly every known enviroment known to man.

"After you have 'em, they end up here until they're big enough for study upstairs. Of course, we keep them safe and happy- and if you ever feel like revisiting, well, just ask the boys in Science to send down whoever you want. But, anyways, only two more rooms to go! Stop fantasizing and let's go, Elisa!"

Stitch powered down as they left through a door in the other end of the nursery, and came out in a room with a couple of targets on the wall, and training equipment all over the place. There were weights, machines, even a robot standing still against one of the walls. On a table, up against one wall, however, was a case with a clear top.

"This room might be more to your liking- for now. Your file indicated you were talented with a bow, so I kicked the boys in procurment a vid of me and Lemmy- he's the one you heard gurgling about when I was on the screen- and they came up with this beauty. It's a base model, but at the same time, it's got plenty of kick. It's what's commonly called a laser bow. You can fit it to fire projectiles- those usually pack a better punch than the laser shot it can fire. Only problem is, though, arrows are hard to come by out here. Only use them if you think you need to put a hole in something right quick, and don't waste them. I might be able to get you more... but you'd owe me a favor... want me to find more for you?
...Anyways, this is your training room. If you want, you can sharpen your skills here, and maybe put some definition on that body of yours. Anyways, one room left- and it's a doozy."

Leaving from the training room, they stepped out into the hall- Elisa would note that they were at the other end of the hallway where they'd entered into the medical room. There was one door left, and as it wooshed open, her eyes might just pop out.

That door lead to a small dock. The south side of the room was nothing but a magcon barrier that kept in atmosphere, yet allowed free access to the depths of space outside. There were boxes and bins scattered about, but Eliza's attention would be drawn to the thing sitting in the middle of the dock.

It wasn't a big ship, but it was sitting there, with a small device upon the cart next to it.

"Meet your new ride, Elisa. This thing can get you where you need to go, or even out on a pleasure cruise. Navigation's a snap- all you really have to do is think-fly the ship. All you really have to do is think of where you want to go, and the computer does the rest. It fits one or three comfortably, four iuf you're friendly, and five if you're craving a bit of gang with your bang- and you don't mind not being able to move around during flight.

Anyways... any questions? Tour's over, so feel free to take me up on an offer or ask me a question."

Elisa gains a laser bow and ten arrows!

Laser Bow Mk. I, fires kinetic arrows (2 HP damage, one every two rounds) or laser bursts (1 HP damage, infinite).


-Oria has ofered to let you 'fight aganst' one of her many pet monsters. This may be a good opportunity to ask her about tactics regarding the monsters on Koris, but you'll more than likely be forced into playing with one ofher little 'friends', morethanlikey with her at the same time.

-She has also offered to try and find you additional arrows for your bow, but all she'll say about what you would owe her is 'a favor'. Might be worth it...

-You could try out the Encounter Room, and try your luck against a random monster.
-You could explore your new bedroom.

-You could see what 'the boys in procurement' have for you, and just what it might take to get you that extra bonus...

-Or you could choose something else. There is your first mission to complete, too...
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Sure, its cute, it make me wonder how gorgeous are the others of the high rank... Elisa answer, a little upset inside than some of her questions havent been answered at the moment (yet they will be later maybe) Her words were cut when the lights turn off and a holografic image appear with a really perturbing design, she was sure than the uniforms on the closet werent like this one.

Thanks, but i bet than it will dont fit me so well as you. Im not so good to design clothes, im just starting so you could help me a little later if you have time of course. Elisa said mostly wondering if that cat suit is in some way helful or why Orie choiced that style. The woman continue talking, this time to introduce these two new rooms. So guest rooms... Elisa mutters to herself trying to not think bad about this woman's likes. Yes, it sound interesting, i will think about it... so that planet outside its name is Koris, i havent heard of it before, i guess than we are really far away of home. The orange girl said maybe a little melancholic about the distance but not before answer to Oria about try to use one of her guests later, what maybe certainly Elisa will avoid for a while.

The two continued walking this time toward the named training room, soon Oria introduction and results of her trainings made the poor young girl frown in fear. I think than i will start from the weaker ones first, i havent fight a monster really, i fear than i should use this at least a time before go on my future mission. She add trying to remain cool and cherful at the outside, this space ship looks to be really huge.

