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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Even though she was tired, lust-addled, and generally not in a good state, Mary averted her eyes from Aura. Shame, it seemed. "I...yea, we should. Like I said, I don't know her personally, but I'm...I'm not that callous. Not yet..."

The way back was clear for the time being, and Mary seemed in favor of going back for the other woman.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura cursed under her breathe. Even before she spoke she had hoped Mary's answer would be no. That the girl was too far gone, that she wouldn't thank them for rescuing her, that she might even deliberately get them capture. But she'd asked, and backing down now would be worse than just running away before.

"Okay. You stay here and signal if someone comes. If you have to run... well... don't get yourself captured if it isn't going to help." The redhead gently took the key from her friend, and hurried back to the cell to free the third woman. She would be quick as she could without making unnecessary noise.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura made it back to her cell without incident, the blonde girl was still just writhing away on the ground. She had no trouble binding the girl, releasing her from her restraints and freeing her of the dildo. Perhaps not surprisingly, the girl mewled pitifully when the thing was removed, and kept trying to put it back in. Fortunately, in somewhat fractured state she was unable to muster the coordination to put the dildo back in, so she contented herself with clutching the now-silent device to her chest for dear life. Unfortunately the same low-functioning status that prevented her from re-impaling herself would also mean that Aura and Mary would have to physically support her in their escape.

Just as Aura was ready to leave, however, a hand grabbed her ankle! The slaver had apparently dragged himself back from the unconscious abyss just in time to see her making her escape. There was a fury in his eyes as he mumbled a stream of unintelligible curses. They were quiet now, but getting louder. There was only a few moments to act, the weight was still in the cell, within easy reach of Aura. If the man wasn't silenced, likely for good, other slavers would come in to see what the trouble was. But could Aura do what needed to be done? Meanwhile, the blonde was slowly crawling to her feet, still clutching the strap-on.

No roll for this, she either does it or doesn't
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura grabbed the weight. He had to be shut up for them to escape. She didn't want to be caught, and he deserved to die for what he'd done. He'd raped her! And tortured her! And he'd do it again! She lifted the weight. He'd fuck her, give her to his friends and allies, give her to 'Wally', and who knew what else! He wanted to enslave her, and Mary, and this blonde woman, and any other woman he could get his filthy hands on. She positioned the weight over his head.

And hesitated. She could see his brains splattered on the floor, and it made her sick. It would be one thing if he was coming at her with a weapon or a hard-on, but he was on the floor. Helpless. It would be cold-blooded murder, however good the reason. She felt a tear run down one cheek, as the weight slipped from her suddenly-weak fingers, falling right in front of the slaver's face. Maybe that would scare him into shutting up, even just for long enough to run.

Aura grabbed the blonde girl, pulled away from the slaver's hand, and hurried towards Mary as quickly as she could, hoping they could get out before more slavers showed up.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Surprise was etched across the slaver's face as she dropped the weight in front of him. It gave him pause enough to break the stream of curses and let go of her ankle, giving her time to drag the blonde girl off towards the exit, the poor girl stumbling around trying to keep up. As they reached Mary, shouts could be heard behind them, it seemed their cover was blown. "I guess it didn't go well, then?" Despite the sarcastic remark, Mary did seem better now that they were all three escaping together.

Of course they were no where near out of the woods yet, as they went through the exit, they had a choice, cut up the alley for a straight shot to the EGG Corp building, or take side streets? While the alley was obviously faster, they would be right next to the slaver base the whole way. Side streets would take longer, leaving them more vulnerable to god knew what, but it would distance them from the building.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Not exactly, no."

Aura glanced at the alley. It was the quickest way. Before she had decided that circling around was best, but that was when the slavers hadn't been alerted. Now it was worth re-evaluating. If they just flat out ran, they might make it through the alley and to the Egg building before the slavers realized what was happening and had time to get outside. But as soon as they did realize, that way would be blocked. The long way meant that the slavers would certainly be hunting them before they reached safety, but perhaps less chance that they were surrounded before they knew it. There were also other dangers the long way, but they paled beside the fate should any of them be recaptured by slavers.

Or at least Aura hoped they did.

"This way, then, as fast as we can go..." she indicated the side street, putting them further from their destination but also further from pursuit. The redhead glanced up at the sky, hoping to figure out the time. She'd been captured... in the morning? And while it was hard to say exactly how much time had passed, she didn't remember sleeping. If it was almost night she might be in trouble even if the slavers didn't catch her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Whoops, yea that's important. It's evening, sun's starting to go down and it's starting to get dark. Maybe an hour before nightfall.