The trip make them reach the shed where Elisa would go out the ship, maybe the sentence "if you come back from Koris successfully" was not the most opportune at the moment, the little woman was starting to fear the worst, but she was glad to heard than there was another woman here, someone called Katya. At least Oria's humor was making all this more confortable. I will take my time to decide to talk with them, i really can endure that chair for a while. Said trying to dont laught, yet she dont wanted to know more about these favors now.

The walk continue this time to what looks to be the doctor's room... or medical center, whatenever Elisa was not so calm with all the metal arms and tentacles on the place, even less when the green light come out. She almost cry out "please dont rape me" but the words remain at just her mind, as Oria started to talk. The common talk between both relax her again, the enough to join the chat a little. Nice to meet you Stitch, you can call me Elisa, so... this is a nursery too... ok, all of you have everything on place, isnt? Elisa smile was starting to fail, it was almost as she no matter what will end having alien babies, but at least Oria looks to be used to this life without be affected... too much at least. She soon wonder if is really possible be so used to fight and get pregnant by aliens...

The time to leave Stitch come and aster give a wave Elisa follow the talkative woman, at least the next room was not so creepy, it was really the best room of all after her room of course. Elisa was amazed to heard which will be her weapon and than she could train as much as she want... however the good moment ended when Oria talked about her body. M..my body?, its not my fault, i was on that tube for who know how much time. She blushing answer touching her sides and fearing than her long sleep could had ruined her shape, what should havent happen but she was mostly in crisis now.

The little shock passed and soon they went to the last part, where Elisa meet her little transport... it was cool to see it, yet Elisa was not so pleased to think to share it with the habitants of that planet, she wonders why Oria said that, why she mock about be having sex with these creatures? as if... well she decide to calm herself and focus on her doubts.

Well, i have a few questions. First can we send messages to the Earth or any other planet? Maybe when i get the courage i want to talk there to see if all is fine there. Also i think to need some training to face what i could find at that planet, can you help me with my training? I would enjoy to get more arrows... but what kind of favor will you ask me?

Ehm about what i can face, can i fight a small mosnter first, i dont want to fight something scary the first time...

Once said this Elisa will try first to try to check her weapon at the training room, the enough to know how to use this weapon, she needed to get used to it or she will be almost helpless. Then she will try to accept any favor than Oria wanted in exchange for the extra arrows yet Elisa would deny anything above soft sex with a creature, after all she is still a virgin without experience.
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

"Well... you were nice enough to put up with me, so... I'll say what I can. Messages to Earth, well... maybe. It depends what kind of connections we can get- the Gate does throw off a lot of energy when it opens, and there should be a large shipment of resources coming out here in a few days. Tell you what- you don't take too long on Koris, and we'll see about getting a link set up for a bit. I can't promise you much of anything, but... I'll try to get you through to someone on Earth. I can't promise a specific person, but hey- a chance to brag to an old boyfriend or something is always worth it, right? As for the arrows, and your uniform... yes, that could work..."

Oria got a bit of a smirk upon her face as she eyed Elesa.

"Okay, here's the deal- I know procurment is sitting on a crate full of arrows. I might be able to knock loose, say... ten more? But in exchange, well... I get to design your uniform, AND you have to wear it for at least three missions- no less. I think I know what would look good on you- but you have to promise me that much. Okay?"

At the mention of training against something small, Oria would practically jump for joy.

"Well, Elisa, I was hoping you would say that! Tell you what, grab your bow and let's hit up the Encounter Room- I want to see just how you fare against something small. Come on, let's go!"

The hologram turned and started walking, pausing just long enough for Elisa to grab her bow and to follow her. It was a bit of a walk back to the training room, but once there, the door opened to reveal... a flat, empty gray room. A bit of computer text hung in the center of it, and Oria was glancing over it as Elisa came inside.

"Okay... here we are... let's see... list of Daimon native to Koris... tentacle sprouts... giant flytraps... corrupted bees... ah, here we go!"

Shimmering in the center of the room, and then moving outward, the room suddenly became a bit of a jungle clearing. There was a trail heading back to where Elisa knew the door was, but that was about all she could see of the old room. There was a tangle of vines hanging down from the branches above, and there were large flowers covering one or two of the massive tree trunks. Further off, there was a small pond, about forty feet across, that was covered in aquatic plants and small flowers. Long grass rose about a foot high, and Oria simply leaned back against the wall that was still showing and grinned.

"Nothing in our line of work is ever easy, Elisa- you want to fight it, you have to find it- or, for all you know, there may be more than one. All you have to do is fight one. If you want to fight more, hmmm... two arrows an encounter, up to the ten I promised you earlier. In fact, if you fight six, total... you can pick something, and watch me fight it. Deal?"

Okay, let's sort out combat before it starts- I like to go by two rounds a post, but it's up to you- I can do as many as you want me to at once. Just let me know.
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

I see, sound like is complicate send a call to Earth, so i will wait until is possible. Elise answer still having to find out who she should try to call first. As she ponders Oria found out how to make the deal for the additional arrows. Ok... we have a deal here... she answer slighty frowning and almost making a handshake yet then she avoid it as this was just an hologram, she was a little worried than Oria could make her wear something than could ashame her with the others in this ship... but at least Koris should be out of inteligent creatures, so there wouldnt be anyone able to see her and mock of her.

Once all ready Oria decided to guide Elisa to the encounter room, what the orange hair young woman would had avoid if she wouldnt be fighting just a small creature, but maybe she would had said a weak monster instead small.

With her weapon in hand she proceeded to get inside the new room, waiting to see a door to let that small creature come inside, but instead that the place suddenly turned into a jungle, making almost cry in shock... even this get worse after heard what the names of the creatures Oria said, would she really fight these things? how can be possible than a giant flytraps could be small creatures?

Oria soon talked as she wonder what to do. The deal here was really odd, as Elisa dont see why she would just earn than Oria fight a creature if she love them... anyway these extra arrows per monster could save her life. Fine, it sound fair, but i dunno how looks the creatures than im looking for, can i get four arrows instead two if i beat six?

Even if she heard a no, Elisa will soon start to hunt these small creatures. Elisa supposed than the flowers were a clue, maybe Oria has said the names of the creatures than she could find a moment ago, so these giant flowers could have mutant bees, however she cant see any at all now, so instead she decided to shoot at the vines, trying to hit them from the place than she is now. If all goes right she would have a lot of range, yet who knows how far she could shoot.

Attack the vines on the trees, expecting than they are tentacles, if nothing happens get closer as she remain looking around with caution. (normal shoot)
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Elisa (14) fires at the vines (8)! She hits for one damage!

Tentacle Sprout (11) swings down and tries to wrap Elisa (16)! (Miss)

Elisa (16) takes another shot at the Tentacle Sprout (12)! She hits for one damage!

Tentacle Sprout (2) takes another swing at Elisa (14)! (Miss)

??????????: (20- automatic success!)

Elisa: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP

Tentacle Sprout 2/4 FP

"Mmmm... twenty arrows in total, huh? All right... I'll bite, Elisa. But at the same time, I'll require you to beat three of the hidden Daimon... or to give yourself up to one of my choice. That's only fair, right? I mean, you want more... it's only fair I get more if you can't back it up, right?" There was a bit of a cocky grin on Oria's face, and she was watching Elisa's activities with interest. But as Elisa fired into the vines, she almost pouted.

"L-lucky guess... those are Tentacle Sprouts. Daimon who merge with small forms of plant life usually form these. Their size usually dictates how they fight- smaller ones might try to ambush you, but if one outright attacks you... well, let's just hope you don't mind being tied up for a while..."

Indeed, just like Oria had said, the sprout tried to ambush her, but the bow had given her just enough distance to avoid the attack. The bow, on the other hand, had fired off a blast of energy that had been vaguely arrow-shaped, and the impact had left a bit of a blackened impact upon the sprout. She tried it a second time, and the result was the same- another burst of energy hit the sprout, which was starting to look a little haggard.