Mary sighed, but followed Aura out into the dusk, helping to support the blonde between them. They made alright time for the condition they were in, the slavers hadn't immediately captured them, so that was good. Still, they had escaped twenty minutes ago and could hear the shouts of the slavers in the ruined city, though it was impossible to tell how many were out looking for them. As the sky darkened, they were tired, sore, and breathless. They couldn't keep dodging the slavers forever, either. "Maybe we should find a place to hunker down for a bit, so we can rest and let the search die down?"

Right now they were about half a mile from the EGG Corp building, with 40 minutes until sundown.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"You're probably right. No way we're getting to my safe place now... too close to the theater. It's quite safe, but only if we don't get caught on our way there." Aura hoped that was true, at least. It suddenly occurred to her that Charlie had needed to 'examine' her before it was friendly. She doubted that the intrusion itself would be a problem for the other girls, but they might not be as 'pure' as she was of whatever agent the system had been screening for. Well. They could cross that bridge when they came to it.

She looked around for a reasonable place to hide out. At least a few hours. It wouldn't be full dark the second the sun went down, and the slavers might keep a watch that close in even after it were dark. Some time to take the edge off their alert would be good. Maybe even until nearly dawn, when they would be the most tired.

Of course, that latter option meant hiding three girls that all smelled strongly of sex in the open all night. Aura remembered the way one wasp had honed in on her by scent, and became uncomfortably aware of the remainder of her arousal. Not to mention the others.

She'd worry about all that once they found a place to hide, though.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Once Aura decided that they should hide out for awhile, she and Mary found a couple potentially suitable hiding spots. They were all single level buildings that were clearly unoccupied. One diner, store front, and the blonde girl was insistently tugging at them and pointing at a second diner. She was still incoherent, which wasn't all that surprising given the state she had been in earlier, but she seemed lucid enough that it might be worth checking out.

Mary looked at the girl and shrugged, leaving it up to Aura where they would choose to hide out. Regardless, it wouldn't be good to remain out in the open any longer.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

With no particular reason to prefer one building to another, Aura took the blonde's suggestion and led the other two women towards the second diner. It had been a long day, and she was far too tired to work out if the girl was more likely to lead them to safety or to sex. Probably there was no firm conclusion to be had except by checking. So when the three naked women reached the diner, Aura moved carefully, trying to see what lay ahead.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly, the blonde woman led them to both. The blonde lead the girls into a back storeroom, and after shifting a filthy tarp aside, found a trap door built directly into the floor. Perhaps it served as an entrance into a wine cellar, back room gambling operation, or man cave in the past, but now it lead to a largely empty room with a stash of goods squirreled away. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, it seemed like the woman had been storing goods here, and maybe even living here as well. There was a small amount of food, with a large amount of empty food containers and remains, indicating she had been running low on supplies. There were various knick-knacks and even a weapon or two, including an ax with a polished wooden handle, looking like something used for splitting firewood. However what may have been the biggest treasure of all was what looked like a large battery, something that looked suspiciously like the power source her robotic ally needed.

Of course supplies and bedding weren't the only things to be found here. At the far corner of the place, far enough away that it wouldn't be much of an issue if Aura chose to ignore it, was another tentacle cluster that was growing from a large hole in the wall. The blonde girl looked at it fondly, but didn't approach yet, instead sitting down on a cot restfully. May cast a sideways, inquiring glance at Aura, then back at the tentacle plant, and back to Aura. "Umm...strange..."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura found herself staring at the battery-like object first. Just what she wanted. Only... stealing from the woman who had just offered her shelter would be wrong. Sure, she intended to offer the blonde woman hospitality in return, but that didn't mean she'd accept or want to give up her few material possessions. If the woman spoke english it could probably be explained... well, she'd have to give it a try a little later.

Next, the redhead's eyes were drawn to the axe. Still important for the blonde woman's survival, but at least a weapon Aura felt reasonably comfortable using in the event that they were attacked here, permission or no.

She looked up as Mary spoke, and shuddered as she finally saw the tentacle-thing. It could have been here naturally, but somehow Aura suspected that it was too much of a coincidence, that it had been 'born' here rather than the third woman building her home around it. Was it evidence that the woman had been a slave at the theater before, or were these sorts of things fairly common? "I guess she had some problems before being caught."