Nicely done... I knew that you were a good fit around here! But I hope you know, there are bigger and better- I mean, worse- things out there..."

A subtle clicking noise could be heard over the lull in the fight, and if Elisa cared to look, she'd catch Oria adjusting a dial on a control panel on the wall...
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Sounds better, i preffer round up numbers. Said Elisa with a smile as she aims to the vines. The increase on the bet dont looks to be so bad at the moment, as she was sure than she oculd handle three of these small creatures once she find them. Ehm... are you serious? Well i...sure that is fine for me, anyway its must be not so hard beat three small creatures. Answer Elisa accepting the small change on their bet.

Just then she shoot not really expecting to hit something, her suspect was not more than a possibility than these vines could be the so named tentacle sprouts. Nice, so that was really a monster. Well, i dont think to get closer, after all i dont have a knife to cut this thing if it get closer. The orange girl said trying to take some more distance from this creature before shut again.

After her second shoot Elisa noticed a strange noise behind her and saw Oria presing something. What do you mean by bigger? i asked for just small things at my first try on this room... Is all fine on this machne? Elisa was in middle of a fight so she needed to remain focus to try to kill this thing, she just started to doubt than Oria will make this a fair training sesion.

shoot, shoot at the tentacle spawn until it is down
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Elisa (9) fires at the Tentacle Sprout (8)! Elisa deals 1 damage to the Sprout!

Tentacle Sprout (18) launches a blast of sap at Elisa (9)! Elisa takes 1 AP damage!

Elisa (17) fires again at the Sprout (4)! It takes 1 FP and keels over!

Elisa gains 1 XP!

Elisa's next shot again planted itself square upon the Sprout's lengthy body, and it began to droop somewhat as its energy began to run out. It still had enough energy, however, to rear its tip up and point at the new agent. The end swelled up, small drips of an amber liquid dripping out of a small slit upon the front of the sprout. It began to weakly swing back and forth, until it judged it had the correct angle- and the body of the sprout spasmed once, sending a gush of amber fluid flying through the air.

The fluid, looking for all intensive purposes like a large blob of honey or sap, traveled through the air, letting gravity gradually influence it until it began to fall- and then its travel was interrupted- by Elisa's face.

It was warm and sticky, the sap covering her face and getting somewhat into her hair, then dripping down to cover the front of her shirt. It had a nice, sweet taste, and seemed to warm her all over.

"Guess I forgot to mention that you'll also be exposed to the other attacks they can do in here- not just physical! How do you like the taste? Isn't it good? I keep telling upstairs that we ought to bottle it and sell it as syrup... I put a little in my morning coffee every day! Lemmy's only too happy to donate a bit of his sap to help me, too!"

There was more gurgling off to the side, and Oria blushed.

"Yes, I know we have enough to last a nuclear winter! You like it too, don't lie!"

While Oria bantered with her tentacled friend, Elisa cleared most of the sap off her face, long enough to fire off one more bolt at the Sprout. As this one connected, though, the sprout gave a squeak and fell to the ground, disappearing into particle effects as it de-virtualized.

Before Elisa could comment about the dial that Oria had turned, a quiet voice was heard through the room.

Difficulty dial has been set to seven. This difficulty is sufficient to test veteran agents. If you are not skilled enough, please adjust the dial. This has been noted in your training logs.

That last sentence caught Oria's attention, and she turned to look sheepishly at Elisa.

"Uh... no harm, right? Here, I'll turn it down- no hard feelings, right? You won't say anything to anyone, will you? I was just, um... I wanted to see you against something tougher, to really test your skills!"

She quickly turned the dial back down and looked at Elisa, a bit of a grin on her face.

"Besides, you handled that sprout well enough- I bet you could handle bigger!"

Yeah, you caught Oria trying to pull a fast one on you. Your next encounter would have been against something somewhat above you in strength, but you not only caught her, you caught her red-handed. You might be able to knock loose some concessions on her earlier arrangements, if you so want...
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

With her sight placed on her foe, Elisa shoot a third time, this time she notice the creature starting to move wildly and leeting free some kind of sticky liquid. The young girl just suppose than it was dying and focused on her awesome weapon than shoot laser beams at arrow shapes.

The strange liquid fly to the sky and soon Elisa meet its destination. Kya... what is this... she tried to ask to Oria as she split the sustance out of her mouth and clean her face, at the start she supposed than it has been a dove or dirty bird until the sweet taste make her know than it was something as sweet maple or honey, the effect at her body made her soon warn than she must avoid taste more of this thing. Ehm sure its sweet but i preffer my coffee without syrup, just sugar and cream. Can we please avoid any talk about food, i havent eated anything after get out of that pod tube

My hair... is not fair... i will need a bath to take out this. Just then Elisa noticed the maple on her hair, making her frown and decide to end thi thing now. Shooting a last arrow to end the creature's life as a payback for this crime. However this was just some kind of hologram, making her ponder a lot of things until she notice the new voice and what means, Oria was trying to trick her and make her face something than could had even hurt her.

Im still testing my weapon and i dont know too much about these creatures. Thanks to trust in my so much Oria but facing somethign even difficult for veterans could had ended really bad for me. Elisa said in a calm tone touching her weapon as she sigh slighty worried turning to Oria. I think than i could try to stay silent if you get me 3 arrows per monster instead the two than we decided, then we could go to eat something after end this without any other surprise. Elisa said after notice the chance to get something of this incident and Oria could not complain too much, after all it was not too much problem to get more arrows.

Solved this the young archer will try to find more tentacle sprouts, but with care to remain far of them. For what Oria said these things get fused with any plant so any odd kind of these could be tentacle sprout. If she dont find any then she will try the big flowers, yet she is scared to find mounstrous bees.

So, who is Lemmy? Is one of your... guests from that planet? Like how many of them do you have? Elisa ask, mostly to try to get a little more calmed as she was still looking her next target. So all here is holographic... If my sesion end also this ehm maple will dissapear?
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

"Fine... three arrows a creature and I won't force you to hold to a minimum if you don't want to. Just... don't tell anyone I did that- they'll hold my upgrades again, and this time it'll cost me a video of getting spit-roasted by a pair of Gargantua... I think it might be fun, but I'd like to get something out of it... but yeah, the sap is going to stay. There's so much of it stored on the station, that they have to get rid of it somehow..."

Oria blushed, but then brightened up at the mention of Lemmy.

"Oh, yes! Lemmy is one of the bigger versions of a Tentacle Sprout- we first encountered each other on Chiswa, where he'd been a happy little flowerbush until the Daimon invaded. After that, he was a wonderful little friend when I encountered him-"

More gurgling came from off-holo, and Oria shook her head.

"No, you can't go on the holo-disc... the last time you were on it, it shorted out because you spewed honey all over it! ...yes, I WAS riding you with two of your flowers milking me at the time, but that's beside the point! I wanted to keep that holo private, not have it spread all over the station...!"

While they argued, there was a distant buzzing sound. Elisa had a bit of a choice to make- if she wanted to, she could terminate the simulation and find something to eat, though she'd only be up three arrows, or she could keep hunting. The buzzing could be incoming, or it could just be another effect in the distance...

Elisa has a pretty good idea as to why Oria is so insistent on trying to get her into a compromising position- if she takes as much tentacle sap as she says she does, she must be in a state of constant arousal... is it her place to say anything, though? Your call...
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Hearing than this strange sustance on her will remain was not a good signal for Elisa, all this point than she should avoid be damaged by these things and dont taste anything or could affect her for a long time. She wanted to leave, but if she does it then she will be less equiped for what she could face at that terrible planet. Ehm, then i guess than i will fight one more, it must be easy... So you can understand what that Lemmy can say? I suppose than you has passed a lot of time with Lemmy to have that connection. The young girl ask mostly interested how Oria could have a talk with a thing like a flowerblush.

Elisa soon noticed the buzz sound and she have at her mind what names the arousal girl has said than the names of the creatures are. There was not doubt than was getting closer is a bee... a unknown mutant bee. Elisa dont have too much choices with a creature like this one, she needs to find a way to take it down to the floor, maybe wounding it the enough would make it unable to fly, also there could be the risk than there were a lot of bees, if she fight a horde maybe she would need to run away and cancel the battle.