But why had Mary looked at Aura? The redhead glanced down at her own belly, then tried to pretend she hadn't.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Maybe..." Mary replied. "However, this thing could protect her in case some other creature follows her home. As long as she's fucking it, it won't let any other creature near her. Though I'm sure she enjoys it a bit more than most....Er...sorry." She cast a look at the blonde. "I'm not really used to you like this. That is...not mind broken by sex..." The blonde girl just shrugged and gave a cheery smile. All in all, she seemed to have taken their ordeal the best, which was strange considering the shape she had been in.

Mary interrupted Aura's thoughts and observations as she stepped close, getting inside Aura's oft-violated personal space bubble and taking her hand. "I...thank you...I wouldn't have been able to get out of their without your help. I was going to part ways with you once we got clear, but...something happened in the room with Wally, didn't it? Well I owe you my life, mind, and dignity so if you'll have me, I'd like to stay with you, at least for a little while to make sure you're okay." The girl had placed a hand on Aura's abdomen when she mentioned the Wally, but hurriedly removed it, feeling a little awkward, especially after she had almost raped Aura herself not long ago.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"I... never asked you what the command was. To make it stop. Or any others you might know, for that matter. I heard it once, but I was... a bit out of it. I didn't remember until... yea." Aura glanced down again, uncomfortably aware that there must be cum-stains on her thighs. "I guess I can't say 'until it was too late' because we did get out, but... I'd be happy to have some company."

Things were getting a little awkward, so the redhead took a step back and turned slightly. "One of us should probably stay awake in case someone finds us. Or something. I'm not sure what we'd do, but I don't just want to give up... I can go first if you like." It had been a long day, and now that the excitement was over - at least for a while - some sleep would be nice. But not as nice as waking up still free.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"...Oh..." Mary looked at her feet, obviously feeling bad for leaving out that crucial detail. She gave a wane smile and nod as Aura accepted her offer of coming back to her base for at least a little while.

When the redhead offered to take first watch, Mary shook her head vehemently. "Nonsense, you get some sleep, you've earned it. Taking first watch is the least I can do." Mary refused to back down, insisting on first watch, leaving Sara to either stay up and talk to one of the girls or go ahead and catch some shut eye.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura hesitated for a moment, but didn't argue. She was tired. And while the others both had cause to be tired as well, they had at least had time to get used to the things they had to do. And fighting the 'training' panties was probably more tiring than accepting them. The rationalizations passed through the redhead's mind as she found a reasonably soft place and fell asleep.

Despite the situation - danger, nudity, near-strangers, and proximity of the tentacle-thing - she fell asleep quickly and soundly.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The blonde girl unfurled an extra cot for her, and Aura slept like a rock for several hours until Mary woke her up. "I'm gonna catch some z's, wake me up in a few hours and we can check things out topside."

The first bit of her watch was relatively uneventful. A few times she heard movement overhead, but nothing found them. Her shift wasn't without distraction, however. While both the other girls were asleep, the tentacle writhed in the corner, their undulating, slippery lengths beckoning her to join them in their comfortable, sensual embrace. Looking at the tentacles made her a little aroused, and there was a good chance she was already pregnant...
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura shifted uncomfortably. But no. Aside from the obvious problems with the idea of going to a ball of tentacles for sex, there were all sorts of secondary reasons not to do that. She wasn't sure she was pregnant. It was probably not trained to commands - or at least not the same verbal ones 'wally' used - given that the girl didn't talk. If something did happen while she was 'occupied', she'd be unable to do anything. And of course the aphrodisiac would leave her unable to do much actual "watching" for a while after the "event".

Still, the fact that she had even considered the idea made the redhead uncomfortable, and she found her gaze drifting to the thing far too often for comfort. Instead of acting on her possible desires, though, she did her best to fight sleep and keep watch. It was hard, especially as her mind kept wandering, and more than once she caught herself nodding off. But she had to try.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

While somewhat trying in terms of willpower, the night passed uneventfully for Aura, with the blonde girl and Mary waking up after a few hours. "Well it at least feels like we're still free, so I guess we're alright." "Sure looks that way!" Piped the blonde girl cheerily. Mary stopped what she was doing and looked incredulously at the blonde. "Wait...could you speak this whole time?" Their yet unnamed companion shrugged. "Well...yea, but it was fun to pretend I couldn't, so that's what I did." "But what abo-" Mary fell silent as the blonde walked over to the writing tentacles and fell into their embrace, softly cooing as they began their predictably intimate ministrations on her. Aura's partner in crime looked on, a disbelieving look on her face, apparently speechless.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"But how... why... where did you get that battery-thing?" Aura hoped it wasn't too late to ask about that. If she could come back with a power supply the trip wouldn't be a total loss. "And I suppose you don't want to come with us?"