Witht he chance to stop this if the things went bad she prepared herself to shoot as this thing as fast as she see it.

(normal shoot)

I will just leave this here before the bee. As normaly she shouldnt have too much time to talk with that sweet substance on her
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Detection: (5) - Failed

Daimon Bee (14) ambushes Elisa (12)! Elisa takes 1 FP damage!

Elisa (15) takes aim and fires at the Daimon Bee (16), but misses!

The Daimon Bee (5) tries to feed Elisa (7), but misses!

Elisa: 4/5 FP, 1/10 AP
Daimon Bee: 5/5 FP

The buzzing intesifed, until it sounded like it was coming from all around the forest, with Elisa unable to tell exactly where the buzzing was coming from. She could swear she saw its shadow as it buzzed through the greenery, but suddenly... the buzzing stopped, and it was silent once again. A few bubbles popped up in the pond, and some rustling could be heard elsewhere.

But then, suddenly, the buzzing started again- only this time, it was much closer- and then, a large bee burst from the bush, and plowed into Elisa, knocking her sprawling. It would then land on a nearby tree, its antennae twitching as it sampled the air and the scents of the area. It was almost as large as Elisa was, with a fuzzy abdomen and almost the same coloration. But a bee with three smaller compound eyes, and two tongue-like tentacles that came out its mouth...? It wasn't like any bee Elisa had seen...

It paused on the tree trunk, and Elisa took her time to line up a shot on it... but something spooked the bee, and it suddenly buzzed away, just before the bolt slammed into the tree trunk. The bee wasn't even phased by its near miss, and kept on weaving in the air. One of its tentacles extruded from its mouth, and it burst forward, a small stream of honey expelling from the tube. The tentacle thrust forward, aiming for Elisa's face. However, this time she was too quick for it, and the honey instead drooled all over the ground. It may have struck first, but the battle was far from over.
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

The new recluit waited for Oria answers to her questions. However it looks like that woman was busy or dont wanted to continue the talk now. Soon the buzz sound get closer making her need to focus on find the source. Oria...ehm are you still there? Can i still leave in any moment...right? Elisa asked this time trying to find an afirmative answer so she wouldnt be in danger if this turn bad for her.

Her weapon aim turn at many sides in an attempt to hit that thing quickly but then the noise stoped already at an unknown near tree, maybe. Elisa supposed than the creature havent notice her or maybe they were more of one... There were many possibilities but before she supose them all the strange creature tackle her with a so huge strengh than she falls at her back. Kya... help! She screamed nearly at the instant as she was not waiting a direct hit... The Sap was a thing but how the technology could make her feel a real body, maybe these were true monsters after all.

Elisa tried quickly to get up as she looks directly to the creature and she almost get white by the terrible view. Die! She mutter wishing to hit that thing between her fears than it gets even more closer. The shoot was bad as she was almost in shock but then her adrenaline manage to let her react at time to dodge that strange honey. She soon suppose than these monsters wanted to feed her with that until lose the control, her needs to shoot her special ammunition grow but resisted the temptation. She needed to learn first the speed of her target or she will loss in vain her shoot.

Quickly she prepared her next shoot trying to blow the tentacles from that monster or at least burn his face so he decide to stay away.

(normal shoots)
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Elisa's (19) first shot at the Daimon Bee (7) - Elisa does 2 FP damage- 1 automatically, and 1 for beating the defense roll by ten or more!

The Daimon Bee (10) tries to feed Elisa (7) - Elisa gets a mouthful of honey and takes 1 AP damage!

Elisa (15) takes another shot at the Daimon Bee (9) - She does 1 FP damage!

The Daimon Bee (3) tries to sting Elisa (4) - Miss!

Elisa: 4/5 FP 2/10 AP - -1 to rolls for arousal!
Daimon Bee: 2/5 FP

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, Elisa... I was... just busy having a bit of a discussion! But yes, we've been together for a while, and... well, since I can't teach him how to write... and there's no Tentacle Sign Language yet... I decided to get a little something added in. Universal translator- wired right into my ears. Just a little in-and-out procedure that Stitch might be able to hook you up with- once you get back, that is. But- oh, that's a Daimon Bee! I had a few encounters with them- they can be very exotic if you present them with the right situation..."

The results of the 'discussion' could be seen all over Oria's lips- they were smeared with the sap. Shaking off the distraction, Elisa lined up another shot on the bee, waiting until he looked like he was going to land- and this time, when the shot hit, the bee took it square on the top of his back, the blast charring the hair and a bit of the flesh underneath it. It was a very satisfying shot- but it wasn't a fatal one.

That tentacle was still flopping around out of its mouth, and after the bee took off again, it started buzzing around her, the smell of burnt bee-hair circling around Elisa, again trying to confuse her... but when she expected an attack from the front, she was surprised to feel something crash into her back. Gasping slightly from the impact, her mouth was open long enough to have the mouth tentacle jammed inside. It had a bit of an acrid taste to it, but suddenly Elisa's mouth was pumped full of a substance that tasted sweeter than the sap, enough so that she had no choice to swallow a few mouthfuls before she could shake the bee off.

Spitting out what was left of the honey, Elisa could hear clapping off to the side- and if she looked, she'd see Oria pretty much cheering.

"Oh, you're so lucky! I can't go down there, myself- I smell so much like sap that I get swarmed by the Bees, and they stick those probes inside me to try and get all that sap out of me- mmmph!"

Oria suddenly had a tentacle shoved in her mouth. Elisa would hear a low gurgling from off camera, and for a second, she almost thought Lemmy was rolling his eyes- then again, she didn't even know if he even had eyes.

The bee started to come around for another pass, and Elisa did her best to line up a shot on it, until it started buzzing right for her, pulling its abdomen forward to reveal a short- but sharp- stinger. It kept on its straight line long enough for Elisa to pop off a shot at it, and this bolt slammed into the bottom of its abdomen, knocking it back just enough for Elisa to get out of the way.

It rushed past her, taking longer than it had before to come around- it was feeling its wounds, but at the same time, Elisa would start to feel very warm- the honey seemed to be having an effect, and she might see why Oria rather liked feeling like it- but not all the time...
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Yeah...sure, busy. Elisa answer back very sure what Oria has been paying attention the lasts minutes, at least she is just drinking the sap of her creature and nothing worse at the holo... She soon supposed why the last talk about the holo thing being damaged by sap. Her active battle at this moment dont let her too much time but she contiue trying her best to continue this chat. I see, i dunno how useful it is, do that translating machine work at the planet or only at he space station. The orange girl sid as she point and shoot again, very annoyed by how Oria was loving this battle... showing more happinez when the girl gets hit.

After a good hit the bee burn softly at its hair what made the fight a little more uncomfortable smelling that smoke, the bee still fighted and soon get a well planned attacck making the poor recluit turn to her back before receive that nasty tentacle tongue. She soon tried to get free, but that sweet substance made her lost herself a little, making her drink more of what she wanted until recover her mind taking away any remain of the aphrodisiac fluid, spliting it at the floor. Ack... that was not luck... Oh fine, i guess than im talking alone again... Elisa said trying to ignore the suction noises from that addicted woman. She tried to still deny the delicious taste, mostly because she dont wanted to be like Oria and soon made the bee pay the expensive bill with a direct hit on it. Elisa would had celebrated but soon the bee show his needle making all this more dangerous and making Elisa needs to stay alert to have that pointy thing away of her.

Maybe i preffer the honey... said mostly scared of that possible poisonous object and then shooting to the bee, expecting to make it retreat far away of her.

(continue the normal shoots)
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

Elisa (15 - 1 = 14) fires at the Daimon Bee (7)- Elisa does 1 FP damage!

The Daimon Bee (15) charges Elisa (8 - 1 = 7) - Elisa takes 1 FP damage!

Elisa (20) fires another shot... and it doesn't honestly matter what the Bee rolls, he's boned either way.

Elisa wins!

The bee flitted around, circling and flying in no real pattern, until it alighted upon a tree trunk, where its antennae twitched, trying to sense where Elsia had gotten off to. However, by this time, Elisa was more used to its movements, and she was able to snap off a shot that tagged it upon the abdomen again. By this time, though, the Bee had figured out just where she was- the scent of the honey that it had fed her, and the sap left over from the vine she'd beaten. Both gave off scents that were pleasing to the Bee's taste, and its hunger overwhelmed its good sense, causing it to rush in, plowing into Elisa and knocking her on her rump as it tried to fly away.

But by now, it was quite obvious that Elisa had reached her limit in patience dealing with this thing. Again, it took a rest, alighting upon a tree trunk, but this time... Elisa was ready for it. Drawing back her bow, she held her fire- if the bee had charged once, it would likely do so again- and this time, when the bee charged at her, tentacle flopping out of his mouth, she was ready.

Showing that she could be cool as a driftwalker from Yuima II, Elisa lined up the shot, waiting until the bee was closer... closer... there! She released the grip, the mechanism slamming forward into the reciever. The kinetic energy generated was transferred to the bow's generator, where it helped to form the laser energy. Stabilizers and other bits formed the shot into a pointed burst of energy, and the shot left the emitter on the front of the bow with a quick sound.

By the time the bee tried to pull away, it was too late. The energy bolt slammed into its head, and then emerged on the other side of its body; what was left of the bee fell to the ground, where it quickly fell apart into code and vanished. Elisa would then hear a loud, slurping sound from behind her, and would turn to find Oria, licking her lips and trying to wipe off more sap from her suit.

"Ugh... Lemmy, how could you? Now I have to change my suit... oh, Elisa! Lucky shot on that bee... too bad, I wanted to see you get eaten out by it- that long tongue is so good for hitting all the deep spots... huh? Oh, the translator runs no matter what- it runs on one of those kinetic motion things- you know, just keep moving and it'll generate its own power. It works everywhere... but anyways, you want to quit now? I owe you six right now... but if you want to quit, the door's right there. You look like you want a shower... but the smell of that sap is so good... but then again, you have to get ready for that mission, too... I'll tell you what- you go get cleaned up and changed, and I'll see about wrangling up those arrows and something for you to wear, hmmm? I think I know what you'd look best in..."
Re: Elisa (plmnko)

The bee soon receive all the cold rage stored at the small recluit, ending at the instant this second creature. Once desintegrated Elisa deep breath cutely to calm herself yet in middle of this action she manage to heard that slurp sound behind her, the fear to had been spot by a creature dont last too much as it was obvious from where that sound has come.

The orange hair girl really made a good work to endure all what Oria needed to say. My skills were more involved in that shoot than luck, but fine... Ehm i preffer to never know all what these bees can do. Elisa answer really wishing than Oria stop to try to make her fall under a monster, maybe the sap was the only one talking instead that woman. Yes, i preffer to remove all this sap in a pleasant shower and then eat a simple breakfast, i suppose than you will do the same. Do we have cereals and fruits? i can also accept just some eggs and coffee ....hmm yes six additional arrows for kill these monsters sound fine for now, but really must start that mission today? Elisa answer to Oria at the end having still a bad feeling of what could happen to her at that planet, she would ask for someone coming to her, but if all were so addicted to have sex as Oria is then maybe she would be better alone.

Said all she will soon walk toward the door, trying to clean her face a little more of the substances on her, trying to find her path toward her own room, once there she will prepare all for her bath dont undressing her herself until inspect a little for more cameras, so she could avoid than someone could be looking at her when she take her peaceful bath, but anyway she will try her best to wear a towel at least when she is out the bath. Once when she start washing herself she will try for clean her beautiful hair from the sticky sap on it and then clean her face of the monsters's substances.

Sigh...at least they only shoot me these fluids. Elisa said to herself more likely glad than nothing has happened to her at the training, maybe these creatures can just try to turn you into a breeder by making you adict to theirs fluids so she only need to avoid them.

After her bath Elisa will try to find a bath as she will try first check than her hair has been completely cleaned, then she suppose than she could dress one of the uniforms before she meets Oria to get that new personalized uniform, it cant be more weird and shameful than what Oria s using, Elisa hopes